July 2013


I. Cash Management

1. Checking/Savings accounts

2. School Activity Account

3. Liquid Funds

4. Monthly Reconciliation

II. Investment Management

1. Excess Operating Funds

2. Scholarship and Endowment Funds

3. TeamMates Foundation

III. Accounting Policy

1. Other Assets

2. Revenue

➢ Campaign Pledges and Cash Receipts

➢ Receivables collection

➢ In kind donations

➢ Cash Donations

3. Expenses and disbursements

➢ Purchasing

➢ Receiving

➢ Invoice Approval/Payment Request

➢ Check Request Forms

➢ Accounts Payable

➢ Payroll

➢ Sales and Use Tax

4. Financial Reporting

➢ Internal Financial Reporting

➢ Budgets

➢ External Financial Reporting

5. Other Accounting Related Issues

➢ Records Retention

➢ Procedures Manual

➢ System Back-up

IV. Appendix

1. Record Retention

2. Accounting System

3. Chart of Accounts

4. Opening a Bank Account

5. Donation Form

6. Check Request Form

7. Monthly Activity Report

8. Budget Detail


The main purpose of the Accounting Policy is to ensure that TeamMates accounting is complete, accurate and that procedures comply with all regulatory requirements. In addition, it is necessary to follow this policy to have the ability of having complete consolidated financial statements for the entire TeamMates Program including all chapters and the Central Office. This is essential to obtain funding for the program from a variety of sources (including the Federal Government). Virtually all grants require this information. This also allows the organization to have an independent audit completed for TeamMates. Many potential donors require such an audit. Adherence to the Accounting Policy will also allow for proper reporting to the TeamMates Board of Directors as well as to each chapter in the TeamMates Program.

The software system used for accounting for TeamMates is provided by Blackbaud, Inc. It is comprised of two parts – the Financial Edge and the Raiser’s Edge. The Financial Edge includes the general ledger and accounts payable. The Raiser’s Edge is utilized to gather donations and subsequently posts the revenue information to the general ledger system. The primary purpose of the Raiser’s Edge is to track information related to the fundraising efforts for TeamMates. The software system runs on a file server located at the Central Office in Lincoln. It is to provide accounting for the Central Office and all TeamMates chapters.


Checking/Savings Accounts

Each chapter will have a single primary account for deposits and expenditures which may be a checking or savings account. That account may be maintained at a Union Bank & Trust location for simplicity purposes or a local bank of the chapter’s choice. The signing authority for the account will be with the TeamMates Executive Director in the Central Office and no less than two chapter representatives including the Treasurer and Coordinator. At the direction of the chapter Treasurer, the Central Office will make any and all payments authorized by the chapter. The original bank statement with images of the transactions will be mailed or emailed directly from the bank to the Central Office. The chapter Treasurer can request that a duplicate statement be mailed or emailed to their representative. The account should be set up with a month end closing statement cycle. The local chapter account will maintain a balance less than $10,000 if the primary account is a non-interest bearing account. Funds in excess of $10,000 in a non-interest bearing account will be invested in a fund approved by the TeamMates CFO. Chapters choosing to invest funds in an endowment account will invest such funds in the TeamMates Foundation. Funds maintained with outside foundations are not allowed. Please refer to the “TeamMates Foundation” section on page 5 for additional details. The TeamMates CFO is responsible for reconciling each primary account. The chapter Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that all money moved into or out of the account is valid, accurate, and appropriate. When a chapter opens their primary account it will forward the signature cards to the Central Office so that the Executive Director may be added as a signer. Transfers will be authorized by the Executive Director only to reimburse the Central Office account for invoices paid on the chapter’s behalf (see the Expenses and Disbursements section for further discussion of payment of invoices).

If there are dollars donated that are restricted as to use, a separate accounting will be used by the Accounting Department to track balances of restricted funds. This procedure will be accomplished by using the Projects and Grant feature of the accounting system.

School Activity Fund - School activity accounts are not allowed.

Monthly Bank Reconciliation

Each chapter is required to complete the Monthly Chapter Activity excel spreadsheet to list the monthly deposits and disbursements. This should be completed and emailed to the TeamMates CFO by the first business day of the month in order to assist with the reconciliation process. A copy of the template will be provided to each chapter’s Treasurer and will be available on the TeamMates website.

Liquid Operating Funds

Each chapter (and the Central Office) is required to keep liquid funds. Liquid funds are described as funds necessary for operating the TeamMates program for a six-month period of time. Liquid funds should be kept in the chapter’s primary account. If a chapter’s liquid funds are in excess of $10,000, a portion of the liquid funds may be kept in an interest bearing account such as a savings account or money market account. The Executive Director is required to be an authorized signer on these accounts for auditing purposes. These interest statements must be sent to the central office.

TeamMates Mentoring Program operates under one tax ID number. Therefore, funds in any one financial institution, program wide, may not exceed the FDIC insured limits at the institution.


The investments of TeamMates are made with the primary intent of safeguarding TeamMates assets. The rate of return on the investment is important but secondary to the preservation and liquidity of the funds.

Excess Operating Funds

Excess funds are described as those funds that are dollars above and beyond the liquid funds. Excess funds may be kept in a Certificate of Deposit at a federally insured bank of the chapter’s choice. The Executive Director is required to be an authorized signer on all CDs for auditing purposes. Notification of interest statements should be sent to the Central office with duplicate statements sent to the chapter to insure accurate accounting of the investments.

Scholarship and Endowment Funds

Investments in savings accounts, money market funds, and CDs may be designated as scholarship or endowment funds. These investments will be coded as such in the general ledger and will be reflected on the chapter’s balance sheet. If these funds were donor designated restricted, these funds will be coded as temporarily restricted or permanently restricted in the Blackbaud software program. If they are designated by the local board for scholarship or endowment, they will be recognized as such on the ledger but will not be coded as restricted.

TeamMates Foundation

The TeamMates Foundation maintains an investment account with TD Ameritrade. This account is managed by Westwood Management Corporation. All available funds in the account will be invested in accordance with the TeamMates Foundation Investment Policy unless otherwise instructed by the TeamMates CFO. Individual chapters may send excess funds to the Central office where it will be documented and deposited into the TD Ameritrade account. These deposits will be coded as foundation funds in the general ledger system by the Central office in order to track the various chapters’ interest in the investment account. Withdrawal of funds by chapters must be done in accordance with the TeamMates Foundation Investment & Spending Policy.

The TeamMates Central office will have access any time of day to bank statements for the brokerage account via their online access. Reports will be able to be downloaded to ensure cash inflows and outflows can be tied back to the correct chapters. This will insure that proper investment tracking and interest allocation will be made to the appropriate chapters. Reporting to each chapter will have to be done manually by the Central office.



Purchase of an asset in excess of $1,500 requires that a receipt be sent to the TeamMates CFO. The asset will be capitalized and depreciated over the estimated useful life of the assets. The useful life of the assets capitalized will be determined according to the fixed asset depreciation schedule at the time of acquisition.

TeamMates may from time to time acquire donations of stocks or other sorts of property. Those assets will be carried on the balance sheet at their fair market value at the time of donation. Any gain or loss realized subsequently on that investment would be reflected on the income statement upon disposal of the donation. All non-standard gifts must be immediately liquidated.


Income sources will be recognized as revenue in the year received or pledged. Multiple year commitments will be booked to pledges receivable. Commitments will be traced on Raiser’s Edge. All donations will be recorded as unrestricted, temporarily restricted or permanently restricted based upon their project code.

Services or items donated to TeamMates that would typically need to be purchased, will be recognized as in-kind donations. This could include services provided by lawyers, donation of building space, donation of printing costs, supplies, etc. In these cases an offsetting expense will also be reported. When the cost of the donation is not apparent, TeamMates will work with the donor to determine the fair market value of the donation. Volunteer time of TeamMates mentors or Board members will not be considered gifts in-kind.

Gifts in kind should be reported to the Central Office using the Gifts in Kind Donation Form. The donations will be recorded as revenue and as a corresponding expense. Therefore, the net effect on the bottom line is zero. However, it is important to record these gifts because it is required for proper accounting by FASB.

Donations received by any chapter must be deposited into their primary account. The chapter’s Treasurer must report all donations to the Central Office Administrative Assistant for recording in Raiser’s Edge. Information must include the name of the donor, donation amount and address of the donor. This includes all types of gifts including gifts in-kind, donations of stocks or properties, etc. Donations should be deposited within three weeks of receipt. The Administrative Assistant is responsible for receiving the donations and entering them properly into the Raiser’s Edge system. Note: the donation information should also be included in the Monthly Activity Report that is sent to the TeamMates CFO who will post it to the appropriate general ledger accounts.

Cash Donations

All cash donations must be counted and reconciled independently by two people before deposit. As with any donation, the name and address of the donor must be captured for tax acknowledgement.


Expenses are incurred and booked when the disbursement is made. An exception to this would be in the case of purchase of a fixed asset such as a computer. In this case, the asset would be capitalized and the expense would appear as monthly depreciation entries over the useful life of the computer.

All expenses will be recorded as program expenses, administrative expenses or fundraising expenses for compliance with FASB.


Each chapter is responsible for purchasing items needed for operation of their program. Each chapter will designate a person responsible for approving all purchases. The Executive Director will be responsible for approval of all Central Office expenses.


The person making the purchase is responsible for making sure that the items purchased are actually received. That person is also responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the invoice received for the purchase. Checks written directly by the chapter for purchases over $250 require two signatures from authorized signers on the account.

Invoice Approval and Payment Requests

As you receive an invoice to be paid, you may write a check from your chapter account or send it to the Central Office to be paid. If you pay it from your chapter account, be sure to enter the transaction information on your Monthly Chapter Activity Report. If you wish to have it paid from the Central Office, simply put these items on the invoice: account number to code, your initials giving the approval to pay, and date it. The appropriate account number can be found in the Chart of Accounts attached to the Accounting Policy. Forward the approved invoice to the Central Office for payment. If there is no invoice available from the vendor/payee, please complete the Check Request Form. The checks issued by the Central Office may be sent directly to the payee or forwarded to the chapter for subsequent disbursement. Invoices will typically be paid each Friday. At month end, one check will be written from the chapters account to reimburse the Central Office for all invoices paid that month on the chapter’s behalf. If the chapter has a Union Bank account, the money will be transferred to The Central Office’s checking account. Reports showing all transactions, the check number, and amount will be emailed to each chapter at month end.

Expense Requests Forms

All reimbursement requests should include a receipt. However, for some expenses there may not be an actual receipt. In this event, the Check Request Form should be completed and forwarded. The form should be completely filled out and any appropriate description added.

Accounts Payable

The Administrative Assistant maintains the accounts payable system. A vendor record is set up for each vendor that TeamMates does business with regularly. This software system is used to process all expenses and payments made by TeamMates with the exception of petty cash and payroll. If payments are made to an individual for payment on a contractor type basis, the individual’s record will be coded for a 1099 and the tax id number will be obtained.

Expenses are recorded in the accounts payable system such that they report in the appropriate chapter’s account on the general ledger. The TeamMates Executive Director will complete a review of all expenses prior to check issuance.

Checks will be printed with two stubs. One copy of the stub will accompany the check issued to the vendor with a description of the payment. The second stub will be filed with a copy of the invoice or check request form. These will be filed with the paid invoice by vendor.


Paychex will process all payroll checks for the Central office as well as all the required government reporting, i.e. 941,941N,UC-11T. Paychecks are deposited in the employee’s designated bank account on the 15th and 30th of each month. Year-end W-2s will be completed and mailed out by Paychex.

Local leadership at the chapter level must be paid through a separate paying agent such as the local school. They will be required to sign a paying agent agreement. The paying agent will be reimbursed by TeamMates with funds from the local chapter. Personnel at the chapter level should not exceed 35 hours per week in order to maintain compliance with the TeamMates worker’s compensation policy. If a separate paying agent is not possible, payroll may be run through a local accounting firm. Under no circumstances will compensation be paid directly from the local chapter to an employee.

Under IRS regulation § 1.6041-2(a)(1), payments of wages not subject to income tax

withholding must be reported on Form W-2 if the total of those payments is $600 or more in a calendar year.

Sales and Use Tax

It shall be the policy of TeamMates to pay sales tax on all taxable purchases and pay a use tax if a sales tax was not charged on the purchase. A use tax will be based upon point of delivery of the purchase. Purchases made through a school account must have sales tax added. Sales and Use tax will be reported monthly on Nebraska Department of Revenue Form 10 by the CFO. In all cases, the local TeamMates chapter is responsible for the amount of sales or use tax that is due.

In the event that items are purchased for fundraising, raffle, and auction purposes, the following procedure will be implemented

Sales tax should be collected on the total retail sale, even if sales tax was already paid when the item was purchased. If you paid sales tax on an item for resale instead of using an exempt certificate, a credit for the sales tax paid can be taken on the sales tax return covering the period the sale was made.

To purchase items for re-sale tax-free, you must complete Form 13, Nebraska Resale or Exempt Sale Certificate, and provide this form to the vendor.


When a donation results in admission to an event, this becomes a taxable transaction. The amount received that represents the fair market value of the admission is the retail sale amount, and you must indicate on the ticket or a receipt the amount on which sales tax has been calculated.

Example #1: A nonprofit organization holds a pancake feed. The amount charged is $15. The fair market value of the meal is $4.67. The organization must indicate to the contributor:

Meal $ 4.67

Tax at 7% .33

Contribution 10.00

Total 15.00

The organization then remits the $ .33 sales tax for each meal.

Example #2: A nonprofit organization holds a golf tournament. The amount charged per person is $50. The fair market value of the green fee is $25. The organization must indicate to the contributor:

Green Fees $ 25.00

Tax at 7% 1.75

Contribution 23.25

Total 50.00

The organization then remits the $1.75 sales tax for each green fee.

It is important to separate this out for donors because if the amount for the fair market value and the donation are not separately stated, the TOTAL charge is taxable.

For assistance or questions with sales tax issues, please contact the TeamMates CFO at jwente@ or call 402-841-8334.

Auction sales of donated items

When an item donated by an individual is sold, this results in a taxable retail sale. The donor still pays sales tax on the original purchase of the item. There is no reporting required to the donor of the item.

If an item is sold at above fair market value, sales tax is only collected on the fair market value, as long as the value is disclosed to the contributor.

Gift certificates sold at an auction are not subject to sales tax. Gift baskets made by the organization are generally taxable.

Example: A nonprofit organization auctions a big screen TV donated by a local furniture store. The TV sells for $3,000. The fair market value of the TV is $1,000. The organization must indicate to the contributor that the fair market value was $1,000 and the donation amount was $2,000.

TeamMates needs to collect sales tax from the donor as they are the purchaser, and TeamMates is acting as a retailer. You could choose to separately state the sales tax by saying that the fair market value was $1,000, the sales tax charged was $70, and the contribution was $1,930. Or, if you want to keep the contribution amount at a round dollar amount, you could state that the fair market value already includes sales tax. To use the example above with the TV, you could say that the value of $1,000 already includes sales tax. Then, when you file the sales tax return, you would back out the sales tax, reporting the sale as $934.58 and $65.42 of sales tax collected.

When completing the sales tax return, the fair market value is reported as the gross sale amount. The amount paid above the stated fair market value is a contribution and is not listed as a sale.

A Fundraising Template is available on the website and must be completed for all events involving sales tax.

For assistance or questions with sales tax issues, please contact the TeamMates CFO at jwente@ or call 402-841-8334.


Internal Reporting

Three reports will be produced for all chapters on a monthly or quarterly basis. There will be an income statement, a balance sheet and a transaction listing. The standard method of delivery will be via email to the chapter’s Treasurer unless requested otherwise.

In addition, other internal reports will be prepared for the Board, the Finance Committee and the Executive Director. These reports would be the same as provided to the chapters except that they are typically produced on a consolidated basis of selected chapters or all chapters. Reports will also be provided for these individuals for cash flow reporting and for FASB reporting.

Reports will also be produced by the Accounts Payable system for review and approval of transactions to be posed to the General Ledger system.


The Blackbaud general ledger has a budgeting module that will be utilized for the TeamMates budgeting process. Budget input data will be gathered via an Excel spreadsheet template. Budget forms are available on the website and will be emailed per request. Budgets should be completed by March 31st and approved by the local TeamMates chapter board. Completed templates can be emailed to the TeamMates CFO to have the approved budgets entered into the general ledger system. Income statements will show an actual to budget comparison each month as a part of the standard reporting system.

External Reporting

Several reports must be filed during the year with the appropriate authority. These include IRS Form 990, the Nebraska Sales and Use Form 10, Personal Property Tax returns, etc.

A qualified accounting firm will conduct an annual audit examination of the TeamMates financial statements and procedures. Other external reporting include a TeamMates Annual Report and reporting as needed for acquiring donations from foundations and grants.


Record Retention

Record retention will be based upon the schedule in Attachment #1.

Procedure Manuals

Procedure manuals will be maintained for use of the general ledger system, for the accounts payable system and for the Raiser’s Edge system. The purpose of the manuals is to provide written standards and instruction for both consistency and in the event than an employee leaves. These manuals will facilitate any employee transition. The manual for general ledger will take the form of a form included in the front of the three ring binder maintained for each chapter. It provides information helpful to doing the accounting for that particular chapter.


Blackbaud Hosting provides the following data storage and protection:

• All data stored on redundant Hitachi EVA Storage Area Network (SAN) technology, RAID-5, providing real-time data mirroring and replication, and dynamic expansion

• Incremental backups performed throughout the day

• Daily, weekly, and monthly full backups performed with off-site storage

• Offsite backups to SAN at alternate Blackbaud data center facility

Word and Excel accounting documents are stored on a SharePoint site on the cloud. They are located on the O drive in the accounting folder with limited access.




The following records should be kept for the appropriate time frame by the local chapter as the custodian, the Central Office, or both as listed.



Bylaws Forever Both

Articles of Incorporation Forever Both

Board Minutes Forever Local Chapter

General Ledger Forever Central Office

Employee Payroll Records Forever Local Chapter

Form 941 Payroll Tax Returns Forever Central Office

Form 990 Tax Exempt Organization Returns Forever Central Office

All other tax returns (i.e. Sales, Personal Property) Forever Central Office

Audited Financial Statements Forever Central Office

Insurance Policies Forever Central Office

Cancelled Checks (unless truncated) Seven years Both

Bank Statements Three years Both

Bank Deposit Books Three years Both

Bank Reconciliations Three years Both

Paid Invoices Six years Both

Petty Cash and Reimbursement Forms Six years Both

Accounts Payable Journals Six years Central Office

Personnel Files Three years Both

Sales Invoices Three years Both

Internal Reports, misc. Three years Both





Operating on the TeamMates accounting system is relatively easy. It involves the following steps:

1. Maintain a checking or savings account at a Union Bank & Trust or a local bank of your choice. Although invoices will be paid at your direction, checks will be issued, signed and mailed from the Central Office. Therefore, the Executive Director, Suzanne Hince, will need to be signer on the account. The original monthly bank account statement (with images) should be mailed from the bank to central office. An e-statement with images emailed to the Central Office is also acceptable. A duplicate statement may be sent to your local chapter Treasurer. Your bank account will be reconciled monthly to your general ledger account and you will be provided with the following:

• A copy of your reconciled bank account

• A balance sheet

• An income statement with results for the month and year-to-date with a comparison to budget.

• A transactions journal of all your chapter’s transactions.

• A projects report if appropriate. Projects keep separate track of money from a certain source with restrictions for a certain purpose.

2. Blank checks for your checking account are held at the Central Office. These won’t be used to pay bills but will be used to reimburse the state account for bills paid on your behalf. Bills will be paid from our automated accounts payable system.

3. Deposit any donations for your chapter into your checking account. Please forward a copy of the check to the Central Office before you deposit it in your account. A tax acknowledgment/thank you letter will be sent on behalf of your chapter. The signature on the letter will be that of Nancy Osborne. All donations are also entered into our database (Raiser’s Edge). Reports can be generated for your chapter to list prior donations in a variety of formats.

4. Read the Accounting Policy provided. If you have any questions call the Accounting Department at 402-841-8334.

5. As you receive an invoice to be paid, simply put these items on the invoice: account number to code, your initials giving the approval to pay, and date it. The appropriate account number can be found in the Chart of Accounts attached to the Accounting Policy. Forward the approved invoice to the Central Office for payment. If there is no invoice available from the vendor/payee, please complete the Check Request Form.

6. It is necessary for all chapters to be incorporated. If your chapter is not incorporated, our attorney will draw up the necessary papers. The Central Office will pay related expenses. Your chapter will be added to the TeamMates group exemption and you will then be included to operate under the umbrella of TeamMates 501c(3) tax exempt status. Being under that group umbrella allows for us to provide your chapter with liability insurance and directors and officers insurance.

7. It is necessary to have a current signed Chapter Agreement. Chapter Agreements are forwarded to our attorney along with Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

8. If your chapter has investments such as CD’s, you must use the TeamMates tax identification number. If the investment is held in a non-TeamMates account, such as a school activity account, we need to receive monthly statements so we can reflect them in the chapter’s totals on the balance sheet.



|ATTACHMENT #3 | | |


| | | | |

|Asset Type | | | |

|Account # | | | |

|Account Name | | | |

|Use of Account | | | |

| | | | |

|Cash | | | |

|1200 | | | |

|Cash in Bank | | | |

|Money in Transaction accounts | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Investments | | | |

|1310 | | | |

|Investments | | | |

|Money in Investment account | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|1410 | | | |

|Restricted Investments | | | |

|Investments tied to restricted funds | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Receivables | | | |

|1810 | | | |

|Pledges Receivable | | | |

|Record pledges due TeamMates | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Liability Type | | | |

|Account # | | | |

|Account Name | | | |

|Use of Account | | | |

| | | | |

|Payables | | | |

|2010 | | | |

|Accounts Payable | | | |

|Amounts due others | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Income Type | | | |

|Account # | | | |

|Account Name | | | |

|Use of Account | | | |

| | | | |

|Contributions | | | |

|4210 | | | |

|Individual donations | | | |

|Donations from individuals | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4220 | | | |

|Corporate donations | | | |

|Donations from Corporations/businesses | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4230 | | | |

|Fund raising income | | | |

|Income from fund raising events | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4240 | | | |

|Grants income | | | |

|Income from various grants | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4250 | | | |

|Federal grant income | | | |

|Reimbursement of expenses from Federal Grant | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4255 | | | |

|United Way Income | | | |

|Income from United Way | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Other income | | | |

|4330 | | | |

|Candy Machine | | | |

|Income from Osborne Candy Machines | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4390 | | | |

|Misc. Income | | | |

|Other income not elsewhere classified | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|In Kind income | | | |

|4700 | | | |

|In kind salary income | | | |

|Donation of individuals time | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4720 | | | |

|In kind travel income | | | |

|Donation of travel expenses | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4730 | | | |

|In kind communications income | | | |

|Donation of communications expenses | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4740 | | | |

|In kind development income | | | |

|Donation of development expenses | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4750 | | | |

|In kind supplies income | | | |

|Donation of supply expenses | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4760 | | | |

|In kind equipment income | | | |

|Donation of equipment expenses | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4770 | | | |

|In kind occupancy income | | | |

|Donation of occupancy expenses | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4780 | | | |

|In kind fee income | | | |

|Donation of Fee expenses | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4790 | | | |

|In kind other income | | | |

|Donation of other types of expenses | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Investment Income | | | |

|4810 | | | |

|Interest Income | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4820 | | | |

|Gain/(loss) on Investments | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Expense Type | | | |

|Account # | | | |

|Account Name | | | |

|Use of Account | | | |

| | | | |

|Salary related | | | |

|5040 | | | |

|FICA Taxes | | | |

|Record FICA taxes | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5060 | | | |

|Program Coordinators/Bldg Facilitators | | | |

|Reimb to chapter coordinators and building facilitators | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Travel related | | | |

|5210 | | | |

|Travel Expense - lodging, etc. | | | |

|For lodging expense, taxi, car rental, air fare, etc. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5220 | | | |

|Reimb for personal mileage | | | |

|Reimbursement to employee for personal automobile use | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5230 | | | |

|Meeting expense | | | |

|Expense for meetings and luncheons, etc. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5240 | | | |

|Professional Development | | | |

|Expenses for attending conferences, training classes, etc. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Communications | | | |

|5310 | | | |

|Telephone | | | |

|Telephone for office and cellular | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5320 | | | |

|Postage | | | |

|Expense of general office postage | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Program | | | |

|5410 | | | |

|Advertising | | | |

|Expenses of advertising for the TeamMates Program | | | |

| | | | |

|Development | | | |

|5420 | | | |

|Fund raising expenses | | | |

|Record all expenses related fund raising events | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5440 | | | |

|TeamMates promotional items | | | |

|Expenses for promotional items | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5450 | | | |

|Dues and Memberships | | | |

|Expenses for dues for membership of civic clubs, etc. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5460 | | | |

|Program Activities/Entertainment | | | |

|Expense of entertaining guests or other program activities | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5470 | | | |

|Mentor Training/Support | | | |

|Expenses related to mentor training | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5480 | | | |

|Mentor/Mentee Activities | | | |

|Expenses related to activities for children being mentored | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5490 | | | |

|Scholarship Expenses | | | |

|Expenses to provide scholarships | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5495 | | | |

|Participation Fee | | | |

|Expenses for annual participation | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Supplies | | | |

|5510 | | | |

|Supply expense | | | |

|Cost of supplies (i.e. Paper, pens, printer cartridges, etc.) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5520 | | | |

|Copy expense | | | |

|Cost of copies | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5540 | | | |

|Printing expense | | | |

|Cost of printing brochures, annual report, etc. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Equipment | | | |

|5610 | | | |

|Equipment rental | | | |

|Cost of any equipment rental | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5630 | | | |

|Equipment repairs | | | |

|Cost of repairing office equipment | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5660 | | | |

|Non-capitalized equipment expense | | | |

|Cost of equipment or furniture that is not capitalized | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Occupancy | | | |

|5730 | | | |

|Rent expense for buildings | | | |

|Cost of renting building space | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5740 | | | |

|Utilities/Building Maintenance | | | |

|Cost of electricity, gas, water, garbage disposal, etc. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Fees | | | |

|5810 | | | |

|Legal Fees | | | |

|Fees paid for legal services | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5820 | | | |

|Audit/Accounting fees | | | |

|Fees paid for audits of chapters or extra accounting fees | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5830 | | | |

|Consulting expense/Speaker fees | | | |

|Fees paid to consultants or speakers for the program | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5850 | | | |

|Background check fees | | | |

|Fees paid for background checks | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5860 | | | |

|Insurance Expense | | | |

|Fee paid for any insurance coverage | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Other expenses | | | |

|5990 | | | |

|NEC (Not elsewhere classified) | | | |

|Expenses that do not fit in any other expense account | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|In-Kind Expenses | | | |

|5996 | | | |

|In-Kind Expenses | | | |

|Expenses received in-kind of all types | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |





This list pertains only to opening a bank account; please read the accounting system and accounting policy documents for further explanation of TeamMates’ accounting procedures.

1. Open a checking account at a local bank of your choice. The bank account should be called: TeamMates Mentoring Program of (your chapter).

2. Have at least two people from your local chapter as authorized signers, your Treasurer and Coordinator for example. You also need to add Suzanne Hince, the Executive Director, as an authorized signer.

Once you have the two local signatures, please send the signature card to the central office at 6801 O Street, Lincoln, NE  68510. 

After Suzanne has signed the papers, they will be mailed back to the bank.

3. Have the bank send the monthly statements (original, with images) to the Central office at 6801 O Street Lincoln, NE 68510. You can request that the bank send you a duplicate copy to a local address.

4. Request that your account has a statement cycle that closes at month end.

5. Order checks - basic inexpensive - no duplicates necessary. Send a book of these checks to the Central office so that the state account can be reimbursed for bills paid on your behalf. You may keep the rest of the checks or send them all.

6. On a monthly basis, send detail of your account transactions to the accounting office using the spreadsheet “Monthly Activity Report” attached. Please email the document to jwente@

If you have any questions about the information provided, please contact Julie Wente at 402-841-8334 or email her at jwente@



Donation Form

Please forward this form along with your donation to:

TeamMates Mentoring Program

6801 “O” Street

Lincoln, NE 68510

1-877-531-8326 (TEAM) or 402-323-6250

Give online at and click on Donate Now

Thank you for your donation to TeamMates Mentoring Program!




|CHECK REQUEST FORM | | | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Description of Expense | | | | | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| | | | | |

|Chapter Number |  |  | |

|Month/Year |JANUARY | | |

| | | | | | |

|DEPOSITS: | | | | |

| |Date |Amount |Donor |Income Account # |Description |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |



| | | | | | |

|CHECKS: | | | | |

|Check # |Date |Amount |Payee |Expense Account # |Description |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |





| |Acct # |Account Name |  |

| |  |Income Accounts |  |

| |  |  |  |

|  |4210 |Individual donations |appeal letters, Network For Good donations, payroll deductions |

| |4220 |Corporate/business donations |appeal letters, sponsorships |

| |4230 |Fund raising income |Runza proceeds, Walk-a-thons, concessions, Jean's day |

| |4240 |Grants income |local grants - grant writing required |

| |4250 |Federal grant income |sub-grantee of school grant |

| |4255 |United Way Income |local United Way income - application required |

| |4330 |Candy machine income |Osborne candy machine proceeds |

| |4810 |Interest Income |Interest from checking, savings, money market, CDs |

| |  |  |  |

|Covere|4700 |In kind salary related income |salary paid by another organization |

|d by | | | |

|school| | | |

|/organ| | | |

|izatio| | | |

|n | | | |

| |4720 |In kind travel/professional Dev. Inc |travel - mentees (bus) and/or coordinator (mileage, gas) |

| |4730 |In kind communicate(phone, postage) |cell phone, postage, radio time, ads |

| |4740 |In kind business/program dev |conference costs, mentee activities, mentor training |

| |4750 |In kind supplies/copies income |office supplies, copies, printing |

| |4760 |In kind equipment income |use of office equipment |

| |4770 |In kind occupancy/rent income |use of office space |

| |4780 |In kind fee income |background checks paid by another organization |

| |4790 |In kind other income |other expenses paid by another organization |

| |  |  |  |

| |  |Expense Accounts |  |

| |  |Salary Related Expenses |  |

|Paid |5060 |Program Coordinators/Bldg Facilitate |wages paid to a coordinator |

|with | | | |

|Teamma| | | |

|tes | | | |

|funds | | | |

| |5040 |FICA |FICA taxes associated with wages |

| |  |  |  |

| |  |Travel & Professional Development |  |

| |5210 |Travel Expense - lodging, etc. |hotel |

| |5220 |Reimb for personal mileage |reimbursement to coordinator for mileage |

| |5230 |Meeting expense |board meeting food |

| |5240 |Professional Development |conference expenses |

| |  |  |  |

| | |Communications Expenses |  |

| |5310 |Telephone |cell phone reimbursement |

| |5320 |Postage |stamps |

| |  |  |  |

| |  |Expense Accounts |  |

| |  |Program Development Expenses |  |

|Paid |5410 |Advertising |news & radio ads, booths at conventions |

|with | | | |

|Teamma| | | |

|tes | | | |

|funds | | | |

| |5420 |Fund raising expenses |cost of supplies to run event |

| |5440 |TeamMates promotional items |T-shirts, backpacks, etc.. |

| |5450 |Dues and Memberships |chamber dues |

| |5460 |Program Activities/Entertainment |kick-off event, banquet |

| |5470 |Mentor training/ support |mentor supplies, appreciation events |

| |5480 |Mentee Activities |Bowling party, pizza night, football games, etc… |

| |5490 |Scholarship Expenses |scholarships paid to TM students |

| |5495 |PARTICIPATION FEE |annual fee paid to central office |

| |  |  |  |

| |  |Supply Related Expenses |  |

| |5510 |Supply expense |general office supplies, checks |

| |5520 |Copy expense |cost of copies |

| |5540 |Printing expense |printing of stationery |

| |  |  |  |

| |  |Equipment Related Expenses |  |

| |5610 |Equipment rental |rental of projector |

| |5630 |Equipment repairs |repair of PC |

| |5660 |Non-capitalized equipment exp |PC, printer, i-pad |

| |  |  |  |

| |  |Occupancy Related Expenses |  |

| |5730 |Rent expense for buildings |office rent |

| |5740 |Utilities/Building Maintenance |paper shredding |

| |  |  |  |

| |  |Fee Type Expenses |  |

| |5820 |Audit/Accounting fees |bank account fees |

| |5830 |Consulting expense/Speaker fees |outside consultation |

| |5850 |Background check fees |One Source fees |

| |5860 |Insurance Expense |Worker's comp if paying coordinator, liability for special event |


Donor: _______________________________________________________________________

Contact: _______________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________ State: ___________________ZIP: _____________

Phone: __________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________

Donation Ask Made By: ____________________________________________________________

Gift Amount: ________________ Date of Gift: ____________________

Gift Type:

_____ Cash/Check

_____ Pledge (Amount per yr. $__________ # of yrs._____) Signature: ____________________

_____ TeamMates Foundation

_____ Stock

_____ Gift In-Kind (Description: _________________________________________)

_____ Memorial Gift (In memory of: ________________________________________)

_____ Corporate Match (Company name ________________ Match amount $_________)

Percentage of Gift Distribution:

______ to TeamMates Local Chapter (Chapter Name____________________)

______ to TeamMates Statewide Mentoring Program

All gifts of $250 or more will be listed in the TeamMates Annual Report

TeamMates is a 501(c)(3) non-profit

TeamMates mentoring Program and the TeamMates Foundation are audited annually by HBE Becker Meyer Love LLC

Copies of the audit can be obtained upon request from the central office


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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