A collection of useful phrases in Slovenian

Slovenian (slovenščina)

Slovenian is a Southern Slavic language spoken by about 2 million people in Slovenia and also in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, USA. Other Southern Slavic languages include Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian and Bulgarian.

Publishing in Slovenian began in 1551 with a catechism and an ABC. The first Slovenian translation of the bible was published in 1584. In 1811, Slovenian was adopted as the language of education, administration and the media and later became the official language of Slovenia.

Slovenian alphabet (slovenska abeceda)


Slovenian pronunciation


• Ö, Ü, Ć and Đ are used only in proper names.

• h is pronounced before voiceless consonants and after i, and elsewhere.

• lj are pronounced /λ/ before consonants, i and at the end of a word, and /lj/ elsewhere .

• ll is pronounced /u/ in past participles and sometimes in other words.

• m is pronounced /ɱ/ before f and v.

• n is pronounced /ŋ/ before g and k.

• nj is pronounced /ɲ/ before consonants, i and at the end of a word and /nj/ elsewhere.

• r is always rolled like in Italian or Spanish - /r/.

• g and k are aspirated in short imperatives and interrogatives, e.g. in Glej!, Kdo? and Kar!, Kje?

• v and u are pronounced /w/ before vowels and j, l and r, and v is pronounced /ʍ/ before consonants.

• u is pronounced /w/

A collection of useful phrases in Slovenian.

Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person), inf = informal, frm = formal, m = said by men, f = said by women

|English |slovenščina (Slovenian) |

|Welcome |Dobrodošli, Pozdravljeni (pl) |

|Hello |Zdravo, Živjo, Halo (on phone) |

|How are you? |Kako se imate? (frm) Kako se imaš? (inf) |

|I'm fine, thanks. And you? | |

| |Dobro, hvala, in vi? (frm) Dobro, hvala, in ti? (inf) |

|What's your name? |Kako ti je ime? (inf) Kako vam je ime? (frm) |

|My name is ... | |

| |Ime mi je ... |

|Where are you from? |Od kod ste? (frm/pl) Od kod si? (inf) |

|I'm from ... | |

| |Sem iz ... |

|Pleased to meet you |Me veseli |

|Good morning |Dobro jutro (used until 8am) |

| |Dober dan (used from 8am until sunset) |

|Good evening |Dober večer |

|Good night |Lahko noč |

|Goodbye |Na svidenje, Zbogom, Zdravo, Živijo, Adijo |

|Good luck |Srečno |

|Cheers/Good health! |Na zdravje! (to your health), Živijo |

|Have a nice day |Lep dan vam želim! (frm) Lep dan ti želim! (inf) |

|Bon appetit |Dober tek! |

|Bon voyage |Srečno (pot)! |

|I don't understand |Ne razumem |

|Please speak more slowly |Govorite, prosim, bolj počasi / Govorite počasi, prosim |

|Please write it down |Lahko to napišete, prosim? Ali napišete? |

|Do you speak Slovenian? |Ali govorite slovensko? |

|Yes, a little | |

| |Ja, malo |

|How do you say ... in Slovenian? |Kako se reče po slovensko ...? |

|Excuse me/Sorry |Oprostite (frm) Oprosti (inf) |

|How much is this? |Koliko je to? Koliko to stane? |

|Thank you |Hvala, Hvala lepa, Najlepša hvala |

|Response | |

| |Prosim / Ni za kaj |

|Where’s the toilet? |Kje imate stranišče? |

|This gentleman/lady |Ta gospod bo plačal vse (gentleman) |

|will pay for everything |Ta gospa bo plačala vse (lady) |

|Would you like to dance with me? |Bi radi plesali z mano? (inf) Smem prositi za ples? (frm) |

|Get well soon |Čimprej se pozdravi |

|Leave me alone! |Pustite me na miru! |

|Help! |Na pomoč! |

|Fire! |Gori! |

|Stop! |Ustavite se! (frm) Ustavi se (inf) |

|Call the police! |Poklici policijo! (inf) Poklicite policijo! (frm) |

|Merry Christmas |Vesel božič in srečno novo leto |

|and Happy New Year | |

|Happy Easter |Vesele velikonočne praznike |

|Happy Birthday |Vse najboljše (za rojstni dan) |

|My hovercraft is full of eels |Moje vozilo na zračni blazini je polno jegulj |

|One language is never enough |En jezik ni nikoli dovolj |

| | |

|Airport |letalisce |

|Bus stop |avtobusna postaja |

|Train station |zelezniska postaja |

|Plane |Letalo |

|Train |Vlak |

|Bus |Avtobus |

|Departures |Odhodi |

|Arrivals |Prihodi |

|In emergency situations |

|Help! |Na pomoc! |

|Could you please help me? |Mi lahko pomagate? |

|I'm lost |Izgubila sem se |

|Numbers in Slovene |

|0 |Nula |

|1 |en/ena (m/f) |

|2 |dva/dve |

|3 |trije/tri |

|4 |stirje/stiri |

|5 |pet |

|6 |sest |

|7 |sedem |

|8 |osem |

|9 |devet |

|10 |deset |

|11 |enajst |

|12 |Dvanajst |

|13 |trinajst |

|14 |Stirinajst |

|15 |petnajst |

|16 |sestnajst |

|17 |sedemnajst |

|18 |osemnajst |

|19 |devetnajst |

|20 |dvajset |


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