ESP Orientation 102017 - Broward County Public Schools

ESP Orientation

Payroll Overview

Presenter: Alverine Brihm

Friday, October 20, 2017


? Payroll Cycle Overview ? Paycheck Overview ? All Days Paid (ADP) ? Year Round Pay (YRP) ? Deductions ? Miscellaneous ? Contact Information

ESPs you are 3,838 strong!

Payroll Cycle Overview

? Bi-weekly payroll frequency ? Two payroll cycles ? AA & BB (pays on alternate Fridays) ? Most ESP's are on the AA payroll cycle ? Who is responsible for timely and accurate time entry of your payroll

data? The Payroll Contact at your work location (school) ? Submit your absence certificates and timesheets in a timely manner to

prevent payroll mistakes

Paycheck Overview

Paycheck Overview Continued

All Days Paid (ADP)

? What is All Days Paid? These are all work days (Monday ? Friday) from the start of your respective calendar to the end. This enables the District to pay equal paychecks throughout the school year.

? Example: 186 ? Day Calendar ? Employees on this calendar will have 208 ADP Days

? Calendar begins: 8/21/17 ? 6/6/18 ? 180 Work Days + 6 Paid Holidays + 22 Unpaid Days = 208 ADP Days

All Days Paid (ADP) Continued


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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