Whois Survey Results

Submission #: 21

ID#: 992274720; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 400

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations? 45

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |7 |1 |4 |3 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): identify all names owned by one entity

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Unable to correctly identify the domain name registrant.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Uniformity of data available for searching.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes ICANN mandate

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? Central whois file for TLD's for each registry

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? yes

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20g. Intellectual property owners should have a way to locate users of domain names that have been registered inappropriately. Availability of complete whois data would allow companies to build search databases for this purpose, without exposing the data to improper marketing uses.

Submission #: 35

ID#: 992288235; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 5000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 200; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |6 |4 |1 |5 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm: You cannot trace the true identity of the person who is stealing your intellectual property or sending you pornography of spam.

How to improve? Mandatoru full and accurate disclosure of all relevant information. Loss of the domain name if thje information is inaccurare.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Raising registration fees.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? If it is all one word wide web, there should be one cerntalized data base of registrants.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: People should not be able to have the benefits of the web without the burden of fully disclosing who they are.

Submission #: 51

ID#: 992289991; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 100000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |4 |6 |2 |3 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 61

ID#: 992290377; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 120000

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |6 |1 |5 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes This information would be invaluable.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 64

ID#: 992290632; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 2500

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1000; How many gTLD registrations? 1000

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilityIPlaw

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |4 |1 |3 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes per search

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes same reasons as for gTLDs.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes requirments in (or amendments to) ICANN contracts with registrars

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes to preclude any marketing use of WHOIS database, including direct mail and especially telemarketing, unless registrant "opts in" to receiving them

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 79

ID#: 992366545; Language: english

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization: 2000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |1 |3 |4 |6 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes fees collected at time of search

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 85

ID#: 992291347; Language: english

1. Category: other Legal

Size of Organization: 150

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |5 |2 |3 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Intellectual property demands sent to incorrect person, inability to contact intellectual property infringers

How to improve? Placing some burden on the domain name registrant to check the accuracy of the Whois listing

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes From domain registration fees. (It is already provided by some third parties).

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? ICANN should contract with a service as the USPTO has done for internet access to patent and trademark information.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 103

ID#: 992294696; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 100

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 4; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |6 |2 |5 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Prefer opt in over opt out

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 106

ID#: 992295889; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1000

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |5 |1 |6 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: The inaccuracies I have encountered are the fault of the registrant, not the registry or Whois per se -- there are many registrants who provide completely false data which makes enforcement very difficult.

How to improve? Some attempt should be made to verify data provided by registrants.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes user fees

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Getting cc information is very very difficult, and registrations by cybersquatters difficult to monitor

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes I think there should be much more limited access to bulk data for developing mailing lists

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 121

ID#: 992433308; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 20000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 20; How many gTLD registrations? 20

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |4 |6 |5 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes free of charge

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes ease of use

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes centralized database

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? centralized & mirrored databases

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 122

ID#: 992433318; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 350

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |3 |4 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes change to "opt-in" policy

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 124

ID#: 992297763; Language: english

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names?

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois?

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 131

ID#: 992300628; Language: english

1. Category: other a, b, and d all apply

Size of Organization: 220

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIP Consumer protection, not intellectual property, in answer d.

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |5 |3 |6 |7 |4 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): identify owner/operator of a specific network host/router

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other I wish you hadn't arbitrarily linked copyrights with merchant identification)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: inability to contact the operator to resolve a problem.

How to improve? System is good enough as is. People that want to hide can hide in

other ways, or ignore email requests.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Physical address and telephone/fax information of individuals.

These can be maintained by the registrars to be available to law enforcement.

In the next question, sections G,H,I are overly inclusive. Names are desirable

and email addresses are essential.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes 1. regular expression searching would be nice.

2. 'reverse' DNS to find domains at an IP address / subnet would be informative.

3. if either creates a load on the system, allow third-party database engines to

provide the search to their subscribers with a database dump taking place daily

in the wee hours of the morning. These search engines can compete to provide

features at low cost, while paying access fees for the raw database.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no It's a good idea, but it shouldn't be mandatory. Each of those national

domains should be administered by the nation it is assigned to. That's

why the ccTLDs exist.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no Make the advanced, full feature search capability a paid-for service. The

providers will then be forced by competition to achieve this goal, if it is


14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? Each TLD can be handled separately. As long as basic tech support info is

available, no problem. Some bright boy looking for money will come up with

a one-stop service that unifies the various formats if enough people want it.

If not enough people want it, there's no point in mandating it.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes 1. I prefer opt-in systems to opt-out systems.

2. Such options should include mail / fax information as well as email.

3. The registrar should be free to have the registrant opt-in for the registrar's

use without automatically opting-in for third party use.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a The physical addresses and telephone/fax numbers.

20b Verifying that the entity operating a web site is the entity described on the web site.

20c Identifying node operators providing specific content, verifying jurisdiction.

20d no interest specific to minors exists

20e Contacting the tech support staff of a node operator

20f Determining availability of domain name(s)

20g no interest specific to intellectual property exists

I consider it to have been a serious lapse of judgement to allow domain

names to be reserved by trademark. Multiple competing trademarks may

exist with apparently equal right to a particular word. It should be considered

squatting for (for example) Microsoft to register '' simply to

prevent parody or negative speech by someone else, just like John Doe

registering '' simply to go trolling for corporate dollars. I would

like to see cybersquatting attacked with a policy of 'use it or lose it', so that

simply registering a domain (or a hundred) does not create ownership. A

person must be posting some kind of content with a reasonable relation to

the domain name. Kind of like homesteading, staking out the land doesn't

make it yours, working and improving the territory makes it yours. Works in

cyberspace as well as it did in Kansas.

Submission #: 134

ID#: 992302095; Language: english

1. Category: other Attorney

Size of Organization: 70

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |3 |6 |1 |5 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes increase cost of domain name registration

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 137

ID#: 992306507; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |3 |1 |2 |6 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes By the subscribers.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes For purposes of trademark violations.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Standardized formats and reporting.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Standardized formats.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 142

ID#: 992310335; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 20

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 6

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |3 |4 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? Better integration of different data sources into what can appear to be a single, coherent database, much like rwhois.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: The date that the record will be removed from the registrar's database if no action is taken.

If unnecessary, what to drop: There is no logical privacy interest in a domain registration. They should be considered equivalent to business names. If someone wants to have a domain name, they should expect to be a part of the Internet community when it comes to dealing with problems, and that means they need to be reachable. Otherwise, they should contract for someone else to manage their domain, and put their info in the WHOIS.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes The value of the web hits would exceed the cost of providing the searching. There should be little no cost associated with providing this enhancement. Most zone files are already available for FTP download, and the WHOIS information, if compressed appropriately, would not be sufficiently greater.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no Because the whole point of having different domains is for different business and usage models to compete. To enforce one unform model across the entire Internet would be a disaster.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Have each registrar make their data available for export in a uniform format. Authorize a few web sites to provide search capability on this data. They could retrieve the data daily, for example.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? Create a uniform format for registrars to export the data they wish to make available. Each TLD could create its own policy for what information is available and what isn't (though the policy should be uniform across the gTLDs).

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no Just don't attempt to enforce specific informational models across the ccTLDs.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The primary purpose of WHOIS data should be to support the operation of the Internet. However, this should be balanced against the desire to support a diversity of operational and business models.

Submission #: 157

ID#: 992345024; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 1200

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |2 |4 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential | |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 167

ID#: 992353834; Language: english

1. Category: other INTA member

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |3 |1 |4 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Per search.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 203

ID#: 992381760; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 8000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 80

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |4 |1 |2 |7 |3 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve? Improvement can be acheived by having a STANDARD whois form, and making sure updates are processed on a timely (within 24 hours) of an update. Also, consumers (you know, the guys who pay the bills!) shouldn't have to fork out tremendous fees just to have the information updated in a timely fashion -- there should be an online form which updates the information, verses the klunky email system NSI currently uses.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes charge 5-10 cents per search if needed to cover costs. I don't think people would have a problem with this. But charging hundreds to return a listing of 1000 domain names should not be encouraged. As to worries about spam, there shouldn't be any -- NSI has been selling the information for so long already it doesn't matter. I get a dozen pieces of spam in my snail box a month because of my whois information.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Why not?

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Duh -- now I see why you guys never get anything done. You ask the dumbest questions possible, then spend a year looking over the results. You create a template and make all whois providers/registrars stick to the template (including font size!)

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? I'm sorry -- but $35 a YEAR (even $10 a year) companies are making money off their registrations -- since NSI wants to maintain the db, they should be forced to set aside a couple of servers and a terrabyte or two of space and provide this much needed service.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes We shouldn't have to jump through loops to opt-out.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 220

ID#: 992404635; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 3

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |4 |2 |6 |1 |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? ReCentralize the information so I don't have to go fishing amount multiple sources/servers

to obtain complete WHOIS data.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Accountability.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Integrated hierarchial servers.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: ICANN has no business attempting to regulate or control the practises of ccTLD

registrars. As a result, I do not support any activities by ICANN that will result

in such regulation.

Submission #: 224

ID#: 992407448; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 30

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 300; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 | | | |2 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm: Network Solutions is not timely doing its


How to improve? Fire Network Solutions as expirations

are not available

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no You got bigger problems, that mainly is

Network Solutions not doing their duty.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Fire Network Solutions

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Make Network Solutions do their job.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Wake up. You are being controlled by

Network Solutions. For proof, just look at the number of expired domains

that are not available.

Submission #: 234

ID#: 992415922; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 | | |3 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Should be paid by the registry and/or the registrar for implementation.

An open-source developement by the Internet community would cost nothing at all.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? This is ICANN's role

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes They should at least comply with EU directive on privacy.

Anyway, Whois data is not to be sold at all. Its goal should only be technical.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 246

ID#: 992547620; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization: 30

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1000; How many gTLD registrations? 400

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |7 |1 |2 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? Some ccTLD registries are not as informative as is necessary to identify domain contacts. Others, however, provide way too much personal information.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes As stated above, some ccTLDs are not providing enough information, and others provide too much.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no The best way is that the three RIPEs stay that way. There are plenty of other sites where one can search all three RIPEs at the same time.

However, a list of ccTLD registrars along with search engine locations is necessary.

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? As stated in answer 14.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: The whois database as it is today is a privacy risk, as users' private telephone numbers and addresses are publicized.

Submission #: 279

ID#: 992442629; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |2 | |4 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes I DO NOT want my personal information to be sold, given or included in ANY type of bulk format for the use of marketing or sales purposes. I want the OPT-IN approach.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 282

ID#: 992444867; Language:

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names?

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois?

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 301

ID#: 992450296; Language: spanish

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 60

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIPmarketing

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |7 |6 |5 |4 |3 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Bloquear dominion con el mismo nombre y dirente terminacion (com.mx o net)

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential | |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Por busqueda

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 311

ID#: 992540054; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 50

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |4 |5 |2 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: I would like to see selections B,C,D,G,H,I supressed.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: WhoIs is owned by Verisign and Verisign also has significant investment into Quova. Is there a connection with Quova using WhoIs information for commercial use? Quova is selling user location information to advertisers to better target ads. Quova says they know where you are down to the zip code level, this is an invasion of privacy and they do not let you opt-out.

Submission #: 330

ID#: 992455150; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: G,H,I

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no Prohibit sale or disclosure of any data

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 331

ID#: 992455346; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 5

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 80; How many gTLD registrations? 15

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |5 |3 |7 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: In some ocasions the information was incorrect, resulting in loss of time tracing abuse of or network and mail facilities.

How to improve? Checking data on validity. I've seen bogus data, making it hard to get contact info in case of abuse. The problem lies in how to validate the data without making the registration process difficult.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Standards are good. Precautions should be made to prevent spambots from harvesting data.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Creating a RFC which describes what data should be shown, and the condition in which case it should be shown.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Hard. Problem is that al ccTLD's are handles by their own registrant, and making one whois needs coorporation of all.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Completely forbid use of the whois information for marketing purposes. whois is a tool used for admins to resolve technical and abuse problems, not information intended for marketing.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: whois is a handy thing resolving tech issues. Using the whois for marking purposes should be forbidden and actively checked.

Submission #: 332

ID#: 992455698; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 3

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |4 |3 |2 |7 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Could not track down domain owner.

How to improve? Must be a domain owner and provide my top level info to access that info of others. Records kept that I could see who accessed my top level info.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: I would like to see B, H and I surpressed.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes All top level domains should be maintained in a whois database.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes ICANN should standardise the format and require all top-level registrars to provide such information.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? I do not understand the "achieve" goal? Is this how to database it, collect it, organize it, supress it?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: While I feel that access to WHOIS data is valuable for both intellectual property rights and criminal investigation, there are legal organizations and provisions that are already established to provide access to such information... for instance, a warrant from the government stating the answer needed and why it is needed.

Otherwise, I believe a good portion fo the WHOIS database should be made inaccessable to the general public. Personally I have used the WHOIS database to check the validity of a domain soliciting me- and found it was bogus and a fraud. So it is indeed useful.

However, I do not need home phone numbers, etc. Nor do I, as a multiple domain name registrant, approve of my home address and phone number being made publicly available to anyone who does a WHOIS on my domain name.

I hope this is an opportunity to restrict sch information from the general public, which establishing the ground rules and proceidures to continue to make such information readily available to those international agencies who need access to it.

Submission #: 337

ID#: 992456643; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |5 |3 |2 | |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Tracking down spammers and frauds I have sometimes contacted registrants and found that the data is out of date.

How to improve? Mandate that actual current registrant keep data up to date (semi-annual update timestamp?) or put domains on hold as punishment.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: The data is necessary, but unfortunately is easily abused. Distinctions must be drawn between commercial and non-commercial registrants, with non-commercial registrants receiving stronger privacy protections.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) What does this question mean?

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Negotations among ICANN/IANA/registrars, with input from the Internet business and non-commercial/personal user population, resulting in one single worldwide and regisrar-wide standard.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Centrally managed replicated database servers which copy data from all registrars and are controlled by a neutral third party contracted for the purpose.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Default for non-commercial and individual registrants should be absolute privacy - no sale, no marketing use. Opt-in must be absolutely required before non-commercial and individual registrants' data may be used for anything at all other than processing of registrations as requested by the registrant.

For commercial registrants, at least an opt-out must be available. Such opt-out must be available at a point prior to any possibility of the data being used / transferred.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments: 20a. I have an explicit personal privacy concern. I have received marketing emails, faxes, and voice telephone calls as a result of the domains that I have registered. I wanted none of these, and I took whatever actions were available to me to prevent these things, and still they occurred.

20b. Consumer protection is partly enhanced by commercial registration data being available, so commercial registrants must have their data available for legitimate queries with a minimum of difficulty placed in the way of the requester. While this policy would prohibit mass use of registration data of commercial entities, unfortunately abuse would occur unless adequate technical steps are taken to ensure that the search systems are not practicably usable to develop bulk databases.

20c. Law enforcement of course can always acquire a subpoena to get this data, so none of the privacy policies apply directly. Clearly, the registration database is of value to law enforcement actions resulting from claims of fraud perpetrated by registrants.

20d. As minors should not be able to enter in to the business relationship of registration, I do not see that this is any issue.

20e. It is a sad statement that the most common operational use of the registration database is the tracking down of frauds and spam abuses, and it will likely remain this way for years to come. Beyond that, legitimate operational uses of registration data includes tracking back broken equipment and software configurations to keep the Internet running smoothly.

20f. The competitive / economic interest in the registration data is directly at odds with the privacy interest - marketing. I prefer to pay for the real cost of services rather than have that cost subsidized by the loss of my control over my personal information and the loss of my control over who contacts me how and when.

20g. Except for data mining to attempt to construct a broad picture of the activities of a registrant by assembling many references to that registrant in multiple registration records, I do not see significant intellectual property concerns.

20h. The primary purpose of the registration databases is the correct operation of the Internet. Marketing has co-opted that purpose and damaged it. We should return the underpinnings of the Internet to their pure operational status, leaving marketing and secondary uses far away from this critical but private data.

Submission #: 340

ID#: 992456943; Language: english

1. Category: governmental

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technicalother In my las position as a firewall administrator, to identify/names related to suspicious activity.

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| |5 | |3 |4 |1 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to identify suspicious ip addresses

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 341

ID#: 992457002; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization: 3

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |5 |4 |3 |6 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Personal Information should be available only for the prpose for which it was provided, and not to as a source or revenue wen selling to marketers of any type

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: I strongly object to my personal information being used for any external marketing purpose without the opportunity for me to opt-out of any such use.

Submission #: 347

ID#: 992462570; Language: spanish

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 4

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations? 20

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIPother Investigaciones en general

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |6 |4 |2 |5 |3 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? Existe uns discrepancia entre la fecha de expiracin y la fecha real en que el dominio vuelve a estar disponible al publico. Es necesario agregar la fecha de ELIMINACION de la base de datos

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 355

ID#: 992466193; Language: english

1. Category: other Attorney for categories (a), (b), (d)

Size of Organization: 200

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations? 50

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |3 | |1 | |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes By registrars, preferably.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 377

ID#: 992481625; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 2000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 100; How many gTLD registrations? 100

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |3 |1 |4 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 406

ID#: 992515202; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): To support technical operations or network administrators, including tracing sources of spam or denial of service attacks

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes perhaps all registrars should be forced

to mantian a whois service and whois

should be rewritten to simultaneously

query all known registrars applicable to

the domain.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? it is part of the cost of doing business

as a registrar

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes The addresses, pohone numbers and

email address should me made available

only to support the network

troubleshoooting and administration

functions and should be released only under

conditions that ensure they are use for

that purpose only. All registrants should

have to opt in to ANY and ALL uses of

their data by ANY party that do not immediately support

network operations and trouble shooting


18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments: whois should exist for one and only

one purpose: to support the trouble

shooting and operation of the network

I am not opposed to other uses of the

data, PROVIDED these other uses MUST

be opt in.

Submission #: 407

ID#: 992515800; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |6 |1 |5 |4 |2 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes To make the information more easily machine-readble, e.g. for the purpose of finding the correct entity to contact concerning UCE.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 416

ID#: 992520749; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |1 |4 |7 |5 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): contact domain owners

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Incorrect contact information

How to improve? By correcting the incorrect information

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes For a uniform experience

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 427

ID#: 992523272; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |6 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Postal address of registrant

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |valueless |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no Absolute uniformity of format would encourage scripted access to extract details for mass-marketing purposes. I do not view this as a good thing.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Hierarchical response (similar to DNS), referring queries to ccTLD whois servers etc.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Availability of data to third parties, and to marketing campaigns of the registrar themselves, should be subject to an opt-in (rather than opt-out) arrangement.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 435

ID#: 992528149; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |3 |4 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Out of date or incomplete contact information sometimes makes it difficult to identify the origins of unsolicited spam.

How to improve? Standard requirements for registration.

Periodic update/renewal required.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Records should be standard and uniform to make searching and use valuable

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Establish a consortium, issue standard requirements, like a protocol.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Registrars could pay for the establishment and maintenance of distributed database facilities located on various nodes in areas with adequate bandwidth, etc.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 439

ID#: 992531455; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 3

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |5 |6 |2 |3 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Folded into name registration fees.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes If it's unfeasible, that's understandable, but uniformity aids usage.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 464

ID#: 992543518; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |4 |5 |7 |6 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Should NEVER be used glean address for unsolicited email or other direct marketing efforts

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: I would like suppressed all information that spammers can use to SPAM or otherwise perform direct marketing activities.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Those who use the service should pay for it.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes No bulk release of customer information to any marketing organization under any circumstances.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 482

ID#: 992550120; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |5 |2 |6 |3 |4 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other I am most concerned about the wholesale export of my personal data to spammers and junk marketeers.)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Phone numbers and postal addresses, except as provided in the pursuit of a spammer or other illegal activity.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no Registrars make more than enough money off of our registrations as it is.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Less US-centric, more world-general.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes ICANN, by definition, should be setting and enforcing the standards.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? A surcharge on domain registrations allows ICANN the ability to obtain help, either consulting or employee.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes One uniform privacy policy, across the Internet, administered by ICANN, forcing an opt-in only policy.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: ICANN has some serious issues, including its arbitration policy on competitors for a domain name and the wholesale "theft" of domain names from private organizations/individuals for resale to corporations. Here I'm specifically talking about taking .org addresses from individuals putting up their own sites and giving them to non-profits.

Submission #: 483

ID#: 992550291; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |2 |4 |3 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes registration fee

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 487

ID#: 992551717; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 300

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |7 |5 |2 |4 |3 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to identify and verify owners of domain names

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |valueless |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Good question. The cost should be paid for everyone using the internet. How that would be implemented, I don't know. I think that companies and individuals registering domain names should pay, as well as network providers as so forth.

My answer to question 15 would be:

All of the above:

Those who use the service should pay for it

It should be paid for by ICANN

Registrars should support it as a public service

Should be part of the domain registration fee as it is today.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes It is critical for internet users to have access to the person or organization running various websites.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes That is a question well beyond my technical or diplomatic knowledge. I know there are talented people working for ICANN and various internet and Whois service providers who would be much more knowledgeable in answering this question.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Again, I would have to defer to the experts in this area. May I suggest whois. may be appropriate.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes If anything the provisions should be strengthened to continue to prevent unsolicited email.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 488

ID#: 992551758; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 9

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): NOT to source unsolicited email

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? prohibit it

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Completely ban all bulk accss to data across all registrars and TLDs under all circumstances.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The most important issues are that the WHOIS database not be influenced by any corporate or marketing interests and that bulk access to potential marketing data is completely prohibited.

Submission #: 495

ID#: 992552553; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 10; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |7 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: the e-mail address is not important. I get 100 spams DAILY because of my address is listed in the system!

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 521

ID#: 992578751; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization: 8

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 8

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |5 |3 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Phone numbers

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 544

ID#: 992609806; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 4

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |5 |4 |6 |3 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Postal Addresses, Expiration Date, Original Registration Date

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |valueless |desirable |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Providing the same set of data for all registered domains makes for a more uniform interface; if a compelling argument can be made to provide a datum in one registry,then the same or a similar argument is likely to apply to other registries.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Issue an update to the Whois (or a new Internet Best Current Practices) RFC specifying a minimum set of content for gTLD and ccTLD registries, and a recommended format.

Repeat violators can be hunted down and picketed.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Have a global registry that identifies a top-level Whois server for each TLD. Whois clients can then do two (or more) Whois requests on behalf of the users to hierarchically resolve the domain name.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes A privacy policy including an opt-out or opt-in for mass mailing or resale of identification data should be made mandatory.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: A significant law (or policy) enforcement interest is, given an IP address, to identify the authority responsible for the smallest enclosing IP block. RIPE and ARIN (etc.) provide this for subsets of the IPv4 address space; it would be good to have a global registry to identify either a more exact Whois server for the IP (possibly recursive -- many ARIN IP Whois servers are like this), or the smallest enclosing netblock directly.

Submission #: 547

ID#: 992611204; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |5 |3 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other I am most concerned about protecting the privacy of individuals who have registered domain names rather than corporations)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Personal home addresses of individual registrants.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Cooperation between worldwide registration


14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Should make sure no registration data is sold

or added to for marketing purposes. Should

only be used to inform registrants that their

domain is due for renewal.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 559

ID#: 992613861; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |5 |6 |2 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Ensure that all data is presented, when queried, and that the query process is the same.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Any data sold should be on an opt-in (intially) basis... while still retaining later opt-out. As we pay for the whois service, why should it then provide a service to others to make money from?

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: The world is full of psycho's, your homepage is easily accessible to all. It should allow those same psycho's to start turning up on your doorstep. Ie. it should provide no more personal information than you want to provide.

Likewise it should not be seen as a source for profiteering by Spammers and the like. As stated, we pay for the whois service, why should that money be used to provide another way to spam us?

I can think of no good reason to provide a compnay with bulk data about TLDs, all that springs to mind is advertising, market analysis etc. Ie. nothing that benefits the people who pay for the service.

Submission #: 585

ID#: 992621810; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 20; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |2 |6 |7 |5 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to identify technical contacts

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Use the format that is currently

in use for the gtlds

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 589

ID#: 992624293; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 45

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 200

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |4 |2 |3 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes I believe that there should always be a method for contacting a representative of any online business.

Uniformity is always desireable.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Achieve agreement among the governing entities for all tld registrars

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a. People need to be able to provide contact information that does not expose them to potential harm. For example, a woman running a personal web site would not want to provide her actual physical address but could provide a PO Box.

20b. People cannot be permitted to operate businesses and remain anonymous and unreachable. That environment fosters fraud.

20c. See 20b response.

20d. See 20b response.

20g. See 20b response.

Submission #: 603

ID#: 992625834; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 3

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |7 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? By spot checking the accuracy of data(e-mail), and by not allowing of bad data (non numbers for phones, etc.)to enter the databases.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes It should be paid for as a part of registration fees.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Many non-american groups use their respecive cc as the entry point on the internet.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes By having IETF create a standard and then requiring the TLD (G/CC) to support it as a part of their contract.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? By creating an orginization that only supplies whois data.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes no one should be allowed access to these addresses directly. You are selling an address. What if when the PTT (post office/phone company) of your country gave out your address various companies to get your business. It would be illegal in most/all jursdictions.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 605

ID#: 992626710; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |2 |4 |7 |1 |6 |5 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Do not sell mailing lists.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 626

ID#: 992635407; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 7000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 300; How many gTLD registrations? 400

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |4 |2 |3 |6 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Certain registrars do not provide Whois informaitonn on the domain names registered by their customers, thereby placing another barrier to identify the name and identity of website operators.

How to improve? All domain name registrations, including gTlds and ccTlds must provide accurate Whois information in order to provide identifying information of website operators. How can anyone do business when there is no way to find out with certainty the identification of the website operator? Declare that Whois information is akin to Yellowpages or Whitepages, and centralize the information to verify all domain name registrants and contat information. Without an open and public domain Whois database, Internet cannot survive, due to too many fraudulent website operators and malicious infringement of intellectual property rights of tohers.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes This should be a cost-free service provided by Registrars and NICs to ensure that any user can ans should be able to find out who is operating websites. Have domain name registrants pick up the cost of providing the informaiton as part of their domain name registration cost, and have registrars pay for such enhancements.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Currently, there is no uniformity in how the domain names can be found. Further, many countries have NIC authorities which are freuqently offline or worse, do not provide complete and accurate contact information on domain name registrants. If the Internet is to survive and become the electronic marketplace and vehicle for ecommerce, there is no choice but to ensure that every website can be identified by the anme of the company or the individual running such a website for products and services. How else will the scame artists and infringers of intellectual property rights be identified? Further, companies such as and attempt to restrict and generate revenue from Whois information. Why should thesze copanies be allowed to generate profit on informaiton which should rightfully be in the public domain?

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Either ICANN or some designated entities should be collecting and centrlaizing all of the domain registrant informaiton in a centrally located database. If not, ICANN must generate a concensus on all participants to provide easy to obtain Whois information from certain centralized location(s). Format should be uniform to cut dwon the confusion over the data, and searchability should include ways to find out which domain names are registered by name, contact information, Ip address, registration dates, etc.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? ICANN must generate a concensus and develop a process by which all NICs and registrars dump the data into a centralized database. Perhaps each Country can produce an authoritative centralized service which allows anyone to access the database over the Internet.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: 20a. Why is there a privacy concern on Whois database? The record is just like a telephone book. The information must be open and public to ensure no scam artists and those looking to defraud others hide behind privacy claims or obfuscation.

20b. To ensure that the registrars do not sell the information to Mass marketers, but provide information to consumers of online goods and service to make sure they feel comfortable carrying on e-commerce transaction with a known person or an entity.

20c. It is very important to ensure that anyone can identify the name of the company behind a website, and have a way to contact them in case any quesiton of impropriety arises. Further, in order to protect the intellectual property rights, Whois information should be an indispensible part of how everyone carries on online activities.

20d. There are too many websites preying on the minors. If minors and their parents cannot figure out the company or individual operating websites, how can the Internet be a viable online communicaiton network and e-commerce market place? Everyone doing business on the Internet or any types of activity should be held accountable for their online activities.

20e. No comment.

20f. There should be no competitive interest in Whois informaiton since it should be viewed as Public domain information free for everyone to see and use. Or in other words, the most important economic interests should be the growth, expansion and stablization of the Internet, to which Public Domain Whois informaiton should play a critical role.

20g. If the infringer cannot be identified by the fact that there is a lack of Whois information, this should signal to many intellectual property rights owners that it may be too dangerous to place new content on the Internet. Eventually, under worst case scenario, Internet will be devoid of any valuable content since there is no economic incentive for companies to provide valuable proprietary content. Without Public Domain Whois information, there is an economic disincentive for IP rights owners to carry on further online activities.

20h. Make it free. make it Public Domain. Make it searchable in many different ways. No registrar should have proprietary rights over the registrant information, since that is akin to telephone companies claiming that they own telephone numbers and attempt to charge telephone users everytime someone dials a telephone number, whether communication was succesful or not. Further, just as page nubers and volume numbers of legal cases are found to be in public domain, so should information which serves to identify the website operator should be considered Public Domain.

Submission #: 647

ID#: 992649445; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 750

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 117; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |2 |6 |7 |5 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): To identify and support technical operations

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? A whois is a registry. For a registry to be useful the data needs to be accurate and up to date.

Require information be verified for commercial entities. HOWEVER, for personal domains (non-commercial) you MUST allow anonymity for privacy protection.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |valueless |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes no opinion

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes A standard method for storing the data,

searching on the stored data, and displaying

the data to the requestor.

Gee, sounds like an RFC. And, doesn't an RFC

already exist for whois? And isn't this information

already in it?

So, how about simple enforcement.

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? There is no need. There's clients.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes No information should be disseminated to any

third party without the express consent of the

owner of the information. Period.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: 20a. For non-commercial, personal domains, it can be used maliciously by individuals to stalk or otherwise harass. Therefore, for non-commercial domains, anonymous registrations (or rather masked and private records) MUST be allowed. But then again, this would require ICANN to actually ENFORCE the way the TLD's were originally intended, PREVENTING The CocaCola Company from registering "" or Disney from registering "". Gee, enforcement, what a concept.

20b. If the data was accurate and up to date, it provides a valuable resource for consumers to find out more information about a merchant.

20c. Look, there isn't a law-enforcement interest applicable to whois, with the exception of ARIN's whois. Web addresses are comprised of domains, domains map to ip addresses. IP addresses map to ISPs who have records on who owns a given IP at a given time.

20d. Since minors shouldn't be using the internet unsupervised by their parents, I don't see any interest that whois provides for the protection of minors.

20e. Valuable means to track down offending network and companies who may be causing network problems.

20f. None.

20g. None. "" should not violate The CocaCola Company's IP rights to begin with. This whole IP suit mess is balderdash.

20h. Stop mucking around trying to change things that aren't broken and get back to enforcing what things are supposed to be to begin with.

Submission #: 653

ID#: 992652981; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |5 |3 |6 |1 |2 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Any other use

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Sending spam complaints to non-responsive or non-existent domain administrators.

How to improve? Aggressive verification of domain registrants, requiring a PGP-signed response to verification inquiries, at the least.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: The identity of the primary net feed for a domain, if it is not a backbone site.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes The more uniform the data is, the more reliable a search is.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Establish a standard for format and search capability, such at the HTML standard, and allow the Whois service providers to use their own methods of meeting that standard.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Interconnected databases between the Whois providers.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 660

ID#: 992658373; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 40

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 8

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |7 |4 |2 |3 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to identify contacts for the resolution of network problems

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm: Inability to identify appropriate contacts for resolving spam issues, and

therefore the email abuse continued, requiring additional time and resources

for addressing the problem.

I have also experienced denial or service attacks in which I was unable to

track down or identify the source due to invalid WHOIS data.

How to improve? *Require* VALID contact information. Registrars should be held responsible

for the quality of the information in their WHOIS databases. When a domain

is found to have outdated or inaccurate information, a registrar should give the

registrant an opportunity to update or correct the information. If the

information is not updated or corrected within a reasonable period of time,

then the domain registration should be cancelled. Registrars should also

verify the accuracy of information provided by registrants *before* a domain

is listed in WHOIS databases. Registrars who do not take adequate steps

to ensure the validity and accuracy of the WHOIS database should be

de-certified as registrars. The WHOIS records may allow for anonymous,

unidentified contacts through the usage of "role accounts" (e.g., postmaster,

dns-admin, ip-admin, etc.) AS LONG AS THE WHOIS INFORMATION




AND ACTED UPON. Knowing the identity of a domain registrant is not as

important as the ability to contact someone at the domain who is responsible

for resolving network management issues.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes This expense should be covered by a registrar's operating expenses which

may be passed on to registrants in the form of registration fees if the registrar

chooses. Maintenance of a WHOIS database is one of the essential

elements of a registrar's functions. If a company is not prepared to maintain

a valid and accurate WHOIS database, then it should not be certified as a


Network Solutions/Verisign is an exemplar of how NOT to manage a WHOIS

database. Even though it was required to maintain an accurate WHOIS

database by the Memorandum of Understanding between the US Dept. of

Commerce and Network Solutions, Network Solutions, citing the expense

of the undertaking, repeatedly refused to take any actions to verify the validity of information provided by domain

registrants or to take action when presented with proof of invalid contact

information. This deliberate failure to fulfill the provisions of the contract with

the US government has lead to unjust enrichment of Network Solutions. In

other words, by unilaterally deciding to abandon certain provisions of the

contract, and avoiding the expenses associated with maintaining a useful

WHOIS database, Network Solutions has extracted excess profits to which

it is not entitled. Network Solutions should be required to use these excess

profits to abide by its contractual obligation.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes The information is essential for the proper internetwork management and

operation. It is irrelevant whether the data is for a domain registered in a

gTLD or ccTLD.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Through the auspices of the DNSO, ICANN should adopt a uniform WHOIS

format and a standardized minimum feature set.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Make participating in a system of centralized public access a requirement

for certification as a registrar. The DNSO should develop a plan for providing

centralized public access for consideration and approval by the ICANN


15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Registrars should NOT have the option to sell WHOIS databases for

marketing purposes. The WHOIS database is primarily for allowing

domain administrators to contact other domain administrators in order

to address network problems. Secondarily, the WHOIS database can be

used to track down network abusers and in criminal investigations.

Finally, the WHOIS database can be used to determine the availability of

a domain name or in order to identify the organization behind a domain.

Use of the WHOIS database beyond these limited purposes should be

tightly controlled with details specified in contracts.

I submit that it is the fact that registrars such as Network Solutions ARE

selling WHOIS data to the highest bidder for marketing purposes is the very

reason privacy has become an issue in the first place. If users weren't so

concerned that their contact information will be used for marketing purposes,

then they would be more likely to provide valid, accurate and current

information. Widespread use of WHOIS databases for marketing

purposes will only encourage users to supply invalid information, thus

undermining the primary purpose of the WHOIS database.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The most important personal privacy interest is the use of WHOIS

databases for marketing purposes. Such use of the WHOIS databases

should be strictly controlled so that the information may be used for a limited

range of defined purposes. This principle is also the most important

consumer protection interest. As noted above, the use of WHOIS data

for marketing purposes is likely to encourage the presence of MORE

invalid and inaccurate contact information, and this does not serve anyone's


Law enforcement has a legitimate need for WHOIS data, so it would be a

mistake to prohibit law enforcement access to WHOIS data. However, if

law enforcement is to be given access, the public must also be given access

on the same terms.

I do not view protection of minors as a significant issue at all. Minors are

unable to enter into contracts, and therefore minors are unable to enter

into registration agreements. There should not be any personal information

of minors in the WHOIS database for this reason.

The network operational interest is *the* most important aspect of the

WHOIS databases. It is essential to be able to reach a network administrator

whenever there is a network problem, such as a spewing mail server or a

router that is broadcasting invalid routes. It is my opinion that any domain

unwilling to provide a convenient means to contact its administrators should

not be permitted to connect to the Internet. The fundamental issue is not

so much privacy but responsibility and accountability. By connecting to a

public internetwork, administrators must relinquish a small degree of

privacy in favor of the essential issues of responsibility and accountability.

And as noted above with respect to the issue of "role accounts", it IS

possible to provide responsibility and accountability while still preserving a

degree of personal privacy. NOT making contact information available is akin

to allowing government agencies to have unlisted phone numbers so that

they are inaccessible to the public they are supposed to serve.

I have serious reservations about the "escrowing" of WHOIS data. IF WHOIS

data is to be escrowed and withheld from public access, then access

MUST be provided on a timely basis (i.e., half an hour or less) and also MUST

be made available upon presentation of a valid reason for the request. The

WHOIS data MUST NOT be made available ONLY upon presentation of a

subpoena or a request by a law enforcement official. For example, if ICANN

adopts a regime in which WHOIS data is escrowed, then I MUST be

provided with the full contact information if I request that information in order

to pursue an email abuse claim. Registrars should NOT be given discretion

whether to fulfill a request. If ICANN decides to pursue this route, it must

enumerate a list of valid purposes. Anyone requesting information must

certify that they are seeking the information for a specified and valid purpose,

and the registrar must thereupon provide the requested information without

further delay and without inquiring into the bona fides of the request. ICANN

may adopt appropriate mechanisms for dealing with abuse of the WHOIS


But I discourage ICANN from pursuing this option at all because it will be an

administrative nightmare and will effectively destroy the usefulness of the

WHOIS databases for dealing with internetworking operational and

management issues. When a site is experiencing a denial of service attack,

even a half-hour delay in obtaining useful contact information is too long.

Submission #: 661

ID#: 992659474; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 300

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |5 |3 |4 |2 |1 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: The problem is not really the accurancy of data, but where to find them.

The whois servers to use and which one is updated and reliable.

How to improve? Centralize the list of whois servers.

Standard output.

Standard Whois client.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes This can be paid on an usage basis by the users who want this kind of facility.

And should be reserved to Internet professional only, ISP, REGIATRARS and IP Lawyers

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes A domain name is a domain name

ccTLD and gTLD only the scope change so IP lawyers, ISP and REGISTRARS should be able to find Domain Names wathther the Namespace.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes For some technical operations, like the Registrar transfer in the gTLD, to be able to automate some process.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? ICANN should operate this service, like a Referal whois and this referral will lookup directly at the right registry. Could be done at the server itself but this can be very expensive in term of ressources or can be done by the whois client by this will take time to have all whois client able to do that.

whois @whois.

should give the answer directly.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The whois sould not be used for searching available domains, this should be done via a registrar protocol commands. Like the command in the EPP protocol. Too many internet ressources are consuming for a whois lookup, and this can decrease the nuber of cybersquatters.

I'm more concerned by the multiple whois clients which are not updated or doesn't reflect the changes in the gTLDs. And also those whois clients are not standarize and it's becoming difficult to find how to use them and which whois servers we can use and we can rely on. The final user is lost.

Submission #: 674

ID#: 992697040; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |4 |5 |3 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes I have no idea, how about improving the efficiency of the current process and not cahraging.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes It makes things easier to understand and creates causes less confusion

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes I am not sure this subject needs some study

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? One Portal that has all the information, with other Portals that can access it.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes There must be more privacy protection. Opt out should be prohibited.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 683

ID#: 992702806; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 4

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |desirable |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 686

ID#: 992703906; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |1 |5 |6 |3 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Core / Nominet charge (in a way) for joining, and seeing as they are essentially the people who at the end of the day are responsible for registering domains, they should foot the bill.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Release a RFC which contains information on the desired format of searches and responses. If this RFC were publicised within the Internet community, reputable whois users would oblige.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? A central web site, a sort of 'Whois Central' type thing.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes To not allow bulk harvesting of information for marketing / commercial purposes.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 689

ID#: 992708184; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 120

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 45

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: other technical information, such as which dns servers are primary.

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |1 |2 |7 |6 |5 |4 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): dns info

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: f,g,h,i

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |valueless |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no leave the ccTLDs to their own devices

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no who cares? just need a few essential pieces, not a bunch of marketing-manager-available data

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 717

ID#: 992739465; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |3 |6 |5 |2 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Would think cost is minimal, benefit is competitive advantage for sites. Use Like pattern matching rather than boolean.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Same technical and customer protection needs apply.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes A single database replicated across providers.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? It does not have to be one user interface portal - each registrar could implement their own interface to a centralized or replicated database. Current system looks fine. On the other hand, so would a non-profit monopoly - why were matters complicated by allowing fragmentation in basically a no-value added, high economies-of-scale, public service business...

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Preferably banning the bulk use of data by the registrars and any third parties altogether. At least clarified so as to be understandable, and to require the registrar to describe their privacy policy in a short, 50-word statement on the page that leads to buying the domain name.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The whois database's first concernt should be the interest of the public a) in obtaining domain names, and b) identifying persons responsible of technical harm and illegal activity. The internet has become a critical, national-interest resource. It should not be polluted by the need for artificially created, no-value-adding entities to create a profit. The fees payed by millions of people and organizations should be enough to maintain the system without need to sell us out. Allowing the marketing of that information, then invoking privacy to allow third-party agents to mask the identity of domain owners, not only annoys everybody, and raises registration and tort-reparation costs, but also limits the system's ability to protect the public. In my view, this is a classic example of what should have been a publicly controlled monopoly service. If it works for birth, death and vehicle registration, why not internet domain names?

Submission #: 738

ID#: 992783770; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 40

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |7 |2 |6 |3 |4 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to find out who is responsible for the website on the domain name I visited, such as in case the website is down or when there are other problems with the site. And to see if the person that owns the domain name really is who he claims to be.

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Then you'll have the same information you can rely on, you'll have the same possibilities to find out the (contact-) details about the registrant.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? A centralized webpage, which can access al databases where whois information is stored, all at the same time.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes they shpuld be changed so that they are based on opt-in, not on opt-out.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 740

ID#: 992786426; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 12

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | |1 | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes It is important if another party has registered a domain name in another ccTLD's. It can be searched who has registered it and to what purpose. It is due to protection of IP.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes To make a strict requirements in registering domain name. So all registrar must apply the same standard in registering domain name.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Let it be in one hand. So all registered data must be sent to an organization or company to compile any data about it.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 751

ID#: 992800151; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 330; How many gTLD registrations? 12

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Unable to buy domain name while it was again available but not according to the WHOIS. So someone else has bought it.

How to improve? Specify a specific time (e.g. 00 hours UTC)and term (e.g. 15 days) after official date of expiration for all cc- and g-TLDs when the domain name should be available for a buyer.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |valueless |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes ease of use and for the same reasons as they should appear in the WHOIS of gTLDs.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no to expensive

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? ICANN should maintain the portal

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 754

ID#: 992801473; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |6 |4 |7 |5 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to determine what entity registered a domain name

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: The registrant is not correctly identified.

How to improve? Faster recordation of DN transfer from one registrant to another.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |valueless |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |valueless |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Registrars should pay. I can't see that they are investing their profits in any infrastructure improvements - such as improving the efficiency and timeliness of recording changes in ownership.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes If I had to investigate the owner of an infringing use of a domain name on behalf of a trademark owner, I would want those same data elements in order to determine the identity of the owner of the infringing domain name.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Mandate that all registrars enter and make available Whois data in the same format.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Demand that each registrar agree to do so as a condition of being authorized as a registrar.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 759

ID#: 992806528; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 7; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |5 |2 |4 |6 |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless |essential |desirable |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes To standarize domain names

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 768

ID#: 992818814; Language: english

1. Category: other Lawyer representing various clients

Size of Organization: 1500+

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 50; How many gTLD registrations? 100

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |4 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): really, the point is to be able to identify whom you are dealing with

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Clients have been put to very large expense and in some cases it has just not been possible to identify who is operating some domain names

How to improve? First, I think the requirement that correct details be supplied and bad faith presumed in default is sensible. It is limited, however, to trade mark disputes.

Secondly, registrars' policies on what is required to change details such as after assignment need to be standardised. See the fiasco in the WIPO complaint involving the domain name. The whois records show one thing as they can be changed online, but the registrar refused to recognise those changes. In a second example, the client had to spend in the order of USD$1,000 to get a notarised transfer document: for a US$70 domain name!

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes part of registration/renewal fees

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes 1) All registrars (gTLDs, new TLDs and ccTLDs) should have an obligation to make whois data available to the general whois look up service

2) Sale/other provision only in accordance with 16 above.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments: The name and address of a person who has registered a domain name should be publicly available to ascertain that fact only. IF it is to be used for some other purpose, that should be done only with consent.

Submission #: 779

ID#: 992890224; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 100

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 25; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |7 |4 |1 |3 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): identify company or owner of domain

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: unsolicitated emails do to the info on the whois. (no real harm)

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: mailing address ..but no Phone numbers

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 791

ID#: 992875214; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |5 |3 |2 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes to make it all the same

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes a comittee that actually does something

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? joint effort between all companies that are involved in providing domain names

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 798

ID#: 992963561; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization: 50

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | |3 |2 |4 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: as it depends very much on the registry I know who operate correct databases and who don't

How to improve? if inaccurate data leeds to a possible cancelation of the domainname people may be much more accurate

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no why not using the format for .de in .com, .net and .org

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes find a distributed protocol to allow distributed access (e.g. DNS ;-) )

don't set .com, .net and .org beeing the standard but develop a suitable approach for all registries

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? take a distributed protocol like DNS and distribute the clients (in DNS speech the resolver) to access the various distributed databases

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes more data privacy

access to registrant information except whois domain only if registrant agrees

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 810

ID#: 992853557; Language: english

1. Category: other Both private and in businneses I co-founded

Size of Organization: 4

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 50; How many gTLD registrations? 400

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |3 |7 |5 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: Would be nice if e-mail field was replaced with a central contact form so spammers can't collect addresses from Whois.

Submission #: 819

ID#: 992871724; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 20; How many gTLD registrations? 15

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |4 |5 |3 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): -

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: d g h i

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 825

ID#: 992875810; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 40

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |5 |7 |2 |6 |3 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to identify contacts for resolving network performance issues

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Unable to trace ongoing spam attacks because of deliberately-entered


How to improve? Registrars must accept and act on complaints that registration information

is fraudulent by demanding correct information from the domain holder, and

suspending domains of those who do not comply.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Similar to DNS, a "root whois server" would refer queries to a server for a

particular TLD, which might answer the query itself or refer the query to

one of several registrars.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Mandatory sale should not be required.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 838

ID#: 992879138; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 5

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1500; How many gTLD registrations? 25

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |1 |3 |4 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Increase one-time registration fee

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Internet functionality makes no discrimination based on geography or politics -- the same reasons that .com, .org, and .net domains need robust availability of data apply globally

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Mandate use of common core database application(s) for registrars

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Should be opt-in; opt-out systems are inherently unfair

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 840

ID#: 992880133; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 25

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |4 |3 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 842

ID#: 992882156; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 150

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 146; How many gTLD registrations? 411

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |7 |3 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other I am most concerned about ensuring that the domain registrant is accurately represented.)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: inability to transfer domains, forced into NSI's dumb policies of payment for domains which

shouldn't have to be paid for...

How to improve? remove NSI's accreditation status.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes legislate it to your registrars

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes no access to bulk-whois.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 873

ID#: 992904731; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 4; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |1 |5 |6 |3 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes So it's easier to go throught all the domains

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? using INTERNIC as the one and only one Whois registry

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 874

ID#: 992905761; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 500

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 50; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |3 |5 |4 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): n/a

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: inconvenience: incorrect data (phone,email) hampers resolving technical issues. Can't fix something if we can't figure out who to talk to.

How to improve? Most problems (I encounter) are stale contact info on handles/role-accounts. We also encounrter a lot of lame delegations (listed name servers aren't actually authoritative for domain.) Give the ISP some channel to feed information to the WHOIS db maintainers -- we(ISP) often know new/better contact info, but the procedures are arduous/impossible to get updates done. The human customer doesn't know how to make changes, and the ISPs have no method of helping the WHOIS db maintainers. SHORT ANSWER: ISP submits change request by email (email email email ISPs had web interfaces -- we need to automate things) then some friendly web interface for end users to veirfy what's being changed.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no Joining the namespaces adds complexity and cost and the only benefit is that it unifies the interface to whois. All we need is a) continue to support text/command-line whois clients as we do now, b) keep the whois databases for each TLD well-known. All we need (ISPs) is to have a consistent view for each top level domain name. Joining the spaces just makes it easier for morons to harvest information.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Uniformity need only be done at the edges: Create a uniform query and response scheme. Then whoever/whatever/wherever/however WHOIS database are done, the uniform interfaces go on the outermost layer -- allowing organization to choose the most optimal (however they want to define optimal) solution to implement the database. An "outermost only" uniformity also provides the least cost and time-to-delivery for legacy whois systems. (today's whois., whois., whois. work FINE -- all we need is query and output uniformity!!)

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? DEcentralize! For any TLD: require all WHOIS db operaters to provide information on that full TLD space. Specify a global WHOIS data interchange format so each WHOIS db operator can interact with all others.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: uh, questions 20a through 20h don't have any input elements. I'm using MSIE 5.0(2022) on a Macintosh. ??

Submission #: 895

ID#: 992939048; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 30

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |2 |5 |7 |4 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): anything other than "to source unsolicited email"

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes because uniformity makes use easier, in this case with no significant drawbacks. whatever set of data is decided upon should be uniform across all whois services.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes standardise the data set, and require domain renewals to fill any blanks in the relevant records.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes prohibition on on-selling contact information without an explicit opt-in

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 899

ID#: 992941270; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 300000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 500; How many gTLD registrations? 1000

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |4 |5 |2 |1 |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes whois query's on domains should be as uniform as possible and have data in them that is useful.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes start an open-source initiative to create whois software and registration software that can be used by every registrar.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? build a simple web-page that offers all whois info...

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The whois database is a tool to find out information about a domain name. It should provide accurate technical and ownership information about the domain and that's it.

Submission #: 903

ID#: 992947908; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? never

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments: I want to know how to change the server

Submission #: 920

ID#: 992956804; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |7 |3 |6 |5 |4 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Finding the primary and secondary DNS servers

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: The whois information didn't match the SOA record received by DNS queries.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Registration related dates and postal address.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |desirable |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes To provide uniform responses despite the country the domain was resolved in.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Reach a concensus using votes.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? An international group consisting of representatives from each database.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Removed. You guys can make your money of registration fees.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 945

ID#: 992980655; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 100

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 10; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |2 |4 |6 |1 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve? Require contact info updates on an annual basis, even for your long-term-contract customers.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes They are already well paid for with the millions of domains paying on average $35 per year per domain.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Change the privacy provision to opt-in only--the default choice would be to protect the privacy of the information in the record UNLESS the registrant has specifically opted in to marketing disclosure.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: E-mail and postal mail addresses are ROUTINELY used to send unsolicited bulk advertising by both E-mail and postal mail. In doing so, inappropriate information is being released and people are being bothered who should not be bothered. If you make money through the disclosure of my information, I expect to be compensated as well; I'm sure you are not prepared to do so, so I forbid you from using my contact information for your selfish financial gain.

Submission #: 953

ID#: 992989076; Language: spanish

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 212

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 120; How many gTLD registrations? 80

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |5 |2 |3 |4 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no Porque cada ccTLD pertenece a un pas diferente, con leyes particulares que resguardan de forma diferente la privacidad de las personas.

Es importante permitir esta pluralidad, de modo que los individuos puedan elejir bajo qu leyes vivir, y no imponer normas uniformes que desconozcan las culturas y formas de ser particulares de cada nacion.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 962

ID#: 993002489; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 3

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 30; How many gTLD registrations? 20

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |1 |3 |4 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? yes

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 965

ID#: 993010551; Language: english

1. Category: other Small web host

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 25; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |4 |3 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Uniformity and thus ease of use.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments: This is too long.

Submission #: 972

ID#: 993035073; Language: english

1. Category: governmental

Size of Organization: 500,000+

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 4; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |2 |5 |6 |4 |7 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Find ISP technical information

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Postal address/phone/etc. of regristrants, individuals, and organizations that cherish anonymity is a terrible policy. One should never have to disclose one's personal address to any corporation for any reason

If unnecessary, what to drop: D,G,I

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |desirable |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Standardization

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Don't know

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Don't know

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: 20a. The incursion of commercial interests into every aspect of private life. The privacy and safety of individuals who register domain names

Submission #: 999

ID#: 993067725; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1500; How many gTLD registrations? 5000

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |5 |7 |4 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): To verify contact information for proper billing

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm: Many times there was in-accurate data in many ccTLD who-is data base (or worse yet, no who-is at all!!) Also, many times confirmations of who-is changes were given and the who-is would take anywhere from 3 to 10 days to update due to slow, in-effecient legacy systems that were later found out to be running cobol!! (yes, I'm speaking of the former network solutions)

How to improve? I think the best way to implement a serious improvement is to standardize and centralize a central who-is system that will encompass ALL domains, as this will eliminate confusion among registries and registrars who list various types of information in different ways. I also believe the who-is should be a distrubuted, clustered database environment which will allow for fault tolerance as well as high-availablity.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: I would add a data element available to ISP's and registrars that would allow recording of all data changes made to that domain including when, what type of change, and the previous values it was changed from.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes I think a small subscription fee should be paid which would allow various types of access to the who-is and geographically diverse portals would need to be implemented in order to ensure availability of service.

For example, have various levels of access (both for types of data and number of queries) at different price ranges:

(personal, business, enterprise, corporate, and platinum.) This type of scenario would allow for scalability of the price structure according to the needs of the delegated "who-is" administrative organization

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes There needs to be standardization and centralization of ALL who-is output for all types of TLD's in an effort to simplify the registration process and ensure the reliablity and accuracy of the who-is data.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes ICANN should devise a list of necessary information for a who-is service and delegate a central who-is authority to which ALL registries and registrars would submit data for newly registered or modified domains.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? a high-availablity server farm with dedicated, multi-homed T3's.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1011

ID#: 993071779; Language: english

1. Category: other intellectual property law firm

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 8

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |1 | |2 | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |valueless |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |valueless |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1019

ID#: 993096556; Language: english

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names?

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois?

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?


Submission #: 1020

ID#: 993107609; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |3 |4 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: non-dedicated IPs for a particular provider are difficult to trace

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1043

ID#: 993142679; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 850

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilityother To identify web visitors and correlate to internal prospect and customer databases. This is not 'e'. Very different!

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |5 |4 |6 |7 |2 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Analysis of own commerical interactions on the internet.

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: All data should be XML. More geograhical validity would be nice. Privacy is an issue but not an absolute right. Persons who abuse laws should not have privacy but most registrants should have more privacy than current system.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Or better just use XML and let us do it - have user deal with the cost of implementing search to meet our needs!

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Internet has no geographic or political boundaries; the purposes for using such data are generic and common across any interaction.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Define a format standard (XML DTD/Schema) through IETF or other non-political, non-governmental international organization - ICANN doesn't qualify being a US government organization. Develop migration tools for domain owners. Use open standards for data exchange. Let the internet community figure out have to make use of the data.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? But a decentralized, standards-based data format can easily accomplish the same thing with less political/legal rancor and fewer technical hurdles. Thus as a end I support the vision, as a means, a portal is only on possible solution. Technical implementation *should never* be what you lead a project with. It's a recipe for disaster.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: For an "open" system like this erring on the side of privacy seems reasonable - up to a point. Processes and procedures should be put in place to allow escalation in the event of illegal criminal or civil use, or technical issues relating to a domain which would allow privacy protections to be progressively voided in a minimal yet reasonable way.

Submission #: 1051

ID#: 993150504; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |4 |3 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Could not report spam being sent through a server.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: postal address, voice telephone, fax number can all be surpressed as long as email is verified once a month to be correct and active. If email is bounced, then they lose their registration.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no I don't think postal addresses or phone numbers should be available.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Not sure.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1058

ID#: 993155252; Language: english

1. Category: individual both business & personal

Size of Organization: 900 & 2

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 6

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalother trace back for security violoations

(crackers)and inform them their is

a person attempting to breakin to our

site from their domain.

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |2 |4 |4 |3 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? Perhaps sending yearly reminders or even

more regularly (quarterly) with the listed information.

Also having a secondary contact address


8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add: mostly just a e-mail address is needed

for my purposes.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes First come first served.

It is a international resource and it

is already used by people in other


Perhaps having a new extension for US

businesses, org's, etc. (and of course

those that already have the .com,.org

and .net should have get the domain

for the new extension).

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes My postal address is probably not needed

but email and phone make sense.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? I think a central database is good

with local 'mirrors'. However, whether

it is a centeral organization/company

is debatable. But if people can work

together that would be good.

There should be little or no cost for

a centralized public access.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes The sale of my data/info should only

be a opt-in. And use of that information for any direct marketing/sales should be strictly prohibitted. By the register and

anyone with access to the information.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a. Use of data for spam/direct marketing ... This should not be allowed. (Unless I opt-in)

20b same..

20c. Being able to inform and track break ins and spam mail.

Submission #: 1059

ID#: 993155418; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 15000; How many gTLD registrations? 30000

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |1 |6 |1 |1 |1 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): support technical matters

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes funds from the current grossly exaggerated registration fees.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes data consistency

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes rfc

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes sale for marketing of whois data should be expressly and unconditionally forbidden

use of whois data for marketing purposes should be prosecuted under

criminal and civil law in all cases.

this especially includes marketing from registrars and ICANN.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: the whois database was created to support technical issue resolution.

any other use whatsoever is abhorrent and should be prohibited and

prosecuted without exception.

Submission #: 1064

ID#: 993176077; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 500

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 10; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| |2 |1 | |3 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Registration Fees

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1090

ID#: 993224334; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations? 7

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |5 |4 |6 |2 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes registration fees

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1095

ID#: 993228077; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: a web host charged for renewed service that was already cancelled

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: All except whether name is in use.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? Domain Name Search Only with "in Use" or "available" as results - ONLY.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Complete and Total Privacy UNLESS otherwise requested by registrant.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1096

ID#: 993230021; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 17000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 25; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |2 |7 |6 |5 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Changing DNS records that are incorrect.

How to improve? E-mail technical contact listed in DNS on a regular basis to ensure that the person responsible is still available.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Date of last change to the record. If a commercial organization, the name of the company would be nice.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Internic fee

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1101

ID#: 993231427; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 20

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 6; How many gTLD registrations? 140

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technicalother to see if domain has transfered to my web servers.

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |7 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): NS info

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes For manageing a web hosting company most clients looking to transfer their domain do not have any records about the domain anymore. This information is very valuable for supporting clients.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes by creating a standard for registartion information.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? see above

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Keep the Whois database open but denie the bulk mining of the database for marketing purposes.. I'm constantly getting calls from clients about mass mailing they have gotten from other registers trying to get them to transfer for their current registar. IMO this should be illegal.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1109

ID#: 993243609; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 200

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 30; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |7 |1 |7 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Spammers hide behind false or misleading

registration data.

How to improve? Verify names and addresses by postal mail.

Verify email addresses by having the

registrant respond to an email sent to

registered email address.

Remove domain names with false or

incomplete data.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes By the exorbitant domain registration

fees already collected.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Standardized registration software.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes No bulk access should be permitted.

Registration data should NOT be used

for marketing.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: All domain registration data should be public

in the same vein that all real property titles

are registered and publically available at your

county courthouse.

If the availability to hide your registration

data is available, spammers and other network

abuses will use this to hide their identity.

This is not acceptable.

Submission #: 1110

ID#: 993244020; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 300

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm: attempts to contact at ficticious address/phone#s

How to improve? require accurate contact info, and for the specific host of record (I often see a speficic host listing the contact info for the domain registrar, especially for country-TLDs)

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes It's much easier to not have to worry about whether the site for which one is searching is a cctld or a .com, etc. Especially with spammers and other complex issues requiring one to jump through multiple network hops, it's important to be able to track problems through wherever they may be.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes domain registration is required in order to have a domain name, and therefore should not automatically subject one to any form of advertising (etc.) from anyone about anything. Ever.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1126

ID#: 993255435; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 3

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 15

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |5 |4 |3 |6 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1132

ID#: 993266728; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? have a worldwide organization of WHO-IS and different agencies in the appropriate countries.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1133

ID#: 993281760; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 50

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |5 |2 |6 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Spammers and other net abusers lie in the submitted data, making it more

difficult to track them down to report abuse.

Spammers harvest contact email addresses from the whois system to spam


How to improve?

Submitting inaccurate data should have strict penalties. If there are

any penalties now, they are either too weak or not enforced.

I suggest the following:

1. As soon as any inaccurate data is found or reported, the domain

should immediately be removed or disabled from the root nameservers

until it is verifiably corrected, and the owners of the domain notified.

2. If there is evidence the error was an attempt to cover up other

abuse, there should be a graduated scale of penalties, beginning with

temporary loss of the use of a domain, and running through permanent

loss of a domain, and finally permanent loss of the ability to register

ANY domain.

3. The registrars need to be held accountable for much of the current

abuse. In their headlong rush to make a buck they are allowing the

namespace of the net to be destroyed. Well known abusers are able to

continue to register new domains, knowing full well they will soon lose

them due to their abuse. (search google groups for Ralsky).

4. Certain addresses are mandantory for proper operation of the net.

These include such addresses as root, postmaster, hostmaster. Abuse of

these addresses should have _Draconian_ penalties. Certain spammers have

been adding such addresses to spam lists lately. I believe this should

be a CRIMINAL offense. At the least, net access should be denied these

people. The penalties need to be very stiff, because this is difficult

to enforce. The idea is that they be so stiff that a few public examples

each year would serve as a strong deterrent.

5. The lowest side of human nature, unfortunately, seems to respond only

to two things: social pressure, and punishment. I believe ICANN should

keep, and publish, a list of known abusers and incidents so that ISPs

may use it to deny service to these individuals - much in the way that

lists like the RBL are used now. I believe such a list could be

maintained by ISPs themselves, simply recording the facts of why an

individual was terminated from service. Additionally, as previously mentioned,

I believe certain offenses should be criminally punishable.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Current fees should be sufficient. This is not rocket science.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes The system should be uniform.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes It should work the way it used to - one 'whois' database, created as a shared resource.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? An indepedent body supported by the registrars, and with fixed salaries.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes The data must be considered confidential.

It should not in any way, shape, or form, be sold in bulk form.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

The internet is a strange mixture of public and private interests.

Reflecting this, I believe that the registrars should be allowd to

compete with each other on price and services with some restraints, but

that above this level the system should have a fixed fee structure set

by law as needed to operate the servers and for other necessary tasks.

As much as possible, above the registrar level, the system should

function in a way that is as divorced from both politics and pecuniary

interests as is possible.

The model I imagine is close to how our courts operate - the lawyers

being somewhat in the role of the registrars, reflecting private

interests - free to compete, but restrained by law and precedent in

their actions. The levels _above_ the lawyers reflect almost completely

the public interest, with judicial salaries and terms set to minimize

the effects of politics and money upon their actions (recent election

behavior notwithstanding ;-) ).

Submission #: 1138

ID#: 993305020; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |5 |3 |6 |2 |7 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: All .com, .org and .net registrations should have the identity of the registrant - address, email, etc displayed upon query of whois by default. There should _never_ be a case where the registrant can choose to have another party listed as the registrant. I use whois to check validity of a registrant and to establish trust in that registrant. Hiding information behind another party removes an avenue I have to develop trust of a company. For instance, today I tried to find out about , a company that purports to sell electronic medical record products. They may be a reputable company, but because of spelling errors in the website, I suspected the company as not being a US based company. The policy that allows me to find the identiy of the domain name registrant that is hidden behind "network solutions" only if there has been some harm or potential harm is inadequate. I am left knowing much less about this company. I am a fairly saavy internet user, but many of my colleagues are not. Many people depend on me as a source of reputable information. Whois drastically limits this activity on my part by restricting access to registrant data. The internet is a public place. If you register a domain, the information should be easily accessable by the public for any reason other than misuse of the information.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no .com, .net and .org are the biggest spam offenders and are where companies I research will be located. I _never_ go to or trust country code domains (except .us).

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes The information should not be for sale at all.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20 a. information cannot be sold to third parties and cannot be used for marketing purposes. Registrants should not be able to hide their identities _at all_!

20 b. see 20 a.

Submission #: 1139

ID#: 993316826; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |valueless |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1164

ID#: 993361847; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 4

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |5 |3 |6 |4 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Postal address and phone numbers should be suppressed from general public view.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |valueless |valueless |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Consistency.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Define a standard.

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Information should not be sold. Period. Public information should be limited to domain name, domain holder name/email, and registration/expiration dates.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: 20a. The use of whois information for all types of spam (email, postal, and telephone) has gotten way out of hand. I've made use of whois in the past, but would gladly give up ANY whois search other than determining if a domain is available, who owns it and their email address, and its registration/expiration date. I only have 4 domains, and I'm so sick of hosting and other solicitations. It's ridiculous!

Submission #: 1186

ID#: 993500082; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 6; How many gTLD registrations? 800

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |2 |5 |6 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1192

ID#: 993522948; Language: english

1. Category: other Law firm.

Size of Organization: 75

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 25

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |5 |2 |6 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Cybersquatters and other pirates or infringers hide behind inaccurate data.

How to improve? Prohibit option of using Registrars as contacts. Require specific accurate information at the risk of forfeiture of the domain name.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F | | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes By the party who is searching.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes There is no reason not to.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes ICANN should mandate it.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The most inportant IP interest is in preventing domain name ursurpation by parties without legitimate claims to the domain name or a trademark which is part of it. It is esential to be able to have a WHOIS database which can reveal multiple "grabbing" of the trademarks of others in order to demonstrate "bad faith". The UDRP should be amended to make the key standard: use "or" registration in bad faith.

Submission #: 1199

ID#: 993528127; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilityIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |6 |5 |3 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes uniformity of data would be nice

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes I don't know enough about it to answer.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Again, I don't know enough about it to answer at this point.

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: Visitors should be able to access some means of contacting a business that refuses to list info. Violation of copyright laws should be traceable.

Submission #: 1211

ID#: 993561445; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 55000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 10; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnicalother trouble-shoot dns problems

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |5 |6 |3 |7 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): identify/validate dns information

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? Streamline ability of administrators to update data; the current system is cumbersome and inefficient.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes You're kidding, right? That's not even close to rocket science.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Share data.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Sales of data should be prohibited.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1212

ID#: 993562713; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 25

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 12

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |5 |3 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Postal Address and Phone numbers

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Unfortunately, cctlds are being used as a replacement for gtlds.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Require registration authorities to provide the data as a requirement of the certification process.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Each registrant should have to "opt-in" to the bulk distribution of their information.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1223

ID#: 993584980; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 125

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |4 |6 |5 |2 |3 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): identification for technical contacts

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm:

How to improve? Infrequent letters to webmasters stating information that is contained with a form for any changes that need to be made, because, as we all know, the webmaster today, may not be webmaster of tomorrow. Of course, security should be an issue here. Suggest account numbers or PINs - if businesses possible resale or tax ID numbers.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no Advertising on internic and internic related sites.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes IMO having the registrar OPT-IN is more likely that they would pay attention to what they are getting into, rather that OPT-OUT where users have a tendency to skip over.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a. full addresses shouldn't be given.

20b. the use of whois data for marketing is absurd IMO. Marketing IS spam.

20c. Data ... and access to it. I'm sure the govt. have a complete copy of the whois database anyways.

20d. Minors shouldn't be able to register domain names. No information about minors should be posted.

20e. Again, data ... whos got what and where and how long and until when.

20f. Whois should be a free service non-profit as it is information and purely information .. reference to 20b marketing from Whois data should be disallowed. Business get ENOUGH spam.

20g. Intellectual property disputes are good for two things, going broke and making lawyers rich.

20h. Please don't put constrains on this wealth of information... It could cripple some businesses that rely on it for normal operations.

Submission #: 1238

ID#: 993630895; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |2 |5 |1 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1256

ID#: 993663687; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 25

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 100

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |5 |3 |6 |2 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Troubleshooting

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve? ALl of the TLD need to be databased on the same server. It is impossible to keep all of the gTLD servers straight. What do I use for cc? How about ca? Some authority needs to have everything in one database again. Life was so easy 4 years ago.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes You guys aren't rich yet?!

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes It must be to ease administration. It is getting out of hand already.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Another RFC for standard whois output format. A global database of all domains regardless of tld.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? All whois information globally needs to be put into one database. This databse needs to be maintained by the US government or ICANN or NS or someone. Are you hiring?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Mass mailing sucks. Selling a list of address or email address to anyone is underhanded. It is a feeble attempt to make some money to the inconvience of your users/customers.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1257

ID#: 993665698; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 3

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes They should be a part of a public service provided by ICANN/Internic

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Becuase CCTLD are just as valid as gTLD's

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Everyone should pick one format and run with it.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Web form or whois query

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Confirmed opt in is the ONLY choice that protects the privacy of the users of registars. Anything else is unacceptible.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1260

ID#: 993667765; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 3000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations? 3

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |5 |6 |2 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes 1US$ per year per domain via registrar to whois operator

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes .de, .com, .org are all used the same way here in Germany

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes format: inclusion as additional fields in the DNS

searchability: use the same GPL software in all whois servers

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? backend: distributed database like DNS

frontend: web-form,

query-by-email (important in places where you need satphones for IP connectivity)

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes contact data must _only_ be used for resolving

issues, e.g. technical problems, determining the

source of spam or hacking, hunting down cybersquatters.

It should never, under _no_ circumstances, be

permitted to be used for targeting spam.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: a: use of the email address, fax number, phone number must by international law be limited to issue resolving _only_

b: (future added) ability to determine all other domains registered by some individual/organisation

c: include _street_ address (not just a P.O.Box) in the contact information

e: supply a phone number to contact in case of DoS etc.

f,g: determine who is legally behind this web site

Submission #: 1274

ID#: 993690664; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: other completing web logs for IP addresses without HOSTNAMEs

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |5 |2 |4 |4 |3 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no I often want to know the country of origin of traffic in my web logs. Country

domains include this in their name (something.de is certainly German)

this but the .com, etc TLDs don't. Knowing that IPs allocated to

are Australian and to are Bolivian is

useful when I create content.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes descriptions or XML. Something scripts can parse.

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization? This will cost money, don't bother. Just make sure forwarding whois information

(eg. from to ) is clearly available and can be read by scripts.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: I want my web traffic scripts to be able to track down anonymous visitors by

ISP and country. This is only used where "hostname" resolution fails, so

I don't need registrant's postal mail/phone number for this. When

whois requests need to be forwarded to another authority (eg. whois.)

this forwarding should be in a machine parsable format.

Submission #: 1275

ID#: 993693205; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 20; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |5 |3 |6 |4 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: The data led me to an administrator whom had sold the domain within the last few days, He gave me the proper contact information, and I notied the Whois registry was accurate within the next few days.

How to improve? Allow the Whois registry to reflect changes more rapidly. 3-5 days is too long, changes need to be within the hour to keep data accurate, and allow minimal downtime if an administrator needs to change something (ex. nameserver).

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Keeping things uniform and constant allow people to get what they need, regardless of the servers physical location, or logical placement on the internet.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes A standard needs to be addressed, created, and approved. InterNic decides who can/cannot register domains, so they have the right to require uniformity in the data they are provided on the registrations.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Create and manage several servers to keep track of specific TLDs. Then link them together by one universal-whois-search server that can retreive data from the appropriate server.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Although improbable, and far too expensive to implement and maintain, the whois database should never be used for solicitation and SPAM. That is the only reason that we allow our registrants to use our address instead of theirs; however, we will relinquish their information if given adaquate reasons by a 3rd party, or the government, we offer this service as a courtosy, not as a brick wall to hide behind.

Submission #: 1287

ID#: 993732319; Language:

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names?

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois?

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1291

ID#: 993738352; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 800

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | |3 | | |1 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): To identify responsible parties for network operation

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm: Unable to correct proper party to handle

denial of service attacks and system


How to improve? Don't allow obvious forgery and blank entries.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Network management probelms exists with all world domains

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no I'm happy for several standard formats to co-exists

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? rwhois

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: We must not allow anonymity and data protection to facilitate network abuse

to go untracked and unsullied.

Submission #: 1294

ID#: 993822576; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |5 |3 |4 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: All named and postal addresses, this information should not be in a public database for the abuse of marketting people.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Allow the software behind the system to be free for modification. The Free Software movement can make any changes the community need.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Uniformity can only aid in the simplification of the mechanisms surroundng the Domain system

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Standards, standards, standards.

Ensure that the systems running the various Who-is services return there information in a consistant manner, this con onyl aid everyone.

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes To protect the information of the registrant more stringintly.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1296

ID#: 993823702; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |5 |6 |7 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1303

ID#: 993750294; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |1 |4 |5 |2 |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |valueless |valueless |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1356

ID#: 993873226; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitymarketing

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: I've had no inaccuracies, actually.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments: Domain names are essentially businesses even when they are personal. I think the public therefore should be able to see who is running any internet businesses, which is won of the most important benefits of Whois.

Submission #: 1384

ID#: 993948414; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |5 |7 |3 |2 |1 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Determine authorised DNS Servers

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Out of date contact points requiring furter time and delay to establish contact. SPAM going to old whois email contact points, causing normal SPAM handling problems. Unable to reach appropriate people regarding technical aspects of the domain.

How to improve? Regular proactive checks by an automated system of domain name email contact information. Two responses: Ok, info correct. Bad, contact must correct information within 1 month or domain is suspended from internet visibility.

Order of verification of contact details.

1. send email to email contact of tech and admin of domain name.

2. send to DNS SOA email contact.

3. send to DNS hosting provider or upstream tech contact.

4. If all fails, no valid contact info. Try again, if fails again, suspend domain name and let the domain registar be the contact point for domain owner to correct details to reactivate domain (Fee could be charged as incentive to keep correct contact information).

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Ensure consistancy

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes RFC standards and enforced interoperability by whois providers

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? As above. Make it a requirement of root server access.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Changed and extended to other TLD's. NO bulk access or sale of data under any circumstances. The information is provided for technical or company operational matters only. Not as contact points for any other opportunity or resale for any other purpose.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1385

ID#: 993948875; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 10/10,000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical To transfer DNS info from another ISP.

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |6 |4 |7 |5 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Find out if domain has changed host.

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other Need to see if domains on our system have been abandoned, or moved.)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes All the same as above.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1387

ID#: 993963626; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 2

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |1 |7 |4 |1 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes i register .nu domains and would like to see my contact presented in the same uniform format

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes a set of standards, place an rfc. sort of a "whois" protocol, not for data transport, but for data storage in this case

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? not necessarily all the data on the same network, but a central server that requests the information from the already existant servers around the world that handle whois data for their country code domain, but in the standard uniform whois format

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes drop them completely

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1390

ID#: 993982032; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 4

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |3 |5 |6 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Sell Advertising Space On Each Generated Report

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes To Keep All Reports Similar So That Information Can Be Quickly Gathered

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Set A Standard

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? A Centralized Point FOr Public Access Would Be Benificial To A TLD Registrars, So Why Not Combine Forces And Develop A Kick Ass Database

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1396

ID#: 993997909; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? never

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|yes | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no I don't indeestand the maining of Whois?

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1402

ID#: 994027187; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 30

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 | |1 | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes by registrars

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes essential for determining who owns domain names for intellectual property issues

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes must be enforced by gov't authority

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? enforced by gov't authority

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1416

ID#: 994059069; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization: 32/1000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1000

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 | |2 | |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |valueless |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes free

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes standardization

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes standard application forms that are easy and simple

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Whois service should be available for the main purpose of protecting intellctual property right. Information should be respected and ingringement of rights should be observed.

Submission #: 1430

ID#: 994092061; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 72000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 9; How many gTLD registrations? 600

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility Host name server, IP address,

nic handles

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |5 |4 |6 |7 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Manage internal DNSzone files-IPaddr/Host names

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Inability to contact or locate cybersquatter

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes To obtain the same information on Country Codes would be useful for managing several hundred domain names worldwide.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Set all standards with the local internet community for each CCTLD. Establishing a ground source of standards that must be used by each country, obtaining constituency.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: 20g. The most important interest is for the Whois database to disclose accurate contact information of registrants so that trademark holders may contact a registrant in the event a registrant violates intellectual property rights of a trademark holder.

Submission #: 1445

ID#: 994147373; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 70

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 200; How many gTLD registrations? 4000

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |7 |5 |4 |2 |3 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no I'd like it uniform, but in front of that each country should have the right to decide the policy applied to it's ccTLD. It could be a "recomentation" to ccTLD's NIC's, but not a compulsory thing.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Being more restrictive. Using an Opt-In mechanism. Only who wants to be known has to be known. The default should be being "anonymous"

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1449

ID#: 994155204; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 4

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |6 |3 |2 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: No harm or big inconvenience,but I was not able to contact the registrant of the domain to solve a technical problem.

I would like to add that the domain in question was from one acredited registrar, they put a series of XXXXXXX where the telephone number was meant to be and there was only a PO box # where the address should have been.

Since they were not answering to my e-mails I thought I was going to find proper contact information with your database but I didn't.

How to improve? No sugestions on how to improve the above but I would like to see some protection of my personal information.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: telephone numbers, personal home addresses.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |desirable |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes simplicity, uniformity and no privileges or disadvantages.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Don't know.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes No sale of data to third companies should be allowed at all.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20c If any law inforcement agency needs to have access to information about the registrant they should get a court order to obtain any information they want.

That is exactly the same way they should act if they would want any information about you from a bank, accountant or any other source.

Submission #: 1450

ID#: 994160505; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |4 |1 |3 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve? Automated emails to registered contacts to confirm data. Post the current record(s) relating to the contact and ask for a reply. A fully automated system would be easy to implement and could run on an on-going basis.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Software can be developed through the online community. Whois being a core service for the internet, would promote a large comuity of developers to add input.

Hardware and running would have to be piad for by the name owner, included in the yearly fee.

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes This would facilitate easier implementation of country specific features on web servers and other net connected applications. Auto Launguage selection is an obvoius one. Being a global media, segmentation by county allows many services to be fine tuned to locality.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Currrent format is pretty structured in terms of data with the tags / field names. Keeping the information accurate should be an on-going activaty, enforced during registration and renewal.

Improve collaberation between the gLTD admins and the ccLTD admins.

Searching across the two formats is not as easy as it could be.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Distributed whois databases, similar in concept to DNS. Each TLD admin maintains their own whois db to an agreed standard. Develop / adapt a protocol for record retrieval from WhoisServers. Only centeralise the organisanal aspects. Standards, protocols and agreements through online discussion / RFC forums.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1452

ID#: 994171072; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? never

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: marketing

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |5 |4 |2 |6 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): personal us

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1465

ID#: 994210601; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 150

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 20

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |6 |4 |3 |7 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Similar technical contact and registration information is needed throughout the Internet.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1466

ID#: 994211118; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 21

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 12; How many gTLD registrations? 7

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |4 |1 |3 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes registrars - they make enough off it!

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Registration requirements should be the same for everyone; in this way, no one can "hide" from scrutiny and this may deter illegitimate use of registrations.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Require registrar compliance to format for gTLD's and ccTLD's.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Use the same approach as for Name Servers.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: If you have a site (or sites) on the net anyone should be able to determine who you are and should be able to contact you accordingly. Free speech must flow both ways. And this provision must be the same for all sites on the net, regardless of country.

Submission #: 1500

ID#: 994428334; Language: russian

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 50

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |5 |2 |4 |6 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Не специалисту-сетевику очень сложно разобраться в данных. Кроме того, когда домен регистрируется не лично, а с помощью фирм-посредников, предоставляющих услуги по регистрации (напрмер, провайдер или хостер) очень часто он записан на регистратора, а не фактического владельца. Тогда вообще невозможно определить, кому он принадлежит.

How to improve? запретить регистрацию через посредников. Только лично.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: пункт Б имеет смысл только для специалистов. Кроме того, все специальные обозначения типа nick-handle и прочее так же непонятны неспециалисту.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes никак

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes категорический запрет на продажу ЛЮБОЙ информации о персональных данных

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1501

ID#: 994545830; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: other To identify ISPs hosting spam, trojan probe, or hack attack sources.

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): To source trojan probes, hack attempts, etc.

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Returned mail or sending complaints to the wrong ISP when ISPs have

changed coverage areas (Such as Shaw & Rogers in Canada).

Inability to track down sources when ISP has shut down or changed names.

How to improve? Implement a complaint facility so that ISPs that consistently permit or encourage

improper activities by their customers can have their registrations revoked and be

kicked off the net. That's the only way to shut them down.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? To bring all the registries together would be a major asset.

At the moment, starting with an IP address, one first deteremines if it belongs to ARIN, APNIC, or RIPE. Having found the right place, one searches for the IP and finds the registrar. One then has to go to the registrar's search (all of which are different and some of which are non-existent). A major effort to track down a single address -- and clumsy, error-prone, and reliant on widely varying levels of competence and diligence at many government and commercial levels around the world.

It would be absolutely wonderful if one could key in an IP address and get back the information now provided by the registrars' URL search without having to go through all the intervening stages. Also useful would be the ability to get back the higher levels of assignment in the event that complaints, etc., were not resolved or were ignored.

In fact, in the long run, it will become essential. Increasing the registration fees might well limit many of the nuisance spammers, ..., and make users value their registrations.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Banning outright sale of registration information. The only ones really interested are spammers -- mass mailers -- and even if there are clauses prohibiting such uses, that is not going to stop them since there are no teeth in the rules.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: a) To avoid machine readable availability of e-mail or other lists.

b) General availability of enquiry to track offenders.

c) Efficient and accurate identification of spam and hack sources.

d) Efficiency and low operating cost.

h) Efficient service -- on-stop -- key in IP and get back full identification, including higher levels.

Submission #: 1527

ID#: 994495142; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |4 |2 |3 |1 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: D, E, F, G, H, and I in question 8

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |valueless |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no sorry, don't understand that question adequately to answer

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no same as above, not sure what u mean

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1528

ID#: 994495297; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility To track down the web host company by using the DNS IP addresses

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |5 | |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm: It is possible that some of the whois records that I have used were inaccurate and/or incomplete, but I considered it to be the best information I could get and did not question its accuracy.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Although I answered adequate, I don't think that email addresses or voice phone numbers should be generally available (they should be available only to the registrar for business related to the domain, and for law-enforcement)

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no My 1st impulse was to say yes of course. However, because cctlds are "owned" by the various countries, they may choose a different method of creating slds, such that the data elements used for the gtlds make no sense.

So I'd say, it would be nice if those cctlds whose sld allocation scheme fits into the gtld data elements would use them but I don't think we can say that all cctlds should.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Not sure.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Note my comment above about whois data and cctlds even though I said yes to a centralized public access including cctlds.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Because the only way to get a domain is through a registry/registrar, neither one should be permitted to use the information gathered for any purposes other than those of providing the domain UNLESS the registrant explicitly grants permission (opt-in).

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: The whois database is most important as a tool for locating available or similar domains, and for seeing who has registered a domain.

It should not be used as a mass marketing tool. As an individual, I would want others to see my name associated with domains that I have registered. However, if I thought that using my name and address in the whois database would subject me to marketing campaigns, then I would want to use the 3rd party registration option mentioned above.

Especially now with the new .name gtld coming online there will be many more individuals registering domains, and having the name and postal address in the whois database is useful/informative, and if an attempt is made to use that information for unsolicited marketing or too much personal information (email and phone are too much) then people are likely to supply less, or turn to other options like that 3rd party registration which would reduce the usefulness of the whois database.

Submission #: 1534

ID#: 994370450; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 50

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |5 |6 |1 |2 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): entertainment

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Cannot get an e-mail address contact for a spam haus, had to deny netblock from our AS

How to improve? Test contact info before entering into database for verification of contacts.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Text ad blocks - like banner ads.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Not every thing is a .com, .net, or .org

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Limit characters in fields - follow somthing like an LDAP schema.

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1539

ID#: 994393193; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |7 |1 |1 |1 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes because they're easyer to remember

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes i dont understand

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1563

ID#: 994439718; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 50000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical identify handles

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |6 |3 |5 |2 |1 |4 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): identify handles

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? a perl script which searches all of them, such as :

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Information should only be available to those with whom I have a contractual relationship.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: a/b sale/rental, etc of data to third parties, including other divisions of the same organization.

The hiding of indentities under the guise of "privacy" is an abuse, not a virtue. Never in the history of the world has anyone acted through a "strawman" for honorable purposes. It is done strickly because the perpetrator has something to hide.

Submission #: 1572

ID#: 994508272; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |5 |1 |3 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other to deter irresponsible behavior - the info should be public, true and correct)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes It is required by RFC1591

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Follow procedures in the Internet Standards process (write an RFC)

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? DNS is a distributed database with delegated control to TLD managers. Access on TLD level is sufficient.

Does anyone believe the DNS can be recentralized? The community at large prefers a decentralized operation.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes The information should be required for all domains, no exceptions. The information may only be used for its original purpose (maintaining a DNS). Sale of data should be forbidden. Mass access should not be allowed.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1581

ID#: 994605836; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? never

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: other Obtain address of a high school

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|x | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1589

ID#: 994776003; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 600

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 100

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: other To make sure our domain information is current

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other both b and c)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: I have attempted to register several domain names that WHOIS said were expired; it turns out that they simply hadn't been updated.

How to improve? Weekly universal database updates in addition to current methods

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Pass the cost on to accredited registrars, who will pass it on to consumers

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes either centralize data, or require accredited registrars to follow universal standards to remain accredited

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes registrars SHOULD NOT be allowed to sell information under any circumstances

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1593

ID#: 994785402; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 500

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |6 |5 |2 |4 |3 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): All above

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Missed licensing opportunities.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: E-mail Address of registrant, hyperlink to registrar

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes By registrar or registry, costs passed to registrants in registration fees.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes All e-commerce web sites or those that use IP should have a minimum level of accountability

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Impose ICANN requirements on all.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes OPt-in

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1612

ID#: 994707152; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 29000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 20; How many gTLD registrations? 500

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |6 |5 |1 |3 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes For consistency

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Dictate from ICANN

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Use the root server concept

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The public Internet is just that, and the whois information must also be public.

I would certainly like to cut down on my unsolicited emails but not at the expense of being able to solve problems and catch illegal activity.

Submission #: 1633

ID#: 994799379; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |5 |4 |3 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |valueless |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes All names/registrations should be listed to eliminate any chance of repetition or duplication.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Apply the same rules and procedures, limitations and requirements to all domain registrations, regardless of locale.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1640

ID#: 994840264; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |1 |4 |3 |2 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes I can offer no suggestions on how these enhancements should be paid for, but I do believe that they are needed.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1644

ID#: 994842258; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 3000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 300; How many gTLD registrations? 250

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |3 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Unable to identify owner of a domain name

How to improve? Ensure that all records clearly show details of owner, whether an individual or company

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |essential |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Billable search option, payable by credit card

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Consistent data quality and availability is important for companies operating worldwide

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Ensure registrars comply with an agreed set of guidleines drawn up by ICANN (or appropriate body) for data format and searching capability.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes The data should be clearly held to be confidential unless the customer has specifically agreed to it being made available to third parties. This should not affect the setting up of a centralised search facility.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The Whois database should readily provide a means of identifying and contacting the owners of domain names. Enhanced data searching should be available on a charging basis, if necessary.

Submission #: 1645

ID#: 994842616; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization: 2

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |4 |1 |2 |3 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to find abuse address in the case of d,e,f

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm: Many Whois records are forged (e.g. the domain servers list) so that SPAMMER's cannot be traced.

How to improve? Always verify the connection between the domain name and the domain servers listed whenever a record is added or updated.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Have techical contact always supply a verified abuse address.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes (I am not sure I understand this question)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes To get all Whois services worldwide to agree to abide by a set of standards and use a centralized Whois portal.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes No information exchange without permission (opt-in) of customer except in the case of customer activity which breaches the AUP.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Full, accurate (verifiable) disclosure of all info concerning the registration should be manditory. Data security could be maintained by ISP subscription.

Submission #: 1670

ID#: 994853719; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 7; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |1 |6 |4 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: i'd like to see as much information as possible; ideal would be the integration of all (telnet) whois commands and further frontends, to query additional servers (e.g. dns)

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes i don't know. maybe force each registrar to store the whois data of their clients locally and provide the required bandwidth

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes becuase one of the key elements of the internet is transparency.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes sorry, i don't know anything about that

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? whois records stored locally at registrars data servers

one central web server featuring a web portal in every bigger country and/or area

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1689

ID#: 994856904; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |5 |6 |3 |7 |1 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Assure accountability

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1691

ID#: 994856980; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 50

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |5 |3 |2 |7 |1 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): anything before sourcing unsolicited emails

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes For the same reasons as above

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Requirement for Registration

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Info should not be available for mass mailing purposes of any kind

Submission #: 1703

ID#: 994858643; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 700

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 4; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |6 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Postal address of administrative and billing contact for domain

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes There should be no allowed sale of bulk whois data

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1711

ID#: 994862104; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 160

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |3 |4 |2 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Makes for less confusion when data is uniform

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Good, well-trained data entry people

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a. Individuals should be allowed privacy in registration. Organizations/businesses should not.

20b. E-mail should be traceable to a source individual who can be held responsible.

Submission #: 1716

ID#: 994863515; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |4 |3 |2 |6 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1718

ID#: 994864306; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 90

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 30; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |2 |4 |7 |5 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1722

ID#: 994865550; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |5 |3 |1 |6 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Phone number and adress of registrar

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |valueless |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1732

ID#: 994870069; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: other To identify the origine of SPAM

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |7 |4 |4 |1 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1733

ID#: 994870219; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |5 |6 |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes user fee

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes standardization of information

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Require all new registrations to follow new format and set date (eg. June 2003) by which all previous registrations must conform.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes more restrictive

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1739

ID#: 994871006; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |3 |4 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1743

ID#: 994871952; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |1 |3 |7 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Tracking of spammers is hampered by the invalid data listed for domain holders, especially by those held by .

How to improve? Force all administrative information to be true and accurate, and restrict whois access to only those who are willing to supply true and accurate requestor information (via digital certificates), thereby stopping domain mining.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no This only tends to confuse users who don't understand the need for the trailing country (TLD) id.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Establish a standard which all Registrars must adhere to - especially accuracy of supplied information.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes All Registrars must provide an "opt-in" capability for domain holders, and third-parties must therefore not receive any information for those who have not explicitly opted-in (e.g., by default, all domain holders are in an opt-out state).

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: The Whois database access needs to be changed so that data mining is no longer permitted, and only those who specifically opt-in to have their info disclosed for "marketing" purposes are affected by the resulting spam/uce and bulk-postal-mail users. If digital certificates were required for Whois access of detailed domain owner info, then only legitimate users, including law enforcement, would have access. Spammers would be reluctant to have their ture identities found.

Submission #: 1747

ID#: 994874757; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |3 |4 |6 |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: address and phone number

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |desirable |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes should be opt in by registrant

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: I dont believe there is a strong enough reason to have the data publicly available. If changing this slows transvers of domains then so be it. Not everything needs to happen instantaneously.

Submission #: 1759

ID#: 994880857; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |3 |7 |4 |5 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): curiousity

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes curiousity

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes no opinion

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? web site

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1763

ID#: 994881865; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |7 |2 |3 |4 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | |H | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1796

ID#: 994983662; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |4 |5 |1 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other a. and b. 50% weight each)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes advertising

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes too late to attach limiting significance to these data elements

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes not sure

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? have not given issue sufficient thought, sorry

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1802

ID#: 994897975; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 3

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |5 |6 |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: all personal information, except to agencies acting under court order. Require one or two standardized contact point e-mail address(es), such as "domain.technical.contact@domain.TLD" or "domain.administrative.contact@domain.TLD"

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |valueless |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes What "Cost?" Boolean search support is readily available for Linux without cost. Suggested enhancement is ability to find all SLDs held by registrant.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? metasearch engine that can submit a single query to many appropriate agencies.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes OPT-OUT should be a requirement for ALL solicitations, INCLUDING those from registrar.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a:Whois personal data should not be published except with explicit consent of registrant. 20d:Since minors have little status in business and contracts, only persons at or above the "age of majority" should be allowed to be the registrant: "Children have your parents call..." then protection of minors becomes a nonissue. 20h: Telephones and Postal Mail both have "Preference services" where one may indicate that calls or letters are unwanted. Postal customers have the option to block all bulk (3rd class) mail entirely. How about the same type of service for public availability of Whois data?

Submission #: 1838

ID#: 994991814; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |1 |4 |5 |3 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: none

How to improve? format of the information.

Accurate information.

information open to all.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Paid with spammer fines.

Once the system is in, there is hardly any overhead. Coding.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes the more info the better.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1850

ID#: 995021704; Language:

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names?

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois?

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1851

ID#: 995025444; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 350000; How many gTLD registrations? 250000

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: We would like to have the same rules as here in the UK, where all contact data is by default not public, but lawyers can get the information if they are doing an investigation. This greatly reduced data mining and spamming while also protects individuals privacy.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |essential |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes because it makes it easier to program an interface to handle them and there are too many output formats that do not make sense. However we do not want any email, address or phone numbers published at all.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes dont change anything, ask cctlds to voluntarily sign up and support a universal standard that the cctlds themselves have agreed upon. However make sure that by default no details are published about the owners for privacy reasons as it will be impossible to determine at this stage who is commercial and who is private indivduals.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? set up a service free service that supports all countries for and reformats the current output.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Do not include any email, address or telephone numbers in the output at all.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: dont have any public information. for spamming you can always trace anyway and you have the owners name.

law enforcement could get access to the database by court order as they normally would have to for entrace to houses or premises.

Submission #: 1881

ID#: 995314152; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? never

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: this site is horrible.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add: sdfsdf

If unnecessary, what to drop: sdfvs

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1883

ID#: 995402956; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 10; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical Monitor if ISPs have released domain tags when moving between ISPs.

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |1 |3 | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes If people don't want to give their details they don't get a domain. The internet is a privilage not a right. If you have nothing to hide then you won't be affraid of displaying the information

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? ???

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Spam mail and the filching of names etc from the whois datbase should be stopped. ISP have a resposibility to self police the system. They should stamp down hard on persons who abuse the benefits of the internet.

Submission #: 1885

ID#: 995472441; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 200+

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations? 200

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |5 |4 |3 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1898

ID#: 995234528; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 100

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |5 |3 |6 |4 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): expiration/renewal dates

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Uniformity avoids confusion.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Standardization.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Infornation should not be sold without consent.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: I don't think there is a personal privacy issue here. The WhoIs database is no more than a public record similar to deeds filed in a county clerk office on ownership of property.

Submission #: 1903

ID#: 995264372; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |5 |4 |3 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1907

ID#: 995290586; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Postal address & Phone number

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1924

ID#: 995318119; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |1 |4 |3 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm: Inability to contact appropriate person connected with Domain Name (or *any* person associated with Domain Name)

How to improve? Maintain accurate data - Recogninzing the size of the data involved, real-time update capability coupled with *appropriate* controls on who may effect changes will result in greater accuracy

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Cost??? This is a one-time implementation; once the capability is created/installed, there should be no ongoing cost involved other than the minimal cost of software maintenance. This enhancement is not appropriate for use as a revenue stream

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Standardization of data presentation and enhanced readability/understanding of data presentation

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes All Registrars and Database Maintainers use one standard database schema for storage of Whois data

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? All Registrars and Database Maintainers use one standard database schema for storage of Whois data

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1946

ID#: 995394392; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 45

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |4 |3 |1 |2 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |valueless |desirable |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1961

ID#: 996239204; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |4 |5 |7 |6 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): To identify contacts in order to address technical problems with a domain

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Unable to reach appropriate technical people to rectify a technical problem.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes It's not a strongly held opinion. But, uniformity of data is always a good thing...

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Keep it simple, and focused on specific (technical) services.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? The only way to achieve centralized access is by redirection -- not

centralized data, but a service capable of redirecting queries to the

appropriate data source.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 1984

ID#: 996167679; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |2 |1 |4 |6 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes It should be part of the cost of domain registration.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes As more countries obtain and utilize Internet access, the risk of state-sponsored cyber-terrorism increases. There should be means by which the responsible domain registrants can be identified.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes IETF (or other appropriate Internet guiding body) should establish a standard.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? IETF (or other appropriate Internet guiding body) should establish a standard.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Bulk sale and/or gathering of information for marketing purposes should be allowed only with the express permission of the registrant.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: Obviously, there are a number of problems that need a balanced approach. First of all, consumers need protection from fraudulent and unscrupulous businesses and individuals. Hence, there should be means by which law enforcement officials can access registrant information provided it is treated with the same degree of privacy protection as any other personal data. I.e., there must be probable cause to invade the privacy of a registrant. There must also be protection from spammers. Network professionals need to have a means to protect their domains from unsolicited commercial e-mail messages that utilize capacity that could otherwise be used for legitimate purposes. It'll be a difficult task, but I would focus my attention on protecting the rights of individuals over businesses and governments. The majority focus should be on maintaining as much personal privacy as possible while allowing appropriate business transactions as a secondary, or even tertiary consideration.

Submission #: 1986

ID#: 996176168; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 700

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations? 3

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add: Since the registries have made this information promiscuously available they have become the biggest allies of spammers. Put your ethics and responsibilities as registrars above the ethics of junk mailers.

If unnecessary, what to drop: Anonymous registration is absolutely essential.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |desirable | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no free

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no because many countries have better privacy policies than .com registry

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: The ability to register an address should not be a licence for marketeers.

The last name we registered has already become overcome by spam because NSI made a few bucks off it. It is clear to anyone but marketing junk mailers that the damage and cost to the registrant of this betrayal by the registrar community far exceeds the registration fee. The only legit function of the registry is to avoid name conflicts on a first-come type basis. Other than that, people can send e-mail to webmaster@ if they need to contact.

Submission #: 1993

ID#: 996514407; Language: english

1. Category: other anti-piracy unit

Size of Organization: 4

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |4 |4 |1 |2 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve? verification or spot checking through automated tools

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: additional elements should include e-mail address of registrant and hyperlink to registrar

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes by party maintaining the database, with costs passed along to registrants in registration fee

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes the need for any domain that wishes to be a forum for e-commerce to provide a minimum level of accountability and transparency.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Means of achieving include

standardization of formats, making all registries subject to similar obligations under ICANN agreements.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2013

ID#: 995596605; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |3 |4 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Website name to DNS number. ie. to 24. 216.25.215

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes I think that all of the registrar companies collecting the data for domain names should be forced to disclose all of their information to one regulatory comission and Database repository

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? See response to question 13

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: All domain names should be listed and

stored in a national repository database ,regardless of who registered the domain name.

This would act as a lever to get domain name owners/users to stop

trying to access other peoples personal

information, because they can be found out and charged by their local law


Submission #: 2018

ID#: 995617301; Language: english

1. Category: governmental

Size of Organization: 54

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: governmental

3. How often use Whois? never

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilityIPlaw

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |4 |3 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes A yearly subscription fee based on usuage

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes All users should use one search engine and

further discussion should take place about an agreed


14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2020

ID#: 995622610; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 8

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |5 |7 |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: I don't know how to answer several of these questions.

I want to stop marketers from mining this database

(and I'm tired of receiving spam). However, I also

personally appreciate being able to retrieve this same

information for technical problems.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |desirable |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Should use opt-in policy instead of opt-out.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: As mentioned previously,

I want to stop marketers from mining this database

(and I'm tired of receiving spam). However, I also

personally appreciate being able to retrieve this same

information for technical problems.

Submission #: 2021

ID#: 995632026; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |6 |6 |6 |6 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |valueless |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2026

ID#: 995650369; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 2

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm: I hide my own identity behind corporate entities. I have a stalker in my past, and I'm a shade paranoid. Those who look at my website info would not realize that it is inaccurate and that I am nearly untraceable.

How to improve? The online database should include ONLY verification of name information. OFFLINE records should be maintained for law enforcement and/or by individual request.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Do not include phone numbers or addresses online. Email address only should be sufficient to ask questions. Law enforcement, etc. should have access to the full record.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Keep online information minimal. Maintain offline database for law enforcement and special requests.

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) Allow "opt in" mailings only. Spamming has gotton way out of hand.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: The key is to provide basic contact information (i.e., email address)while protecting personally identifiable info (address, phone, fax) online. To protect minors, etc., the OFFLINE info should include full contact information available to law enforcement.

Submission #: 2036

ID#: 995745225; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 2

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |3 |6 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): N/A

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2047

ID#: 995839897; Language: russian

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 1500

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 50; How many gTLD registrations? 30

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |4 |2 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2056

ID#: 995893905; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |1 |4 |5 |2 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |valueless |essential |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes For a good identification of country-code-top-level-domain-holders

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2057

ID#: 995897697; Language: spanish

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |6 |4 |6 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2070

ID#: 995914365; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 420

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 15; How many gTLD registrations? 90

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |2 |4 |1 |5 |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve? Maintaining data across all ICANN Accredited Registrars would be made much easier if data is entered in a consistent manner.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Historical owner information.

Is the Web site for that domain name active or non-active.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Users of the Service should absorb the cost.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes The internet is global and infringers do not limit their activity to ICANN Accredited regisrars.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Maintaining data across all ICANN Accredited Registrars would be made much easier if data is entered in a consistent manner.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) Opt out Should not be permitted for valid intellectual property use. This method allows cypersquatters to go undetected.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Access to the WHOIS database is consistent with privacy laws. This allows Intellectual Property owners to track the business patterns of infringers. Proving a history of infringement can be essential in litigation where bad faith must be proven (UDRP)

Submission #: 2073

ID#: 995916271; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 2

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 35; How many gTLD registrations? 15

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |6 |5 |3 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes via advertisements

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes same structured whois results are better read- and storeable and most ccWHOIS list toooo few information (e.g. TONIC)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes One general WHOIS Service updating with local databases

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? see above, centralized database, always updating with local (for load-balancing and faster results) databases

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Only explicit for marketing purposes marked information should be shareable in any way.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2080

ID#: 995924644; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization: 11

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 15

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnicalother To obtain the information needed for a registrar transfer.

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |6 |5 |2 |3 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm: During the registrar transfer process, the process is not 100% automated if the administrative contact of the domain has no valid email address.

How to improve? An ICANN enforced proving of contact information for registrars. An email to be sent to all contacts listed for a domain and 'snail mail' sent to registrant and/or administrative contact upon indication of invalid email address. Yearly notifications to registrants that their information has to be correct and accurate.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes A common standard is desirable, even if this does have it's drawbacks.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Establish a well documented, well defined standard and require it's use by registrars. Centralized portal access is another solution.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Make the registry responsible for it.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2098

ID#: 995983891; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 12

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |7 |2 |4 |3 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): all are legitimate purposes

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: when notice and takedown letters are sent to the wrong source, they panic/react in anger and we get threatening phone calls. I need to get our counsel to calm these people down and this can be very time consuming. Also, when I have to manually find out company information it can take hours of phone tag, long distance charges, etc. and interferes with my ability to accomplish more pressing tasks in order to protect our members' intellectual property rights

How to improve? Provide a simple means of reporting inaccurate data. Revoke registrations to those who don't correct data after receiving notifications

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: e-mail address of registrant and a hyperlink to registrar

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Pass costs on to registrants in registration fee.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Any domain that is a conduit for e-commerce must be accountable.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes standardize all formats and make all registrants subject to the same obligations under ICANN agreements.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Registrants should be obligated to contain a standardized format of data to be enforced by ICANN agreements, therefore restricting misinterpretations.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20 a. Registrants should be notified of the circumstances under which data they provide will be made publicly available, and should be allowed to opt out of marketing-related uses and bulk access (but not to individual queries).

20 b. Accurate, publicly accessible Whois data allows consumers to protect themselves and seek redress when needed.

20 c. For us, access to Whois data aids us greatly in enforcement of consumer protection and protection of intellectual property.

20 d.Parents and schools etc. can find out who is responsible for web sites their children may wish to visit, or the source of unwanted solicitations to children.

20 e. WHOIS contributes to and assists network stability and reliability.

20 f.Publicly accessible Whois promotes e-commerce and builds public confidence in the Net.

20 g. WHOIS provides accountability and assists in the identification of parties who are either infringing intellectual property rights online or have the ability/authority to contribute towards termination of the infringement.

20 h. Wherever possible, considerations need to be made for promoting e-commerce and foster user confidence.

Submission #: 2099

ID#: 995984972; Language: english

1. Category: other Law firm

Size of Organization: 400

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |2 |5 |1 |6 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes worldwide infringement is common and search options should be thorough.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2101

ID#: 995989042; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 15

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |7 |2 |4 |3 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): All the above are legitimate purposes

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Inaccurate information requires taking other routes to identify online IP infringers and the ISPs.

This is time consuming. Accuracy and reliability are key aspects of any database.

How to improve? Verification of data before it appears in the database.

Easy means of reporting errors.

Sanctions against those providing inaccurate or misleading information..

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: E-mail addresses of those registering

Links to the registrars website

details of most recent updates

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Cost should be included in the registration fee

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Uniformly formatted data makes for ease of use and reference.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Standardised registration forms and data formats - enforced by

ICANN agreements. This should minimise misinterpretation.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Automatic submission of registry databases.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: a) registrants should be made aware of the circumstances in which the data

they provide will be publicly available. Should have the option of opting out of

marketing uses.

b) Accuracy and public accessibility allows the consumer to protect himself.

c) Indispensible for consumer and IP protection.

d) Checks can be made on sites offering unsuitable material or soliciting


e) reliability and stability of network

f) open access to WHOIS data can only be beneficial to e-commerce. It also

gives the public confidence,

g) For me it is an invaluable and indispensible tool for the identification of

infringing parties and those who can assist in the cessation of infringements.

h) An open society making decisions on reliable and accurate information is

the way forward.

Submission #: 2116

ID#: 996065130; Language: spanish

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 42

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |7 |3 |4 |1 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Todos aquellos cuya finalidad sea cumplir la legalidad

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Cuando los datos sean errneos podemos enviar el requerimiento a la persona equivocada

How to improve? Que los datos se actualicen ms a menudo.

Que antes de introducir los datos en la base de datos se verifiquen que stos sean los correctos y lo ms actualizados posibles.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Nos gustara visualizar la direccin de email del registrante, un enlace a la web del registrador y la fecha y hora en la que el registro fue actualizado por ltima vez

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Debera ser gratuito

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Principalmente para facilitar su uso.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Para registrarse, introducir los datos debera de haber un formulario con una estructura normalizada y nica para todos.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Obligar a los registradores para ceder sus bases de datos en otra base automatizada y en tiempo real mejorar la fiabilidad y borrar las incogruencias que podran presentarse entre dos registros separados

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a:Los registrantes deberan notificar las circunstancias bajo las cuales los datos que ellos facilitan se pondrn a disposicin del pblico y darles la opcin de dejar fuera su utilizacion con fines de publicidad (pero no para bsquedas individuales)

20b:Que los datos exactos y accesibles al pblico del WHOIS permitan a los consumidores protegerse y buscar su adecuacin cuando la precisen.

20c: Tener acceso a la informacin que proporciona el WHOIS nos ayuda para la proteccin del consumidor y la proteccin de la propiedad intelectual

20d:Que los padres, escuelas, etc puedan encontrar a los responsables de las websites que sus hijos puedan querer visitar o la fuente de peticiones no deseadas para los nios

20e:Contribuye a la estabilidad y confiabilidad de la red.

20f:El acceso al pblico promueve el comercio electrnico y da confianza al pblico en la red.

20g:El WHOIS confiere responsabilidad y ayuda a identificar a las partes que infrigen la ley de propiedad intelectual en internet o tienen la facultad para terminar con dicha infraccin.

20h:Cualquier sitio donde se expresen las opiniones necesarias para promover el comercio electrnico y fomentar la confianza del usuario/consumidor

Submission #: 2132

ID#: 996107287; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |3 |6 |2 |5 |1 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes I am philosophically in favor of consistency in practice wherever feasible, including consistency between analogous activities at different levels.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes In general, I am philosophically more in favor of an opt-in policy than an opt-out approach. However, the opt-out approach, properly announced and disseminated, is the absolute minimum level of privacy protection which is justifiable at any level. More protection (through the opt-in approach) is better, wherever it can be implemented.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2153

ID#: 996194118; Language: english

1. Category: other Hosting service

Size of Organization: 5

2. Registered any domain names?

How many ccTLD registrations? 10; How many gTLD registrations? 12

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIPmarketinglaw

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: yes

How to improve? yes

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add: yes

If unnecessary, what to drop: yes

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless |desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? yes

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? yes

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: yes

Submission #: 2155

ID#: 996202545; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |2 |1 |1 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: the wrong nameservers.

How to improve? update the whois more often.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2165

ID#: 996260491; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 14; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |1 | | |3 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? The domain name holder should be made able to update the whois data

in order to ensure correctness

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes If the whois output of all whois serevrs is uniform, the use in

automated systems is much easier and programming work

of registration software can be reduced

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes In my opinion, the whois servers should have an standardized

syntax e.g. like the RIPE-Database has

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Have one public accessible server (e.g. whois.) that refers the whois data of the country code registries

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes I hate unsolicited advertising in any case at any time. Data access

should be restricted to the search for domain names.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2170

ID#: 996282521; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 32000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 3

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |4 |5 |1 |3 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: I had to look up a phone number from other sources because the whois information was out of date.

How to improve? Periodic email to remind registrants to update their contact info?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes I'm not qualified to comment.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? At the very least, I believe there should be a single, global whois portal where every visitor arrives, then if logistical reasons necesitate branching out to regional servers for lookups then so be it.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: I think the whois database most important for verifying legitimacy/authority of domains and least important for marketing/sales.

Submission #: 2174

ID#: 996715768; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 3000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 100; How many gTLD registrations? 200

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): All are legitimate purposes. (d), (f) and (a) are most important to me.

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Additional expense and time required to identify on-line infringers when WHOIS data is inaccurate

How to improve? Verification or spot checking (including through automated tools) of contact data submitted by registrants; easy means of reporting false contact data to registrars; revocation of registrations of those who provided false contact data and will not correct it

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: email address of registrant, hyperlink to registrar

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes By party maintaining the database, with costs passed along to registrants in registration fee

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes There is the need for any domain that wishes to be a forum for e-commerce to provide a minimum level of accountability and transparency.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Standardization of formats, making all registries subject to similar obligations under ICANN agreements

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Standardization of formats, making all registries subject to similar obligations under ICANN agreements

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a. Registrants should be notified of the circumstances under which data they provide will be made publicly available, and should be allowed to opt out of marketing-related uses and bulk access (but not to individual queries).

20b. Accurate, publicly accessible Whois data allows consumers to protect themselves and seek redress when needed.

20c. Enforcement of consumer protection, intellectual property and other laws aided by public access to WHOIS.

20d. Parents can find out who is responsible for web sites their children may wish to visit, or the source of unwated solicitations to children.

20e. WHOIS contributes to network stability.

20f. Publicly accessible access to Whois promotes e-commerce and builds public confidence in the Internet.

20g. WHOIS provides accountability and assists in the identification of parties who are infringing intellectual property rights on-line.

20h. Promotion of electronic commerce.

Submission #: 2181

ID#: 996432708; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 1000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 10; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |1 |2 |7 |5 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes cost of registration should cover such costs

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Whole system should be uniform as much as possible

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes it is not necessary thatt all whois is identical. but it should contain a minimal core

Indiviual cctld's may add more features/

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

daily updated centralized/mirrored whois servers

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2197

ID#: 996686574; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 2

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 50; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |2 |4 |6 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Unable to contact original owner

How to improve? quarterly checks to see if domain info is still "valid"

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |valueless |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2198

ID#: 996687138; Language: english

1. Category: other Attorney

Size of Organization: 75

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 100

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |5 |1 |6 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm: Cannot contact anyone to resolve infringement problems

How to improve? 1. Require address & contact info to be accurate & timely; if not, expire registration.

2. Same information should be displayed, regardless of registrar

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: A non-binding purpose for the use of the domain name (i.e., display informational content, portal for e-commerce, etc.)

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes cybersquatters

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes uniformity

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes the same data record format should be used and displayed for domain names, regardless of level

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? maintain one centralized database that all registrars access

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments: There should be NO privacy considerations for registering a domain name. The registration process should be like registering a car - the applicant should be required to give accurate contact info AND should be required, if challenged, be able to show superior rights to register the particular string. The current system is unworkable, in terms of tracking down IP violations, consumer problems, porn, etc.

Submission #: 2203

ID#: 996695748; Language:

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names?

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois?

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2214

ID#: 996551616; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization: 5

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 6; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: H and I

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no No international legal precedent for this, unenforceable.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes IETF RFC's

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes more restrictions on data usage, no mass mailing except for relevant registrar customer notices. If they want to mass mail they can create a list and people can opt-in.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: The data contained in the registrars database should be mostly available only to the employees of that company, customer data available only to relevant customer. Any other access/issues can and will be dealt with by the laws of the land applicable to the location of the data, or service being offered if enforceable. You cannot rewrite/impose international laws just because the Internet is borderless.

Submission #: 2215

ID#: 996551830; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: large

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIPmarketinglawother We want to highlight our position that Whois is an important public resource for law enforcement, IP protection, and competition. Of these benefits, competition has received the least attention even though ICANN has been charged with ensuring that there is competition among providers of Internet-related services.

As noted by the U.S. Department of Commerce in 1999, in the DoC's opposition to unilateral changes VeriSign (then NSI) had made regarding access to its Whois, equal access to Whois has long been a key component of Internet policy. The DoC's General Counsel made the following statements regarding Whois in his testimony before Congress's House Commerce Committee in July 1999 :

"We strongly support the prohibition of uses that adversely affect the operational stability of the Internet, but we oppose other restrictions on third-party use of this information, which has been compiled by NSI in the course of its operations under the authority of the U.S. Government. . . . Numerous people have built legitimate businesses that enhance the Internet using WHOIS and zone file data, which was compiled by NSI while it operated under the authority of the United States Government, through the Cooperative Agreement, as the exclusive provider of registry and registrar services in the .com, .net and .org gTLDs.

The White Paper specifically endorsed the continued availability of that data to 'anyone who has access to the Internet.'"

A copy of the July 22, 1999 statement is available on the DoC's web site.

We support the policy of prohibiting use of Whois data for spam, but oppose the recent unilateral decision to prohibit bulk access for marketing purposes. Privacy concerns are best addressed by allowing individuals to opt-out. Law enforcement needs, IP protection needs, privacy interests, and competition can all be accommodated.

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |1 |1 |1 | |1 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): using legitimate and legally permitted marketing tools, to enable upstream service providers to compete on a level playing field with the accredited registrars who also offer upstream services, in offering those services to individuals and companies who register domain names

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other Domain name registration is the gateway for Internet users to establish a Web presence, and Whois data is the key to finding out who is going through that gateway and who might need additional Internet related services. Consumers would benefit from the lower prices and expanded service offerings that would result if the Whois data were equally available to all Internet-related service providers.)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: We have been unable to reach website owners as necessary for handling IP and law enforcement complaints; our customers have been confused by inaccurate Whois data

How to improve? Registrars must enforce the requirements of Sections and of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement: The Registered Domain Name Holder shall provide to Registrar accurate and reliable contact details and promptly correct and update them . . . . A Registered Name Holder's willful provision of inaccurate . . . shall constitute a material breach . . . and be a basis for cancellation . . . .

Also, it may be useful for ICANN to require that the Registered Domain Name Holder require designation of an "Abuse" contact in addition to Technical and Administrative contacts.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Abuse contact

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Should be part of the domain name registration fee

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Uniformity would enhance usability of Whois data

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes ICANN should impose and enforce uniform requirements on all registrars

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Expand Whois to include the new gTLDs and the ccTLDs

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) The above questions 17a, b, and d (and related responses) would have been valuable for determining a consensus-based bulk access policy if ICANN had not made material unilateral changes (not addressed in the above questions) in bulk access policy in the revised Registrar Accreditation Agreement. The bulk access provisions described above should have remained as described in the background information above. However, in 2001, ICANN revised the Registrar Accreditation Agreement to prohibit third parties from using bulk access data for telephone and facsimile solicitations well as solicitations via unsolicited email. There is no reason to restrict valid and legitimate marketing efforts, as domain name registrants certainly are keenly interested in effectively utilizing their new addresses on the Internet.

Further, the new policy which ICANN adopted in 2001by modifying the Registrar Accreditation Agreement is anti-competitive. The new bulk access policy reverses the regime providing for equal access to Whois data which was carefully crafted by the Department of Commerce and ICANN in 1999. With this new policy, ICANN has effectively given registrars permission to spam "their" customers with commercial solicitations, while effectively barring competitors from contacting these registrants by any effective means.

In addition, the new policy is unnecessary. Although the prohibition on the use of mass unsolicited email (spam) should be retained because of the threat it could pose to the operational stability of the Internet, no such concerns exist with the use of Whois data for marketing by other means. Privacy concerns also do not support the new policy, since registrars are free to adopt "opt-out" policies so that individuals that do not want to be contacted with marketing solicitations by telephone or facsimile can simply "opt-out" of bulk access, thereby ensuring that no one (including, importantly, the registrar involved) will contact them with unwanted marketing information.

Also, the new policy seriously implicates the freedom to public information embodied in United States copyright laws. Although ICANN at its inception took the position that it would work to protect the availability of Whois data for all to use for any lawful purpose, ICANN has now reversed course. ICANN has in effect given intellectual property rights in information to a select group of incumbent registrars, despite ICANN's earlier written representations that no one could claim such rights in the data.

Regarding Question 17(c), users would welcome information from a chosen provider introducing them to additional services as long as other providers are not proscribed from also informing the user of competing services.

Regarding Question 16, you have asked whether registrars should be allowed to engage in resale or marketing uses of the registration contact information. We have indicated "Yes," However, we want to clarify that we feel this access should not be limited to registrars. Registrars should be allowed to engage in marketing uses of the registration contact information so long as other entities wishing to use this data for permissible marketing purposes are given equal and timely access. Providing this access solely to the registrars is anti-competitive, and would impede the ability of Internet users to obtain upstream products and services at competitive prices, and ultimately impede the continued development and expansion of the Internet as a fundamental tool of commerce. All providers of upstream Internet services should have equal and timely access to this information, whether or not the provider also happens to be in the domain name registration business or an ICANN accredited registrar. As noted above, there is no reason to restrict valid and legitimate marketing efforts because domain name registrants certainly are keenly interested in effectively utilizing their new addresses on the Internet.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a. Individuals should have a means to exclude personal information from inclusion in the public Whois--either through use of technological means (such as use of XRP to associate privacy labels to a record in the registry database, or technology similar to the Robot Exclusion standard used to exclude designated Usenet postings from search engine listings); through naming an Abuse contact; or through registration through another entity which is responsible for contacting the individual for IP and law enforcement matters.

20c. Database accuracy

20e. Accurate technical information for each domain

20f. The public Whois database (which would exclude individuals who have chosen not to be included in the public database) should be made available for marketing by registrars and third parties on an equal basis. This is in accordance with ICANN's mission to create a level playing field for competition and bottom-up management of the domain name system.

20g. Database accuracy

Submission #: 2225

ID#: 996596994; Language: english

1. Category: other Private

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? never

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: other Look for the e-mail adress of a friend (owner of this webpage)

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2230

ID#: 996607028; Language: english

1. Category: other law office

Size of Organization: 6

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 6; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |5 |3 |2 | |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: e-mail address, voice telephone numer and fax number of the technical and the administrative contact, provided that they are individuals

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes In the interest of simplicity and clarity.

But nevertheless there are different data protection regulations which have to be considered.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Our comment is available online at

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2232

ID#: 996612460; Language: english

1. Category: other Technical Consultant

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 11; How many gTLD registrations? 3

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIPmarketinglaw

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |2 |1 |1 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other Protect your self from Spam)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: -Address

-Phone No


9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes No

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Searching

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? yes

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2241

ID#: 996627316; Language: french

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 6

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 20; How many gTLD registrations? 200

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilitytechnicalIPlawother je gere plusieurs services de whois

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |1 |3 |2 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: J'ai ete cite comme contact technique d'un domaine sans l'etre et cela m'a coute des frais de defense juridiques de 1400 euros

How to improve? Les contacts doivent etre mieux identifies. Un tiers devrait pouvoir faire retirer une mention a son nom s'il considere que c'est abusif. Aujourd'hui c'est quasiment impossible en com

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |essential |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |valueless |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes il n'y en a pas. C'est une evolution normale du service qui releve de la mise jour. Nous faisons toujours ca a toutes les echelles

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes parceque c'est un minimum raisonnable qui n'empeche pas d'autres registries, comme la canadienne, d'ajouter d'autres champs

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no un format de sortie permettant de parser facilement les donnes communes a tous les whois et a nommer clairement les champs supplementaires

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? pourquoi un acces centralise ? La distribution du whois actuel convient parfaitement.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Mais pourquoi changer quelquechose la distribution du whois ? Ca ne peut aller que dans le sens de l'invention de nouveaux couts qui justifieront de nouveaux frais

Submission #: 2242

ID#: 996627965; Language: spanish

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 6

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |5 |3 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | |H | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2275

ID#: 996755610; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 20; How many gTLD registrations? 10

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |7 |3 |6 |5 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: no major problems

How to improve? N/A

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Registrant's phone number and address. E-mail address of registrant should be masked and be something like domainname-com@ which redirects to personal e-mail address - discourages spamming.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Technical informaiton so that contacts can be contacted if any problems are found.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Combine all the whois services into one.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? A centralized non-profit registry.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2278

ID#: 996797447; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization: hawk

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |7 |3 |6 |4 |1 |5 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): its my wish to have my own domin name

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm:

How to improve? veyr important

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |valueless |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes coz its great

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2280

ID#: 996800029; Language: english

1. Category: other computer business

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 8

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 | | | | |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other I feel the identification data should be public but in a form not readily accessible to spammers & bulk mail solicitors. If someone seeks me specifically & contacts me that's fine. I have not provided this information to have it be sold to marketing schemers and do not wish to be inundated with spam. You could at least require that this be made an option by domain registrars, defaulting to 'no, I do not wish my contact information be sold or otherwise distributed to third parties for any reason; I do not wish to recieve spam and trojan horse mail bombs because I registered my domain name, and I do not wish to be forced to register using bogus email contact information or be required to pay someone else to register me in order to avoid aforementioned spam and bombs.'. I am not exagerating; I can send you samples of the spam and trojan horse email viruses I have recieved if you want.)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: I have had tremendous difficulty correcting & updating my contact records. Despite my apparent difficulty, on one occasion someone changed the contact information for one of my registered & paid up domains & changed the domain servers to theirs, effectively taking the domain without authorization. On another occasion, I was billed twice for a domain I had paid for the first time, which meant I had paid 2 1 year renewals; that domain had since been taken by someone else and I am supposedly paid up until November. I am looking for the reciepts to contest this; I am not looking forward to the hours of 2200 mile toll calls I will spend on hold.

How to improve? Hold the registrars accountable to higher standards by fining them for inaccurate record and book keeping; provide an independent, neutral authority to audit them, or at least an alternate resource to which consumers can advance unresolved issues to, which has the authority to force closure in a timely manner, favoring the plaintiff on the grounds that the registrar will have already failed multiple previous opportunities to have done so.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |valueless |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes I want to be capable of immediately contacting individuals whose systems my servers are being threatened by (as in the case of the MS IS worm), or am recieving undesireable spam or solicitations from or through, or trojan horses or other possibly spoofed contacts & materials.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Set a standard or adopt a defacto standard as the standard, attempting to support all existing whois assets without requiring modification, also anticipating and providing for future extensions to the whois data (is this a database design quiz?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? See my answer to uniform data format above. In addition to a uniformly supportable database record structure, equipment, cost and access could be distributed by connecting participating whois stores. This would allow compliant public/private/international whois hosts to leverage their assets by participating in a globally distributed system similar to (but of course more tiered & optimized than) DNS. The model currently being expounded by Microsoft with their .NET release this fall, of a single portal over a transparent, distributed network of cooperating servers comes to mind. I believe that to execute such a project will require one system to provide the seed example, taking the initiative and developing it for that nation or region: for example the Internic in conjunction with primary .edu & corporate whois servers might be motivated to form an alliance to prototype and implement the system for the US & international edu domains; government & corporate provide the financing & hardware, colleges provide the egghead muscle. The win-win-win is promotional as well as recruiting opportunities for government & corporate, experience and jobs for the students (and possibly work study credit), international good will through the school's interactions (which already promote this), simultaneously providing something of value. Long term benefits: global system, benefitting transnational corporations as much as nations to form a vast commercial/retail communication structure.

Consider what LDAP was hoped to acheive, then copy that, using it if possible. It seems suited for this.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes The registrant opt out should be mandatory and enforced with monetary penalties. I do not provide my administrative contact information to anyone, yet for many years I have recieved, and continue to recieve growing quantities of junk email and postal mail from entities not conforming to these guidelines who could only have obtained this information from the registrar's database as these email addresses have not been used or publicized anywhere else. And who am I to report it to? And where am I to get the 'extra time' to do this? The only reason I have not made a pest of myself or mailbombed these a*holes is that I am already working 14-18 hour days, 7 days a week; I don't have time to deal with it, and in addition, if I ask them to stop they will have a confirmed target and not only hit me again, sell my information to others like them. They are the real virus. Maybe the president would like to 'set up a special task force to investigate cyberspace nuisances' like spammers who do not comply with the FCC rule that they provide a 'remove from list option', and do not actively follow through with this mandate.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: 20a. Spam

20b. Spam

20c a). If the whois data is of value to the law in their apprehension of known or active criminals, great. The law, intended to prevent unlawful acts by law enforcement as well as provide security requires that have enough evidence to convince a judge be provided, then a warrant justifying an exception to the constitutionally guaranteed right as a private citizen of this country (which is certainly not guaranteed elsewhere) is made. The US government does not have the right to arbitrarily monitor the activities and transactions of Americans. Despite this apparent fact, there exist 'unlawful laws', activities and alliances violating these constitutionally guaranteed rights. As a result I generally distrust the government and law enforcement in the US and internationally. I would err on the side of the constitution: law enforcement has no special right to whois or any other information collected, managed or held by a private corporation, organization, agency or individual, nor should they. If they believe the information will help them, get a warrant. Until I see terrorists & arms dealers hosting websites, I see no threat to national security justifying any radical abortion of the constitution.

20c b). IP spoofing negates the value of realtime whois data: won't hold up in court. If they have a complaint about the content on a website, they can look it up just like anyone else, and just as quickly.

20c c). Does law enforcement have 'special rights' to the phone book?

20d Spam

20e Spam

20f Spam

20g Spam

20h a). Spam

20h b). Unnecessary government spending

Submission #: 2296

ID#: 996718683; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |4 | |2 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Spam complaints bounced.

How to improve? Autosend messages to the domain billing and administrative contacts at random intervals. If both contacts bounce, send E-mail to the technical contact and snail-mail to the last known addresses for the billing and administrative contacts, to the effect that the domain name will be put back on the available list in 30 days. That ought to flush 'em out of the woodwork ...

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Human name, street address and telephone numbers. I have registered many names for customers, and the opportunity to get their contact information published in one more place is great. When I registered a domain for my family, though, I absolutely did not want our home telephone number and address to be available to the public. Since there was no way to register a .COM or .ORG without publishing that information, I registered a domain in the .TO hierarchy, in which that information is not revealed to the public.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |desirable |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no Let them set their own rules. As noted above, the rules for .COM and .ORG serve many of my customers well, but the greater privacy in .TO better serves the needs of my family.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? other

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes If I ran the Internet, I would prohibit the bulk sale of registrant information altogether.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: The E-mail address below has been created for purposes of this survey only. It will be disabled upon receipt of the first unsolicited commercial E-mail, whereupon all subsequent messages sent to it will bounce.

Submission #: 2313

ID#: 996747168; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 1

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |6 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm:

How to improve? Set up a barrier between the actual emails and the searchers, like in the Hotmail directory where people can't find the actual email if they search the directory, only a form to send that person an email

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: All the email addresses

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes simpler to maintain and it would be standard then

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes make a standard and require it to be implemented

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? ICANN should make one themselves

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2314

ID#: 996748668; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |7 |5 |4 |1 |3 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to identify the provider of the site

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm: Inability to trace spam hosting services makes it difficult to pursue either technical or legal remedies for misconduct.

How to improve? Require positive identification of registrants by certificate authority. Verify that the site's registered e-mail addresses can receive e-mail by requiring a response before activating registration.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Certificates.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes The same technical and legal issues arise for registrants in every top-level domain.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes No opinion.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? No opinion

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Opt-in.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: 20a UCE tracking

20b Fraud

20c Fraud

20d Fraud

20e Enforcement of AUPs

20f Costs to ISPs if UCE sources and their upstream providers cannot be identified accurately.

20g Theft

20h End users should be able to understand what it does and how it works.

Submission #: 2316

ID#: 996751774; Language: japanese

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 | | |2 |1 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: gtlgwhoislJB


9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |essential |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? DNSlH

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes AhCHl~B

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: lvCx[gZdbJB[AhXSPAMfbB


Submission #: 2325

ID#: 996769316; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 9

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |1 |4 |7 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Unable to contact the owner of the domain name.

How to improve? Require that ALL whois information be accurate, if not, obtain the correct information, or suspend the domain name until accurate information is obtained.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes By the company that provides the service; the registrars.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2334

ID#: 996774883; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |4 |3 |1 |2 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Not really sure - in the registration process?

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2367

ID#: 996795870; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 7

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |2 |7 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Network Solutions is unable to keep its customer records and WHOIS data in synch, leading to confusion over the current state of accounts (e.g., changes to primary and secondary information, or handle information)

How to improve? Improvements to the functioning of the WHOIS system are not related to the protection of privacy within the WHOIS system. The WHOIS system can and should protect privacy while maintaining accuracy. Particularly when that information is personal rather than corporate.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Once upon a time, the tech and admin contact were actually tech and admin people. These days, they're repetitions of the registrant. And the registrant either provides false personal or useless corporate information. This information can and should be suppressed, as it is not necessary to maintain the technical correctness and functioning of the Internet.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no Further encroachment of ICANN in ccTLD space is likely to undermine the stability of the internet.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Through policies (upon application and at regular review intervals) enacted as part of registrar and registry accreditation.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? With as little involvement from ICANN as possible. The market will provide. ONLY those who submit high-volume queries to the system should be charged a fee; the service should be free for low-volume individual use. Penalize the IP lawyers and the domain squatters, the two highest-volume users by burdening them with the cost of the system.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Information pertaining to natural persons should under no circumstances be made available to anyone except proper law enforcement authorities with appropriate warrants or court authority.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: ICANN has for too long been dominated by commercial interests and intellectual property lawyers. Personal privacy and personal rights to participate in the namespace MUST be recognized. To this end, the WHOIS database must provide ONLY that information necessary for the continued stability of the name service and thus the Internet. Peronal information -- information about natural persons -- is unnecessary for this end. This goal is, might I remind the reader, the stated purpose for ICANN's (and the DNSO's) existence; it's SOLE and ONLY mandate.

Stay out of policy, except to correct policies that go beyond that mission, by bringing such policies in line with said mission. In this instance, that means keeping personal information out of the hands of marketers, and "enterprising" IP lawyers, and snoops, and anyone else who isn't a duly-appointed law enforcement officer accessing said information in the pursuit of his duties.

Submission #: 2372

ID#: 996802121; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |6 |4 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: I think the questions above are inappropriately framed. I would like to see a note in the final report that says that: "even if the data I relied upon was incomplete or inaccurate, I did not experience any problem arising from it."

How to improve? More privacy should be assured to small businesses and individuals. We should have the option to "opt out" or register our domain name information as unlisted. We should be in the database for purposes of finding if the domain name is registered, but all information identifing the organization (such as small business based out of a house or a family planning clinic that does not want to list its address) should be available through some special process, but not open to all online.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: G. -- the name and postal address of the registrant should be removed from the public WHOIS database at the request of the domain name registrant, but available through a supeona, or on filing of a UDRP action.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless | |desirable |valueless |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |valueless | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no The country codes are domains where the policy is governed not by ICANN, but by the sovereign governments. These governments know the privacy interests and concerns of their citizens. Such laws and values are for the governments alone to apply or not apply to data collected and made public about the activities of their citizens in the ccTLD.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes The rules should create an opt-in provision -- where the information is only available if the registrant specifically says yes.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2374

ID#: 996805476; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |2 |3 |6 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Not being able to properly identify who is behind Internet abuse because

they register using false names, addresses and phone numbers. For

example, Alan Ralsky has over 700 domain names registered, all using

fake personal information.

How to improve? Enfore verification of personal information. If false info is provided,

immediately cancel the registration.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Provide one huge central database

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes They need to be enforced... you spam, you lose your registration!!

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2377

ID#: 996812525; Language: japanese

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization: 20

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: 20a:JpA[dbB

Submission #: 2398

ID#: 996835359; Language: japanese

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 7; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 | | |1 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2404

ID#: 996839186; Language: english

1. Category: not stated law firm

Size of Organization: 120

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |3 |1 |4 |2 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Inaccuracy and insufficiency of information meant other investigations were required to provide the necessary details to enable court action to proceed.

How to improve? Establish complaints procedure for inaccurate info, resulting in the suspension of the registration

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: e-mail address, voice telephone number, and (where available) fax number of the registrant should also be included to assist with the administration of UDRP complaints

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |valueless |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes A uniform level of detail should be required - though we are satisfied with the level of service provided by Nominet for uk cctlds

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Have a single unique whois search site for all gtlds and cctlds

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes change to an opt-in policy

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: a. anti spam

b. identification of merchants

c. " offenders

d. only the name of a responsible adult should be displayed

e. no comment

f. market research

g. efficient identification of infringers

Submission #: 2443

ID#: 996851449; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 5000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 200; How many gTLD registrations? 50

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |7 |5 |3 |1 |2 |4 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Difficult to reach responsible parties

How to improve? Send out email to domain owners for example once per year stating what info is registered about them, providing a link to an update page.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |essential |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Easier access

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes ICANN should demand from the ccTLD registrars that they implement a similar service.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? A central whois server that can be queried and automagically redirects / fetches data from the appropriate ccTLD whois server

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: Privacy protection of the whois service is essential, it should be made so spammers cannot harvest email adresses from it,

like they are able to today.

Submission #: 2450

ID#: 996856900; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilityother SPAM / UCE / UBE tracking

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |4 |3 |1 |2 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): any other use

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other I am most concerned about being able to identify the source(s) of SPAM.)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |desirable |ess | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2453

ID#: 996884336; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |desirable |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes uniformity

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes no comment

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2474

ID#: 996874447; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 3

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 4; How many gTLD registrations? 4

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |7 |7 |1 |1 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Domained that have expired, that a domain registrant was holding on to, and would not transfer.

How to improve? Require registrars to drop domains that have expired. Make sure all whois info is correct.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes It should be a free service, if a fee is needed to be collected, collect it from the registrars, as this information needs to be public for security reasons.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Create a standard that all registrars except, and make all information madatorily available.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: All whois info should be available for everyone, for noncommercial use. I.e not for creating mailing lists, but for use in abuse tracking, security, etc.

Submission #: 2487

ID#: 996885218; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |3 | |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2504

ID#: 996908595; Language: english

1. Category: other individual, business AND non-commercial organization use

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 22; How many gTLD registrations? 12

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 | | | | |3 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to find domain based on name search

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Address and contact info of registrant;

name of registrant should be optional.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Registrtion data should not be sold or made available

on a bulk basis. Individual lookup serves the purpose of

the WhoIs to determine registration info.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: 20a. To foster the presentation and exchange of all information freely,

the registrant should not have to present his personal information

(name, address, etc) to the public. It is registered with the database

owner, and thus available to law enforcement under proper judicial

procedures - but should not be easily available publicly for retribution

or vigilante purposes, which could happen with controversial subjects.

20b. Consumer protection agencies can request database info using

proper, established judicial procedures.

20c. Valid law enforcement agencies can access database info using

proper, existing judicial procedures.

20d. Why should there be a question of "protecting minors" involved

with domain registration or WhoIs? there is no age data entered in

the database, so there can be no searches based on age.

20e. Technical and Administrative contacts understand, by the nature

of their business, that their contact information must be available

publicly. Network operational problems can be resolved by WhoIs

lookup of Technical and/or Administrative contact info.

20f. At present there is competitive and economic incentive to "mine"

the WhoIs database for bulk mail address creation - which leads only

to generally unwanted spam email and increased traffic loads on net.

20g. Other than whether a particular name is registered, what other

"intellectual property rights" are involved in the WhoIs database?

irrelevant, i would think.

20h. The www and internet has given worldwide society an unprecedented

opportunity for "free speech" and the free exchange of info and

discussion -- including, and especially, on controversial subjects.

Free and open discussion is greatly enhanced when the speakers

need not be afraid of retalition by hostile opponents - thus it is

important that those who may feel threatened because of the

controversial subjects they may present or discuss on their domain

be able to register their domain without public disclosure of their

personal identification information. If they violate established laws,

the law enforcement agencies have plenty of power and process to

obtain the information from the registrar's database by following

established supoena procedures.

Submission #: 2508

ID#: 996921742; Language: japanese

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 33

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| |2 | | |1 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes p

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2512

ID#: 996934107; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |4 |3 |6 |5 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Entries: D and G

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes There should be at least the same amount of data available for cctlds.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes No good ideas

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? ?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2520

ID#: 996945381; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 14; How many gTLD registrations? 46

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |5 |6 |4 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: No problems.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Itis desirable that Whois becomes a standardised tool across tld's.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? A not for profit body should be established to maintain the database. The database could be mirrored by registrars.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The internet is an important source of information and services which are either free or chargeable. In both cases it is imperative that all information is accurate, reliable and that providers of information can not mask their identity from discovery. That is not to say that any content or freedom of expression that such sites may contain should be restricted.

Submission #: 2521

ID#: 996945946; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |5 |6 |2 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes not

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2538

ID#: 996983655; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 5

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 100; How many gTLD registrations? 200

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |2 |4 |6 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes With a uniform system and uniform IDs, simple updates can be replicated across domains and countries - this is in part accomplished for some domains through the RIPE database.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Equal data records and common database of IDs for registrars, administrators etc.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? By inviting the ccTLDs to participate on given terms.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Commercial use of whois-data should not be legal at all.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a: no selling of the database for mass emailing etc.

Submission #: 2548

ID#: 997101050; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 50000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 150

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilityIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |6 |2 |4 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Please have a simpler web address so you are easier to find.

Submission #: 2557

ID#: 997012590; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |4 |2 |3 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes 'Simple' searches should remain free of charge. Boolean searches could be dissociated for from 'simple' searches and charged on a pay-as-you-go basis, eg. 50 cents /per search.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes A body like Icann issueing strict guidelines to be followed by all accredited registrars.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Industry wide initiative although this may be more tricky with ccTLDs.

The suggestion would be to start with gTLDs and then convince the rest of the world to follow suit.

A difficult question.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: The most important issue in my opinion is: Law enforcement (in all its facets including intellectual property etc.)and the contribution that whois must make in order to facilitate it.

The second most important issue is consummer confidence and how whois can bolster e-commerce by bolstering consummer confidence, re-assuring the public that the internet is NOT a place where online merchants can simply hide and disppear at will. Admittedly proper identification of domain owners is only one element that will boost public confidence and e-commerce. All other security issues remain but it is an important element.

Submission #: 2559

ID#: 997014094; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 20

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 14

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |1 |4 |3 |6 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Distribution and sale of lists to be restricted to include only those who permit such sale or distribution. Perhaps offer an incentive of cheaper registraion if the registering person permits sale of their data.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Any alterations to the service should consider if they can reduce the level of unsolicited mailing both normal commercial and more importantly pornographic and commercial pornographic without reducing the service. Not an easy task.

Submission #: 2562

ID#: 997019334; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | |2 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2567

ID#: 997031049; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |4 |1 |2 |6 |3 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2568

ID#: 997033564; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 4; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: other Curiousity

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: name, address, phone of registrant

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |desirable |valueless |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2571

ID#: 997080468; Language: japanese

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 20000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 43; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |4 |3 |1 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2579

ID#: 997174807; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |5 |6 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Address

Phone number

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless |desirable |desirable |valueless |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2585

ID#: 997092800; Language: spanish

1. Category: governmental

Size of Organization: 6000

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: law

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |7 |7 |7 |7 |7 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other Me preocupa que puedan ampararse en anonimato de Internet personas que hagn uso de dominios con fines criminales)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5



8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes TENEMOS LAS MISMAS NECESIDADES DE INFORMACION SOBRE ccTLDs QUE SOBRE gTLDs

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes SUPONGO QUE SON CUESTIONES QUE ESCAPAN A MI CONOCIMIENTO.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes


15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: 20:La publicidad de los datos del titular del dominio, su administrador, contacto tcnico y adminstrativo garantizan la defensa del consumirdor y usuario, la aplicacin de la ley, proteccin a los menores de edad. Considero que sera un error que perjudicara el equilibrio de Internet terminar con la publicidad y libre acceso al WHOIS.

Submission #: 2606

ID#: 997142260; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 50

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 6

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |6 |3 |5 |7 |2 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): identify name servers and contacts

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: inability to resolve DNS requests

How to improve? provide domain owners with better tools

to monitor their domains and name

servers referenced in WHOIS.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: expiration date. That information

should be easily available to the

domain owner, and unavailable to

anyone else.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Provide LGPL reference implementations.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? proxy.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Registrars should only publicize an

email ALIAS. Mail sent to this alias

will go through the registrar's mail

servers (or those of a subcontractor)

and be forwarded to the registrar,

whose email address is kept private

from all 3rd parties.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: The email addresses should not be made

easily available to spammers. However,

technical domain-related issues deserve

email access.

Inability to contact those responsible

for a domain is an indication of an

irresponsible netizen who deserves


Tech staff want name servers and email addresses.

Law enforcement want phone numbers and street addresses.

Spammers want email addresses, but should get a kick in the teeth.

IP rights holders want phone numbers, street addresses, and email addresses.

If all email to contacts were

pseudonymized through the registrar,

then the registrars would bear the

burden of spam (as they should be), but

would be in the perfect position to

detect and prevent it.

I am one of several people who advocate

pseudonymous email for domain contacts.

If you have any questions, I'll be happy

to answer them.

Submission #: 2666

ID#: 997219918; Language: english

1. Category: non-commercial

Size of Organization: 1900

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 12

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |5 |3 |4 |2 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: -Registar whois services that do not fully support domains registered with other registrars. Network Solutions has major problems with this.

-Expired domain names not made immediately available again. No standard policy for length of grace periods.

-Incorrect and out of date contact information for registrant

How to improve? Require registrars to implement full support for all domains.

Require registrars to create and abide by an expired domain policy.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: The name and postal address of the registrant

The name, postal address,voice telephone number, and fax number of the technical contact for the SLD

The name, postal address, voice telephone number, and fax number of the administrative contact for the SLD.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Any and all disclosures should be stricly opt-in, or forbidden outright.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2669

ID#: 997224347; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |2 |1 |5 |3 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? update more than once a day

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization? I feel a mirrored access/decentralized

location of information is critical to

the internet

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2673

ID#: 997230398; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 79

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |3 |5 |6 |7 |1 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): research; see

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Delayed/voided research activities; prevented proper prosecution of spammers; inhibited resolution of intrusions; various other systems administration related tasks.

How to improve? Standardized results format (XML?) harsher prosecution of those who use (or who sell, like NSI!) whois data for marketing purposes, which I see as inherently wrong.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Abuse contact in addition to (or as substitute for) billing info - the organization name/address should suffice for marketing efforts, pushing the costs back on marketers instead of on the recipient of spam. The format should also be standardized so that those of us who need access can get it programmatically without having to parse through a set of inconsistent and incomplete information.

If unnecessary, what to drop: Billing contact (email, etc.) - absolutely unnecessary for the public to know this if the organization name and address are present.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Are you serious? Use free software.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes ccTLD whois services are often far more useful than gTLD whois; including abuse contacts and the like as well as explanatory text records.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Allow queries and their results to be submitted/received in a published standard XML format.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Use a system such as those being developed by OpenCola and others, using a shared network of registration files and no central point of failure.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Simply, the data in whois should not be made available in bulk form, should not contain personal identification (especially email addresses) but rather should be used for technical/administrative purposes only. I can see no reasonable purpose for having anything but a role account and generic organization-level contact information in whois. And people who mine the database for UCE should be staked to anthills.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: See above.

Submission #: 2685

ID#: 997264524; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |5 |4 |6 |3 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes It would be a very effective good feature.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Centralized database

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2695

ID#: 997290979; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilityIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |1 |6 |5 |3 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2702

ID#: 997301646; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 | | |1 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? Request anyone being entered into the whois databases to confirm their contact details by e.g. replying to an email

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes By raising the domain registration fees slightly (no more than 10%)

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Easier to read the whois output, especially for non-Latin language ccTLDs.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Standardize the whois input and output through e.g. a RFC

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? A list of what whois servers can answer queries for certain TLDs, and some software forwarding requests to the appropriate server

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20d) Anyone who registers a domain should take the consequences of whatever that person uses the domain in question for

Submission #: 2710

ID#: 997319571; Language:

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names?

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois?

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2718

ID#: 997335775; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 16; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |7 |7 |7 |3 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Most domains I have looked up have no actual contact info. They are 'registered' to a registrar.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Postal addresses and phone numbers

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes There would be little cost associated. It is a onetime addition.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes No info should be provided. Period.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2736

ID#: 997357068; Language: english

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names?

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois?

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| | | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2746

ID#: 997363755; Language: spanish

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 140.000

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |6 |3 |4 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: H, I.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Como parte de la cuota del registro

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes El tipo de informacin que se solicita es semejante, por tanto resulta lgico que la informacin se presente en un formato parecido.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Estableciendo una norma para la presentacin de los datos (Determinar un organismo adecuado)

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? A travs de la web de ICANN

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2764

ID#: 997403408; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |5 |2 |6 |3 |4 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes retrieving the data in the same manner whatever the toplevel domain is

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2769

ID#: 997554238; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 4; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |5 |3 |4 |6 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2785

ID#: 997445213; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 85

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |2 |4 |5 |7 |1 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): ???

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Inability to contact technical representatives during recent Code Red worm

incident due to out of date contact details

How to improve? Very difficult, but possibly by annual checks - if you renew a domain name

for 5 yrs, are your contact details checked in the interim?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Subscription to enhanced search facilities as they will almost certainly be used

by commercial concerns.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes To enable consistent searches

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes The transfer of data should be on an -opt-in- basis

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2789

ID#: 997456247; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 4; How many gTLD registrations? 3

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |3 |5 |2 | |4 |6 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Should NOT be used for unsolicited e-mail. Spam.

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: Sure wish 'spammers' would quit using the e-mail address I provide on the Whois registry. It is out of control, you know...

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no Some registrants may currently seek countries in which to register, simply because they do not want to provide all that info...


13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) no Sometimes a registrant's info doesn't fit in the required fields. I'd say leave it alone! Law enforcement officials can figure it out one at a time, if necessary.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? It would be great, so long as I don't have to pay for it!

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: Again, I regard unsolicited e-mail (spam)to my address (as used to register domains) a big annoyance. My registration service does NOT sell the registrant's information to others, and I appreciate that. Also, I would NOT like to see a significant increase in the price of domain names. I also really appreciate the free web-hosting options that my registration service provides in conjunction with domain name registration.

Submission #: 2802

ID#: 997487618; Language: english

1. Category: other email and registry privacy provider

Size of Organization: 25

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 | | | |3 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): to allow for private, personalized email use (not spam!)

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? Protect registrants identities from spam.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: System needs a way to block unwanted spam that gets sent to applicants. Users have no protection, privacy.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |valueless |desirable |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Party desiring add'l services (ie privacy and/or spam protection) should pay nominal fee.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: Protecting email identities is the most important element. I agree they should be available but in some privacy/alias/escrow service.

Submission #: 2810

ID#: 997531283; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: d (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: I am a US citizen residing outside the US for a period. I went thru an excercise to update my record a couple of years ago but not everything was updated - notably my email address, which makes further updates difficult because the Internic cannot do an email to verify my identity so I must fax. From Kuwait it is difficult for me to make international fax calls

How to improve? Quality checks need to be applied to ensure that when changes are requested, ALL the changes are actually made.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |valueless |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no opinion

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2811

ID#: 997533118; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 2

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 | |1 | |1 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |valueless |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes why not ?

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2829

ID#: 997682422; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 2; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |6 |5 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no I Don't Know

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes I Don't Know

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? icann

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2842

ID#: 997718578; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 45.000

2. Registered any domain names? no

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |5 |3 |4 |6 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): none

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: H, I

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Included in the cost of the domain name registration

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Because the same type of data are needed for both ccTLDs and gTLDs.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Designating an organization as responsible to define the format and to administrate a distributed data base.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? IN the ICANN Web

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2845

ID#: 997736300; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 8

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |5 |1 | |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes For intellectual property protection reasons

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Express opt-in

Mandatory requirement for privacy policy

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2850

ID#: 997763763; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |3 |7 |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B |C | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Could be a useful tool

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Establish a voluntary guideline for Whois services

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2851

ID#: 997765659; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 5

Purpose of registrations: non-commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |6 |2 |5 |3 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: No harm, just annoyance that I cannot pursue a spammer.

How to improve? I'd like to see a requirement that whoever registers the domain name

needs to provide some sort of proof of their physical address, such

as return a card mailed by registrar within 60? days.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | |C |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes It can be an extra fee service, but it would be nice to keep it free for

individual use

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no It should be encouraged, but not required. I'd like to see the data, but

I think that national sovereignity takes precedence over ICANN.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: whois database provides a vital link between cyberspace and the real world.

I use it to verify identity of many web sites. For example, recently I was

solicited for a movie deal, and was suspicious of the financing company.

I told them that they do not even have a web site, they got back to me in

a week with a URL.

Too bad that they registered their site after talking to me.

Submission #: 2852

ID#: 997765875; Language: english

1. Category: other Web site development/consulting/domain resales/internet commerce

Size of Organization: 10

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 2200

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Problems have been internal due to the registrars not all posting

changes in data concurrently. A new owner can become concerned

if his details are not displayed in a timely manner. We become

concerned when an expiration date has not been changed to

reflect a renewal. Time and effort are expended in re-checking

the registry.

How to improve? All registrars should be forced to comply with WhoIs changes

within a specified time, not when they feel like or get around

to updated their database. There should be a uniform deadline

that can be publicized.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Contact details of the registrar.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Everything should be uniform - no surprises - no questions.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Devise a mandatory format.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? ICANN control.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: The registered owner should have the option of either providing

his/her personal details or hold them private. But there should

be a method to voice complaints through a third party.

Submission #: 2872

ID#: 997817272; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 2

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? daily

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|7 |7 |7 |7 |7 |7 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): For tracing technical matters

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm: Had to use alternative source of data. Inconvenience only

How to improve? It can't unless all countries pass laws stating that people will keep the data up to date. I'm happy with 95% correctness

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: All I need is an email address related to IP or domain.

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|valueless |desirable |essential |valueless |valueless |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Only the limited set I describe above.

Technical contacts etc..

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Limit the fields that need to be uniform and make the format (Numbers, character, character set, length etc.) of the data open.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? Via a single portal that queries the local whois databases based on the content of the query.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Data should be protected from all third parties and only released under a strict AUP.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: Whois data should be restricted to use for technical purposes and should be restricted to answering single queries.

Bulk mining should be strictly prevented by implementing filters.

People who are seen to bulk mine.. more than x queries per y time should be filtered permanently.

Those with legitimate need should sign and abide by a AUP stating that data will be used for technical purposes only and not passed on in any form.

Submission #: 2875

ID#: 997818074; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 120

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 10; How many gTLD registrations? 5000

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 | |1 | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential | |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes registration fees

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2900

ID#: 997782488; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 60

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |3 |1 |4 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2905

ID#: 997785487; Language: spanish

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 12; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |5 |6 |3 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |valueless |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? no

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2907

ID#: 997787279; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 15

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |5 |6 |4 |2 |4 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 25-50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: SLD and Upstream abuse contact(s)

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes NSI should pay for it.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Consistent and automated tools for abuse investigations.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes A BCP/RFC committee and document

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes opt-in, with "useful" categories. NSI's

position of "all or nothing" is completely


18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: There should be a reasonable right of

privacy, a reasonable way to get

private information to proceed with

abuse and illegal activities investigations,

and some form of protection against

harassment and investigational abuse.

I expect this will be an extremely

difficult balance to achieve.

Submission #: 2909

ID#: 997788966; Language: english

1. Category: registrar-registry

Size of Organization: 150

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 5000; How many gTLD registrations? 5000

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |7 |1 |6 |5 |2 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): identify contacts who can authorise changes

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes "Uniform" is the key word. Currently, the fragmentation of whois availablity makes consistent reporting across different ccTLDs unworkable in practice.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Thick whois maintained by the Registry.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Thick whois maintained by the Registry

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments: 20a Home addresses and phone numbers

20c Registrant identity

20g Registrant identity

Submission #: 2911

ID#: 997789829; Language: french

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIPlaw

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|2 |6 |5 |3 |4 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes augmentation de prix des dpots de noms de domaine

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? no; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2915

ID#: 997793129; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 25

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibilityIPmarketing

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|6 |5 |2 |1 |3 |4 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Inproper identification (forced by originator) lead to unpaid bills.

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |desirable |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Through an additional fee for the bytes send

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes I'm only interested in our own market area. Many customers use .com and others so i'm not able to identify some customers in my own area

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes enforce it by rules

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? no

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: It would be extremely helpfull if the whois registration also contains the type of information any domain provides. This could allow for active filtering (e.g. filter pages for children).

Furthermore the privacy should be protected. If informations is spread, it should be with the consent of the registree of any domain.

Submission #: 2920

ID#: 997798898; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 24000

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations? 2000

Purpose of registrations: other

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: IP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|4 |5 |6 |1 |3 |2 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Current address for service of documents

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes By the registries

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes It is not right that someone can steal your goodwill and damage your good name and that the registries effectively connive in the continuation of this. If the registries do not provide this informaion rights owners will have no choice but to join the registries in as co-defendants to any suit.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes No sale of data to third parties without specific opt in

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments: 20a - this is a red herring raised by cybersquatters to protect themselves form the consequences of their criminal behaviour

20b- consumersd are entitled to rely on brands as an indication of quality on the ninternet as in the real world. By impeding the brand owners in protecting their rights and the right of consumers you are assisting the defrauding of the public as well as comemrcial damage to the organisation concerned

20c - (1) the detection of crime (2) fraudulent use of trade marks (3) defamation (4) trade libel (5) brand damage

20d - detection and breaking of paedophile rings

20g - see above trade marks and use of copyright

Submission #: 2928

ID#: 997802810; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 15

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 25; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |4 |6 |7 |3 |5 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): ID domain server

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: H & I (excluding e-mail)

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|desirable |essential |essential |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) no

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Opt in only

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? no

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2948

ID#: 997809317; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 400

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 3; How many gTLD registrations? 450

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: technical

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|5 |6 |3 |4 |2 |1 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Difficulties resolving abuse issues; difficulties making changes to DNS and whois info for customers whose records are outdated or were registered incorrectly

How to improve? Periodic (at least annual) attempts to verify info via email and escalation when emails bounce would be a good start.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Ease of scripting tools to process data.

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes The original contact handle system should have been and should be extended across registrars.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? I don't know what "portal" means, but there should be a central whois server that will answer for all ICANN-supported gTLD domains as there is today.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes If provisions can be strengthened to prevent use for UCE, they should be. As the technical contact for hundreds of domains, I am also concerned that "opt-in" be both required and on a contact-by-contact basis.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments: Centralized access and uniformity are important for both operational and competitive reasons. The current difficulty of keeping contact information synchronized across registrars creates extra work for ISPs but provides no discernable benefit.

Submission #: 2951

ID#: 997810381; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 500

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 4

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availability

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |5 |3 |4 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |essential |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |valueless |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2965

ID#: 997823929; Language: english

1. Category: commercial

Size of Organization: 200

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 25

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: responsibility

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| |5 | |6 | |2 |1 |

Description of “other” (if applicable): Find users, their organizations and their domain names

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm:

How to improve? Educations of registrants

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|valueless |valueless |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Perhaps consideration should be given to a use fee.

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes Because ccTLDs and gTLDs should be considered and treated the same

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Agreed upon schema and limited search capabilities based on consensus policy and then mandated by ICANN and enforced by contracts with the gTLD registrars and ccTLD operators

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? users

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-out

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 2992

ID#: 997856333; Language: english

1. Category: isp

Size of Organization: 12

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois: availabilityresponsibilitytechnicalIP

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|3 |4 |1 |2 |5 |6 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: c (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve? Easier telephone access to Registrars

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |essential |essential |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | |D | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Add $2.00 per Domain Name for this service only

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes Keep it much the same I really don't see alot that is broke.

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization? This is a question that is above my expertese.

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? opt-in

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration? yes

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 3000

ID#: 997874039; Language: english

1. Category: not stated

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names?

How many ccTLD registrations? ; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations:

3. How often use Whois?

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

| |beijing- | | | | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data?

Percent inaccurate?

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements:

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name?

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?)

11: Use ccTLD whois?

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?)

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?)

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access?

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information?

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions?

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs?

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider?

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?)

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration?

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 3012

ID#: 992165873; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 1; How many gTLD registrations? 1

Purpose of registrations: personal

3. How often use Whois? occasionally

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |5 |4 |6 |7 |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: b (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? no

Percent inaccurate? less_than_5

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: unnecessary

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop: telephone number, fax number, postal adress

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |valueless |valueless |desirable |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |valueless |valueless | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? ; Across .com/.net/.org?

Across all gTLDs? ; Across all TLDs?

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrars

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? no

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? no

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? yes

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? yes

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 3019

ID#: 992189058; Language: english

1. Category: individual

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 60; How many gTLD registrations?

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? hourly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |4 |2 |3 | |5 | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: a (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other )

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? greater_than_50

Description of harm:

How to improve?

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: adequate

If inadequate, what to add:

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable |essential |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|essential |desirable |desirable |desirable | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? no

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

| | | | | |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

| | | | | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) no

11: Use ccTLD whois? yes

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? no; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) no

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:

Submission #: 3029

ID#: 992058262; Language:

1. Category: other Web Designer and Consultant

Size of Organization:

2. Registered any domain names? yes

How many ccTLD registrations? 0; How many gTLD registrations? 0

Purpose of registrations: commercial

3. How often use Whois? weekly

4. Most important use(s) of Whois:

5. Purpose of Whois service

|availability |similarity |merchants |IP |spam |illegal |other |

|1 |2 |3 |5 |7737 Linda Vista |4 | |

| | | | |Rd., Suite 29 | | |

Description of “other” (if applicable):

6: Primary concern: e (a-privacy; b-IP; c-tech; d-no opinion; e-other All of the above.)

7. Ever harmed by bad Whois data? yes

Percent inaccurate? 5-25

Description of harm: Wasted a lot of time following up on outdated info.

How to improve? If the registering database sent out a quarterly email to the contact on the Domain info. asking to confirm current info and request updated info.. This will force domain owners to be proactive in keeping their records up to date.

8. Usefulness of gTLD data elements: inadequate

If inadequate, what to add: Many times the info. is false, incomplete or inacurrate. If you require people to provide varification of all info. submitted and require ALL current fields to be filled in.

If unnecessary, what to drop:

9. Need for data elements:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|essential |essential |essential |essential |desirable |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|desirable |essential |essential |essential | |

10. Allow searches on data elements other than domain name? yes

If “yes,” elements that should be usable as search keys:

|Domain Name |IP Address |Nameserver |Registrar |Created |

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Expires |Registrant |Tech |Admin | |

|F |G |H |I | |

Should Whois provide enhanced search capabilities? (If yes, who pays?) yes Increased registration fees.

11: Use ccTLD whois? no

12: Should ccTLDs provide same elements as gTLD whois? (Why or why not?) yes

13. Should Whois format and services be uniform? (How to achieve?) yes

14. Support centralized Whois access? yes; Across .com/.net/.org? yes

Across all gTLDs? yes; Across all TLDs? yes

Best way to achieve centralization?

15. Who should pay for centralized access? registrants

16. Should registrars be allowed to sell contact information? no

17. Maintain gTLD bulk access provisions? yes

Extend bulk access to other gTLDs? yes

Would respondent welcome commercial e-mail from service provider? no

Should bulk access provisions be changed? (If so, how?) yes Less freedom to use info. for any kind of marketing and sales purposes.

18. Question for registrars: offer third-party registration?

19. Question for public: use third-party registration? no

20. Final comments:


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