Curvita - WKU



October 31, 2011

Department of Geography and Geology

1906 College Heights Blvd, #31066

Western Kentucky University

Bowling Green, KY 42101-1066

Voice: 1 (270) 745-4555, Fax: 1 (270) 745-6410

Cell: 1 (270) 535-7351


Web Page:


1991-92 Ph.D., University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (Geography), Transport and

Communication Deficiencies in the Regional Development of Northwest Argentina. Dissertation Advisor: Alexander B. Murphy.

1989-90 M.A., University of Oregon (Geography), Transportation Policy and Rural

Community Change: A Welsh Case Study. Thesis Advisor: Alexander B. Murphy.

1987-89 B.A., Summa Cum Laude, University of Oregon, International Studies-

History-Geography. Honors Thesis: Railroad Development in Argentina.

1976-79 A.B., North Sydney College, Sydney, Australia. International Finance, Tax

Accounting, Management.


2001- Department Head, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky.

2003- Professor, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky.

1998-03 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky.

1993-98 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky.

1992-93 Research Associate, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.

1992 Instructor, Social Science Department, Lane County Community College, Eugene, Oregon.

1991-92 Research Assistant, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.

1991-92 Instructor, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.

1989-91 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.

1982-83 Instructor (Part-time), Accounting, Phillips Junior College, New Orleans, Louisiana.


1982-87 Partner, Vice-President, and Chief Financial Officer, Cignal Communications, New Orleans, Louisiana.

1981-82 Assistant Controller, Mainstem Corporation, Princeton, New Jersey.

1973-87 International Tax Consultant, KBS (self-employed), Australia, U.K., and U.S.

1977-80 Controller and Marketing Director, Restours Ltd., Sydney, Australia.

1977-80 International Project Auditor, McDonald Wagner & Priddle, Sydney, Australia.

1973-77 Partner-Controller, Bussell Group, Sydney, Australia.

1972-73 Assistant Manager, Lord Hill Hotel, Shrewsbury, U.K.

1971-72 Assistant Manager, Sheargolds Wines, Sydney, Australia.

1970-71 Head Night Auditor, North Sydney Travelodge, Sydney, Australia.

1969-70 Accountant, Halifax Building Society, Shrewsbury, U.K.

1968-69 Accountant, Department of Health and Human Resources, Shrewsbury, U.K.

1967-70 Drummer and Singer, Trackdown, Shrewsbury, U.K.



Latin America: focus on Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico.

Europe: focus on disadvantaged regions (Wales, Scotland, Eastern Europe).

China: focus on southwest China karst ecosystems.


Regional Development, Urbanization Problems, Global Economic Impacts on Capital-Disadvantaged Regions, Popular Culture.


Transport Planning, Resource Use, World-City Systems, Popular Music.

PUBLICATIONS (PR = Peer Reviewed)

Journal, Encyclopedia, and Review Articles:

(2012) A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words: The Tuareg, Timia, Niger. FOCUS on

Geography 55(1): (accepted).

(2011) Iconic Landscapes: Lyrical Linkages between Songs and Cities. FOCUS on Geography 54(4): 113-125 (PR).

(2011) Annotated Latin American websites IV. Journal of Latin American Geography 10(2): 231-233.

(2011) Rural Journeys: Lincolnshire’s “By-Pass” Railway. FOCUS on Geography

54(2) 51-59 (co-authored with Robert Doughty) (PR).

(2011) Cityscapes and Footprints – Dancing through the Urban with Larry Ford.

Geographical Review 101(3): 423-434 (PR).

(2011) Annotated Latin American websites III. Journal of Latin American Geography 10(1): 199-202.

(2011) A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words: Medellín (2011). FOCUS on Geography 54(1): 42-43.

(2010) A Picture is Worth 972 Words: Lake Como. FOCUS on Geography 53(4):


(2010) Photoessay: Off the Beaten Track - Imaging Geography’s Remote

Destinations. FOCUS on Geography 53(3): 103-116.

(2010) Annotated Latin American websites II. Journal of Latin American Geography 9(2): 169-170.

(2010) Connected Places, Interactive Spaces – Transport Infrastructure for a Global Society. FOCUS on Geography 53(1): 24-31 (PR).

(2010) Annotated Latin American websites I. Journal of Latin American Geography 9(1): 176-178.

(2009) Photoessay: Bridging Space and Time around the World. FOCUS on Geography 52(3/4): 56-61.

(2009) Transportation Geography – Local Challenges, Global Contexts. Progress in Human Geography 33(4): 516-526.

(2009) Photoessay: The Great Sahara. FOCUS on Geography 51(4): 17-22.

(2008) Latin America’s Transport Conundrum. Journal of Latin American Geography 7(2): 133-154 (PR).

(2008) Transportation Geography – New Regional Mobilities. Progress in Human Geography 32(2): 275-284.

(2008) Buenos Aires. Revised entry for online Encyclopedia Britannica.

(2007) Transportation Geography – New Directions on Well-Worn Trails. Progress in Human Geography 31(2): 217-225.

(2005) Argentina. Revised entry for Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia (online versions).

(2004) Latin American Development and the Globalization Imperative: New Directions, Familiar Crises, Journal of Latin American Geography, Vol. 3 (1):1-21 (PR).

(2004) Aconcagua, Pampa, Patagonia, Córdoba, Paraná. Entries for the World Book Encyclopedia online ().

(2003) “Introduction” (with Diana Liverman and Karl Zimmerer) (From the Editors), Journal of Latin American Geography, Vol. 1 (1), pp. vi-vii.

(2003) Argentina. Entry for Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia (online version).

(2003) Buenos Aires. Content rewrite for Encyclopedia Britannica entry.

(2000) El Desarrollo Latinoamericano y el Imperativo de Globalización: Direcciones Nuevas y Crisis Consabidas. CD-Rom Publication, II Encuentro Internacional Humboldt, “Periferias, Regiones, y Países,” Argentina.

(2000) Latin Americanist Research in the New Millennium, Journal of Latin American Geography, CLAG Yearbook, Vol. 26, pp. vii-viii (PR).

(2000) Las Placas Tectónicas Socioeconómicas de la Argentina y el Impacto de las Estrategias de Globalización. Anales de la Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Geográficos Vol. 21 (in press - journal currently suspended) (PR).

(2000) A Graphic Representation of Suburbanization Trends in the U.S. 1940-1990, with Raina Larsen. Geography and Geology Proceedings of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Vol. 1999-00: 26-32.

(1999) Neoliberal Reform and Landscape Change in Buenos Aires, Argentina,” Journal of Latin American Geography, CLAG Yearbook, Vol. 25: 15-32 (PR).

(1999) A Graphic Representation of Economic Integration Trends in the Southern Cone of South America, Geography and Geology Proceedings of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Vol. 1998-99: 18-21.

(1998) Introduction, pp. v-vi in David J. Keeling and James Wiley (eds.) Journal of Latin American Geography, Yearbook 1998, vol.24. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

(1997) Los Transportes, el Desarrollo Regional, y un Análisis del Potencial Económico de la Argentina, pp. 1-12 (Simposio\2_3\747.doc) in Pablo Ciccolella (ed.), Territorios en Redefinición: Lugar y Mundo en América Latina. Buenos Aires: EGAL/CD-Rom version.

(1997) Integración Regional, MERCOSUR, y el Rol del Transporte. Escenarios: Revista de Geografía de la Universidad Nacional de Luján (PR). (in press, journal suspended, lack of funds).

(1996) Regional development and the potential impact of transport improvements. Geography and Geology Proceedings of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Vol. 1995-96: 33-44.

(1995) El transporte, las ciudades mundiales, y la ordenación del territorio, pp. 86-98 in Juan A. Roccatagliata (ed.) Actos del Seminario: Las Ciudades en la Ordenación del Territorio. Buenos Aires: Subsecretaría de la Acción.

(1995) Penny Lane and the Street of Vice: Popular music, sense of place, and images of the urban environment, Geography and Geology Proceedings of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Vol. 1994-95: 8-22.

(1994) Globalization and socioeconomic restructuring in Argentina, The Journal of Latin American Affairs 2(2):13-15.

(1994) Regional development and transport policies in Argentina: An appraisal, The Journal of Developing Areas 28(4):487-502 (PR).

(1993) Transport and regional development in Argentina: Structural deficiencies and patterns of network evolution, Journal of Latin American Geography, Yearbook 1993, 19:25-34 (PR).

(1993) Economic and social restructuring in Argentina: Is the medicine killing the patient? Intercambio Internacional Vol. 12(1):1-3.

(1993) Developing MERCOSUR: Can Argentina and Brazil replicate the European Common Market?, Geography and Geology Proceedings of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Vol. 1993-94: 59-72.

(1993) Coauthored with Alexander B. Murphy, Oregon's International Trade: A Geographic Profile of Export Destinations, 1987-1991. Portland: Oregon Geographical Alliance and the Oregon International Trade Institute, pp. 222.

(1992) Maps and data contributed to Juan A. Roccatagliata, Relaciones entre políticas territoriales y políticas de transporte. El caso del transporte ferroviario, Estudios Geográficos 53(208), pp. 523-542 (PR).

(1991) Eurotunnel: Regional development and transportation patterns, Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 53:109-130 (PR).

(1990) The geopolitics of transport in Pre-Hispanic America: A comparison of transport systems in the core-periphery structure of the Aztec and Inca empires, Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science 26:49-55.

Published Book Reviews:

(2012) Review of Healey, M. “The Ruins of the New Argentina: Peronism and the Remaking of San Juan after the 1944 Earthquake.” Journal of Historical Geography (in press).

(2010) Review of The Banana: Empires, Trade Wars, and Globalization by James Wiley. Geographical Review 100(1): 125-127.

(2006) Review of Latin America: Regions and People by Robert Kent. Journal of Regional Science 47(2): 385-388.

(2006) Review of Chimneys in the Desert: Industrialization in Argentina during the Export Boom Years, 1870-1930 by Fernando Rocchi. Journal of Latin American Geography 5(2): 135-137.

(2006) Review of Landscapes of Devils: Tensions of Place and Memory in the Argentinean Chaco by Gastón R. Gordillo. H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences OnLine, (January).

(2005) Review of “Specular City” by Laura Podalsky. Urban Studies, Vol. 42(8): 1472-1473.

(2004) Review of “Understanding the City: Contemporary and Future Perspectives” by John Eade and Christopher Mele (eds.) in Area (Journal of the Institute of British Geographers), Vol. 36(3): 329.

(2003) Review of “Latin America and the Caribbean,” 2nd edn. by David Clawson for the Journal of Cultural Geography.

(2002) Review of “The Place of Music” by Andrew Leyshon et al. for the Journal of Cultural Geography.

(2002) Review of “Transforming Cities: Contested Governance and New Spatial Divisions” by N. Jewson and S. MacGregor (eds.) for the Journal of Cultural Geography.

(2000) Review of “The Americas in Transition: The Contours of Regionalism,” by Gordon Mace et al. for Political Geography 19(6):798-800.

(1999) Review of “Cousins and Strangers: Spanish Immigrants in Buenos Aires, 1850-1930" by José C. Moya for Progress in Human Geography 23(3):491-492.

(1998) Review of "Old Age and Urban Poverty in the Developing World: The Shantytowns of Buenos Aires," by Lloyd-Sherlock, P. H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences OnLine, (April).

(1998) Review of "Havana: Two Faces of the Antillean Metropolis," by Segre, R., Coyula, M., and Scarpaci, J.L. The Annals of the Association of American Geographers Vol. 88(3):533-534.

(1998) Reviews of "The Politics of Human Rights in Argentina," by Alison Brysk, and "Revolutionizing Motherhood: The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo," by Marguerite Guzman Bouvard. The Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Vol. 22(44):188-190.

(1997) Review of "The Cambridge Survey of World Migration" by Robin Cohen (ed.), Special Libraries Association, Geography & Maps Division Bulletin 185:47-49.

(1997) Review of "The Other Argentina: The Interior and National Development" by Larry Sawers, Geographical Review 86(3):481-482.

(1997) Review of "Transport and Development in the Third World," by David Simon, Progress in Human Geography 21(3): 451-2.

(1997) Review of "Third World Cities in Global Perspective" by David Smith, Progress in Human Geography 21(3):452-3.

(1997) Review of "North American Cities in the Global Economy" by P.K. Kresl and G. Gappert, Progress in Human Geography 21(2):296-297.

(1997) Review of "Urban World/Global City" by David Clark, Progress in Human Geography 21(2):283.

(1997) Review of "Latin American Development: Geographical Perspectives," 2nd edn. by David Preston (ed.), CLAG Communication, Vol. 87 (Winter):2-3.

(1996) Review of "South America" by César Caviedes and Gregory Knapp, CLAG Communication 86, Spring, pp. 3-4.

(1995) Reviews of "The Mexican Border Cities: Landscape Anatomy and Place Personality," by Daniel D. Arreola and James R. Curtis, and "In Search of a Home: Rental and Shared Housing in Latin America," by Alan Gilbert. The Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 20(39-40):301-3.

(1995) Review of "Divided Britain, 2nd. edn." by Ray Hudson and Allan M. Williams. Special Libraries Association, Geography & Maps Division Bulletin (October) 181:84-6.

(1995) Review of "The Channel Tunnel: A Geographical Perspective," by Richard Gibb (ed.) Special Libraries Association, Geography & Maps Division Bulletin 180:84-85.

(1994) Review of "Modern Transport Geography," by Brian S. Hoyle and Richard D. Knowles (eds.) The Professional Geographer 46(4): 517.

Book Chapters:

(2005) Waterfront Redevelopment and the Puerto Madero Project in Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 123-145 in Vicent Ortells Chabrera, Robert B. Kent, and Javier Soriano Martí (eds), Cities and Urban Geography in Latin America. Castellon de la Plana, Spain: Publicaciones Universitat Jaume I, Serie Colección Américas (PR).

(2004) Latin American Geography, coauthored with David J. Robinson and César Caviedes, pp. 691-706 in Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Gary L. Gaile and Cort J. Willmott (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press (PR).

(2002) Transport Challenges for Latin America in the 21st Century, pp. 77-103 in Latin America in the 21st Century: Challenges and Solutions, Gregory Knapp (ed.), Austin: University of Texas Press (PR).

(2001) Conferencia Magistral: El Desarrollo de América Latina y el Imperativo de la Globalización: Nuevas Direcciones, Crisis Familiares," pp. 63-142 in Juan Ramón Pérez and Patricia Castillejos Peral (eds.) Seminaro Internacional "Nuevas Tendencias en América Latina en el Contexto de la Globalización. Texcoco, Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Chapingo.

(1998) Transportation, Regional Development, and Economic Potential in Mexico, pp. 101-123 in Allen G. Noble et al. (eds.) Regional Development and Planning for the 21st Century: New Priorities, New Philosophies. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. (PR).

(1995) Transport and the world city paradigm, pp. 115-131 in Paul L. Knox and Peter J. Taylor (eds.) World Cities in a World-System. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (PR).

(1993) Maps and data contributed to Juan A. Roccatagliata, Transporte: Algunas consideraciones actuales, pp. 233-237 in Juan A. Roccatagliata (ed.) Geografía Económica Argentina. Buenos Aires: El Ateneo (PR).

Monographs and Theses:

(1998) Contemporary Argentina: A Geographical Perspective (paperback edition). Boulder, CO: Westview Press, pp. 373 (PR).

(1997) Contemporary Argentina: A Geographical Perspective. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, pp. 373 (PR).

(1996) Buenos Aires: Global Dreams, Local Crises. London: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 272 (PR).

(1992) You Cannot Get There From Here: Transport and Communication Deficiencies in the Regional Development of Northwest Argentina, UMI Thesis Publications, Ann Arbor (Ph.D. Dissertation, Geography Department, University of Oregon), pp. 353.

(1990) Transportation Policy and Rural Community Change: A Welsh Case Study, UMI Thesis Publications, Ann Arbor (M.A. Thesis, Department of Geography, University of Oregon), pp. 297.

Editorials, Commentaries, and Editorships:

(2010) Lessons from Europe’s Ash Disruptions. Op Ed commentary, American

Geographical Society Writers Circle, published April 20, 2010, and thereafter

in the Herald-Sun (Durham, NC), the Joplin Independent (MO), the San

Francisco Chronicle, the Bakersfield Californian, and the Salida Mountain

Mail (CO) on April 26.

(2010) Russia flexes its global muscles. Op Ed commentary, American Geo-

graphical Society Writers Circle, published April 8, 2010, in Pravda (Russia)..

(2010) Hope and Hopelessness in America. Op Ed commentary, American

Geographical Society Writers Circle, published April 12, 2010, in the Hawaii

Reporter (Honolulu), the Herald-Sun (Durham, NC) and in the Bucks

County Courier Times (PA).

(2009) Keeling, David J. A Copenhagen Climate Copout? OpEd commentary,

American Geographical Society Writers Circle, published December 29,

2009, and thereafter, in Joplin Independent, San Juan Islander, Durham

Herald-Sun, and the Manhattan Mercury.

(2009) Keeling, David J. (2009) Geographies of Deep Uncertainty, Op Ed

commentary, American Geographical Society Writers Circle, published

December 8 and thereafter in Hawaii Reporter.

(2009) Keeling, David J. (2009) Islam’s Troubled Geography, Op Ed commentary,

American Geographical Society Writers Circle, published November 19 and

thereafter in the Hawaii Reporter, Durham Herald-Sun (NC), Bucks County

Times (PA), Salida Mountain Mail (CO), and Rolla Daily News (MO).

Reprinted in Ubique XXIX (3): 2,8.

(2009) Keeling, David J. (2009) Good Decisions Require Geographic Awareness,

Op Ed commentary, American Geographical Society Writers Circle, Hawaii

Reporter, Washington Times, San Marcos Record (TX), Burlington County

Times (PA), Yale Daily News (CT), Southeast Missourian, in October; and

the Brownsville Herald (TX), November 2009.

(2009) Keeling, David J. and Popper, Deborah (2009) The AGS Writer's Circle:

Informing and Educating Geographically. Ubique XXIX(2): 4,11.

(2009) Another Unwinnable War. Op Ed in the Deer Park Tribune (WA), June 17,

and the Cleburne News (AL), July 3.

(2009) Rethinking Alliances in a Changing World. Op Ed in the Honolulu Hawaii

Reporter, May 29, and Pravda Russia (English edition), June 5.

2008) WKU links the local to the global. WKU Spirit, Alumni magazine, special

issue on internationalization, pp. 12-16, April.

(2007) Who Will Put America Back Together Again? Op Ed in the Honolulu Hawaii

Reporter, September 28, the Haitien Foires de Opinion, September 29;

the Ashley County Ledger (AR), October 2; the Fredericksburg (VA)

Free Lance-Star. November 25; and in the American Geographical

Society’s magazine, Ubique, p4, December.

(2007) Big Fences Do Not Always Make Good Neighbors. Op Ed in the South

Florida Sun-Sentinel, April 23.

(2007) Arctic Meltdown puts Heat on Policy Implications. Op Ed in The Spectrum, St. Georges (UT), April 1; Circumpolar Musings, April 2; and the Chicago Sun-Times, April 14.

(2007) Geographical Ignorance Limits America’s Opportunities. Op-Ed in The Toledo Blade, May 5; The Gleaner (Henderson, KY), Feb. 26; Northwest Arkansas Times, March 3; Bakersfield Californian, March 24.

(2006) The U.S. Must Rethink its Afghanistan Policy. Commentary, Ubique, Newsletter of the American Geographical Society, Vol. XXVII (3): 4.

(2006) Ignorance breeds fear, fear breeds hate…” Op-Ed in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, October 29.

(2006) Focus on Academics. Op-Ed in the Bowling Green Daily News, October 1.

(2006) It we build it, they won’t come. Op-Ed in Calhoun Times, Georgia, July 26.

(2006) Left Turns Don’t have to be Dead Ends! Op-Ed in News Mexico Online, Thursday, June 29.

(2006) Get Back on the Rails, America. Op-Ed in the Daily Press, Newport News, Sunday, June 25.

(2004) Back in the USSR? Op-Ed in the Anchorage Press, October 14-20, Vol. 13, edn. 41.

(2004) To Understand Radicalism, We Must Know Geography, Op-Ed in the Lexington Herald-Leader, September 7.

(2004) From the Editors (with Cynthia Sorrensen). Journal of Latin American Geography, Vol. 2(1), pp. v-vi.

(2004) Free Trade and the Geography of Ignorance, Open Forum/Op Ed, in the San Francisco Chronicle, August 3, p. B-9.

(2003) The Challenges of Geographic Illiteracy. Ubique: Notes from the American Geographical Society. Vol. XXIII, 2, p. 5.

(2003) Editor (with Diana Liverman and Karl Zimmerer), Journal of Latin American Geography, Vol. 1(1).

(2003) “Global Ignorance–Geographic Illiteracy,” Echo Magazine, WKU, February.

(2001) From the Editor: Latin America's Transportation Deficit. Intercambio Internacional Vol. 16(1):1.

(2001) Editor, The Pennyroyal Papers, a Publication of Student Research in the Department of Geography and Geology, Vol. 1.

(2000) Commentary, “Pay for Excellence.” College Heights Herald 76(10):5.

(2000) Editor, Journal of Latin American Geography: CLAG Yearbook 2000, Vol. 26, pp. 189 (PR).

(2000) Editor, Geography and Geology Proceedings of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Vol. 1999-00, pp. 36.

(1999) Editor, Geography and Geology Proceedings of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Vol. 1998-99, pp. 21.

(1999) Editor’s Commentary: Landscape Change in Britain. Newsletter of the European Specialty Group 7(1):2-3.

(1999) From the Editor: Fidel Castro and the U.S. in the 21st Century. Intercambio Internacional Vol. 15(2):1.

(1999) Commentary on “Course Scheduling.” College Heights Herald 74(43):5.

(1999) Editor’s Commentary: Euros and Some Change. Newsletter of the European Specialty Group 6(2):2-3.

(1998) Editor, Journal of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers: Yearbook 1998, Vol. 24, pp. 139 (PR).

(1998) From the Editor: Hemispheric Free Trade--Myth of Reality? Intercambio Internacional Vol. 15(1):1.

(1998) From the Editor: Viva la Diferencia! Newsletter of the European Specialty Group 6(1):1.

(1997) From the Editor: Transport in the New Millenium. Newsletter of the European Specialty Group 5(2):4.

(1997) From the Editor: Democracy, Development, and Corruption in Latin America. Intercambio Internacional Vol. 14(2):1.

(1996) Editor, Proceedings, Geography Section, Kentucky Academy of Science, Vol. 1995, pp. 55.

(1996) Reprint of Editorial "The U.S. and Latin American: Partners in Progress," CLAG Communication 86, Spring, pp. 2-3.

(1996) From the Editor-Privatization Programs in Latin America: Progress or Disaster? Intercambio Internacional 14(1):1,6.

(1995) From the Editor--The U.S. and Latin America: Partners in Progress. Intercambio Internacional Vol. 13(2):1-2.

(1994) From the Editor--Haiti, Democracy, and Development. Intercambio Internacional Vol. 13(1):1.

(1994) From the Editor--Rural Issues in Latin America, Intercambio Internacional 12(2):1.

1993) From the Editor. Intercambio Internacional 12(1):1.


In Production:

Geography Rocks! Space, Culture, and Popular Music. Book project in production and to be submitted to Rowman and Littlefield by 2013.

In Development:

Micro-urban development in rural Mexico; The case of Huatusco, Veracruz. Article to be submitted to Urban Studies.

Medellin and Comuna 13 – Back from the Brink. Article to be submitted to Geographical



Western Kentucky University

Techniques Courses:

Data Analysis and Interpretation (S/F 94, S/F 96, F97, S/Sm/F99, S/Sm00, S/Sm01, team-taught S09)

Graduate Geoscience Literacy (S02)

Graduate Research Methods (F01)

Geoscience Field Methods (Team Taught) (F02)

Geoscience Research and Literacy (Graduate) (F02, F03, F04, F06, F10)

Geoscience Technical Writing Workshop (Team Taught) (Sm 02)

Research Methods in Geography (S97, Sm 97)

Graduate Research Methods in Cultural Geography (F08)

Transportation Planning (F98)

Regional Courses:

Geography of Africa (S11)

Geography of Europe (S95, S97, S99)

Geography of Middle America (F96, Independent Study)

Geography of the Middle East (S10)

Geography of South America (F95, S98, S01, Independent Study)

From Cold War to Globalization in Latin America (F11)

Historical Geography of Latin America (F09)

Introduction to Latin American Studies (Geography) (Interdisciplinary course each

semester with 4 Departments)

Thematic Courses:

Ethics and Leadership in Urban Geography (Grad) (S04)

From Cold War to Globalization in Latin America (F11)

Geography of Popular Music (F97)

Geography of World Music (F99)

Geography of Revolution and Resistance (S01)

Geography of Nationalism and Terrorism (S05)

Globalization, Population, and Resources (S04)

Globalization and Nationalism Seminar (S07)

Globalization and Leadership Challenges (Sm 09)

Honors Colloquium: Nationalism and Terrorism (S07)

Political Geography (S96, F98, S12)

Principles of Human Geography (F93)

Problems in Urban Geography (Grad) (Sm 95, F95, Sm/F97, S00)

Urban Geography (Sm 95, F95, Sm 97, F97, S00)

Graduate Seminar in Cultural Geography (F08)

Graduate Seminar in Urban Geography (Urban Policy and Management) (S03)

World Cities – Leadership, Policy, and Design (Seminar) (F05, S06)

World Regional Geography (F93, S/F 94, S/F 95, Sm/F 96, F98, Sm/F99, F03)

World Regional Geography Honors (F94, S96, S97, S98, S99)

Department Study Abroad Programs

Geography of the Mediterranean World, Study Abroad (Summer 2008)

Geography of the Yucatán (Yucatan Study Abroad, Winter 08)

Leadership in Urban Geography (Western Europe Study Abroad Program, Winter 07)

Geography of Tanzania (Tanzania Study Abroad Program, Winter 06)

Geography of Latin America (Chile/Argentina Program Sm 05)

Environmental Change (British Isles Program Sm 04)

Sustainable Development Practices (Australia Program Sm 02)

KIIS Study Abroad Programs

Geography of Argentina (Sm10, Sm11)

Sustainable Development in Brazil (Sm 00)

Conservation and Natural Resources in Brazil (Sm 00)

Sustainable Development in Ecuador (Sm 98)

Landform Analysis: Ecuadorian Environments (Sm 97)

Urban Geography: Ecuadorian Cities (Sm 97)

Lane County Community College

Geography of Europe (F92)

University of Oregon

Political Geography (Latin American focus) (W93).

Climatology I (Latin American focus) (Summer 91)

Geography of South America (W91)

Geography of Latin America (S90)

Phillips Junior College

Advanced Financial Accounting (F82)

Intermediate Accounting (S83)


2010 Greunke, Erin - The Global Project: Observing Geographic Literacy Obtained By

Study Abroad Learning (Thesis Director).

2010 Hall, Jon - Geographic factors of residential burglary: A case study of Nashville,

TN. (Committee Member).

2010 Schmitz, Elizabeth A. - Farmers' Markets in Kentucky: A Geospatial, Statistical,

and Cultural Analysis (Committee Member).

2010 Jeng, Shwu-Jing - Geographic Information System Analysis of Changing

Demographic Patterns and Ethnic Restaurant Location in Bowling Green,

Kentucky, 1940-2005 (Committee Member).

2009 Bourette, Cari (2009) Using Archetypal Metaphor to Analyze Cultural Landscape:

A Chilean Case Study (Thesis Director).

2009 Ross, Allison H. - Modeling Stormwater Pollutant Transport in a Karst Region –

Bowling Green (Committee Member).

2007 Chaney, James P. - The Rise of an Hispanic Enclave in Davidson County,

Tennessee (Committee Member).

2007 Hager, Caitlin. Commuting Analysis in a Small Metropolitan Area: A Case Study

of Bowling Green/Warren County, Kentucky (Committee Member).

2007 Kambesis, Patricia A. - Systems Approach for Understanding Agricultural

Contaminant Sources and Transport in a Karst Groundwater Basin (Committee


2007 Nemon, Amy T. - Overcoming Global Ignorance: Developing Geographic

Literacy in a World Regional Geography Course (Thesis Director).

2006 Dalton, Sara E. - Strategies for reducing mosquito-borne disease vulnerability in

equine populations: A Kentucky case study (Committee Member).

2006 Pricope, Narcisa - Modeling Soil Erosion in the Upper Green River Basin,

Kentucky (Committee Member).

2006 Reader, Daniel R. - Sustainability with Globalization: An Unsustainable

Proposition? (Committee Member).

2006 Sharp, Scotty - Assessment of Atrazine in a Rural Water Source: Rough River

Lake, Kentucky (Committee Member).

2005 Russ, James A. - Globalization, Urban Competitiveness, and Human Capital:

Where does Davidson County, Tennessee, Fit into the Equation? (Thesis


2004 Briggs, Michael R. - Roadside Memorial Practices: An Examination of Land-

scapes of Commemoration in Warren County. Kentucky (Committee Member).

2004 Graham, Mark - Understanding Perceptions of Accessibility and Mobility through

Structuration Theory (Committee Member).

2004 Medlin, Jenna S. - A Spatial Analysis of the Impact of Development on Wetland

Habitat in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina (Committee Member).

2004 Thomas, Joel Stuart - Tourism and Rural Identity in the Waasland, Belgium

(Committee Member).

2003 Pfaff, Rhonda - Geographic Information System Methodologies to Examine Land

Use and Groundwater Quality Relationships in South Central Kentucky

(Committee Member).

2002 Brown, Jill - The Evolution of a Commercial Landscape: A Case Study of the

Motels along US Highway 31W (Committee Member).

2001 Howard, Brian - A Park and Ride Feasibility Study for Evansville, Indiana (Thesis


2001 Marklin, Susan - The Progression of Recycling in Bowling Green, Kentucky

(Committee Member).

2000 Pruett, Timothy Scott - The Lost Valley of Peru: A Spatial Analysis of Illicit Coca

Production and Insurgent Activity in the Upper Huallaga Valley (Thesis Director).

1998 Kreitzer, Debra D. - Measuring the Applicability of the Seville Strategy in the

Mammoth Cave International Biosphere Reserve (Thesis Director).

1998 Gordon, Ryan – Applying the Bicycle Stress-Level Model to Bowling Green,

Kentucky (Committee Member).

1997 Gesser, Chad (Sociology) – The Impacts of NAFTA on the Commodity Production

System in Huastusco, Mexico (Committee Member).

1996 Finley, Jason - Social Polarization in Louisville: An Analytical Approach (Thesis


1996 Snow, Richard – Ecology, Economy, and Ecotourism: Sustaining People and the

Environment (Committee Member).


Association of American Geographers (AAG)

2011 The Lincolnshire By-Pass Line – Challenges for Rail Infrastructure. Annual

Conference, Seattle, April.

2010 Doing Urban Geography – In Memory of Larry Ford. Annual Conference of

the Association of American Geographers. Washington, D.C., April.

2009 Medellin and Comuna 13 – Back from the Brink. Annual Conference of the

Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, March.

2008 Writing for Success: Getting Geography Op-Eds into the Newspaper. Annual

Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, April.

2007 Policy implications and regional geography in Geographical Review articles, 2003-2006. Annual Conference, San Francisco, April.

2005 Land-Use Planning in a Karst-Biosphere Reserve Environment, with Debbie Kreitzer. Annual Conference, Denver, April.

2004 Qualitative Research Methods and the Puerto Madero Project, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Annual Conference, March, Philadelphia.

2003 Geography Rocks! Place, Culture, and Popular Music, Annual Conference, New Orleans, March.

2001 Spatial Dynamics of Suburban Growth in the United States, 1940-1990. Annual Conference, New York, February/March.

2000 Latin America, Transport, and Development for the 21st Century. Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, April.

1999 Urban, Political, and Economic Research in Latin America During the 1990s. (Geography in America Project), Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, March.

1998 Neoliberal Reform and Landscape Change in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Annual Conference, Boston, MA, March.

1997 Urban Growth in Rural Mexico: The Case of Huatusco, Veracruz. Annual Conference, Ft. Worth, TX, April.

1996 The Potential Regional Economic Impact of Transport Improvements in Mexico. Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC, March.

1994 Regional Integration in the Southern Cone: Transporting MERCOSUR to Success. Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, March.

1993 Training for the 21st century: Spatial and temporal implications of HSST. Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, April.

1992 Regions, Development, and Transport in Argentina. Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, April.

1991 Transportation Policy and Rural Communities in Mid-Wales. Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, April.

International Conferences

2011 Accessibility and Mobility in a Conflicted City: Medellín, Colombia. World

Human Geography Conference, Lawrence, KS, September.

2009 Medellin and Comuna 13 – Back from the Brink. Meeting of the Conference

of Latin American Geographers, Granada, Managua, January.

2004 Land-Use Planning in a Karst-Biosphere Reserve Environment. Trans-KARST 2004 – International Transdisciplinary Conference on Development and Conservation of Karst Regions, Hanoi, Vietnam, September (with D. Kreitzer).

2004 Pinochet’s Folly: Development and Change in Patagonian Chile. Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers (CLAG), Antigua, Guatemala, May.

2001 The Puerto Madero Project and Urban Redevelopment in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Annual Conference, CLAG, Benicassim, Spain, June.

2001 Spatial Dynamics and Policy Consequences of Suburbanization in the United States. Annual Conference of the IBG/Royal Geographical Society, Plymouth, England, January.

2000 New Directions in Latin America in the Context of Globalization. 50th Annual Meeting of the MALAS, Huatusco, Veracruz, Mexico, November.

2000 El Desarrollo Latinoamericano y el Imperativo de Globalización: Direcciones Nuevas y Crisis Consabidas. Second Annual Humboldt Congress, Mar del Plata, Argentina, October.

2000 Restructuring Global Landscapes in the Periphery: Buenos Aires, Argentina. 29th International Geographical Congress, Seoul, Korea, August.

1997 Reforma del Estado: Los Transportes, el Desarrollo Regional, y un Análysis del Potencial Económico del Interior de la Argentina. 6o Encuentro de Geógrafos de América Latina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March.

1996 Sociospatial Dynamics of Economic Globalization in Argentina. Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, Glasgow, Scotland, January.

1995 Spatial Dynamics of Population Change in Contemporary Argentina. Midwest Association of Latin American Studies (MALAS), Baños, Ecuador, November.

1994 El Transporte, Las Ciudades Mundiales, y La Ordenación del Territorio. Conference on "Las Ciudades en la Ordenación del Territorio" organized by the Government of Argentina, Presidencia de la Nación, Mar del Plata, Argentina, May.

1993 Global links to global cities: Transport's role in the world city system. International conference on 'World Cities in a World System,' Washington, D.C., April.

1992 Transport Service Areas and Settlement Hierarchies in the Regional Development of Northwest Argentina. Annual Conference of the CLAG, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September.

Latin American Studies Associations (LASA, MALAS, SCOLAS, CLAG)

2003 Globalization’s Challenge for Latin America in the 21st Century, Annual

meeting of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, Tucson,

Arizona, January.

2002. Argentina After the Collapse: New Crises, Familiar Responses. 52nd Meeting of the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies, Nashville, October.

2000 Transport Challenges for Latin America in the 21st Century. Annual Meeting of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, Austin, Texas, January.

1999 Global Restructuring and Urban Policy Challenges for Latin America in the Coming Century. The Midwest Association of Latin American Studies (MALAS), Charleston, IL, November.

1998 Mexico, NAFTA, and Changes in Potential Accessibility. Annual Conference of the Midwest Association of Latin American Studies (MALAS), Bowling Green, Kentucky, October.

1998 Lost in Space? Regional Integration, Accessibility, and Development in the Southern Cone. Annual Meeting of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers (CLAG), Santa Fé, NM, September.

1998 Social-Spatial Dynamics of Quality of Life in Urban Argentina. XXI International Congress of LASA, Chicago, IL, September.

1997 Global Restructuring in Latin American Cities: The Experience of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Annual Meeting of the MALAS, Edwardsville/St. Louis, October.

1997 Regional Development, Transport, and Economic Potential in Mexico. Annual Conference of the SCOLAS, Austin, TX, February.

1994 New Peronismo and Urban Restructuring in Buenos Aires. Annual Conference of the MALAS, St. Louis, September.

Kentucky and Oregon Academies of Science

2010 Rural Rail in Lincolnshire. Annual conference of the Kentucky Academy of Science, November.

2000 Cooperative Research Programs between WKU’s Hoffman Environmental Research Institute and the Institute of Karst Geology, Guilin, China, with Chris Groves and Alan Glennon. Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Lexington, December.

1999 Suburbanizing America: Spatial Dynamics and Policy Consequences, with Raina Larsen (grad. student), annual conference, Richmond, KY. November.

1998 Can Economic Integration Work in the Southern Cone? The Case of MERCO-SUR. Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, November.

1997 Spatial Dynamics of the 1996 Presidential Election in Kentucky. Annual Conference, Morehead, KY, November.

1996 Secondary City Growth in Mexico: The case of Huatusco, Veracruz. Annual Conference, Frankfort, KY, November.

1995 Regional Integration, Transport Improvements, and the Global Economy, Annual Conference, Bowling Green, KY, November.

1994 Urban Environments, Sense of Place, and the Genesis of Popular Music. Annual Conference, Paducah, KY, November.

1993 Developing "MERCOSUR": Can Argentina and Brazil Replicate the European Common Market? Annual Conference, Georgetown, KY, October.

1992 Urban Planning Approaches to Transport Network Development in Moscow and Los Angeles. Annual Conference, Salem, Oregon, February.

1991 Up in the Air: The Changing Geography of World Cities. Annual Conference, Monmouth, Oregon, February.

1990 The Geopolitics of Transportation in Pre-Hispanic America. Annual Conference, Pacific Grove, OR, February.

Other Regional and National Conferences

2004 Paving Patagonia: A Development Dilemma. Annual Meeting of the East Lakes Division of the AAG, Athens, Ohio, October.

1995 Regional Development, Transport, and the Global Economy. 42nd North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Cincinnati, OH, November.

1995 Transport and Regional Integration in Southern South America. 18th National Third World Studies Conference, Omaha, NE, October.

1994 Buenos Aires, Urban Restructuring, and the Emerging World Economy. 17th National Third World Studies Conference, Omaha, NE, October.

1994 Global Communication and Challenges to the Modern State System. Conference on 'Challenges to the Modern State System: Political Geographic Perspectives,' Eugene, Oregon, March.

1993 Hyperregions and the Role of Transport Networks. Annual meeting of the Southeastern Division of the AAG, Greensboro, NC, November.

1992 Continuity and Change in Latin America: A Five-Stage Sequence of Transport Network Evolution in Argentina. Annual meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Bellingham, WA, Sept.

1992 Bratislava and its Regional Context: Moving Beyond a Partitioned Europe. Jointly authored paper with Alec Murphy, Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, IL, March.

1990 Eurotunnel: Regional Development and Transportation Patterns. Annual meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Chico, California, September.

1990 Spatial Policy and Locational Utility in the Transport System of Moscow, USSR. Annual meeting of the Western Social Science Assc., Portland, Oregon, April.


2010 Transportation Geography – New Directions, Familiar Challenges. Department of Geography, University College, Cork, Ireland, November.

2008 Transportation Planning and Policy in the Southern Cone, Department of Geography Seminar Series, Salford University, Manchester, England, April.

2008 Human Terrain Analysis in Latin America: New Regional Geographies, Department of Geography Seminar, University of Plymouth, England, March.

2008 Transport Planning and Policy in Argentina and Chile, Department of Geography, Transportation course, University of Plymouth, England, March.

2007 Mega-Geography: Connecting People and Places. Department of Geography and Geology Faculty/Student Seminar Series, WKU, October.

2007 Leadership in Geography – Research and Management. Roundtable discussion, Department of Geography, Kansas University, October.

2004 Environmental Challenges for Latin America in the 21st Century. Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, November.

2004 Mapping the Beat: The Geography of Rock and Roll Music. Department of Geography and Planning, University of Akron, March.

2004 Study Abroad as a Window on the World, Colloquia Series, Department of Geosciences, Middle Tennessee State University, February.

2003 Ecology and Ecotourism at the End of the World. Department of Geography

and Geology Seminar Series, Western Kentucky University, February.

2002. On the Waterfront: Land-Use Conflict in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Department

of Geography and Geology Seminar Series, Western Kentucky University,


2002 Theory and Methodology in Land-Use Planning. Karst Dynamics Institute, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China, January.

2001 Argentina in the 21st Century. Department of Economics and Geography Special Lecture, Hofstra University, New York, November.

2001 Globalization in Latin America: Revolutionary Change or Prologue to Revolution? Latin American Studies Program, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, May.

2001 Globalization and Latin America -- Truth and Consequences. Latin American Studies Program and Hofstra Organization of Latin Americans, Hofstra University, New York, February.

2001 Power, Production, and Polarization: Regenerated Landscapes as Socio-Political Statements. Department of Geography and Geology Seminar Series, Western Kentucky University, January.

2000 Sustainable Development in an Emerging Country: Brazil's “Order and Progress.” Department of Geography and Geology Seminar Series, Western Kentucky University, September.

2000 Human-Environment Relationships in Karst Landscapes: Heritage Corridors and Sustainable Development. Institute of Karst Geology, Ministry of Land and Resources, Guilin, China, August.

1999 Argentina at the Millennium: Optimism and Opportunity or Crisis and Chaos? Geography Awareness Week Seminars, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, November.

1999 Globalizing the Urban, Urbanizing the Global, Department of Geography Seminar Series, University of Kentucky, Lexington, October.

1999 The Role of Landscape Change in Geoscience Analysis. Department of Geography and Geology Seminar Series, WKU, September.

1999 Free Trade Systems in a Competitive Global Economy, Guest Lecture in Contemporary Agricultural Issues, Department of Agriculture, WKU, September.

1999 Latin America's Millennium Bug? Trade, Transport, and Development in the Southern Cone, Latin American Studies and Department of Geography Special Seminar Program, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, August.

1999 Latin America at the Millennium: New Directions, Familiar Crises. Visiting Professor Series, Department of Geography with Latin American Studies, University of Ohio, Athens, April.

1999 Life in Hong Kong after the British: Development Patterns and Changing Urban Dynamics, Department of Geography and Geology Seminar Series, Western Kentucky University, January.

1998 Urban Development, Economic Growth, and Globalization in Pacific Asia. Lecture Series, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University, China, November.

1998 Globalization and Emerging World Cities in Asia. Visiting Lecture Series, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong, China, November.

1998 Crossing the Millennium Rubicon: The United States, Latin America, and the Fate of Nations. The School of International Studies Visiting Lecture Series, University of the Pacific, Stockton, California, October.

1998 The Rhine-Main-Danube Canal: Continental Artery or White Elephant? Faculty/Graduate Seminar Series, Department of Geography & Geology, Western Kentucky University, September.

1998 Urban Landscape Change in Argentina: The Case of Buenos Aires. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, April.

1998 The Coffee Commodity System in Huatusco, Mexico. Anthropology Club, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, April.

1998 A Basic Gravity Model Approach to Theorizing the Economic Potential of Transport Improvements in Mexico. Faculty/Graduate Seminar Series, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, January.

1997 Is Space the Final Frontier? Geography's Role in the New Millenium. Geography Awareness Week Lectures, Department of Geology and Geography, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, November.

1997 Eutrophic or Oligotrophic? Development in Ecuador. Faculty/Graduate Seminar Series, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, October.

1997 Social Justice and the Impact of Globalization in Argentina: From Crisis to Chaos? Department of History, Geography, and Political Science, Tennessee State University, September.

1997 New Zealand in Crisis? Some Physical and Cultural Considerations. Faculty/ Graduate Seminar Series, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, January.

1996 The NAFTA, Urban Growth, and the Global Commodity System: Research Strategies in Rural Mexico. Department of Geography and Geology Seminar Series, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, November.

1996 The Commodification and Growth of Latin American Cities. Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, October.

1996 Land-Use Planning Strategies in Latin America: Problems and Prospects. Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, October.

1996 Las Placas Tectónicas Socioeconómicas de la Argentina y el Impacto de las Estrategias de Globalización. La Universidad del Salvador, Fulbright Anniversary Lectures, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August.

1996 Land-Use Planning in Britain and France: A Comparative Analysis. Faculty-Student Seminar Series, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, January.

1995 Twenty-First Century Buenos Aires: Progressive Megacity or Development Disaster? Geography and Urban Planning Colloquium, University of Maryland, College Park, October.

1995 Derailed! Argentina's Transport Policy in the Era of Global Restructuring. Guest Lecture in Geography, University of Maryland, College Park, October.

1995 Reconstructing Nations: Argentina in the New World Order. Geography Colloquium, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, May.

1995 Buenos Aires, World City Theory, and the Reconstruction of Place. Department of Geography Tea Series, University of Oregon, Eugene, May.

1995 Rural Development, Accessibility, and the Disneyfication of Place. Department of Recreation, Tourism Management and Design, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, May.

1995 Development and Change in the New Argentina. Department of Geography Public Lecture, Southern Oregon State College, Ashland, Oregon, May.

1994 Political Geographic Perspectives on Environmental Change in Europe. Faculty/Graduate Seminar Series, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, February.

1993 A Framework for Analyzing Buenos Aires in the World City System. La Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April.

1993 Global Dreams, Local Crises: Planning Buenos Aires for the 21st Century. Faculty/Graduate Seminar Series, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, March.

1993 World Cities in a World System: The Two Faces of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Geography Colloquium, Portland State University, Portland, February.

1993 Problem Regions in a Changing Europe: Portugal and Slovakia. Department of Geography Tea Series, University of Oregon, Eugene, February.

1992 Transport and Communication Deficiencies in the Regional Development of Northwest Argentina. Department of Geography Tea Series, University of Oregon, Eugene, May.

1991 La Vida Bajo Las Sombras: Regional Inequalities in Northwest Argentina. Department of Geography Tea Series, University of Oregon, Eugene, October.

1991 Reconceptualizing Regions: Suggestions for Future Research. La Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September.

1991 Rural Development in Mid-Wales: The Role of Transport. Department of Geography Tea Series, University of Oregon, Eugene, January.


2011 Major Theories and Paradigms in International Research. Guest Lecture in

GEOS 500 Geoscience Research Methods, October.

2011 Successful International Research, Guest Lecture in GEOG 300 Research

Methods for Undergraduates, September.

2011 Understanding the World Around Us. Guest Lecture, Navitas, WKU, April.

2011 The Roots of Rock and Roll, Guest Lecture, Honors Colloquium, WKU, February

2010 Transportation in Europe, Guest Lecture, Geography of Europe, WKU, April.

2010 Globalization in China, Guest Lecture, Honors Colloquium, WKU, February

2010 Foundations of Political Geography. Guest Lecture in GEOG 425, February.

2009 Major Theories and Paradigms in International Research. Guest Lecture in

GEOS 500 Geoscience Research Methods, October.

2009 Successful International Research, Guest Lecture in GEOG 300 Research

Methods for Undergraduates, September.

2009. How to Read the Local Landscape, Special walking tour lecture for

Geography for Teachers, graduate course, WKU, June.

2009 North America’s Transport Conundrum, Guest Lecture, Economic Geography, WKU, April.

2009 Transportation Challenges for South America, Guest Lecture, Geography of

South America, WKU, March.

2008 International Research Strategies. Guest Lecture, Graduate research methods, Department of Geography and Geology, WKU, September.

2008 Transportation Challenges for North America, Guest lecture GEOG 360 Geography of North America, WKU, April.

2008 Urban Growth and Migration Patterns, Guest Lecture, GEOG 200 Introduction to Latin American Studies, WKU, April.

2008 Geopolitics in the Middle East. Guest Lecture, MGT 410 Middle Eastern Culture and Economy, WKU, February.

2008 Geography of Middle America. Guest Lecture, LAS 200, WKU, January

2007 Globalization in Latin America. Guest Lecture, HIST 200 Latin America bi-term, WKU

2007 Transportation in North America. Guest Lecture, Geography of North America, Department of Geography and Geology, WKU, December.

2007 Intellectual Traits of Geoscience Students. Guest Lecture, Freshman Experience for Geography, Meteorology, and Geology Majors, WKU, November.

2007 Globalization’s Impacts on Argentina. Guest Lecture, undergraduate research methods, Department of Geography and Geology, WKU, October.

2007 Correlation Methodologies in Research. Guest Lecture, undergraduate geostatistics, Department of Geography and Geology, WKU, September.

2007 International Research Strategies in the Geosciences. Guest Lecture, graduate research methods, Department of Geography and Geology, WKU, September.

2007 Global Climate Change. Guest Lecture in Introduction to Physical Geography, Department of Geography and Geology, WKU, September.

2007 International Perspectives on Preservation. Guest Lecture, Historic Preservation course, Geography and Geology Department, WKU, April.

2006 Intellectual Habits of College Freshman, Guest Lecture, Freshman Seminar, Department of Geography and Geology, WKU, October.

2005 Developing Research in Foreign Environments, Guest Lecture, Geoscience Research Methods and Literacy, October.

2005 Environmental Challenges for Latin America, Guest Lecture, World Regional Geography, May.

2005 Cultural Geography Research in Latin America, Guest Lecture, Geographic Research Methods, Western Kentucky University, February.

2004 Globalization and Latin America, Guest Lecture, Honors World Regional Geography, Western Kentucky University, March.

2004 Leadership in Science, Guest Lecture, LEAD 200, Leadership Studies Program, Western Kentucky University, February.

2004 Leadership in Political Geography, Guest Lecture, LEAD 200, Leadership Studies Program, Western Kentucky University, February.

2004 Latin American Geography, Guest Lecture, Department of Modern Languages, Western Kentucky University, January.

2004 G.I.S., Social Policy, and the Changing Nature of Global Society, Guest Lecture in Geog 319, Cartographic Design for GIS, WKU, January.

2003 G.I.S., Social Policy, and the Changing Nature of Global Society, Guest Lecture in Geog 319, Cartographic Design for GIS, WKU, August.

2003 Globalization in Latin America, Two Guest Lectures, Honors World Regional Geography, Western Kentucky University, February.

2002 Structural Adjustment Programs and Latin American Development, Guest Lecture, World Regional Geography, Western Kentucky University, June.

2002 South Asia's Cultural Complexity, Guest Lecture, World Regional Geography, Western Kentucky University, May.

2002 Structural Adjustment Programs and the Collapse of Argentina. Guest Lecture, Honors World Regional Geography, WKU, February.

2000 Buenos Aires: Latin American Megalopolis. Guest Lecture, Latin American Studies 200, WKU, November.

2000 Argentina’s Political and Economic Development since 1516, Guest Lecture, Latin American Studies 200, WKU, November.

2000 Images of Latin American Society. Guest Lecture, Latin American Studies 200, WKU, September.

2000 Socioeconomic Plate Tectonic Theory and Latin American Development in the 21st Century. Guest Lecture, Latin American Studies 200, WKU, September.

2000 Cultural Patterns in Contemporary Latin America. Guest Lecture, Latin American Studies 200, WKU, September.

2000 Large-Scale Physical Systems that shape Human-Environment Relationships in Latin America. Latin American Studies 200, WKU, September.

2000 Thinking and Listening: Strategies for Student Success. University Freshman Seminar #4, WKU, Bowling Green, September.

2000 Mass Culture and the Barriers to Academic Success. University Freshman Seminar #3, WKU, Bowling Green, September.

2000 Unhealthy Study Habits, Student Learning, and Critical Thinking Approaches to Success. University Freshman Seminar #2, WKU, Bowling Green, Sept.

2000 Critical Thinking, Mass Culture, and Barriers to Effective Student Learning, University Freshman Seminar #1, Bowling Green, September.

2000 Germany at the Economic Crossroads of Europe. International MBA Seminar, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, February.

2000 Doing Business in Latin America. Chamber of Commerce International Relationships Program Seminars, Bowling Green, January.

2000 Ukraine and the New European Economy, International MBA Seminar, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, January.

2000 Brazil’s Trade Relationships in the 21st Century, International MBA Seminar, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, January.

1999 World Systems Theory and the Contemporary Global Economy, Guest Lecture, Human Geography, Western Kentucky University, March.

1999 McLuhan’s Tetrad Cycles and the Evolution of Popular Music, Guest Lecture, Human Geography, Western Kentucky University, March.

1999 Russia’s Crisis and the New Europe. Department of Economics MBA Program, International Seminar, Western Kentucky University, March.

1999 At the Center of the Storm?: Germany and the New Europe. Department of Economics MBA Program, International Seminar, Western Kentucky University, February.

1999 Japan’s Pacific Rim Linkages: Crises and Restructuring. Department of Economics MBA Program, International Seminar, WKU, February.

1999 Brazil’s Economic Crisis: Challenges of Development. Department of Economics MBA Program, International Seminar, Western Kentucky University, February.

1998 Shaping the Territorial State: Political Geography and Nations, Two Guest Lectures, GEOG101, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, April.

1998 Restructured Russia in the Post-Soviet World. College of Business, MBA Program, Western Kentucky University, March.

1998 Germany and the New Global Economy. College of Business, MBA Program, Western Kentucky University, February.

1998 Brazil's Position in the Global Economy. College of Business, MBA Program, Western Kentucky University, February.

1990-93 Guest Lecturer in Political Geography, Urban Geography, Geography of Religion, Cultural Geography, Geographic Techniques, Geography of the USSR, and World Regional Geography, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene.


2011 Gabon, WKU Faraway Places Series, Barnes & Noble, Bowling Green,


2011 WKU’s International Reach. WKYU-TV Outlook with Barbara Deeb, May.

2010 A Geography of Cyberwarfare WKYU-TV Outlook interview, on-air with

Barbara Deeb, November.

2010 Argentina’s Bi-Centenary: Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina. Village Manor

Retirement Community, Bowling Green, July.

2010 Yemen, Morning Edition interview, WKYU-FM with Dan Modlin, February 15

2010 Why geography is important, interview broadcast on the Howard Stern show

on Sirius XM Radio, October.

2009 Afghanistan: Another Unwinnable War? The Nashville Zodiac Club, October.

2009 Namibia, WKU Faraway Places Series, Barnes & Noble, Bowling Green,


2009 Ancient Civilizations, Village Manor Retirement Community, Bowling Green,


2009 Avoiding Plagiarism in the Sciences, Lecture for WKU International Student

Services (ISSS), March.

2008 Geographic Perspectives on our Global Community: Strategies for Curricula

Development. Scarsdale Teachers Institute workshop, NY, November.

2008 Climate Change, the Arctic, and the Green Revolution, WKYU-TV Outlook

interview, on-air with Barbara Deeb, September.

2008 Russian Roulette: Foreign Policy Impacts on the Middle East. Universitarian

Church, Sunday seminar, September.

2008 Russia, Georgia, and US Foreign Policy, WKYU-FM Midday Edition with Dan

Modlin, August.

2008 AGS Bowman Expedition to Colombia, WKYU-FM Midday Edition with Dan

Modlin, July.

2008 Geopolitics and Climate Change in the Arctic Region. Midday Edition interview with Dan Modlin, WKYU-FM, June.

2008 Arctic Adventures and Environmental Issues, Noon Rotary Club, May.

2008 Finland – Nordic Jewel. Warren Country Extension Agency, Homemakers Association, International Day seminar, Bowling Green, February.

2007 Land Reform in Mexico – The AGS Bowman Expedition. Midday Edition interview with Kevin Willis, WKYU-FM, December.

2007 American Geographical Society Expedition Lecturer, Casablanca to the Cape Educational Expedition, October/November.

2007 Leadership in Geography – Research and Management. Roundtable discussion, Department of Geography, Kansas University, October.

2007 Global Oil Production – Notes from the Field. Short talk at the banquet of the Kentucky Society of Professional Geologists annual meeting, September.

2007 The “In Harriman’s Wake” Expedition. Midday Edition interview with Kevin Willis, WKYU-FM, August.

2007 American Geographical Society Expedition Lecturer, In Harriman’s Wake Alaska-Bering Sea Educational Tour, July/August.

2007 Using Urban Landscapes as Tools for Student leadership Development. Engaging the Spirit Conference, WKU. August.

2007 Reading the Urban Landscape, field trip and lecture, Kentucky Geographical Alliance, Geography for Educators summer workshop, WKU, June.

2007 Iran-Iraq Boundary Issues and the Law of the Sea. Midday Edition interview with Dan Modlin, WKYU-FM, April.

2006 American Geographical Society Expedition Lecturer, The Great Sahara Educational Tour, November/December: Place, Space, and Time in the Great Sahara; Camels, Caravans, and Cars: Mobility and Trade in the Saharan World; Islam, Oil, and Water: Development Challenges for the 21st Century; Music of the Desert: Culture and Song in the Great Sahara.

2006 Geography and global ignorance, Midday Edition interview with Kevin Willis, WKYU-FM, November.

2006 Cultural Landscapes of the World, Village Manor Roundtable, Bowling Green, Kentucky, September.

2006 Terrorism and Conflict. Symposium: Geography for a Changing World, University of Oregon, September.

2006 Mexico’s Presidential Election. Midday Edition interview with Dan Modlin, WKYU-FM, June.

2006 Why Geography Matters for Kentucky. Teacher Workshop, Kentucky Geographical Alliance, Western Kentucky University, June.

2006 Montenegro’s Vote for Independence. Midday Edition interview with Dan Modlin, WKYU-FM, May.

2006 American Geographical Society Expedition Lecturer, Seven Seas Odyssey Educational Tour, April/May: Nationalism and Geopolitics in the Balkans; Oil, Water, and Islam: Development Challenges for the 21st Century; Global Climate Change: Tsunamis and Small Island Survival; and Turkey and the European Union.

2005 American Geographical Society Expedition Lecturer, Libya and the Lost Cities Educational Tour, November: Nation-States, Territory, and the Geography of Libya; Secrets of the Mediterranean; Oil, Arabs, and Islam: Development Challenges for the 21st Century.

2005 Tanzania. Far Away Places Series, WKU Libraries and Barnes & Noble, Bowling Green, October.

2005 Business Ethics in Latin America. Rotary Midday Club, September.

2005 The Implication of France’s EU Referendum Vote. Midday Edition interview with Kevin Willis, WKYU-FM, June.

2005 Globalization, Russia, and China. RoundTable Interview, WKYU-FM, the Midday Edition, with Kevin Willis, May.

2005 Afghanistan’s Drug Trade, Media Interviews/Round Table, WKYU-FM, the Midday Edition with Dan Modlin, March.

2005 The Iraqi Elections, Media Interviews/Round Table, WKYU-FM, the Midday Edition with Dan Modlin, January.

2005 American Geographical Society Expedition Lecturer, Around the World Educational Tour, December/January: Geopolitics and the Inca Empire; Global Climate Change, El Niño, and the Pacific Ocean; Nationalism and Identity in a Globalizing World; Last Tree Standing?; Sustainability in Africa.

2004 South Korea and North Vietnam. Cumberland Trace Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America, November.

2004 Collaborative Research with Mammoth Cave National Park (with Nick Crawford), media interview, WKYU-FM, the Midday Edition with Dan Modlin, October.

2004 Transkarst Conference in Vietnam, Video Interview for WKU Student Television, September.

2004 The 9/11 Commission Report and Global Trade. Media Interviews/Round Table, WKYU-FM, the Midday Edition with Dan Modlin, August.

2004 Biodiversity in Latin America. Media interview, WKYU-FM, the Midday Edition with Dan Modlin, April.

2004 American Geographical Society Expedition Lecturer, Conquistadors of the Atlantic Educational Tour, March April: Senegambia: Crossroads of West Africa; The Atlantic’s Triangle of Trade; The North Atlantic Oscillation and Global Climate Change; Morocco and Gibraltar.

2004 The 40th Anniversary of the Beatles in America, Media interview, WKYU-FM, the Midday Edition with Dan Modlin, February.

2003 The European Union and a new Constitution. WKYU-FM, the Midday Edition with Dan Modlin, December.

2003 Chile. Far Away Places Series, WKU Libraries and Barnes & Noble, Bowling Green, November.

2003 Iraq, Reconstruction, and Geography Awareness Week, WKYU-FM, the Midday Edition with Dan Modlin, November.

2003 American Society and the Aftermath of September 11, Outlook, with Barbara Deeb, WKYU-TV, Western Kentucky University, September.

2003 A dialogue…24 months later. The Aftermath of September 11, WKYU-FM, the Midday Edition with Dan Modlin, September.

2003 Leadership Studies at WKU, with Cecile Garmon. WKYU-FM, Midday Edition Interview, September.

2003 Liberia and U.S. Policy in Africa. Rotary Club of Bowling Green, September.

2003 WBKO/ABC 13, Television News Interview, Development in Africa, July.

2003 WKYU-FM, Midday Edition Interview, Africa’s Economic and Social Problems, July.

2003 Democracy in Iraq? Unitarian-Universalist Church Seminars, Bowling Green, June.

2003 American Geographical Society Lecturer, Hidden Treasures of Europe Educational Tour, May/June: Hidden Urban Treasures of Europe; European Union Expansion and Integration; and Seville - A Bridge Between the Old and New Worlds.

2003 WKYU-FM, Midday Edition Interview, Argentina’s Presidential Elections, May.

2003 WKYU-FM, Midday Edition Interview, Geopolitical Conditions in Iraq, March.

2003 Urban China in the 21st Century, WKU Chinese New Year Banquet, February.

2002 From Patagonian to the World: Chile in the Global Economy; Ecology and Ecotourism at the End of the World; and The Falkland/Malvinas Conflict and Resource Competition. Lectures for the American Geographical Society Study Tour, Chile, November.

2002 Argentina! WKU Libraries Far Away Places Series, with Barnes and Noble, October.

2002 WKYU-FM, Morning Edition Interview, Famine in Southern Africa, September

2002 Kashmiris and Kalishnakovs in the Valleys of Shangri-La, Noon Rotary Club Talk, June.

2002 WKYU-FM, Morning Edition Interview, The Kashmire Crisis, June.

2002 WKYU-FM, Midday Edition Interview, Argentina's Currency Dilemma, Feb.

2001 WKYU-FM, Midday Edition Interview, The Crisis in Argentina, December.

2001 WKYU-FM, Midday Edition Interview, Rebuilding Afghanistan, November.

2001 WKYU-FM, Midday Edition Interview, Geopolitics and Afghanistan, October.

2001 The Afghanistan Vortex. Unitarian-Universalist Church Seminars, Bowling Green, October.

2001 Revolution and Resistance in Contemporary Society, Unitarian-Universalist Church Seminars, Bowling Green, April.

2001 Brazil: Country of Contrasts. Far Away Places Series, WKU Libraries and Barnes & Noble, Bowling Green, February.

2001 Current Conditions in Latin America. Workshop of the Hofstra Organization of

Latin Americans (HOLA), Hofstra University, New York, February.

2000 China’s New Role in the Pacific Rim Economy. Special Skills Lecture, English as a Second Language Program, Western Kentucky University, November.

2000 Workshop -- Investigaciones Geográficas en América Latina: Papel y Proceso at the 2nd Annual Humboldt Conference, Mar del Plata, Argentina, October.

2000 Workshop on La Enseñanza de la Geografía en el Contexto de las Reformas Educativas Latinoamericanas at the 2nd Annual Humboldt Conference, Mar del Plata, Argentina, October.

2000 Mexico’s New Revolution: Should the U.S. Worry? Rotary Club International, Bowling Green, KY, September.

2000 Europe’s 21st Century Challenges. Special Lecture to the English as a Second Language International Institute, Bowling Green, July.

2000 Globalization Village or Globalization Pillage? Unitarian-Universalist Church Seminars, Bowling Green, May.

2000 Environmental Implications of the Airpark Project. Student Environmental Forum, Western Kentucky University, March.

2000 Latin America and the Cultural Dynamics of Change. Special Lecture to the English as a Second Language International Institute, Bowling Green, February.

1999 Brazil 2000. Study Abroad Opportunities. Departments of Sociology, Anthro-pology, and Geography, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, November.

1999 Encouraging Study Abroad Participation among Kentucky College Students, Panel Discussion, Annual Conference of MALAS, Charleston, IL, November.

1999 Spatial Patterns of Development in Oceania, Special Skills Lecture, English as a Second Language International Institute, Bowling Green, October.

1999 Europe in the Global System, Geography Outreach Program, Holy Lutheran Primary School, Bowling Green, September.

1999 Life in the Amazon Basin, Geography Outreach Program, Rockfield Elementary School Academic Summer Camp, Bowling Green, KY, July.

1999 London as World City and Global Metaphor, American Geographical Society Study Tour with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, London, England, June.

1999 Britain Divided at the Dawn of the 21st Century, American Geographical Society Study Tour with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Aberdeen, June.

1999 Scottish Devolution and the Politics of Regionalism, American Geographical Society Study Tour/Metropolitan Museum of Art, Tobermory, Scotland, June.

1999 Language Dialects and Regional Identity in Britain, American Geographical Society Study Tour with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Penzance, England, June.

1999 Continuity and Change in France’s Wine Country. Invited Keynote Speaker, Homemakers Club of America Annual Gala, Amite, Louisiana, April.

1999 Is Latin America on the Verge of Social and Political Collapse? Moderator and Panelist, International Week Colloquia, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, April.

1998 NAFTA: Problems and Prospects. Panel Debate, Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce and the International Business Center of WKU, November.

1998 Transportation and Sustainable Development in Ecuador. Annual Conference of the Kentucky Institute of International Studies in Ecuador, Quito, July.

1998 American Geographical Society Lecturer, Heartlands of Europe Study Tour, June: Koln-Bonn, Germany - The Socio-Political Role of the Rhine River; Nurnburg, Germany - The Rhine-Main Canal: White Elephant or Dynamic Infrastructure?; Vienna, Austria - The Gabcikovo Dam and the Politics of Environment; Budapest, Hungary - Budapest: On the Edge of Greatness?

1997 Privatization of the Ecuadorian Railroads. Kentucky Institute for International Studies Summer Conference in Ecuador, La Universidad de Azuay, Cuenca, August.

1997 American Geographical Society Lecturer, Rivers of France Study Tour in conjunction with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, May: Santiago, Spain: Urban Landscapes of Western Europe; Bordeaux, France: Challenges to the Wine Industry; Nantes, France: We Are Not French! Cultural Identity in Brittany; and St. Malo, France: Europe in the 21st Century.

1997 Who is Evita? Argentina's Enduring Paradox. International Programs and Latin American Studies Forum, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, February.

1996 Workshop: International Perspectives on the Impact of Globalization Policies. Sponsored by the Facultad de Historia y Letras, La Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August. Invited Speaker.

1996 Workshop: Geographic Applications to Urban Development Problems. Sponsored by the Argentine Society for Geographic Studies (GAEA), Buenos Aires, Argentina, August. Invited Speaker.

1996 The Shape of Things to Come? Post-1996 Changes in American Society. Bowling Green 7am Rotary Club, Bowling Green, Kentucky, May.

1996 Hot Chile on the Pacific Rim: A Menu for Global Success? Latin American Studies Spring Lecture Series, WKU, Bowling Green, April.

1995 Cabernet to Coca Cola: Challenges to the French Wine Industry in the 1990s. International Forum, Western Kentucky University, October.

1995 Understanding our Planet: People, Places, and Cultures. 21st Annual Hilltopper Days for Science, Technology, and Health, Western Kentucky University, September.

1995 American Geographical Society Lecturer, "Waterways of Western Europe" Study Tour with The Smithsonian Associates, August.

Zeebrugge, Belgium: Tunnel Vision? Belgium, France, and European Development; St. Malo, France: Bretagne and the Geographic Implications of Regional Autonomy; Bordeaux, France: Winescapes of Aquitaine: The Geography of Wine; and La Coruña, Spain: Europe's New Economic Sunbelt? Galicia and the Modernization of Spain.

1995 Ecuador: Green Horizons. Rotary Club, Bowling Green, Kentucky, May.

1995 Mapping Growth and Change in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sigma Xi Student Research Conference Poster Session, co-authored with Tom Polanski, Western Kentucky University, April.

1995 Don't Cry for Me, Argentina. Student Honors Night, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, April.

1995 Bosnia: Common Ground or Deadly Ground? Department of Journalism, Western Kentucky University, February.

1995 In Search of the Inca: Travels in Ecuador and Peru. Latin American Studies Committee at WKU Public Lectures, Bowling Green Public Library, January.

1994 Haiti: Crisis in the Caribbean. International Forum, Western Kentucky University, October.

1994 Our Changing Environment: What in the World is Happening to us? 20th Annual Hilltopper Days for Science, Technology and Health, Western Kentucky University, September.

1994 In the Footsteps of the Conquistadores to Northwest Argentina. Latin American Studies Committee at WKU, Public Lecture Series, Bowling Green Public Library, February.

1994 A Panel Discussion on NAFTA. Latin American Studies Committee at WKU, Public Lecture Series, Bowling Green Public Library, January.

1993 Australia: A Wander Down Under. International Forum, Western Kentucky University, October.

1993 Geography's Role in the New World Order. Rotary Club of New Zealand, Whangarei, N.Z., January.

1993 Central America: History and geography. Community Symposium on Central America, Eugene, February.


2012 Experiences of a Lifetime, TCS Expedition, AGS Lecturer, February/March.

2011 Around the World TCS Expedition, AGS Lecturer, January/February.

2009 Great Lakes, American Geographical Society Study Tour lecturer, July.

2009 Around the World TCS Expedition, AGS Lecturer, February.

2008 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, The Great Trans-Siberian Railway, August,

2008 Urban Violence, Accessibility, and Mobility in Colombia. Radiance Technologies and the American Geographical Society research grant, 2007-2008, $103,000.

2007 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, Casablanca to the Cape, October/November.

2007 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, In Harriman’s Wake, July/August.

2007 Nominee, Ogden College Faculty Award for Student Advising, 2006-2007.

2006 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, Beyond Timbuktu and the Great Sahara, November/December.

2006 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, Seven Seas Odyssey, April/May.

2005 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, Egypt, Crete, Sicily, Tunisia, and Malta, November.

2004/5 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, Around the World Expedition (Peru, Chile, Samoa, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia, Bhutan, India, Tanzania, Madeira), December/January.

2004 Nominee, Ogden College Faculty Award for Research and Creative Activity, 2003-2004, Western Kentucky University, March

2004 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, Northwest Africa, March/April.

2003 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, East Europe, May/June.

2002 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, Chile, November.

2002 Ministry and Land and Resources Travel Support Grant, Guilin, China ($500).

2001 Nominee, Ogden College Faculty Award for Teaching, 2000-2001, Western Kentucky University, March.

2000 Sponsored Programs Research and Travel Grants, WKU ($2500)

2000 Ministry of Land and Resources Travel Support Grant, Guilin, China ($500).

2000 NSF/AAG Conference Travel Grant (IGU), July ($1,000).

2000 Faculty Research Scholarship, Western Kentucky University, April ($1000).

2000 Faculty Development Grant, Western Kentucky University, March ($250).

2000 Nominee, Ogden College Faculty Award for Research and Creativity, 1999-00. Western Kentucky University, March.

2000 Nominee, Ogden College Faculty Award for Teaching, 1999-00, Western Kentucky University, March.

1999 Outstanding Conference Research Paper Award 1998-99, MALAS Jurado Interdisciplinario, November ($100).

1999 Nominee, Ogden College Faculty Award for Research and Creativity, 1998-99, Western Kentucky University, February.

1999 The National Trust and the American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, Britain, June.

1999 Faculty Development Grant, Western Kentucky University, January ($250).

1998 American Geographical Society Study Tour Lecturer, Europe, June.

1998 Nominee, Ogden College Faculty Award for Research and Creativity, 1997-98, Western Kentucky University, March.

1998 Faculty Development Grant, Western Kentucky University, February ($200).

1996. Honorary Life Member, Fundación Cinco, Quito, Ecuador.

1997 American Geographical Society/New York Metropolitan Museum of Art Study Tour Lecturer, Europe, May.

1997 Simposium Speaker Conference Award, 60 Encuentro de Geógrafos de América Latina, Buenos Aires, March ($2000).

1996 Faculty Development Grant, Western Kentucky University, December ($250).

1996 Office of International Programs, Western Kentucky University, Chapingo Exchange Program Travel Grant ($500).

1996 Kentucky Council for International Education Travel Grant ($500).

1995 Faculty Development Grant, Western Kentucky University, October ($250).

1995 American Geographical Society/Smithsonian Study Tour Lecturer (August).

1994 Government of Argentina, Subsecretaría de la Acción del Gobierno, Conference Grant, May ($750).

1994 Faculty Development Grants, Western Kentucky University, February ($300), October ($130).

1991 Comprehensive Examinations passed with Highest Honors, Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene.

1990 President's Graduate Student Paper Award, 55th Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Chico, California ($100).

1989-91 Graduate Teaching Fellowship, Department of Geography, University of Oregon.

1989 Mortar Board, Junior Scholar, University of Oregon.

1987-89 Dean's List and Scholars List, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.

1979 Highest Pass Award-Financial Management, Institute of Chartered Accountant Examinations, Sydney, Australia.

1977 Outstanding Second Year Student Award, North Sydney College, Australia.

1970 British Youth Representative, Royal Overseas League, presented to Queen Elizabeth II of Britain and Lord Mountbatten at Buckingham Palace, London.


American Geographical Society (AGS)

Association of American Geographers (AAG)

Latin American Specialty Group Member

Transportation Specialty Group Member

Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers (CLAG)

Kentucky Association of Latin Americanists (KAL)

Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Geográficos (GAEA)


Service to the Discipline:

2011-2012 Search Committee, New Editor of the Geographical Review.

2010-2013 International Editorial Board, Journal of Transport Geography.

2010 Session organizer and Chair, Annual Conference of the AAG, Washington, April.

2009 Search Committee, New Editor of FOCUS on Geography, American

Geographical Society,

2008-2011 National Councilor, American Geographical Society.

2008-2011 International Editorial Board, Journal of Latin American Geography.

2006-08 Assistant Treasurer, the American Geographical Society.

2001-10 Webmaster, The American Geographical Society ().

2006 Search Committee, New Editor of the Geographical Review.

2002-04 Chair, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers.

2002 Conference Co-Organizer, Midwest Association of Latin American Studies, October.

2001-02 Search Committee, New Editor of the Geographical Review.

2000-02 Vice President, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers.

1999-06 National Councilor, American Geographical Society.

1998-01 Board of Directors, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers (CLAG).

1999-00 Editor, Journal of Latin American Geography, CLAG Yearbook 2000, Vol. 26.

1999-00 Chair, Latin American Specialty Group of the AAG.

1993-01 Editor, Intercambio Internacional, Vols. XII-XVI, Latin American Studies Program, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky.

1998-00 Publications Committee Member, CLAG.

1999-00 Editor, Geography and Geology Proceedings of the Kentucky Academy of


1998 Conference Organizer, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Association of Latin American Studies, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, October.

1998-99 President, Midwest Association of Latin American Studies (MALAS).

1998-99 Vice-Chair, Latin American Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers.

1998 Session Chair, Annual Conference of the AAG, Boston, March.

1997-98 Vice President, Midwest Association of Latin American Studies.

1997-98 Program Director, Ecuador, Kentucky Institute for International Studies.

1997-98 Editor, Journal of Latin American Geography, CLAG Yearbook 1998, Vol. 24.

1997 Simposium Chair, 60 Encuentro de Geógrafos de América Latina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March.

1997 Session Chair, Southwest Council on Latin American Studies Conference, Austin, Texas, February.

1996-00 Treasurer/Newsletter Editor, European Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers.

1995-98 Advisory Committee Member, Midwest Association of Latin American Studies.

1995-96 Chair, Geography Section of the Kentucky Academy of Science.

1995-96 Judge/Moderator, Graduate Student Competition, Sigma Xi Student Research Conferences, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, April 1995, March 1996.

1995 Panel Discussant, 42nd North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International, Cincinnati, Ohio, November.

1995 Session Chair, Discussant, and Conference Planning Committee Member, Annual Conference of the Midwest Association of Latin American Studies, Baños, Ecuador, November.

1995 Session Chair and Discussant, 18th National Third World Studies Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, October.

1995 Participant, Institute of British Geographers annual conference, Newcastle, England, January.

1994-99 Member, Subcommittee on student paper awards, European Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers.

1994-95 Secretary, Geography Section, Kentucky Academy of Science.

1994 Session Chair and Discussant, 17th National Third World Studies Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, October.

1994 Session Chair, Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, March.

1994 Session Chair, IGU Conference on the World Political Map, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, March.

1994 Participant, Latin American Studies Association annual meeting, Atlanta, March.

1993 Session Discussant, Annual Meeting of the SEDAAG, Greensboro, November.

1993 Session Chair, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Atlanta, April.

Manuscript Reviews and Other Professional Service:

2011 Proposal Reviewer, National Science Foundation, October.

2011 Manuscript Reviewer, Urban Studies, FOCUS on Geography, Journal of Latin

American Geography, Journal of Transport Geography (2).

2010 Monograph Proposal Reviewer, Palgrave MacMillan, October.

2010 Monograph Proposal Reviewer, Routledge Publishers, May.

2010 Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Transport Geography, International Journal of

Urban and Regional Research, FOCUS on Geography, Annals of the Association

of American Geographers, Journal of Latin American Geography.

2009 Manuscript Reviewer, Annals of the Association of American Geographers,

Landscape and Urban Planning, Journal of Latin American Geography,

Geographical Review, Urban Geography, International Journal of Urban and

Regional Research, July-December.

2009 Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Transport Geography, March/April.

2008 Manuscript Reviewer, Geography Compass, September.

2008 Manuscript Reviewer, Geographical Analysis, September.

2008 Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Latin American Geography, September.

2008 Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Transport Geography, June.

2008 Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Latin American Geography, May.

2008 Manuscript Reviewer, Urban Studies, April.

2008 External Assessor, Promotion Committee, Universiti Sains Malaysia, March.

2007 Monograph Manuscript Reviewer, Blackwell Publishers, May.

2006-2008 – Series Co-Editor, Changing Regions in a Global Context, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.

2006 Manuscript Reviewer, Urban Studies, August.

2006 Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Transport Geography, February.

2005, Manuscript Reviewer, Political Geography, September.

2005 Textbook Draft Reviewer, Guildford Press, May.

2005 Manuscript Reviewer, Progress in Human Geography, February.

2005 Manuscript Reviewer, The Journal of Latin American Geography, February.

2004 Manuscript Reviewer, Latin American Issues for a New Generation. Prentice-Hall Publishers, September.

2004 Manuscript Reviewer, The Industrial Geographer journal, February.

2003 Series Proposal, Changing Regions in a Global Context: New Perspectives in Regional Geography, reviewed for Rowman & Littlefield, November.

2003 Book Proposal Reviewer, Routledge Press, July.

2003 Book Review of Urban Geography, 2nd. Edn., by Tim Hall, for Routledge Press, May.

2003 Manuscript Reviewer, Guilford Publishers, Regions and People of Latin America, January.

2002 Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Latin American Geography, October.

2002 Book Proposal Reviewer, Routledge Publishers, June.

2002 Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Historical Geography, May.

2002 Manuscripts Reviewer, Journal of Latin American Geography, February, March.

2001 Manuscript Reviewer, Political Geography, December.

2001 Book Manuscript Reviewer, Sound Tracks, Routledge Publishers, January.

2000 Manuscript Reviewer, Progress in Human Geography, November.

2000 Reviewer, Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts 2000, John Wiley Publishers, April.

2000 Reviewer, World Regional Geography Text W.H. Freeman Publishers, March.

1999 Question Development for the Advance Placement (AP) test in Geography, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ, February.

1998 Manuscript Reviewer, Political Geography, November.

1998 Reviewer, World Regional Geography Text, W.H. Freeman Publishers, August.

1998 Question Development for the Advance Placement (AP) test in Geography, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ, May and September.

1998 Reviewer, World Regional Geography Text W.H. Freeman Publishers, February.

1997 Reviewer for Economic Geography, November.

1997 Reviewer for Environment and Planning A, November.

1997 Reviewer for the Second Edition of South America, Prentice Hall, July.

1997 Reviewer, W.H. Freeman and Co. Publishers, January/March/April.

1995 Reviewer, Environment and Planning A, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, January/June.

1994 Reviewer, Westview Press, Transport and Regional Development Book Proposal, December.

University Service:

2011-2012 Announcer, WKU Graduate Commencement Ceremonies.

2010-2012 Ogden College Representative, International Education Council, WKU.

2010-2011 Announcer, WKU Graduate Commencement Ceremonies.

2011 Master of Ceremonies, Leadership Studies Banquet, WKU, March.

2010-2011 Chair and Ogden College Representative, Department Heads Advisory Council, WKU.

2009-2010 Search Committee Member, Executive Director of Internationalization, Western Kentucky University.

2008-2009 Search Committee Chair, Engineering Department Head, Western Kentucky University.

2006-2009 At-Large Member, International Education Council, Western Kentucky University.

2003-2011 Ogden College Representative, Department Heads Committee, Leadership Council.

2006-2007 Committee Member, Student Engagement Transcript Committee, Western Kentucky University.

2006 Search Committee Member, Director of International Programs, Western Kentucky University, June.

2005-2006 Committee Chair, Department of Agriculture, Department Head Search, Western Kentucky University.

2003-2004 Ogden College Representative, The American Democracy Project, Western Kentucky University.

2003-2004 Ogden College Representative, Division of Extended Learning and Outreach Advisory Council.

2003 Member, Search Committee, Coordinator of International Student and Scholar Services, Western Kentucky University.

2002-04 Member, International Education Council, Western Kentucky University.

2002-03 Chair, Department Head Search Committee, Physics and Astronomy, Western Kentucky University.

2002-04 Member, Study Abroad Advisory Committee, Western Kentucky University.

2001-06 Member, Leadership Studies Program Committee, Western Kentucky University.

2001-02 Department Head Representative, Ogden College Dean's Search Committee, Western Kentucky University.

2001-02 Representative At-Large, University Senate Faculty Status and Welfare Committee, Western Kentucky University.

2001 Search Committee Member, Study Abroad Advisor, International Programs.

2000-01 Senator, University Senate, Representing the Department of Geography and Geology.

2000-01 Member, Budget Sub-Committee for Strategic Planning.

1999-2011 Member, Ogden College Graduate Curriculum Committee. Western Kentucky University.

1999-2011 Member, Ogden College Curriculum Committee, Western Kentucky University.

1999-00 Member, University Tuition Policy Workgroup.

1999-00 Member, Faculty Regent’s Advisory Council.

1999 Member, Assistant Director of International Programs Search Committee.

1998-00 Member, University Budget Council (Ogden College Representative).

1998 Member, Committee on Competency in a Second Language, Western Kentucky University, October-December.

1997-98 Academic Mission Subcommittee Member, Athletic Review Committee, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, January-August.

1997 Faculty Representative, University Academic Complaint Committee, Western Kentucky University.

1997-00 Member, International Programs Advisory Council, WKU.

1997-99 Director, Latin American Studies Program, Western Kentucky University.

1997-98 Member, University Scholarship Committee, Western Kentucky University.

1997-98 Member, CTAB Pilot Program Committee, Western Kentucky University. Fall.

1995 Member, Ogden College Graduate Committee, Western Kentucky University.

1995-96 Member, Faculty/Staff/Retiree Campaign SubCommittee, Western Kentucky University.

1995 Chair, Graduate Program Review Committee, Department of Geography and Geology, Western Kentucky University, January-April.

1994-98 Faculty Senate, Senator Representing the Department of Geography and Geology.

1994-98 Chair, Subcommittee on Fiscal Affairs, Faculty Senate, Western Kentucky University.

1994-95 Coordinator of the LAS Spring Conference and Chair, Latin American Studies Program, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green.

1993-03 Latin American Studies Committee Member, Western Kentucky University.

1993-95 Academic Probation Committee Member, Western Kentucky University.

1991. Geography Freshman Advisor, University of Oregon.

1991 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of Geography, University of Oregon.

1988-89 Peer Advisor, Department of International Studies, University of Oregon.


2011 Master of Ceremonies, National Geographic Bee, Kentucky State Finals, Bowling Green, March.

2010 Master of Ceremonies, National Geographic Bee, Kentucky State Finals, Bowling Green, April.

2009 Master of Ceremonies, National Geographic Bee, Kentucky State Finals, Bowling Green, April

2007 Master of Ceremonies, National Geographic Bee, Kentucky State Finals, Bowling Green, March

2006 Master of Ceremonies, National Geographic Bee, Kentucky State Finals, Bowling Green, March.

2005 Master of Ceremonies, National Geographic Bee, Kentucky State Finals, Bowling Green, April.

2003 Master of Ceremonies, National Geographic Bee, Kentucky State Finals, Bowling Green, April.

2002 Master of Ceremonies, National Geographic Bee, Kentucky State Finals, Louisville, April.

2001 Master of Ceremonies, National Geographic Bee, Kentucky State Finals, Louisville, April.

2000 Geography Outreach (4 lectures), Greenwood High School, Bowling Green, May.

1999 Geography Outreach (2 lectures), Greenwood High School, Bowling Green, November.

1999 Geography Awareness Week Speaker, Middle Tennessee State University.

1999 Geography Outreach, Holy Trinity Lutheran and Rockfield Elementary Schools and English as a Second Language International.

1999 Master of Ceremonies, National Geography Bee, Kentucky Finals, University of Louisville, April.

1998 Master of Ceremonies, Kentucky State Geography Bee Finals, University of Louisville, April.

1997 Geography Awareness Week Speaker, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois, November.

1996 Geography Outreach, Warren East Middle School and Henry Moss Middle School, Bowling Green, Kentucky, February/March.

1994-98 Member, Chamber of Commerce International Relations Committee, Bowling Green, Kentucky.

1994-98 Chair: Subcommittee on Sister City Programs, Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Ecuador.

1995-96 Editor, Bowling Green-Santo Domingo Sister City Organization Newsletter and Review.

1995-96 President and Project Coordinator, Bowling Green- Santo Domingo Sister City Committee.

1995-96 Member, Partners of the Americas, Kentucky-Ecuador Project.

1995 Delegation Host, Chapingo/Trent/Western Kentucky University Trilateral Exchange Program, Chapingo Scholars' Visit, June-July 1995.

1994 Delegation Host, Partners of the Americas Group from Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Ecuador, in Bowling Green, May.

1994 Delegation Leader, Bowling Green Sister City Delegation to Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Ecuador, March and November.

1994-96 Judge, National Geography Bee, Kentucky State Finals, Louisville, Kentucky, April, 1994; Moderator and Judge April 1995 and March 1996.

1994-95 Member, Bowling Green Sister City Committee.

1994 Participant, International Student Thanksgiving Host Program, Western Kentucky University, November.

1992 Participant, Oregon Geographical Alliance Meeting, "Incorporating Data on Oregon Exports Into the High School Curriculum," Merylhurst College, Portland, March.


Born Cheltenham, England. Lived 17.5 years total in England (1952-62, 1965-70, 1972-73, 1980-81), 11 years in Australia (1962-64, 1970-72, 1973-1980) and 30.5 years in the U.S. (1981-2008).

Traveled over 5 million kilometers to 175 countries across planet Earth.

U.S. Citizen.




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