Electrical Systems Existing Conditions and Building Load ...

Electrical Systems Existing Conditions and Building Load Summary Report



The Bahen Centre for Information Technology is one of the best information technology centers among universities in Canada. It features multiple computer labs feature large amount or workstations for students, faculty, and research use. Therefore the electrical system at the Bahen Centre should sufficiently provide power for a technology center that is filled with computers, equipments, and electronics that handles important data information. The electrical system must therefore be design to suit the use of the building while providing flexibility for future changes and be affordable for the owners of the building. This report will examine the different aspects of the existing electrical system in the Bahen Centre for Information Technology and provide other information related to the power usage, distribution, and regulation of this building

Electrical Systems Existing Conditions and Building Load Summary Report

System Type

The Bahen Centre for Information Technology features a Primary Selective type electrical system. The primary system is identified by two supply paths leading from the primary distribution switchgear. This type of system has the ability to provide a constant path of power (thus constant power supply) in an event when one feeder is out of service electrical power because of the two-path structure. The Primary Selective System increases service reliability, which is very important for this type of building (information technology) where the use of electricity for computers and machines are extremely important.

Building Utilization Voltage

Incoming electrical power is provide at 13.8kV, which is then transformed into 347/600V (Canadian standard) for mechanical equipment and lighting in the building. The power is then transformed again to 120/208V for receptacles and other power loads.

Transformer Configuration

The first set of transformers in the building is located in the main electrical room near the service entrance. These transformers (TX-AB and TX-BB) arranged in a delta-Y configuration are used to transform high voltage (13.8kV) to utilization voltages (347/600V) for mechanical equipment and lighting. Another set of high voltage transformers (TX-CHI1/1B and TX-CH2) arranged in a delta-delta configuration transforms voltages from 13.8kV to 4160V, which are used for the chillers of the building. Additional transformers are located on each floor of the building that transforms 600V to 120/208V level for the receptacle and certain lighting equipments. These transformers are arranged in delta-Y configuration.

*For additional information on transformers, please refer to TRANSFORMER SCHEDULE attached.

Emergency Power Systems

Emergency lighting in the building are powered by power generated from emergency generator. However, this information was not available therefore several assumptions will be made. Further information about the Bahen Centre’s emergency power system has been requested to the University of Toronto contacts.

From the Emergency System Diagram (attached in the back of this report), it appears that the emergency generator is not located on site and is somehow connected to the power supply of the four adjacent buildings (Central Power Plant, Fields Institute, Architecture Building, and the Koffler Students Centre). However, the exact location of this generator and type of generator is not known and not stated on the diagrams.

Over-current protective devices

Circuit breakers used in the Bahen Centre are mainly located in two locations. One of the locations is the main electrical room. The transformers in the electrical room transform power from 13.8kV to 347/600V, which is then distributed through a bus, to feeders (where the circuit breakers are also located) that feeds to different panels and mechanical equipment throughout the building. Those circuit breakers are range from 1200A/400A to 1200A/1200A depending on the equipment it is connected to.

Other circuit breakers are located on each floor after the transformers transforms voltages from 347/600V to 120/208V. These circuit breakers are all listed as 3 pole - 100A, 150A, or 175A circuit breakers.

Switchgear panel boards and motor control centers

Main switchboards (MS-6AB) and high voltage switchboard “A” are located adjacent to each other in the main electrical room (room B010) in the basement of the Bahen Centre. Switchgear CH1/2 is also located in the main electrical room near the south entrance of the room.

Lighting systems

The lighting used in the Bahen Centre for Information Technology can be generally be categorized into three types: fluorescent, high intensity discharge, and incandescent.

• All the fluorescent fixtures in the building have an operating voltage of 347V. (The 347V is a Canadian standard, which is slighting different than the common standards in the United States)

• The high intensity discharge fixtures, mostly Metal Halide and some High Pressure Sodium fixtures, all operates at 347V also.

• Exit light fixtures, which are all LED fixture types, operate at 347V.

• All Incandescent fixtures operates at 120V

Power factor

Power factor information was not available from the contacts at the moment. An assumption of power factor = 0.90 will be made for the purpose of this report.

Important Design requirements

The electrical system of the Bahen Centre for Information Technology should be designed so that it is a reliable system. A reliable power system is vital to a building that is mainly for computer use where important electronic data are handled. Any type of power system failure may cause the loss of those electronic data. There must also be an adequate amount of power supplied to this building because a high-tech building of this sort consumes a tremendous amount of power with their high tech equipment, computers and electronics. Additional power will also be need for cooling and heating a building of this size (377,000 sq ft) and cooling the heat generated by the electrical equipments.

Primary Lamps and ballasts, and mechanical equipment information

The primary types of lamps and ballasts used in the Bahen Centre for Information Technology are listed in the tables below. Each table lists the type of lamp or ballasts along with the electrical operating characteristics:

|BALLASTS |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|(T8 Linear) | | | | | | |

|Electronic Ballast |Class P |1.5 |20KHz |-20 deg F |

|(Compact Lamps) | | | | | | |

|Metal Halide |- |1.8 |- |0.95 |


|Incandescent |n/a |100 |3,000hrs |Varies, depending on luminaire |

|Metal Halide |3500 |70 |10,000hrs |Varies, depending on luminaire |

|Fluorescent T8 |3500 |85 |20,000hrs |32W |

|HPS |2100 |x=0.512 |24,000hrs |100W |

| | |y=0.42 | | |

Acceptable lamp manufacturers for the Bahen Centre for Information Technology include:

• Phillips

• Osram-Sylvania

The major mechanical equipments are mostly located in the basement mechanical room (B008) or in the penthouse. Below is a table of all the equipment (with a horsepower of greater than 75) along with their electrical properties.

Mechanical Equipment (>75hp)

|Equipment |Description |Location |Voltage |Ph |Horse Power |Adjusted |Load |

|CWP-2 |CONDENSOR WATER CH-1 |B008 |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CWP-3 |CONDENSOR WATER CH-2 |B008 |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CWP-4 |WATER STANDBY (FUTURE) |B008 |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CWP-5 |WATER STANDBY (FUTURE) |B008 |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CHWP-1 |CHILLED WATER CH-1 |B008 |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CHWP-2 |CHILLED WATER CH-1 |B008 |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CHWP-3 |CHILLED WATER CH-2 |B008 |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CHWP-4 |CHILLED WATER STANDBY |B008 |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CHWP-5 |CHILLED WATER DIST |B008 |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CHWP-9 |CHILLED WATER DIST |B008 |600 |3 |100 |99 |92595.436 |

|CHWP-10 |CHILLED WATER DIST |B008 |600 |3 |100 |99 |92595.436 |

|SF-1 |AIR HANDLING UNIT #1 |PENT. |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|SF-2 |AIR HANDLING UNIT #2 |PENT. |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|SF-3 |AIR HANDLING UNIT #3 |PENT. |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|SF-4 |AIR HANDLING UNIT #4 |PENT. |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|SF-5 |AIR HANDLING UNIT #5 |PENT. |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|SF-6 |AIR HANDLING UNIT #6 |PENT. |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|SF-7 |AIR HANDLING UNIT #7 |PENT. |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|RF-5 |RETURN FAN #5 |PENT. |600 |3 |100 |99 |92595.436 |

|RF-6 |RETURN FAN #6 |PENT. |600 |3 |100 |99 |92595.436 |

|CT-1 |COOLING TOWER #1 |PENT. |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CT-1 |COOLING TOWER #1 |PENT. |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

|CT-1 |COOLING TOWER #1 |PENT. |600 |3 |75 |77 |72018.673 |

Building Load

The total building loads were tabulated for the Bahen Centre for Information Technology. Listed below are the total loads from mechanical, lighting, and receptacle equipments. For detail information on specific equipment, please refer to tables attached to this report.

Total Mechanical Load: 2302.5 kVA

(See attached table for detail)

Total Receptacle Load: 241.07 kVA

Receptacle Load

|  |Number of |

|Location |receptacles |

|P4 - SOUTH SECTOR |16 |


|P3 - SOUTH SECTOR |13 |


|P2 - SOUTH SECTOR |15 |


|P1 - SOUTH SECTOR |20 |





|2ND FLOOR |300 |

|3RD FLOOR |300 |

|4TH FLOOR |300 |

|5TH FLOOR |300 |

|6TH FLOOR |300 |

|7TH FLOOR |300 |

|8TH FLOOR |300 |

|total number of receptacles |2623 |

|multiple by 180VA each |x 180 |

|Receptacle Load (VA) |472140 |

|  |  |

|first 10,000 VA at 100% |10000 |

|Remaining (47,2140-10,000) at 50% |231070 |

|Total computed load (VA) |241070 |

|(kVA) |241.07 |

Total Lighting Load:

(From NEC 1999 Table 220-3(a) General Lighting Load by occupancy)

377,000 sq ft * 3.5VA/sq ft = 1319500 VA = 1319.5 kVA

Demand factor:

(from NEC 1999 Table 220-11)

Demand factor = 100%

Total Building Load: 3863.07kVA

Currently, there is insufficient information available on the building’s main transformer and feeders which are all located in the “New Building 13.8kV Switchboard”. Contacts have already been made in an attempt to obtain this information but there has been no response provided from the engineering contacts. Therefore, a comparison between the actual sizes of the main building transformer and feeders will not be available at this moment.

Utility Rate Structure and Data:

The electrical power at the Bahen Centre for Information Technology is supplied by University of Toronto’s own power plant located within the campus. Therefore the utility rate structure for this building will be dramatically different than the typical utility rate structure. However, information on the Bahen Centre’s utility rate structure and utility load data is currently unavailable because contacts at the University of Toronto were unavailable to provide this information. Resubmission of this report will include these data if it becomes available.


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