At IAS Part - Coronavirus and the N.Y. State Courts

At IAS Part _______ of the Supreme Court of the State of New

York, held in and for the County of Kings, at the Courthouse located at

360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York, on the _____ day of

_________________, 200____.

P R E S E N T:




In the Matter of the Application of ORDER, JUDGMENT


_____________________ APPOINTING GUARDIAN


Index No. _________________

For the Appointment of a Guardian of

the Person and Property of


a Person Alleged to be Incapacitated.


A verified petition dated ________ , 2005 having been presented to this Court for the appointment of a Guardian of the person and property of IP pursuant to Article 81 of the Mental Hygiene Law and this Court at the Courthouse, in the County of Kings, City and State of New York having had a hearing as provided by Article 81 of the Mental Hygiene Law on _______ , 200 , the Court by Order to Show Cause dated _______, directing that IP and other interested parties show cause why a guardian should not be appointed of the person and property of IP, and other relief should not be granted pursuant to Article 81 of the Mental Hygiene Law; and said Order to Show Cause and verified petition having been duly served upon the interested parties directed to be served in the said Order to Show Cause, as evidenced by the affidavits of service herein filed; and the Court having required notice of this proceeding be given to the distributees and other interested parties of IP, to wit: (NAMES) ______________________________, and the Court having duly appointed (NAME)___________ as Court Evaluator for said IP, and NAME having duly qualified and appeared and having read the warning contained in the Order to Show Cause to IP, and (NAME)__________having appeared for petitioner (NAME) ___________, and said questions raised by the petition having come on to be heard

before HONORABLE _____________________ , one of the Justices of this Court at IAS Part ___ thereof, and the Court having held a hearing, as provided by Article 81 of the Mental Hygiene Law, and having decided that there is a necessity

for the appointment of a Guardian of the person and property of the above named IP, on the decision of the Court after said hearing, and it appearing to the satisfaction of this Court that a Guardian should be appointed for the person and property of the said IP.

NOW, upon all papers on file herein, and the testimony presented at the hearing before this Court, and upon all proceedings had herein, and due deliberation having been had, I find as follows: that IP has functional limitations due to ……….. (Explanation of limitations of IP).

NOW, on the motion of (NAME) __________________, attorney for petitioner, it is

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that IP be and hereby is determined, to be a person requiring the appointment of Guardian of his Person and Property as the Court has found that IP is incapacitated as defined in subdivision (b) of Mental Hygiene Law §81.02, and that said Incapacitated Person is likely to suffer harm because of his inability to provide for his personal needs and property management or to adequately understand and appreciate the nature and consequences of such inability; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that (NAME) _____________________ is hereby the court appointed Guardian of the Person and Property of IP, upon filing with this Court, pursuant to Mental Hygiene Law Section 81.25, a bond in the sum of $_______________ with sufficient Sureties, conditioned that the said Guardian will in all things faithfully discharge the trust imposed herein, obey all the directions of the Court in respect to the trust, make and render a true and just account of all monies and other properties received pursuant to the authority granted herein and the application thereof, and of all acts performed in the administration of the trust imposed herein whenever so required to do so by the court pursuant to Section 81.30 and 81.31 of the Mental Hygiene Law, and upon filing the oath and designation required by Section 81.26 of the Mental Hygiene Law; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that pursuant to Section 81.27 of the Mental Hygiene Law, within five (5) days after the filing of such oath and designation as required by statute, the Clerk of this Court shall issue a commission in the due form of law; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the authority of the Guardian of the Property, including but not limited to the property listed in Exhibit “A” annexed hereto, shall extend to all of the property of the Incapacitated Person, both real and personal; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that all persons now in possession of the assets of IP are hereby directed and commanded, upon demand and presentation of a certified copy of the Commission to be issued herein, to deliver to the said Guardian all Property of IP of every kind and nature which may be in their possession or under their control; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the said Guardian before taking possession of any personal property other than that above mentioned shall file an application to the Court to fix the bond approved by a Justice of this Court pursuant to Article 81 of the Mental Hygiene; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Guardian of the Property may, without prior authorization of the Court, make reasonable expenditures for the purpose of providing the incapacitated Person with necessaries or preserving the property of the Incapacitated Person; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the duration of the Guardianship shall be indefinite or until further Order of this Court; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the petitioner’s attorney shall serve upon the Court Examiner and, unless the Guardian is a party to this proceeding, upon the appointed Guardian, by regular mail, a copy of the petition, the report of the Court Evaluator and all other persons submitting to the Court in relation to this proceeding, to date; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that in the month of May of each year, the Guardian shall file an annual inventory and accounting with the County Clerk of Kings County and shall send a copy of such report to the incapacitated person by mail; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that if the annual report sets forth any reason for a change in the powers authorized by the Court, that the Guardian shall make application for such relief on notice; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that within ninety (90) days of its appointment and qualification as Guardian herein, the Guardian to be appointed shall file an initial report, as prescribed in Section 81.30 of the Mental Hygiene Law, detailing the steps taken to fulfill its responsibilities as Guardian; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Guardian of the Property shall have the authority to pre-pay the funeral expenses of the Incapacitated Person or create an irrevocable funeral trust, or alternatively, pay for the reasonable funeral expenses of the Incapacitated Person upon his death; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that in the event the incapacitated person received financial assistance from the City of New York, then in that event the Guardian shall reimburse the New York City Human Resources Administration Program (“Medicaid”) for any and all Medicaid expenses paid on behalf of the incapacitated person out of the excess resources of the incapacitated person; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that upon the death of the incapacitated person the Guardian of the Property shall have the authority to pay the bills of the Incapacitated Person which were incurred prior to the death of the Incapacitated Person, provided the Guardian would otherwise have had the right to pay such bills; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Guardian fully cooperate with the Court Examiner designated by the Appellate Division to examine the condition, care and finances of the incapacitated person; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that pursuant to Section 81.20 of Mental Hygiene Law, the Guardian of the Person and Property shall determine whether the Incapacitated Person has a Will, determine the location of any Will, and the appropriate persons to be notified in the event of the death of the Incapacitated Person, and in the event of the death of the Incapacitated Person, notify those persons; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that pursuant to Section 81.20 of the Mental Hygiene Law the Guardian of the Person and Property shall:

a) exercise only those powers that the Guardian is authorized to exercise by Order of the Court;

b) exercise the utmost care and diligence when acting on behalf of the Incapacitated Person;

c) exhibit the utmost degree of trust, loyalty and fidelity in relation to the Incapacitated Person;

d) afford the Incapacitated Person the greatest amount of independence and self determination with respect to property management and personal needs in light of that person's functional level; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that pursuant to Section 81.21 of the Mental Hygiene Law the Guardian shall have the following Property Management Powers:

a. to take possession and control of all of IP’S resources and income;

b. to arrange for the payment of the IP’s Social Security benefits, including any back payments that may

be owed;

c. to marshal IP’S assets and have authority over all the assets of IP;

d. to use the Guardianship funds to provide for the needs, maintenance, support, and well being of IP and to pay any debts incurred by IP;

e. to sign tax returns and file his tax returns and pay the taxes thereon, and to deal with all Federal, State,

and local taxing authorities on all claims, litigation, settlements, and other matters related thereto;

f. to retain an accountant only if necessary, subject to prior approval of the fees by the Court prior to

payment of same from guardianship funds;

g. at the termination of the appointment, to deliver his property to the persons legally entitled to it,

pursuant to Court Order;

h. to prepay funeral and burial plan consistent with the religious customs of the IP;

i. to establish a burial account and luxury account, if not already established;

and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that pursuant to Section 81.22 of the Mental Hygiene Law the Guardian shall have the following personal needs powers:

a. to make all residential and care arrangements for IP, with appropriate care;

b. to apply for Medicaid to pay the cost of his care if appropriate and necessary in the future;

c. to select caregivers for him;

d. to determine whether the Incapacitated Person has a Will, determine the location of any Will and to safeguard the Incapacitated Person's Will, if he has a Will, and in the event of the death of the Incapacitated Person, to determine the appropriate persons to be notified, and to notify those persons;

e. to maintain and support the Incapacitated person;

f. to have access to or release of the Incapacitated person's personal records;

g. to consent to or refuse generally accepted routine or major medical or dental treatment;

h. to do those things reasonable and necessary to manage his affairs, together with the usual powers incident thereto as provided by law;

and it is further

not to exceed three years; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that for the purpose of second section 9-i of the Banking Law, this order shall be deemed a declaration of incompetence and no banking institution or savings bank shall impose any penalty for the repayment of a time deposit prior to maturity; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that upon presentation of a certified copy of the Commission to be issued herein, all persons and/or firms, companies, organizations and institutions in which IP owns or has an interest in ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Guardian files with the recording office of the county wherein the Incapacitated Person is possessed of real property, an acknowledged statement to be recorded and indexed under the name of the Incapacitated Person, identifying the real property possessed by the Incapacitated Person, and the tax map number of the property, and stating the name, address and telephone number of the Guardian of the Property and the Guardian of the Property's surety; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Guardian may not alienate, mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of real property without the special direction of the Court obtained upon proceedings taken for that purpose as prescribed in Article 17 of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings law, provided however, that without instituting such proceedings, the Guardian may, without the authorization of the court, lease real property for a term not exceeding five years and may, without further authorization of the Court lease a primary residence for the incapacitated person for a term property, shall pay over and distribute to the Guardian all proceeds and property interests owned by IP together with the proceeds of any other accounts or property of IP, which it has in its hands; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Guardian herein named, pay to (NAME)____________________ the sum of $________, as and for his services, and the sum of $ as and for his disbursements herein as attorney for the petitioner, (NAME)__________________ ; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Guardian herein named pay to (NAME) ____________the sum of $__________, as and for her services, and the sum of $___________ as and for her disbursements herein, (NAME) __________________________ as Court Evaluator; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Guardian herein named pay to

(NAME) Dr. ________________ the sum of $_________, as and for his services as Medical Evaluator and Expert Witness for IP; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that pursuant to Section 81.39 of the Mental Hygiene Law, the Guardian shall complete a training program approved by the Chief Administrator of the Courts and obtain proof that the training was completed no later than ninety (90) days after the issuance of a commission to the Guardian; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that pursuant to 81.16 (C) (3), the persons entitled to notice of all further proceedings herein are: HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION—OFFICE OF REVENUE AND INVESTIGATION, (NAME)____________________, the Court Examiner, and any other interested party entitled to notice; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that pursuant to 81.16(e) of MHL, a copy of this Order and Judgment shall be personally served upon and read to the incapacitated person by the Court Evaluator; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that any appointee herein shall comply with Judiciary Law 35-a and no fee shall be paid to said appointees until such appointees have filed OCA Form 830 with this Court, and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that any safe deposit box owned by the incapacitated person shall be opened and marshaled by the Guardian of the property in the presence of a representative of the surety on the Guardian (unless the surety waives being present in writing) and the Guardian shall promptly file an inventory of the contents of the safe deposit box with the Court subscribed by all present; and it is further

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Guardian may without prior authorization of the Court maintain its name and official title in any Civil Judicial Proceedings within which the IP might maintain if he were competent.





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