Secondary Source Project AssignmentSecondary sources are sources of information about the past that were created by a person who did not experience that past first-hand. Historians rely on secondary sources not only to learn about the past, but also what other scholars have said about it. Find an academic article written about a topic related to the primary source you selected for your previous paper. This article must be at least 8 pages long, no more than 30 years old, and cannot be a newspaper article, book review, or historiography review (tips on the following page). Attach a copy of this article to a 5 page, double-spaced paper which addresses the following questions:What is the author’s argument? (Do NOT just quote it; re-state it in your own words.)What primary sources does the author use as evidence to support their argument?Do you find the author’s argument persuasive? Why or why not? Explain thoroughly. Why is the author’s topic important? What questions does it raise for you? Why should we care about his/her research?You will be graded using the following rubric: MEDIOCRE OR POOR (C+ to F)GOOD (B- to B+)EXCELLENT (A- to A+)WRITING STYLE AND MECHANICS - 20%Several grammar, spelling, and mechanical errors. Style is repetitive or clunky. Difficult to follow. Lack of proof-reading. Generally an insufficient effort. Writing is mostly clear and easy to follow. Few grammar, spelling, and mechanical errors. Some varied structures. Generally competent.Sophisticated style and vocabulary. Well organized and engaging. Very few or no grammar, spelling, and mechanical errors. Generally a joy to read. CHOICE AND DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLE - 20%Article may be unrelated to course or generally ill-suited to assignment. Basic information about article lacking. Article is relevant and provides plenty of material for analysis. Adequate description. May be some inaccuracies or missing details. Article is a creative and/or highly relevant choice. Description is accurate and richly detailed. UNDERSTANDING OF AND RESPONSE TO ARTICLE’S ARGUMENT -60%Fails to correctly identify or misunderstands author’s argument. Response to the argument is missing or very minimal. Identifies author’s argument, but may fail to appreciate its complexity. Response is short or lacking in evidence or complexity.Analysis of the author’s argument is accurate, thorough and insightful. Response is lengthy, well-argued and creative. Finding and Choosing Academic Articles on European History Some Places to Find an Article: Go to the Periodicals section of [UNIVERSITY LIBRARY], located [LOCATION]. You will find current issues of several journals about European history displayed for you to browse. Older issues are stored in the stacks. Note: you cannot check out journals and periodicals, so you will have to make a copy of your article or complete the assignment in the library. Search the online catalog of [UNIVERSITY LIBRARY] and set your search parameters to bring back article results. You will be able to access many articles online. Others will be in back issues of periodicals located in the library stacks. If you have your heart set on an article that is not available online or in the stacks, you can request it via Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Look in an anthology – that is, a book with multiple articles written by different authors on a single topic. Search for the topic you are interested in using [UNIVERSITY LIBRARY] online catalog. Look for results which have editor(s) (ed.) instead of an author. This is a good indication that you have an anthology rather than a monograph. Use JSTOR or Project Muse. These are online databases of many academic journals where you can search for and download articles. You will need to access it through [UNIVERSITY LIBRARY] website. Go to [DIRECTIONS]. When Choosing an Article:Do not choose a historiography review – that is, an article that talks about what several other historians have written about a topic. Also, do not choose an article in which an author reviews one or more books. Those articles are highly useful, but not appropriate for this assignment. Finally, no newspaper articles – we’re looking for an article written for an academic rather than a general audience, published in a journal or periodical. In addition to articles by historians, you may also choose articles by scholars from related disciplines like anthropology, sociology, English/literary studies, art history, etc. If you choose such an article, however, remember that your analysis needs to be from a historian’s perspective. Your article needs to be related to your primary source, but feel free to interpret this broadly. If your primary source is a women’s fashion catalog, for instance, you could use articles on fashion and designers, but perhaps also articles the working conditions of seamstresses, or women’s social roles at the time/place of the catalog. If you are unsure about your choice of article or don’t know where to start, ask me! ................

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