Evaluation Form for Hot Topic Written Report

Evaluation of Hot Topic Oral Presentation

(BIOL/ENTM 4015- Fall 2012)

Student Reporter:_______________________________ Date:_____________


|Presentation Content (30 pts) | |

| |Points Earned |

|Followed assignment instructions (overall format followed____, narrow topic related to broad issues in conservation biology____, | |

|presentation related to Wikipedia contribution ____, used specific peer-reviewed examples to illustrate broader points ___) (8 pts) | |

|Comprehension & knowledge of issue (did a thorough job interpreting & researching topic ____, | |

|provided adequate background on topic ____ , made clear connections to conservation concepts ____, described potential solutions or | |

|future directions ____) (8 pts) | |

|Organization (sequence logical ____, smooth transitions ____, appropriate examples used ____, | |

|correct citation of sources ____) (8 pts) | |

|Overall Clarity (main points clearly and concisely presented ____, main points relevant to topic area ____) | |

|(6 pts) | |

|Presentation Delivery (30 pts) | |

|Diction (spoke clearly, appropriate volume, enthusiasm, did not read text/slides/titles directly) (5 pts) | |

|Style (confident, assertive posture, eye contact, professional delivery) (5 pts) | |

|Visual Aids (PowerPoint informative and high quality, good graphics, no misspelled words, uncluttered slides) (5 pts) | |

|Effective use of time (finished on time without rushing at end) (2 pts) | |

|Questions & Answers (generated questions, speaker answered them well) (5 pts) | |

|Basic Sciences Communication Studio (6 pts) | |

|Wow Index (2 pts) | |

|Total Score | |

| |____/60pts=____ |

Additional Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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