Create Your Own Sumerian City-State - Weebly

Create Your Own Civilization (City-State)


Well, hello! This is your City Designing Supervisor. I have invited you all here to do one thing and that is to Design A Civilization (CITY-STATE). (a city and the countryside around it) I think it is about time we all find a location to settle down and build ourselves a little community. I am tired of hunting and gathering and living a nomadic life style. There has to be a more efficient and prosperous way to live our lives. One thing though, I need your help!

Your plan must include a very detailed description with visuals of the following: Geography, Culture, Economics, and Government. Below are listed some ideas for information to be included for each category, historical and geographic context of your civilization, political system, social structures, economic strucutures. Your report should be realistic as you are creating your own city… be creative but “real.”

This project is worth 100 points: 50 for your Report and 50 for your Poster. (see the attached rubrics to see how you can maximize your points!!!)


Your City-State consists of four parts (remember each of the parts below are suggestions). I will be expecting to see all of the following questions answered in GREAT DETAIL in your city plans. Each should have at least 2, 7-10 sentence paragraphs. In addition, I will be expecting a poster to go along with your design description so I can fully comprehend your vision for the future!!

Suggested Roles and Guided Questions: ( you can include information besides the suggestions below.)

• GEOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL - [pic]What is the environment like? What part of Europe will your city-state be located? What will the weather/climate be like? Can plants and animals survive there? What water sources surround you? Why have you chosen this area over another? This must be a real location with an explanation of how your geographic location will help your empire. The historical context explains when your civilization existed. Who were the other civilizations that existed during this time, and if they would be friendly neighbors, competition, threats, or a combination.

• JOB SPECIALIST (Economics)- [pic]What occupations will your city-state offer? Will there be a wide variety of occupations? Now that we will not be nomads, what other career choices might we have? Describe your division of labor and social hierarchy. Will women and men have the same choices? Does location of your city-state affect what jobs would be available? What are some of the inventions or products your city state uses? Why?

• AGRICULTURE/FARMER (Economics)- [pic]What is the agriculture like? Is there plenty of food? Do you have an extra amount (surplus) of anything? How could that be beneficial to you as a city? Where do you get your food? Do you hunt, gather, and produce? Do you have plenty of water? Where do you get your water? What are all of the things you need water for? Does the geography and location affect you as a farmer in any way? How and why?

• GOVERNMENT and CULTURE - [pic]What is the social class system like? Can everyone be a citizen? Are men, women, children treated equally? What political system will you use to govern your civilization (mandate of heaven, autocracy, democracy – Greek or Roman style, etc.) Who will rule the city-state? How do you choose the ruler? How will you protect your city-state from invaders? What are 10 of your laws and punishments? Develop a money/currency system. What role will the government play in economics? What goods will you have to trade? Will you trade openly or remain isolated? Does your civilization have an organized religion? List two major problems your civilization will face and explain how you might prevent or address these problems.

Gathering information: you will have four lab/project days – all other time will be completed outside of class.

1. Now that you know the task, and how you will be evaluated, you are ready to research. Use your book, the internet and library books to help you (use a minimum of three sources and cite your sources properly in your written report.)

2. Before you all go much further, decide on a city name.

3. Be sure to take notes as you do your research, write down the source so you can go back to it. Break your notes down into the suggested four topics. Your written report should include the four categories (geography, economics, government, and culture).

4. Your must turn in a written report as well as a student choice of one of the following: a poster, diorama, or student created visual. (if you would like to try another way of visually representing your civilization you must check with me.)

5. Your poster should include a map of your city with major landmarks (rivers, religious monuments, farms etc.) Your map should also include the name of the city, a key and other key information about your city. (see the examples hanging in the room)

|REPORT |Exemplary |Accomplished |Developing |Beginning |Score |

|RUBRIC (50) | | | | | |

|  |Your City Plans blew me out of |Your city plans were very |You completed and |You attempted to | |

|Organization |the water! They were so solid and|well done. They were nicely|organized a fairly |organize a part of a| |

|& |easy to follow! Fantastic |put together and well |nice set of city |city plan, but | |

|Sequence |organization and sequencing of |thought out in most areas. |plans, however, |numerous aspects | |

| 20 points |ideas! |All you needed were a few |everything did not |were missing and/or | |

| | |finishing touches! |flow perfectly and |hard to understand. | |

| | | |some was hard to | | |

| | | |understand. | | |

| | | | | | |

|Map (30) |You are an awesome cartographer |You have great potential |Your mapping skills |Your city map is | |

| |(mapmaker) and planner. The map|for being an awesome |are developing, but |hard to read and | |

| |is clear, organized, and |cartographer (mapmaker). |need more work. The |follow. You are | |

| |extremely detailed. You went |The map is pretty clear, |map is a little |need to organize and| |

| |above and beyond what was needed.|organized, and detailed. A|disorganized, unclear,|add detail. Your | |

| | |few finishing touches are |and missing details. |completed map is | |

| | |needed. |You are on the way but|missing parts and/or| |

| | | |it needs more work. |hard to understand. | |

|  |Appealing graphic/text elements |Appealing graphic/text |There were a few |There were very | |

|Aesthetics/Technical |were included appropriately. |elements were included. |appealing graphic/text|little attempts at | |

|Quality |Differences in type size/color |Differences in type |elements. Differences |adding a few | |

|& |were used very well. Spelling and|size/color were used. The |in type size/color |appealing | |

|Grammar/Spelling (5) |grammar looked superb! You are a |majority of spelling and |were somewhat |graphic/text | |

|  |technical expert! |grammar were correct. You |attempted. Grammar and|elements. | |

| | |are on your way, but need |spelling need some |Differences in type | |

| | |to work out just a few |improvement. Be more |size/color were | |

| | |kinks!! |careful and more |barely attempted. | |

| | | |creative!! |Spelling and grammar| |

| | | | |needs a lot of | |

| | | | |improvement. | |


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