
Tobacco-Free Partnership of Broward County - Point of Sale Subcommittee

Meeting Minutes

July 13th, 2020


Islam Khalil, FDOH Broward

Barry Hummel, QuitDoc

Sheri Schour, AHEC

John Michael Pierobon, Concerned citizen

Lacy Boyle, American Heart Association

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion |Follow Up Required |

|I. Welcome & Introductions |Meeting called to order at 3:00pm by Islam Khalil | |

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|II. POS Update 2020-2021 |I. Khalil and L. Delaughter decided for the first half of |I. Khalil will follow up with TFF to see if they will |

| |the fiscal year to decrease POS activities due to the COVID|approve distribution of the newsletter for the Media |

| |pandemic. Q3 & Q4 will be have more activities. |campaign activity. |

| |TFF are still providing support of TRL but understand due |Body email (talking points) and newsletter attachment |

| |to the pandemic it might be difficult |Send published Op-ed to POS leads |

| |Dr. Hummel suggests the committee should begin to reach out|I. Khalil send POS task force message maps/talking points |

| |to government officials in Q1 to initiate TRL conversation |on TRL |

| |and to prepare for Q3 & Q4 |POS task force will create a template to distribute to |

| |I. Khalil suggests the committee can use the “Develop |city and county officials. |

| |and/or use Alternative Media Campaigns” activity to reach | |

| |out to decision makers and government officials | |

| |Dr. Hummel suggest with a focus on TRL, the task force can | |

| |distribute the TFP August Newsletter to government | |

| |officials. | |

| |J. M. Pierobon suggest distributing his published Op-ed | |

| |piece to TFF-POS leads in Florida panhandle and they can | |

| |send it to elected officials. | |

| |S. Schour asked about I. Khalil role in advocacy. I. Khalil| |

| |explained he is not allowed to advocate for policy but | |

| |allowed to work with POS task force members to advocate in | |

| |his place. | |

| |Dr. Hummel suggest creating a generic TRL template so | |

| |partners can send the message to decision makers, county | |

| |commissioners, and city officials. | |

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|III. Government Tobacco Policy |SB 810 but has not been signed by the governor. It won’t |Dr. Hummel will be sending Vero Beach compliance check |

| |take effect until January 2021. The governor is on board to|language |

| |sign it. The policy will not affect us locally and will not| |

| |preempt us of TRL advocacy. | |

| |City of Vero Beach will be using code enforcement to | |

| |enforce a local ordinance that reflects the SB 810. They | |

| |will be doing a compliance check but not licenses. | |

| |Cities may have issues with revenues due to the pandemic, | |

| |task force may use that as an advantage by suggesting the | |

| |cities to implement a TRL/ VRL to add a stream of revenue | |

|V. Adjourn |Meeting adjourned at 3:45pm | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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