МАЙЯ - SimplyScripts



by Andrei Karapetyan

Andrei Karapetyan


TEXT ON SCREEN: The land of the ancient Mayas was split into a great number of kingdoms waging constant war against each other. But as the kingdom Xukpi was not involved in these hostilities, its capital Oxwitik turned into the science and art center. Still in 738 A.D. the army of the kingdom Tzu conquered Oxwitik. Xukpi’s king Vaxaclajuun and his wife were taken prisoners. The conqueror-king, Cauac Sky, commanded the sacrifice of the imprisoned royal family and set a king on the throne of the invaded kingdom. The new king, named Joplaj Chan K’awiil, came from an old noble Xukpi family.

SUBTITLE: 738 A.D. Mayas’ Land. The kingdom Xukpi. The city of Oxwitik.


It’s dark. Five year old girl is kneeling and looking into a slit in the wall. That’s ISHTAKAL, Vaxaclajuun’s daughter. Tears are running down her little face. Through the slit she can see a hall.


The hall. Bright sunshine is coming into the hall through the doorway. There are several idols standing along walls. Ceremonial vessels with smoking incense in them can be seen everywhere. A few PRIESTS wearing white shrouds are praying to the idols. A majestic half-naked woman is standing in the center of the hall. She is the imprisoned QUEEN. You can see a beautiful medallion on her neck. Priests are coloring her face and body blue with special paint.

A man in his early twenties dressed in splendid clothes is standing not very far from her. That’s B’UTZ, a brother of Joplaj. B’utz is extremely selfish, self-interested, charming and ambitious; he tries to derive benefit from everything. The High Priest of Xukpi, named AJWOSA, is standing beside him. That’s a stout man in his forties, prudent and kind, who has mastered science and the sacraments of religion. He is looking at the queen with bitterness in his eyes.

B’utz says to the priest that they should have asked help from other kingdoms. But his words are not sincere. In sober fact he is glad that his family has been set on the throne. Ajwosa answers that as there is war in the north, asking for help would have resulted in tearing Xukpi into pieces by kingdoms at war. It’s better to be one master’s vassal. Ajwosa says that they should follow Vaxaclajuun’s last will which means to wait through and to brace up. Moreover they should keep their oath and save Vaxaclajuun’s daughter from Cauac Sky. The priests have finished coloring the queens’ body.


Through the slit, the little girl can see WARRIORS, armed with spears, who have entered the hall. They say that Cauac Sky is getting nervous and the priests must hurry up. Ajwosa answers that the priests are about to finish their preparations. The warriors are leaving.

Ajwosa approaches to the queen. He leads her towards the secret chamber.

The queen inclines to the slit. Ishtakal begs her mother not to leave her alone. But the queen says she must follow the girl’s father. Ishtakal implores her to escape, to escape together and nobody would find them. But the queen says that she ought to do that for Xukpi's sake and one day Ishtakal would sacrifice to Xukpi, as it is the duty of the royal family. Then she makes her daughter swear that she won’t allow her bloodline be interrupted. The queen sheds a tear and says that she and the daughter's father will help her from heaven.

Then queen goes away. Ishtakal whispers that she loves her mother.


The queen approaches to B’utz and Ajwosa. She tells them to keep their oath and to take care of Ishtakal. Ajwosa kneels to the queen. B’utz promise her to not to break the oath. The queen says she is ready to join her spouse.

Everybody leaves the temple. Now you can hear CEREMONIAL MUSIC.


Ishtakal listens to the ceremonial music. Its rhythm is amplifying. The music breaks abruptly. Ishtakal closes her eyes.

SUBTITLE: Ten years later.


Ishtakal and a seven-year old boy are playing with two huge blue butterflies floating around. Grown-up Ishtakal is extremely beautiful. She is jovial, brave and smart. The girl's views and actions are independent. In her nose she wears an attractive amber stud. Her body is covered with fine tattoos from her waist to her beautiful face. Her long hair is arranged in a fine hairdo. She is wearing a colored skit and a waistcoat decorated with embroidery and feathers. The boy’s name is K’UK B’ALAM. He is a cheerful guy with shrill infectious laughter. K’uk B’alam is the Crown prince of the powerful kingdom B’aakal. His boyishness coexists with strong backbone and his earnest attitude to governmental affairs.

You can hear TRUMPET CALLS announcing the beginning of festivities. Butterflies shoot upwards. Behind the trees you can see the tops of Oxwitik temples. Trumpet calls sound again. Ishtakal says that they are late for the festival. K’uk B’alam suggests to her that she chases him and starts running towards the city. Ishtakal rushes after him.


Teasing each other Ishtakal and K’uk B’alam are swiftly climbing to the top of a pyramid temple.

Standing on the top of it you can hear sounds of MAJESTIC MUSIC and see the whole city of Oxwitik with its tremendous pyramid temples, numerous buildings and beautiful carved steles. The buildings are done mainly in crimson. The city consists of central monumental parts and several suburban mini-complexes. It is crossed with several paved roads.

Several thousand people populate the city. Its social life is ruled by strict hierarchy. The city is known for its crafts and culture. The peasantry makes up a great part of the city population. Religion takes very important part in the city life. The priests are engaged in scientific studies and have succeeded in them.

Ishtakal’s point of view. Streets are deserted. TRUMPET CALLS can be heard. All of a sudden you can see a gorgeous bird flying above Ishtakal and K’uk B’alam’s heads. That’s a QUETZAL, a sacred bird of the ancient Mayas. The bird CRIES OUT. K’uk B’alam points to the sacred bird and says to that this must be a good sign, which means that his aunt and her father will be happy. The bird is flying towards the city center. Ishtakal slightly lowers her glance. Ishtakal’s point of view reserves and then camera is rising slowly above the temple top where Ishtakal is standing. Camera starts moving in parallel with the land towards the flying bird. The camera lens is directed down so the viewers can see buildings sliding below. You can hear a DISTINCT CALL of the quetzal-bird. As camera is spinning above the city, its lens is directed down as before. Then the lens is slowly turning up and the viewers can now see the temple, on the top of which Ishtakal and K’uk B’alam are standing. The bird CRIES OUT again. It is clear now that you can see everything from the bird’s point of view. The bird is looking at the most distant temple. Behind the latter you can see a huge festive procession heading to the royal palace along the white paved road. That’s the wedding. Joplaj is getting married to Shana’Kin, a sister of K'inich Janaab’, the B’aakal’s king.


SHANA’KIN and JOPLAJ accompanied by B’utz are walking along clean road decorated with arches and tropical flowers. They are surrounded by NOBLEMEN OF XUKPI, B’AAKAL and Ajwosa and PRIESTS. The procession of the elite is followed by MILITARY MEN and MEN OF THE COMMON PEOPLE. Females are following males. A couple of dozen girls, walking in front of the procession, are thronging flowers and maize seeds about. Priests are carrying idols.

Joplaj is about forty. He is self-will, hot-tempered and irascible. Sometimes he is unbending in his decisions but sometimes values the advice of others. His hot-temper coexists with his great kindness. Shana’Kin is in her early twenties. She is a stranger to self-conceit. She is quite meek still her manners are royal and graceful. She is a girl of an open disposition. Joplaj and Shana’Kin look extremely happy.

Joplaj is carrying a carved midget-shaped scepter in his hands. The nobles are wearing multicolored cloaks made of cotton and feathers and tied on their shoulders; some of them have white cloaks with rich embroidery. The noblest and richest are wearing skirts made of jaguar fur. Somebody has no cloaks but jaguar fur waistcoats. Their heads are covered with fanciful head-dresses decorated with tropical bird feathers. Joplaj wears the most fanciful garment and has the longest and most beautiful feathers in his head-dress. Some dignitaries are wearing clothes decorated with oyster shells melodiously knocking when in motion. Shana’Kin’s clothes are very rich but smart and tasteful. Her hair is arranged in a fine hairdo with enchased hair-slides.

The noblemen, priests and military elite are followed by trades people, warriors, sculptures, architectures, craftsmen and peasants. Lower part of their bodies is wrapped with an arm-wide ribbon which forms trousers and stockings. Their loins are wrapped with it as well. Ribbon ends are decorated with feathers.

Their shoes are sandals made of deer leather. Noblemen’s shoes are richly decorated. Poor people are wearing sandals made of reed.

Many people have their faces and bodies painted red. Every young male single has his body painted black. Many people have tattoos. The finest and the most original belong to the noble.

The noblest dignitaries have their teeth sawn. Joplaj’s and B’utz’s teeth are enchased with tiny nephritic plates. Ajwosa is carrying a big golden rattle with a nice carving on it. Many dignitaries are wearing jewelry made of nephrite, pearl, crocodile’s teeth, jaguar’s teeth and claws, gold and exotic shells.

The procession is walking to the ACCOMPANIMENT OF MUSIC. MUSICIANS are walking along the road on both sides of the procession. Some of them are carrying small bongos, and some have big drums made of hollow wood trunks, sounding low and gloomy. Other musicians are playing long and thin wooden trumpets or musical instruments made of turtle shells, sounding gloomy and sadly.

Ishtakal and K’uk B’alam are joining the procession. They approach Joplaj and Shana’Kin and apologize for being late. The couple says nothing but smiles. Ishtakal kisses Joplaj and Shana’Kin on the cheek and congratulates them. K’uk B’alam tells that they saw a sacred bird which may mean that gods had blessed the wedding.

When the procession is approaching the royal palace, DANCERS line up on both sides of it. More than one thousand people are dancing. In their hands, they are carrying small flags. OTHER MUSICIANS join the above mentioned orchestra. They are playing whistles made of deer bones, blowing big sea shells and flutes made of reed. The dancers are marching and crying out loud war calls. Their movements are harmonious and accurate.


Priests are placing idols along the perimeter of a huge beautiful hall. There are only priests, elders, dignitaries and members of noble families sitting in the hall. You can hear DANCE SOUNDS outside the palace. Everybody is offering gifts to the idols. They bring them food, drinks, fish and meat. Some people offer heart-shaped bread. Some are spilling their blood, cutting their ears and smearing idols with blood. That is a way of celebrating gods and the royal conjugal unit.

B’utz offers nothing to the idols. He is just watching standing aside. MA’KIN-NA, the royal scrivener and the keeper of royal regalia, approaches him.

Ma’Kin-na is very envious and cunning. Despite the fact that he is very close to the Joplaj, he is not satisfied with the present circumstances. That’s why he has found common language with B’utz, who is not satisfied with the role of the king’s brother and wants to be the personal ruler of Xukpi. But B’utz lacks in resolution for achieving this goal, as becoming the Xukpi king can be achieved by the dethronement of Joplaj. But B’utz cannot treat his own brother like that. And that’s why he is just suffering black envy.

Ma’Kin-na says that they were underestimating Joplaj. Now when he has got married to the B’aakal princess, he has a powerful ally and the kingdom Tzu will never dare to make any attempts to invade Xukpi. Beside very soon Shana’Kin will give birth to an heir. But B’utz says they should try to use the present situation for their own benefit. He is watching a cheerful Ishtakal who is offering gifts to the idols. He says he would start with her. Everyone knows that ten years ago Joplaj announced Ishtakal as his daughter. B’utz says that you can never be so sure that Shana’Kin will give birth to an heir. Meanwhile if Ishtakal gives birth to the king’s grandson, this baby would be the one who inherits the throne. If it happens, B’utz must be the baby’s father.


Feast. Everybody is sitting on a huge nice-looking mat lying on the floor. The mat is covered with meals. Drinks (honey wine with roots and cocoa drink) are served by beautiful women. When such woman gives a vessel to a man she turns and waits till he finishes drinking.

K’uk B’alam is giving a toast. He apologizes for his father K'inich Janaab who is absent. He was not able to come to the sister’s wedding due to some urgent state affairs. K’uk B’alam says that gods have already blessed this marriage by sending the sacred bird quetzal to Oxwitik. On the behalf of the kingdom B’aakal represented by him, K’uk B’alam is blessing this marriage as well. He says that this is not only two hearts’ union but also a union between Xukpi and B’aakal. So he wishes this union to be stronger day by day. Then, looking at Ishtakal who is sitting next to him, K’uk B’alam says jokingly that one day he might make the union stronger as well by getting married with Ishtakal. “Good deal”, - answers Ishtakal and everybody burst in laughter.

During the feast, when everybody has got a bit drunk, B’utz starts speaking about Ishtakal with Joplaj. He says that it is high time for her to get married. B’utz is being cunning. The matter is that he wants to get married to Ishtakal himself and his only purpose is to get power. But Joplaj is unbending. He thinks that his daughter is too young for the marriage.

Changing topic Joplaj starts discussing an important state affair. He says that shortly before the wedding Cauac Sky and his army broke the borders of the kingdom Cakchiquel lying to the west. Cauac Sky gave an order to harry the grave of Chan Bahlum who was Ishtakal’s uncle. The grave was located in the capital of this kingdom, Iximche. Cauac Sky ordered to scatter the remains of the late king. And despite Cauac Sky’s ignorance about the fact that Ishtakal is the daughter of Vaxaclajuun who was sacrificed according to his order, he tries to break the connection between ancestors and descendants of Vaxaclajuun and to destroy the power of the dynasty Ishtakal belongs to. Joplaj says that marauding actions of Cauac Sky make him worry about the grave of king Siyaj Nuun, Ishtakal’s grandfather. His grave is located to the north in the capital of kingdom K'antu, in the city of Oxhuitza. Joplaj says that they should never forget about the oath they gave to Vaxaclajuun and his wife ten years ago. He says that B’utz accompanied by a small troop must save and deliver Siyaj Nuun’s remains to Oxwitik, before Cauac Sky gets them. Then Joplaj says that Ishtakal must know nothing about this B’utz’s mission. B’utz is sick and tired of serving his brother and performing his tasks, but he does not object and leaves.


Joplaj and his people are sitting on benches on the court square. He is judging a THIEF who harvested maize from a farmer's field. The ruler is announcing his sentence. The thief becomes the farmer’s slave till the day when all the losses are made up. Besides he will be punished by cutting his face from his forehead down his cheeks to his chin, so everybody can see this stamp of disgrace.

WARRIORS are taking the damned away. Then, guarded by OTHER WARRIORS, a WOMAN and TWO MEN are coming to the square. One of the men says that this woman is his wife and that she has horned him (in this case the ancient Mayas used to say that a woman put a mirror in his hair) and that he has caught them during adultery (he is pointing to the other man). The defendants are not denying his accusation. Joplaj announces his decision. The life of the adulterer can be taken if the accuser decides so. If he forgives him, he can be set free; otherwise he must kill the adulterer himself by lapidation. This woman is not his wife anymore. The punishment for her is great disgrace and inability to get married again any more.

At this time Joplaj notices Ishtakal who is peeping out of one of the steles surrounding the square. Accompanied by four WARRIORS, the ruler is leaving the square, taking his daughter away.


Joplaj reproaches Ishtakal for her coming to the court square, as the presence of women during trials is forbidden. Ishtakal justifies her actions with the fact that she has an urgent matter to be resolved. She says she has learnt that next morning B’utz and his troop are leaving to the north. She knows their mission. Ishtakal begs her father to join B’utz. She says that ten years ago Cauac Sky forbad burying her parents and this grave is the last grave of her family and that she is the one who has to participate in saving her grand-father’s remains. Joplaj rejects this idea vigorously. Having yelled at her, he is leaving quickly.


Several SLAVES are carrying water in ceramic tubs. They are in a hurry but are trying not to splash water. They are carrying tubs into a small house hidden among fruit trees. This is a bath-house.


There are small windows for ventilation cut in the walls of the bath-house. Benches and big ceramic tubs with water are standing along the walls. In the center of the room you can see cinder and slaves pouring water onto it to get steam.

B’utz is sitting in one big tub full of water. He is having a good time in the company of a GUATOPOL' (a prostitute).

Then SERVANTS warn B’utz that the king is about to come in. Before Joplaj enters, he manages to kick guatopol' away having ordered his people to pay her 10 beans of cacao for her services (Mayas used cacao beans for money).

The king enters the bath-house, gesturing his warriors to wait outside. He is furious. B’utz gives a gesture to his slaves and they hastily start opening small windows to let the steam out. Joplaj is angrily scolding his brother for having told Ishtakal about his mission. The ruler leaves and a smug smile appears on B’utz’s face.


B’utz and his TROOP are leaving the city. There are also several SERVANTS with them. They are carrying baskets full of food.

When in the forest B’utz gives an order to stop. Day is breaking. A person is approaching them. That’s Ishtakal. Coming up to B’utz she says that she has made her choice and that she is joining them. B’utz favors her decision. The troop goes on walking.


Joplaj is in a rage. He is breaking one of mirrors hanging on a wall of the throne hall. The mirror made of pyrites plate splashes. Joplaj is yelling to Ma’Kin-na. He wanders how Ishtakal has managed to escape the royal palace without being noticed by the guards. Ma’Kin-na is trying to justify himself by mentioning the fact that since a child Ishtakal knows all the secret backdoors and conduits of the palace. But Joplaj interrupts him saying that if something happens to his daughter, B’utz is the one who will be responsible for that.


While the troop of B’utz is moving you can see unbelievably beautiful landscapes. B’utz is always staying near Ishtakal.


The troop keeps walking. B’utz is walking by Ishtakal. He is trying to cheer her up. Ishtakal is laughing. B’utz is hugging a girl but, not wanting to offend him, she gently unwinds his arms from her body. He is about to make a declaration of love, but Ishtakal interrupts him saying that they’ve recently become great friends and it would be better to remain friends.

B’utz mentions her parents. He is inciting her to keep the oath given to her mother and set her family back to the throne. He says that he loves and respects his brother, but the justice is to be too obtained in Xukpi. He says that he is able guarantee her the support of Council of Elders. Ishtakal is very angry at B’utz. She says that she didn’t expect him to be so treacherous. B’utz is trying to justify himself by saying that Ishtakal is very important for him. Ishtakal says that she remembers the oath but would never realize it. Joplaj is like a father for her. She can hardly imagine somebody wiser and fairer than Joplaj. Ishtakal says that her parents would like Xukpi to be a thriving and independent kingdom. Joplaj has the same desire. She says that her only enemy is Cauac Sky and if she has a slightest chance to kill him she will use it, despite the consequences.

B’utz again starts telling her about his love but she interrupts him again saying that they might only be friends. B’utz is trying to turn everything into a joke but it leads to no effect. Furious Ishtakal is leaving paying no attention at B’utz’s cries. B’utz says to himself that the obstinate girl doesn’t recognize her own benefit. B’utz understands that he was wrong about her and will not be able to use her in realizing his crafty plans.


A warrior is walking through the forest. He is a well-built youth about twenty five years old. He is educated and that’s quite unusual for people of his class. He is brave, modest and sure of himself. His name is TOPILTZIN. He is accompanied by his friend KONACHE. Konache is a stocky guy. He is strong and fearless warrior who has a cheerful nature. Their bodies are rubbed with deer fat which is used for concealing human smell. In their hands, the warriors are carrying bows and quivers are hanging behind their backs. A HOUND is running in advance.

The hunters are walking very carefully, trying to make no noise and are whispering to each other. They are cracking jokes about womanhood, about Konache’s military career. All of a sudden the hound stops and starts sniffing the air. Topiltzin says that the hound can smell game and commands to it to wait here. Konache suggests to him that they hunt alone. The one who kills a beast first is the better hunter. Topiltzin agrees. They split up.

Topiltzin is crawling through the trees. In front of him he can see a deer. Topiltzin is stretching his bow.


Ajwosa is teaching a class of NOBLE BOYS. He is telling them about mathematical calculations, the Moon, the Sun, the Morning Star (the Venus), the constellation Tzáab (the Snake’s Rattle, the modern constellation Pleiades), the constellation Ak (the Turtle, the modern constellation Twins).

Topiltzin approaches to the terrace. Having noticed him Ajwosa smiles and let the children go. Topiltzin says that he brought him some fresh venison and just has given it to his servants. The priest thanks him.

Ajwosa and Topiltzin are standing besides the temple. They are talking amicably. They are close friends despite the fact that Ajwosa is the High Priest and Topiltzin is an ordinary warrior.


The troop is moving through thick wild jungle. Some BOOMING can be heard ahead. It becomes louder. Now it’s so loud that if you want to be heard you have to shout.

Two warriors are walking ahead, followed by Ishtakal. Aside from them B’utz is walking, accompanied by two warriors. All other people are following in the rear.

The jungle comes abruptly to an end. Ishtakal and two warriors are approaching the foot of a tremendous waterfall. It’s extremely beautiful. With FURIOUS ROAR, falling water is splashing into millions of sparking drops.

Ishtakal is turning her head to the right. Her smile fades. Nobody, but their group of three, has not come out of the jungle depth to the foot of the waterfall. The warriors are warily peering into the impenetrable green wilderness. Then one of them is grabbing his bow, but falls down with a small spear in his body.

Several people are coming out of the jungle. They are WARRIORS OF THE TZU KINGDOM. Then a couple of dozen Tzu warriors are leading imprisoned disarmed Xukpians.

Most of the Tzu warriors are equipped in the following way. A warrior is carrying an atlatl (a device for throwing javelins) in one hand and a bunch of short javelins in the other. His hands are protected with quilted cloth and his back is covered with a small buckler.

SUBTITLE: The kingdom Tzu. The city of Quiriguá.


Ishtakal and B’utz guarded by several warriors are coming to a square located in the center of a huge acropolis. There are two stone thrones on it. CAUAC SKY is sitting on one of them and his son SKY XUL on the other. Cauac Sky is an elderly man looking rather sickly. Sky Xul is about twenty five; he is ambitious, experienced in military science. He knows nothing about tenderness or compassion. All the Quiriguán warriors respect him. He is eager to take his own decisions regarding state affairs and Cauac Sky is not happy about that, as the father-king doesn’t like the role of a decrepit old man.

Cauac Sky says that he and Sky Xul are glad to greet B’utz in Quiriguá despite the fact that Tzu and Xukpi have broken their alliance. He asks who the girl standing next to B’utz is. The latter says that the girl is Ishtakal, the daughter of Joplaj.

Sky Xul interrupts Cauac Sky’s calm speech. He says that he doesn’t like the conjugal unit of Joplaj and Shana’Kin and the alliance of Xukpi and B’aakal. Sky Xul angrily wanders where the troop of B’utz is heading for and assumes that their destination must be Oxhuitza. He says that Joplaj was always trying to protect the memory of Vaxaclajuun, but he is late now. The Tzu army is already in Oxhuitza and the remains of Siyaj Nuun will be violated as well as the remains of Chan Bahlum were.

All of a sudden Ishtakal snatches a spear from the hands of a Quiriguán warrior standing by her and throws it to Sky Xul. But Sky Xul manages to dodge from it. The spear is stuck in his throne. Quiriguán warriors are aiming their spears to Ishtakal and they are ready to kill her. Ishtakal is crying out curses to Sky Xul. B’utz is trying to cover Ishtakal with his body and asks Sky Xul to have mercy on the girl. But Sky Xul interrupts him ordering his warriors to stop.

Sky Xul is calm and he approaches Ishtakal with a resolute step. B’utz is trying to intervene, saying that the girl is just silly and too young. Sky Xul gives him gesture to fall silent. He has his own opinion about Ishtakal’s actions. He likes the girl. Sky Xul is looking into Ishtakal’s eyes and can see absolute hatred accumulated during many years.

Sky Xul comes back to his throne. He announces that after the attempt was committed he has the right to decide what to do with the girl. He says that he wouldn’t kill her but wants to marry Ishtakal. At first Ishtakal is shocked by his decision, but then shock gives way to anger.

Cauac Sky and Sky Xul are talking in low voice. Sky Xul says that getting married to Ishtakal would mean not only getting married to a beauty, but besides he will conclude an alliance with B’aakal. Cauac Sky throws cold water on his son, saying that Xukpi is the only one who has an alliance with B’aakal. And despite Ishtakal’s actions they are not able to do with her whatever they want as this might mean bringing down anger on themselves from the side of Joplaj and B’aakal. Cauac Sky says that the bloodline of Joplaj is rotten, as well as the bloodline of Vaxaclajuun. He asks his son if he is sure that he wants to become relatives with such a bloodline. Sky Xul gives a positive nod. Cauac Sky says that the only way out in this situation is playing pok-ta-tok.

Sky Xul announces that according to the traditions of their ancient ancestors Ishtakal’s fate will be sealed by the sacred game pok-ta-tok. And he calls out the Xukpiаn team. Sky Xul tells B’utz to send a messenger to Joplaj and while waiting for Xukpiаn team, he and his troop will stay at Sky Xul’s place as guests.


Sky Xul is sitting on his throne. Cauac Sky’s one is empty. B’utz and QUIRIGUAN NOBLES are sitting besides him on benches. You can see a fire burning in the center of the square. A couple of dozen warriors are dancing around the fire to the ACCOMPANIMENT of MUSICIANS. Nearby several warriors are roasting games.

Among Quiriguáns B’utz feels right at home. He is chatting amicably with them.

Keeping silence Sky Xul is leaving.


A young woman is massaging Cauac Sky’s shoulders. Her name is ZAZIL. She uses all her charms to influence the king. Her only desire is to become the queen and she hates Sky Xul with all her heart as well as he hates her.

Zazil is complaining about Sky Xul’s taking another individual decision without having consulted with his father. She asks the king why he has given Sky Xul an idea about pok-ta-tok. Cauac Sky explains his actions with his desire to help Sky Xul and prevent him from doing wrong things. Cauac Sky says he would try to derive benefit from the present situation. With a charming smile Zazil asks the king when he will get married to her. Putting an expensive bracelet around the wrist of his mistress, Cauac Sky promises to do this very soon.


Walking along a corridor Sky Xul encounters Zazil. He notices a new bracelet on her arm. After bandying barbed words with each other they leave. Zazil has got angry and Sky Xul has become cheerful.


Ishtakal is reading some Quiriguán manuscripts. She can hear STEPS approaching to her and looks at the doorway. Then you can hear Sky Xul’s voice behind the mat covering the doorway. He orders to the warriors guarding Ishtakal to desert their post. Sky Xul raises the mat and enters. Ishtakal unfriendly looks at him. She asks what else he wants from her. Sky Xul says that during the feast he was lacking her society. Ishtakal is angry. Rising her voice she asks Sky Xul if he always lacks society of prisoners. Sky Xul says she shouldn’t consider herself as a prisoner. Ishtakal reminds him about warriors guarding her. Sky Xul says that he always should guard your treasures. Ishtakal says that she is not his treasure and he is the one who will need the guard when her spear hit the mark. Sky Xul says that her wildness, independence and boldness stole a way to his heart. Ishtakal says that one day her boldness and independence will kill him. Sky Xul asks why Ishtakal hates him so much. Ishtakal answers that the reason is her great love to Xukpi. Sky Xul says that she loves Xukpi much more than B’utz who is feasting at the moment. Sky Xul says that today isn’t the best day for them to talk and leaves.


An amphitheatre. Joplaj and Xukpian nobles are watching a theatrical performance. ACTORS are wearing splendid clothes, and some of them have crocodile and jaguar masks on their faces.

Suddenly Ma’Kin-na runs to Joplaj, kneels down and says that he has very bed news. He says that a messenger from B’utz is waiting for Joplaj in the throne-hall. Joplaj is leaving hastily. The performance is interrupted.


Joplaj enters the throne-hall where the messenger from B’utz is waiting for him. He is telling to the king how everything has happened and sends him a message from Sky Xul.

Joplaj summons his best advisers and Ajwosa. He appoints two of them as his AMBASSADORS and sends them to Quiriguá. They must take the best pok-ta-tok players and gifts for Cauac Sky and Sky Xul.

Ajwosa convinces the ambassadors to take Topiltzin and Konache with them.


Messengers are rowing down the river.


At dawn. Messengers are rowing down the river. Beside the river you can see the edge of enormous mountains. The sun is rising. First rays of light are falling onto the mountains tops.


Walking in a line the messengers are climbing a high and narrow chine. Two eagles are floating above the abyss.


Joplaj is alone. He is kneeling on a mat. To please gods, the ruler pierces his tongue with a sea-urchins thorn. Then he collects his blood in a ceramic vessel and smears an idol with it.


Sky Xul enters Ishtakal’s room. He tells her to be ready to leave. Ishtakal wonders where they are going. Sky Xul says that he wants to show her something. Ishtakal says she would go nowhere. Sky Xul replies that in this case she will be forced to go.


Ishtakal and Sky Xul are walking through the jungle accompanied by several warriors. Ishtakal’s eyes are covered with a bandage. With causticity in her voice she is asking how long they will go. In reply Sky Xul takes her bandage away. In front of her Ishtakal can see some buildings overgrown with trees.


Accompanied by several warriors, Ishtakal and Sky Xul are walking among the ruins of an ancient city. Sky Xul tells that many hundred years ago there was a beautiful huge city.

They approach a tremendous tree. Sky Xul says they some day a beautiful queen was the ruler of this city. She was as independent and wayward as Ishtakal. But one day the war broke up and the city was going through difficult times. That very day, when the war was started, the queen planted a tree in the very center of the city. The war last for many years and many warriors were killed. Every full moon the queen used to come to the tree and spilled her blood on it so the gods accepted every warrior who fell in battle. Ishtakal asks what happened to the queen then. Sky Xul answers that she finally died before the end of the war.

Sky Xul leads Ishtakal to a half-ruined building. Its entrance is guarded by several Quiriguán warriors.

Sky Xul takes a medallion from around his neck. The shape of the medallion is quite unusual. Sky Xul sets it into an opening besides the stone plate covering the entrance to the building. The medallion brings a secret gear into action and the plate starts moving aside. Sky Xul and Ishtakal come inside the building.


Sky Xul and Ishtakal are going down the stairs to the vault. Sky Xul is carrying a torch. Then they start walking along a dark long narrow corridor. You can see the light ahead.

They enter a huge hall full of treasures. There are torches fixed to the walls. Jewelry is sparkling in the light of these. Sky Xul says that there Ishtakal can see all the treasures collected by Tzu kings for many hundreds of years. He says that Ishtakal will get those if she accepts his proposal. Ishtakal refuses, but asks to take with her a small medallion looking rather modest among other jewelry abundance.


Accompanied by several warriors, Ishtakal and Sky Xul are coming back to Quiriguá. Sky Xul says he cannot understand why Ishtakal has chosen some medallion from all this treasure. Ishtakal answers angrily that some of the treasures ware robbed in Xukpi and this medallion used to belong to her mother.

In anger Ishtakal is running to the jungle paying no attention at Sky Xul’s cries. Sky Xul gives his warriors a gesture to keep walking.


Ishtakal is walking through the jungle as quick as she can. Then she stops abruptly. A pair of big blazing eyes is looking at her. That is a JAGUAR hiding among tree branches. Ishtakal is not afraid; she is ready for the fight. Keeping her eyes on the beast, she is trying to break a branch off a near-by tree. The beast rushes onto Ishtakal.

All of a sudden it stops and jumps aside. Sky Xul stabs an enchased silicic knife into the chest of the jaguar. But the beast overturns Sky Xul onto the ground with its weight and keeps fighting having rallied up his last forces. Blood is running from his gorge. The jaguar plunges its claws into Sky Xul’s shoulder. Sky Xul stabs it once more. The beast dies.


Ishtakal is squatting besides Sky Xul. She is putting some leaves onto his wound and ties it up with a piece of cloth. Ishtakal thanks Sky Xul for saving her. In response Sky Xul cracks some jokes and then asks her about the medallion. Ishtakal says that she was adopted by Joplaj and her real father is Vaxaclajuun. Sky Xul is cut-up. That explains everything. He says that he would not dare to ask her pardon as she will never forgives him. He says that before he met Ishtakal there were only two feeling in his heart and they were passion to war and passion to gain. But this kind of passion is not true and this war doesn’t belong to him. He wishes he never met Ishtakal and never taste love and he regrets his love is downtrodden with the hatred of his beloved and with the deeds of his father. Ishtakal says that there is a tremendous abyss between them and they will never overpass it. Sky Xul says that nevertheless he will never give up and will obtain the girl’s heart, whatever it costs him. Ishtakal asks Sky Xul to let her go, if he really likes her. But Sky Xul refuses. He says that the game will come about.


Xukpiаn messengers are entering the city. A crowd of CURIOUS is accumulating around them. They are eyeing the strangers suspiciously and keeping silent.

A LITTLE BOY comes to Topiltzin. Topiltzin squats and tries to play with the boy, but his MOTHER runs up to the child and takes him away.

The messengers keep walking. In front you can see city temples.


Cauac Sky and Sky Xul are sitting of their thrones. Ishtakal and B’utz are sitting besides them on benches. Dignitaries and warriors are lining up on both sides of them. The ambassadors are standing in front of Cauac Sky and Sky Xul. Behind them, at some distance, Topiltzin, Konache and messengers are standing.

The ambassadors offer credentials and gifts from Joplaj. They send the deepest respectable to the Great ruler of Tzu and to his dear son Sky Xul from the Xukpian ruler. They say that Joplaj apologizes for injudicious actions of his daughter and considers her to be too young for marriage and that is why with all his respect he is asking to release Ishtakal.

B’utz is displeased with the fact that his brother hasn’t mentioned him in his message.

Cauac Sky expresses his response favor to the ambassadors. Sky Xul says that he respects the decision taken by Joplaj, but he supposes that he, the heir of the Tzu throne is very desirable groom and becoming relatives with the family of Sky Xul would be equally honorable for the kingdom Xukpi as well as for the kingdom Tzu. Sky Xul announces his decision: Joplaj’s messengers will play with Quiriguáns a sacred game pok-ta-tok. The winner will decide the future destiny of the Xukpian ruler’s daughter. He schedules the game for the next morning.


Ishtakal is talking with the ambassadors. Behind her you can see two warriors guarding her. Sky Xul comes to the group. He tells Ishtakal and the ambassadors to follow him.

Speaking unwillingly, Sky Xul leads them to the courtyard of the royal palace. There is a small carved sarcophagus with handles on its sides in the center of the courtyard. Sky Xul says that this is the remains of the king Siyaj Nuun. He says that despite the result of tomorrow’s game the ambassadors can take the remains to Oxwitik. Ishtakal is very surprised with his deed and the ambassadors are really shocked with it. They thank him. Saying nothing, Sky Xul leaves.


Ishtakal is wakeful and restless. She is very worried about tomorrow’s game. She gets up and leaves her room. There are two warriors guarding the entrance. She says that she wants to stroll.


Ishtakal, accompanied by the warriors, is walking across the night city. She sees somebody sitting on Cauac Sky’s throne.

Ishtakal comes closer. That’s Cauac Sky himself sitting of the throne. He greets Ishtakal. She doesn’t return his greeting. Ishtakal is standing behind the throne. Cauac Sky is speaking to her in a low voice without turning. Cauac Sky says that night is beautiful today, like every night in Quiriguá, that night is his favorite time during which he sits here very often. He says that Ishtakal looks like her mother and he always knew who her parents are. He says that he was very afraid to meet her. He says that some day he used to be like his son is now and only his ambitions ruled him. He says that ten years later he committed a horrible misdeed and his conscience smites him so far. He says that he wanted greatness and prosperity for his kingdom but turned it into the kingdom of greediness. He says that now he is a deaf and blind old man who has raised a king who postpones his own interests to the interests of the kingdom, a king who will lead to the perish of Tzu; and this king is Sky Xul. But it was like that until recently. He says that the destiny is an unpredictable and strange thing. He says that the one, whose parents were killed by him, has changed Sky Xul and that Ishtakal has opened Sky Xul’s heart for love. He says that everything changes and only true values remain unchanged. Cauac Sky repents. He says that he wouldn’t ask Ishtakal to forgive him as well as he never begs forgiveness from gods, because he can never forgive himself. After a pause, Cauac Sky says that he wishes Xukpian team to win tomorrow’s game. Cauac Sky breaks off. After a short pause Ishtakal is leaving, saying nothing.


The surface of the ground is tiled with stone plates and covered with a layer of lime mortar. There are stone marks shaped as grotesque birds on both sides of the ground. Besides in the center of the ground you can see three more carved stone marks shaped as macaw heads. The ground is fenced in with a twenty-foot high wall decorated with engravings and wall-paintings. Several carved stone hoops are set into the wall along the perimeter of the ground.

There are tribunes full on Quiriguáns around the ground. Cauac Sky is sitting on the most beautiful one. Xukpian ambassadors and B’utz are sitting on left. Further to the left you can see Ishtakal guarded by two warriors. Dignitaries and warlords of the kingdom Tzu are sitting on the rest of the tribune.

Xukpian and Quiriguán teams are coming onto the ground. Only males take part in the game. Among the player you can see Topiltzin and Konache. Players are wearing heavy protecting belts made of leather and wood. Some of them are carrying carved clubs. Every team has chosen its captain. The captain of Quiriguán team is Sky Xul. He took the decision to take part in the game himself.

The goal of players is not to let a heavy rubber ball to fall on the ground. You can hit the ball with your shoulder, your elbow, your shank or with a club. Every hit must send the ball to the competitor’s part of the ground. Is a player doesn’t manage to throw the ball to the competitor’s part with one hit or the ball hits the ground, a team gets penalty points. A player scores when he puts a ball through any of the competitor’s stone hoops.

A PRIEST is coming to the ground. He tosses a chip to determine which part of the ground each team would play on.


The game is shown in the best traditions of sport movies, and besides it has historical coloring. The sight is magnetic. FRANTIC CRIES of spectators are mixed with the MUSIC.

Ishtakal is very thrilled.

Players are kicking the ball and jumping. Elbows, knees and shanks of the players are bleeding because of the hits against heavy ball. Some players are got injured. Sky Xul is doing his best. But he is too emotional and is shouting at the players of his team. The most remarkable players of the Xukpian team are Topiltzin and Konache.

Game is about to be finished. The score of the Quiriguán team is a bit higher. During last minutes of the game Topiltzin hits the ball. The ball is flying to the hoop of the Quiriguán team. Spectators are breaking off. DEADLY SILENCE. The ball shoots in the hoop. In anger Sky Xul throws his club.

Cauac Sky gets up. He says to the ambassadors that their team won and Ishtakal is free to go. Then he leaves the tribune. Tears of joy are running down Ishtakal’s face.


Sky Xul is very angry; he is walking across the city. A warrior catches him up and says that B’utz wants to meet him.


Sky Xul is in a small room. B’utz, lead by warriors, enters the room. He says that he could help Sky Xul to invade Ishtakal. To do that he should invade Xukpi and B’utz can help him in that. Sky Xul wonders what benefit B’utz can get doing this. In return B’utz wants Sky Xul to set him on the Xukpian throne. He says that thereby Sky Xul can marry Ishtakal and Xukpi will be a vassal of Tzu, like it used to be. Sky Xul has B’utz in contempt, but his desire to get Ishtakal is too big. Sky Xul says that there is one problem and this problem is B’aakal. B’utz assures that he can solve the problem and B’aakal won’t interfere. Sky Xul accepts his suggestion and calls for a SCRIVENER. He orders him to write down their agreement in order to seal their alliance.

The scrivener is writing with a hair brush. Sky Xul and B’utz seal it with family stamps. The stamps are ancestral carved seal-rings. Every noble dignitary has one.


Sky Xul is standing on the top to a temple. He is looking into the distance. He can see Ishtakal and other Xukpian people walking across the outskirts of Quiriguá and carrying the sarcophagus.


Xukpian people are walking on the background of extremely beautiful sceneries.

Topiltzin and Ishtakal look at each other, taking interest.


The messengers have stopped for an overnight stop on the lakeside. Lake water is sparkling in the moon light.

Topiltzin is wakeful and restless. He is sitting on the lakeside. Ishtakal approaches him. They are chatting. Looking at the Moon, Topiltzin asks Ishtakal if she knows where the Moon is from. She gives a negative answer. Topiltzin tells her a beautiful ancient legend about twin-brothers who won evil gods and became the Moon and the Sun.


The messengers keep walking. Topiltzin is walking alongside Konache. Topiltzin’s and Ishtakal’s glances meet and they smile to each other. Konache notices and starts joking with Topiltzin about that. Topiltzin is embarrassed and says hat it's high time for him to the sick.

Topiltzin approaches a palanquin carried by four Xukpian warriors. B’utz is laying on it. He is sweating. Topiltzin gives him some medicine and says that very soon he will feel better and his fever is over. B’utz thanks him arrogantly.

Topiltzin comes back to Konache. Konache wonders what the medicine is made of. Topiltzin is reciting the ingredients. They are chaktes resin, cecropia marrow, ix-tusil butterfly, red clay, feathers of a chakpilis-mo parrot, euphorbium juice. Grinning, Konache observes that only one ingredient would be enough for such an arrogant patient like B’utz, and this ingredient is cervine faeces.


A BOY is playing with a dog. Suddenly in a distance he notices a group of people walking towards the city. The boy takes a good look at them and recognizes Ishtakal.

He is running along the city streets, shouting that Ishtakal and the messengers are back.


Joplaj is informed about the return of his daughter and the messengers. Hastily he is leaving the palace.

He is embracing Ishtakal tightly. They are kissing each other. They are really glad, but Joplaj is trying to control his emotion as his homagers can see them. The ruler thanks his ambassadors and everybody who participated in this campaign.

B’utz is greeted by his numerous servants.

Topiltzin is in a hurry to meet Ajwosa to share his impressions about his challenging campaign.


B’utz tells Ma’Kin-na about this secret union with Sky Xul. Ma’Kin-na welcomes it and says that their plan about Ishtakal has gone sour. Scornfully B’utz says that Ishtakal she has preferred him to some upstart, Topiltzin. B’utz says that he some day would be sorry for having standing in B’utz's way. Ma’Kin-na wonders how B’utz will manager to eliminate B’aakal from expected war. B’utz replies that Ma’Kin-na is the one who will help him to do that.


Joplaj is standing on the top of the palace. In front of him he can see the whole city.

Life in the city continues at its normal pace. Peasants, weavers, craftsmen, sculptors and potters, everybody’ doing his usual routine. The city market is crowed with people and burst with plenty of goods.

Shana’Kin approaches Joplaj and he embraces her tenderly. He says how much he loves her as well as this city.

B’utz and Ma’Kin-na show up at the foot of the palace. B’utz nods to the royal couple and leaves. Shana’Kin says to her spouse that he is being too rude with his brother. Joplaj says that he just exaggerates his anger and his brother would only profit by such treatment. In fact he loves B’utz very much.

Joplaj and Shana’Kin are walking down the stairs.

At the foot of the palace they are greeted by Ma’Kin-na. Joplaj wonders if he has seen Ishtakal. Ma’Kin-na answers that he has seen her in the street.


Ishtakal is hastily walking toward the forest. He is in high spirits. She is walking across crop fields, greeting peasants who are working there.

On her way she comes across a rotund kind MAN. They greet each other like friends do and Ishtakal asks him how his bees are getting along. The man answers jokingly that they sting him like usual, showing a bump on his cheek. Ishtakal goes on her way.


Ishtakal meets Topiltzin. They are kissing and saying words of love. They are extremely happy.


Shana’Kin and Ishtakal are chatting. It's clear that they are on friendly terms. They are joking and exchanging their small secrets and feelings. Shana’Kin says that since recently Ishtakal has changed greatly and looks very happy. Shana’Kin guesses that Ishtakal has fallen in love and understands the reason why Ishtakal goes away so often these days. Shana’Kin asks Ishtakal to share her secret and tell her the name of her beloved. Ishtakal tells her about Topiltzin and about feelings overwhelming her. Shana’Kin is very glad for Ishtakal. Ishtakal says that Topiltzin is waiting for her tonight. Shana’Kin suggests her to leave right now as Joplaj is at a night meeting of the Council and will be out for a long time. Gladden Ishtakal kisses Shana’Kin and runs away.


Ma’Kin-na is standing behind a wall of the hall where Shana’Kin is. Through an opening in the wall he could hear the conversation between the queen and Ishtakal. He is gloating. He squats and unties a sack at his feet. Through an opening in the wall you can see Shana’Kin who is reading some manuscripts at the light of torches. Ma’Kin-na is cautiously brings the sack to the opening and turns it down. A SNAKE drops out of the sack.


Topiltzin is leading Ishtakal along a dark corridor. Ishtakal says that she was there one day long time ago. Topiltzin remarks that she must have never been here at night, and at night you can see there something that is impossible to be seen in the day light. He says that Ajwosa has fostered his interested in the hosts of heaven since Topiltzin was a child.

They enter a big hall with an aperture in the ceiling through which you can see night sky with stars scattered on it. There is something covered with a cloth in the center of the hall.

Topiltzin takes off the cloth. This is a telescope with lenses made of rock crystal set one after another. Topiltzin adjusts the telescope and asks Ishtakal to look through it.

Ishtakal is surprised with what she can see. The dark sky is spangled with bright stars.

Ishtakal says she has never seen such a magnificent view. Topiltzin says that in thirty days the Morning Star can be seen. Ishtakal says that they must come here then and have a look at the Morning Star.


Shana’Kin is sitting and reading manuscripts. She seems to be reading something funny as a slight smile can be seen on her face. All of a sudden she catches a movement from the corner of her eye. She abruptly turns her head, provoking the snake to attack. The snake rushes to Shana’Kin.


Stars are moving extremely fast in the sky as if the time is accelerated. They are spinning till the Morning Star shows up in the sky. The spinning is slowing down. When the Morning Star is in the center of the sky the stars stop.


Ishtakal can see the Morning Star through the telescope. She says that the Morning Star is beautiful. Topiltzin is standing besides her. He wonders how Joplaj is doing. Ishtakal says that despite the fact that thirty day has passed since the day of Shana’Kin’s death, he still can not recover from the shock. She says that after her death he seems to grow older and he is constantly drinking as if he wants to drown his grief in the wine.


B’utz pours wine into a ceramic bowl and gives it to Joplaj. The latter is very drunk. He gulps the wine and asks his brother how it happened that Shana’Kin died because of a snake’s bite. In rage Joplaj throws a bowl into a wall and it breaks into pieces. B’utz tries to comfort his brother, but his words are not sincere. B’utz says that he has given an order to kill all the snakes around Oxwitik. Joplaj says that it’s useless as he cannot raise Shana’Kin from the dead by doing that. Joplaj says that he didn’t even manage to bury his beloved wife as K'inich- Mo' Naab, the king of B’aakal considered him to be guilty in the death of his sister and has taken her body home. Joplaj’s eyes are swollen because of crying. The king says that K'inich Janaab is right, that he is the one who didn’t safeguard Shana’Kin against death. He says that the gods gave him the treasure and he didn’t deserve it. He is blaming himself for not staying with her then. Joplaj starts sobbing.

Ishtakal enters the hall. Having noticed her, B’utz intends to tell her something, but she gives him a gesture to keep silence. In low voice she tells B’utz that she would look after her father, letting him know that she wants him to leave. B’utz leaves.

Ishtakal approaches Joplaj and embraces him tenderly. She is comforting her father and says him that he should never forget about his status as he is the king. Ishtakal says that he should always remember his kingdom and his homagers. Joplaj agrees with her. He says that starting from tomorrow he will come back to state affairs.

Ishtakal is leading Joplaj to his rooms.


The throne-hall. Joplaj is sitting on an extremely beautiful throne shape like a jaguar. The throne is painted ginger. Nephritic plates are scattered on the stone surface of the jaguar-throne, imitating natural stops of the jaguar. Teeth are made of skinflint. The throne-hall is very beautiful. Its walls are made of multicolored bas-reliefs and mirrors made of pyrites plates and fixed on the slate disks.

Joplaj is receiving some dignitaries. They are reporting him about achievements in agriculture and about the amount of come up maize sets. Ma’Kin-na is standing besides Joplaj.

A SERVANT enters the throne-hall. Joplaj interrupts the report. The servant reports about arrival of Cauac Sky messenger. Joplaj is shocked as well as all other people in the hall.


Ishtakal is playing with CHILDREN. They are having good time. Children love Ishtakal.

A puffed SERVANT runs up to the Ishtakal. In rapid speech he says that everybody is looking for her and she has to come to the royal palace as a messenger of the king Cauac Sky has arrived and he wants to announce his message in the presence of Ishtakal only.


The throne-hall. There are B’utz and Ajwosa who have already come. Ishtakal enters the hall. She greets everybody. B’utz glances at her a baleful look. Everybody’s intrigued. Joplaj shows his impatience.

The MESSENGER says that Cauac Sky gives her his compliments. Then he explains the reason why the Tzu king has sent him to Oxwitik. He says that Cauac Sky knows who Ishtakal is in actual fact.


Cauac Sky is sitting on the floor in front of a mat covered with viands. Zazil adds some wine to his bowl. The messenger who arrived to Oxwitik is standing in front of him.

Cauac Sky explains him what he has to tell in Oxwitik. He has to tell that Cauac Sky wants to redeem his fault. Cauac Sky wishes only well for Ishtakal and Xukpi and now he is just a helpless old man and he cannot influence his son Sky Xul, who in fact is the ruler of the kingdom Tzu nowadays. Sky Xul met Ishtakal as fate willed and he is besotted with her. Ishtakal has refused Sky Xul’s proposal and she has weighty reasons for that. But the young prince doesn’t give up and he is going to invade Xukpi with his army of ten thousand warriors and take Ishtakal by force. But Cauac Sky wants to help Xukpi and to avoid bloodshed. The messenger has to inform Xukpians about the day when Sky Xul’s army sets off for Xukpi. Cauac Sky asks the messenger if he keeps all the details in mind. The messenger says that he does and that he will fulfill his order. Cauac Sky tells him to go. The messenger leaves.

Cauac Sky says the hopes that Xukpian people will be ready to meet Sky Xul and will get reed of this young upstart who doesn’t respect his father. Zazil asks the king if he is not sorry to sacrifice his own army. But Cauac Sky answers that this army is not his any more, but Sky Xul’s. He says that all they worship Sky Xul, so let them follow him. Cauac Sky says that Quiriguá has enough wealth to recruit a new army.


Cauac Sky’s messenger announces the day when Sky Xul is attacking Xukpi.

B’utz and Ma’Kin-na exchange glances. Joplaj thanks the messenger and gives an order to render him homage.

B’utz says that perhaps they should not trust Cauac Sky, a greybeard who lost his mind. Joplaj says that his brother may be right but first of all he wants to know Ishtakal’s opinion, as she was the one who Cauac Sky wanted to be present during the announcement of his message. Having sustained a pause Ishtakal, says that Cauac Sky can be trusted. Joplaj is staring at her for a while with a heart-searching look and then nods. He says that Xukpi would accept battle.

B’utz addresses Joplaj. He asks his brother to reckon before taking the final decision. He reminds him that now Xukpi has no alliance with B’aakal and its chances to win are very small despite the advance warning about Sky Xul’s attack.

Ishtakal approaches Ajwosa who is attentively listening to B’utz. In low voice she says to render her a service, which must be kept in a secret. Keeping his eyes on B’utz, Ajwosa says that he will do his best to help her. Ishtakal says that she needs a messenger. Ajwosa looks at Ishtakal with great surprise. He intends to say something, but Joplaj interrupts him with a loud announce. He says that Xukpi would accept battle, and his decision is not subjected to any discussions.


Joplaj calls to arms of males of Xukpi.

Day and night craftspeople are making weapons.

Ishtakal is suffering, as she considers herself as the one to be blamed for unleashing this war. She is worried about the destiny of her father, her beloved and Xukpi.


The Council of Xukpiаn Elders. There are Joplaj, B’utz, Ajwosa, Ma’Kin-na, dignitaries and elders of Xukpi. (According to a custom of the ancient Mayas state affairs were discussed at night). Everybody’s sitting on the floor around a big beautiful mat with several censers on it. These censers look like high hollow cylinders decorated with god images. Some of people are censing incense.

The elders favour Joplaj’s decision to accept battle. The Council is discussing the following matters: the number of warriors in the Xukpian army, the place of the forthcoming battle where they are going to meet the enemy and the nakon elections. The nakon is the one who will lead the army. Konache is elected as the nakon.

Then the Council decides that in order to win they must please the gods and to sacrifice the worthiest, the bravest and the most valiant warrior of Xukpi. With no hesitation B’utz decides to use this opportunity and to get rid of Topiltzin. He suggests sacrificing him to the gods. B’utz says that none of Xukpians is equal to Topiltzin in adroitness, bravery and courage. Many people agree with him as Topiltzin is the one who scored the match point in the game with Quiriguáns. So the Council decides to sacrifice Topiltzin. Ajwosa is struck with grief.


Ajwosa is struck with grief. There is confusion in his heart, love and devotion are struggling with his believes and duty. As the High priest he must organize and realize the sacrifice of his young friend and he can change nothing.


Ishtakal is in a great hurry. She is running somewhere, paying no attention to the people who greet her. Anxiety and agitation is all too evident on her face.


The hall. There are several idols standing along walls. Ceremonial vessels with smoking incense in them can be seen everywhere. A few priests wearing white shrouds are praying to the idols. Topiltzin is standing in the center of the hall. Priests are coloring his face and body blue with special paint. Ajwosa is standing besides him.

Agitated Ishtakal is running into the hall and halts in her tracks. Keeping her eyes on Topiltzin she is slowly leaning against the wall. Topiltzin looks at her and then turns to Ajwosa. Ajwosa understands everything and orders to the priest to come off. Ajwosa and the priests are leaving the hall.

Ishtakal is slowly approaches Topiltzin. They are looking into the eyes of each other. Ishtakal is crying. She touches the blue body of her beloved. Topiltzin is trying to comfort her. He says that the one who is sacrificed for the sake of the great matter is honored. Ishtakal says that honor can be different and you can earn it in different ways. Topiltzin says that if the death of him serves Xukpi, he is ready to day. Ishtakal shouts that she is not willing to lose him. Ishtakal says that ten years ago her mother was prepared for death in this very hall. Topiltzin says that very soon he will meet her parents. He says he will tell him that they brought up a real princess, who is worthy of being one of her bloodline and who reveres the memory of her ancestors. Topiltzin says that very soon he will meet the gods and will be able to ask them for the victory for Xukpi. He says that he would ask them for one more thing, for a long and happy life for his beloved. He says that there, in heaven, he will be guarding her. Ishtakal and Topiltzin are kissing.


Topiltzin is tied to a pole in the middle of the ritual square. His body is painted blue. There is a beautiful head-dress on his head. Exotic sweet-smelling flowers are scattered at his feet. At a distance you can see several warriors armed with bows and arrows.

There is a crowd of people who came to look at the sacrifice. B’utz can hardly help scornful grinning. Joplaj is taking Ishtakal’s arm. She is about to be fainted but trying to restrain herself.

Topiltzin and Ishtakal are looking into the eyes of each other. Musicians START PLAYING. The warriors start dancing around the pole.

Checking his tears, Ajwosa address Topiltzin in a loud voice. He says: "Soften your soul, oh splendid man! You are setting off to the heaven to meet your father, the God of the Sun! You shall not come back as a tiny hummingbird or a beautiful deer, a jaguar or a pheasant. Direct your soul and your thoughts to your father. Fear not! There is nothing bad in what will happen to you!”

Keeping dancing, each warrior bends his bow and shoots an arrow at Topiltzin. They are making no severe injuries, but trying just to wound him. Topiltzin is bleeding in the throes.

Ajwosa goes on: «Laugh! Soften your soul thoroughly, as you will be the one, sending a message from your countrymen to the Great Sovereign, who is in the heaven!”

Topiltzin looks at Ajwosa for the last time and then turns his glance to Ishtakal.

Each warrior shoots another arrow at Topiltzin. This time they are aiming his heart. Topiltzin dies.

Ishtakal faints away.


Ishtakal is laying in a hall, she is unconscious. Ajwosa is examining her. He puts some extract under her nose, and having smelled it, the girl regains her consciousness. The priest asks her if she felt sick or giddy before. As a result he concludes that she is pregnant.

Ishtakal and Ajwosa are having an intimate talk. Ishtakal gets the whole thing off her chest, telling about her love to Topiltzin and the fact that she is going to have his baby. Ajwosa says that this baby is his grandchild. He lets her into a secret. The thing is that the priest is Topiltzin's father. Priests are not allowed to get married and they must be continent through all their lives. But when Ajwosa was very young he fell in love with a beautiful girl who lived in a near-by village and he broke the vow. As a consequence of their love Topiltzin was born.

Ajwosa says that he must inform Joplaj about his daughter’s pregnancy as they will not manage to keep this fact back for a long time.


Joplaj is wrathful. He says that to avoid disgrace he will treat his daughter at his discretion.

Joplaj sends for B’utz.


Joplaj asks B’utz if he still wants to marry Ishtakal. B’utz gives a positive answer. Joplaj says that she is pregnant and B’utz has to announce that the baby is his. B’utz agrees.

Joplaj orders to summon his dignitaries and the heads of the noblest families of Xukpi.


The dignitaries and the family heads are gathered together in the throne hall. Joplaj and B’utz are coming in.

B’utz announces that in accord with assent of the Ruler he is getting married to his daughter Ishtakal, who has his baby in her womb. Joplaj announces that if the gods are favorable, they will have the wedding banquet along with the celebrating victory over Sky Xul. Not to be heard by others, Joplaj warns B’utz that he should not flatter himself. If Ishtakal gives a birth to a boy, he will pass the power by inheritance to his grandson, not his brother. With a grin on his face, B’utz answers that his will is the law for him.


A vast field covered with high green grass. You can see nobody. Blowing wind is waving the grass and that's why the field looks like a green storming sea. All of a sudden, an arrow is flying past, so you can see its trace on the grass.


There are lots of tents scattered on a low hill. SEVERAL THOUSAND WARRIORS are getting ready for the battle. But there is no stir. The camp is placid. Some of the warriors are smearing arrows and javelins with poison, some are just looking forward, waiting for the enemy. You can see a vast green field ahead.

Tranquility is disrupted by a WARRIOR who is quickly running through the camp.

Konache is standing with his face to the sky. His eyes are closed. He can feel the slightest blowing of the wind. Several dignitaries, B’utz and Ajwosa are standing besides him. Konache can hear B’utz, who is expressing his disagreement with his brother’s decision to the High priest. He foretells the defeat of the Xukpian army and says that he is very displeased with the fact that his brother hasn’t leave Oxwitik. With his eyes closed, in his mind Konache addresses his friend Topiltzin. He asks him to give him the favour of gods, good sense during the battle and selflessness for his warriors. Konache’s meditation is interrupted by a run up warrior, who informs about approaching Quiriguáns. Konache gives an order to line up.


The Xukpian army is in battle array. There is a vast field covered with high grass ahead. Xukpian warriors are wearing armor made of quilted cotton cloth and tapir leather. Some of the warriors are wearing jaguar skins. Many of them are carrying multi-colored shields of various shapes. Many of they have their heads covered with bright bird feathers.

Several ranks of archers armed with bows are standing in front. Other ranks of warriors are armed mainly with wooden axes of different shape and wooden maces studded with obsidian. Some of warriors are equipped with spears and atlatls. Many have silicic daggers as their second weapon.

Konache is standing in the center of rear ranks accompanied by some dignitaries and priests. In his left hand Konache has a right-angled shield with an image of the Sun God on it. In his right hand he is carrying a long semicircular wooden axe studded with obsidian. He is wearing a helmet shaped like an eagle head. In the center of the troop and on the flanks you can see priests who are carrying idols. Musicians are standing behind the troop.

The QUIRIGUAN ARMY at the head of Sky Xul appears on the scene. Sky Xul is wearing beautiful armor and a helmet enchased with greenstone helmet. The Quiriguán army outnumbers the army of Xukpi. The battle array of it is similar to the opponent army.

Quiriguán warriors are wearing amour made of quilted cotton cloth with layers of salt in it. Many of them are carrying bucklers made of woven reed and deer leather. Some of them are wearing something like helmets made of wood. Their equipment is similar to one of Xukpian warriors but besides they have slings for putting stones.

SILENCE. Two armies are standing opposite each other. The silence is disturbed by a SINGLE TRUMPET CALL. Then you can hear a HORRIFIC CACOPHONY of WAR CALLS; DRUM ROLL, SQUEAL OF PENNY WHISTLES and SOUNDS OF TRUMPETS made of sea shells.

The battle is started by archers of the both armies. They are casting a hail of arrows and javelins and nobody can escape it. The first ranks are thinning out quickly. Many warriors are covering themselves with shields. Some warriors are fiercely convulsed because of the poison which was applied to the arrows.

Sky Xul, who is standing in the rear ranks, gives a gesture to attack. The musicians blow the ATTACK SIGNAL. One half of the Quiriguán army is attacking, and the other one is staying put.

Xukpian archers keep shooting arrows at the enemy.

Quiriguán warriors are quickly approaching. Konache orders to attack.


Accompanied by several warriors who are guarding him, Joplaj is quickly pacing along a corridor. He is followed by Ishtakal's glance. The girl is very anxious. He enters a hall, squats in front of an idol and starts praying.

She has a vision. Ishtakal sees a jaguar that is slowly approaching her. The beast freezes for a short second and then with its fags bared, it rushes to the girl with one long leap. Ishtakal can see a vast dark gorge of the beast.


ABSOLUTE SILENCE. A wide-opened mouth. This mouth belongs to a young Xukpian PRIEST who is carrying an idol in his arms. He is rushing to the attack among other warriors and crying something. All of a sudden the silence is broken with a TERRIBLE CACOPHONY of MUSIC, warriors’ WAR CALLS and GROANING OF WOUNDED. An arrow pierces the head of the young priest. It goes into his open mouth and comes out of his nape. The priest falls dead. At the same time the arrow, set against the ground, comes back out of his mouth.

Suffering losses, Xukpian warriors keep attacking. They are very close to the enemy ranks. TWO XUKPIAN WARRIORS stop and throw their spears into Quiriguáns. One of them is pierces with arrows at once and the other is advancing. As he is running, he lifts two spears hold by killed warriors and goes on running.

While running a Quiriguán WARRIOR is unwinding his sling. A spear is flying towards him. He stops and dodges. The spear pierces an ARCHER who is running behind him. Another spear is flying. The warrior dodges again. The spear plunges into the archer who is lying on the ground now. At last the warrior manages to unwind his sling and he pulls a stone into Xukpian ranks. And right now he is pierced with the third spear. A strong thrust throws him far away and his back is hit on the spear shaft, sticking out of the killed archer.

Xukpian warriors go on rushing to the attack. Among them you can see a WARRIOR carrying a wooden battle-axe in his hands. A stone thrown with a sling is flying towards him. The warrior beats it off with his axe. The stone ricochets, hits another warrior, pulling down his lower jaw.

Both armies are clashing together and start fighting. Some of the warriors are using special technique of movements very similar to Eastern martial arts. The battle is extremely cruel. You can see rivers of blood, a host of killed and wounded. Both armies are suffering great losses.

Reinforcements are joining the battle from the Quiriguán side at the head of Sky Xul as well as from the Xukpian side at the head of Konache.


Standing on the top of a hill Ajwosa is observing the battle. Accompanied by several warriors, Joplaj shows up. Forestalling a question of the Ruler, Ajwosa says that everything goes according to plan and that Konache has managed to engage the whole Quiriguán army at the head of Sky Xul into the battle. Joplaj says he hopes that Konache’s plan will work. The Ruler tries to hide the fact that he is a prey to emotions. Expressing his thought aloud, he says he hopes that Xukpian warriors' deaths are not in vain. Joplaj asks about the losses the Xukpian army has suffered. Ajwosa answers that it is about one third of the whole army. Joplaj closes his eyes for a while. He sends the warriors accompanying him to the battle. With bitterness in his voice he says Ajwosa not to sound the withdrawal signal too early as they have to mark time.


Because of great outnumber the Quiriguán warriors are gradually gaining victory at the Xukpian army.

Konache can hear the WITHDRAWAL SIGNAL, but goes on fighting for a while. Then he gives an order to retreat.

In a hurry warriors of Xukpi are retreating. Sky Xul orders to chase them. Quiriguán warriors are pursuing falling back Xukpians.

Suddenly Xukpian warriors stop. There are ropes prepared beforehand in the grass. Warriors grab and pull them. On the both flanks now you can see Xukpian warriors who were lying in ambush in the grass heretofore. They are pulling similar ropes. The ropes are attached to long boards covered with grass and sod. There is a deep wide circle ditch under them. The bottom of the ditch is studded with spears and poles. Those are so close to each other that crossing the ditch is impossible.

Many Quiriguáns don‘t manage to stop and fall onto the poles in the ditch. Many are thrown down by warriors running behind them, who haven’t understood what happened. Some of Quiriguáns manage to cross the ditch along the boards that haven’t been taken yet. But the bulk of Xukpian warriors attack and kill them. So the huge Quiriguán army is surrounded by the uncrossable ditch.

Howling WAR CALLS, Xukpian warriors are throwing spears and shooting arrows into almost motionless army of the enemy. Great number of Quiriguáns is of no importance now. As they have but few archers and most of the warriors are not protected with shields, Quiriguáns cannot rebuff and fix up proper defense. Only first rows are trying to pull spears and axes to Xukpians.

Several Quiriguáns are trying to cross the ditch, but all at once they are killed by Xukpians.

The army of Tzu represents a vast unorganized crowd in chaos.

For a while Sky Xul is confused as everybody around him, but soon he regains his composure. Pushing his way through the crowd of warriors he is blundering towards the ditch. Standing at its edge, Sky Xul examines the ditch quickly and looks around. The bottom of the ditch is covered with killed and wounded Quiriguáns. Two arrows are flying towards Sky Xul. He beats one of them off and dodges to escape the other which pierces into a warrior standing behind Sky Xul. Sky Xul gives an order to construct a passage across the ditch, throwing bodies of killed and severely wounded warriors into it.

Along with another warrior Sky Xul is throwing the first corpse onto the poles. Other warriors join him. They are hastily throwing bodies onto the poles. The poles are running through the bodies and they are slowly slipping down. Some wounded, pierced with poles, are still alive and they are MOANING loudly.

Xukpians are shooting Quiriguáns who are throwing bodies down in the ditch. Many Quiriguáns are wounded and killed and they fall onto the poles.


Standing on the top of a hill Joplaj is observing the battle. Being extremely anxious he is pacing among tents.

Passing by a tent, Joplaj can hear a conversation between two men. It is clear that they are a Xukpian-betrayer and a Quiriguán SPY sent by Sky Xul. Joplaj stumbles. Having heard the SOUND B’utz comes out of the tent. Joplaj is discouraged. He starts running and crying that there is an enemy spy in their camp. B’utz snatches a bow out of Quiriguán’s hands and shoots an arrow at the Ruler. Joplaj freezes. B’utz shoots another arrow at his back. Joplaj falls dead. B’utz grabs an enchased silicic dagger and stabs it into very heart of a Quiriguán spy. The spy dies. B’utz puts the bow into the spy’s hands.

Several Xukpian warriors and priests come running up to Joplaj’s body. One of the priests bends over Joplaj’s body. Ajwosa approaches. The priest has examined the body and says that the soul of the Ruler is in the heaven already. Ajwosa is silent and he is eye-balling B’utz. B’utz says: "An enemy spy stole into the camp. I've killed him but it was too late. The Quiriguán managed to do his evil deed. Xukpi has lost its Ruler”. B’utz cries out frantically several times that he hasn’t kept the Ruler from death.


Quiriguáns keep throwing bodies onto poles in the ditch. Many of them fall down there, struck down with Xukpian spears and arrows. Some of them are convulsing in agony, MOANING and CRYING of pain. There are no dead or wound thereabout. If somebody is wounded and he is unable to walk or manage weapon, he is thrown down in the ditch as well. Some wounded warriors are jumping onto the poles themselves, sacrificing their lives for the sake of other’s salvation.

Sky Xul is hurrying his warriors. He understands that he is being very cruel but knows that the mercy can cause losing the whole army.

The passage is about to be ready. One of Quiriguáns is trying to jump to the other side of the ditch, but jumps short and falls down onto the polls. Two other Quiriguáns are following him; they are running up and jump across the ditch. One of them is pierced with a spear while he his jumping and his body is thrown back. The other manages to jump across the ditch and he starts fighting with Xukpians, striking blows with his axe. Some more Quiriguáns have managed to jump across the ditch and that also start their combat. Other Quiriguáns are following them, rushing across the ditch.

The Quiriguán army breaks loose from the trap. Regardless of anything Quiriguáns still have considerable numeral superiority. Xukpians start severe close fight with the enemy.

Brutalized with the trap Quiriguáns let nobody to escape, dismembering wounded Xukpians with their axes.

Suddenly a downpour breaks out. The ground doesn’t manage to soak up water. Warriors are fighting standing overshoe in water redden with blood. Endless red drops are splashing right and left.

The ditch with moaning Quiriguáns in it is quickly filling with red water. While it is filled, there are less and less groans and very soon there are no any. Soon the ditch is full of water and is not visible any more. On the place where Quiriguáns built their passage made of dead bodies you can notice a huge red spot.


The silence is disturbed only by the SOUND OF the DOWNPOUR. From distance you can hear NOISE. The noise is coming nearer.

There are HUNDREDS OF WARRIORS running through the rainforest as quick as they can.


Several hundreds of Xukpian warriors are fighting with superior numbers of Quiriguáns. Most of Xukpian troop is scattered and surrounded by Quiriguáns from all sides.

Sky Xul and other warriors are standing at some distance, anticipating their close victory. Sky Xul tells to one of the warriors to blow the signal of fight end. Sky Xul says that he is going to take alive Xukpians as war prisoners.

The WARRIOR is about to blow in a trumpet made of a big sea shell. Sky Xul is looking at the battle field and waiting for the signal, but hears a LOUD HOARSE SOUND. He looks at the trumpeter. There is an arrow in the trumpeter's throat. Following his glance in the direction where the arrow came from Sky Xul can see several hundreds of quickly approaching warriors.

The approaching warriors are tall and husky. They are well-armed as well as well-trained. Their movements are confident and their actions are solid. Though they have been running for a long time they don’t seem to be exhausted. The troop is comparatively moderate but it looks quite menacingly. They are warriors of B’aakal.

One of B’aakalian warriors is much bigger than others. His name is MUWAAN. His chest, legs and arms are well protected with armor. He is carrying two tremendous axes. On his back he has a big cylindrical basket covered with turtle shells. There is the B’aakalian prince, K’uk B’alam, sitting inside. He is hooting, encouraging his warriors, crying out foul things to Quiriguáns and shooting arrows at them.

Xukpians seem to be surprised as they were not expecting any help. They are glad to such a turn for the better and at the head Konache they are rushing to the enemy with renovated forces.

Quiriguáns are running towards B’aakalian warriors. The Quiriguán troop exceeds remarkably in number. K’uk B’alam puts a bow into the basket and takes two tomahawks. He wields a tomahawk quite well; his movements are free and easy as if he were a true warrior. B’aakalians and Quiriguáns are clashing.

From the very beginning of the combat Quiriguáns are suffering severe losses. B’aakalians masterly wield the weapon and very skilful in close fight techniques, so even battle-seasoned Quiriguán warriors despite their numerical superiority are not able to repulse them properly.

Muwaan is brandishing his huge axes right and left, crippling every Quiriguán on his way. K’uk B’alam keeps crying out foul things to Quiriguáns and also tries to strike blows with his tomahawks. To reach Quiriguán he has to jump out of the basket or to get out of it, sit on Muwaan’s nape, blow a strike and then get down to the basket.

In the very thick of the battle Sky Xul is fighting with two B’aakalians at once. He delivers them deadly blows, turns round and at once he is struck in his chest with a huge Muwaan’s ax. But the strike is flat. Sky Xul is thrown away. He falls onto the ground and is unable to move. His glance is directed upwards and he can see warriors jumping over him, spears flying above and blows being struck. Somebody’s cut off hand is dropping on him and somebody’s blood is being spilled. Sky Xul is slowly closing his eyes. THICK DARKNESS. For a while he can hear everything around him. COMPLETE SILENCE.


A column of survived Xukpians is walking silently back to the city. B’aakalians and imprisoned Quiriguáns are walking alongside. Many warriors are wounded. Among Quiriguáns you can notice Sky Xul with a bandage on his chest. The musicians are playing MOURNFUL MUSIC. Joplaj’s body is lying on a litter carried by four warriors in front of the column.

At the sight of winners, women and children who were staying in the city are rushing toward the column with JOYFUL CRIES. But, having noticed dead Joplaj, they give up their joy.

The column keeps moving toward the city center.


Ishtakal can hear SORROWFUL MUSIC approaching her. She closes her eyes, opens them slowly and then she is slowly coming towards the doorway. Ishtakal come out to the stairs and see her father’s body. Tears are filling her eyes. She wants to shout, but she is flaked-out. She is so clanked and even cannot stand. She is slowly sitting on the stairs.

The whole city is covered with DEATHLY SILENCE.


THICK DARKNESS. COMPLETE SILENCE. The silence is disturbed by a LONELY GLOOMY SOUND OF DRUM. In thick darkness you can see a fire that is flaring up. Then you can notice another and another fire scattered on the field. They are pyres of perished warriors. The vast field is covered with hundreds of pyres. The whole sky is on fire because of numerous rising up tongues of flame.


The city is in mourning. Hundreds of people are going towards the main city temple.


The body of Joplaj is lying on a rise covered with a mat. There are lots of beautiful exotic flowers, idols and tributes around him. Ceremonial vessels with smoking incense in them can be seen everywhere. Ishtakal stays near her father’s body. Ajwosa and Ma’Kin-na are standing near her. People are coming inside in a steady stream to pay their respect to their Ruler. They are offering gifts to the idols, wailing for Joplaj silently and leaving to let others do the same.

Ishtakal says that Sky Xul is to be blamed for everything and to be punished for deaths of Xukpians and for the death of Joplaj. Ajwosa says that the future destiny of Sky Xul is to be solved by the Council of Elders. A servant approaches Ajwosa and says him something. Ajwosa leaves.

Ma’Kin-na says that he is totally agreed with Ishtakal. He says that Sky Xul must be subjected to retributive justice. He says that it is not clear not what decision will be taken by the Council of Elders regarding the Quiriguán prince, and that the justice of the Council may be too light, and in this case they only have to set their hopes for gods to punish Sky Xul. Looking aside, Ishtakal says in calm low voice that she will not hope for gods.


Accompanied by his people, B’utz is quickly walking. He is furious. All of a sudden he stops abruptly and looks at a building standing aside. In resolute step B’utz is walking towards it.

The building is a one-stored long barrack with tightly closed doors and several small windows. The building is guarded by several warriors. Thought the windows you can see faces of imprisoned Quiriguáns.

In one of window you can notice Sky Xul. He is staring at coming up B’utz. B’utz stops short way off Sky Xul. With gloating face B’utz is passes his thumb across his neck and shows at Sky Xul with his index finger, after that he leaves.


A tiny room. Sky Xul is alone. He is looking through the window at B’utz who is going away. He takes a folded piece of paper out of the bandage on his chest. Sky Xul hides this paper inside a crack in the wall.


The Council of Xukpiаn Elders. People are sitting around a big nicely looking mat with censers on it. Among them you can see K’uk B’alam. Muwaan is standing behind him.

K’uk B’alam tells about a messenger who arrived to B’aakal with a letter from Ishtakal. Everybody is very surprised as nobody but Ajwosa knew about the messenger. K’uk B’alam says that after the death of Shana’Kin his father, King K'inich Janaab, take a decision to stop any relations between B’aakal and Xukpi. But despite that Ishtakal is still K’uk B’alam’s sworn sister and he, K’uk B’alam, can never leave his beloved sister in the trouble. K’uk B’alam says that he showed the letter to his father and he managed to convince him of sending his select troop to help Xukpi.

The elders thank K’uk B’alam and his father. K’uk B’alam says that Ishtakal is the one to be thanked first of all. The elders say that Ishtakal showed her best qualities, and since now she deserves to be present at the Council of the Elders despite the ban for women to be present at the Council.


On the temple from its top to the bottom you can see hundreds and hundreds of torches, so the temple looks like a huge sparkling pyramid.

At the bottom of the temple there are some priests and warriors. Out the top hall of the temple, where Joplaj’s body is, you can here loud mournful cries. Ishtakal is going down the stairs of the temple. She is holding something under her waistcoat. Priests are addressing to her, but she says nothing in reply and leaves towards the building with imprisoned Quiriguáns.


The Council of Xukpiаn Elders. B’utz is reporting. He suggests sacrificing Sky Xul as soon as possible, as somebody can learn about the alliance between him and the Quiriguán prince. Many elders support B’utz’s suggestion. Ajwosa starts speaking. He addresses the Council asking to wait a little with sacrificing Sky Xul. He understands how much grief Sky Xul caused for Xukpi and that every Xukpian is eager to see Sky Xul’s heart torn out of his chest. But Ajwosa suggests waiting till the moment when Joplaj is buried. The fact is Ajwosa is very suspicious about B’utz’s wish to get rid of Sky Xul as he feels that it is somehow related to the murder of Joplaj. The elders accept the idea of Ajwosa. B’utz gets up abruptly and leaves. He is furious.


Ajwosa is walking along with K’uk B’alam. He asks the young prince where his true Muwaan is. K’uk B’alam answers that he came to visit his B’aakalians brothers. Ajwosa wanders about the health of K’inich Janaab and how life is going in B’aakal. Suddenly several running warriors appear out of the darkness. They are shouting: «Fire! Fire! », showing behind Ajwosa and K’uk B’alam’s backs. Ajwosa and K’uk B’alam look around. In the distance you can see red glow.


The building with imprisoned Quiriguáns in it is burning. K’uk B’alam and several Xukpian warriors run up to the building. They can do nothing as the whole building is on fire. The HORRIBLE CRIES of Quiriguáns can be heard.

Breathless Ajwosa stops besides. He is looking at the fire with bitterness in his eyes.


The first rays of rising sun are lighting up the smoking site of fire. B’utz is standing beside it in the company of several dignitaries. B’utz says that it was the gods’ punishment to Quiriguáns and Sky Xul. Everybody agrees with him.


Joplaj’s burial. The whole population of the city and B’aakalians are here. The body of Joplaj is wrapped in a shroud decorated with nice embroidery. Funeral ritual is very pompous. Musicians are PLAYING trumpets made of sea shells and some musical instruments made of turtle shells and deer horn.

Joplaj’s body is being descended into a big tomb dug in the center of the city. Greenstone jewelries, pearls and luxuriant clothes are being descended into a tomb too.

B’utz is standing besides Ma’Kin-na. He is in great mood and he can hardly help smiling. Watching his brother’s body descended into the grave he says Ma’Kin-na that he wants his past to be buried in this grave. Having noticed Ishtakal looking at him, he says that now he is going to get married with the princess and become the Ruler of Xukpi.

K’uk B’alam is holding Ishtakal’s hand. The girl’s eyes are full of tears. She is staring straight before her.


The Council of Xukpiаn Elders. Besides elders there are Ajwosa, K’uk B’alam, B’utz, Ma’Kin-na, Konache, head of the noblest families and Ishtakal.

The Council makes a decision to build a temple above Joplaj’s grave and erect steles around it with the life-story of the Ruler shown in pictures and dates.

Then the elders say that they have to fulfill the will of Joplaj and celebrate the wedding of B’utz and Ishtakal, after which B’utz becomes the lawful Ruler of Xukpi.

But Ishtakal addresses to the elders. She says that B’utz does not only deserve to be the Ruler of Xukpi, but he doesn’t deserve to live. Everybody’s at a loss. You can hear grumble in the hall turning into noise. Ishtakal is waiting patiently when B’utz and his associates stop shouting. Elders are calming everybody and ask Ishtakal to explain herself.

Ishtakal asks the elders to let her invite to the hall an imprisoned Quiriguán who is in the next hall now. Guarded by two warriors Sky Xul enters the hall. His skin is a bit burnt. Everybody is at a loss, as they considered him to be dead along with other prisoners. B’utz is skillfully conceals his embarrassment.

Ishtakal says that B’utz is the one who set the building with imprisoned Quiriguáns inside on fire. Interrupting Ishtakal B’utz addresses the elders. He says that everyone in the city knows that Ishtakal is the one who set the prison on fire that night.

Ma’Kin-na is leaving the hall imperceptibly.

B’utz is interrupted by Ajwosa. He asks him to let Ishtakal finish her story. Ishtakal says at that night she did made her way to Sky Xul with intentions of killing him. But before coming to the building with prisoners, she was lingering about the city. Ishtakal says that when she showed up besides the prison, the building was already on fire. Muwaan was passing by then. He managed to make a hole in the wall of Sky Xul's room and take Sky Xul, who was unconscious because of smoke, out of fire.

Huge Muwaan looks extremely shy. K’uk B’alam bridles up as if he was the one who made a hole in the wall and saved Sky Xul.

Ishtakal apologizes to the Council for hiding Sky Xul. She says that the saved prince has informed her about something very important that the Council should know as well.

Sky Xul says that it happened that very day when Xukpians won the sacred pok-ta-tok game. He tells to the Council that B’utz suggested him to o contract an alliance. According this B’utz must exclude B’aakal from the interference into the war in exchange for the title of the Xukpian Ruler.

Everybody’s darkly looking at B’utz and the darkest glance belongs to K’uk B’alam.

B’utz starts crying that these are lies, it is a plot against him and that he never heard of any alliance. Sky Xul says that B’utz put the prison with Quiriguáns on fire in order to eliminate the proofs of the alliance. In reply B’utz cries that these are lies and he is not the one who committed arson. He admits that he wanted Sky Xul to die, but his motives are the similar to those of anyone who is present here. Sky Xul says that before committing arson B’utz was looking for this. Sky Xul takes a folded piece of paper out of his sash. Ishtakal takes this paper and offers to the elders. This is the contract between Sky Xul and B’utz. Everybody can understand now that the death of Shana’Kin wasn't just an accident.

Sky Xul says that everybody blames a Quiriguan spy for the murder of Joplaj. Sky Xul says that he was the one who send this spy to the Xukpian camp with the only purpose to meet B’utz. Everybody understands that the presence of B’utz at the place of murder is not an accident.

B’utz snaps an enchased silicic knife off his belt and makes a lunge to Sky Xul. Sky Xul knocks B’utz down. K’uk B’alam cannot help to kick B’utz lying on the floor several times. Run up warriors bend B’utz's arms. B’utz shouts how much he hates everybody. B’utz is taken away.

Ishtakal says to the elders that she is going to have not B’utz's baby but Topiltzin's. The elders say that B’utz's bloodline is over.

After a short discussion, the elders set Sky Xul free. Kneeling Sky Xul is apologizing to the Council and all the Xukpians. He says that all that all his evil deeds are done because of his love to Ishtakal. Sky Xul swears that none of Quiriguáns will do any harm to Xukpi and since now the kingdom Tzu and the kingdom Xukpi will live in peace.


There are all noble dignitaries, priests, all city people and B’aakalians. In the center of the square you can see a huge stone altar painted blue.

Four priests are leading B’utz to altar. His body is done blue too. The priests put B’utz on the altar on his back. They are holding him by his arms and legs in such a way that his body is about to be folded in twain. Another priest is coming to the altar. He stabs between B’utz’s ribs with a stone knife and at once he puts his hand inside the wound. The priest's hand grabs the heart and tears it out. The heart is still alive. It is pulsating.


Sky Xul is walking. Behind him you can see the tops of Xukpian temples. Sky Xul stops, turns back and looks at the city behind him. Then he keeps walking.

TEXT ON SCREEN: In several decades Quiriguáns will break the oath given by Sky Xul.


Cauac Sky is sitting on one of the thrones. He is looking upwards, in the night sky. He can HEAR somebody coming up to him from behind. Approached man cuts Cauac Sky’s throat with one quick movement.


Ishtakal is leading a three year old BOY along a dark corridor. At the entrance of the telescope hall Ajwosa meets them. He says to the queen that everything is ready. Ishtakal enters the hall and looks around. She says that she has not been here for a lot time and then thanks him. The High Priest leaves.

Through the opening in the ceiling you can see night sky with stars scattered on it. Ishtakal leads the boy to the telescope in the center of the hall. The boy looks through the telescope. He asks: “Is that the Morning Star, mum?” Ishtakal answers: “Yes, Topiltzin. It’s the Morning Star”. The boy asks if his father is there. The queen says he is.

TEXT ON SCREEN: In the beginning of the 9th century A.D. life in the ancient Mayan cites ceased. No temples are built. Cities are overgrown with jungles. During some hundred years the most populous and developed area of the New World fell into decay. The times of new Mayas with their new cities and new laws started. The reason of ancient Mayas disappearance in the 9th century A.D. remains a mystery till today.

THE END.[pic]


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