Leaps & Bounds Learning Center, Inc


2042 Lake Bradford Road

Tallahassee, FL 32310




Parent Handbook

Table of Contents


Welcome letter………………………………………………………………………4

Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………4

Program Philosophy……………………………………………………………………4

Learning Philosophy……………………………………………………………4-5

Professional Staff…………………………………………………………………5

Getting Started

Interview Procedures……………………………………………………………5

Items Supplied by Parents…………………………………………………..6

Items Supplied by Center…………………………………………………….6

Operational Procedures

Center Hours and Daily Schedule……………………………………….6

Open Door Policy…………………………………………………………………….6

Attendance Policy…………………………………………………………………..7

Payments and Fee Schedule…………………………………………………8

Late Pick Up Policy……………………………………………………………….9

Emergency Policy in Case of Failure to Pick Up Child…..9


Sign in and Sign Out/Pick up Policy…………………………….9-10

Release of Child Policy………………………………………………………10

Policy Changes……………………………………………………………………..10

Custody Orders………………………………………………………………….…10

Suspensions and Terminations…………………………………….10-11

Withdrawal and Dismissal Policy………………………………………11

Health & Safety

Child Abuse and Reporting………………………………………………….11

Rilya Wilson Act……………………………………………………………………11

Non-Discrimination Policy……………………………………………………11

Accommodations for Children with Special Needs…………11

Missing Child Policy……………………………………………………………….12

Safety and Security…………………………………………………….….12-13

Procedures for Environmental Emergencies…………………..13

Reporting Suspicious Persons or Activities………………….14

Active Shooter Situations…………………………………………………14

Safe Sleep Practices………………………………………………………14-15

Safe Sleep Environment……………………………………………………...15

Illness Policy…………………………………………………………………..15-16

Medication Policy………………………………………………………………….16


Injuries and Accidents……………………………………………………….16

Allergy Policy……………………………………………………………………17-18

General Information

Meals and Nutrition Policy…………………………………………………18

Discipline Policy…………………………………………………………………….18

Use of Technology…………………………………………………………..…..19

Clothing, Uniforms and Personal Items……………………….19-20

Nap and Rest Times………………………………………………………..……20






Thematic Units……………………………………………………………………..22

Toilet Learning……………………………………………………………….22-23

The Parent Role

Parent Conferences…………………………………………………………….24

Parent Engagement and Volunteering……………………………..24


Grievance Procedure…………………………………………………………….25

Parental Responsibilities………………………………………………..25-26

Parent Code of Conduct……………………………………….26-27 (A-G)

Support Services

Developmental Screenings………………………………………………….27

Hearing and Vision Screenings…………………………………………..27


Field Trips……………………………………………………………………………….28

Transportation procedures/Agreement………………...…………29

Parent Handbook Receipt……………………………………………..……30

All About Me Childcare Center

2042 Lake Bradford Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32310

Welcome To All About Me Childcare Center!

We are delighted that you chose AAMCCC for your child to begin his or her exciting learning adventures at a home away from home.

Our goal is to provide a high quality, nurturing and safe learning environment for your child that will help him or her grow into a wonderful, curious, and happy person. Your children will be exposed to an exciting, theme-based program that includes many opportunities and experiences. These are designed to stimulate physical, social, and emotional growth in a loving and comfortable environment.

Outings to many areas such as the library, swimming and parks are all a part of what makes AAMCCC a fun place for your child to be. As a partner in your child’s care we will do everything in our power to keep the lines of communication open. Interaction with you the parent is as important as our interactions with your child. Feel free to come in or call at any time during the day or to set an appointment with us after hours to discuss any problems or suggestions you have with regards to your child’s care. Throughout the year, we will schedule conferences at your convenience to discuss your child’s progress.

Please take the time to go over your parent manual to ensure that you understand the policies that are in place to help keep AAMCCC a happy environment for everyone involved. If you have any questions, please ask! We will be happy to go over any concerns with you.

Mission Statement:

To offer parents a safe, educational, and exciting early child care environment for their infant to pre-school children, helping each child develop self-control and a powerful love of learning! Our focus is to provide a stimulating early care and education experience which promotes each child’s social/emotional, physical and cognitive development. Our goal is to support children’s desire to be life-long learners.

Program Philosophy:

Each child learns at their own pace and from their special perspective that life has created. A child’s strengths and preferences are carefully observed and built into their customized curriculum to enhance their ability to grasp new concepts and try new skills.

Learning Philosophy:

All children learn when they are happy, fed, rested, and having fun. Trusting the caregivers is a critical element for a young child, so the staff is trained in positive interactions with children. Positive, nurturing and kind professionals genuinely enjoy the children in their care and demonstrate their patience with consistent, positive regard for all children.

The academic portion of the program uses a research based, high quality curriculum designed for the specific ages of each group. All children learn at their own pace and are NEVER made to feel that they have failed. AAMCCC uses The Creative Curriculum which rests on a firm foundation of research and meets requirements for addressing academic content.

The staff also utilizes developmental screenings and assessments to develop a “Customized Education Plan” for each child. The progress of each child is shared with the parents. A full understanding of a child’s strengths help the parents and teachers teach each child to reach their full potential.

Learning takes place through play, outdoor activities, games and positive interaction between the children and the staff. The staff is always finding exciting ways to teach a new skill. Social skills and strong personal values are modeled by our highly-trained staff.

Professional Staff:

Philosophy: All staff must have a comfortable and natural enjoyment when interacting with young children because children sense genuine kindness and respond with trust. The teachers of young children have a critical role to play in the healthy development of each child and their influence must be positive and reflect strong family values. An adult must be committed to constantly improving their own education if they are to truly value educating others.

Each staff member is trained in their field, attends ongoing in-service training, participates in weekly staff meetings, and completes continuing education as required by the state in addition to professional development training.

The staff has daily interaction with the director, weekly meetings to air concerns, suggest ideas or to ask about specific situations. Additionally, the director records monthly observations of each staff member, noting highlights in their techniques, special talents, and areas for improvement.

Each person employed or volunteering with AAMCCC has passed a Level 2 state and local background check.


Interview Procedures

AAMCCC will not accept any family into care without conducting a complete interview first. Both parties must feel comfortable and confident that the arrangements will work. The Registration Packet will be completed and signed including the following items BEFORE a child will be admitted into care:

• Admission information

• Authorization for emergency medical care

• Late pick-up policy

• Emergency contact form

• Information on reporting child abuse

• Discipline and Guidance

• Open door policy

• Field trip permission form

• Fee policy and payment form

• Developmental Screening permission form

• Signed Parent Handbook

• Safe Sleep Practices Policy

Items Supplied by Parents

• Formula or Breast Milk for Infants not drinking milk

• Diapers and wipes supply for at least one week

• One complete change of clothes (including underwear and socks), if toilet learning should have at least 3 extra changes

• A special blanket or security toy

• Fitted sheet for Cot

Items Supplied by Center

• All meals (Including Enfamil formula & Baby Food)

• Crib & nap cot (Linens are supplied by the parent and are sent home weekly or as needed for laundering)


Center’s Hours and Daily Schedule

Hours of operation are from 6:30 am to 12 a.m. A daily schedule will be posted in your child’s classroom for your viewing. If you have questions or advice concerning either the center schedule or your child’s daily schedule, please feel free to contact the center director. We are partners in your child’s life and we want to give the best care possible catering to his of her needs.

Note: Please pay close attention to the centers closing time. Late fees will apply if you are late picking your child up. (Please see attendance policy)

Open Door Policy

Parents may visit their children in our facilities any time they wish. We do ask parents who plan to visit their children frequently to follow the classroom routine, to avoid disturbing classroom schedules and activities. If you wish to meet with the Director or a staff member, please make an appointment so that arrangements can be made.

AAMCCC appreciates parents’ valuable input on the care of their children, and encourages parent participation. Parents can visit as much or as little as their schedules (and children) will allow. We also invite grandparents to come and visit and read a story to the class. If you are going to have a grandparent visit us, please let your child’s teacher know so that we can expect them. Families are encouraged to provide feedback and make suggestions - just drop them in the suggestion box.

The center’s program director is available on daily basis - just ask for Ms. Asia. Each room post their notices on the door, as well as on the parent board. We also have a daycare's newsletter that addresses the events and requirements for each month.

Attendance Policy

Your child is expected to attend the center daily. You are paying for excellent care and the only way we can provide it is if your child is in attendance at the center daily. If you are set on a part time rate, the same rules apply.

1. Your child must be in school by 8:45 am to be included in the count for breakfast. Breakfast will begin promptly at 7:00 am.

2. Your child must be in attendance on or before 9:00 am to be considered present for the day. If you arrive after the designated time your child will not be accepted for the day.

Note: If your child will be tardy for an excused reason (dr. visit,) please inform the center so that he or she may be accepted for the program day. (An excused visit is not because you woke up late or car problems. Excuses must be documented)

3. If you keep your child home for any reason please be sure and contact the center if it goes beyond 3 days. When the child returns, proper documentation must be accompanied to remain with us. Please Note: Your tuition payment will remain the same regardless of absences for your child to receive care without interruption (NO EXCEPTIONS)

4. All children must be signed in and out of the center daily. Please be sure and notify all persons you authorize to bring or pick up your child in case of your absence.

Your cooperation is deeply appreciated!


Payment Policy

Private Pay – weekly or monthly

Subsidized payments through Early Learning Coalition

Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten

All fees are due by the 5th of the month that child care services are received. A late fee of $35 will be charged for any late payments received after the 10th. Your services may be terminated if tuition is not received by the 15th. All weekly Tuition fees are due NO LATER THAN Monday morning of pay week and are to be made on time by everyone, NO EXCEPTIONS! If weekly tuition is paid on Tuesday please include a $35.00 late fee. The only person who can waive this policy is the owner/director of the childcare center.

The parents of children who are receiving tuition assistance are responsible for paying their parent fee (the amount of tuition that is not paid for by the third-party agency.) If this creates special hardships please speak with the owner/director ONLY, to address the situation.

Half day enrollment will be permitted if the age group has room. Part time rates are available upon request. Your child must be in the center for at least three days a week to be considered part time.

There is a one-time Registration Fee of $75.00 for the first child and $25.00 for every child after. The registration fee is due upon registering your child at AAMCCC, INC. There is also a $60 fee for transporting your child to and from the facility.

Every three months (each yearly quarter) there will be a $25.00 supply and materials fee due for each family enrolled in the center.

If your child is enrolled and you keep your child out for any reason, payment is still due. This will ensure that your child continues with us. If payment is not received, the director has the authority to terminate enrollment at that time.

If you do not make payments on time you will be required to pay a late fee. For each day that your tuition payment is late, a late fee of $5 accrues. If payment is not made within five days of the due date, you will not be able to bring your child to the center until payment and late fees are paid.

Fee Schedule

| |Monthly |Weekly |Part Time |

|Infants |$600 |$150 |$300 |

|Ones |$575 |$145 |$287.50 |

|Twos |$550 |$140 |$275 |

|Threes |$525 |$135 |262.50 |

|Fours |$500 |$125 |250 |

|VPK (1 – 5 PM) |$250 |$65 |125 |

|AFTER SCHOOL |$275 |$70 |140 |


|(9 a.m. – 3 p.m.) |$375 |$95.00 |$190 |

Part time care is 25 hours or less a week.

Late Pick Up Policy

AAMCCC closes at 12:00 A.M. If your child is not picked up by the time agreed upon between you and the director, there will be a late fee of $15.00 the first 15 minutes and $1.00 for every minute thereafter. Late pick up fees are due when you arrive.

We understand that emergencies occur. In case of an emergency, please call the center to ensure that we know and can make arrangements at that time.

Emergency Policy in Case of Failure to Pick Up Child

In the event that a child is not picked up by the agreed upon time staff shall use all contact information in attempting to arrange for the earliest possible pick up of any child remaining in the center. Staff shall contact the director in the event that parents are unreachable and when an alternate pick up might need to be arranged. If we cannot reach the parent, we will begin calling emergency contacts. If we release a child to one of the emergency contacts and staff then leaves for the evening, the information will be left on the parent’s voicemail if possible, and a message will be posted on the Center’s front door.

If a child has not been picked up by one hour after Center closing time or notification of emergency evacuation, and all attempts to reach parent/guardians have been unsuccessful, staff shall call the police or sheriff (depending on the jurisdiction of where the child lives) and request that they assist in locating a responsible adult to pick up the child. If the police report that they are unable to locate a responsible adult, then staff shall immediately call Department of Children and Families Protective Services are request that they arrange to have someone from Protective Services pick up the child from the center as soon as possible.

Staff will carefully and fully document all efforts, including names and times, throughout this process and provide documentation to the Director the following workday.

Confidentiality Policy

Within AAMCCC, confidential and sensitive information will only be shared with employees of who have a “need to know” in order to most appropriately and safely care for your child. Confidential and sensitive information about faculty, other parents and/or children will not be shared with parents, as AAMCCC strives to protect everyone’s right of privacy. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to: names, addresses, phone numbers, disability information, and HIV/AIDS status or other health related information of anyone associated with AAMCCC.

Outside of AAMCCC, confidential and sensitive information about a child will only be shared when the parent of the child has given express written consent, except where otherwise provided for by law. Parents will be provided with a document detailing the information that is to be shared outside of AAMCCC, persons with whom the information will be shared, and the reason(s) for sharing the information.

Any parent who violates the Confidentiality policy will not be permitted on our site property thereafter.

You may observe children at our center who are disabled or who exhibit behavior that may appear inappropriate (i.e. biting, hitting, and spitting). You may be curious or concerned about the other child. Our Confidentiality Policy protects every child’s privacy. Employees of AAMCCC are strictly prohibited from discussing anything about another child with you.

Sign In and Sign Out & Child Pick Up Policies

Signing your child in and out is required by licensing, and will be enforced.

No children will be released to an unauthorized person. Each child must be signed in and out on the Daily Sign-Out roster. Each child must also have a Pick-up Authorization Form on file indicating those individuals (who must be over the age of 16) authorized to remove the children from AAMCCC. Exceptions will only be made per the parent(s)/guardians written request. Such special authorization must be given prior to the actual pick-up

time. The special authorization will be valid only for that date, therefore prohibiting continued pick-up privileges (unless his/her name has been added to the child/ren pick-up authorization form.)

Until the center staff becomes familiar with authorized individuals, photo ID will be required to verify name and identity upon pick up.

Any person, including parents, with child abuse convictions, sex offender convictions and/or open investigations into any sexual or violate crimes against a child will not be permitted to enter or remove a child/children from our facility.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are required to leave three (3) contact person names and telephone numbers in case of emergency.

Release of Children Policy

AAMCC has reserve the right to decline the release of a child to a person who appears physically, emotionally, or mentally unable to provide adequate care for the child as judged by the staff member responsible for the child. For instance, we will not release a child to an adult who appears intoxicated or otherwise impaired. In the event that this situation should arise, staff will release the child to an authorized individual on the child’s emergency contact list who appears able to provide appropriate care for the child.

Policy Changes

Policies are subject to change and every effort will be made to notify parents in a timely fashion of any changes to the policies or procedures.

Custody Orders

Until custody has been established by a court action, one parent may not limit the other from picking-up a child in our care. The center must be notified immediately of any changes in custody orders. Certified custody orders must be given to the center director if a situation presents itself, where one parent does not want the other parent to have access to their child, AAMCCC suggests that the parent keep the child with them until a court order is issued.

If conflicting court orders are presented, the most recently dated court order will be followed. Once presented with a Protection from Abuse Order or a Restraining Order, AAMCCC is obligated to follow the order for the entire period it is in effect. Employees of AAMCCC, at the request of anyone, except the issuing judge, allow a Protection from Abuse Order and/or a Restraining Order to be violated. AAMCCC will report any violations of these orders to the court.


The policies outlined in this handbook are strictly enforced to provide fairness to all parties that render and receive services. The director at AAMCCC reserves the right to cancel the enrollment of a child at his/her discretion, or for the following possible reasons:

1. Failure to pay for services rendered (fees) or failure to pay on time.

2. Excessive late payments of tuition or fees

3. If receiving tuition assistance or VPK voucher, failure to maintain eligibility requirements and/or re-determination responsibilities

4. Failure to provide updated Health and Immunization Records for each child as required

5. Physical and/or verbal abuse of staff or children by parent or child.

6. Failure to abide by AAMCCC rules and regulations as outlined in parent agreement


A two-week notice is required before withdrawing a child from our center. Account must be paid in full before withdrawing—including your child's tuition for that two-week period.



Law mandates all child care personnel to report their suspicions of child abuse, neglect, or abandonment to the Florida Abuse Hotline in accordance with section 39.201(F.S.) of the Florida State statutes.


The Rilya Wilson Act is explained in detail on the flyer located on the Parent Information Board. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to discuss them with the center’s director.

Non-Discrimination Policy

AAMCC welcomes all families into our programs.  We are in accordance with Federal and State law. AAMCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services.  Our childcare center prohibits sexual harassment.  We welcome the enrollment of families and children with disabilities and will make reasonable accommodations in accordance to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Accommodations for children with Special Needs

AAMCC provides public accommodation and therefore must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Our program is committed to meeting the needs of all children, regardless of special health care needs or disabilities. Inclusion of children with special needs has been shown to enrich the child care experience for all staff, and children and families of enrolled children.

Procedure and Practices, including responsible person(s):

1. Children with special needs will be accepted into our program under the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

2. All families will be treated with dignity and with respect for their individual needs and/or differences.

3. AAMC will be responsible for ensuring that confidentiality about special needs is maintained for all families and staff in the program.

4. Children with special needs will be given the opportunity to participate in the program to the fullest extent possible. To accomplish this, AAMC will consult with agencies/organizations as needed, to provide parental permission is granted (Authorization for Release of Information form).

5. All staff will receive general training on the benefits of inclusion of children with special needs and training on specific accommodations that any child in their classrooms may need. The knowledge of parents and health care professionals involved in the care of the child with special needs will be consulted to determine accommodations and or therapy requirements.

Missing Child Policy

AAMCC anticipates no such incidents, but as a precaution we have instituted procedures. On discovering that a child is missing from the group, the teacher will secure the other children with another responsible employee and immediately begin a search in the area. The following procedures will also take place:

• AAMCC staff will become alert of the situation.

• We will expand our search by requesting help from all adults in the surrounding vicinity. Giving them a full description of the child including what he was wearing.

• If the child is missing in a public building, we will ask the facility staff to make a page over the intercom (if applicable).

• After five minutes: The public facility or childcare center exits and entrances will be requested to be sealed off immediately.

• AAMCC staff will secure the safety of the other students in our care, as we will be aware that this could become a distressing situation for them.

If the search is unsuccessful within a ten minute time frame, we will:

• Ring the police, providing a full description of the incident as well as the child’s name, age, weight, height, clothing and footwear.

• AAMCC staff will continue their search in the surrounding area.

• Then I will notify the parents to inform of what has happened, what is being done, and that I will call them back in a few minutes to update them.

• When the child is found: I will contact the parent/guardian, alert everyone else involved, hold a debriefing as soon as possible.

• As a follow-up: I would assess the problem and make changes, if necessary, to avoid the risk of a similar incident. As well, I would further educate the children in my care about the importance of staying with the group.

• Advise the relevant parents and/or guardians know of the situation as soon as is reasonably practical to do so.

Safety and Security

Philosophy: If staff, parents, and children feel safe from harm or fear, everyone will enjoy time spent together. The most fundamental need is the need to feel safe. Children are protected in their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing by the staff.

All outdoor areas are secured with childproof gates. AAMCCC maintains daily sign in and sign out sheets to record the dates and times that children were on the premises. A photo ID is required for pick up of children by an adult other than the custodial parent or guardian. Emergency numbers are called in the event of an illness, injury, or other emergency.

The physical environment is maintained, clean, sanitized, and secure. The program has a fire alarm and a burglar alarm. The local police are nearby and are familiar with the hours and activities of the program. Monthly fire drills are conducted to train the staff and the children on how to have an orderly and quick exit from the buildings, should the situation arise.

Procedures for Environmental Emergencies

The preschool has specific procedures in place for the following environmental emergencies:

➢ Building Emergencies

➢ Severe Weather Conditions

➢ Threats of Violence

Building Emergencies:

In the event of a fire, after evacuating the building staff members are instructed to line the children up and take attendance. They are to take the children to the to the Jerusalem Church parking lot (located next to the center) and immediately take attendance again to make sure all the children are accounted for. Parents will then be called to pick-up their child.

The local fire department inspects the preschool annually by checking the expiration dates of all fire extinguishers, checking the fire alarm, checking the exit lights, and checking to see if the teachers follow the correct evacuation procedure through the use of unannounced fire drills.

In the event that problems arise with the electric, heating and cooling, or plumbing systems, the parents will be called, requesting that they pick up their child (pick up procedures will be observed). Parents will be notified if the center will need to be cancelled for the following days.

Severe Weather Conditions

In the event of severe weather conditions such as tornadoes, lightning or thunderstorms, or severe winds that occur before school begins, parents should use their judgment. If severe weather occurs while the children are attending school, the teachers will take the children out of the classroom and walk them into the main hallway. This area has been approved by the Tallahassee Fire Department as a safe place for the children to be during severe weather conditions. Once the threat has passed, the children will then be returned to their classroom.

IN THE EVENT OF THREAT OF HURRICANE, the center will be closed if Leon County schools are cancelled. Please listen to one of the local radio or television stations for the announcement. An announcement regarding the program will not be made separately.

Threats of Violence

In the event of a threat of violence toward a child or the group’s safety, the teachers are to follow these procedures: If the program must be evacuated, the teachers are to follow the same procedures for a fire emergency. If someone arrives (or is suspected of arriving) with the suspected intent to harm a child, children or teacher, the director of staff members will call 911. All doors will be locked during the hours of operation.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the unexpected death of a seemingly healthy baby for whom no cause of death can be determined based on an autopsy, an investigation of the place where the infant died, and a review of the infant’s medical history.

We believe that a safe sleep environment for infants helps lower the chances of an infant dying from SIDS, and that parents and child care providers can work together to provide a safe sleep environment. According to N.C. Law G.S. 100-91 (15), child care providers caring for infants 12 months of age or younger, are required to implement a safe sleep policy, share the safe sleep policy with parents/guardians, and participate in Infant-Toddler Safe Sleep and SIDS Risk Reduction in Child Care training. All About Me Childcare Center will implement the following safe sleep practices.

Reporting Suspicious Persons or Activities

If AAMCC staff witnesses a crime, it will immediately be reported after the incident occurs. Our staff efforts regarding the incident will prompt and accurate report which will help keep our facility staff, children and families safe. Listed below are the procedures we will take the reporting suspicious persons or activity.

1. Our staff will identify who the suspicious person is by providing a full description.

2. Identify is the suspicious activity.

3. Record and provide where the incident took place.

4. Explain where the suspicious person/activities are located.

5. Immediately call the Emergency Communications Center (ECC) at 911.

AAMCC staff will not do the following when witnessing a crime or suspicious person:

• Handle the problem themselves.

• Will not delay reporting the incident.

• Will not leave the location from which they are reporting the incident unless they are in


Active Shooter Situations

An active shooter incident is defined as an individual that is “actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.” If our staff are aware or hear shots fired, we will immediately call 911, give as much information as possible to dispatch, including location and number of shooter(s); physical description of shooter(s); number and type of weapons; number of victims; etc. If an employee directly encounter an active shooter, the employee will be advised to quickly decide whether to: RUN, HIDE, or FIGHT! Confronting an active shooter is not a requirement; the employees responses depend on the situation.

When an employee hears: “ACTIVE SHOOTER” staff will gather all children, parents, and/or visitors, and other personnel in their vicinity and move to a shelter location that is identified in the work area. Lock doors or barricade doors without locks. Block interior windows. Turn out the lights to make the room appear unoccupied. Silence phones, and limit communication and conversation. Keep others calm and quiet. Staff will avoid hallway traffic and conversation. All should spread out once in a safe location. No staff will be arriving or leaving, as well as no movement of equipment or supplies. Staff may not leave that facility until the “Active Shooter” directive is suspended by the authorities. No access in, out, or within the building will be allowed.

Safe Sleep Practices Policy

1. All child care staff caring for infants and child care staff that may potentially care for infants will receive training on how to implement our infant Safe Sleep Policy.

2. Infants will always be placed on their backs to sleep unless there is a signed Alternate Sleep Position Waiver- Health Care Professional Recommendation in the infant’s file. A waiver notice will be posted at the infant’s crib. This facility does not accept Alternate Sleep Position Waiver – Parent Request. Waivers will be retained in the children’s record as long as they are enrolled.

3. When babies can easily turn over from the back to the stomach, they will be placed to sleep on their backs and then allowed to adopt the sleep position they prefer. This is in accordance with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations. Child care staff can further discuss with parents how to address circumstances when the baby turns onto their stomach or side.

4. Sleeping infants will be visually checked daily, every 15-20 minutes, by assigned staff. The sleep information will be recorded on a Sleep Chart. The Sleep Chart will be kept on file for one month after the reporting month. We will be especially alert to monitoring a sleeping infant during the first weeks the infant is in child care. We will check the infant for:

• Normal skin color

• Normal breathing by watching the rise and fall of the chest

• His or her level of sleep

• Signs of overheating: flushed skin color, increase in body temperature (touch the skin), and restlessness

5. Staff will reduce the risk of overheating by not over-dressing or over-wrapping the infants.

6. All parents/guardians of infants cared for in the facility will receive a written copy of our Infant/Toddler Safe Sleep Policy before enrollment, will review the policy with staff, and sign a statement saying they received and reviewed the policy.

7. The temperature in the room where the infant(s) sleep will be kept between 68-75°F and monitored by the thermometer kept in the infant sleeping room.

8. To promote healthy development, awake infants will be given supervised “tummy time” for exercise and for play.

Safe Sleep Environment

• Infants' heads will not be covered with blankets or bedding. Infants' cribs will not be covered with blankets or bedding. We may use a sleep sack instead of a blanket.

• No loose bedding, pillows, bumper pads, etc. will be used in cribs. We will tuck any infant blankets in at the foot of the crib and along the sides of the crib mattress.

• Toys and stuffed animals will be removed from the crib when the infant is sleeping.

• Pacifiers will be allowed in infants’ cribs while they sleep. When the pacifier falls out of the sleeping infant’s mouth, it will not be reinserted into the infant’s mouth. The pacifier is the only object we will allow in a crib.

• A safety-approved crib with a firm mattress and tight-fitting sheet will be used.

• Each infant will sleep have his or her own crib. Only one infant will be in a crib at a time unless we are evacuating infants in an emergency.

• No smoking is permitted in the infant room or on the premises.

• All parents/guardians of infants cared for in the infant room will receive a written copy of our Infant/Toddler

Safe Sleep Policy before enrollment.

• To promote healthy development, awake infants will be given supervised “tummy time” for exercise and for play.

Illness Policy

We are partners in your child’s education, health, and well being. Therefore, we have made it a primary concern for AAMCC staff and administration to ensure we maintain a safe and healthy environment for all. Therefore, we have a strict policy for illness in the Center. You are the best judge of your child's health and we trust you will not bring a sick child to the center. However, if while in our care your child becomes ill, displays an unknown rash, or acts out-of-character your child's teacher will consult the director and you may be called to come take your child home. When called, you (or an alternate emergency person) are expected to come immediately. This is to protect the health of your child and his/her classmates. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. So please adhere to the policy so that we will be able to control the spread of typical childhood illnesses.

Maintaining the health and physical well being of the parents and children at AAMCCC is a primary concern for the staff and administration. In an effort to avoid sharing contagious illnesses, we ask that each family comply with the following:

• If your child has a fever of 100.5 or higher, please keep your child home for 24 HOURS AFTER the fever has subsided without the aid of Tylenol.

• When your child has a runny nose with green mucus, please keep your child at home until the discharge has stopped completely

• When a child has any indication of a body rash, see your doctor, and do not bring the child to school until the cause and remedy are determined. A rash accompanies many highly contagious illnesses

• If your child has lice, a fungal infection (including ringworm), worms or any other parasite, do not bring your child to school until the treatment is complete

• Any vomiting is an indication of a stomach or intestinal virus and the child must remain at home, as this type of illness can be extremely contagious

• Persistent cough for an extended period of time (cough suppressants and/or allergy medications are not recommended unless prescribed by a doctor)

• Diarrhea (more than three loose, watery stools). Consideration will be taken if your child is allergic to certain food/drink products or on medication

• Highly contagious condition such as head lice, chicken pox, strep throat, pin worms, mumps, impetigo, conjunctivitis (pink eye), etc please keep your child home and return with a written doctor’s note.

Young children may exhibit indications of illnesses that are associated with erupting teeth and the staff will help you determine this, since this is clearly not contagious.

We have an isolation area for your child in the event he or she becomes ill while at school.

Your cooperation is deeply appreciated. We understand that your child may have lower attendance during cold and flu season. If all parents or guardians adhere to the policy, we will be able to control the spread of typical childhood illnesses. We encourage children to practice washing their hands thoroughly, and all toys are sanitized daily by the staff.

Should the center experience any unusual level or type of communicable disease, after notifying the proper authorities, we will inform you verbally or in writing if your child may have been exposed with information including signs and symptoms of the disease, mode of transmission, period of communicability, and control measures that have been implemented at the center and/or measures that should be implemented at home.

Please note that absences, regardless of the cause, will not entitle the parent to a refund or discount on the regular rate.

If you have any future questions after reading the policy, please contact the director.

Medication Policy

No medication shall be given by child care personnel without the signed permission of the parent or legal guardian. All medication must be in the original container with the child’s name, name of the physician, medication name, and medication directions written on the label. In order to administer over the counter medications, we must have a written form from your physician authorizing use and dosage for your child. A completed medication authorization form must be filled out completely, and we require daily parent acknowledgment for the length of time that the medication is administered.


We require all children to provide a physician’s statement of the required immunizations per licensing requirements. As your child receives additional shots, please notify the Center. Failure to provide this information can be cause for removal from the program since current immunization records are required for centers to maintain a valid license. We perform audits of our immunizations on a regular basis in cooperation with Department of Children and Families.

Injuries and Accidents

All staff is trained in First Aid/CPR. In the event that a child becomes ill or injured anywhere in the facility, the supervising staff member will make an immediate decision as to whether the incident is a non-emergency or an emergency situation.

In the case of a non-emergency:

1. Child is coherent and composed immediately after injury or illness.

2. Child has a small cut or scrape with little bleeding.

3. Child has little or swelling

4. Child is able to move injured area, or does not experience pain when touched

The teacher will apply first aid measures such as stopping the bleeding, applying band aid, and washing injury with soap and water. The teacher will fill out an accident/injury report, for the parent/guardian to read and sign. A copy will be provided for the parent and the original will be placed in the child’s file. If the injury starts to swell, the teacher will call the parents, notifying them of the situation. If the injury continues to get worse, the parents will be asked to pick up the child and take him/her to the doctor/hospital.

Allergy Policy

The following policies and procedures regarding allergies have been developed to further protect the children in our care. These policies require the full understanding and cooperation of staff and parents.

1. Children with a history of allergies will have these problems specified by the child’s health care provider on their medical information form.

2. The director will review medical forms upon enrollment with parents and if a child has a special medical need, a health plan will be developed. This plan will include written instructions from the child’s physician regarding the management of his/her allergies. This written care plan must be in place within 30 days of enrollment. For children with life-threatening allergies, a care plan must be in place before the child begins attending the program.

3. All staff who work with the child will be familiar with the care plan. The plan will be posted in the classroom along with a photo of the child. The plan will be clearly marked, as well as the location of any medications or EpiPen’s.

4. If the director determines that the program’s food service cannot safely provide snack and/or meals, the parents will be responsible for providing substitute healthy foods, which will be served by the staff. To the extent possible, the program will provide alternative foods for special diets.

5. The care plan will be revised if medications change and will be reviewed annually.

6. An allergy list is maintained by the director for all children who are enrolled. It is posted in every classroom, in the kitchen and outside on the playground and will be included on field trips. It is revised and reviewed monthly at staff meetings.

7. The person who is responsible for food service will read all food labels to identify known allergens. No food will be served to children with allergies if a label of ingredients is not available for that product. Teachers of children with allergies will double check with the cook when food arrives in the classroom regarding the appropriateness of foods for the children with allergies. Teachers will not serve food to children with allergies if there is any doubt about the food content.

8. For children with life threatening allergies (usually peanuts) their classrooms will be clearly marked to exclude that food from the area. Other parents in the classroom will be educated about the importance of not bringing foods from home into the classroom without pre-arranging it with the teacher and making sure the foods are safe. Teachers will be aware of all foods entering the classroom (including their own food) and will exclude all foods that could contain life threatening allergies. If in doubt about any food, it must be excluded from the classroom.

In these classrooms, celebrations may not include homemade foods and most include only foods that are clearly labeled for allergens. Those foods will be checked before they enter the classroom. In center, wide celebrations (such as the Thanksgiving Feast) where many classrooms and parents are involved, the center cannot ensure the safety of all foods that are brought into the facility for children with allergies. For these instances, only, the child’s parents are responsible for verifying and ensuring the safety of any foods that their child has access to or ingests during these events.

9. Due to the possibility of “cross-contamination” between groups, no food is allowed on any playground with the following exception: classrooms may serve food from the regular center menu in a picnic format on the playground with the following requirements:

- Other classrooms sharing the playground space must be informed in advance so they can consider any implications to their children

- Teachers must take special care to clean up the area thoroughly after eating

- No trash from the meal may be left outside

10. All staff members will be trained in the management of allergies and allergic reactions part of the orientation, including all substitutes and floaters. The topic will also be included in the staff’s annual CPR/First Aid training as a refresher.

11. All parents must update their emergency medical information immediately upon any change in allergy conditions.

12. Staff will utilize a symptom record to document a child’s symptoms, staff actions/responses and a child’s response during episodes when medications are given if parents and/or physician’s office or 911 is called in response to symptoms or illness. A copy of the symptom record will be sent with the children if he/she seeks medical evaluation or is taken to the hospital and a copy is kept in the child’s file.

13. Classrooms that have children who are allergic to animals will not expose the child to that type of animal or have them as classroom pets.


Meals and Nutrition Policy

The Center provides breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Breakfast is served from 7:00 – 8:45 a.m. Breakfast is not served after 8:45 a.m. and children arriving after that hour should eat prior to arrival. Lunch hours vary from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Lunch is a well balanced hot meal delivered to the classrooms from the kitchen. It is served family style. Afternoon snack is served between 3:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.

Our meals are planned around food children generally like and they are encouraged to try a variety of new foods. We follow the USDA Meal Pattern Requirements for all meals, which ensure that the food we serve meets your child’s nutritional requirements. Portions are served according to the child’s age. Food is prepared, served, and stored in accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP) guidelines.

Parents may also provide suitable substitutes for the items that their child cannot eat from the menu. Please review the posted menu for appropriateness for your child. Lunch and snack foods brought from home must meet the guidelines of the Child and Adult Care Food Program for the types of foods and portion sizes (USDA Meal Pattern Requirements are available upon request and also online at: .

Food brought from home will be labeled with the child’s name, the date, the type of food, and any need for temperature control. Leftover food will be discarded. The only food that may be returned to the family is food that does not require temperature control, or food that came to the facility in a commercially wrapped package and that was never opened.

Discipline Policy

Philosophy: The most unique feature of our center is the methods employed for correcting children’s unwanted behavior. Punishment is NEVER used! The staff is trained to re-direct children, use logical consequences and teach self-control. All children want to please and all children respond to the fun of cooperation.

Infants establish their own schedules, are diapered when necessary and are NEVER permitted to cry for an extended amount of time. Research clearly states that infants must have their needs met to develop trust.

Children are not put in “timeouts” and there is no system in place to measure and chart failure or poor behavior. If a child has extreme disruptive behavior on a consistent basis, the Director and the parent will establish a positive intervention to change the unwanted behavior. All children will be protected always from extreme, destructive, or dangerous behavior of another child.

Children are prohibited from being subjected to discipline which is severe, humiliating, frightening, or associated with food, rest, or toileting. Spanking or any other form of physical punishment is prohibited for all child care personnel. Children may not be denied active/outdoor play because of misbehavior.

Use of Technology

AAMCC uses computers, television and videos to enhance children’s learning and experiences. This experience is helpful in supporting children’s develop in a positive manner. Any use of technology used in our childcare facility is thoroughly planned to eliminates potential risks of a children’s health or wellbeing. Our policy and procedures are developed and communicated effectively to all our parents. It is essential that parents have the opportunity to review our policy annually. We believe that technology can extend children’s experiences and increase their understanding of the world. The appropriate use of technology provides an positive outcome such as:

• supporting and extending a child’s interests

• enhances the development of language, literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills

• providing them with new information or perspectives about the world

• encouraging physical movement and development through activity based programs

• increasing their attention span and ability to focus

• providing them with time to relax and be entertained.

Technology will NOT be used as a regular occurrence due to:

1. It impacting a child development mentally, physically or emotionally.

2. Reducing a child’s classroom participation of learning (reading, writing, social and emotional).

3. A child being sedentary, which is linked to childhood obesity and poor health outcomes in the future.

4. Exposure to negative advertisement or ads.

5. Health issues such as eyesight problems associated with ergonomic practices when viewing certain television and video programs.

ALL AAMCC STAFF will ensure that a professional will be watching and monitoring the content of each program carefully. Furthermore, making sure that the children have alternative experiences available for those who choose not to watch or participate. In addition, teachers will be required to follow up with the children about what they have seen or experienced in order to link them up with real life or classroom experiences. Lastly, provide research and planned activities for the director to approve upon implementation.

Clothing and Personal Items

Since the activities planned for your child may involve paints, clay, and outdoor play, we suggest the following for your child to receive the maximum benefit from play:

• Dress your children in their uniforms Monday-Thursday

• Dress your child in play clothes that are washable, roomy, and easy for them to manage.

• Provide a change of clothing in case of spills, accidents, or emergencies.

• You may send extra bottles (infant room), a small security blanket and/or a pacifier for your child. Staff will make every effort to keep track of these items but will not be held responsible if lost.

• Label all items brought to the center including outer garments with a permanent marker.

• Shoes are required always. Flip-flops and loose sandals are not permitted. They make outside play dangerous. Tennis shoes are best!

• We have ample toys for the children’s play. We discourage toys brought from home other than a soft, cuddly toy for rest time and a special toy for “Show and Tell” days. Children MAY NOT bring money, small items, or play guns or swords to the center.

• The center is not responsible for lost items

• For health and safety reasons, children 2 and under with beads in their hair will not be permitted. Please limit the use of bows, barrettes, and other small, potentially hazardous items.

• Jewelry is not permitted. we will not be responsible if your child wears jewelry and it gets lost. PLEASE DO NOT WEAR JEWELRY.

We understand that many children have a need for security items. Although the Center cannot be responsible for toys or other items brought from home, security items may be used by the child during the day when needed and stored in the child’s cubby at other times.

The center has extra clothes in the event of an accident and if the child does not have any extra items. These clothing items are clearly marked and we ask that you please launder them and return them for future use. We gladly offer this service when clothes are available, but we want to continue it to be available to families in the future as well, so please make sure that the clothes are returned in a timely manner.

Nap and Rest Times

We make every effort possible to provide an environment that is quiet enough for those who need to nap yet not too restrictive for those who do not. The parent is responsible for providing the necessary bedding - crib linens for infants and should be taken home weekly or as needed to be laundered. Parents should provide blankets or large towels for children ages 1 and over and which should be laundered once a week. Parents should also bring a fitted sheet for your child’s cot. If you wish, you may bring one small pillow or stuffed animal. Please do not bring toys that encourage children to play during rest time.

For children under the age of 1 we do not have set rest periods, since it is more appropriate to follow the children’s individual schedule and up until the age of 1 there is still much variation in children’s sleeping patterns.

Children ages 1 – 5 are required to rest on a mat from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Children will be changed or have potty time, cleanup and served snack. All children will be awakened by 2:45.

Teachers assist children in resting by reading stories, providing soothing music, and rubbing backs. Children are not required to sleep but are expected to rest quietly on their cots during this time.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that if children are tired they will fall asleep on their own, and we WILL NOT wake them or prevent them from sleeping based on the request of a parent. The only thing we can do is instruct staff not to rub their back or otherwise assist them in falling asleep


Birthdays are exciting events for children! Although birthdays are special, we request that they be celebrated simply – no gifts, please. Feel free to visit with your child and his or her classmates during the day. If you would like to provide a special treat at lunch or snack time, we will be glad to arrange a convenient time. For birthday parties, allergy policies must be followed precisely. All food must be purchased from the store with a list of ingredients on the label. Please see the allergy policy for more information.


In planning and carrying out activities and curriculum that relate to holidays, staff will ensure that:

• Nothing will be presented that constitutes the teaching of religious belief

• Effort is made to include traditions and share the children’s experiences from home

• Sensitivity to children and families’ needs is shown to avoid information or materials that offends

• Developmentally appropriate practice is followed when planning holiday experiences

We will be closed on the following holidays:

Labor Day

Thanksgiving Day and Friday after

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

The week following Christmas

New Year’s Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

NOTE: If a holiday falls on a Saturday, AAMCCC. will be closed on the preceding Friday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, we will be closed on the following Monday.


Children will be taught on an individual basis unique to their own stage of development. Daily communication, both written and verbal helps assure the best care for your child. We will post all planned experiences and provide written communication daily. For all children, toys and materials are rotated to ensure that they are never bored and maintain their interest in their surroundings.

Children age one and younger experience a variety of developmentally appropriate toys and materials in a language rich environment. The infant and toddler staff primarily focus on valuable, secure experiences. The staff promotes security since this is the number one indicator of successful experiences for a toddler.

Children 2 years of age and older participate in developmentally appropriate activities which are planned using specific thematic topics to enhance their learning experience. Classrooms are arranged into learning centers, which allow children the freedom to play and develop skills. Opportunities are available for:

➢ Art and creative expression

➢ Science and discovery

➢ Sand and water play

➢ Language and reading development

➢ Block and transportation play

➢ Imaginative and dramatic play

➢ Music and movement

➢ Large and Small motor development

➢ Food experiences

➢ Math, problem solving and number concepts

➢ Health and safety

➢ Self-help routines.

The daily schedule is a carefully planned balance between self-directed and teacher-guided activities. During “free play” children have the freedom to choose activities and playmates. Each child is offered large and small group experiences, one-on-one interactions, as well as time to play alone if he or she chooses. Children are encouraged to participate in activities, but are never forced to do so. The activity plan for the week is posted for your review and we encourage families to participate in our curriculum activities as often as they desire. We offer children an opportunity to play outdoors daily, weather permitting.


We use The Creative Curriculum® system in our program. This system includes curriculum, assessment, implementation, and evaluation, as well as professional development. All our staff have received training on the curriculum, and can answer any or your questions.

The Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos translates research and theory from the field of early childhood education into a practical, easy-to-understand approach to working with children and their families. It is a comprehensive curriculum with a clear organizational structure and a focus on routines and experiences.

The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool balances both teacher-directed and child-initiated learning with an emphasis on responding to children’s learning styles and building on their strengths and interest. Resting on a firm foundation of research, it has an environmentally-based approach that defines the vital role of the teacher in connecting content, teaching, and learning for preschool children and offers a practical, easy-to-understand approach to working with children and their families. It is a comprehensive curriculum with a clear organizational structure and a focus on interest areas.


The Creative Curriculum® Developmental Continuum is a valid and reliable tool that uses the goals and objectives of The Creative Curriculum®. By linking curriculum and assessment, teachers can use the information from ongoing strengths-based assessment to inform their teaching. Children benefit because teachers use what they learn from assessment to guide their activity plans.

Staff will assess the children three times a year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. Upon completion of the assessment, a parent-teacher conference will be scheduled to discuss the results, how the teacher plans to address the child’s needs and some suggestions for family support at home.

Thematic Units

Center-wide themes are used in conjunction with the Creative Curriculum and provide a broad framework for activity planning. The themes and time frames are flexible so that teachers can branch off into areas of learning that are of special interest to the children in their groups.

Our thematic units are as follows:

September, October, November: Fall Themes

- Farm / Harvest

- Pumpkins & Apples

- Thanksgiving / Foods

December, January, February: Winter Themes

- Winter Holidays

- Winter Fun – Snow

- Arctic Animals

- Valentines

- Community Workers

March, April, May: Spring Themes

- Plants / Flowers / Gardening

- Insects and Bugs

- Baby Animals

- Dinosaurs

June, July, August: Summer Themes

- Summer Fun / Beach / Water

- Sea Life

- Camping

- Zoo Animals

Other units and themes may be added per the children’s interests, at the teacher’s discretion.

Toilet Learning

Deciding when the right time to go through the process of toilet learning is different for every child. When you feel, your child is ready to toilet-learn, we will be happy to assist you. Your child may be ready to potty-learn if he or she is:

- Walking well

- Staying dry for several hours

- Able to communicate the need to use the toilet

- Appears to be aware of when they are wet or have a soiled diaper

- Is not fearful of the bathroom.

There is no definite age when a child is ready, but should be done when parents and teacher agree that it is appropriate. Both the parents and staff should use the same procedures for training so it does not confuse the child. If there is too much anxiety or stress, it may be better for the child to wait and try again later. During training, it is very important to dress your child in suitable clothing (elastic waist pants that the child can easily pull down and up, no belts or snaps) and provide at least three changes of clothing.



Parent Conferences

Parents are invited to speak with classroom teachers or a director at any time concerning center matters or your child’s development. It is best to talk directly to your child’s teacher if you have concerns regarding your child or your child’s classroom and to a director if you have concerns about a staff member, center policy, or procedure.

We strongly encourage ALL parents to sign up for a conference at the designated time after fall, winter, and spring assessments. A parent conference MUST be held whenever a parent, teacher, or director feels it is necessary. Failure to meet with center staff regarding your child’s well-being could be grounds for dismissal.

Parent Engagement & Volunteering

We encourage parents to become involved with the program. AAMCCC honors the important role of parents. Parents are invited and encouraged to be involved in their child’s school activities. There are many different ways in which parents can participate and volunteer at the child care center. Parents may volunteer to attend trips, read in the classroom, assist teachers, and/or coordinate special events. Teachers will have posted in their classrooms any volunteer opportunities available. Parents not interested in volunteering directly in the classroom may donate items, do maintenance work, or assist in the front office.

Any parent who volunteers in the classroom on a regular basis will be required to pay for and secure all criminal background checks, as required by our licensing regulations. Any person, including parents, with felony convictions, sex offender convictions and/or open investigations into any criminal activities will not be permitted to volunteer in the classroom, or on field trips.

Parents with court orders detailing custodial arrangements will only be permitted to volunteer on days in which they are afforded custody (joint/shared custody arrangement) as per the court order. For example, if a parent is afforded custody on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the parent will only be able to volunteer on those days. Parents with visitation only (sole/exclusive custody arrangements), will only be permitted to volunteer with the express written permission of the custodial parent.

Current research shows that children enjoy a more enriched learning experience when their parents take an active role in their education. As partners with your child’s center, parents are encouraged to:

➢ Volunteer in their child’s classroom

➢ Have lunch with your child

➢ Participate in seasonal events

➢ Participate in “Children’s Week” activities

➢ Attend PTA meetings, or serve on our Parent Board

➢ Sharing a talent (music, art, sewing, etc.)

➢ Donating items for Dramatic Play

➢ Attend Parent Super Work Saturday

We realize that our parents are very busy working and/or going to school. We encourage your involvement but don’t want to overburden you with high expectations, so it’s up to you as to how involved you would like to become with the program.


We value our relationship and communication with parents, as we serve as partners in the care of your children. We encourage you to let us know anything that might help us in our work with your child – a move, developmental or medical needs, the birth of a bay, divorce or separation, death in the family, a new pet, etc.

Teachers will share information with you about your child’s day daily through daily notes for infants, and daily communication boards for our preschoolers. Although we want you to be aware of certain situations and behaviors your child may be exhibiting at the center, the reason we are communicating it is not necessarily because they need to be “fixed” at home. We will handle the situations that arise, but just want parents to be aware of what we are doing in the classroom as it pertains to your child.

A monthly newsletter is distributed to provide information concerning center curriculum, policies, announcements, and general information about young children. We also try to inform you of community events. Please read these newsletters so you can remain informed about center policies and procedures.

To enhance parent communication, we ask that you refrain from talking on your cell phone while dropping off or picking up your child.

Grievance Procedures

If parents have any questions or have concerns, we ask that the following procedures be enforced.

First, go directly to the person with whom you have a difference (the teacher, another parent, or other staff member) Address the issue in a non-accusatory manner and attempt to reach a resolution. It is not acceptable to discuss an issue with any persons not directly involved. If the parent feels that the issue was not properly addressed, or it was dismissed, then:

Second, if the conversation with the person does not bring resolution, the concern should be addressed with the director. The director will then work with the parents to resolve the problem. If the parent feels the conflict is still unresolved, then:

Once the issue has been discussed in the following order, it should be considered exhausted and the above steps are final.


Many problems can be avoided by going directly to the person(s) involved when questions arise.

Parental Responsibilities

What we expect from parents:

➢ Read the bulletin boards, notices and newsletters that are sent home. Important information is shared with you on a regular basis, but you must make the effort to read it.

➢ Give your child time to adjust to child care before leaving them here. Parents can help set a positive tone for the rest of the day by taking a few minutes in the morning to greet the teachers and help involve your child in the activity.

➢ Value staff members and show them common courtesy. Caregivers are more than just babysitters. We employ teachers who have training and education in child development. Show respect for their position as an important part of your child’s development.

➢ Focus on your child when you pick him/her up. Take time to greet staff and your child and see if there is anything the teacher wishes to communicate before you leave.

➢ Pay your child care fees on time. We are providing a valuable service and deserve prompt payment. Don’t put the director in the position of begging you for payment or having to threaten dis-enrollment.

➢ Make sure your children follow center rules. If we ask that you don’t bring in toys, then please don’t allow your child to do this. It is impossible to fully enforce all policies always, but know that your disregard for a policy is causing a problem.

➢ Make sure your child is wearing appropriate clothing. Children will get dirty in child care. It is not realistic to send them in good clothing and expect teachers to keep them clean. Make sure clothing is easy to remove if your child is in diapers or in the process of toilet training.

➢ Keep a sick child home. The state mandates health regulations to prevent spread of infections illness. Although it may seem inconvenient at times, these rules also keep YOUR child from being infected by others as well.

➢ Address concerns in a respectful way and to the appropriate person. Do not bad mouth staff to others – seek to resolve your problem with the appropriate staff member.

➢ Try to minimize your child’s time in child care. Most children have had a full day after 8 hours and need to re-fuel emotionally by spending time with their family.

➢ Communicate with teachers about what’s going on at home.

➢ Make sure children get a good night’s rest so they are ready for their busy day.

➢ Pick children up before the center closes. Staff needs to get home too!


AAMCCC requires the parents of enrolled children at all times, to behave in a manner consistent with decency, courtesy, and respect. One of the goals of AAMCCC is to provide the most appropriate environment in which a child can grow, learn and develop. Achieving this ideal environment is not only the responsibility of the employees of AAMCCC, but is the responsibility of each and every parent or adult who enters the center. Parents are required to behave in a manner that fosters this ideal environment. Parents who violate the Parent Code of Conduct will not be permitted on site property thereafter.

A. SWEARING/CURSING: No parent or adult is permitted to curse or use other inappropriate language on site property at any time, whether in the presence of a child or not. Such language is considered offensive by many people and will not be tolerated. If a parent or adult feels frustrated or angry, it is more appropriate to verbally express the frustration or anger using non-offensive language. At NO time shall inappropriate language be directed toward members of the staff.

B. THREATENING OF EMPLOYEES, CHILDREN OTHER PARENTS OR ADUTLS ASSOCIATED WITH AAMCCC: Threats of any kind will not be tolerated. In today’s society, AAMCCC cannot afford to sit by idly while threats are made. In addition, all threats will be reported to the appropriate authorities and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. While apologies for such behavior are appreciated, AAMCCC will not assume the risk of a second chance. PARENTS MUST BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AND IN CONTROL OF THEIR BEHAVIOR AT ALL TIMES.

C. PHYSICAL/VERBAL PUNISHMENT OF YOUR CHILD OR OTHER CHILDREN AT AAMCCC: While AAMCCC does not necessarily support nor condone corporal punishment of children, such acts are not permitted in the child care facility. While verbal reprimands may be appropriate, it is not appropriate for parents to verbally abuse their child. Doing so may cause undue embarrassment or emotional distress. Parents are always welcome to discuss a behavior issue with the teacher and to seek advice and guidance regarding appropriate and effective disciplinary procedures. Parents are prohibited from addressing, for the purpose of correction or discipline, a child that is not their own. Of course, no parent or other adult may physically punish another parent’s child. If a parent should witness another parent’s child behaving in an inappropriate manner, or is concerned about behavior reported to them by their own child, it is most appropriate for the parent to direct their concern to the classroom teacher and/or Center Director. Furthermore, it is wholly inappropriate for one parent to seek out another parent to discuss their child’s inappropriate behavior. All behavior concerns should be brought to the classroom teacher or director’s attention. At that point, the teacher and/or director will address the issue with the other parent. Although you may be curious as to the outcome of such a discussion, teachers and/or the Center Director are strictly prohibited from discussing anything about another child with you. All children enrolled in our facility have privacy rights and are further protected by our Confidentiality Policy. You may be assured that we will not discuss anything about your child with another parent or adult visiting the center.

D. SMOKING: For the health of all AAMCCC employees, children and associates, smoking is prohibited anywhere on-site property. Parents are prohibited from smoking in the building, on the grounds, and in the parking lot of AAMCCC. Parents who are smoking in their cars must dispose of the cigarette prior to entering the parking lot.

E. VIOLATIONS OF THE SAFETY POLICY: Parents are required to follow all safety procedures at all times. These procedures are designed not as mere inconveniences, but to protect the welfare and best interest of the employees, children and associates of AAMCCC. Please be particularly mindful of AAMCCC entrance procedures. We all like to be polite. However, we need to be careful to not allow unauthorized individuals into the center. Holding the door open for the person following you may, in fact, be polite; however, that person may not be authorized to enter the premises. Security procedures are only as strong as the weakest person in our organizational chain. Be alert and mindful. Immediately report any breaches to the Center Director.

F. CONFRONTATIONAL INTERACTIONS WITH EMPLOYEES, OTHER PARENTS OR ASSOCIATES OF AAMCCC: While it is understood that parents will not always agree with the employees of AAMCCC or the parents of the other children, it is expected that all disagreements be handled in a calm and respectful manner. Confrontational interactions are not an appropriate means by which to communicate a point and are strictly prohibited.

G. VIOLATIONS OF THE CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY: AAMCCC takes very seriously the responsibility of maintaining the confidentiality of all persons associated with the agency. Parents must understand the implications of this responsibility. Parents need to recognize that the Confidentiality Policy not only applies to their child or family, but all children, families and employees associated with AAMCCC. Any parent who shares any information considered to be confidential, pressures employees or other parents for information which is not necessary for them to know, will be considered to be in violation of the Confidentiality Policy.


Developmental Screenings

All parents upon enrolling their child will receive a screening authorization form. The screening form gives the parent/guardian the option of accepting or denying permission for AAMCCC to administer an Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) Developmental Screen to their child.

All children whose parents give permission will be screened during the first 45 days of enrollment and those screening results will be shared with the parents in a conference. All parents will be asked to acknowledge the results of the ASQ when they sign their conference form.

All screening information will be kept confidential and placed in the child’s cumulative file.

If a child scores below the cut off score in any given area, the child’s parents will be notified. A referral to the Early Learning Coalition’s Warm-Line will be recommended to the parents. The screening form issued by the coalition will be utilized.

Hearing and Vision Screenings

The Early Learning Coalition offers free hearing and vision screening for any parents who wish to have one completed on their child. If you are interested, please see the Director and a specialist from the Early Learning Coalition will come to the center to

screen your child.


AAMCCC frequently supplements the in-class curriculum with off premise field trips. Parents are required to give written permission for their child to attend each field trip. Notification of a field trip will be sent home in advance of the trip, with all pertinent trip information including, destination, date, time, reason for trip, cost, and mode of transportation. In your enrollment packet, a permission slip is included to be filled out, signed, and returned with your enrollment packet allowing your child/children to attend field trips.

AAMCCC provides all required supervision for all field trips. Due to availability of space on the van, parents can’t ride but are allowed to meet us at the field trip location. Parents will not be permitted to transport any child, other than their own, on a AAMCCC sponsored trip. If your child is not scheduled to attend on the day of a field trip and you wish for your child to participate in the trip, please discuss this with your child’s teacher at least three days prior to the date of the trip. Your child will be permitted to attend if required ratios can be maintained with his/her addition to the class. An additional day fee of, as well as the cost of the trip and will be due prior to the date of the trip.


All About Me Childcare Center will provide transportation for your child within a 5-mile radius to and from the childcare facility for a $60 monthly fee. Afterschool transportation from your child schools to the facility is provided free of charge.

Occasionally we need to take our own children to activities that they are involved in, or we may wish to take your child on a field trip and will need to transport your child by moving vehicle. All children under 60 lbs. or under 6 years will be placed in a safety-approved car seat which will be provided by a parent/legal guardian. All other children will be required to wear a seat belt always. There is an assistant on the van so that your child will never be left alone. We carry a notebook with copies of all Emergency Contact/Medical Information for of each child in our care. In the event of an emergency away from the childcare facility, your child will be cared for and you will be notified immediately.


Make sure your child is ready when the van driver arrives

Make sure you bring the child to the van dressed appropriately; the van driver is not allowed to get off the van.

If you are not home when the van driver arrives we will bring the child back to the center and you are responsible for picking them up. We will not be providing services the following day unless you can provide an explanation.

All vehicles used for transporting children to and from our center will be currently registered and

maintained in a clean and safe condition. No child will be permitted to remain unattended in the

vehicle. Children will remain seated while the vehicle is in motion. Keys will be removed from the

vehicle at all times when the driver is not in the driver’s seat. Smoking is prohibited in the vehicle

when children are present.

Each vehicle used will:

• Be driven by an adult with a current state driver’s license that authorizes the driver

to operate the type of vehicle driven.

• Contain a first aid and bodily fluid clean up kit

• Be able to maintain temperatures between 60-90 degrees Fahrenheit

• Be equipped with individual, size-appropriate safety restraints (such as car seats and

seat belts) that are appropriate for the vehicle and installed and used correctly

• Be enclosed

• Be locked during transport

For each enrolled child, a transportation release form signed by the parent or guardian will be on-site

at our center.

When children are being transported, at least one person accompanying the children in the vehicle will

have current CPR and First Aid course completion.

If there are delays or problems with transportation, parents or legal guardians will be notified

Within 30 minutes by:

A phone call to the parent or guardian

A note to the parent or guardian

All About Me Childcare Center, Inc

2042 Lake Bradford Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32310


Receipt of Handbook

Parent(s) and Guardian(s) must sign and date this form stating that they have received a copy of this Handbook, Know Your Child Facility Brochure, Influenza Virus Brochure, Permission for Food Related Activities Form, Transportation Policy. Also, that you have received a copy of the facility's Infant/Toddler Safe Sleep Policy, read and agree to the center’s rules and regulations. This handbook will be issued to the enrolled child’s parent/guardian and the signed copies of center policies will be held with AAMCCC in the child’s file as proof of acceptance.

___________________________ ____________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

___________________________ ____________

Director Signature Date

Child’s Name


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