Ms Matson World History

Notes Chapter 10 Lesson 3The Qin Emperor Pg 292How did Qin change China?Qin controlled starting in 221BC- Qin Shihuangdi (the First Qin Emperor) brought change which lasted for many centuriesWanted total power- unified China- appointed governors- strict rulerPg 293Why was the Great Wall BuiltThe End of Qin RuleAppointed censors to ensure workers were working- increased currency- unified empire- set rules for writing- undertook construction projects- and made farmers do government work.Early Chinese empires built walls to protect China on the North- Qin connected and strengthened these walls.Qin dynasty ended after his death in 210BC- farmers/aristocrats revolted by 206BC a new dynasty arose.Pg 294Han WudiHan RulersHan began power in 202BC, founded by Liu Bang – dynasty rules for more than 400 yearsHan Wudi- ruled from 141 to 87BC- improved Chinese government- recruited dedicated people for civil service based test.Pg 295EducationThe Empire ExpandsHan CultureStill favored the rich- only the wealthy could affect to educate their childrenSchools prepared students for civil service- after years of schooling- took civil service exam- if passed- earned jobs and respectPopulation grew- farmers had to produce more food- but the amount of land farmed by a family became smaller and smallerFarmers could not raise enough for their families- sold land- worked as tenant farmers- remained poorHan empire continued to acquire land- after pushing back the Xiongu they lived in peace for almost 150 yearsDuring peaceful times literature and the arts blossomed.Pg 296Medical AdvancementsCreated beautiful work for less prominent familiesConfucius ideas gained influence- family was important again- many things in life were similar to how they had beenMillers invented waterwheels to grind grain and made drill bits to mine salt- also invented wheelbarrows, silk manufacturing, and paper. Han inventors created a rudder to steer ships and a new way to move ship sailsDiscovered foods prevented diseases- used herbs to treat illness- created acupuncturePg 297New contact with the westTrade ExpandsOn The Silk RoadTraders grew rich by selling expensive goodsTrade increased because of exploration- explorers learned a lot about other civilizations- these discoveries in other places- encouraged trade- this thrade route west became the silk roadSilk road was a network of roads- completed in 100s and was 4000 miles long- from China to the Mediterranean- road was difficult and dangerous Pg 298The silk road was the main link between Asia and EuropePg 299Why did the Han dynasty collapse?Buddhism wins followersBuddhism Reaches ChinaSilk road spreads knowledge, culture, and religions- including BuddhismLater emperors- weak and dishonestPeople began to rise up and rebel- destroyed the Han capital- civil war divided China- stayed divided for the next 400 yearsSituation frightened the Chinese- people turned to Buddhist ideas- by the 400s Buddhism became one of China’s major religions. ................

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