SOP Development Worksheet

Developing Standard Operating Procedures

This form is one of many tools that can aid in developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s). It was developed in response to business owners and managers who expressed frustration and uncertainty, and experienced difficulty in organizing the development of SOP’s in the workplace.

The form contains space for the important aspects of SOP development. Some of these aspects may seem unimportant in the beginning, but experience has show that thinking them through saves time, confusion and frustration later in the process and helps to prevent potentially costly oversights.

The form was designed as a tool to help provide structure and direction to the SOP development process. Use whatever sections of the form make sense for the SOP being developed and the situation in which it will be developed and used. This form may also be helpful when used in combination with other SOP development techniques.

David Grusenmeyer

Sr. Extension Associate, PRO-DAIRY

Cornell University

211 Warren Hall

Ithaca, NY 14853


|SOP Development Worksheet |

|SOP Name: Euthanasia Protocol with Gunshot |

|SOP Number: |Date Written: 3/30/05 |

|Written by: |Date Implemented: |

| | |

|Dr. Belinda Thompson | |

| |Date Last Revised: |

|Task Description Euthanize animal |

|Location work is done: |Number of people required: 2 |

| | |

|At location of animal | |

| |Skill level: 1 worker trained in euthanasia with gun |

| |1 worker with animal restraint skills |

|Equipment & supplies required: |

|Appropriate caliber gun an bullet for size of animal (see euthanasia chart) |

|Halter appropriate for size of animal |

|Key to gunlock – only available designated individuals |

|Sheathed, sharp knife in some circumstances |

|Personal protective & safety equipment required: |

|Safety glasses |

|Hearing protection |

|Gun trigger lock |

|Objective, finished product or result expected: |

| |

| |

|Humanely destroyed animals |

|Scope of this SOP: euthanize any age animal |

|Operations covered: |Workers covered: |Locations covered: |

| | | |

| |Designated & trained workers: |All animals facilities on this farm |

|Restraint & euthanasia |Names __________________ | |

| | | |

| |Animal handlers for restraint only | |

|Specific Skills, Training, Certifications, or Licenses Required: |

|Specific training by herd veterinarian in use of gunshot for euthanasia. |

|Gun handling skill |

|Ability to correctly apply halter & use restraint |

|Only designated individuals have access to guns for euthanasia |

|Protocols (Steps and procedures involved in this task or process. Use as many pages as necessary.) |

| | | |

| |Apply secure restraint, including use of headlock, stanchion and securely snubbing head to prevent movement. | |

| | | |

| |All personnel and other animals must be away from any possible bullet trajectory areas. | |

| | | |

| |Unlock trigger lock, load gun & shoot cow in proper location to accomplish death with a single shot. | |

| | | |

| |If necessary due to caliber of gunshot, cut throat vessels immediately to exsanguinate. | |

| | | |

| |Confirm lack of heart beat and corneal reflex after 5 minutes. | |

| | | |





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