JAMES S - browardschools

The School Board of

Broward County, Florida


Dr. Rosalind Osgood

Vice Chairperson

Abby M. Freeman

Robin Bartleman

Heather Brinkworth

Patricia Good

Laurie Rich Levinson

Ann Murray

Nora Rupert

Robert W. Runcie

Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Valerie Wanza

Chief, School Performance & Accountability Officer

Christine Flynn Semisch

Director, School Performance & Accountability


6000 NE 9th Avenue

Oakland Park, Florida 33334

(754) 322-4400

Administrative Staff

Mr. Washington Collado, Principal

Mrs. Denise dePasquale, Assistant Principal, Grade 6

Mrs. Andria Doughty, Assistant Principal, Grade 8

Dr. Kwan Drake, Assistant Principal, Grade 7

Guidance Staff

Ms. Khalelah Patterson, Guidance Director, Grade 6th, 7th A - L

Mrs. Tirza Cruz-Clarke, Guidance Counselor, Grade 8th, 7th – M - Z

Ms. Cynthia Levine, ESE Specialist

ESE Support Facilitators

Ms. Maria Torres

Mr. Jose Santiago

Ms. Diane McDowell

Karen Hoehman - Speech Language Pathologist


Welcome to REMARKABLE Rickards Middle School!

Our school is very much an organization that is for and by the people who work in it. Your commitment to the school will be critical to achieving our mission of meeting the educational needs of all students in a safe learning environment. The achievement of the goals and objectives of the School’s Improvement Plan rely heavily on the contributions of each individual school employee for success.

This Handbook has been prepared to provide at your fingertips, everything needed to have a successful and satisfying career. This book includes an overview of the personnel policies, rules, guidelines, and procedures of Rickards Middle School and is provided to you for reference purposes only. In it you will find important information about the programs that will impact you as an employee. The policies, rules, guidelines, and procedures in this handbook are subject to modification, in whole or in part. In addition, many employee groups have specific contracts that govern their employment.

Much of our success can be attributed to the dedication and integrity of the employees who are part of this organization. It is my belief that you will rapidly feel the PRIDE of being a part of Remarkable Rickards Middle.

I am confident that with all of us working together, the accomplishments to date will serve as the springboard to the success of the future.


Every child will make learning gains every year.



Highly qualified educators, preparing successful global learners


Section I. Professional Standards 8

Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida 9

Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida 9

Standards of Acceptable Conduct for Staff Members 11

How to Use Common Sense and Professional Judgment 12

Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………….……….13

Section II. School Policies and Procedures 14

Absences 15

Accident Reports 17

Advertising Materials ……………………………………………………………………………….17

Advisory Council 17

After School Sports/Activity Policy ………………………………………………………………..17

Announcements 18

Appearance 18

Assembly Procedures ……………………………………………………………………………….18

Athletics and Intramurals 19

Attendance Procedures 19

Bookkeeping Procedures ……………………………………………………………………………20

Bomb Threat Procedures/Fire Evacuation 23

Bulletin Boards 23

Bus Duty 23

CAB ………………………………………………………………………………………………...24

Cafeteria 24

Calendars ……………………………………………………………………………………………24

Certification 24

Checklist for use of the KIVA …………………………………………………………...………....25

Child Abuse 25

Child Study Team (RtI) 26

Class Coverage Procedures 27

Clinic Procedures …………………………………………………………………………………...27

Clubs & Activities 28

Communications 28

Conference Records 29

Copying & Copyright Law …………………………………………………………………………29

Covering Classes ……………………………………………………………………………………30

Custodial Requests 30

Customer Service 30

Daily Progress Report ……………………………………………………………………………….31

Discipline 31

Dismissals (Early) 33

Drug-Free Workplace 33

Duty Assignments 34

Electronic Mail 34

Emergency Dismissal ……………………………………………………………………………….34

Emergency Procedures 35

Enrollment 36

Equipment Loans 37


Evaluations 37

Excusing Students from Class 37

Extracurricular Bus Transportation …………………………………………………………………37

Facility Services …………………………………………………………………………………….38

Faculty/Staff Meetings ………………………………………………………………………….…..38

Field Trips 38

Food and Beverages in the classroom……………………………………………………………….41

Fund Raising 42

Grading 42

Guest Speakers……………………………………………………………………………………...44

Guidance Department……………………………………………………………………………….44

Hall Passes ………………………………………………………………………………………….44

Hall Supervision…………………………………………………………………………………….44

Health Services…………………….…………………………………………………………...……44

Homework 45

Identification Badges 46

Interim Reports 46

Items that DO NOT belong at School ………………………………………………………………46

Internal Suspension …………………………………………………………………………………46

Job Descriptions 47

Keys 47

Late Arrivals 47

Leaving School Grounds 47

Leaving Classes Unattended ………………………………………………………………………..47

Lesson Plans Books 47

Lunch Procedures 48

Mailboxes 49

Master Calendar 49

Media Center 49

Ninety-Seven Day Rule ……………………………………………………………………………..50

Parent Conference Guidelines 50

Parking 51

Parties 51

Passes 51

Paychecks 51

Peer Counseling and Peer Tutoring 51

Performance 52

Personal Mail and Phone Calls 53

Planning Area 53

Planning Period 53

Policies 53

Pre-School Duty (morning supervision) ……………………………………………………………54

Professional Code of Ethics 54

Promotion Criteria 54

Property Damage 54

Rainy Days 55

Referrals 55

Schedule Changes 55

School Spirit 55

Security ……………………………………………………………………………………………...55

Self-Reporting Rule 56

Smoking 56

Speech and Language Program 56

Staff Development 57

Student Accidents 57

Student Athletic Eligibility Procedures …………………………………………………………….58

Student Behaviors 58

Student Dismissal …………………………………………………………………………………...58

Student Drug Involvement 58

Student Services …………………………………………………………………………………….59

Student Supervision …………………………………………………………………………………59

Student’s Valuables 60

Suicide Prevention 60

Supplies ……………………………………………………………………………………………..61

Supervision ………………………………………………………………………………………….61

Teacher Accidents 62

Teacher Schedule 62

Technology Equipment ……………………………………………………………………………..62

Telephone Calls 62

Temporary Duty Assignment (TDA) 62

Textbook Procedures 63

Tornado Drill Procedure 64

Transportation 65

Truancy 65

Tutoring 65

Use of School Board Property 65

Visitations 65

Voicemail ……………………………………………………………………………………………65

Volunteers 66

Weapons on School Board Property 66

Withdrawals and Transfers 66

Worker's Compensation 66

Written Communication Guidelines 67

Xeroxing 67








Please read and understand your role as a teacher/professional.



1. The educator values the worth and dignity of every person, the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, acquisition of knowledge, and the nurture of democratic citizenship. Essential to the achievement of these standards are the freedom to learn and to teach and the guarantee of equal opportunity for all.

2. The educator’s primary professional concern will always be for the student and for the development of the student’s potential. The educator will therefore strive for professional growth and will seek to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity.

3. Aware of the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of one’s colleagues, of students, of parents, and of other members of the community, the educator strives to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct.



The following disciplinary rule shall constitute the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida and shall apply to any individual holding a valid Florida teacher’s certificate.

Violation of any of these principles shall subject the individual to revocation or suspension of the individual teacher’s certificate, or the other penalties as provided by law.

Obligation to the student requires that the individual:

Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health or safety.

Shall not unreasonably restrain a student from independent action in pursuit of learning.

Shall not unreasonably deny a student access to diverse points of view.

Shall not intentionally suppress or distort subject matter relevant to a student’s academic


Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement.

Shall not intentionally violate or deny a student’s legal rights.

Shall not on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, marital status, handicapping condition if otherwise qualified, or social and family background exclude a student from participation in a program; deny a student benefits; or grant a student advantages.

Shall not exploit a professional relationship with a student for personal gain or advantage.

Shall keep in confidence personally identifiable information obtained in the course of professional services, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.

Obligation to the public requires that the individual:

Shall take reasonable precautions to distinguish between personal views and those of any educational institution or organization with which the individual is affiliated.

Shall not intentionally distort or misrepresent facts concerning an educational matter in direct or indirect public expression.

Shall not use institutional privileges for personal gain or advantage.

Shall accept no gratuity, gift, or favor that might influence professional judgment.

Shall offer no gratuity, gift, or favor to obtain special advantages.

Obligation to the profession of education requires that the individual:

Shall maintain honesty in all professional dealings.

Shall not on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, marital status, handicapping condition if otherwise qualified, or social and family background deny to a colleague professional benefits or advantages or participation in any professional organization.

Shall not interfere with a colleague’s exercise of political or civil rights and responsibilities.

Shall not intentionally make false or malicious statements about a colleague.

Shall not use coercive means or promise special treatment to influence professional

judgements of colleagues.

Shall not misrepresent one’s own professional qualifications.

Shall not submit fraudulent information on any document in connection with professional activities.

Shall not make any fraudulent statement or fail to disclose a material fact in one’s own or another’s application for a professional position.

Shall not knowingly withhold information regarding a position from an applicant or misrepresent an assignment or conditions of employment.

Shall provide upon the request of the certificated individual a written statement of specific reason for recommendations that lead to the denial of increments, significant changes in employment, or termination of employment.

Shall not assist entry into or continuance in the profession of any person known to be unqualified in accordance with these Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida and other applicable Florida Statutes and State Board of Education Rules.

Shall self-report within 48 hours to appropriate authorities (as determined by district) any arrests/charges involving the abuse of a child or the sale and/or possession of a controlled substance. Such notice shall not be considered as admission of guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceedings, civil or criminal, administrative or judicial, investigatory or adjudicatory. In addition, shall self-report any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion program, or entering of a plea of guilty or Nolo Contendere for any criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation within 48 hours after the final judgment. When handling sealed and expunged records disclosed under this rule, school districts shall comply with the confidentiality provisions of Section 943.0585(4)(c) and 943.059(4)(c) Florida Statutes.

Shall seek no reprisal against any individual who has reported a violation of Florida School Code or State Board of Education Rules as defined in Section 231.28(1), Florida Statutes.

Shall comply with the conditions of an order of the Educational Practices Commission imposing probation, imposing a fine, or restricting the authorized scope of practice.

Shall, as the supervising administrator, cooperate with the Education Practices Commission in monitoring the probation of a subordinate.


All staff members are expected to conduct themselves as professionals to ensure the efficient, orderly operation of the school and to provide a safe learning environment for students. Listed below are some examples of standards of acceptable conduct for all staff members:

1. Report to work on time and refrain from leaving before the established time.

2. Perform all assigned duties.

3. Attend all staff and/or faculty meetings.

4. Follow administrative directives.

5. Refrain from engaging in sexual harassment of students and/or staff.

6. Refrain from any sexual conduct with students.

7. Refrain from using abusive, insulting, and/or profane language toward students.

8. Refrain from coming to work under the influence of alcohol/drugs or being in possession of a controlled substance.

9. Refrain from leaving students unsupervised.

10. Refrain from excessive use of the school telephone for personal calls.

11. Refrain from removing any school-owned equipment or supplies without written authorization of the principal.

12. Refrain from sleeping during duty time or in class while supervising children.

13, Refrain from using corporal punishment as defined by state statutes and board of education policy.

14. Refrain from using racial slurs toward student(s).

15. Maintain professional-working relationships with other staff members at all times.

16. Refrain from arguing or fighting with another staff member in the presence of students.

17. Refrain from distributing any flyers or other materials that are profane or vulgar or have racial or gender slurs.

18. Refrain from conducting personal or other business during the workday.

19. Refrain from using influence over students or your position for profit.

20. Refrain from bringing guns or weapons to school.

If staff members fail to abide by these standards of acceptable conduct, including but not limited to the examples provided above, they will be subject to disciplinary action.



Interaction with Students:

1. Maintain a professional barrier between you and students. You are the adult, the teacher, and the professional; act like the expert, not like another one of the "kids."

2. Keep the classroom door open when talking with one or two students.

3. Refer students to the appropriate resource person for counseling and/or discussions about personal


4. Dress appropriately/professional for work and all school sponsored activities.

5. Do NOT flirt with students.

6. Do NOT discuss your personal life or personal matters with students. Do NOT discuss your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, or dates with students.

7. When transporting students, coordinate transportation ahead of time, and use school or mass transportation if possible. If necessary, call a taxi for the student.

8. NEVER leave students unsupervised; have an alternate plan of action.

9. Keep your hands and other parts of your body to yourself.

10. Know your school policies and district and state laws governing corporal punishment. Establish and follow a consistent behavior plan. Treat each student with respect. Know the students' rights. If you have a problem with a student call the parents immediately.

11. Chaperone only school-sponsored functions. Do NOT socialize with students. If you chaperone a field trip, put in writing what your responsibilities will be. Do NOT drink alcoholic beverages in front of students. Do NOT take children home with you.

12. Do NOT make telephone calls, e-mail, or write notes of a personal nature to students.

13. Do not harass students; respect their differences. What you intend as humor may, in fact, be

cultural bias or harassment.

14. Do NOT cover windows or doors in you classroom.

Record Keeping and Accounting Procedures:

1. Know the laws, school board policies, and school rules and follow them. Know your rights.

2. Know your school policies and district and state laws regarding collecting money, purchasing materials and equipment, and follow them. Work in pairs when collecting large amounts of money.

3. Establish a policy regarding your grading system consistent with school and district policies, where applicable. Give a written explanation of it to students and parents at the beginning of the year or when they begin your class or unit of instruction.

4. Establish a policy regarding your behavioral management system. Give a written explanation of it to students and parents at the beginning of the year or when they begin your class unit of instruction.

Reputation in the Community:

1. Keep your co-workers and supervisors informed; work and communicate as a team; plan and teach together.

2. Communicate with parents and document your communication.

3. Dress and act appropriately and professionally. You are a role model in the community as well as in the school; be a good example for students.

4. Use common sense and good judgment. Ask yourself how someone else could perceive your comments or actions. Ask yourself if your comments could be taken out of context and/or misinterpreted.

5. Avoid putting yourself in a position where you have to defend, explain, or justify your behavior or actions. Avoid putting yourself in a position where it's your word against another person's word.

6. Maintain a professional reputation in the community. When you "party," be discreet.








1. All personnel are to personally report their absences to Mrs. Kathy Breitenkam as follows:

The day of the absence: Contact Mrs. Breitenkam after 7:00 am at work at (754) 322-4420.

* For payroll purposes, all calls to Mrs. Breitenkam relating to absences must state the type of absence (sick/ TDA/personal/etc.) and the length of the absence.


1. Enter your absence online via Smartfind Express and obtain a job number. () Be sure to click on the CREATE ABSENCE button.

2. State the type of absence (sickness, TDA or personal).

3. If you have any problems call Mrs. Winebrenner at work at (754) 322-4420 after 7:00 am.

4. For multiple day absences, call Mrs. Winebrenner each day of absence before 2:00 pm so a

substitute can be retained or released.

5. Prepare attendance rosters and adequate lesson plans and instructions for substitutes.

Preparing for Substitutes:

Substitutes are to check in with Mrs. Winebrenner at 8:45 am. As the substitutes leave for the day, they are to see Mrs. Winebrenner.

The substitute can do no better than the plan that is provided by the regular teacher. Seating charts, class rolls, and lesson plans must be available at all times to guarantee instructional momentum.

Please direct all concerns related to substitutes to the Grade Level Administrator.

In preparing plans for a substitute, consider the following:

1. In stating assignments, give titles and authors of texts and laboratory manuals, as well as the numbers of pages, problems and experiments. Also, be sure to leave copies of texts, answer books, and laboratory manuals for the substitute. Don’t just say, “The kids know where everything is.” This should all be on a Guide Sheet for Substitute Teachers.

2. Meaningful assignments should be in the Plan Book. Busy work often results in a wasted period for the students and substitute.

3. An up-to-date class record book that gives the full name and grade of each student is essential.

4. A seating chart for each class is mandatory.

5. Do not leave A.V. Equipment/Materials for your lesson plans! Substitutes may have problems operating A.V. Equipment.

6. Do not leave tests to be given by the substitute teacher.

1. Instilling good work habits and a code of conduct is the best preparation for substitutes. Many substitutes have a long record of successful teaching and will conscientiously carry on class work. Well-prepared teachers will find that the classroom runs smoothly in their absence.

a. There is no such thing as “Free Time” during instructional time. Therefore,

substitutes are to teach.


1. For sudden sick absences, contact Mrs. Breitenkam the day of the absence after 7:00 am at

work at (754) 322-4420.

2. Provide 24 hours notice for all personal reasons leave and scheduled doctor

appointments in writing (or email) as per Article 19-4/C-1 of the FOPE contract.

• Paraprofessionals are required to procure a substitute from the Substitute List, report

their absences to Sub Central and obtain a job number.


1. Contact Mrs. Breitenkam after 7:00 am at work at (754) 322-4420 the morning prior to the absence or the morning of the absence, no later than 10:00 a.m. for night staff.

2. Contact Mr. Wright regarding your absence the day prior to the absence or as soon as possible the day of the absence, so that a substitute can be procured.

3. Provide 24 hours notice for all personal reasons leave and scheduled doctor

appointments in writing (email can be used) as per Article 14-8/F-1 of the FOPE contract.


SICK LEAVE (Reference Policy #4400 & #4305)

Sick leave is available for each regular employee who cannot work due to personal “illness”. Absences are NOT permitted when there is no accumulated Sick Leave (PLV). Also, refer to Article 23 with regards to an absence before or after a holiday and absences for doctor appointments.

“Illness” with respect to provisions for sick leave is defined:

1. Illness of the employee.

2. Illness of a member of the employee’s household.

3. Illness or death of the employee’s father, mother, brother, sister, wife, husband, child or other close relative requiring the employee to be absent from duty on a workday.

Each permanent full-time employee shall be entitled to four (4) days of sick leave as of the first day of employment of each current year and thereafter is credited with one (1) additional day of sick leave at then end of each month of employment not to exceed the number of months of employment for that fiscal year. Leave granted for extended illness require semi-annual medical statements (July and January) verifying the illness or situation of the individual involved.


Employees shall be granted leave for legal commitments and shall receive their regular salary while serving as jurors or witnesses under subpoena for school/work related business. The employee may retain all monies received. The employee is required to bring official documentation for Official School Records. Employees must use “Personal Time” for subpoenas not related to SBBC issues.

PERSONAL REASONS LEAVE (Reference Policy #4403 & #4409)

A permanent employee of the Board shall be entitled to six (6) days in each fiscal year for personal reasons. Personal reasons leave may not be taken immediately preceding or following a holiday, or the first and last week of school. Such leave must be requested in writing in advance of the day the employee wishes to take off. You may call the Office Manager, Mrs. Breitenkam at (754) 322-4420 at the time the emergency occurs.


The Board may grant personal leave to any employee without pay for justifiable reasons for such period and subject to conditions as it determines. Any instructional employee of the Board who has been employed for three (3) or more years may request a Personal Leave for a period not to exceed one (1) year.


When procuring a substitute for a TDA, you are responsible to check the morning of the TDA to verify that a substitute has accepted your assignment. If the absence has not been assigned, you are to report to work.


If a student is injured, immediately contact the administration. The teacher in charge of the area where the accident occurred must be reported immediately on the designated form. Forms are completed in triplicate: one for the Broward County Safety Department, one for the office files, and one for insurance purposes. Forms are available from Main Administrative Office.

Even though a student does not see a physician or is sent to the hospital, an accident report must be completed. The entire form should be completed. The injury and how it occurred should be fully explained.


School Board Policy #6300 states, “Schools may not be used as agencies for the distribution of advertising materials which are not associated with curriculum related programs. Materials from outside sources should not be distributed to home through students without the approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee.” This includes materials of a political nature.


The Advisory Council at Rickards Middle School is an active organization that includes membership from a variety of sources within the communities. The Advisory Council meets on the third Thursday of each month. All staff is welcome to attend.


The following policy will apply to all students that attend after school sports programs, whether as spectators or as participants. This will apply to all sports/activities throughout the year.

1. No phone calls home are permitted on the day of an event. Students are

responsible for notifying their parents and asking for permission to stay prior to the event.

2. All spectators must be picked up immediately after a scheduled event at the front of the school.

3. Team members must be picked up in front of the school after events at an appropriate time designated by the coach, and immediately picked up after practices. To avoid unsupervised students, the coach must remain with the team members until picked up. Students may not be left unsupervised.

4. Students are to remain in the gym during basketball games. They will be allowed to leave for restroom breaks during half time and between boys and girls games.

5. Coaches/Club Sponsors are not permitted to transport students in their vehicle without completing the Single Field Trip Authorization Form in advance.



a. If not picked up within one-half hour of the end of an event, that student will not be allowed to attend the next event.

b. If serious misconduct occurs, that student would be banned from future events that same school year, plus any additional appropriate consequences deemed necessary, as per School Board Policy.

Team Members:

a. If not picked up at the time designated by the coach, the situation will be handled by the coach per the Athletic Contract, including possible dismissal from the team.

b. If serious misconduct occurs, the student would suffer consequences as per School Board Policy, plus possible dismissal from the team.


Morning announcement is a good way of conveying important information to all of our students and staff. Only administration can authorize announcements to be broadcast on the P.A. system. Announcements must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. to Mrs. dePasquale in order to be read the following morning.

Announcement Guidelines:

1. Regular: There will be a daily announcement routine that will include the Pledge to Our Flag and the daily announcements. Any teacher with an announcement should submit the proper form to Mrs. dePasquale for approval as indicated above.

2. Administrator: Administrative announcements will be made only when absolutely necessary.

3. Late Buses: When a bus arrives late, a school wide announcement will be made giving the route number of the bus arriving and the time of arrival.

4. The first and last hour teachers are to record bus numbers of their students riding the bus in their grade book.


Your appearance says a lot about your readiness to work and get the job done. Our district has a strong emphasis on dress codes for students. Dress should be in accordance with standards established by School Board Policies. Please make a sincere effort in using your discretion to be properly attired for the execution of your duties. We are professionals; therefore, we should present ourselves as such.


Classroom Procedures Prior to Assembly

1. Take attendance.

2. Remind students of proper behavior for cafeteria, auditorium and hallways:

✓ Students should be quiet and walk single file.

✓ Students should sit together and remain seated.

✓ Students should pay attention to teacher for ”signals” as to conduct.

✓ Students will be allowed to use the bathroom for emergencies only.

✓ Students should be familiar with routes to cafeteria and auditorium.

✓ Books are to be left in the classroom. Valuables, such as purses, should be taken with the student.


Announcements for all assemblies will be made over the public address system when it is time to begin departure to the auditorium. If the announcement does not reach your room, please depart in time to be seated five (5) minutes before the program is scheduled to begin.

Procedures To and From the Assemblies

1. Students are to walk quietly and orderly to the assembly.

2. Teachers are to escort their students to the assembly and remain with them.

3. Dismissal will be from the stage with an administrator calling out the teacher’s name and exit door.

4. When traveling back to class, students are to walk quietly and orderly.

Procedures During the Assemblies

1. Classes should arrive on time and be seated before the program is scheduled to begin.

2. There should be no talking during program.

3. Teachers are to remain with their class. If coverage is needed, approval must be obtained before assembly begins.

4. Students causing a disturbance will receive a referral to their administrator and will be removed to a “time-out” facility. Parents will also be notified.

5. Students are to sit with their classes.


All students who wish to participate in athletics must have returned to the school a notarized Parent Permission Insurance Information form. Coaches are responsible for the distribution and collection of the forms.

Coaches are responsible for issuing weekly progress sheets to all students. These sheets are to be presented by the students to each teacher. After checking to see that students remain eligible, coaches are to file the sheets. Students who are identified as having academic and/or behavior problems are to be brought to the attention of the Athletic/Intramural Director.


Teachers are responsible for ACCURATELY recording and reporting student absences. Accurate school attendance records are particularly important when transfers, requests for transcripts, and court cases occur.

In order to comply with state Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) regulations, and establish consistency, teachers are asked to record attendance each period in Pinnacle with the following minimum requirements.

1. First period teachers are to send notes from parents/guardians excusing an absence to the

attendance secretary. (Ms. Jillian Hernandez)

2. If a student knows of an upcoming absence, the student must receive a permitted absence form from the front office. The parent/guardian MUST call the attendance line to excuse a student.

3. The attendance secretary will review all messages left on the answering machine. Parents will be told that absences must be called into the machine, which operates 24 hours a day.

4. If the parent/guardian does not call within 48 hours of the absence, the absence WILL NOT be excused, per Broward County Code of Conduct.

5. Tardies: If a student arrives to school after 9:15 a.m. they will report to class with a pass from the receptionist indicating if their tardy is excused or unexcused.

Field Trip Absences

Administrative approval must be obtained before making any reservations, announcing to students, or collecting any monies. See the bookkeeper for the field trip packet BEFORE planning any field trips. The list of students attending the field trip will be given to his/her teachers the day before the field trip. The field trip coordinator will provide this list. Students are not considered absent.

• The field trip packet must be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the trip.

• A list of students attending the field trip will be placed in the CAB Conference 1 day prior to the field trip.

• Students must report to their first period teacher for attendance if the departure time is after 9:30 a.m.

• Report all students who were scheduled to participate on the field trip, but did not show up at school to the attendance clerk.


Refer to the Code of Student Conduct


1. Teachers should insist that all students report to class on time. If a student is not in class when the tardy bell rings, they are to be marked tardy. Tardies to class are to be recorded and every tardy student should receive a consequence from their teacher.

2. Four (4) unexcused tardies in a marking period are equal to one (1) unexcused absence for grading purposes.

3. If a student reports to your class late, mark the student unexcused tardy and assign a consequence. DO NOT SEND THE STUDENT BACK OUT FOR A LATE PASS.

4. Late bus students and/or breakfast students will present a pass issued by an adult. These students should be admitted to class as an excused tardy.


|First Unexcused |Notify attendance office with date |Notify parent and counselor. |

|Fourth Unexcused |Notify attendance office and Assistant Principal with |Refer to Social Worker and Guidance Counselor. |

| |dates. | |


See Code of Student Conduct for rules regarding absences and policy for make up work.


1. Documentation of ALL school activities involving monies are presented to the principal on a daily basis for his/her final approval to either incur the expense, authorize payment, sign the check and/or approve the fundraising.

2. All purchases for school use are not tax exempt. The school does not pay tax on instructional items and items directly related to curriculum (that remain with the school). Fundraisers, refreshments, dinners, dances, hats and T-shirts, which are given to the students, are examples of taxable items.

3. All requests for consumable supplies must be made through your department chairperson.

4. Department chairpersons through the assistant principal should make all requests for audio-visual materials.

5. All monies collected on our school campus and in our school’s name, must be listed in our schoolbooks. THIS INCLUDES FIELD TRIPS. All monies must be delivered to the bookkeeper daily. All funds collected on Friday must be delivered to the bookkeeper by the end of the day. No monies should be left in the classrooms.

6. Monies collected from students cannot be used for anything other than the students’ benefit. Check with the bookkeeper and the principal.

7. All club purchases must be pre-approved and properly documented on a SCHOOL ACTIVITY PURCHASE ORDER (obtained from the bookkeeper), signed by the activity sponsor or department chairperson and turned in to the bookkeeper. Any purchase not authorized on a SCHOOL ACTIVITY PURCHASE ORDER, may become the financial responsibility of the purchaser.

8. A SCHOOL ACTIVITY PURCHASE ORDER cannot cover an order unless a P.O. (purchase order) number is obtained from the bookkeeper before calling in the order. Give this P.O. number to the vendor and tell him that this is a confirmation order. After you have called in the order, you must then immediately fill out the purchase order and either take it with you when you pick up the order or mail it to the vendor marked CONFIRMATION in large letters across the front of the envelope. Remember to have the P.O. signed.

9. Collection of monies from students for paperback books must be recorded on the proper form obtained from the bookkeeper’s office and all monies collected must be turned in to that office. From time to time, there are orders that are incomplete or are incorrect: therefore, payment is not made to the vendor until after receipt of the goods. Any discrepancies on orders should be reported to the bookkeeper immediately. This is sole responsibility of the teacher. When complete, a check requisition for payment should be immediately filled out and signed by the teacher and the department chairperson.

10. All requests by faculty or staff members for personal reimbursement or authorization for payment of invoice of expense incurred by a club or activity sponsor must be properly filled out on a reimbursement request signed and turned in to the bookkeeper for payment.

11. The principal must approve all money-making activities. Plans of the activity and the collection procedures must be discussed in advance with the bookkeeper.

12. All monies to be deposited with the bookkeeper should be counted between the depositor and bookkeeper. If this is not convenient, report back at a later time for accounting the deposit. This may be done only if left in an envelope marked with the amount enclosed. If there is a difference of opinion regarding funds receipted, it is the depositor's sole responsibility to account for the discrepancy.

13. Anyone responsible for the sale of tickets for admissions must remember that these tickets are to be recorded in the bookkeeper's office before the sale. A ticket for each unit of admission must be torn off the roll. Programs, refreshments, etc. are to be accounted for separately. Policy regarding all aspects of an activity with these types of money making must be clearly outlined in advance.

SCHOOL MONIES - Financial Responsibility

1. Absolutely no money is to be left at any time in any class or office desk,

whether locked or unlocked.

2. Collected money is the responsibility of the teacher in charge, until it is

deposited with the school bookkeeper (Mrs.Winebrenner)and a receipt is obtained.

3. Money MUST be turned in by the teacher/staff member daily.

4. No monies are to be collected by any teacher unless the collection and

disbursement of this money has been previously discussed, planned, and

approved by your grade level administrator or the principal.



TEACHER/SPONSOR: ____________________________________ GRADE: _________

I WILL BE COLLECTING FOR: _________________________________________________


ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: _________________________________


THE ACTIVITY DATE IS: ____________________________








In the event a bomb threat is received, the following procedures should be implemented:

1. The Principal’s office will immediately notify the police, fire department, the Area Superintendent, and SIU.

2. Have an evacuation and clear the school.

3. MAINTAIN COMPLETE RADIO SILENCE. Radio and phone signals could trigger a device.

4. Teachers are to call roll once they have moved to a safe distance from the school.

5. Designated members of staff will visually scan the school facility. Strange objects or information of interest should be reported immediately to the principal or his/her designee. The police will assist staff.

6. Students will be returned to their classrooms as soon as possible.

Log bomb threats with as much information as possible, i.e. date, time, male or female voice, possible age of caller, exact working, and any other pertinent information.


Teachers and students should plan interesting displays on their bulletin boards. These displays should reflect the activities that are being carried on in the classroom. Displays should be changed as frequently as possible. Club Sponsors and Coaches are responsible for maintaining bulletin boards with relevant notices.

The grade level administrators will coordinate grade level bulletin boards. Any questions or suggestions for the bulletin boards should be directed to the appropriate grade level administrator.



The Assistant Principal in charge of bus transportation is responsible to the Principal for facilitating smooth and safe operations. The Assistant Principal is to:

1. Assure that all safety precautions are taken to provide for safe and orderly transporting of students.

2. Inform all bus students of the existing transportation procedures and regulations.

3. Advise teachers of their roles and responsibilities.

4. Assure that rules and regulations are followed.

5. Provide duty roster for bus supervision.

6. Assist bus drivers in managing student behavior. Arrange conferences for bus drivers and parents when necessary.

Teachers should adhere to the following procedures for those students riding the morning and afternoon school bus:

• Notate the names of any first and last period students riding the school bus in your teacher planner

• Indicate the route number of the school bus in your planner

• Bus riders never leave early unless indicated to do so by the administration

• Afternoon bus riders will dismiss to the bus area unescorted, and are expected to board the bus no later than 3:50 p.m. each day


The RMS CAB Conference and CAB email must be checked daily. All pertinent school-wide correspondence is to be placed in the RMS Conference. All activities will be placed on the RMS CAB Calendar, including parent conferences, professional development, meetings, sporting activities, extracurricular activities, etc. All staff is responsible for staying abreast of scheduled activities and events. All staff is expected to be on time to meetings, parent conferences and staff development.


Daily, teachers are to escort their students into the cafeteria using the nearest hallway or walkway and entering through the west doors. REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR CLASS IN LINE AND QUIET. Classes are often in session. Please faithfully adhere to your lunch schedule for the entire year


Mrs. dePasquale maintains the Master Calendar – a calendar listing all ongoing school activities. Before scheduling any event, it will be necessary to have it approved by Administration and posted on this calendar. Events should be requested well in advance of the desired date in order to receive approval and avoid conflicts.

CERTIFICATION (Reference Policy #4003)

All applicants who apply for a Florida educator certificate will receive a Statement of Eligibility for the area(s) requested. A Florida teaching certificate is different than a Status of Eligibility.  Once employed with The School Board of Broward County, Florida, the Certification Department will request issuance of your Florida teaching certificate pending clearance of your fingerprinting and receipt of all required documents (transcripts and appropriate fees, etc.).  You should receive your certificate within three months.


(1) Teaching certificates are issued based on the school year beginning July 1 and ending June 30.

(2) It is your responsibility to ensure that your assigned school and the Certification/Incentive Department each receives a copy of your valid certificate.

(3) To be re-appointed, you must hold a valid certificate. You cannot work with an expired certificate.


If you have any questions regarding your certificate, contact the certification administrator for your Zone, fax your question to the Certification Department at 754-321-2717, or contact the Florida Bureau of Educator Certification at 800-445-6739.

ESOL Endorsement/Certification (Reference Policy #4003.3)

Teachers who are assigned limited English proficient (LEP) student(s) are mandated by the Florida DOE in accordance to the META Consent Decree to start ESOL Endorsement training requirements.  A copy of the Training Timeline can be downloaded at:

(County Policy) All instructional personnel shall file in the Personnel Office a valid Florida Certificate or evidence that application has been made. Salary checks may be withheld unless the required evidence is filed in the Personnel Department within twenty (20) days after reporting date.



1. Approved by Mr. Collado

2. Activity placed on schoolwide activities calendar (Mrs. Depasquale)

3. Supervision arrangements approved (Grade Level Administrator)

4. Group or speaker approval (Grade Level Administrator)

5. Financial arrangements made with the Bookkeeper

6. Head Custodian notified

7. Arrangements made for the P.A. and microphone if needed

8. Decoration and Posters approved. (Grade Level Administrator)


By law, all reports will be taken seriously and investigated

To comply with Florida Statute 827.07 (4), which makes mandatory the reporting of a child, abuse and/or child neglect, any teacher or other school employee who has reason to believe that a child has been subject to abuse shall report this observation to the Principal or the Principal’s designee.

The Principal or the Principal’s designee shall then make a report of the pertinent details to the General State Child Abuse Registry.

A required Child Abuse and Neglect Report Form shall then be completed by the person making the report and forwarded to the Broward County School Social Work and Attendance Department. Copies and directions can be obtained from the child abuse designee at the school. If someone other than the principal is making the report, the principal must be informed when the reporting procedures are completed. Florida Statute 827.07 (7) provides for anonymity of the person making the report. Florida Statute 827.07 (11) provides penalties: “Any person who willfully or knowingly makes public or discloses any information contained in the child abuse registry or the records of any child abuse case…may be held personally liable. Any person injured or aggravated by such disclosure shall be entitled to damages.”

In passing the Child Abuse and Neglect Act of July, 1982, the Florida State Legislature charged the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (now the Department of Children and Families) with the responsibility for developing a comprehensive state plan dealing with the prevention of child abuse and neglect.

Because schools are concerned with the whole child, seeking help for the child in trouble is quite compatible with educational objectives. The emotional impact of serious abuse and neglect often sets up blocks, which inhibit and create learning disabilities for the child victim. Also, the child may suffer permanent emotional scars; have low self-esteem and problems listening to others. Educators have daily contact with children, which place them in a unique position to observe and influence a child’s development.

All educators and school personnel in all states are held legally responsible for reporting suspected cases of child abuse and neglect. Any professional failing to report or knowingly preventing another from doing so is guilty of a second-degree misdemeanor and may be prosecuted.

Finally, if you identify a child who needs protection or if one confides in you because of abuse or neglect, you should telephone or report it to the Principal and/or child abuse designee.





Goals of RtI

The purpose of the RtI Team is to provide a multi-disciplinary delivery system to help selected students experience greater success at school. The School Based RtI Team is composed of the Guidance Director Assistant Principal, Counselor, Teachers, and other appropriate School Personnel, to be determined by the Guidance Coordinator and Assistant Principal.

Students selected for consideration include those students about whom additional information is needed to coordinate home and school involvement. The RtI Team shall:

1. Discuss strategies for dealing with students exhibiting learning or school adjustment problems.

2. Meet with parents/teachers to discuss problems of mutual concern regarding the students.

3. Discuss strategies for dealing with students exhibiting unusual behavioral, medical, social, or academic problems.

Strategies employed by the RtI Team include:

1. Assistance in classroom management.

2. Referrals for school based services, such as psychological evaluation, speech evaluation, health care, etc.

3. Conferring with parent/guardian.

4. Visits to the parent in the community.

5. Referrals to community agencies for specialized services.

Benefits of the RtI Team include:

1. Greater understanding of the child and the climate in which he functions.

2. More appropriate interventions and positive changes in the child’s environment.

RtI Team Administrative Procedures:

1. See the grade level administrator and complete the “Referral To The RtI Team” form. (Refer to Appendix)

2. The grade level administrator will give copies to the appropriate counselor and the guidance coordinator.

3. Designated members of the RtI Team will be notified of the time and place by the grade level counselor. (Refer to Appendix)

4. The guidance counselor will chair the RtI Team and complete the ”Initial Review Conference” form. (Refer to Appendix) A follow-up conference date will be established at this time. Copies of the completed form will be delivered to all members of the RtI Team and the Principal.

5. The “Update” form (Refer to Appendix) will be completed by the grade level counselor at the Update meeting. Further conferences will be scheduled if necessary. Copies of this form will be delivered to all members of the RtI Team and the Principal.

CORE MEMBERS of the RtI Team:

Grade level Administrator

Grade level Counselor


ESE Specialist



School Psychologist

School Social Worker

Community Resources

Other School Personnel


When attending an RtI Team Meeting, please bring the following:

Classroom Teacher/Team Leader - Attendance data, current grade(s), interventions used, parent conference/contact records, skill levels (reading and math)

Administrator - Discipline folder

Counselor - Cumulative folder, report card, schedule

E.S.E. Specialist - Psychological records, pre-referral packet

School Social Worker/Visiting Teacher - Pertinent data

School Psychologist - Pertinent data


Secure prior permission from an administrator if you must leave school early or arrive late. Lesson plans should be presented before signing out, or the day before – when you know that you will need to leave early or arrive late. Teachers signing out during the school day must have the signature of the principal or his/her designated representative before leaving. If any teacher leaves campus early or arrives late, his/her pay will be docked accordingly. Having arrangements for someone else to cover your class does not eliminate the possibility of being docked.

When you have knowledge that you will be missing class, arrangements should be made by you with a fellow teacher to supervise the class. It should be understood that you would repay the covering teacher by taking one of his/her classes when necessary.


In case of an emergency, an administrator has to make arrangements for coverage. The teacher involved in the emergency will be docked time.


Any student who appears too ill to remain in class must be given a clinic pass. No student will be admitted to the Office 105 without a pass. The Assistant Principal will make the judgment as to whether the student will remain in the office, be sent home, or return to class.


Students on medication should see the appropriate administrator’s secretary for a 504 Medical Form to be completed by the physician, and then returned to the school.

Health Information

A student Health Record card will be kept on each student. All student health information is confidential and protected by the Health Insurance and Portability Act (HIPA).

Health Referrals

All real and suspected health problems should be referred to the Social Worker. Students who are absent frequently because of illness, as well as those who have a long illness, should be referred to the Social Worker and/or Public Health Nurse or Guidance. The students may benefit by health counseling or may need help in getting proper medical care.


When an emergency is apparent, the closest staff member will attend to the student. Any other remaining staff member will notify the Main Administrative Office, who will in turn handle the emergency.

The clinic is available only for temporary illness or injuries, which may occur at school. The procedure listed below should be followed:

1. Any student who reports to the clinic for medical reason must have a pass from the


2. Teachers should screen students before giving them a pass to the clinic.

3. We do not have a clinic. Office staff will assess a student’s status and determine the

action to be taken. Medication can only be administered by a trained staff member.

4. Student medications are stored temporarily in the clinic. No medication should be

taken to the instructional area. The student is asked to leave the medication in the

clinic upon arriving at school with a note of authorization from the Health

Department. Teachers will give students a pass to leave class to take the medicine

in the Front Office.


Clubs and activities within the school are encouraged. All clubs and activities, including those sponsored by outside agencies, are subject to the following:

1. Organization of a club requires the prior approval of the Principal.

2. A definite purpose is to be established through the adoption of a constitution and by-laws which conform to the policies and philosophy of the school, and which are to be an integral part of the total instructional program.

3. The Principal is to supervise and have final authority over all activities of such organizations.

4. All activities of the club must have prior approval of the Principal or his/her designee.

5. All clubs must develop a service project for the school year.

6. All funds relating to such clubs/organizations are to be deposited in the internal account of the school, to be disbursed only upon approval of the Principal.


Communication between the home and school, as well as between the school and other departments, is very important. To ensure clear and open channels of communication, please consider the following:

1. When it is necessary for teachers and staff to pursue written communication with other departments within the school or the district, a copy of the communication must be signed by the Principal, and the appropriate Assistant Principal, prior to distribution.

2. Teachers are not to communicate directly with the Superintendent, Area Superintendent, or Area Directors. All school related communications must be channeled through the Principal’s office for approval and signature.

3. Teachers and staff are expected to maintain regular correspondence/communication with parents. If this is written communication, it is to be reviewed with the Department Chairperson, Assistant Principal and Principal. The Principal and the Assistant Principal shall then co-sign the correspondence.

4. A copy of all correspondence is to be on file in the Principal’s office.


Communication with parents, guardians, and social services is an integral part of a student’s program. Thus, it is necessary that records be maintained accurately. Conferences ensure:

1. Consistent communication

2. Rapport between the home and school

3. Input for improved programming

Please maintain a conference record form for each conference and keep a file. (Refer to Appendix)


The secretaries in 105 and upstairs offices may not leave their desks for errands, such as copying, getting water, coffee, etc. Please make arrangements for these activities during your planning time.


1. Public law 94-553 states current copyright law and explains fair use in full. A copy of

this law is available in the Media Center.

2. Video Tapes

a. Fair use guidelines (PL 94-555 section 107)

1. Use of the reproduction will be for non-profit educational use only.

2. The nature of the copyright effects whether use is authorized.

(Usually commercially produced movies will not be able to be justified.)

3. Infringement depends on the amount of the work that is shown and

whether it contains the "essence" of the work.

4. Use should not affect the potential market of the work.

b. Face to face classroom-teaching rule

1. Use is authorized solely for educational purposes with the teacher leading a discussion about the subject matter of the work

2. Showing a video as a behavioral reward is not covered.

c. Off-air recording

1. News broadcasts and public broadcasts usually may be copied.

2. Major network and premium cable channels do not allow reproduction

without written consent.

3. Some cable channels (primarily A/E and Discovery) allow some off-air


4. The recording may be kept for ten calendar days after airing.

5. The recording may be kept for an additional thirty-five days but can be

used only for reinforcement or remediation of ideas already established

or viewed to determine if the school wishes to purchase a copy.

d. Rules of Thumb

1. Do not rent videos from commercial stores for show in the classroom.

2. Do not show privately purchased videos unless you have a licensing

agreement with the company.

3. NEVER show a video recorded from a premium cable network.

4. Do not ask your media specialist to make copies of videos illegally.

5. Ask your administrator about the copyright law if you are unsure in specific cases.

3. Print Materials

a. Photocopying

1. Copying small sections of a trade book to demonstrate style is permissible.

2. Copying entire chapters or topics from books is copyright infringement.

3. Copying consumable materials (workbooks, worksheets, etc.) is copyright infringement unless the publisher includes a disclaimer allowing it.

4. Copying musical works for distribution is copyright infringement.

5. Copying materials that affects the potential market for the work is copyright infringement.

b. Spirit duplications

1. Spirit duplications that use the actual work for the reproduction fall under the same rules as photocopying.

2. Transcribing a work or part of work on to a spirit master by typing or work processing may still be copyright infringement.

4. Computer Software

a. Copying software without a licensing agreement is usually copyright infringement.

b. Public domain software may be copied.


□ Teachers are to supervise students whenever and wherever they are seen except on their 30-minute duty free lunch. Every teacher will be responsible for every student while students are in school or during activities, e.g. all halls, entrances, exits patios, and between buildings/portables.

□ Occasionally, it is necessary for teachers to cover classes because of illness, field trips, or emergencies. All arrangements for class coverage must be cleared with administration.

□ All teachers will stand outside their classroom doors or assume a visible location outside of their classroom to supervise students during class changes.

□ Leaving classes unattended- Schools and personnel may be held liable in case of negligence. It is mandatory that classes not be left unattended. If an emergency arises which necessitates your leaving the classroom, please contact administration immediately.


Maintaining a facility is a difficult task. However, by working together high standards of cleanliness and order can be maintained.

1. All requests for custodial services are to be written and given to the Assistant Principal in charge of Plant and Facility. (Refer to Appendix)

2. If a problem is not resolved within a reasonable amount of time, contact the Assistant Principal for Plant and Facility.


Whether you work in a school, a district office, or in another part of the District’s operations, you have “customers.” District office personnel serve the schools and parents, business partners and the community at-large. School personnel serve students and parents, school education partners and area residents. We all work for the public in one way or another. It is important that we have a good customer service attitude. School personnel are expected to be friendly, cheerful, and willing to help.


Teachers should use the student “Binder Reminder”. This is an excellent tool for open communication between the teacher and home. A progress report may be recorded in the student “Binder Reminder” daily or weekly depending upon the need of the student. It may encompass all subjects or only one subject. It may be used to track academics, behavior or both.

Direction to the Student

It is the student’s daily responsibility to make sure all teachers sign their agenda book. It is the student’s responsibility to have their parent sign the appropriate page each day.

Directions to the Parent

If a parent/guardian does not see the agenda book at the appropriate time (daily/weekly), they are instructed to contact their child’s counselor either by phone or a note. Another comment will not be recorded unless the previous one has been signed or the above contact has been made. Exceptions to this rule are when counselor/teacher/parent have previously agreed upon some other arrangement.

Directions to the Teacher

The procedure for the daily progress reporting will have been explained in full to the parent/guardian and students before implementation of the plan. If your student no longer has a need for a progress report or if for any reason it is NOT working for a particular student, contact the grade level counselor. The counselor will contact the parent/guardian.

Reporting may be issued to track a student for one subject only. The progress report will be issued by and returned each day to the teacher of the subject being tracked. The directions above apply to a progress report for one subject.



Students should not be sent to an Assistant Principal’s office if they require immediate emergency action. Buzz for an administrator to remove the student. In such instances, the student must have a referral form explaining the problem.

If a teacher encounters excessive disciplinary problems, he or she should consult with the Assistant Principals or Guidance Counselors. It is generally recognized that the classroom teacher administers the most effective classroom discipline. Therefore, teachers should explore every avenue before referring students to the assistant principal’s office. This would include conferences with the parents, both telephone and personal.

Teachers must realize that by virtue of their training and position, they exert a tremendous influence upon students. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that teachers set the example for a wide range of desirable habits and attitudes. The teacher should exercise everything that is expected of the student to the same degree.

Classroom Control

The teacher who lacks classroom control cannot function effectively since achievement is closely related to discipline. The student’s attention, interest, and application are prerequisites for learning.

• Standards of conduct must be clearly established and the enforcement of such standards should be done pleasantly, firmly and consistently.

• Students are reminded at frequent intervals that they are responsible for following the rules of acceptable responsibility for their own behavior.

• Be firm and fair. Do not ignore or neglect actions or open violations of authority.

• Be patient and calm. Teachers and other school personnel should have their emotions under control at all times. Shouting at students is a poor technique of discipline.

• Know your students. Teachers should analyze carefully all cumulative records and data to identify points in the student’s past history, which might aid further in an understanding of the student.

• Teachers should analyze student groupings at intervals and make recommendations when there is a need to separate some students.

• Parents must be contacted if a problem seems to be developing and/or if preventative measures need to be developed.

• Good discipline is often synonymous with good planning. Teaching is a day-by-day affair. The successful teacher recognizes the need for careful thought and planning in preparation for each class.

The suggestions listed below are offered to keep discipline problems at a minimum:

• Be prompt to class, starting lesson and ending class. Be in class before the students arrive. Teachers should stand in the doorways when dismissing and receiving students.

• Be thoroughly prepared for lessons each day. Be flexible enough, however, to permit alternate procedures if the occasion arises.

• Be consistent. Do not let behavior depend upon your mood.

• Be impartial and interested in each student. Remember, firmness with fairness and sincerity with tact, humor without sarcasm.

• Maintain poise and calm demeanor. Loss of temper, panic and obvious anger lend to loss of respect. Be a positive role model for students.

• Focus on student’s strong points. Every child needs a feeling of success in some activity. Foster “success”.

• Develop standards within reach of each student.

• Organize – establish policies for everyday procedures. Let the class know what is expected.

• Be enthusiastic. It is contagious, and an enthusiastic student is not likely to seek trouble-making activities.

• Don’t hesitate to see the skill of a specialist for certain problems. Learn who are the appropriate special service personnel.

Each teacher establishes a standard of discipline in his or her own classes. These rules will conform to standard policies. The principal and assistant principals are always available to assist teachers in analyzing and handling the more difficult behavior problems. The maintenance of order on campus, in the halls, and in the cafeteria is the responsibility of every teacher. The Discipline Plan should be followed in administering discipline. The following steps are suggested as interventions:

• Parent telephone calls, referral to a team member’s class

• Teacher-parent conferences to attempt to correct or analyze the situation

• Team-parent conference to get to know the student better

• Telephone calls to parents- these can be very effective and reflect the teacher’s concern.

• Parent-Guidance conference to discuss problems and possible solutions

• Child Support Team to develop strategies to assist students

• Referrals to administration- Students are never to be sent to the office. Teachers who are referring students for discipline must use the proper referral form. Normally the teacher should bring referrals to the office. If an emergency situation exists, buzz the office, and state the problem. An administrator will make a determination of appropriate action.



No student is to leave the school campus during school hours without the permission of the Principal or Assistant Principal. No student is to leave the school prior to dismissal at the request of or with anyone other than a school employee, a police officer, a court official from Broward County, or a parent of the child, unless prior permission has been given in writing by the parent or legal guardian.


Students who are to be dismissed for any reason prior to the end of the school day are to be processed through the Office. No student will be dismissed to anyone other than a legal parent or guardian. Proof of guardianship is required.


All personnel who find it necessary to leave campus during the school day or prior to the end of the workday are required to:

1. Secure the prior approval of the Principal and sign-out in the sign-out notebook in the Principal’s office.

2. Secure coverage for classes and other areas of responsibility.

DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (Reference Policy #2400)

It is the intent of The School Board of Broward County, Florida, to comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act, as amended, and other applicable laws, which require the School Board to maintain a Drug-Free Workplace. It is prohibited for an employee to unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, or use a controlled substance, including alcohol, on school board property. Employees are strictly prohibited from reporting to work or being on duty while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. The School Board will provide each permanent employee with a statement indicating that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance, including alcohol, is prohibited.

The School Board will take appropriate disciplinary action against affected employees who violate this policy, up to and including termination of employment, or require the affected employee to satisfactorily participate in a state licensed drug and/or alcohol abuse program. The Superintendent of Schools will continue to provide district employees with information regarding the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, the availability of drug counseling, and the District’s Employee Assistance Program. A Drug-Free Workplace contributes to a safe and healthy environment.


It is essential that teachers/staff report to their duty assignment on time. Individuals and the School Board may be liable for accidents, which occur. Duty is a serious responsibility and is required by Florida State Law. The law requires that campus duty teachers/staff be on the campus when the first bus arrives.

Duty teachers/staff must be constantly on the alert to maintain proper supervision. They must also be especially watchful to see that no unauthorized person or persons loiter on or near the campus.

WHEN YOUR ARE ASSIGNED A DUTY YOU MUST BE THERE! A duty roster will be issued at the beginning of the year and reminders will be given prior to each “shift change.” In the interest of control, security, and safety of students, each faculty member will secure a replacement if he cannot assume his responsibility. Dr. Drake will distribute a roster indicating individual areas and responsibilities.


1. Campus duty teachers must be on duty by 8:50 am

2. Generally, students are not permitted to enter the building until 9:10 am and should be prohibited from doing so except:

a. To come to breakfast starting at 8:30 am, using the south cafeteria doors.

b. To serve morning detentions or receive extra help in the AM, a written pass issued by the teacher must be in the possession student’s to enter the building.

ELECTRONIC MAIL (Reference Policy #5306)

The School and District Technology Usage policy outlines the appropriate use of the District’s computer network. It includes prohibitions against using the telecommunication network for illegal, inappropriate, obscene, or pornographic purposes. Users who knowingly violate this policy will receive disciplinary action and/or may be denied future access to the network. The sending of electronic cards, chain letters, poems, unofficial job advertisements, personal notices, and jingles is also prohibited. Additionally, sending these types of messages to large groups of users cause many system problems such as increased traffic on the District’s network and increased size of the mail server’s data file.

For a complete list of acceptable uses and prohibitions, please take the time to periodically review School Board Policy #5306. A current copy of this policy can be viewed on the school district’s web site at . In addition, see for the District’s email guidelines.


If it becomes necessary to dismiss school early, the following procedures are to be followed:

1. The Principal, or the person acting in her absence will coordinate the dismissal procedures. After the decision to dismiss early is made, the Principal or the person acting in her absence will inform teachers and students.

2. Teachers who are in planning during an emergency must assist with supervision in the halls, unless given other specific responsibilities.

3. Students must remain in seats and follow specific instructions. Prior to dismissal, students will be informed of the reason for this dismissal. Walkers and bicycle riders will be directed to go directly home if the situation warrants. Bus students will be accompanied to the bus loading area by teachers and kept in this area until all buses have departed.

4. When an emergency dismissal is necessary, students who are normally transported by car will be permitted to make contact with parents by telephone. Students are not to be sent to the office until directed to do so.


Building Evacuations/ Fire Drill

The procedures are used by the teachers in preparation for and during the fire drill and building evacuation. (Please refer to the evacuation map in the supplemental portion of this report):

➢ Evacuation routes and instructions are posted conspicuously in each classroom.

➢ Teachers explain and practice the procedure quarterly during the school year.

➢ When the alarm sounds, teachers accompany their students to the designated area per the evacuation map.

➢ Room lights are turned off. Windows and doors must be closed. Doors are to remain locked.

➢ Students are to remain with their class and walk quickly during the evacuation.

➢ Teachers are to check attendance once they are in their designated staging area.

➢ Teachers are to hold up the RED/GREEN sign indicating if all students are present and accounted for.

➢ Return to the building only after the return signal has been sounded.

➢ Upon returning to the classroom, teachers again check attendance.

Bomb Threat Procedures

In the event a bomb threat is received, the following procedure will be implemented:

The clerical should:

➢ Complete the call obtaining as much information as possible.

➢ Hang up and then dial 99 * 67. Record the number of the caller.

➢ Notify a school administrator who will direct further action.

➢ Notify Custodial Staff to re-secure the building.

In the case of a bomb threat, school administration will adhere to these steps:

6. Notify the fire and police departments by dialing 911.

7. Notify the North Area Office and ask for the Administrative Assistant.

8. Notify the Special Investigative Unit (SIU).

9. Evacuate students and staff per the previously described plan so they are out of danger.


These steps are followed for a tornado drill or when a tornado warning has been received:

2. The South Area Office/Administrative Assistant is notified of the imminent

tornado strike.

3. The tornado strike is announced over the P.A. system by the PRINCIPAL or the

Principal’s Designee. This script is used to announce the tornado:

"This is an actual tornado. All students and personnel are to immediately take cover

by moving to the wall or area farthest away from the windows. Cover your head with

your arms and remain still until you receive further instruction from the


4. Classroom windows should be opened slightly to allow for the equalization of room and outside air pressure.

5. Attendance should be taken to ensure that all individuals are accounted for.

6. Use of the P.A. system is limited to calls from classrooms to communicate urgent or emergency conditions related to the tornado.

7. Support staff will maintain radio contact with the Principal or the Principal’s Designee

for status reports.

8. All students will remain in the “take-cover” position until the Principal or Principal’s Designee announces the all-clear message.

Inclement Weather Dismissal Procedures

In the event of severe weather conditions at the 4:30 p.m. dismissal time, teachers are to adhere to the following procedures. The 4:30 p.m. dismissal bell will not ring.

1. Sixth period teachers with classes will keep their students in their class areas (as buses arrive the bus number will be announced over the PA System). Students that ride the announced bus will be dismissed to board their bus. Please insist that students do not run.

2. If the majority of the students are gone by 4:30, then the walkers will be sent (pending current weather conditions) home or to the cafeteria.

3. Teachers with sixth-period planning will assist with supervision in the cafeteria and bus-loading zone.

4. Parents arriving to pick up students will go to the front offices, these students will be told via the PA /system to go to the front lobby.


Students who enroll in class late, but prior to the end of the first twenty (20) days of school, shall be permitted to make up class work in order to receive full credit for the marking period and semester.

Students who enroll after the first twenty (20) days of school must present evidence of attendance and/or grades earned in another school during that school year. The time between withdrawing from one school and enrolling in a Broward County Secondary School shall not exceed twenty (20) days to receive credit for a semester’s work.


If you wish to borrow any property from the school, (i.e., computer) you must obtain approval from the Principal. After obtaining approval, you must complete the “Property Pass.” You may obtain a pass from Mr. Hammond (Refer to Appendix New Copy)


ESOL Instructional Strategies Matrix. (Refer to Appendix)

Teachers are required to document the ESOL strategies used daily in the lesson plan book.


1. Once a student enters class he/she may leave only with the written permission of the teacher. Permission to go to the clinic should never be refused. Permission to go to the restrooms should be at the discretion of the teacher using reasonable judgment, adhering to the 10 – 10 rule, and with understanding that the time between bells does not allow time for all children to use the restrooms.

2. TEACHERS WILL NOT CAUSE ANY STUDENT TO BE ABSENT FROM ANOTHER CLASS WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE TEACHER WHOSE CLASS THE STUDENT WILL MISS. Avoid making students tardy to their next class and do not hold your last class after the bell due to our bus schedule.

3. The teacher concerned must issue any student excused during class a pass and the student out of class must carry his “Binder Reminder” with the pass written inside.

4. Teachers are encouraged to advise students to use the restrooms and water fountains nearest to their place of departure.

5. Teachers cannot permit students to leave school grounds for any reason. This permission can only be granted by administration, via the student’s parent.

6. It is not a good idea for substitutes to issue passes.


Staff members who are planning extracurricular trips should work closely with the Bookkeeper. Highlights and additional information for requesting buses during the coming year are as follows:

1. Only bus companies that have pre-qualified with the School Board of Broward County (SBBC) through the Request for Information will be eligible to provide transportation to SBCC (list to follow at future date will include list of bus companies and specific buses to be used).

2. Schools will prepare a Quote Form and mail/fax to appropriate bus company.

3. Bus companies will be required to quote their price on this form and return to school. Three (3) quotes will not be required.

4. Travel agencies will no longer be used to book buses for school trips, but may be used to coordinate travel packages (i.e. hotels, tickets, meals, etc.). Three bids will be required from travel agencies.

5. School bookkeeper will confirm bus reservation by issuing a purchase order to the vendor.

6. There will be No Deposits or other payments made in advance to bus companies. If a bus company requests a deposit, the SBBC purchasing department must be notified in writing immediately.

7. Buses may be canceled ten (10) calendar days prior to trip date with no penalty. Buses canceled less than ten (10) days prior to the trip date will include a penalty payment to the bus company of 20% or $500.00 per bus whichever is less.

8. Any complaint which is deemed serious in nature will be made to the Purchasing Department

in writing promptly.

9. Only buses with a capacity of 47 passengers or greater will be used for all extracurricular trips.

10. SBBC buses’ rates are to be billed at an hourly rate only.


The facility service program must be a cooperative endeavor if it is to achieve more than limited success. The cooperation of teachers is a vital factor in any facility service program.

Each class area will be swept and dusted daily. Request for additional service and removal of broken furniture must be given in writing to the Head Facility Serviceperson. Teachers are not to make any request directly to the head custodian or to any other member of the facility service staff member. Written request must be presented to an Assistant principal and he or she will initiate appropriate action.

Room Responsibility

Teachers must assume the responsibility for the neatness and attractiveness of their rooms. The teacher who uses a room the last period of the day is responsible for seeing that all paper is picked up from the floor and for returning materials to their proper places.


All faculty/staff members are expected to monitor the CAB calendar and make note of all meetings, parent conferences and staff development. Your punctual attendance at the meetings is expected and of utmost importance. In the event you that are not present at a given meeting due to an absence from school, you are responsible to procure the information that was shared. For any reason other than absence from school, prior approval of the principal must be granted in order not to be in attendance.


(Field Trip Policy in Appendix)

Field trips, both in and out of the county, are an integral part of the learning process in many areas of education. Team field trips are encouraged. Your grade level Administrator, Principal and/or Area Superintendent, must approve all field trips.

A request for school activities should be submitted AT LEAST FOUR WEEKS IN ADVANCE. Field trips and other activities planned at the last minute will not be approved. (See the school's Field Trip Coordinator to review all paperwork.)

All extra-class school activities (club, organization, group, class, musical, athletic, etc.) should have administrative approval BEFORE being planned and scheduled. Approval will be granted based on purpose, philosophy, objectives, location, and scheduling conflicts. No field trips will be scheduled for the week prior to the end of a marking period or during the week(s) of mandated district testing.

Discuss the trip with the administrator in charge of field trips before mentioning it to your students.



➢ Any external suspension in the fourth quarter will automatically result in ineligibility of the student for the end of the year trip.

➢ No more than two (2) referrals in the second semester

➢ All financial obligations are met.

➢ No failing grades or unsatisfactory behavior on third (3rd) quarter report card and fourth (4th) quarter interim report.

The following school policies MUST be followed:

• Get the required field trip packet from the bookkeeper and follow all directions.

• Work directly with the bookkeeper regarding collection of monies and purchase orders.

• If private cars are used, a Request for Approval to Use Private Car for Transporting Students form must be sent home to parents, which must be approved by an administrator, to include the following information:

• Educational purchase of the trip

• Type of transportation to be used

• Lunch plans (bag or buy)

• Estimated cost, including transportation and entrance fees and when monies will be collected. (Money Orders must be made payable to Rickards Middle School and must be for the exact amount of the trip. Neither you the teacher, nor the bookkeeper are allowed to give change).

• Behavior criteria must be stated clearly.

• Type of clothing appropriate for the trip (school dress code adhered to) "24-hour" insurance suggested for overnight trip

• Each student must be given an Authorization for Trip form that includes the medical information to be signed by a parent or guardian.

• If the team teachers determine it to be necessary, each student can be given a Field Trip Eligibility form to be signed by his/her teachers and/or the grade level administrator.

• Students participating in field trips are to be counted present for attendance.

• Complete, alphabetized lists of students attending the field trip must be on file at the front office and with the attendance secretary. This list must also be distributed to all teachers PRIOR TO THE TRIP. An alphabetized bus list must be on file with the bookkeeper.

• If lunch is affected, the cafeteria form must be filled out twenty-one days in advance and given to the cafeteria manager.

• Make arrangements with the administrator for the students not going on the trip and inform those students where they are to be assigned. Include this information with the lists to personnel listed above.

• Parents and students must be notified in advance of behavioral criteria required to attend the field trip, as determined by the field trip coordinator. If the coordinator determines that a child should be excluded, administrative approval must be obtained.

• A TDA must be completed and approved for each participating teacher. If a substitute is needed, please make the necessary arrangements. The assistant principal will sign the TDA for the use of substitutes for teachers on field trips. A copy of this form must be turned into the budgetkeeper.

• If you plan to use school buses or charter buses, refer to the field trip packet. Application must be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than ten (10) days in advance of the date of the trip.

• Please refer to School Board Policy #6303 for information regarding chaperones, other types of transportation, etc. for field trips.

• FOR ALL OVERNIGHT FIELD TRIPS AND/OR OUT OF COUNTY FIELD TRIPS, the following items must be submitted to the bookkeeper who must submit them to the DIRECTOR OF RISK MANAGEMENT at least two weeks prior to departure:

• List of all participating students and chaperones

• Inclusive dates of the trip

• Itinerary

• Mode(s) of travel

Emergency Information/Emergency Release Forms must be completed by parent/guardian of each student. The administrator or teacher in charge must take these forms on the trip in case of emergency.


Overnight Field Trips/Outside the United States Field Trips:

The Principal of a school shall be contacted before the teacher or sponsor begins to discuss any overnight student field trip. If the Principal should feel that such a trip would be a project worthy of pursuing, a detailed plan of the projected trip, its objectives, the number of chaperones required, and cost(s) should be presented to the appropriate Area Superintendent for approval before it is discussed with students, parents or community. Any trip outside of the United States also must have the approval of the Superintendent. A cover letter from the Principal indicating approval of the project shall accompany this presentation. Once the trip has all of the necessary approvals, the teacher or sponsor shall proceed with the necessary arrangements as outlined for local trips. An out of town field trip medical form must also be obtained from the parents. (Refer to Appendix)

In considering chaperones, the Principal may wish to provide security where there appears to be a need for this service.

In all instances, at least one of the chaperones must be a member of the school staff, preferably on the administrative level or be the officially assigned Principal’s designee. Whenever possible, it is recommended that one of these chaperones be a registered nurse.

Professional Responsibilities In Emergency Situations -- First Aid, School Board Policy 5303:

The Principal, or his/her designee, shall decide if an ill or injured student shall remain in school or require care, attention or treatment at home or in a hospital. When the Principal indicates that it is advisable for a student to leave the school building, the Principal must make every effort to notify the parent or guardian of the illness or injury of the student and request that the parent or guardian or a responsible adult come to the school to accompany the student home or to a hospital. When the parent or guardian is contacted and is unable to come to the school, arrangements for transportation become the responsibility of said parent or guardian. The parent should be informed of the nature of any emergency aid administered and be advised to obtain professional medical attention if indicated.

In the event the parent of a seriously ill or injured student cannot be located within a reasonable time, the Principal should request police assistance, and if necessary, ambulance service. If it becomes necessary to take the student to the hospital before the parent or guardian has been located, the Principal or a designated staff member must accompany the student in the ambulance and remain with the student until the parent or guardian arrives. The school representative should bring to the hospital the student’s Emergency Information Card (Refer to Appendix F5) and all available information regarding the nature and extent of the illness or injury. A death on the school premises must be reported immediately to the Superintendent and the proper law enforcement agency.

If the parent of a student who has suffered a minor accident or illness cannot be located, the student should remain in school until the regular dismissal time. Accident forms MUST be completed by the teacher immediately and turned in to Office 105. Parents MUST be notified ASAP.

In the event that a student is injured while on a field trip, the Sponsor will make the decision whether to seek medical attention or not.

Responsibilities of Class Sponsors/Chaperones:

It is the responsibility of the Sponsor/Chaperones to insure the safety and well being of students on field trips. The Sponsor/Chaperones will follow School Board Policy and school policy and procedures.

Staff, School Board Policy 4008:

All employees of the Board who have been issued contracts as provided by Florida Statutes, or annual work agreements as provided by the Board, shall comply with the provisions of the Florida School Code, State Board Regulations and Regulations and Policies of the Board.

Student, School Board Policy 5308:

Students in our schools are expected to act in such a fashion that their behavior will reflect favorably on the individual student and on the school. To accomplish this, all students must recognize their individual responsibilities and obligations and discharge them in accordance with school regulations. The Broward County Student Discipline and Conduct Code will be in effect when students participate in school trips.

Line Staff Authority For Making Decisions:

The Sponsor or Principal’s designee is responsible for making decisions. If a decision arises and the Principal’s designee cannot make a decision, the Principal is to be contacted. When the Principal cannot be contacted, the Assistant Principals are next in line.

Collection of Monies:

Provisions must be made with the Bookkeeper to collect money for field trips, including transportation cost in compliance with Board Policy.


Teachers and students are discouraged from drinking and eating in the classrooms. Faculty and staff are asked not to have beverages (other than water) and food in the classroom areas during school hours to prevent unwanted bugs. Due to the potential risk of burning a student, hot beverages are prohibited in the classrooms. The administration must be advised of any exceptions.

Classroom Parties/ Celebrations

Classroom parties and celebrations are strongly discouraged. For any exceptions, please see your Grade Level Administrator.


Clubs and organizations must have any and all fundraising projects approved in advance and in writing by the Principal and the Bookkeeper. Following administrative approval, the "Application for Sale of Merchandise" must be completed. (Refer to Appendix)

Sponsors of organizations conducting fund raising drives are responsible for proper supervision of funds, sales, accounting, and merchandise. A "Fund Raising Financial Report" must be completed with ten (10) working days of the conclusion of the drive. (Refer to Appendix) Failure to complete the financial report in a timely manner will result in disapproval of all future fund raising events.

Fundraising activities are to be listed on the master calendar at the beginning of the year or at least one month before such activity.

The teacher in charge of the activity is responsible for:

1. Keeping accurate records of students participating in the activity. This includes:

a. Number of goods checked out to each student.

b. Monies collected from each student.

c. The inventory and security of goods and money.

d. Make sure activity does not interfere with school safety, disrupt class or school environment.

2. Submit to the Bookkeeper monies collected the same day. Please adhere to Bookkeeper’s procedures and hours.

a. Monies collected must be submitted intact to the Bookkeeper, with proper form. Please have money in denominations and already counted by you. Roll coins if enough, loose coins must be separated. Bookkeeper will then verify receipt.

b. Employee’s personal checks may not be substituted for cash collections.


No students should be allowed to check out large amounts of goods without keeping their obligations up-to-date.

Inform participating students that any student having an obligation because of a previous fundraising activity will not be allowed to participate in any other activity until the obligation is cleared. This includes field trips.

Every sponsor should meet monthly with the Bookkeeper to review the financial status of the club/organization. Failure to use proper accounting practices and procedures will cause the club/organization to have its fund raising activities suspended and/or the club cancelled.


Grading informs the parents/guardians and rewards the student for the progress or achievement accomplished. Grades should reveal to the parents and the student his/her strong and weak points and should also encourage a student to greater effort. Teachers are to have two grades per week entered into Pinnacle. Grades are to be entered in a timely manner (weekly) so that the information is current and relevant.

The groundwork for nine-week grades must be carefully laid long before the report cards go home. No student or parent/guardian should be surprised by an unexpected grade at the end of the term. The following suggestions for effective grading criteria will contribute to effective reporting to parents.

a. Frequent home communication regarding grades is most important

b. A minimum of two grades per week is recommended per quarter.

c. Varying methods of evaluation (class work, tests, quizzes, oral reports, projects,

notebooks, class participation, homework, etc.) must be used.

d. Validity and appropriateness of instrument used for evaluation must be taken into account

when assigning grades (i.e. time provided may not be sufficient, test questions may be

confusing, etc.)

e. Grades must be weighted according to department objectives and scale.

f. Grades should be given according to individual student abilities as well as to level of class.

g. Flexibility must be used in assigning letter grades.

h. Marking the work habits and attitudes on the report card make the grade more

meaningful and complete.

i. Accurate records are most import to document grades and comments given (i.e., progress

reports, referrals to guidance, administration, attendance).

j. Marking the conference request column is an effective way to enlist parent involvement.

k. After the interim, (1) if a student drops two or more letter grades, (2) if the student's

behavior declines to where he/she would be receiving a U, (3) if the student drops to a D

or F, you must notify the parent. Please document your contacts.


If a teacher needs to change the nine-week grade of a student see the data processor for a change of grade form. Complete the form and then see an administrator for approval.

All incomplete grades and grade changes must be completed two (2) weeks prior to the end of the following marking period. You must see your Administrator for end of the year grade changes. Please know that grade changes at the end of the year (whether up or down) create real problems if not done properly and with full communication between teachers, parents, students, counselors, and administration. See your grade level Counselor or Administrator immediately for advice.


Rationales – It is the responsibility of Teachers, Counselors, and Administrators to use every means at their disposal to teach students to be mannerly and obedient to those in authority and cooperative with their teachers and fellow students. A student receiving an “N” or “U” should have had prior parent contact regarding their ‘needs improvement’ or ‘unsatisfactory” behavior prior to receiving the conduct grade.


The use of guest speakers in the classroom can be a valuable and rewarding experience for all concerned. Prior to inviting a guest speaker to the classroom, teachers must submit an INTENT TO INVITE A GUEST SPEAKER form (See Appendix) for approval to the appropriate Assistant Principal. Guest speakers are to be scheduled by the individual teacher after receiving approval from administration. Guest MUST be on the Superintendent’s Screening Committee List. All guests MUST sign in and out upstairs with the Office Manager.

Following the presentation, the sponsoring teacher should send a letter of appreciation.

An Administrator and the Principal must approve all correspondence in the name of the school or on school letterhead.


Helping to facilitate academic progress of students is the major thrust of the guidance program.

1. Withdrawals – when you receive a withdrawal notice from a student please handle immediately. Please make sure your records are updated and recordings are correct.

2. Referrals to Counselors should be placed on a referral form and the Counselor will see the student as soon as possible. Please DO NOT send the student to wait for a Counselor unless it is an emergency.

3. Grades will be sent to teachers for the students who enroll during the grading period. These grades can be averaged proportionately with the grade the student receives in your class. Grades may also be obtained from data processing.

4. Notify Guidance and the Attendance Office if a student has missed four (4) of your classes.


Students excused during classes must sign out and back in using the Sign-in/out log and be issued a designation pass signed by the teacher. Students are not allowed to enter another teacher’s room without a note or pass stating the reason for the interruption. Please adhere to our 10/10 Rule. No student is to be out of the class 10 minutes after the bell or 10 minutes before the bell is about to ring. Under no circumstances should a child be sent outside the class area or be barred from the class as a means of disciplinary action.


All teachers are required stand outside the classroom door during the change of classes each period in order to help promote student movement from class to class. Be ProActive.


Clinic Operation:

To maintain smooth operations, please consider the following:

1. Students, who become ill at school, except in the case of an emergency, need to complete a clinic form (Refer to Appendix), which is sent to the student services office. THE STUDENT WILL REMAIN IN THE CLASSROOM.

2. The office contacts the parent. If the parent is able to arrange for pick-up, the student will be escorted to the office when the parent or guardian is present to sign out the student.

3. If pick-up is not available, the student WILL REMAIN IN CLASS.

4. Students are NOT permitted in the clinic between classes.

5. In case of emergencies, immediately call for an Assistant Principal.

Communicable Diseases: The policy for re-entering school following a communicable disease requires that a student who has been ill with a contagious disease shall not be allowed to return to school except with the written permission of a physician.


School Board Policy 6305 states, “School personnel shall not administer medication to any student”. However, there are cases, which require dispensing medication. In this event, the Broward County Health Department will authorize the administering and/or dispensing of medicine by school personnel only under the following conditions:

1. There exists a long-term or chronic illness or disability that requires maintenance-type medicine where failure to take prescribed medication could jeopardize the student’s health and when the medication schedule cannot be adjusted to provide for administration at home.

2. There is a written treatment plan on file, signed by a licensed physician. (Refer to Appendix)

3. There is a signed parent consent on file.

4. The medicine shall be administered and/or dispensed by the delegated person in charge, an Assistant Principal or the Principal.

5. All medicine shall be properly labeled (name of child, name of prescribing physician, name of drug, and directions) and shall not exceed the dosage required for one day.

6. The school must provide secured storage facilities.

7. If the prescribed medication is to be given for more than a three-month period, Health Department personnel will contact the physician every three months to verify continuation.

8. A student with authorized medication must turn it in to their Assistant Principal, upon arrival at school.


On or before the first day students report to school, all teachers must:

1. Discuss homework plans with Department Chairpersons.

2. Submit to the designated Assistant Principal, for approval, a letter to parents explaining specific homework policies.

3. Upon approval, the letters are to be sent home with the students during the first week of school.

Hard and fast rules concerning homework are difficult. However, there are many positive aspects of homework. When assigned intelligently and creatively, homework serves as:

a. Reinforcement of skills

b. Enhancement of skills

c. Communication between the school and home

Therefore, consider the following:

1. Homework is not to be assigned as punishment under any circumstances. Home assignments are to evolve from real needs and a consideration of the total experiences of students.

2. Homework assignments are to be carefully made and the teacher is to follow-up the assignment by integrating the materials into the daily classroom procedure. All homework is to be checked or graded and returned to the student.

3. A clear and concise explanation as to the contents of the assignment is to be made clear at the time of the assignment.

4. Homework is not to be “busy work” or to be used to replace or reduce supervised study.

5. A copy of all class and homework assignments is to be posted in a conspicuous place, accessible to the students. Students who have been absent are to be encouraged to check the posted assignments in order to do make-up work.


Identification badges or visitor badges are required when working or visiting Rickards Middle School. Employees who regularly visit schools are required to wear identification or visitor badges. Always be sure to check in at the school/department main office when you are visiting a school board location.

INTERIM PROGRESS REPORTS - Interim reports are sent home with all students.

If the student is experiencing academic difficulty, in danger of receiving a failing grade or having problems with his/her conduct or attitude, parents must be notified. An interim report is sent to parents at the midpoint of EACH making period. If a student's behavior and or academics have varied greatly after the interim, we must again notify the parents/guardians of this change since the interim. After the interim has been sent home, parents must be notified of the following changes: an unsatisfactory grade in behavior, dropping two or more grades or receiving a D or F.

Each teacher must make sure he/she has verification of the parent being notified. The guidance department will assist as a last means of notifying parents.


• 6th period teachers will print out the interim reports for their 6th period class and distribute at the end of the period


1. If you take an item (iPod, phone, etc.) from a student, please bring it to Office 105 labeled with the student’s name. Do NOT keep the item in your room overnight.

2. Balloons, Teddy Bears, or Birthday items – Please have the student bring all balloons to the Office 105 where they will remain until the end of the day.


□ Students may be assigned one to two days of Internal Suspension for discipline violations. Assignments from the classes will be provided that are missed while in internal suspension. Students will be marked present in school and will receive credit for their completed assignments. Should the student be absence on the assigned day, he/she will be placed in Internal Suspension on the day of return to school. When necessary, there is also the flexibility to provide interventions on an hour-by-hour basis in Internal Suspension.

□ When a student is placed in Internal Suspension, the parents or guardians will be notified by phone by the appropriate staff member.

□ Students will be provided with a behavior modification strand designed to develop skills, which will assist them in making positive behavior choices.

□ If a student does not adhere to established rules or does not take advantage of the intervention provided in Internal Suspension, it will be necessary for the child to be externally suspended from school for a period of time determined by an administrator in accordance with the Discipline Plan.

□ Students, who are placed in Internal Suspension on a recurring basis, will be referred to the guidance counselor and/or Child Study Team to ensure student success. Parents will be kept informed on a continuing basis.


The following list is on file in the Principal’s office: Counselor, Club Sponsor, Department Chairperson, ESE Specialist, Guidance Director, Team Leader, and Teacher.


All personnel are given a key to the classroom(s) in which they are scheduled. DUPLICATION OF SCHOOL KEYS IS A VIOLATION OF SCHOOL BOARD POLICY AND STATE LAW AND IS NOT ALLOWED. Teachers will be required to pay for their lost keys.



Anyone who anticipates being late must notify Mrs. Breitenkam at (754) 322-4420 and sign-in upstairs upon arrival.


Students are to report to the reception desk to sign in and receive a pass for admittance to class.



Substitutes will not be permitted to leave school grounds without permission from the school administration.

Faculty & Staff:

In the event of an emergency or to conduct school business staff members must request permission from the principal to leave work. The staff member must sign-out upon departure and sign-in upon return. Clearance to leave the campus MUST be secured from the Principal. If the Principal is not on campus, clearance should be secured from the grade level Administrator. In this event, the grade level Administrator will inform Mrs. Breitenkam, who prepares the payroll for all personnel. The “Sign-Out” notebook is in the Principal’s office.


Schools and personnel may be held liable in case of negligence. It is mandatory that classes not be left unattended. If an emergency arises which necessitates your leaving the classroom, another teacher must be secured to cover your class. Please contact administration immediately.


There is general agreement that the best teaching is well planned in advance. In order that the program may not be interrupted by an unavoidable absence of the instructor, all teachers are asked to be uniform with their lesson plans in the following:


2. Available for the Principal and/or Assistant Principal when they visit classes or groups.

3. Available for the substitute’s use

4. Documentation and incorporation of Common Core State Standards, ESOL Strategies and ESE


5. Differentiation between advanced, regular and intensive courses and instructional

strategies should be documented

Emergency lesson plans are to be submitted to the appropriate Assistant Principal to be kept on file prior to the first day of school for students.

Periodically your Department Chair or Administrator will request that your lesson plans be turned in to him/her for review and evaluation.


1. Please be sure your substitute information sheet is attached to the front of your planning book. (If you have ever substituted for a teacher, you would know how important it is to know that teacher’s rules regarding restroom passes, the exact time and manner in which you go to lunch, etc. PLEASE INCLUDE THIS TYPE OF INFORMATION ON YOUR SHEET.

2. Seating charts should be left for the sub. Put them in the front of the substitute information packet for the sub to follow. Please note what teacher the sub can get assistance.

3. Note in the margin of your plan book what the academic level of the class is – AVERAGE – ADVANCED, and the title of the text being used. Any explanation or comments to the sub would be helpful. List the text used for each group in the front of your plan book.


5. If you plan to give students a study sheet or handout of some type, attach a copy of the appropriate page of the plan book, and clearly note to the sub where copies are located, i.e., test or study sheet is located …Do NOT give busy work or work that is not going to be graded.

6. Have your plans completed one full week in advance of your teaching. When you near the end of the week, if you have not accomplished your plans, indicate this in your plan book.

7. The plans should be in sufficient detail that a sub could follow them. DO NOT PUT “study in book”. Instead, follow this example; in the text – Do questions 1, 3, 7, 9 on page 113, and so forth. Leave answers so sub can give assistance to students if necessary.


Please go over these lunch rules with your classes:

• All teachers must escort their students in an orderly line to and from the cafeteria.

• They will enter the West door and exit the East door.

• Students must sit at their assigned table and wait to be directed to line up.

• All students will have assigned tables.

• Students are responsible for cleaning their eating area.

• Teachers will pick up their students from lunch at the designated time.

• The administrator on duty will dismiss students as their teacher arrives.

• Restrooms are to be used by students after obtaining permission from an adult.

• Visitig other tables, changing seats, and wandering around is prohibited.

We believe that there is a direct relationship between social adjustment and academic progress. Please stress to your classes the expectations of cleanliness, polite behavior, and respect for others. This will ensure pleasant eating conditions.

Students who display unacceptable actions, such as dropping and/or leaving trash on the floor and tables, running, poking, punching, skipping the line, taking other students’ food or belongings, inappropriate language, or demonstrating rude behavior/attitude will be disciplined accordingly. Students that throw food or other objects will be externally suspended from school.


All staff members have individual mailboxes located in the planning area. All staff members are to check their mailboxes upon arrival, and at least once more during the day. DO NOT SEND STUDENTS TO YOUR MAILBOX OR TEACHER PLANNING FOR ANY REASON.


All school functions must be placed on the master calendar. Approval for placements is to be given by the Assistant Principal, Mrs. dePasquale. Submission of events to be placed on the Master Calendar is to be done on the calendar request form, which is available in the staff handbook. (Refer to Appendix) Submit the completed form to Mrs. dePasquale.


The School Media Center’s resources and services will be available to students, teachers, staff, and parents – Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., excluding holidays.

Class or Group Access

1. Teachers may reserve time to bring their classes to the Center for research or to select books.

Scheduling may be done with Mrs. Johnston, Media Clerk.

2. Rickards Middle teachers should come prepared to be an active participant in their student’s research. They are responsible for monitoring behavior, putting things in order and dismissing students at the end of the class period. Teachers should not leave the Center during a scheduled period unless they have discussed coverage with their administrator.

3. Substitute teachers will not send or bring students to the Media Center. Alternate plans should be

available for substitutes in the event that you happen to be absent on a scheduled day.

Individual Student Access

Students must have a pass to enter or exit the Media Center during the school day. Each teacher may send a maximum of two students to the center at any given time. Students must return to their class prior to end of each period. A student who demonstrates inappropriate behavior while in the Media Center will be sent back to class. A behavior slip will be placed in the classroom teacher’s mailbox.

Activity Access

Activities and meetings that are held in the Media Center must be scheduled with Mrs. Johnston. The person scheduling will generally be responsible for seeing that all materials used are removed and the Center left in proper order.

Accessing Materials

1. Students will be allowed to check out one book for a period of two weeks with a renewal option. A

list of students with overdue books will be placed in the teachers’ mailboxes quarterly.

2. Teachers can check out books for a 30-day period with an option to renew. Reference materials

will not be circulated to students, but teachers working on special projects may arrange for classroom use for a limited time.

Audio Visual Equipment

1. Classrooms will be permanently assigned one television set and VCR. Additional equipment such as overhead projectors, movie projectors, filmstrip cassettes, slide projectors and cassette recorders will be available for check out. Language masters and listening stations will be limited based on fair distribution to meet the needs of the staff.

2. Lamp Replacement - Teachers must submit a technology repair request to Mr. Hammond to have a

lamp replaced.

3. Return all equipment in need of repair to the media center. An equipment repair form should be filled out by teacher and attached to all equipment needing repair. If a replacement is available it will be loaned on a temporary basis. Equipment manuals are on file in the Center and can be checked out for use by teachers. Please store equipment as securely as possible and report any missing equipment to the Media Center as Soon as possible. Students are not allowed to move large equipment such as televisions, opaque projectors, or 16mm projectors. Teachers must transfer these types of items around the campus. Students are not allowed to reserve or transport video equipment or video recorders. The reserving teacher must do this.


The 1997 Florida Legislature amended Florida Statute 231.36 entitled “Contracts with Instructional Staff, Supervisors and Principals.” Specifically, the Statute now states “each person employed as a member of the instructional staff after June 30, 1997 shall receive an annual contract during each of the first three years of employment. The first 97 workdays of the employees initial annual contract is a probationary period. During the probationary period the employee may be dismissed without cause or may resign from the contracted position without breech of the contract.” This language applies to first year annual contract (AC1) teachers only.


1. Attendance is mandatory. Please send a member of the Team to the front lobby to greet the parent(s). It is your responsibility to check the calendar for all conferences. Remember conferences take place on Tues & Thurs. Bring a printout of the student’s grades. Remain through the end of the conference to support your colleagues and the parents.

2. If it is not possible for you to attend a scheduled parent conference, please do the following:

a. Notify the grade level counselor.

b. Given the Team Leader a printout of the student’s grades and a brief explanation of:

i. Student’s current academic standing

ii. Behavior in class

iii. Any other pertinent information the parent should know

3. The parent conference is to be an objective non-judgmental vehicle for diagnosing any difficulties and providing possible solutions to parents. The teacher’s part in the process is to provide objective academic and behavioral information. Please refrain from asking any personal or probing questions during this part of the conference. Simply provide the facts. Be careful not to be judgmental and find something positive to say about the student.

4. Do not compare the student’s performance with others. Be careful not to mention the names of other students during the conference.

5. Remember, the conference can be a tense, anxiety-producing situation for many parents. We want to make it as comfortable as possible and as positive an experience as possible. We want them to leave knowing the facts and what the student can do to improve.


The west parking lot is designated for administrative and visitors' parking. The west parking area is designated for car riders to be dropped off and picked up.

The north lot is available for staff parking. Bus students are discharged and picked up in the north parking lot.

The south parking area is for cafeteria workers, staff and service vehicles.


School parties are NOT permitted in the classroom during the day. All student parties are to be held after school. Arrangements must be made ahead of time with an administrator and custodial staff.


Students are not to be released from class without a pass. Teachers are to use the designated passes. Students are to sign in and out and in using the designated log. This eliminates the opportunity for students to wander through the building and enables you to monitor hall pass usage over time. Only one student per pass and only one student out of the room at a time.

Students out of class without passes will be escorted back to their respective teachers for clarification of procedure.

Do not delay or keep a student from another class unless previous arrangements have been made with the receiving teacher.

The "10 and 10" rule is in effect at Rickards Middle School. No students are to be dismissed from class during the first ten minutes of class or the last ten minutes of class.


Any inquiries about payroll need to be directed to Mrs. Breitenkam. DO NOT CALL PAYROLL YOURSELF.


Peer Counseling and Peer Tutoring are offered through Student Services at Rickards Middle School. These services are designed to increase the availability of assistance to students experiencing personal and/or academic difficulties. Peer Counselors are trained to assist fellow students in conflict resolution and responsible decision-making. Peer Tutors are trained to work with students in academically deficient areas.

H-E-L-P forms will be available in all classrooms and the cafeteria. Completed forms should be turned in to the Student Services Office - Room 105. (Refer to Appendix)



The School Board expects high performance of all employees.  Evaluations help employees identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities for professional growth and development.  One or more performance evaluations shall be conducted each year.



• Broward Instructional Development and Growth Evaluation System (BrIDGES) (Reference Policy Senate Bill 736 & SS1012.335 & 1011.341)

The redeveloped instructional personnel evaluation system for Broward County Public Schools will improve the quality of instructional, administrative and supervisory service through a redesigned teacher observation system and a redesigned evaluation system based primarily on student growth measures. Evaluation is based on Instructional Practice (60%), Student Growth/VAM (40%). For the instructional Practice portion, Classroom teachers are evaluated based on observations using Marzano’s, Domains 1-4. Non – Classroom teachers are evaluated based on observations/meetings using Marzano’s Domains 1-4 for Non – Classroom Teachers.

Assessment of beginning teachers enrolled in the New Educator Support System (NESS) conforms to the procedures for the evaluation of annual contract teachers. Observations, documentation, and conferences conducted for these employees support the completion of the assessment form required for the IPAS. Five techniques are used to gather data on employee performance: informal classroom observations, formal classroom observations, observations in non-classroom situations, review of records and instructional plans, and review of performance portfolio. Conferences are used to communicate the results of data collection activities and the completion of the assessment form.


• Non-Instructional Personnel Evaluation (Reference Policy #4009.1)

Each bargaining group of Non-Instructional employees has an evaluation system unique to their assigned duties and responsibilities.  One or more performance evaluations shall be conducted each year. The employee’s immediate supervisor, or another administrator who has firsthand knowledge of the employee’s performance, will conduct the evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation is to recognize superior performance, improve performance, identify job performance problems, and improve communications between administrators and employees. New employees shall be informed of the evaluation procedures and given a copy of the evaluation form. Evaluations will be shared with the employee before it is placed in the employee’s personnel file. Each bargaining group has procedures for an employee to appeal the results of his/her performance evaluation.


Please have all personal mail delivered to your residence. Telephones in the school and offices are for school business only. Of course, it is understood that emergencies arise and you must either call or be called while at work. However, for purely personal messages, make other arrangements for calls during your workday.


All classrooms are equipped with phones. Personal and parent calls will not be placed into your classroom during instructional time. The office will use the intercom to call for students. NO long distance calls are to be made for personal reasons. School Board Policy 3201 states that any and all long distance telephone calls made shall be logged on a specific form. Long distance lines can be obtained for you from the Student Services Office.


A planning area is available for individual, team and departmental planning, conferencing, and meals. The planning area should be maintained in an orderly manner. Staff is encouraged to keep their personal areas clean and orderly. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE PLANNING AREA OR MAILBOX AREA!


Planning time is provided during the school day. The following are recommended uses of the planning time:

1. Preparing instructional materials

2. Analyzing data and preparing lesson plans for increasing student achievement

3. Keeping the lesson plan book up-to-date

4. Grading papers and preparing reports

5. Consulting with Assistant Principal, Counselors, etc

6. Consulting with Guidance Department personnel and checking permanent records for

additional information

7. Consulting with team members

8. Performing tasks related to School Improvement

9. Duties as may be assigned by the principal or his designated representative

10. Parent/Student conferences


All personnel are encouraged to be familiar with the policies of the Broward County School Board. However, of particular importance to daily school operations are the following policies:

5303 Reporting Injuries, First Aide

5301 Discipline, Corporal Punishment

5.2 Attendance Responsibilities

5.3 Child Abuse

6301 Collection of Monies

4008 Teacher's Responsibilities

4009 Principal's Responsibilities

6000.1 Standards of Service/Pupil Progression

Staff members may review any School Board policies at: broward.k12.fl.us/sbbcpolicies


Please be at your assigned duty post every morning prior to 8:50 am (per your duty schedule). Your duty takes precedence over everything. If you have a parent conference, please speak first so that you may participate in the conference and be on time for duty.

PROFESSIONAL CODE OF ETHICS (Reference Policy #4009.11)

The School Board has high expectations for all employees. The primary concern for administrative, instructional, and noninstructional employees is to be aware of the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of colleagues, students, parents, and the community. Employees should always strive to achieve, maintain, and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct by adhering to the following guidelines as appropriate:

• all school board policies

• all city, county, state, and federal laws and ordinances

• the Florida Department of Education Code of Ethics, The Principles of Education, and the

Professional Conduct Guidelines.

Any instructional employee who fails to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity shall be subject to revocation or suspension of their educator’s certificate, penalties as provided by law, and district disciplinary actions, up to and including termination. Please refer to the Code of Ethics, the Principles of Professional Conduct, and the Standards of Competence Professional Performance for additional information.


In order for a student to be promoted to the next grade he/she must earn 3 credits in math, language arts, science and social studies. Students must earn four (4) points in each passing subject. If a teacher gives a student an “F” grade in the last quarter, the teacher must contact the parent by:

1. Telephone or personal conference (document please).

2. Notify the parent via certified mail.


We must properly care for the school building and facilities. One of the most important lessons, which we hope our students will acquire, is thoughtful appreciation and careful use of public property.

Teachers must be constantly alert to detect any defacing of desk tops, writing on walls, loosening of screws and bolts, etc., and report this immediately to an Administrator or Custodian. Each teacher is responsible for the area to which they are assigned; periodically survey the school plant and equipment to ensure everything is in working order and well-maintained.

All members of the staff are to consider it their responsibility to report any incident of property damage by students or others, so that restitution can be gained and repairs made. This pertains to the damage of equipment, furniture or to the building proper.

Florida School Law Section 231.09, Part 9, states that one duty of instructional personnel is to see that the school building and all things pertaining thereto are not unnecessarily defaced or injured. Please report to an administrator all individuals guilty of vandalizing or destroying school property.


On mornings when it rains, or the weather is otherwise inclement, students will be directed to the gymnasium and Kiva. The teachers that have morning supervisory duty and the Administrators will report to the gymnasium and Kiva to monitor students.


The primary responsibility for maintaining classroom discipline rests with the teacher and should conform to the Broward County Code of Student Conduct Book. Student misbehavior and the resulting consequences are detailed in the Code of Student Conduct Book. Teachers are expected to attempt to correct the problem, using sound behavior management techniques and make parent contact before Guidance and Administrative referrals are written. Documentation of interventions must be noted on referrals and parent contact must be made. Classroom and Behavior Management Training will be provided throughout the year at Rickards Middle. Classroom and behavior Management is a part of the teacher’s evaluation.

If it is necessary to issue a referral to a student because of misbehavior during class changes, the student should be sent to their next class and the referral sent to the office by a reliable student. In cases of assault, fight or damage to school property during class changes, the front office shall be notified and appropriate personnel will be immediately dispatched.


If a student arrives at class with a schedule change:

1. Initial the add or drop column of the schedule change form.

2. If this student if being “dropped” from the roll, complete the grade transfer form. (Refer to Appendix). This completed form should be given to the receiving teacher at the end of the day.

3. The last teacher on the schedule change returns the initialized form to the grade level counselor.


School Spirit means loyalty to the functions of Rickards Middle School via courtesy, pride, and good sportsmanship. Rickards' colors are Carolina blue, black and white. Spirit days for the staff and students are Fridays. You will want to model school spirit and wear your special Rickards shirt on Fridays.


All visitors on campus must report to the reception desk. Visitors will be screened and issued an ID. Visitors will be escorted around campus at all times. Teachers should report to the office any person on campus that is not identified as a staff member or student.

SELF-REPORTING RULE (Reference Policy #2405)

All personnel shall self-report, in writing, to the Broward Schools Chief of Police within forty-eight (48) hours of any arrests, citations, charges involving the abuse of a child, the sale and/or possession of a controlled substance, or charges involving Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Battery, Possession (including e-mail transmissions) or Sale of Pornography Involving Minors, and Sexual Relations with students. Such notice shall not be considered an admission of guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceeding, civil or criminal, administrative, or judicial.

All personnel holding a Commercial Driver’s (CDL) License, as a condition of employment, shall self-report in writing, within forty-eight (48) hours any citations, arrests, or charges involving driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI). In addition, all persons shall self-report, in writing, within forty-eight (48) hours, any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion intervention program, or entering a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for any criminal offense other than minor traffic violations. DUI and DWI are not considered minor and must be reported.


No persons may smoke in a Board-owned/leased building or Board (School Board Policy #1120)


A brief Description

Students who have articulation, fluency, voice, or language disorders may be eligible for the program. Articulation, fluency, and voice disorders are usually easily identified. These students have difficulty speaking clearly or smoothly, or demonstrate vocal abuse. However, language disorders are subtler. Behavior characteristics of language deficient children include:

1. Children with deficient oral language having difficulty learning new vocabulary; they learn in specific contexts and are unable to generalize.

2. Multiple meanings of words may confuse these children.

3. Word definitions or explanations of similarities are poor.

4. Word finding problems are common.

5. Verbal expression is poor; they talk around the subject never come to the point, and use vague terms.

6. These children are unable to make inferences or draw appropriate conclusions.

7. Written and oral grammatical errors are common.

8. Interpretation of and responses to social situations frequently inappropriate; these children are unable to process rapid conversation and frequent topic shifts. They tend to monopolize conversation.

Middle school students need to be taught strategies rather than specific content. They are then able to generalize basic skills across situations, settings, and curricula. Emphasis is on how to learn rather than specific content and what to learn.

To be considered for speech/language services, the student must have written permission from his parent or guardian for testing. A battery of tests is given, and those who qualify for the program are recommended for speech or language therapy. Broward County has written guidelines stating the scores students must receive on these tests to be eligible for therapy. After all testing is completed; a staffing committee meets to discuss the student’s problem. If the student is enrolled in the Speech/Language Program, an Individualized Education Plan is designed for the student.


To ensure quality education and to promote professional growth, school-based staff development programs are to be provided. With staff input, the Staff Development Committee plans, develops, and implements training programs. All staff development is posted monthly. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they attend the training as required by their PGP and the principal.


A. Board Policy

When a student is injured on school property, the teacher or person in charge may render such aid as is advisable under the circumstances and within the limits of his knowledge for treatment of such injury. The administration and parents are to be notified immediately. After the student has been treated or placed under competent care, a written report must be made.

B. Accident Procedure

In the event of serious or extensive injury, the teacher to whom the student is assigned, or in the event that injury occurs when the student is not under specific teacher observation – the first teacher upon the scene shall adhere to the following procedures:

1. DO NOT move the injured student

2. Render first aid ONLY if necessary

3. Notify the Administration by the most expedient and practical method possible.

i. Give student’s name and grade.

ii. Give possible extent of injury.

iii. An accident form must be filled out in the Administrative office whether the student has school insurance or not. THIS MUST BE DONE ON THE DAY OF THE ACCIDENT AND AS SOON AS PRACTICAL AFTER THE ACCIDENT. The teacher who was in charge or witnessed the accident (as soon as possible after the accident occurs) complete this form. The insurance company will not honor claims unless this form has been completed.

If a teacher is negligent in the performance of his/her duties, there is no legal power that will protect him/her from the consequences of negligence. However, if a teacher exercises due care to foresee harmful consequences and provides reasonable safety measures, the burden of proof of negligence is placed on the accuser. The courts have upheld teachers who exercised reasonable care in handling students under their supervision.

There are no statutes in Florida, which grant immunity to teachers from suits for injuries sustained by pupils. However, the courts have interpreted the law to mean that a teacher is not liable for injuries to a pupil unless the teacher is negligent in his/her duty. There appears to be no record of Florida cases in which damages have been awarded to a student for an injury(ies) occurring while under the jurisdiction of a teacher.

The best course of action for any teacher to take is to follow known safety rules. One should instruct his/her students as to the best way of carrying out a specific assignment. One should exercise reasonable precaution in the performance of regular school duties whether they are in the classroom, on the playground, or on a field trip. In other words, teachers should use sound judgment and exercise initiative.


Students must maintain a 1.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale to take part in any interscholastic extracurricular school or district activity during the following forty-five (45) day marking period. In addition, students must pass at least five classes.

Grades and conduct marks are to be checked weekly during the interscholastic season in which the student is participating.

If a student fails to achieve either criterion, the student will be ineligible to represent the school for a period of one (1) week. The student will continue to be ineligible until both criteria are met.

Students will be allowed to practice with the team during the period of ineligibility



1. Students will follow directions of all staff.

2. Students must have a pass when in the hallway during class time. The student’s “Binder Reminder” is to be used for passes and should include the time, destination, and teacher signature. Only one student should be permitted to leave the classroom at a time.

3. Students will walk in the hallway at all times.

4. Students must have a pass to enter the building before 9:10 am.

5. Students are not allowed in the building or in a classroom without adult supervision.

6. 10/10 Rule – No students are permitted in the hallway the first and last 10 minutes of class.


1. Students will follow directions of all staff.

2. Student must keep hands, body, and objects to themselves.

3. Students throwing food or other objects will be Externally Suspensded.

4. Students must put all trash in the proper receptacles.

5. Students are to remain seated at their assigned table unless directed otherwise.

6. Students will not leave the cafeteria without a pass.


No teacher has the authority to grant a class permission to dismiss a student or class until the end of the day bell sounds. Teachers are responsible for their students until the last bell sounds.

No teacher is permitted to keep a class in his/her room after the final bell has rung. Students must report to the bus loading area on time.


Informing parents of their son/daughter’s possible drug involvement:

This is a recommended procedure to inform parents that a specific behavior exhibited by their son/ daughter would merit careful examination, by family and by the family doctor, to explore possible medical problems or possible drug involvement. The procedures deal with the following two circumstances:

1. Student has observable symptoms or behavior: Staff member submits referral to Guidance/Administration describing the behavior. If original referral is substantiated by these follow-up observations, the parents are called to come to school for a conference. North Central Area Substance Abuse Coordinator may also be consulted and asked to do an assessment and participate in the conference. At this conference, the parents and the Guidance/Administration personnel will:

a. Describe and discuss the behavior in question – at school and at home.

b. Discuss possible reasons for the behavior.

c. Identify specific resource people or community agencies that could be of assistance if it is determined that a referral is in order.

d. A follow-up conference may be in order to make adjustments in the student’s progress.

2. Student confides in school personnel that he/she is using drugs or has a drug problem.

Staff member will: Listen to the student and inform a Counselor and/or Administrator.

Under no circumstances should a staff member discuss students involved in drug usage in the classroom.


To ensure smooth operations and effective programming, school-based support services are provided. Support Services personnel are:

Assistant Principals

Guidance Counselors

Reading Coach

Department Chairpersons

Exceptional Student Education Specialist

Peer Counselor

School Social Worker

School Psychologist

School Resource Deputy

Security Specialist

Teachers are encouraged to make referrals on students who may need services. Refer to procedure for initiating an “RtI.” (Refer to Appendix)


No teacher has the authority to grant a class/group permission to proceed to the bus loading area until the end of the day bell sounds. Teachers are responsible for their students until the last bell sounds.

No teacher is permitted to keep a class in his/her room after the final bell has rung. Students must report to the bus loading area on time.



Teachers are to supervise students whenever and wherever they are seen except on their 30-minute duty free lunch. Every teacher will be responsible for every student while students are in school or during activities, e.g. all halls, entrances, exits patios, and between buildings/portables.

Covering Classes

Occasionally, it is necessary for teachers to cover classes because of illness, field trips, or emergencies. All arrangements for class coverage must be cleared with the grade level administrator.

Covering During Class Changes

All teachers will stand outside their classroom doors or assume a visible location outside of their classroom to supervise students during class changes.


If a teacher confiscates or holds valuables or money belonging to a student, the teacher is liable by law for the return of same. Therefore, be sure to place confiscated items in a secure place until your can deliver the item to an administrator.


Rickards Middle School has adopted the following Suicide Prevention Response Plan. This plan is to be followed by Rickards Middle School faculty and staff.

If a student seems to be “at risk” (just talking about suicide directly or indirectly).

If a student is “high risk” (has attempted before, has a plan, has the availability to follow through with the plan, etc.), do not leave the student alone.

Refer the student to the grade level Guidance Counselor, immediately!

The counselor/designee will take the following steps:

□ Speak with the student.

□ Evaluate the seriousness of the situation.

□ Contact and notify the parent.

□ Depending on the particular situation, stay with or arrange for the student to stay with an adult (administrator, SRO, etc.) until the parent arrives.

□ If parent refuses to respond, contact HRS.

□ Document all steps taken.

Suicide Attempt At School

If a student attempts suicide during school hours, the following course of action will be utilized.

□ Never leave the student alone. Notify an administrator immediately by calling the front office.

□ The Resource Officer may be sent to assist the administrator.

□ Call the paramedics and police immediately if the situation is life threatening.

□ Contact the student’s parent(s).

***If the parent(s) cannot be reached and the student has to be taken to the emergency room, an administrator or school designee should accompany the paramedics / police to the emergency room.

The school-designated interventionist should:

1. Follow up with the parents, admitting physician, etc., to establish that intervention has taken place.

2. Information will be shared with appropriate school personnel on an as needed basis.

3. Assist in the student’s transition back to school when appropriate.

4. Document all steps taken.


( Do not promise confidentiality to the student.

( Do not reassure the suicidal student that everything will be all right.

( Do not ignore the suicidal signals, threats, etc.

( Do not attempt to rescue to save the suicidal student by yourself.

( Remain calm.


Familiarize yourself with the suicide “Warning Signals” of the “At Risk” students listed in the appendix. If you suspect a student may be suicidal, trust your suspicions and follow the procedure listed below.

1. Notify the Guidance Counselor immediately. The school resource officer will be contacted if the situation warrants his/her attention.

2. The counselor should immediately notify the parent(s). The Principal, grade level Administrator should also be notified.

3. The parent(s) will be strongly urged to seek professional help and referred to the Family Counseling Center or an appropriate community resource.

4. At the end of the school day the school resource officer or an administrator will stay with the student until the situation is resolved.

5. If the situation is life threatening and the school resource officer is not on campus, notify the local paramedics and police immediately – call 911.

6. If the student is Baker Acted, Special Investigative Unit should be notified through a FRI Report.




We are in an unprecedented budget crunch and have had our budgets frozen for most of the previous two school years. Please share stored up supplies and/or work together to write grants, which can assist in providing additional funds for this purpose.


In accordance with Florida Statute 231.09, teachers “shall require pupils to observe personal cleanliness, neatness, order, promptness, and gentility of manner, avoid vulgarity and profanity, and cultivate in them habits of industry and economy, a regard for the rights and feelings of others and their own responsibilities and duties as citizens…shall see that the school building, and all things pertaining thereto, are not unnecessarily defaced or injured.”


Every injury, regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant, must be reported promptly Mrs. Breitenkam, who in turn shall assist you in reporting it to the proper district personnel.

Teachers must report accidents that involve themselves or another staff member. Fill out an accident report and Workman’s Compensation form with the Principal’s secretary immediately after the accident occurs regardless of how small.


Teachers are required by law to be on duty a minimum of seven and one-half hours per day. Teachers are to report promptly for work at 8:15 A.M. and may leave at 3:45 P.M. For pre-planning and teacher workdays, the school hours are 8:00 A.M. UNTIL 3:30 P.M.

Abuse of teacher hours will result in the following progressive actions by administration:

a. Personal discussion with administraton

b. Written reprimand

c. Progressive discipline up to and including recommendation for termination.

School personnel leaving campus during school hours, must get approval from their Assistant Principal and must sign in and out on the appropriate sign out log at the Principal’s Secretary’s desk.


Technology equipment is both fragile and expensive. Teachers are responsible for technology equipment they borrow from the school. They will be held responsible for repair replacement for equipment that is lost, stolen or damaged due to negligence and/or failure to follow established school and School Board policies and procedures regarding proper use, care and protection.


Telephones have been installed for the purpose of transacting school business.

1. Long distance calls for school business must be logged in and approved by an

administrator in advance. The proper forms for reporting the long distance calls are

available in the office of the Bookkeeper or Office Manager.

2. Students may use school phones to notify parents of practice and/or game cancellation.

3. Use the telephone directory and NOT 411.

4. No calls will be transferred to the classroom during instructional time. Telephone messages

will be sent via e-mail.

5. The school number is not to be given as a reminder for doctor/dental appointments or other

personal business.

6. In the event of an emergency students may use the school phones during the school day.


In order to receive approval for a temporary duty assignment teachers must:

▪ Teacher chooses a workshop. Workshops will be posted on ESS.

• Teacher completes a Temporary Duty Assignment (TDA) to request approval from the principal at least two (2) weeks before workshop date.

• After receiving notification from Mrs. Breitenkam that the request is approved, the teacher registers for the workshop on ESS.

• After receiving notification from Mrs. Breitenkam that the request is approved, the teacher procures a substitute for date(s) of absence.

• After attending a workshop, you must complete the on-line appraisal form in order to receive your points.

• Log on to ESS to view a copy of your inservice.

• Teachers should keep an inservice file and keep all records/forms given and/or returned from HRD. At least once a year, crosscheck your inservice record with your file to be sure that all points were awarded and there are no errors. This is the teacher's responsibility.

• Please see the inservice facilitator if you should need help in reference to inservice issues such as registration, recertification, basic/advanced incentives.


Distribution to Teachers

❖ All books are the property of the State of Florida. They are loaned to the students while pursuing their course of study.

❖ Teachers will receive books for their classes from the Textbook Coordinator. The teacher will provide a textbook card to each student to be correctly completed in ink. The teacher will keep these cards on file until the textbook is returned.

❖ Department Chairs will keep inventory of books issued to teachers.

Issuance of Books

❖ Each classroom teacher will have the responsibility of issuing to their students the textbooks required for their respective subject at the opening of school.

❖ The textbook numbers and condition will be recorded on a textbook card and the inside of the book when issued. Students should list on the back of the textbook card all previous damage done to the book. Samples for information to be listed on the back of the textbook card are as follows:


• Broken back

• Frayed corners

• Scratched cover

• Pages torn

• Page 171 - ink marks

❖ All teachers must have their name printed in ink on the inside cover of the textbook. All data (teacher's initials and student information) must be written in ink.

❖ Teachers are responsible for teaching the pupils how to care for and use textbooks. The State of Florida requires a textbook to he used for five years. The code is: A = Excellent; B = Good; C = Fair; D= Abused, F =Not Usable. A decrease of ONE LETTER PER YEAR is allowed for normal use. If the book decreases two letters per' year, a fine of 1/4 the cost of a new book is levied; a fine of 1/2 for three letters, a fine of 3/4 for four letters.

If a student loses a book and has not found it within a period of one week, send him/her to the budgetkeeper with a duplicate of his textbook card to pay for the book. Two receipts will be issued by the budgetkeeper. The student will retain one, while the other one will be given to the teacher. The teacher will staple the receipt to the original textbook card for his/her record.

Books that are left in the halls, outside the building, or books without names, are collected and returned to the teacher. Teachers are responsible for all textbooks issued to them. Teachers are identified by their printed name on the inside front cover.

Textbook Checks

Check textbooks at the end of each quarter. If a student transfers to another class, again, be sure to transfer the textbook card to the new teacher.


If a student has his/her schedule changed, be sure to transfer the textbook card to the new teacher. The teacher receiving the student will amend their records accordingly. Please be sure to follow this procedure, as it is the only way that your record of original textbooks issued will tally with that of the textbook manager.


If a student who is withdrawing returns the text, update the textbook card immediately. This will keep your cards up-to-date and accurate. If a student withdraws unexpectedly and does not return his/her book(s), mark the date of this withdrawal on the textbook card and keep it with the others for your end-of-year accounting.

Classroom Sets

Where there is a lack of sufficient texts, one set may have to be used by all classes. If so, the following procedure is recommended:

• Number each text plainly on the back binding

• Assign a certain numbered text to a student in each class

• Make each student responsible for examining his/her text each period to be sure that the previous student has not damaged it.

• Assign a responsible student the job of checking, at the end of each period, to determine that all texts have been returned to the shelf.

• When a "class-use-only text" is missing, try to ascertain who is responsible for the loss. If you need assistance, contact your grade level administrator.

Collection of Textbooks

All textbooks will be collected prior to the end of year field trip.


All Classrooms:

Upon teacher command, have students assume the protective position (crouch on knees and elbows, hands on back of head) and face interior wall, away from glass windows.

Physical Education Classes (Outside):

Move directly to the locker rooms. Teachers are to keep their students together. At teacher command, the students assume the protective position (crouch on knees and elbows, hands on back of head) and face interior wall, away from glass windows.

Portable Classrooms:

Students are escorted to an inner hallway in the main building. Students face the wall and upon command they assume a protective position (crouch on knees and elbows, hands on back of head).


Students at James S. Rickards Middle School arrive at school by one of the following modes: bicycles, walking, cars, or buses.

Bicycle riders are to park their bikes only in the designated area. No bicycles are permitted anywhere else on the campus. Bus students are dropped off on the north side of the school. Students being driven to school are to be dropped off on the west side of the school.


When a student is found guilty of truancy, the Assistant Principal shall notify the appropriate teachers who shall adhere to School Board Policy as it applies to grading and make-up work. The

counselor shall initiate follow-up action immediately.


UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are teachers to receive compensation for tutoring any pupil in the same class in the school in which the teacher is working.

USE OF SCHOOL BOARD PROPERTY (Reference Policy #3204)

The School Board provides you with necessary equipment, materials, and vehicles to carry out the job assigned to you. A Property Pass is required for equipment taken off school board property. Procedures for the use of Property Passes are listed in the Manual of Property and Inventory Control located at your work location. If you are assigned any equipment, it becomes your responsibility to exercise care in its operation. Personal use of vehicles, materials, supplies, tools, or other equipment is not permitted. Violation could result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


All visitors to our school are to report directly to the front office. No one may visit a student or a teacher during the school day unless he/she has received approval from the Administration. Students are not allowed to bring visitors with them to school. To enter classrooms for observation or other purposes, visitors are to have a pass or are to be accompanied by school personnel. No one is to be admitted to a classroom without authorization. This includes all “GUEST SPEAKERS”.

Former students, friends, and/or relatives of students who are of student age are not allowed to visit without the express permission of the Principal. Such young people observed on campus are to be reported to Administration immediately.

If a visitor appears at your doorway and does not have permission, buzz the office, and state that you have a visitor and need an Administrator to assist. Someone will come immediately.


You must check your voice mailbox daily to pick up any personal or parent messages. Any questions regarding voicemails should be directed to Mrs. Whitehead or Mr. Hammond


In keeping with the school philosophy of community involvement, staff members are encouraged to utilize the services of volunteers. All volunteers must be pre-approved through Mrs. Young, Volunteer Coordinator. (Refer to Appendix)


No person, except for law enforcement personnel, shall be authorized to carry or bring any weapon or firearm on to school board property. This includes school grounds, administration buildings, facilities, school buses, school bus stops, and vehicles provided for transportation by the District. This policy also applies to school board events or school board official business, on or off school board property.

Any person possessing, transmitting, and/or using a weapon on school board property shall be subject to arrest. In addition, employees who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


When a student withdraws from Rickards Middle School, a parent should come upstairs to the Registrar’s office to request the withdrawal or transfer. If a parent cannot come to school, the parent MUST write a note or telephone the GRADE LEVEL COUNSELOR giving the new address and the date of departure. When this procedure has been completed, the student, on the morning of the last full day at school, obtains a Withdrawal Form from the REGISTRAR, which is submitted to each of their teachers for a release and a grade. All books and other materials belonging to the school must be returned or paid for to complete the withdrawal process. The student returns the completed Withdrawal Form to the REGISTRAR where the official transfer is issued.


The School Board is subject to the provisions of the Worker’s Compensation Act (Chapter 440 F.S.), the same as any other employer. This act requires that all work-connected injuries be reported promptly. Failure to do so will result in penalties. The fines and penalties will be assessed against the school or department responsible for the last reporting. All injuries are to be reported to the Principal’s office immediately.

Any person going to a doctor not authorized by the employer and/or insurance carrier will be responsible for his/her own medical expenses.

Worker’s Compensation benefits shall not be payable for the first seven (7) days of absence from duty due to an accident. If the disability extends beyond fourteen (14) days however, compensation payments shall be allowed from the commencement of the disability.

All injuries or accidents incurred while at school should be reported to the office manager or her designee immediately to file a Notice of Injury report. Failure to do so could possible jeopardize your claim or insurance coverage. Any employee treated by a physician not authorized by Risk Management will be responsible for his/her own medical expenses.

Should an employee be injured in an accident arising out of and in the course of employment, a “Workman’s Compensation Injury Information” form (WC-962) must be completed and filed with the Risk Management Department, County Office, within 24 hours by the Principal.

It is imperative that accidents be reported to the appropriate person in the main office immediately after it happens.


All teachers must have written communication that is to be sent home approved by their grade level Administrator and the Principal. This includes any type of letter or form other than county adopted forms such as progress reports, referral forms, etc. A copy of such communication should be filed in the student’s file in 105.


Procedures for Xeroxing will be shared in all grade level meetings. Teachers are not to use the copying machines in the administrative offices. Each teacher will be given the number of copies allowed each month and a code to use the Xerox machine. Department heads will in-service their departments in the use of the Xerox. Teachers should make sure only pertinent teaching materials will be copied

If, as a teacher,

• I present the same lessons in the same manner that I have used in the past;

• I seek no feedback from my students;

• I do not analyze and evaluate their work in a manner that changes my own emphasis, repertoire, and timing;

• I do not visit or observe other adults as they teach;

• I do not share the work of my students with colleagues for feedback, suggestions, and critiques;

• I do not visit other schools or attend particular workshops or seminars or read professional literature on aspects of my teaching;

• I do not welcome visitors with experience and expertise to observe and provide feedback to me on my classroom practice;

• I have no yearly individualized professional development plan focused on classroom changes to improve student learning; and finally,

• I have no systemic evaluation of my teaching tied to individual, grade/department, and school-wide goals,


I have absolutely no way to become better as a teacher.



1. Be positive and flexible.

2. Honor commitments and meet deadlines.

3. Arrive at school and meetings on time.

4. Provide attractive, neat and organized environment for children.

5. Display student’ work and original (non-purchased), pertinent displays and boards.

6. Assume total responsibility for field trips.

7. Abide by school policies; they refer to the entire staff.

8. Never leave children unsupervised.

9. Become involved in in-service activities.

10. Don’t allow a text to be the program.

11. Become familiar with and use your teacher handbook.

12. Be an active participant in the life of the school.

13. Use teaching tools such as overhead projectors, tape recorders, computers, etc…to reduce reliance on dittos.


I am the decisive element in the classroom.

It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be the tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. It is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized. I decide whether I will be interventionist or an interactionist, a referee or a resource, a tyrant or a teacher. My primary task is to prepare my students for the future, to infuse them with strategic resources that will encourage them to become critical thinkers and to respect the individuality of each student by seeking creative and diverse ways to present classroom materials. Given the proper equipment, resources and support from students, fellow faculty and administration, I promise to be the best teacher that I can be.

To this end I am committed.


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