Why does basmati rice have so many calories


Why does basmati rice have so many calories

Reviewed by Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH on August 24, 2020 Health Benefits Nutrients Per Serving How to Prepare Basmati Rice At first glance, basmati rice likely doesn't look all that different from other types of rice. One sniff of the grain, however, and you'll notice a major difference. Basmati rice has a very distinct smell that many describe as being similar to popcorn when it's cooked. In fact, the word "basmati" in Hindi means "full of aroma" or "fragrant." In some places, it's called the "queen of perfumed rice."Basmati rice is native to India and Pakistan, with India being responsible for 2/3 of the global supply. While its true origins aren't clear, archaeologists have discovered a type of long-grain rice near Udaipur, India dating back to between 2000 and 1600 BC that they believe to be an ancestor of the basmati rice we enjoy today.Basmati rice has been cultivated for thousands of years in the foothills of the Himalayas. Today, it's a staple in many Indian dishes and is enjoyed all around the world.Basmati rice comes in two varieties, white and brown. Both have a nutty taste and a distinct smell. White basmati, however, is more processed. The hull, bran, and germ are all removed. With brown basmati, only the hull gets removed. Both types make for a delicious and healthy addition to your diet.Both brown and white basmati rice provide many health benefits, including:DiabetesMost types of rice, particularly white rice, have a high glycemic index, basmati rice is much lower on the scale. With a glycemic index between 50 and 58, basmati rice is a low to medium glycemic index food. If you have diabetes, small portions of basmati rice can be a part of your healthy diet.FiberIn addition to a lower glycemic index, basmati rice can also contain a significant amount of fiber ? just be sure to check the nutrition label. A higher intake of dietary fiber can help to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.Low fiber intake can lead to digestive issues such as constipation. The fiber in basmati rice is soluble, meaning it adds bulk and helps move waste along the digestive tract. Better Heart HealthEating whole grains like brown basmati rice is linked to a lower risk of heart disease. Whole grains help to reduce blood cholesterol levels. They also help to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease. Reduced Risk of CancerBrown basmati rice has more fiber than the white version, and about 20% more than other types of brown rice. Higher fiber diets can help to reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancers, particularly colorectal cancer. Eating 3 ounces of whole grains per day may lower your risk for this type of cancer by about 17%.Better Brain HealthBasmati rice is high in B vitamins, including B1 (thiamine). It has 22% of your daily recommended intake in each serving. Thiamine is crucial for brain health, and a deficiency can lead to a condition called Wernicke encephalopathy.1 cup of cooked white basmati rice contains:Basmati rice also contains many other important nutrients, including:Vitamin B1 (thiamine)Vitamin B6CopperFolateIronMagnesiumPhosphorous ZincThe nutrients in white basmati rice are similar to those found in other types of white rice. Brown basmati rice is also comparable to other types of brown rice.While both white and brown versions of basmati rice provide vital nutrients, brown basmati rice contains more fiber, phosphorus, zinc, and B vitamins. Brown basmati rice is also lower on the glycemic index. White basmati rice, however, is easier to digest.You can find dry basmati rice at many grocery stores. To cook it, you first need to rinse it well. Place the desired amount of dry rice in a container and fill with a couple of inches of water. Swish it around to release the starches and dump the water out. Repeat this process until the water runs mostly clear, then drain the rice using a fine-mesh strainer.Add your rice to a pot and fill it with water. For every cup of rice, add 1.5 to 1.75 cups of water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Next, cover the pot and turn the heat down to low. Let the rice simmer for 15 to 20 minutes to absorb the water. Once the rice becomes soft, remove the pot from the heat and let sit for another 5 minutes. Fluff the rice using a fork and serve. Basmati rice, both brown and white, is a nutritious side that pairs well with curries, soups, and a variety of other dishes.Looking to cook your own basmati dish? Give these ideas a try:Stir-fry with vegetables and a protein (such as chicken or tofu)Pair with coconut milk, turmeric, and fresh gingerMix with black beans for a complete protein ? 2020 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. View privacy policy and trust info Rice is a staple food product item consumed in most parts of Asia. It comes in primarily 2 varieties: white & brown, both of which have a nutty and starchy flavour. The basmati variety is one of the premium varieties of rice that is used in biryani, pulao, kheer, etc. But, what about the calories in 100g cooked basmati rice? The calories and nutrient value highly depend on the variety of rice in question. Generally, every serving of basmati rice contains a high amount of carbohydrates and micro-nutrients such as selenium, folate & thiamine. Now, let's have a look at basmati rice calories and its nutrient content in a 100g serving. Nutrition & Calories in 100g Cooked Basmati Rice Basmati rice Image source Basmati rice calories and nutrition value are slightly better than other rice varieties. It is not only a healthier alternative but is also suitable for diabetics who prefer foods with a low glycemic index. Below is a table representing the nutrition and calories in 100g cooked basmati rice, as per FatSecret. Nutrient Value per 100g (Cooked) Energy 121kcal Fat 0.38g Saturated Fats 0.09g Monounsaturated Fats 0.128g Polyunsaturated Fats 0.122g Carbohydrates 25.22g Sugar 0.05g Fibre 0.4g Protein 3.54g Sodium 126mg Cholesterol 0mg Potassium 32mg As you can see, calories in 100g cooked basmati rice stand at 121 kcal with 25.22g of carbs. Aside from a slight variance in the vitamin, carbs and mineral content, basmati rice has nutrients mostly in line with other rice varieties. Benefits Of Basmati Rice In almost all the rice varieties available in the market today, basmati rice has one of the lowest arsenic content. If you eat rice in your staple diet, basmati rice is the sure way to go. Even brown rice has a higher arsenic concentration that basmati rice. Cooked basmati rice Image source If you want to maximize the health benefits of rice, you can try choosing organic basmati rice. Organic basmati rice is non-GMO and is completely free from harmful pesticides. It is comparable to any variety of rice, including brown rice in terms of nutrient content and its nutty aroma works very well in Asian & Indian delicacies. Below are a few of the benefits that regular consumption of basmati rice has on your body. A Diabetes-friendly rice variety: According to a study published by the Diabetes Association of Canada, the glycemic index of basmati rice is lower than any other variety. This can prove to be beneficial for diabetics who consume low GI foods. It does not spike the blood sugar too much that lowers the body's insulin response. Control blood pressure: In a Harvard study, it was published that basmati rice has an abundance of Magnesium & Potassium that can help your body in keeping a check on your body's blood pressure. Additionally, the Magnesium in basmati rice helps in maintaining healthy bones and cardiovascular health. Helps in proper digestion: The dietary fibre content in basmati rice helps in facilitating proper bowel movement and aiding in effective digestion. The regular intake of basmati rice can prove to be a boon for people suffering from digestion ailments such as bloating or constipation. Keeps your heart healthy: Aside from the low calories in 100g cooked basmati rice, it has a lower saturated fat content as compared to other rice varieties. This keeps your meals cholesterol light and keeps your heart healthy, as concluded by a Harvard report. If you live in India, California, or Pakistan and consume basmati regularly, there is some good news! A report published on Consumer Reports concluded that basmati rice from the aforementioned geographical locations have about half of the arsenic content as opposed to other rice varieties. India and Pakistan are two major nations where basmati rice is highly consumed and the basmati variety, with a low arsenic content, fits the bill perfectly. Even if we keep the calories in 100g cooked basmati rice aside, the other essential nutrients such as folate and thiamine that can help in maintaining a healthy body. Conclusion Basmati rice is long-grain, thin and aromatic variety of rice that. It is relatively high in nutrients compared to other rice varieties and is rich in essential nutrients such as folate and thiamine that can help you in maintaining your overall physical health effectively. Now that you are aware of the calories in 100g cooked basmati rice, would you include it as a part of your daily diet? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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