


‘Time Travellers’


Guided Reading

Children will continue to read their own books and we would expect the children to be enjoying chapter books now they are in year 3. We will be ordering a new book for the children to read altogether in our guided reading lessons. I will let you know the title when we have finalised it.


We will be learning how place value is embedded in our maths system understanding. We will then be applying that understanding to help us add, subtract, multiply and divide.


In RE we are learning about the Bible and in particular what the ‘big story’ is from Genesis to |Revelation. The children will think about remembrance later in the term and finally think about what Advent and Epiphany teach us about the real meaning of Christmas.


Great Explorers

In history we will be learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will consider how people lived, what their lifestyles were like and the similarities and differences with our own lives today.


This term in music we will be learning an RnB song called ‘Let your spirit fly’ and after half term we will be introducing the language of music while playing the glockenspiel.


Our core text this half term is The Stone Age Boy. The children will write their own dilemma story, debate whether killing animals is OK and write instructions to survive life in the Stone Age.

After half term we will be using the book ‘Major Glad, Major Dizzy’. It’s about two toy soldiers who get lost under some floorboards and are found again many years later.

Year 3


Time Travellers


Algorithms and Adventure

With the new computers installed the children will love their ICT lessons, I hope. We will be covering some basic computer skills and then producing an algorithm on Microsoft Publisher followed by a branching adventure story using Microsoft Powerpoint.


This term the children will be learning French greetings.


In art we learn about cave paintings from the Stone Age and imitate the style by our own sketching from observations and produce an oil pastel picture ourselves.


In D.T we learn how to weave, as would have been common to the Iron Age in clothing and construction.


Rocks and soils

In this topic we will be investigating the various properties of different rocks and soils, including how fossils and different rock types are formed.

Magnets and Forces

After half term we will be thinking about how magnets attract and repel and group materials based on their magnetic properties.


Swimming and Invasion games

The children will be swimming every Thursday still. In their other PE lessons they will be learning an invasion game (football) and some dance.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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