The Spiritual Life of Butterflies - Metaphysics For Life

The Spiritual Life of Butterflies

14 "Days" of Total Transformation for Humanity

Living In The Chrysalis


We are living in the Chrysalis ? the Spiritual stage or era of Humanity that marks the end of non-stop "eating and growing", and the transition to a higher state of Consciousness.

The metaphor of the butterfly in spiritual and metaphysical thought is nothing new. At some level, Humanity has known since it's inception that it was heading for bigger and better things. The coding of this potential is built into our DNA. But similar to a caterpillar, we didn't really have time to give our future together as the "butterfly" much thought, and certainly we had no time or ability to take action on such a future. We were focused on what needed to be done ? eat, and grow. And we did.

But all that has changed. It is the summer of 2020. The "plandemic" has spread across the globe, and governments have issued lockdowns and surveillance to try and control the spread of what, in other times, was treated as a seasonal flu. People are staying home, glued to their TV's and other devices, and looking for guidance on what to do next. It's a great time to be in the business of spreading truth about conspiracies (they are real, but not all the theories are correct) and offering advice about how to survive the "new normal". But what is the "new normal"?

The "new normal" is now. It is a time of rapid change and transition. It is the time of hanging by a thread, shedding the skin, and a complete dissolution of structures and systems. Many "cells" in the Chrysalis will die, but that is normal even in the caterpillar and it will remain so in the butterfly. What's unique about the Chrysalis stage is the complete breakdown of the organs and systems that supported the life of a caterpillar ? the time to eat and grow ? and the reorganization of cells into new organs and systems that support the life of a butterfly ? a new phase of maturity and creativity.

The old structures and systems are easy to see, and the truth about how they function and how they are failing is being made available to us, mostly through independent social media. The formation of new structures is less obvious. Most people are not even aware that they exist.


Before anything can take shape or manifest in the world, it must first exist as an idea or a thought.

For tens of thousands of years, the thoughtforms streaming into the Mind of the collective Human Consciousness have been supporting the "eat and grow" phase of our development. Even extremely advanced civilizations that existed many thousands of years in the past, such as Atlantis and others, were limited to this developmental phase of thoughts and actions. The thoughtforms available to us during this time created our bodies and the food and resources to support those bodies. Our bodies allowed us to perceive only that which would support the experiences we needed to learn (eat) and grow. All of that learning and growing has been stored. None of it is ever lost. And it is the material that is providing the Chrysalis with the energy and information it needs to create a butterfly.

The collective Human Consciousness ? with a capital "C" - consists of all phases and aspects of Human Consciousness; subconscious, conscious, and super-conscious. The subconscious aspect is where all the action is taking place during the Chrysalis Era. It's where thoughtforms are being dissolved and reorganized prior to manifestation into the conscious Mind. It is when the subconscious thoughtforms move into conscious awareness that they become "real" or "physical" to us. It is the job of the super-conscious to manage this transition.


Everything that is occurring in the collective Human Consciousness is simultaneously happening within every human on the planet, because we live in a holographic fractal Universe. As Humanity as a whole (The One) moves through the spiritual phases of development, it takes every part of itself along with it. While we cannot "see" the invisible transformation and metamorphosis that is occurring in the collective Subconscious Mind, we can certainly feel it and experience it in our own Heart, Mind and Body. Why? Because who we really are, deep within us, is The One.


What does living in the Chrysalis Era mean to each of us individually, as human beings? Every single human being, throughout time, has contributed to the substance that is now being used by the collective Human Consciousness to create new Life. That makes each one of us infinitely valuable because, while each one of us seems to be a part of the whole, in reality the whole is within each of us ? contributing, creating, and transforming all that The One creates. What role each of us plays, and the meaning of that role, will be up to us.

But there is a blueprint. The One has a plan, to pick and choose, organize and re-organize, everything that each of us has contributed, and will contribute, to the new Life that will emerge from the Chrysalis. We can choose to align ourselves with the blueprint and receive guidance and support. We can fight the metamorphosis, which The One will use to help others awaken and align. Or we can just be observers, watching the show, and waiting to see where we land when the dust settles. No matter what each of us chooses to do, ultimately, we all emerge together as the butterfly, as part of The One.

What does this blueprint look like? If we look at the life cycle of the butterfly and the role the Chrysalis plays in it's development, we can find some clues.


First of all, the chrysalis stage of development is short ? only ten to fourteen days in a life cycle of several months. If we look at the story of Genesis, which claims that the Earth and all life on it was created in seven days, we can see that each "day" represents an element or aspect of that creation. One day for water, another day for land, another for all the fish in the sea, and yet another for the plants, the animals, and finally humans. Each "day" in the development of the Chrysalis could be seen as an aspect of the new form of life that is being created. In this case, ten to fourteen aspects of Humanity and our life here on Earth.

At the time that I am writing this ? the "first lockdown" of 2020 ( I say first, because it is still summer and we are being warned of future lockdowns in the Fall and Winter ) - I have had plenty of time to meditate and ask Source for some answers. When I asked about the 10-14 Days, this is what I received:

"Life during the Chrysalis stage of Humanity: 10 to 14 "Days" - in Bible terms

1 Energy - Zero Point 2 Food - Regenerative 3 Water - Prayer 4 Housing ? Tiny and Earthship 5 Transportation - ET 6 Health ? Vibration/Frequency 7 Communications - Quantum 8 Education - Experience 9 Spirituality/Consciousness - Heart 10 Politics - Sovereignty 11 Science - Metaphysics 12 Art - Nature 13 Music - 432 14 Dance/Sports ? Beauty/Co-operation"

I shared these insights in a newsletter I send to people who visit my website ( Metaphysics-For- ) and who choose to subscribe. One of my readers responded, saying it would make a good outline for a book, or maybe a new website, or both. At first I was resistant to the idea, because it covers so many topics and areas of human life. But then I realized ? that's what my life has been about. Helping people connect to sources of information that can help them expand their awareness and consciousness.

Metaphysics is a great place to start, because it is the study of the nature of our reality. But Metaphysics For Life is about putting our knowledge and experience to work, to create a meaningful and beautiful life here on Earth. Now that we have spent a good amount of time exploring our inner worlds, maybe it's time to expand our awareness to what we call the "outer world" as well.


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