
WEEKLY REMOTE LEARNING PLANNING FORM ROOM # 31 WEEK OF: 12/21/20 TEACHER’S NAME: Hannah GarrettDay of the WeekDAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- Daily Focus Question/ Lesson)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Insert 4 DETAILED center ideas/ activities DAILY]MondayDate: 12/21/20Music/Movement:“My House” SongVisual:PowerPoint SlidesBlueprintsFocus Questions: 1. What are blueprints?Lesson:Read Iggy Peck ArchitectHave examples of blueprints displayed on PowerPoint. Display two columns of pictures: blueprints and buildings. Have students match the building to the blueprint.Art: Use Popsicle sticks (or straws or twigs) and glue. Invite students to make a home. Encourage them to think about the features they want to include in their home and how they will use the materials to create them.Literacy/Library: Use books to identify words the begin with the letter z.Writing: Encourage students to create their own floor plans.Science: Students are invited to explore blueprints and floor plans that will be emailed to them.Math: Use Legos or other small-scale building materials (such as popsicle sticks, twigs, or straws) and invite children to build homes. Encourage students to count the number of Legos needed to create their structure. What shape/size is the structure?Blocks: Draw (or use cardboard boxes to create) the vehicles used to build homes from blocks. What is each vehicle’s job?Teacher Read Aloud: How a House is BuiltTuesdayDate: 12/22/20Music/Movement:“My House” SongVisuals: PowerPoint SlidesFocus Question: 1. What are materials used to create homes?Lesson:Read the Three Little Pigs.Explain to students that they will perform a reenactment of the story tomorrow.Collaborate with students to create a list of characters and characters/props needed for the virtual performance.Writing: Continued from the previous day. Encourage students to write a how-to build a home guide.Art: Use various art materials to create a puppet for the Three Little Pigs play.Literacy/Library: Use pictures from magazines or catalogs to create a collage of pictures that start with letter z.Math: Learners will receive electronic versions of various paint samples. Encourage students to sort them from darkest to lightest.Sensory: Add construction vehicles to the pourable materials (e.g., sand) to a bowl/bucket/plate. Invite children to pretend to be construction workers.Dramatic Play: Use cardboard boxes to create an elevator. How many floors will the elevator go to? Who might use the elevator? Why?Teacher Read Aloud: Three Little PigsWednesdayDate: 12/23/20Music/Movement:“My House” SongVisuals: PowerPoint SlidesFocus Question: 1. What materials are used to create homes?Lesson:Invite students to use their puppets from Three Little Pigs to reenact the story.Writing: Encourage your child to write, address, and mail cards/letters to friends or family members.Art: Have students recreate one of the Three Little Pigs’ houses using toothpicks, sticks, or clay. Which materials will they use? Why? Literacy/Library: Explore objects in your home/neighborhood that begin with letter z.Dramatic Play: Have students reenact The Three Little Pigs story at home with their puppets.Science: Students will be emailed photographs of various building materials. Take a walk around the neighborhood and observe which materials you see in each building.Sensory: Use play doh (recipe will be emailed to families) or clay to build a home.Teacher Read Aloud: How Did They Build That: HouseThursdayDate: 12/24/20No schoolNo schoolFridayDate: 12/25/20 No school No schoolDay/Week(12/21-12/25) Week 13: We feel feelings in our bodyMonday 12/21Preform puppet script: The girl puppet feels worried because one of her friends is not at school. She talks to the teacher because her worrying makes her feel uncomfortable and talking to the teacher helpsIntroduce Words for this week: Worried and Uncomfortable feelingsSong: Feelings In My Body (track 16)Brain Builder: Play the Shape Shifter game-Play with the size and shape of your body by:curling into a ball, stretching up tall, reaching out wide with your arms, reaching down to touch the floorHave students try to move their bodies and hold the position once they get there. May be best played as a freeze dance game and when the music stops, they must copy and hold the position you are in with your body. Then you can say “shape shifter” and start the music. When the music goes off again strike a new pose for them to copy. Tuesday 12/22Story & Discussion: Use the picture on the poster to share a visual of the story that you are discussing with students. Today's story is about?Michael and he is feeling worried because his grandma was supposed to pick him up from school and she is running late. Review how our body can feel and how uncomfortable those feelings can be when we are worried. Review how just like our girl puppet Michael talks to his teacher and it helps he feel a little better. Wednesday 12/23Skill Building Activity #1:?1.?Introduce the game.?We’re going to use our Feelings Cards again today. We will think about which feelings make our bodies comfortable and which ones make them uncomfortable.2.?Go through each card. Have children show the feeling on each card with their faces and bodies.3.?Have them notice how their bodies are feeling and give a thumbs-up if the feeling is comfortable and a thumbs-down if it’s uncomfortable.4.?Discuss which parts of their bodies feel comfortable or uncomfortable.Thursday 12/24No schoolFriday 12/25No school Common Core StandardsPK.ELAL.6. [PKR.2] Retells stories or share information from a textPK.ARTS.13. [TH:Pr4-6.PK] Performs Theatrical ArtsPK.SCI.11. [K2 -ETS1 -2.] Develops a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problemPK.MATH.11. [NY-PK.MD.2.] Sorts objects and shapes into categories; counts the objects in each category. ................

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