
“Rotary: Making a Difference”

September 28th, 2017

Basic Education & Literacy Month


Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre


Sept 30th – Rotary Work Party

Oct 2nd – Monthly Board Meeting

Oct 5th – Coast to Coast and back again

Oct 12th – Vulnerable Children in School

Oct 17th – Visit with DG Tom Carroll

Oct 19th – t.b.c.


Bev Hilton – “Oceanside” and our AG

Michael Ribick – Nanaimo Rotaract


Chris Beaton – Guest Speaker

Mark Taylor – Potential New Member (

Jim & Dianne Tucker – former members

Anne Manikel – Randy’s better half

Jodi Williams – James’ better half


David L – another year wiser October 2nd


We seem to be doing okay.

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|Joining in fellowship to support growth and development in |

|education and health for those less fortunate in our local and |

|international communities. |

Presidential Observations

Lorie thanked everyone who comes out to support our Saturday morning breakfast – especially the clean up afterwards that leaves the place in better shape than when we arrive.

Noted that we still need a Vice-President and Director for Youth Services to provide guidance for the Club. Can you help??


$105 contributed to the Rotary Foundation this week. THANKS-YOU!


Brian McF was the Sergeant this week – and noted the full house this AM. GREAT! Jamal (and Harry) went hiking (22km) and got lost (for a few minutes). David L invited us to a Barney Bental concert – for the John Howard Society. Randy is heading back east. Dawne hosted a very successful memorial fund raiser. William’s kids will be thrilled with Harry’s wands. James dared not say anything. Barry has Rotary Rosters. Dale was flummoxed by a long hair on Don T’s shoulder. Don T back on his skates. Bob M had lots to say – he is retiring and moving to Mount Washington to work with their disabled skiers program. Brian McF’s museum earned 5 stars! Brian R is going golfing with Oceanside on the 13th. Don C is not going golfing with Oceanside on the 13th, but he was the worthy winner of this morning’s draw!

Breakfast at the 7-10 Club

Thanks for your support!


The backup pancake man needs a little practice…

Next breakfast – Saturday, October 28th.

News, Updates & Reminders

Rotary Work Party. Saturday, September 30th. At Habitat for Humanity Building Site (2360 Extension Rd, Nanaimo). From 8:30AM.


DG Tom Carroll has re-scheduled his visit to Area 4 – Tuesday, October 17th. It will be a casual get-together at the Nanaimo Hornets Rugby Club Fieldhouse on Dover (behind Cabelos). All Rotarians are encouraged to come out and give the DG a warm welcome.

Christmas Shoeboxes – please fill them and give them to Ralph before November 16th.


Randy talked a bit about Rotary’s Four Way Test. It was developed by a Rotarian in Chicago in 1932 as a ‘foundation’ for his company. When he became at District Governor in the 40s, he proposed it to Rotary. It is a “personal” pledge that we apply to all the things we think, say or do.

The Rotary Club of Port Colborne, ON has taken it into their local school to encourage young people to develop a good ethic for their lives.

Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre

Chris Beaton, their Executive Director, brought us up-to-date on the progress and some of the activities of the Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre.

It is a non-profit agency serving 6000+ aboriginal people living in Nanaimo who represent many indigenous cultural groups.

The centre started 4 years ago and has seen a lot of changes (growth). They now have 5 working spaces and partner with 20 other agencies. Their $7M budget includes a couple of capital projects and a couple of vehicles.

Their vision is 100% graduation from high school for aboriginal students … and it’s a challenge.

Nisaika Kumtuks (Chinook for ‘Ours to Know”) Elementary Centre is a collaborative and innovative education model that infuses Aboriginal culture and language into 3 key components:

• Early Years programs (conception - 6)

• Primary education (kindergarten to grade 3)

• Wrap around of child, youth and family programs

Opened in 2014,it is a joint venture by the Boys and Girls Club of Central Vancouver Island, Mid Island Metis Nation, Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre and School District 84 (West Vancouver Island) and has grown from 13 to 30 students.

Their Tsa Wok Secondary School program is starting its 2nd year with 48 registered students. A community-based alternate schooling program, it is focused on young people who have difficulty leaning in a ‘traditional’ school environment, some who may have spent years away from school. It is a flexible year-round (52 weeks) school.

The Centre is also working on two housing projects in Nanaimo, building 60 units of affordable housing, including major renovations to the old King Arthur’s Court building. They have a wait list “a mile long”.

In the future, they have plans for a licensed day-care facility and help for kids-in-care.

Chris thanked Rotary for its support in many ways.



You can find out where and when all the Clubs in District 5020 meet on the 5020 website:


Rotary International:

Member’s access:

District 5020:

Rotary Club of Lantzville:

• “ clubrunner.ca/Lantzville

Make sure to check out Events and Speakers.

• “Facebook” - RotaryClubofLantzville

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Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions:

Why did God make mothers?

1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.

2. Mostly to clean the house.

3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.

How did God make mothers?

1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.

2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.

3. God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.

What ingredients are mothers made of?

1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.

2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.


William (and his kids) thrilled with Harry’s magical wands!


From the Hamilton Spectator Daily News comes this story of a Burlington couple who drove their car to Wal-Mart, only to have their car break down in the parking lot. The man told his wife to carry on with the shopping while he fixed the car in the lot. The wife returned later to see a small group of people near the car. On closer inspection, she saw a pair of male legs protruding from under the chassis. Although the man was in shorts, his lack of underpants turned private parts into glaringly public ones. Unable to stand the embarrassment, she dutifully stepped forward, quickly put her hand UP his shorts, and tucked everything back into place. She then took a deep breath and stood up boldly to face the crowd. When she looked across the hood, she found herself staring at her husband, who had been standing idly by. The mechanic, however, had to have three stitches in his forehead.




|DATE |GREETERS |CASH |Sgt-At-Arms |Invocation |INTRO |Foundation |Rotary |

| | | | | | | |Minute |

|Oct 12th |Manikel &Tamelin |Sparkes |Lobay |Zurbrigg |Manikel |Rodgers |McFadden |

|Oct 19th |McFadden & Werezak |Walker |Tamelin |Cameron |McFadden |Sparkes |Milne |

If you cannot make your duty, it is your responsibility to find a replacement.


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