I was an ordained minister for years, had my own corporation, and went along with Evangelical Christian doctrine for the greatest portion of my life. I trusted my Bible College teachers, my pastor, and the big name teachers on “Christian” T.V--famous teachers who wrote books on the end-times, and had TV programs--like Hal Lindsey and Jack Van Impe. I believed in the pre-tribulation rapture and zealously taught it for a lot of years. I’ve taught on the end times for nearly 50 years, and that was part of it, since I was a “minister” and a “missionary” in the Evangelical/Charismatic church. I have repented of my errors, and prayed for my students in Bible Colleges and meetings who believed me in my error. From about 1996 on, I stopped going to man for answers, and stayed in the Word to be taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh. He brought me confirmation as He willed it, in his own time. Oh how my life has changed since making that critical decision!

When I heard the truth regarding His Covenant--His Torah--His Word, and His true Name, I changed my thinking almost “in the twinkling of an eye”—for I don’t like lies and deceptions. I began to search for truth because I love truth with a passion! As a child, I did not “receive a love for the truth,” from my church when I received “Jesus.” No one told me that the whole Word was still alive and operable for us now. (I Thessalonians 2:8-12)

The word “truth” is synonymous with “Torah”--which means the teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of Heaven taught by Yahuweh to His people! This Covenant was cut with His people, via Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and given to us by His servant Moses. Yahuweh does not change! Once His Word goes forth, it is “forever settled in heaven, and on earth!” (Malachi 3:6; Psalm 119:89; Ecclesiastes 3:14) [Refer to: article: “Forever Settled in Heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:14)

I was taught, like most of you if you grew up in Christianity, that we didn’t have to obey “the law of the Jews.” This lie came from the first century, from the Hellenised Jews and Greeks, and later from Rome. Life is a journey, and as long as we keep going forward, loving truth, He will bring us into “all truth,” for He is the Spirit and essence of pure Truth. The whole Word is based on, and interlocks with, with His Torah--all the way through.

Isaiah 30:8-9: “And go, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe on a scroll, that it is FOR A LATTER DAY, a witness forever: that this is a rebellious people, lying children, who refuse to hear the Torah of Yahuweh.”

Don’t be like that! I John 3:4 tells us: “…sin is the transgression (rebellion, revolt, breaking away, apostasy) of the Torah.” (Italics mine)

For several years now, some have asked me a question that has been extracted from Christian theology. I wrote: “Sixty-Six Teachings and Assumptions Found in Christian Evangelical/Charismatic Churches That Have No Scriptural Foundation”/dated October 20, 2012. Do you realize that a large portion of what Christian theology teaches has no Scriptural basis at all? One important example: There is no seven-year tribulation--not even hinted at in any Scripture. This whole pre-tribulation rapture hoax was created by the Jesuits at the time of the Protestant Reformation. It is based on a twisting of one phrase in Daniel 9:27, and a few other Scriptures taken out of context, to “fool even the elect.” There is an alien (demonic) agenda connected to it, and is being brought forward by the Vatican’s Jesuit astronomers of our day.

If you are not getting your theology straight from the Spirit of Yahuweh, the only valid Teacher of Truth, you will lose faith when the hard times hit. It is in learning from the Spirit of Yahuweh that you get to know Him, and He gets to know you. In the parable of the wise and foolish virgins Messiah says to the foolish five, before closing the door to the wedding feast on them: “Truly I say to you, I never knew you!” (Matthew 25:1-12)

Since 2007 I have been teaching that we have entered the final 7-year cycle before Messiah comes. Christians will understand that “the last 7-year cycle,” is Daniel’s 70th week. But, there is more to it than that.

I have been asked one particular question by people who have depended on the Christian theology: “What about the seven-year peace treaty that anti-messiah is supposed to sign with many in Jerusalem, which will mark the beginning of the last seven years?”

Some have asked if the Oslo treaty, a 7-year treaty, was the one of Daniel 9:27. I considered that also, at the time Oslo was set in motion. (The articles “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition” talk about the last three cycles of seven years.) [For a complete study of Daniel 9:24-27 please study with the article: “The Three Levels of Daniel 9:24-27,” which will answer many questions.]

But, here, I want to particularly address that portion of Daniel 9:27 that is being asked about recently: Because Christian, and even many Messianic teachers, who have a Greek/Roman mind-set, interpret Scripture, not from the Hebrew mind-set of Yahuweh, but from pagan Western cultural understanding. Thus they add one and one together and declare it to be three.

Rule #1: “In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established.” (Deuteronomy 17:6, 19:15; Matthew 18:16; II Corinthians 13:1) This is a principle of the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuweh! No one can make any proclamation, or accusation, by the witness of one. Our “witnesses” to get at Truth must first of all be Scripture in the Tenach (Hebrew Scriptures), for that is our foundation of all of our faith!

Giving a phrase, sentence, or verse, out of context proves nothing of any validity. When the Spirit teaches, He teaches from Genesis to Revelation—comparing passages of Scripture in context with other passages of Scripture in context. It takes time to study with Him. To find His Presence, we must get alone with Him, set aside time, and don’t look at your watch or the clock. He deals with us from His realm – the eternal realm. You must shut out the demands of the world and listen intently. He won’t waste His time on the lazy. He is very sensitive. If you fear Yahuweh, you will listen to His Spirit, for the Spirit IS Yahuweh (II Corinthians 3:17-18). If you are listening to Him, you will be transformed “from glory to glory” by the Spirit, into the image of Yahushua Messiah. He works from within the re-born spirit of man! [Refer to: “The True New Birth” on under The Mikvah of Eternal Salvation]

First of all, read the text slowly. In Daniel 9:27, the Hebrew word is NOT “TREATY” -- nor does it say anything about a political “PEACE TREATY” that an “anti-messiah” will make. It says that “He” will CONFIRM A COVENANT … A treaty is a political agreement. Yahuweh’s meaning of a “COVENANT” has to do with the shedding of blood! Only One could confirm the established Covenant with many—Yahushua Messiah. The “blood covenant” is the most binding of all covenants. The marriage covenant is a blood covenant. And the Word is all about a wedding with a pure set-apart Bride and Yahushua the Bridegroom. He made it with “many” who would receive Him by faith!

If you do not have one, it would benefit you to purchase a pre-1995 James Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, with the Hebrew and Greek dictionaries in the back. I say “pre-1995” because the 1995 edition comes from a new created Greek text by the translators of the NIV version. The chief editor was a lesbian, and the chief translator is a man who mocks the Person of Messiah, the virgin birth, His miracles. There are, therefore, over 1,000 changes in that version, which leave off critical passages regarding Messiah’s blood, and warfare against Satan, and what might be “offensive” to sinners.

The word “confirm” is #1396 Hebrew Dictionary in the pre-1995 Strong’s Concordance. It means: “to put in more strength, to make stronger, to exceed, to be great, to be mighty”. It means to give strength to, or to confirm an already EXISTING Covenant…NOT MAKE A NEW ONE!

Messiah came to strengthening, renew, magnify, and expand the Torah-Covenant with Yahuweh. He came to bring its observance into the realm of faith, love, peace, joy, mercy--loving Yahuweh with all our heart, and our neighbor as ourself. He came to restore all of Yahuweh’s people together in His Torah, and in His salvation. Isn’t this what Messiah was saying in Matthew 5:17-20?

Matthew 15:24: “I was only sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.”

Yahushua Messiah came primarily to restore the ten northern tribes, descendants of Ya’cob (Jacob), who had sinned under King Jeroboam and his successors to such a degree that He had to scatter into all nations AMONG THE GENTILES as punishment. That’s almost 100% of you, and me. Yahuweh NEVER EVER CALLS HIS PEOPLE “GENTILES.” A gentile is a barbarian, a pagan, a heathen, a foreigner, a stranger and an alien to the Covenant of Yahuweh! [Refer to: “Are You a Gentile?”/re-edit, 2007, and “Who Are the Ten”/2005]

The word “COVENANT” in Daniel 9:27 is #1285—beriyt, or b’rit. It means: “In the sense of cutting—a covenant made by passing between pieces of flesh.” It is from #1262 and 1254, “karat,” “to cut.”

Messiah strengthens an existing covenant, which involves the cutting of flesh”—in other words, a blood covenant. The Strong’s refers to the covenant of Genesis 15. The words of Yahuweh in this chapter confirm to Abraham the Covenant He made with him in previous days. Starting with verse 17, we see that Abraham goes into a deep sleep. While asleep, Yahuweh and Yahushua walk between the pieces of the sacrifices that Abraham laid out—verses 9-11. It takes two to make a covenant. Yahuweh made this never-to-be broken Covenant with HIMSELF… Hebrews 6:13-18: Verses 13, 17: “For Elohim, having promised Abraham, since He could swear by no one greater, swore by Himself…in this way, Elohim resolved to show even more clearly to the heirs of promise the unchangeableness of His purpose…”

It takes at least two to confirm an oath, or covenant. Therefore, while Abraham was asleep, both Yahuweh and Yahushua Yahuweh walked between the pieces of the animals and birds, in a figure 8 pattern, coming together face to face to complete the Covenant agreement, as is the ancient practice of covenant-making. Because man is so frail, man can break a covenant...but by making it with Himself, it cannot be broken. Messiah died on the stake to renew the existing Covenant in His own blood (Jeremiah 31:31 and Matthew 26:27-28).

The word for “new” in these passages, in both Hebrew and Greek, means: “renewed, refreshed, to strengthen something, as a covenant, already in existence.” It is the same word for “renewed,” as the “new moon” is renewed each month. He renewed the covenant His Father made with Abraham, and with His people on Mt. Sinai, by laying down His own life as the final Lamb of Elohim, “in the middle of the week,” – Wednesday!

The word “many” is “rab”--which means: “abundant in quantity, multitude, or plenteous population” -- #7227 in the Strong’s Concordance.

Thus during Passover week of seven days, Messiah confirmed Yahuweh’s Covenant with all who would believe. He restored and redeemed us back to the “household of faith.” (Ephesians 2:8-19)

Yes, Daniel’s 70th week is a seven-year “week”--# 7629 “sh’bu’ah”, from #7650, which means “to complete.” But, as with many Scriptural prophecies, Daniel’s 70th week was fulfilled on two levels: 1) A literal 7-day week and 2) a 7-year final period called “Daniel’s Seventieth Week,” during which is a world-encompassing tribulation that will usher in Messiah’s return. During the final seven years, world hated of Yahuweh and of Messiah Yahushua will result in it being illegal for anyone to believe in Messiah Yahushua’s sacrifice for their salvation. Finally, anti-messiah will bring an end to all religion, except the worship of him as god. If the Jews are attempting any animal sacrifices, of course, he will stop that…but that is not the focus of Daniel’s prophecy, neither of Messiah’s words in Matthew 24:15. More regarding this below…

English translations from the Greek and Latin have done more to confuse and mix up people than any other method that Lucifer has used. Western thinking is very different than Eastern thinking. The Bible was written to one people group from Eber via Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cob--one family--in one land area, regarding one Covenant, one Kingdom, and one Torah--written through His servants by His Spirit.

To clarify still further, there are two parenthetical sections, which I will point out: Daniel 9:26 and 27 are talking about two different “people”--one is the anti-messiah, and the other is Messiah Yahushua. Verse 24 is also talking about Yahushua Messiah, when it says that the 70 “weeks” of years are: “…to put an end to transgression (disobedience, rebellion, revolt, apostasy against the Torah), and to seal up sins, and to cover crookedness, and to bring in everlasting righteousness…” (Italics mine regarding the meaning of “transgression”) At the end of 69 “weeks” Messiah came to end transgression by His death.

There are two understandings of the 70th week: 1) that He fulfilled it when He died on the stake during a 7-day “week,” at the end of the 463 years, and 2) that there would be a 7-year period before He would return, during which there would be a tribulation, ending with His second coming. Both are true!

Verse 26 begins: “After sixty-two week Messiah will be cut off, but not for Himself…” From the day that Artexerxes signed the decree for Ezra to leave

Babylon, ending the 70 years of Babylonian captivity, to the very day that Messiah Yahushua, in 28 CE, entered Jerusalem on “Palm Sunday”, was 62

weeks, or 483 years. (Again: See “The Three Levels of Daniel 9:24-27” for more details)

From the words “And the people of a coming prince…” in Daniel 9:26 to the words “…and fighting until the end”… is parenthetical about the anti-messiah. He arises out of the people-group that destroyed the Temple in 70 CE--the Romans. We know, and the Vatican knows, that the false prophet will come out of the Vatican Jesuit leadership. They also know that the anti-messiah will be aligned with them. Since the Vatican Jesuits are the top-leadership of the Illuminati, it is also possible that the two beasts of Revelation 13 both come from the Vatican. I am not saying this is the way it will be – only speculation – but based on the fact that the Tenach only talks about one Beast from Rome (Daniel 7).

To clarify: Leaving out the section on the anti-messiah/Beast, let us connect verses 26 and 27 about the Messiah. Verse 26: “And after 62 weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself.”… Verse 27: “And He shall confirm a Covenant with many for one week. And in the middle of the week, He shall put an end to sacrifices and meal offerings.”

In the middle of the week, between “Palm Sunday” and “Resurrection Sunday,” actually just before sunset at the end of Shabbat--beginning the first day of the week--Yahushua put an end to the animal sacrifices and meal offerings, dying on the stake on Wednesday before sunset, the 14th of Aviv, going into the 15th of Aviv, as the final Lamb of Elohim who came to redeem the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”—and all mankind who would put their faith in Him.

He was in the grave 72 hours, as He said He would be—“as the prophet Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights” from Wednesday just before sunset beginning the 15th of Aviv, when the Passover lambs were eaten, to just before sunset on the 17th of Aviv—just at the beginning of the Feast of First Fruits. He arose as the “first fruits” – I Corinthians 15:20, 23.

***If you look at Matthew 24:15, you see that Messiah Yahushua did NOT say anything about someone stopping sacrifices. So many believers are waiting for the Jews to start the sacrifices again, so that the anti-messiah can stop them. Messiah simply says that the evil one will set up an abomination on the Temple Mount…his “throne.” That is because Messiah stops the sacrifice of animals by His own death. By doing so, He prepares the way for sin to be stopped and righteous to prevail--in the lives of those who receive Him, and at His second coming!

There is also a 70th week of Daniel that is 7 years long--a final 7-year period that will end with Messiah’s return. His 7-day week, in which He redeemed us in 28 CE, was a mirror, shadow, microcosm, of the 7 year “week,” in which death and hell will break against the children of Yahuweh.

As Messiah suffered for us unto His death in the 7-day week, His people will pass through suffering unto death in the final period of the 7-year period. As Messiah’s 7-day week ended in His resurrection from the dead, so the 70th week of Daniel, the 7-year week, will end in the resurrection of the righteous dead at the end of the “week,” at the “last trumpet.” (I Corinthians 15:53-58; Revelation 11:15-19) The two mirror each other!!! Without His 7-day week, to redeem us (II Corinthians 5:21), there would be no victory for us at the end of the 7-week period, Daniel’s 70th week.

What Messiah began with His 7-day week to redeem us, will conclude with His 7-year victory over Satan and all the forces of evil, to bring the final redemption of His people!!! HalleluYah!

Beginning with the words “And on the wing of abomination…” and finishing the verse, we return to the information on the anti-messiah.

Taking out the parenthetical section about anti-messiah in Daniel 9:26, and going directly to the passage in verse 27 about Messiah, we see an unbroken thought: “And after the sixty-two weeks, Messiah will be cut off, but not for Himself…And He shall confirm a covenant with many for one week.”

Remember: The expression “cut off” means to cut flesh and pass around the pieces—a Covenant term, pictured in Matthew 26:26: “And as they were eating, Yahushua took bread. And, having blessed it, broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, `Take, eat, this is My body...” Therefore, we see that, this is one continuous thought, separated by a parenthetical section about anti-messiah.

Going into more detail: Daniel talked about a man of lawlessness who would set up an abomination on the Temple Mount—as Antiochus Epiphanes did around 167 BCE, when he put up a statue of Zeus (now Iesous) on the Ark. Yet, of course, if there are any sacrifices going on--anti-messiah will stop them, and stop all religions, except the worship of himself. But, to base one’s understanding of Yahuweh’s timing on what a human teacher says is ridiculous. We must hear from Yahuweh! Scripture does not back the idea that a temple has to be built, or sacrifices started, or a 7-year peace treaty signed, before Messiah can come.

Many refer to the English wording in II Thessalonians 2:3, which is talking about the anti-messiah, the Apollyon of Revelation 9:11: “who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim or that is worshipped, so that he sits as Elohim in the temple of Elohim, showing himself that he is Elohim.”

Yes, the anti-messiah wants to sit where Yahuweh once hovered over the Ark. On the Temple Mount is a gazebo to the north of the Dome of the Rock. Under it is a raised stone from the original temple. The Jews call this place, “the dome of the tablets,” meaning the Ten Commandments which were in the Ark. The Arabs call this place, “the dome of the spirits,” – they say it is haunted.

An all-faith temple may be built, or a Masonic Temple for all religions, but Zechariah 6 tells us that MESSIAH WILL HAVE THE TEMPLE BUILT WHEN HE COMES – THE THIRD TEMPLE OF Ezekiel 40-46/Revelation 11:1-2!

What is proposed for the Temple Mount, now controlled by the Vatican, is a sort of “all-faith” temple, where first of all the “three great monotheistic religions” can come and worship. But, there will certainly be no third temple built on the Mount until Messiah comes! [Refer to: “Exposing the Lies of Monotheism”]

Almost every year at Passover, the Temple Faithful Jews try to bring the cornerstone for the new Temple up on the Temple Mount, but are always chased off by police. The Temple Faithful have an altar, which could be brought up to start sacrifices. You see, when the Jews returned to Jerusalem, after 70 years of captivity, they saw the Temple totally destroyed. But, they started the sacrifices because they re-made the altar.

In our day, the hostility of Arabs who maintain the Mount for the Vatican, is intense – to the point of murder. So, no Jewish anything will be allowed on the Mount, unless it is under Vatican control. Right now, Jews are not allowed to even pray on the Mount. The Vatican is taking over more and more of East Jerusalem. Their plans for making it an international center of worship for all religions, especially the “three great monotheistic religions” are moving forward! Former President Bill Clinton referred to East Jerusalem as the “Holy Basin” for the “three” – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Here is a comment from my son, Derek:

Daniel 9:26 talks about Messiah's 1st coming and being cut off in the middle of the week (Wed). But, then, it fast forwards to the end when the beast is set up and the end of the "set apart place." The seat of the beast IN the set apart place is washed away with a flood (the earthquake - Zechariah 14). The flood comes as sort of a Mikvah of the set-apart place, to cleanse and purify it from when the beast sat on it.

Here we come to the end of the matter… Yahuweh will purge His city of all defilement in preparation for the reigning of His Son!

May Abba show us further clarity on this very important passage in Daniel 9!

You can receive His insight, His revelation, on whatever Scripture you are studying, because He delights in showing “His secrets to those who fear Him.”

As we get closer to the Isaiah 17:1 war, Israel prepares for the retaliation on its northern borders with Syria and Lebanon, and destruction down to Ephraim, north of Jerusalem, as Isaiah 17:2 on, tells us.

The word is “peace, peace,” but there is no peace! Having lived in the Arab world for almost ten years now, any kind of peace agreement will last all of 30 minutes, if that long. But, Daniel is not talking about treaties.

As of early 2013, Israel gave the “Upper Hill,” a fake Zion, supposedly “found” by Constantine’s mother, Helena, to the Vatican, so that they could own the “Upper Room,” also a fake site. But, the reality is that the Vatican owns more and more of East Jerusalem. Israel has promised to erect a throne for the pope in the “Upper Room.”

Stop wasting time on past theology, which is already obsolete. Seek Yahuweh’s timing!

John 16:13 tells us that the Spirit of Yahuweh will tell us things to come. He is our daily Instructor, guide, and protector!

Love and Shalom,


October 23, 2008, more added October 31, 2008, edited and brought up to date, September 13, 2013

[In Michael Rood’s DVD presentation of “The Feasts of the Lord” – the Spring Feasts - he reviews Daniel 9:24-27, and presents the Hebrew parenthetical sections about Messiah, and anti-messiah. I heard Michael teach, via this DVD series, years after I wrote this initial article in 2008. But, what I have written here is from what the Spirit taught me. Michael presented confirmation. Do your own honest research, with the Spirit to guide you into ALL TRUTH! Never base your faith on what human teachers say – always check with Yahuweh!!!

Man who is Spirit-taught, or who has some truth among his errors, can confirm to you what He says, as He wills, as He leads.]


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