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Dear Parents and StudentsWelcome to Flamingo Elementary. We are looking forward to an exciting and successful school year. We have prepared the parent/student handbook so that we may bring about better communication between the home and the school. Please take time to read this handbook thoroughly.We feel that a positive relationship between home and school is important. We encourage you to visit the school and discuss your child’s progress with the teachers. We are proud of our school, and we value your assistance, support, and suggestions. Sincerely, Janice Crosby, PrincipalSCHEDULE7:30 a.m. Breakfast Program starts7:55 a.m. First bell rings; students proceed to class8:00 a.m. Classes begin; tardy bell rings2:00 p.m. Dismissal bell ringsThe school office is open from 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.ACCIDENTS – INSURANCEIf your child is injured at school, we will make him/her comfortable and then call you immediately. It is the parents’ responsibility to pick up their child when the school deems it necessary. Please be sure all emergency information is on file and up-to-date so you can be reached. Parents are strongly encouraged to have some type of accident insurance on their child. Applications for Florida Kid Care Health insurance are available by going online at . ATTENDANCEAll students are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill or a family emergency arises. Please remember that a written note explaining the absence is required upon your child’s return to school, or you may call the school’s attendance line at 754-323-5702 to report your child’s absence.BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONSParents may celebrate birthday parties with their child at Flamingo Elementary in the cafeteria during the regular lunch period of the student.? Please be advised that proper identification is required, store-bought cupcakes only can be brought (home-baked items are not permitted), balloons and candles are not permitted, and no picture-taking of students other than your child is allowed.? Please plan to serve at least 18 students in grades PK – 3 and 22 students in grades 4 and 5.?? Additionally, please contact your child’s teacher at least a week prior to birthday celebration date.? BREAKFAST AND LUNCH PROGRAMSFree and reduced lunch forms are available at . If you do not have Internet access, please contact Mrs. Clementi. Free and Reduced Lunch Coordinator at 754-323-5700 and you can make an appointment to use a computer at our site. Students can bring a lunch and buy milk or they can purchase a lunch for $2.00 (.40 cents for reduced-price lunch). Students who bring lunch are not allowed to bring drinks in glass bottles or soda. Milk is available for 50 cents. Breakfast cost is $1.20. Ice cream is sold once a week for 65 cents. Breakfast and lunch meals may be paid online at . Please do NOT bring meals in from MUNICATIONSPlease visit the Flamingo Elementary website at for the school lunch menu, calendar of events, and school newsletter. A paper copy can be sent home upon request.DIRECTORY INFORMATIONFlorida Statute 228.093 and Public Law 930380 set forth the rights of schools and school systems to release “Directory Information” to appropriate agencies or individuals. Parents who do not want directory information released must complete the FERPA opt-out form.DISCIPLINEThe School Board of Broward County has adopted a Student Code of Conduct. The Code of Student Conduct Handbook is being distributed electronically for 2016-2017. The Code of Student Conduct Handbook is now posted for review on the Broward Schools website in English, Spanish, Creole, and Portuguese at . After reading the Handbook, parents and students must print and sign the required forms to be returned to the school. At Flamingo, we have developed a school-wide discipline plan.DISMISSAL CHANGE Please notify the teacher in writing if there is to be a change in the way your child normally goes home. If notification is not received, your child will follow his/her regular method of getting home. EARLY DISMISSAL – EMERGENCY DISMISSALWe encourage you to schedule your child’s doctor and dentist appointments after school hours. Per School Board Policy, students may not be signed out after 1:30 p.m. Dismissal will be through the STAR system and identification must always be shown. Emergency dismissal forms must be filled out at the beginning of each school year. Please discuss with your child the procedure he/she is to follow in case of emergency. Rainy day dismissal should also be discussed with your child. Phone lines are limited and students cannot call home. All students will be held indoors until lightning has stopped.HEAD LICE (Pediculosis)Please be advised that any student that has visible eggs (nits) or lice in their hair will not be allowed to remain in school. Students must be accompanied by their parent/guardian to school for a follow-up head check to clear the student to return to school. Once the student is free of lice and nits, a pass will be given to them to return to class.In an effort to maintain and enhance a healthy, safe, and academically focused environment for your child, and to decrease incidents of absence due to pediculosis, head lice checks are conducted at Flamingo Elementary throughout the year, as needed, as well as one school-wide check per semester as a preventative measure.LOST AND FOUNDLost items can be found in the Indoor PE Area, such as clothing and other items belonging to students. Please label your child’s clothing, lunch boxes, etc., so that lost items can be returned.MEDICATIONMedication is to be brought to the clinic by the parent in its original packaging and a medication log must be signed, Medication, including all over-the-counter medication and cough drops, cannot be brought to school by students or administered by school personnel. Students who require prescribed or over-the-counter medication must have the appropriate form signed by the physician and parent before medication can be given. Forms are available in the office.PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCESCommunication is an essential part of the educational program. At least two parent-teacher conferences per year are recommended. Notify the teacher when you would like a conference so one can be scheduled at a convenient time. Please do not conference with teachers in the halls or doorways at the beginning or end of the instructional day. Students may attend the conference with the parent upon teacher request.PARENT-TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO)AND SCHOOL ADVISORY FORUM (SAF)Flamingo has an active and independent PTO. There are no dues and all parents/guardians are members. Officers and directors are elected by the membership. Board meetings are usually held the second Wednesday of each month. PETSPlease enjoy your pets at home. They are not allowed on campus.REPORT CARDS/INTERIM REPORTSReport cards are issued to students at the end of each nine-week period. Report cards contain both academic and conduct grades, as well as attendance. In addition, interim reports are sent halfway through each marking period if there are areas that need improvement. Both report cards and interim reports need to be signed promptly and returned to the classroom teacher.REVIEW OF SCHOOL RECORDSThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act became a Federal Law in November 1974. The intent of this law is to protect the accuracy and privacy of students’ educational records. You may request an appointment to review your child’s records (cumulative folder) by making an appointment through the guidance office.SAFETYTo ensure the safety of students and staff, fire, lockdown, tornado, and evacuation drills are conducted throughout the school year. The evacuation codes are as follows: RED Full Lockdown Threat/Incident Inside the Facility. YELLOW Lockdown Threat/Incident Inside the Facility. BLUE Medical Emergency. BLACK Bomb Threat. ORANGE Evacuation. BROWN Threat/Incident within the facility, shelter in-place. GREEN All ClearSCHOOL VOLUNTEERSOur outstanding school volunteer program has something for everyone no matter what you like to do. If you can spare an hour or more per week, consider being a volunteer. Volunteer forms go home the second week of school, and a volunteer orientation meeting is held the start of each year. Register to be a volunteer at . Please contact Mrs. Racki, our Staff Volunteer Liaison, at 754-323-5700 with any questions.SUPPLIES, TEXTBOOKS, AND LIBRARY BOOKSThe State of Florida furnishes all basic textbooks on loan to students. Recommended school supply lists are available on our website or at the front office. Student planners are part of the curriculum and will be supplied to students in grades 1-5.Students are responsible for all textbooks and library books signed out to them. All lost or damaged books must be paid for. Monies collected are used to replace the lost books.TARDY POLICYAs the school day is filled with valuable information and activities, it is imperative that students be in attendance and report to school on time. In the event that students are tardy they must report directly to the office for a late pass and will be marked tardy as well. Your child will be marked for excused and for unexcused absences as well as for being late to school and/or signing out early from school. Please see “Student Code of Conduct.” Consistent tardiness/absences will result in a referral being sent to the school social worker.TITLE IFlamingo Elementary is a Title I school with Parent Compacts for each grade level and parental involvement activities. Look for flyers regarding Title I information.UNIFORMSFlamingo has a unified school dress code that helps promote academic focus and student safety. All students must wear the school uniform that consists of a red, white, black, or royal blue polo shirt. Polo shirts with the Flamingo logo can be purchased through our PTO. Order forms for the polo shirts are available in the front office. Uniform polo shirts without the logo and uniform bottoms may be purchased anywhere. Bottoms must be black, navy, or khaki only. No denim fabric is part of the uniform. No jeans, no basketball shorts, and no leggings unless under a uniform dress, skirt, or shorts.Parents may request a waiver within the first 10 days their child is enrolled at Flamingo. Forms are available in the office.WITHDRAWAL OF STUDENTSIf you are moving out of the school boundaries, call or come by the office a few days prior to the withdrawal date. This will give ample time to complete the necessary paperwork and ensure a smooth transition to another school.-2026920-851852500 ................

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