Andrew Civettini - Knox College

Andrew J.W. Civettini

Knox College

Department of Political Science and International Relations

2 East South Street, Box K-10

Galesburg, IL 61401-4999

Office: 309-341-7380 Cell: 309-351-0298


Ph.D. Political Science, University of Iowa, 2007.

Exam Fields: American Politics, Formal Theory, Applied Methods

Dissertation: The Role of Affect in Structuring Political Information Search and Memory.

M.A. Political Science, University of Iowa, 2002.

B.A. Political Science, Grinnell College, 2001.

Positions Held

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Knox College, 2007-present.

Courses: Voting and Elections, Political Psychology, Women and American Politics, The Study of Politics, American National Government, Intro to American Public Policy, Interest Groups, Congress, Election 2008.

Graduate Instructor, University of Iowa. Summer 2006, Fall and Summer 2005.

Courses: Women and American Politics.

Adjunct Instructor, Coe College. Spring 2006 and Spring 2005.

Courses: American National Government and Politics.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Redlawsk, David P., Andrew J.W. Civettini, and Karen E. Emmerson. 2010. The Affective Tipping Point: Do Motivated Reasoners Ever Get It?. Political Psychology. 31:563-593.

Civettini, Andrew J.W. and David P. Redlawsk. 2009. Voters, Emotions, and Memory. Political Psychology, 30:125-151.

Invited Contributions

Civettini, Andrew J.W. Forthcoming (expected 2011). Barack Obama and the Political Science of Hope. In P. I. Güell, C. M. del Rio, & M. E. Jorge, [Eds.], The Obama Effect. University of the Basque Country Press.

Review of Ted Brader (2006). 2007. Campaigning for Hearts and Minds: How Emotional Appeals in Political Ads Work. Chicago: University of Chicago press. In Political Psychology, 28:804:805.

Redlawsk, David P., Andrew J.W. Civettini, and Richard Lau. 2007. Affective Intelligence and Voting: Information Processing and Learning in a Campaign. In A. Crigler, M. MacKuen, G. E. Marcus, & W. R. Neuman [Eds.], The Affect Effect: Dynamics of Emotion in Political Thinking and Behavior. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Detrending. 2004. In M. S. Lewis-Beck, A. E. Bryman, & T. Futing-Lao, [Eds.], The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. 1:259.

Moving Average. 2004. In M. S. Lewis-Beck, A. E. Bryman, & T. Futing-Lao, [Eds.], The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. 2:666-667.

Under Review

Civettini, Andrew J.W. Feeling Our Way Through Campaign Information: The Role of Affect in Structuring Voters’ Information Search. Revise and Re-Submit at Political Behavior.

Civettini, Andrew J.W. and Mary-Kate Lizotte. Women in the House and Welfare in the Lobby: The Effect of Legislative Gender Balance on Interest Group Behavior. Under Review at Politics & Gender.

Working Papers

Civettini, Andrew J.W. Making Voters Anxious and Angry: How Emotions Influence Voters’ Memories for Campaign Information.

Civettini, Andrew J.W. Hot Voters, Poor Memories: How Emotion Impacts the Ideological Proximity and Direction of Voters’ Memories.

Civettini, Andrew J.W. Too Negative? An Experimental Evaluation of the Effects of Repeated Exposure to Negative Campaign Advertisements on Candidate Evaluations.

Miller, Beth and Andrew J.W. Civettini. Genetic and Environmental Influences on In-group and Out-group Attitudes.

Hines, Eric H. and Andrew J.W. Civettini. Choosing the Compromisers: Strategic Selection of Conferees in the United States Congress, 93rd-110th Congresses.

Civettini, Andrew J.W. and Brent J. Steele. A Survey Experiment Testing the Impact of Competing Frames of Self Identity, Self Interest, and Communal Identity on Public Opinion Toward Intervention in Genocide and the Use of Coercive Interrogation Techniques.

Professional Presentations

Andrew J.W. Civettini. 2010. Election 2010: Why Do Voters Vote the Way They Do? Congress in the Classroom, Dirksen Congressional Research Center, East Peoria, IL.

Andrew J.W. Civettini. 2010. An Agenda for Political Hope. International Society of Political Psychology 33rd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Andrew J.W. Civettini. 2010. Too Negative? An Experimental Evaluation of the Effects of Repeated Exposure to Negative Campaign Advertisements on Candidate Evaluations. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Andrew J.W. Civettini. 2009. Appealing to Emotions: How Anger and Anxiety Help Us Move Forward In the Debate Between Proximity and Directional Theories of Vote Choice. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, Ontario.

Andrew J.W. Civettini. 2009. Feeling Our Way Through the Campaign Environment: The Impact of Affect on the Type of Information We Seek Out In Campaigns. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Andrew J.W. Civettini and Brent J. Steele. 2009. A Survey Experiment Testing the Impact of Competing Frames of Self Identity, Self Interest, and Communal Identity on Public Opinion Attitudes Toward Intervention in Genocide and the Use of Coercive Interrogation Techniques. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Andrew J.W. Civettini. 2008. The Complex Role of Affect in Structuring What We Remember About Candidates. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA.

Andrew J.W. Civettini. 2008. The Role of Affect in Structuring Political Information Search. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Andrew J.W. Civettini and David P. Redlawsk. 2007. Remember the Feeling: How Affect Structures Voters’ Memories. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Andrew J.W. Civettini and David P. Redlawsk. 2006. Affect and Information Search Strategy in a Campaign Environment: Is an Anxious Voter a Rational Voter?. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA.

David P. Redlawsk and Andrew J.W. Civettini. 2006. Emotions and Information Search Strategy. International Society of Political Psychology 29th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain.

David P. Redlawsk, Andrew J.W. Civettini, and Karen Emmerson. 2006. Voters, Emotions, and Memory. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Andrew J.W. Civettini and David P. Redlawsk. 2005. A Feeling Person's Game: Affect and Voter Information Processing and Learning in a Campaign. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C.

2005. Women in State Legislatures and the Density of State Interest Organization Populations. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Andrew J.W. Civettini and Eric H. Hines. 2005. Misspecification Effects in Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression Models: Common Cases. Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA.

Eric H. Hines and Andrew J.W. Civettini. 2004. Strategic Selection of Conferees in the United States Senate, 101st-107th Congresses. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Eric H. Hines and Andrew J.W. Civettini. 2004. Strategic Selection of Conferees in the United States House of Representatives, 104th-106th Congresses. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Professional Training

2010 International Workshop on Statistical Genetics and Methodology of Twin and Family Studies. Institute for Behavioral Genetics, Boulder, CO.

Assessment in the Classroom, Knox College, 2009. Instructor Xueli Wang.

National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education Workshop: Emerging Technologies and the Liberal Arts Campus, Knox College, 2007. Instructor Bryan Andersen.

Graduate Workshop in Time Series Cross Sectional Analysis, Departments of Political Science and Sociology, The University of Iowa, 2004. Instructor Nathaniel Beck.

Graduate Workshop in Event History Analysis, Departments of Political Science and Sociology, The University of Iowa, 2003. Instructor Paul Allison.

Time-Series Analysis, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, University of Michigan, 2002. Instructor John Williams.

Professional Service

Referee, American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Political Psychology, Political Behavior, Political Research Quarteryly, Legislative Studies Quarterly, American Politics Research, State and Local Government Review, American Review of Politics, and Atomic Dog Publishing.

Chair. 2010-2011. Broadcast, Internet, and Publications Committee. Knox College.

Chair and Discussant. 2010. The Conditional Effects of Persuasion. International Society of Political Psychology 33rd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Chair. 2010. The Role of Emotions in Politics. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

2009 Best Paper Award Committee. Political Psychology Section of the American Political Science Association.

Chair and Discussant. 2009. Motivated Reasoning. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, Ontario.

Protection of Human Subjects Board. 2009-present. Knox College.

Broadcast, Internet, and Publications Committee. 2009. Knox College.

Honorary Degrees Subcommittee. 2008-present. Knox College.

Assistant Librarian for Instructional Support Search Committee. 2008. Knox College.

Discussant. 2008. Neuroscientific and Evolutionary Bases of Politics. Annual Meeting of the Mdwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Chair. 2009. The Effects of Candidate Images and Ascriptive Traits. Annual Meeting of the Mdwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Discussant. 2006. Affect and Cognition in Voting. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Executive, Graduate and Professional Student Senate. University of Iowa. 2005-2006.

Chair and Discussant. 2005. Evaluating Candidates. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.

Chair. 2005. The Impact of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act on Competitive U.S. House Contests. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Senior Faculty Representative, Graduate Association of Political Science. University of Iowa. 2005.

Vice President, Graduate Student Senate. University of Iowa. 2004-2005.

Discussant. 2004. Foreign Policy After September 11th. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.

Senator from Political Science, Graduate Student Senate. University of Iowa, 2002-2005.


Mellon Faculty Grant, Knox College, April 2009. $10,000. Fear and Hope in American Politics: The Role of Prospective Emotional States in Shaping Political Behavior, Attitudes, and Public Opinion.

Faculty Career Enhancement Grant, Associated Colleges of the Midwest, April 2009. $3500. Fostering Best Practices in Mentoring Advanced Undergraduate Research: A Collaborative Event.

Faculty Research Grant, Knox College, October 2009. $1500. Repeated Exposure to Negative Campaign Advertising.

Teagle Mini-Grant for Assessment, Knox College, January 2010. $300. Assessing the Integration of Methodology Instruction into an Advanced Course.

Junior Research Leave, Knox College, Fall 2009.

Summer Faculty Research Grant, Knox College, June 2009. $1000. Emotions and Campaign Advertising.

Faculty Research Grant, Knox College, October 2008. $1000. Memory for Campaign Information, Affect, and Directional versus Proximity Models of Vote Behavior.

Summer Faculty Research Grant, Knox College, June 2008. $1800. Conference Committee Appointments and Committee of Origin.

Faculty Research Grant, Knox College, October 2007. $1800. Support for Humanitarian Intervention in Genocide and Opposition to Coercive Interrogation Techniques: Testing Ontological Security.

University of Iowa Graduate College Summer Fellowship, 2007.

University of Iowa Student Government Research Grant, Spring 2005. $1000.

First Year Fellowship, University of Iowa, 2001.


Feature Contributor. 2010. Expert analysis of election results for KWQC-DT Channel 6 television in Davenport, IA. Interviewed by Fran Riley.

On-Air Election Night Analysis. 2008. Panelist alongside Frank Mackaman, Director of the Dirksen Congressional Research Center, and Tanya Koonce, WCBU news anchor. NPR affiliate WCBU, Peoria, IL.

Live Post-Debate Analysis, Durbin-Sauerberg 2008 Senatorial Debate. 2008. Interviewed by Will Stevenson, WGIL Radio, Galesburg, IL.

Anstett, Michelle. 2008. Albright fit bill for Knox. Galesburg Register Mail, May 16, 2008.

Ehrhard, Alison. 2008. Kennedy could garner votes for Obama. Galesburg Register Mail, February 3, 2008.

Cornfield, Michael. 2005. Political Moneyball. Campaigns and Elections, Oct-Nov 2005.


David P. Redlawsk

Professor of Political Science

Director, Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling

Eagleton Institute of Politics

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Wood Lawn, 191 Ryders Ln

New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557

(732) 932-9384 X285

Michael S. Lewis-Beck

Professor of Political Science

Department of Political Science

The University of Iowa

341 Schaeffer Hall

Iowa City, IA 52242

(319) 335-2350

Tom W. Rice

Professor of Political Science and Department Chair

Department of Political Science

The University of Iowa

341 Schaeffer Hall

Iowa City, IA 52242



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