Equipment and Rowing Terminology

1) Novice rowers wear matching t-shirts with trou (shorts). Uniforms (unisuits or UNIs) are worn by Varsity. 2) Spirit gear for athletes, family and fans are sold online to crew team members by DJO spirit store and rowing vendors JL/Boathouse 3) Practice times vary from novice and varsity, men and women teams. 4) Rowers walk from school to the East Falls Church metro stop, metro together to Foggy Bottom and walk together to the Thompson Boat Center (TBC). Rowers can be picked up at TBC or metro home. 5) Rowing competitions are called `regattas' typically Sundays in the fall and Saturdays in spring (usually 6 AM - 3 PM) 6) On specific Fridays before most regattas, rowers are able to wear the spirit shirt during school day. After practice on a Friday before a regatta, families take turns hosting a "Pasta Dinner" in their homes, team members contribute to the events. 7) Rowers are supported at the regattas by the hospitality tent. Families are asked to contribute by signing up to provide food and drinks for rowers as well as tent set up and clean up. 8) The team participates in out of town and sometimes overnight regattas that may require additional cost for food and lodging.

1) All rowers are expected to be at practice over spring break. 2) All rowers are expected at practice every day. 3) If you have to miss practice, please let your rower's Coach know

at least 48 hours prior to practice day. 4) The Crew team relies on cash proceeds raised through fund-

raisers during the school year. We will need help from parents and rowers to help with baking for bake sales, working during concession sales at football and basketball games and at other fundraising events during the school year.

2016-2017 DJO Varsity/Novice Crew Team Dues Construct:

Fall Dues: $300 for Varsity/$200 Novice payable to "DJO Crew Boosters" with the rower's name in the memo line; due September 10th.

Spring Dues: $500 for Varsity and Novice, payable to "DJO Crew Boosters" with the rower's name in the memo line; due February 1st.

Equipment Maintenance: $850 for all rowers; payable to "Bishop O'Connell High School" with "DJO Crew Equipment Maintenance Donation" in the memo line. PLEASE DO NOT put the rower's name in the memo line because this will negate your tax deduction. Equipment Maintenance fee/donations are due no later than April 1st, 2017 and can be tax deductible for 2016 if

made prior to the school's closure for Christmas, 2016. Equipment Maintenance fee is only required for spring rowers. Fall only rowers are not expected to make this pay-

ment although you can if you want the tax deduction. Multiple Rowers-Families with multiple rowers pay full price for the initial rower but receive a 50% discount on

equipment maintenance costs for each additional rower. Payment schedules and assistance are available; please contact Gail Marcotte (gail.marcotte@) for

options. All checks should be mailed to: DJO Crew Boosters, P.O. Box 6556, Falls Church, VA 22040-6556.

Online Resources/Social Media

Twitter - @DJOCrew

Shutterfly -

O'Connell Webpage -

Equipment and Rowing Terminology

NOVICE ? new rower. OARS ? the blades. SHELL or SCULL ? the boat. BOW ? front of the boat. STERN ? the back of the boat. GUNWALES ? top sides of the boat. PORT ? facing the bow, the left side. STARBOARD ? facing the bow, the right side. OARLOCK or KEEPER ? holds the oar in place in the rigger. RIGGER ? the metal piece that attaches to the side of the boat for the oars. SLIDE ? track on which the seat slides. SKEG or FIN ? thin piece of metal or plastic, often with rudder attached, that helps the boat stabilize and steer straight

in the water. FOOTSTRETCHER ? holds the shoes, where your feet go. CATCH ? the front part of the stroke when your blade enters the water. FINISH ? back part of the stroke when your blade comes out of the water. RECOVERY ? part of the stroke between the finish and the catch. FEATHER ? blades are rotated so that they are parallel to the surface of the water. SQUARE ? blades are perpendicular to the water. LET IT RUN ? stop rowing at the finish and let the boat glide. WEIGH ENOUGH ? stop rowing wherever this is called. CHECK IT DOWN ? when not rowing, lightly square the blades in the water and hold the handles to gently slow the

boat. HOLD WATER ? when not rowing, lightly square the blades in the

water and hold the handles to gently stop the boat. HEADS UP ? duck, down, danger. STERN ? back of the boat where cox and stroke seat sit. STERN PAIR ? 8 & 7 in an eight boat or 4 & 3 in a four boat. BOW ? where the "1 seat" rower sits. BOW PAIR ? 1 & 2 in any boat. STROKE ? eight seat in an 8 or four seat in a 4, establishes stroke

rate for boat. COXSWAIN (COX)? responsible for steering the boat, and coordinating

the power and rhythm of the rowers. SEAT NUMBERS ? counted from bow to stern starting at 1. INSIDE HAND ? hand closest to the rigger.


(Crew teams meet at DJO and are taken by DJO school bus)

9/25 10/2 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5

Head of the Potomac, (Varsity Only), Thompson Boat Center, Georgetown, DC (no bus) Head of the Christina, (Varsity Only), Christina River, Wilmington, DE Navy Day, Schuylkill River, Philadelphia PA Head of the Charles (Select Varsity), Boston MA Head of the Schuylkill (Varsity Only), Philadelphia, PA Head of the Occoquan, Occoquan River, Sandy Hill Regional Park, VA

"Crew is on a totally unreliable time just need to expect that and sort of plan around it."

"It's very difficult to get off the river in a timely fashion: all the teams are trying to get their boats out of the water and put away at the same time. The coaches are not inconsiderate. It's just the nature of the sport. Practices don't always end when you think they will."

"FOOD. Be prepared that your child will eat more than they can ever imagine. Be prepared for it."

"Equally important to stay hydrated. Encourage students to drink lots of water."

Head and Men's Coach: Women's Coach : Women's Novice Coach Men's Novice Coach

President: Equipment and Vice President: Treasurer: Hospitality: Communications: Spirit Gear: Regatta Logistics/Travel: School Booster Rep:

Contact Information


Greg Smith Christine McGowan David Noyes

gregoryscottsmith15@ cmcgowan@ dnoyes@

Charles Fidler

Crew Boosters Board

Heidi Snyder Bob Ivy Gail Marcotte Katie O'Brien-Sokol Cristy Rugo Gema Gonzalez Susan Reing Jackie Madden

Heidi.snyder@ ivyfam01@ gail.marcotte@ katie.obrien.77@ cristyrugo@ gema.gonzalez@fda. mreing3032@ jfkmadden@

Bishop O'Connell High School

Parents' Guide

Men and Women Crew Team

2016-2017 Season

Everything you need to know when your student decides to row.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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