SHERIDAN PLANNING FORMNAME OF STUDENTSalma HarisDATE OF ACTIVITYAugust 13th, 2015NAME/FOCUS OF ACTIVITYBugs in a JarNUMBER OF CHILDREN6-8 Older-GroupAGE RANGE OF CHILDREN4.5-5.5 yearsORIGINATING IDEA BASED ON OBSERVATION: An observation was made on children taking interest in bugs’ during outdoor play and their interest in colors during other activities. Children look for bugs and then scream when they find some around.LEARNING ANTICIPATED(MUST be completed, according to program model/approach)(REFERENCES INCLUDED)DEVELOPMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE HIGH SCOPE KEY DEVELOPMENTAL INDICATOR (KDI)1. Social1.1-Making Friends: -Offering play materials and roles to others.1.2-Conflict Resolution andsocial Problem-Solving skills:-Regulating Emotions in order to solve conflicts2. Emotional2.3-Self-esteem: setting goals for themselves and working towards them.2.4-Recognizing and Expressing Emotions: Identifying their emotions.3. Communication, language and literacy3.3-Vucabulary: using new words in play.3.4-conversing with peers and adults:Speaking in front of groups.4. Cognition4.1- Self-regulation: using language to regulate own behavior.4.2- Problem-solving: Identifying problems, taking action to solve problems.4.10- Classifying: moving from random classification to classifying by one and then two or more properties.4.12- Counting: counting in meaningful ways in play and daily living.4.13- determining quantity: counting to determine quantity._ Matching numbers to sets of objects.5.Physical Fine Motor Skill:5.3-Tool use: stringing large beads.ELECT Continuum 2014A- Approaches to Learning:4. Problem-Solving: Children solveproblems encountered in play.B- Social and Emotional Development: 13-Cooperative Play: Children engage in cooperative play.C- Physical Development and Health:17-Fine motor skill: Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their small muscles.D- Language, Literacy, and Communication:22-Speaking: Children express themselves using language.E- Mathematics;31-Number word and symbols: Children recognize and use number words and symbols.32-Counting: children count things. 38- Patterns: Children identify, describe, copy, complete and create patterns.39- Data Analysis: Children use information about quantity to draw conclusion, make decisions, and solve problems.F- Creative Arts:40- Art: Children express and represent what they observe, and feel through two and three dimensional art.44- Appreciating the Arts: Children appreciate the creative arts.HighScope Preschool Curriculum (KDI’s)WHERE WILL THE ACTIVITY TAKE PLACEArts & Crafts areaWHEN IN THE DAILY ROUTINE/SCHEDULE WILL THIS OCCURWork Time or After Nap TimeMATERIALS: (Be Specific)Multi-colored bug printed papers, jar printed papers, scissors, glue sticks.BEGINNINGBefore setting up the activity on the table, children will be asked how bugs inspire them. Children will be shown the material and will be given directions. Children will also been asked open ended questions about the material.MIDDLEMaterial will be handed in to the children, (separate material for each child). Children will cut the bug stickers from the sheet and stick them on another jar-shaped paper, using the glue.END/TRANSITION In order to have a smooth transition, yet teaching discipline to the children, I will allow them sufficient time to end their activity. Then, I will let them know that the time of our activity is going to finish after 5 minutes. They can work on their projects for little more time. This way they would know that the activity time is going to get over. Based on their interest, same activity can be repeated with suitable changes in future. Children will be encouraged to tidy up with the student after the activity has been done. ................

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