‘Nothing is impossible with God’ Luke 1:37REMOTE LEARNINGCLASS: EYFS (Nursery and Reception)DATE: WB: 18.1.2021This half term our topic is Winter. We will have many focusing books which our activities will be based around. The book this week is The Gruffalo’s Child. If you have the book at home, then please read it together at home.This week we’ll be delivering more resources for your packs on Monday and Tuesday. It was lovely to see you all on our visits and we are very much looking forward to seeing you again and to see how you got on with last week’s tasks.Phonics/ReadingWatch/ read The Gruffalo’s Child story- The Gruffalo's Child - Read by Alan Mandel - YouTube PhonicsNursery and Reception- Further information regarding your child’s phonics lessons will be available on Tapestry daily.Whilst in school the children work in set phonics groups to match their ability. We now have a system in place where your child will have a lesson which will be aimed specifically at their group. Mark Making/WritingNurseryUse your name card and practice as often as you can to trace over (or copy) your name. Even if your child cannot trace over the letters precisely they will still be learning about pencil control and mark-making.Use the resource sheets (given by us) to trace over the lines and practice pencil control.Use the playdough provided to create your own terrible creature. Can you squeeze, roll, stretch or pinch to make it look scary? We would love to see your pictures. ReceptionUse the playdough provided to create your own terrible creature. Can you squeeze, roll, stretch or pinch to make it look scary? Draw a picture of your creation and think of words to describe it. Use some of the sentences provided in this week’s pack to write a sentence or sentences about your creature. Please encourage your child to sound out and spell each word themselves, please do not worry or correct them if it’s spelt incorrectly. At this stage in Reception we look at ensuring certain words that cannot be sounded out are spelt correctly, eg: the, to, no. Please refer to the video uploaded previously on Tapestry where Mrs Hough models how to write sentences. MathsNurseryMonday:Use the Numicon ‘plates’ from your resource pack. They look like this: Remind your child how to count the holes to determine the number (ideally they will learn them by sight but it is important to keep counting them for now).Today you will need something small enough to fit ‘in’ the holes, for example small pom-poms, cereal bits or even screwed up bits of paper. Put your objects in a pile. Grab some and count them. Can your child put them on the correct Numicon plate? So if they pick 3, place them on the holes of the 3 plate. Repeat a few times. This will help finger control too.TuesdayYour child will need the playdough today. Get them to tear them into lots of little pieces and to then roll them into small balls, small enough to fit on the holes. Take one of the Numicon plates and place the small balls on each hole. When the plate is full, count them and say the number. Do for all the plates.WednesdayToday your child will need the Numicon plates, the playdough and the small matchsticks (please supervise them with these in case they put them in their mouth!) They have to put the Numicon plates out in a line and like yesterday they have to tear up the playdough. Roll the pieces into small balls and then place them on all of the holes. When the plates are covered they have to pick one then stick a matchstick into the playdough until the plate is covered. How many matchsticks are stuck in? Can they say the number? Repeat for all the Numicon plates.Thursday Today your child will need the playdough. Ask them to make 2 worms by rolling them along the table/surface. Can they count 2 by themselves? If correct squash the playdough and make 3 new worms. Can they count 3 by themselves? Repeat for as high a number as they can count. If the worms are different lengths maybe they can point to the longest one or the shortest one, or even put them in length order.Friday Today your child will need the matchsticks. First practice their counting by asking them to pick a few and count them individually. Repeat a few times. Then they can have a play to make patterns with them on the table/surface. What shapes and patterns can they make?ReceptionFor this week’s Maths you will need Microsoft Powerpoint. If you do not have this installed there is a free equivalent using LibreOffice which can be downloaded at this link: Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft Please check Tapestry daily where Mrs Hough will upload each day’s Maths Powerpoint.RENurseryStart with the sign of the cross. In Nursery we say this in a special way with actions. There is a video on Tapestry and on the website.Read this story to your child about the time Jesus was a young boy and went to the temple. Perhaps you have a home Bible and would prefer to read it from there. This is Jesus as a boy. What is he doing? What is his family doing?On Saturdays, Mary and Joseph took Jesus with them when they went to the synagogue (temple) – this is a place where people went to learn about God. Jesus spoke with grown-ups and asked lots of questions. Jesus was always very kind. Discuss these things with your child: Do you think all the children wanted to be his friend? I am sure they had great fun together. ? Where did Jesus grow up? ? What did he do? ? Why do you think all the children wanted to be friends with Jesus’?ReceptionLearning objective: Know about the loss and finding of Jesus in the Temple. Reflect on the meaning of this event for Mary and Joseph.Start with the sign of the cross. In Reception we say this in a special way with actions. There is a video on Tapestry and on the website.Read this story to your child about the time Jesus was a young boy and got lost in the temple. Perhaps you have a home Bible and would prefer to read it from there. Every year Jesus and His parents used to go to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. When Jesus was twelve years old, they all went up for the feast as usual. When they were on their way home after the feast, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parents knowing it. They assumed he was with the caravan, and it was only after a day’s journey that they went to look for him among their relations and acquaintances. When they failed to find him, they went back to Jerusalem looking for him everywhere. Three days later, they found him in the Temple, sitting among the doctors (of the Law), listening to them, and asking them questions; and all those who heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his replies. They were overcome when they saw him, and his mother said to him, ‘My child, why have you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you.’ ‘Why were you looking for me?’ he replied ‘Did you not know that I must be busy with my Father’s affairs?’ But they did not understand what he meant” (Lk. 2: 41-50).Explain to the children that this is a picture of Joseph at work. He was a carpenter. He made furniture, chairs, tables and cupboards. Probably Joseph let Jesus help him in the shop. Most likely he taught him how to use the tools and make things out of wood. Mary was always busy around the house. Jesus probably helped her to tidy. He would have enjoyed going to the well with Mary to fetch water for cooking and washing. He would have played with the other boys and girls of Nazareth. He had lots of friends. Jesus must have been very happy living with Mary and Joseph. Ask your child these questions: ? Who do you see in the picture? ? What do you think is happening? Why? ? What else do you think is happening?Expressive Arts and Design – Understanding the WorldAt the end of the story The Gruffalo’s Child was frightened of the mouse’s shadow. We would like you to explore shadows too. In your house find something that shines a light (for example, a torch, a phone torch, lamp etc). Find an object in your house such as a toy, spoon, box etc and shine the light onto it to cast a shadow on some paper. Can you see the shape it makes? Can you draw around it? Move the light about to see what happens to the shape of the shadow. Talk to your child about what is happening. Similarly do this task outside if the sun is shining. Can you see your own shadows?Use the card and lolly stick provided to make your own shadow puppet. Shine the light on it to see the shadow created. Upload your photos to Tapestry so we can see them. Physical EducationPlease try some of the challenges from Active Schools – we have printed out a copy and will include it in your pack when we come and visit.Try some of the other Active School challenges using the link below: FOUR CORNERS FITNESS - The classic PE game brought to life for remote or Socially-distant learning - YouTube ................

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