2 God Made Bugs Lesson Plan

[Pages:1]Title: God Made Creeping Things


Bug books Have a variety of bug books available for children to look at.

10 minutes MEMORY VERSE

Genesis 1:24 Then God said, "let the earth bring forth living creatures ,.. and creeping things."

10 minutes LESSON (Proverbs 30:24-28) God has made even the smallest of creatures. He made them unique and very interesting. The ant lives in a colony that works together to gather and store food. Can you think of another small creature that does this. (bees) The Bible talks about Rock Badgers and Locusts and Lizards, and how they are specially made.



Coloring pages Butterflies, bugs, bees

Add bug or butterfly stickers to a page with grass and a tree

Snack Bug cookies (Use sugar cookie recipe. Make small bug shapes and decorate with nuts, raisins almond slices etc. for eyes and wings.)

10 minutes PRAISE AND WORSHIP If I Were a Butterfly Itsy Bitsy Spider

Maybe you have some of these creatures in the area where you live. Pay attention to them. God can use them to teach us about Him.

PRAYER Thank you God for all the creatures you have made. Each one is special in its own way. Help me to see how wonderful you are.

20 minutes

OUTSIDE ACTIVITY Collect some bugs outside

Or If you can locate an ant colony outside, try placing a few cookie crumbs nearby and watch the ants to see if they will begin to break them apart and move them to their nest. Perhaps make a video of this activity.


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