Building Background

Surviving the Applewhites Unit

Building Background

Please use this page to take notes about what you learn about the setting-location of Surviving the Applewhites and class discussion about delinquents.

Surviving the Applewhites Vocabulary

The words listed below are vocabulary words that you will study as you read the novel. In the space provided write the meanings of each word after we discuss them.

|Vocabulary Word |Explanation, meaning |

|1. chaos | |

|2. spontaneity | |

|3. loath | |

|4. scowl | |

|5. radiant | |

|6. incorrigible | |

|7. restive | |

What word or phrase comes to your mind when you think about these words and their definitions?

Pages 1-41, Chapters 1-5

Meet the Applewhites

The author has introduced the Applewhite family, along with some other main characters. In the spaces below, tell what you found out about the characters so far. There are a couple blank spaces. You may use them as we meet other characters in the story.

|Jake |E.D. |Mr. Dungan |Sybil |Randolph |

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|Lucille |Archie |Zedediah |Cordelia |Paulie |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Winston |Hazel |Wolfbane | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Research: Home Schooling

We have learned that the Creative Academy is a home school. The Applewhites have a unique school.

• Please research home schooling in your community. You may search the net or interview parents/children/teachers who are involved in home schooling.

• In the space below take notes on what you learned about how their typical school day schedule is, what and how they learn.

• Discuss how you feel about home schooling. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Butterfly Activity

• E. D. is working on a Butterfly Project. Jake has been assigned to work with E.D. What does she need to complete her project?

• Research Butterflies and pick one that you would like to share to the class.

• Please create a model of your butterfly so we can display it in our classroom and hang them from the ceiling.

Pages 42-82, Chapters 6-11


“A tableau is the re-creation of a scene. The characters are posed, sometimes with props, to show what happened. Facial expressions and body positions reveal the feelings of those in the scene. A commentator explains what is being shown after the audience tries to guess.” (Kucan 2003)

Please select a scene from a section of the book to portray as a tableau. List the page number and include a short description of the scene. List the characters you will need. Explain why you chose the scene.

Discussion: “The Sound of Music”

“The Sound of Music” is first mentioned in this section. The drama becomes a big part of Randolph’s life. Please use this section as a place to take notes as we view and discuss clips from the movie, “The Sound of Music.”

Pages 83-127, Chapters 12-18

Sketch to Stretch

Select a scene or section from this part of the book and draw or find a picture that represents the way you interpret it. Please do not draw an illustration of what is described in the text; instead draw what you feel that symbolizes or represents a feeling, meaning related to the scene or section. Please explain why you choose the drawing or picture that you did.


I poems are written as if a character or historical figure had composed them. All or most of the lines begin with the word I. The poems do not have to rhyme. You may use the form below for your I poem, or you may choose to write your own I poem form.

Please select a character to write an I poem.

I am ___________ I pretend ___________ I understand __________

I wonder _________ I feel ___________ I say ___________

I hear __________ I touch _________ I dream ___________

I see __________ I worry _________ I want _________

I cry _________ I am ___________ I am _________

Literature Circle

What is your role in the literature circle for this section of the book?

Please use the space below to take notes for your role in the literature circle.

Pages 128-174, Chapters 19-24

Story Quilt

Please select what you consider to be the most important sentence from this section and write it in the space below. Put the page number and the sentence. Then, explain why you choose the sentence you did.

In class, you will write your sentence on a “quilt” piece and we will make story quilt.

Reader’s Theatre

Reader’s theatre is where you re-read a part of a section and read out loud the text. In class, we are going to read Chapter 19, page 128. We will need speaking parts for the following roles.

Narrator 1

Narrator 2








Pages 175-216, Chapters 25-35

Journal: “An adventurous quest for the meaning of life, involving the ability to think things through.”-Zed. Applewhite What does this phrase mean to you? What did you learn from reading this novel?

Jake Survived!!!

Class Discussion:

There is a reader’s craft to reading. The more books you read the more thoughtful you will become in your reading. You will begin to notice things that other reader’s may not. You will pay attention to passages. You will notice that sometimes the author uses similar passages at the beginning and again at the end of the book. The author may also use questioning.

In Surviving the Applewhites there are some examples:

|Topic |Beginning |Ending |

|Jake described as radiant |Pg. 23 |Pg. 213 |

|The phrase- “An adventurous quest for the |Pg. 27 |Pg. 215 |

|meaning of life, involving the ability to | | |

|think things through” | | |

|Question posed by Zedediah “What is you |Pg. 123 |Pg. 215 |

|joy?” | | |

Internet Site Opportunity

• Take the space below to write some things that you liked about the unit we have just completed and things you did not like.

• As a class we are going to create a web site that teachers/students may use to get information about Surviving the Applewhites.

Rubric for Surviving the Applewhites Activities

|Activity/Criteria |Your Points/Total Points Possible |

|1.Building Background |/2 |

|-notes reflect thoughtful observation of discussion | |

|2.Vocabulary |/2 |

|-correct meanings should be filled in | |

|3.Characters |/3 |

|-thoughtful description about each character | |

|4.Research: Home Schooling |/3 |

|-notes on research | |

|-notes on how you feel dis./adv. Of homeschooling | |

|5.Butterfly Activity |/5 |

|-selected a butterfly | |

|-created a model | |

|6.Tableau |/3 |

|-scene selected | |

|-pg.# included | |

|-characters needed | |

|-explanation why you chose the scene | |

|7.Discussion: “The Sound of Music” |/2 |

|-thoughtful notes that reflect observation of discussion | |

|8.Sketch to Stretch |/3 |

|-illustration included | |

|-explanation included | |

|9.I Poem |/5 |

|-poem is about character | |

|-I Poem format | |

|-unique word choices | |

|10.Literature Circle |/2 |

|-your role identified | |

|-thoughtful notes | |

|11.Story Quilt |/3 |

|-selected a sentence | |

|-pg. # | |

|-explanation to what you chose | |

|12.Reader’s Theatre |/1 |

|-participation | |

|13.Journal |/3 |

|-thoughtful response to what you learned and what the quote means| |

|to you | |

|14.Discussion: Jake Survived |/1 |

|-participation | |

|15.Internet Activity-notes about things liked/disliked |/2 |

|Total: |/40 |

Recipe: Ingredients to make a character like Jake

|Book Title/Author |Who is the main |Where did the |What problems did |What problems did |How is the |

| |character? |character live? |the character face? |the character |character like |

| | | | |overcome? |Jake? |

|pictures of hollis woods/Patricia|Hollis |In foster homes. |No one to love her |She found a home |Hollis found a |

|Reilly Giff | | |and she runs away. |that she liked where|place to call home.|

| | | | |she was loved and |She found her joy |

| | | | |cared about. |through art. |

|The Lottery Rose/Irene Hunt |George |With his stepfather|No one loves him and|Geroge wins a |George begins to |

| | |in an abused home. |he has nothing to |lottery at a grocery|open up and trust |

| | | |love. He keeps to |store. |his self. His rose|

| | | |himself. | |bush gives him |

| | | | | |happiness. |

|The Great Gilly Hopkins/Katherine|Gilly |In a foster home. |Gilly is a |Gilly gets a new |Gilly begins to be |

|Peterson | | |troublemaker. She |family that she |loved and cared |

| | | |has no place to call|likes. |for. She has a |

| | | |home. | |place to call home.|

|Holes/Louis Sachar |Stanley |Boy’s detention |Stanley needs to |Stanley is able to |Stanley find’s what|

| | |center. |build character by |uncover some |it is about him |

| | | |digging holes. |answers. |that makes him, |

| | | | | |Stanley. He finds |

| | | | | |his self. |

|Pinballs/Betsy Byars |Carlie |In a foster home. |Carlie wants to find|Carlie is able to |Carlie is able to |

| | | |friends and no place|find friendship and |find something that|

| | | |to call home. |a place to call |she enjoys and |

| | | | |home. She begins to |finds a place to |

| | | | |take control of her |call home. |

| | | | |own life. | |


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