Education Technology Services

Systems Integration Team

Installation / Configuration Instructions

Product: 2003 Server Usernames

Version: 3.0

Subject: Student Name Download


Required: 2003 Server, and FileMaker Pro

Skill Level

Required: Advanced

This document contains complete step by step instructions on how to download student information from the Data Warehouse, for account creation on a Windows 2003 Server. It is assumed that you have a logon ID for Data Warehouse. It is also assumed that you have File Maker Pro, and a Local Lan Admin account for the 2003 server.

Fill in the following Pre-Installation information, for future reference. This information can be found on the 2003 Server. The instructions below will refer you back to this information when it is needed.

NOTE: Be very careful that the information you gather is correct. If any part is wrong, it could cause the accounts and/or folders to be created incorrectly.

Description Examples Fill In Your Sites Information

|A: School Name |Example: Dillard High | |

|B: School Global |Example: McNab_E_GG | |

|Group | | |

|C: Student Global |Example: CFH_Student_GG | |

|Group | | |

|D: Student Folder |Example: E:\Shared\Student | |

|Location | | |

|E: Network Path |Example: \\DBHCB1\Student | |

To find the information for Descriptions B and C, at the server console, double click on the “User Manger for Domains” shortcut on the Desktop, and find the student account template that corresponds to your site, double click on it, and click on the “Groups” box. Record the information in the boxes above. Descriptions D and E can be found in the “My Computer”.


1. Access the Data Warehouse, using a web browser, to obtain the Student download.

1. Launch a web browser.

1. Type “” to access the Data Warehouse.

1. Click on “School Reports Menu”

1. Log on to the Data Warehouse. NOTE: (If you do not have access, have someone logon for you.)

1. Click on “Downloads”

2. Click on “Student Downloads”

1. Select the school number for your site.

2. Select the current school year.

1. Click “Run”.

1. In “Execution Results”, click the file created.

2. Click “Save”.

3. Select the destination, name the file whatever you want, and click “Save”.

4. Click “Exit” to leave the Data Warehouse.

1. Download the “Students” FileMaker Pro 6 or 8 Template from the ETS server, depending on the version you will be using.

1. Access the “ETS File Server.”

1. For access from a Windows machine:

1. Click “Start”, then click “Run”.

2. Type \\servicedesk, and press “Enter”

3. Double click “Windows”

4. Double click “Usernames”

1. If prompted for a login and password use “etsguest”, and “guest”.

2. For access using a MAC:

1. Click “Go”.

2. Type “servicedesk”

3. Click the “Guest” button, and click “OK.”

3. Double click "Windows”.

4. Double click "Usernames".

2. Copy the correct version of the “Students” template to your computer’s desktop.

2. Launch the template.

1. NOTE: This template must be run from a PC. If a Mac is used to run the scripts, it will cause an error on the 2003 server.

2. Double click on the “Students” template. (NOTE: The template was created in FileMaker Pro 5.)

3. Select “File”, “Import Records”, then select “File”.

4. Click the “Desktop” button, and select the “Student” file you just downloaded from the server, and click “Open.”

5. Click “Import”, then click “OK”.

6. Switch to the “Set-up” layout and modify the fields using the information gathered earlier in the A-E boxes.

7. Click “Scripts”, and then “1 Create Batch Files”. NOTE: Again, this template must be run from a PC. If a Mac is used to run the scripts, it will cause an error on the 2003 server.

8. Exit FileMaker Pro by clicking “File”, then “Quit”.

3. Copy the 5 “Batch” files to the “Netinst” folder on your server.

4. Go to the 2003 server, and log on as a “Local Lan Admin”.

5. Double click the “My Computer” icon, and double click the drive that contains the “Netinst” folder.

1. Double click on “Shared”, then double click on “Netinst”

2. Double click on the “1 Username.bat” file.

1. The program will take awhile to perform this step.

3. When the command prompt disappears, double click the “2 Localgroup.bat” file.

1. The program will take awhile to perform this step.

4. When the command prompt disappears, double click the “3 Globalgroup.bat” file.

1. The program will take awhile to perform this step.

5. When the command prompt disappears, double click the “4 Directory.bat” file.

1. The program will take a few minutes to perform this step.

6. When the command prompt disappears, double click the “5 Permisions.bat” file.

1. The program will take a few minutes to perform this step.

7. When the command prompt disappears, close all windows.

6. Log off the server.

Version 3.5



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