A ECL 365 SIWorksheet 30: Metabolism and Body SizeIn class, Dr. Adams gave us a balanced growth equation. What is this equation? (Hint: there are 3 parts to it)Ingestion = assimilation (energy used) + excretionAssimilation (energy used) = somatic growth + reproductive growth + respirationProduction of new tissue = assimilation – respirationThe demands that an organism puts on the environment is referred to as ingestion.The rate of resource use by an organism to meet environmental demands is referred to as respiration. What are some ways that we can quantify energy flow in an organism?Material budget: Measuring food intake and waste excretionDoesn’t tell us how much goes to metabolism and how much goes to assimilationMeasuring heat productionMeasuring aerobic respiration by measuring O2 and CO2 exchangeThe metabolism needs O2 to work, so we can estimate metabolism by looking at O2 consumptionWhat is the difference between basal metabolic rate (BMR), standard metabolic rate (SMR), and field metabolic rate (FMR)?Basal metabolic rate is the minimal metabolic rate for an animal that is fasting, not reproducing, an under no thermal stress. This is the minimal cost for survival.Standard metabolic rate is the minimal metabolic rate under specific thermal conditions.Field metabolic rate is the metabolic rate of a free-living organism in nature. The ratio of body mass to metabolic rate is not 1:1 and instead is a curve. The magic number exponent is m0.75.What is the law of surface area and what are some problems associated with it?Rate of heat loss is positively correlated with surface areaSurface area to volume ratio decreases at a rate of m0.67 as body size increases, so BMR should follow this pattern.This only applies to objects of similar size and densities.Animals differ in shape, density, adjustments in blood flow, insulation, etc.Measured exponents are usually higher than 0.67 How does mass-specific metabolic rate of an animal change as body size increases?As body size increases, mass-specific metabolic rate decreases.THE SLOPE IS m-0.25If you have a limited amount of food, is it better to keep cows or mice? Why?Cows, because they have a smaller mass-specific metabolic rate. It takes less energy than the mouse to support the same amount of tissue. They can also go longer without eating. ................

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