Mobnets Testbed - WINLAB Home Page



Basic Infrastructure

The test bed consists of 6 routers, 4 generic user stations, one management station, and one Windows 2000 machine running the Ghost Server along with Cisco 2900 series switches capable of supporting VLAN’s. The following figure gives an overview of the test bed setup.

Figure 1 Mobnets Testbed


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The following naming convention and IP addressing have been configured

Management station

The management station is used to host various services such as DHCP, DNS, NTP, NIS, Printing as well as monitoring and logging. We have six different aliases for the management host to segregate the services that it hosts.

|Station |IP Address |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Routers (Purple boxes)

All routers shall have three interfaces for experiments with fixed IP addresses and one interface for management functionality with a dynamically assigned IP address that is leased by the DHCP server running on the management station. Two of the routers (motu and hurunui) are single processor machines while the rest of the routers have dual processor architecture

|Station |IP Address 0 |IP Address 1-3 |

| |via DHCP |Fixed IP addresses |

| |via DHCP |Fixed IP addresses |

| |via DHCP |Fixed IP addresses |

| |via DHCP |Fixed IP addresses |

| |via DHCP |Fixed IP addresses |

| |via DHCP |Fixed IP addresses |

Windows Box

The Windows machine will be used to run the ghost server that allows fast and safe system upgrading, backup and recovery.

|Station |IP Address |

| | |

User stations

All user stations have only one interface with a fixed IP address

|Station |IP Address |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Software and services on the management station (server)

2.1 DHCP

Purpose: This software runs a DHCP server that assigns IP addresses to clients on demand and also supports dynamic DNS updates

Configuration: Refer Appendix A for dhcpd.conf file that has the dynamic DNS update enabled and the IP address for DHCP configured along with fixed IP addresses for certain machines.

Address range: - -

Note: The gap in range is to help us differentiate between wireless and wired hosts on the networks

Version: version 3.0


2. Big Brother


Big Brother (BB) monitors System and Network-delivered services for availability. The current network status is displayed on a color-coded web page in near-real time.


Big Brother recommends the creation of a bbuser account for running the Big Brother monitoring tool. For the complete installation and configuration, refer Appendix G. In order to automatically start Big Brother software at boot up, the following lines needs to be added to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. (Refer Appendix C for the complete rc.local file)

# start the Big Brother monitoring tool

su -c "/home/bbuser/bb/" bbuser

Status information can be monitored by pointing the web browser to on the management station.

Version: 1.8d4


For installation:

3. Apache Web server


Apache server has been installed on the management station as the web server


Apache has been installed in /usr/local tree. There is no separate apache directory tree. The document root is /usr/local/htdocs. The http server is automatically started on boot by adding the following lines to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. (Refer Appendix B for the complete rc.local file).

#Start the Apache web server

/usr/local/bin/apachectl start

Version: 1.3.23


4. LM Sensors


LM_sensors version 2.6.2 has been installed on the management station to monitor the hardware status of Linux machines


Run (as root) prog/detect/sensors-detect to detect your hardware, put the lines it suggests into etc/modules.conf and enter the modprobe lines sensors-

detect suggests.

For configuration details refer to the instructions in Appendix B.

You can point to to get the status of hardware on the management station.

Version: 2.6.2


5. DNS Server

Purpose: The management station hosts a primary DNS server for the zone The DNS server is the standard BIND software packaged with Linux.


• The new zone can be created by using the Webmin.

• The user needs to start up a web browser on pa and point it to .

• Log on as root and then in the Servers->Bind DNS Server, select Add new Master Zone”

• After creating the domain, one needs to add the following in the “Zone options”

• Enable dynamic DNS updates. Since DHCP server runs on the same machine, we need to enable updates from instead of the default setting in which updates are disabled.

DNS Domain Name:

Version: 9.1.3

6. NTP

Purpose: All the testbed machines synchronize their time using the time server station as the reference. They use the management station alias This station runs the ntpd daemon which is preloaded along with the Linux OS.


The following line needs to be added to the /etc/ntp.conf file on (Refer Appendix D for the file /etc/ntp.conf)

server time.


(Note: change the first entry to point to Winlab’s source of time)

Note: NTP can also be configured by using the ‘dateconfig’ utility

Version: 4.1.0

7. Remote Logging

Purpose: The router boxes do not keep local logs. The logserver is configured to accept log messages from the other machines. In other words, all the routers send their log messages to the logserver (management station) for logging.


In order to enable remote logging at the logserver, the following needs to be done.

In the file /etc/sysconfig/syslog, add ‘-r’ to the line as shown below


Refer to Appendix E for the complete /etc/sysconfig/syslog file.

8. Mounting directories

Purpose: Every time the router machine boots up, /usr/local and /opt directories are mounted from (which is an alias for the management station)

Configuration: In order to configure as the mount server, we need to do the following using Webmin

• Log into Webmin as root. (This can be done by pointing the web browser to )

• Under Webmin->System->NFS Exports, add a new export “/usr/local” and “/opt”

2 NIS Server


Its purpose is to provide information that has to be known throughout the network to all machines on the network


NIS server is started automatically on bootup. It can be manually started by running the command ‘ypserv start’. The home directories of users are mounted on the routers via autofs. Both /etc/auto.master and /etc/auto.home are configured to support this.

Refer Appendix H for the auto.home, auto.master and nsswitch.conf file settings

NIS Domain name:

3 Print Server

Purpose: The management box (pa) also serves as the printserver for the network


The printserver can be configured using the printtool utility on Linux. The printtool creates the /etc/printcap file. The printer queue name is: hp-laserjet-8150 and the remote server is

4 User accounts on management station

Three user accounts have been created on the management station one for Big Brother user, one for installing new software and the third guest account for ftp/telnet transactions. The accounts are

• bbuser – recommended for Big Brother software installation on the server

• installer – created for additional software installations if needed

• guest – ftp/telnet transactions

More users can be added as needed.

Software and Services on the Routers (Clients)

3.1 DHCP


The routers run the client version of DHCP in order to get the IP address via the DHCP server running on the management station. This comes pre-installed with the operating system.


In order for the DHCP server to automatically update DNS, the DHCP clients must send the host name in DHCPREQUEST. This is done by adding the following line to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth? file (? Refers to the particular Ethernet interface number)


Note that the command hostname is enclosed in grave-accents and not single quote. Grave accent is the character that is on the tilde key.

The dhcpcd (client daemon) runs automatically at system start-up for the interfaces that are configured to use DHCP.

9. Big Brother client


Big Brother (BB) monitors System and Network-delivered services for availability. The current network status is displayed on a color-coded web page in near-real time.


Big Brother recommends the creation of a bbuser account. This local ‘bbuser’ account is created as /localusers/bbuser. For the complete installation and configuration, refer . In order to automatically start Big Brother software at boot up, the following lines needs to be added to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. (Refer Appendix C for the complete rc.local file)

# start the Big Brother monitoring tool

su -c "/home/bbuser/bb/" bbuser

Version: 1.8d4


For installation:

10. LM_sensors client


LM_sensors version 2.6.2 is used to monitor the hardware status of Linux machines


Run (as root) `prog/detect/sensors-detect' to detect your hardware, put the lines it suggests into etc/modules.conf and enter the modprobe lines sensors-detect suggests.

For configuration details refer to the instructions in Appendix B.

Version: 2.6.2


11. NTP client

Purpose: All the testbed machines synchronize their time using the time server station as the reference. They use the management station alias NTP client comes preloaded with the operating system. It can also be configured by using the ‘dateconfig’ utility

Configuration: The following line to be added to the /etc/ntp.conf file on the routers


Note: NTP can also be configured by using the ‘dateconfig’ utility. Refer Appendix F for the complete /etc/ntp.conf file.

Version: 4.1.0

12. Remote Logging


This feature is configured so that each client does not have a local log file of its own. Instead all the clients send their logs to the remote logserver (management station)


In order to enable remote logging at the client, you need to add the following to /etc/syslog.conf file

*.* @

13. NIS Client:


Its purpose is to provide information that has to be known throughout the network to all machines on the network


It is started automatically on bootup. It can be manually started using the command ‘/etc/init.d/ypbind start’. The following needs to be added to /etc/sysconfig/network file.


Refer Appendix H for the auto.home, auto.master and nsswitch.conf file settings.

14. Printing

Purpose: The management box (pa) also serves as the printserver for the network

Configuration: The routers have been configured to send print requests to the printserver using the printtool utility on Linux.

3.8 Remote serial console

Purpose: This feature has been configured on the routers to enable using a serial console for display.


The following steps were taken to configure the serial console feature

• In the /etc/lilo.conf file,

1. add the following line


2. remove the following line


3. add the following line to each image entry

append=”console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8”

• In the /etc/inittab file, add the following line

s0:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty –h –t 60 ttyS0 9600 vt100

• In the /etc/securetty, add the following line


• Delete the /etc/ file

• In the /etc/sysconfig/init file make the following changes



• In the /etc/sysconfig/kudzu file, make the following change


• Reboot the machine

3.9 User accounts on the routers

Local accounts are created in /localusers directory on the routers. Two user accounts have been created on the routers, one for using Big Brother and the other for ftp/telnet transactions.

• bbuser – recommended by Big Brother to run the software

• guest – ftp/telnet transactions

Tips and Troubleshooting

• NSLOOKUP Failure: In case of the failure of nslookup, remove *.jnl file from /var/named/

• In order to change the bootup mode from a serial console, boot into the default Linux mode and then type lilo –R and then reboot. This lets you boot into the desired image the next time you boot up. Remember this is only a one time command; it does not permanently enable the machine to boot up in the desired mode.

Appendix A

DHCPD.CONF on the management station for dynamic DNS updates and IP address range and fixed IP address allocation

option nis-domain "";

# this is the dhcp server

# the break in range is to help us differentiate between

# wireless and wired hosts on the networks

option subnet-mask;

option broadcast-address;

option routers;

option domain-name-servers,;

option domain-name "";

#option netbios-name-servers;

ddns-update-style interim;

subnet netmask {

option nis-servers;

option nis-domain "";

option domain-name-servers;

ddns-domainname "";

ddns-updates on;




host linksys {

hardware ethernet 00:20:78:CD:0E:DA;



host cube4 {

hardware ethernet 00:40:96:34:62:AF;



host hahau {

hardware ethernet 00:D0:09:C9:94:7B;



host rackswitch1 {

hardware ethernet 00:09:43:02:F3:40;



host rartonga {

hardware ethernet 00:D0:09:D8:40:25;



host taranaki {

hardware ethernet 00:D0:09:D4:46:3A;



host mautini {

hardware ethernet 00:D0:09:D8:43:7B;



host remuera {

hardware ethernet 00:D0:09:D5:B3:BF;



zone {



host printer_bw_513 {

ddns-updates on;

hardware ethernet 00:01:E6:61:39:98;



Appendix B




The instructions in this document will generally work if you have a standard system, but not always!!

Quickstart for i2c option 1 (modules) and lm_sensors option 1 (modules). This is the recommended EASIEST METHOD.Other methods are described in INSTALL.


* Make sure you have the kernel tree corresponding to your current kernel in /usr/src/linux. Distribution kernels

usually won't do, compile your own from a 'vanilla' tree

(get one from ).

* Verify that your i2c support in the kernel is configured

as modules or is disabled. If it is compiled-in, you

obviously cannot replace it with modules.

* Download, build, and install the latest i2c package.

This is necessary for lm_sensors 2.6.1 with ALL


Quickstart for i2c: make; make install; depmod -a

* Do `make'.

The warnings about .d files at the start are harmless.

If you have compile problems, you probably should not

have skipped step 3.Go back and install the latest i2c

package. If you still have compile problems, you

probably should not have skipped step 1.

* Do (as root) `make install'.

* Do (as root) `depmod -a'.

* Add the line /usr/local/lib to /etc/ if it is

not there yet.

* Do (as root) `ldconfig'.

* Run (as root) `prog/mkdev/' to create the

device files,unless you already have them or are

running devfs.

* Run (as root) `prog/detect/sensors-detect' to detect

your hardware, put the lines it suggests into

/etc/modules.conf and enter the modprobe lines sensors-

detect suggests.

Add the line `sensors -s' after the modprobe lines.

* Reboot, or else type in the modprobe lines and `sensors


* Run `sensors' to see your output.

Appendix C

/etc/rc.d/rc.local file



# This script will be executed *after* all the other init

# scripts.You can put your own initialization stuff in here # if you don't want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.

touch /var/lock/subsys/local

#Start the Apache web server

/usr/local/bin/apachectl start

# start the Big Brother monitoring tool

su -c "/home/bbuser/bb/" bbuser

Appendix D

/etc/ntp.conf at the server

#This file was generated by dateconfig

# Undisciplined Local Clock. This is a fake driver intended # for backup and when no outside source of synchronized time # is available. The default stratum is usually 3, but in

# this case we elect to use stratum 0. Since the server line # does not have the prefer keyword, this driver

# is never used for synchronization, unless no other other

# synchronization source is available. In case the local

# host is controlled by some external source, such as an

# external oscillator or another protocol, the prefer

# keyword would cause the local host to disregard all other # synchronization sources, unless the kernel modifications

# are in use and declare an unsynchronized condition.

server time.


fudge stratum 10

# Drift file. Put this in a directory which the daemon can

# write to.No symbolic links allowed, either, since the

# daemon updates the file by creating a temporary in the

# same directory and then rename()'ing

# it to the file.

driftfile /etc/ntp/drift

multicastclient # listen on default

broadcastdelay 0.008


# Authentication delay. If you use, or plan to use someday, # the authentication facility you should make the programs

# in the auth_stuff directory and figure out what this

# number should be on your machine.


authenticate no

# Keys file. If you want to diddle your server at run time,

# make a keys file (mode 600 for sure) and define the key

# number to be used for making requests.

# PLEASE DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT VALUES HERE. Pick your own, # or remote systems might be able to reset your clock at

# will. Note also that ntpd is started with a -A flag,

# disabling authentication, that will have to be removed as # well.

# keys /etc/ntp/keys

Appendix E

/etc/sysconfig/syslog at the server

# Options to syslogd

# -m 0 disables 'MARK' messages.

# -r enables logging from remote machines

# -x disables DNS lookups on messages recieved with -r

# See syslogd(8) for more details


# Options to klogd

# -2 prints all kernel oops messages twice; once for klogd to decode, and

# once for processing with 'ksymoops'

# -x disables all klogd processing of oops messages entirely

# See klogd(8) for more details


Appendix F

/etc/ntp.conf at the routers (clients)



fudge stratum 10

# Drift file. Put this in a directory which the daemon can

# write to. No symbolic links allowed, either, since the

# daemon updates the file by creating a temporary in the

# same directory and then rename()'ing it to the file.

driftfile /etc/ntp/drift

multicastclient # listen on default

broadcastdelay 0.008

# Authentication delay. If you use, or plan to use someday,

# the authentication facility you should make the programs

# in the auth_stuff directory and figure out what this

# number should be on your machine.

authenticate no

# Keys file. If you want to diddle your server at run time,

# make a keys file (mode 600 for sure) and define the key

# number to be used for making requests. PLEASE DO NOT USE

# THE DEFAULT VALUES HERE. Pick your own, or remote systems

# might be able to reset your clock at will. Note also that

# ntpd is started with a -A flag, disabling authentication,

# that will have to be removed as well.


#keys /etc/ntp/keys

Appendix G

Quick and Dirty Install for Big Brother at the server

1.1 Installing Big Brother

WARNING: For security reasons, it is best to install and run

BB as its own user and not as root (but use the

root account during the install process, at the end

you'll change ownership to the chosen BB user ID)


You've extracted the BB archive and this is the directory

structure that was created:

bbnewversion/ (i.e. bb18/) referred as $BBHOME

bbvar/acks/ referred as $BBACKS

/data/ referred as $BBDATA

/disabled/ referred as $BBDISABLE

/hist/ referred as $BBHIST

/histlogs/ referred as $BBHISTLOGS

/logs/ referred as $BBLOGS

1. cd bb (i.e.: cd bb18)

This is often referred to BBHOME or $BBHOME

cd ./install


where OS-NAME is bsdi sco3 sco freebsd solaris

hpux9 hpux linux sunos netbsd osf

ultrix irix unixware redhat aix

dynix debian dgux caldera mandrake

Note that is optional, BB will try to figure it out.

If you are running Linux you may have to provide the proper

distribution name:

./bbconfig readhat

./bbconfig debian

./bbconfig caldera

./bbconfig mandrake

./bbconfig linux

If you're not running one of the above, read the install/README./bbconfig will ask you questions about your setup be ready with:

BBHOME: directory where BB resides (usually the choice given by BB is correct)

Should the old-style structure be kept If you intend to use FQDN(Fully qualified domain names)

Which host(s) is(are) the BBDISPLAY(s)

Which host(s) is(are) the BBPAGER(s)

If the current host is a BBDISPLAY/BBPAGER

Default e-mail recipient for notification

URL you intend to view BB with

URL of the BB CGI scripts

The user id of your web server

2. cd ../src

type "make"

then type "make install"

If you have trouble compiling, refer to the README file located at src/README

For those who are upgrading then go to "upgrading BB" section

3. cd ../etc

edit bb-hosts, put your hosts names in there. Refer to install/README.

This is the core of Big Brother. You must read the docs here.

edit, set alarm levels and things. If you want to use fully qualified domain name hosts then make sure you set FQDN=TRUEin etc/ If this is the first host you install and intend to use it as the display/notification server as well as the server that tests the network services then your bb-hosts should contain this line: # BBDISPLAY BBPAGER BBNET

4. ./

Checks the source scripts for invalid entries


Checks the bb-hosts file for errors

5. cd ../..

ln -s bbdir bb where bbdir is the new version directory (e.g. ln -s bb13a bb)

This is useful as you don't have to change the directory in your startup script. (see section 11)

cd bb

chown -R bbuser . where bbuser is the user you defined in the install process. This makes sure that the bbuser can write/read into the BB directory structure as you will probably install it while in the root account.

cd ..

chown -R bbuser bbvar

6. ln -s /full_path_to_bb/www /WWW/bb (where /WWW is the Document Root dir).

Make sure the permissions are correct. Configure your web server for this directory if need be.

Also make sure that your web server follows symbolic links

7. cd bbdir where bbdir is the new version directory (e.g. bb13a) or

cd bb if you've followed section 5

./ start

examine the BBOUT file for any errors. By default the BBOUT log file is located in $BBHOME. The location of BBOUT is defined by the value of the BBOUT variable in

NB The HTML summary pages (bb.html/bb2.html) should be available 2 minutes after the startup. Don't panic the'll be there if you are patient. In your browser, you should be able to see the results at or (assuming you used /bb as BB URL root)

8. Debug, and look at all the docs.

9. Check the online documentation! It lives under:

10. This will have enabled you to have a display/pager server set up. At this point no clients are running. When you have all of your hosts defined in etc/bb-hosts then use install/bbclient to create a tarball for BB clients of the same OS/HW type. If you have different OS/HW platforms then reinstall BB on each one (then use the bbclient to create a tarball for each identical OS/HW client) and don't forget to copy your master bb-hosts file to it. Run through the install procedure to make sure that the clients are also installed properly(

11. If you wish to start BB automatically at startup, we suggest the following command in your startup script:

su - -c "cd ;./ start"

is the user you chose at install

is the directory in which you installed BB

or where you've created the bb directory link as per section 5. (e.g. bb18/)

Appendix H

auto.home, auto.master and nsswitch.conf files for NIS setup


# This is an automounter map and it has the following format

# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location

# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage

* fs1:/export/home/&


# $Id: auto.master,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:03 hpa Exp $

# Sample auto.master file

# Format of this file:

# mountpoint map options

# For details of the format look at autofs(8).

# /misc /etc/auto.misc --timeout=60

/home /etc/auto.home --timeout=300



# /etc/nsswitch.conf


# An example Name Service Switch config file. This file

# should be sorted with the most-used services at the

# beginning.


# The entry '[NOTFOUND=return]' means that the search for an

# entry should stop if the search in the previous entry

# turned

# up nothing. Note that if the search failed due to some

# other reason

# (like no NIS server responding) then the search continues

# with the next entry.


# Legal entries are:


# nisplus or nis+ Use NIS+ (NIS version 3)

# nis or yp Use NIS (NIS version 2), also called YP

# dns Use DNS (Domain Name Service)

# files Use the local files

# db Use the local database (.db) files

# compat Use NIS on compat mode

# hesiod Use Hesiod for user lookups

# [NOTFOUND=return] Stop searching if not found so far


# To use db, put the "db" in front of "files" for entries

# you want to

# be looked up first in the databases


# Example:

#passwd: db files nisplus nis

#shadow: db files nisplus nis

#group: db files nisplus nis

passwd: files nis

shadow: files nis

group: files nis

#hosts: db files nisplus nis dns

#hosts: files nisplus nis dns

hosts: files dns

# Example - obey only what nisplus tells us...

#services: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

#networks: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

#protocols: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

#rpc: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

#ethers: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

#netmasks: nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

bootparams: files

ethers: files

netmasks: files

networks: files

protocols: files

rpc: files

services: files

netgroup: nis

#publickey: nisplus

automount: files nis

aliases: files nis


Management station

(hosts services such


Log, Printing, time)

Ghost Server (Windows 2000)

Routers with 4 Ethernet interfaces

(One on the management LAN)

VLAN switches

User stations


Gigabit switch

File server

To outside



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