1. Harris JP, Stephen MS, O'Brien CJ, Sheil AGR, May J: Proximal Aortic Cross Clamping During Non-Aortic Surgery. Aust NZ J Surg: 1983;53:479-481.

2. O'Brien CJ, Harris JP, May J: Doppler Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Experimental Microvascular Grafts. Br J Plast Surg: 1984;37:596-601.

3. O'Brien CJ, Harris JP, Harvey K, May J: Shoulder Girdle Resection for Giant Basal Cell Carcinoma. Br J Plast Surg: 1984;37:566-567.

4. O'Brien CJ, Velkou D, Harris JP, May J: One Millimetre Polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-tex) as a Microvascular Prosthesis: Technique and Early Patency. Aust NZ J Surg: 1984;54:469-476.

5. O'Brien CJ, Wilson EA, Harris JP, May J: Longterm Follow-Up of Experimental Microvascular Grafts using Doppler Ultrasound. Br J Plast Surg: 1985;38:267-271.

6. Jones BM, O'Brien CJ: Acute Ischaemia of the Hand Resulting from Elevations of a Radial Forearm Flap. Br J Plast Surg; 1985;39:396-397.

7. O'Brien CJ, Wilson EA, Velkou D, Harris JP, May J: Experimental Microvascular P.T.F.E. Grafts - Six Month Patency. J Plast and Reconstr Surg: 1985;76:748-752.

8. Harris JP, O'Brien CJ, Stephen MS, Sheil AGR, May J: Should Polytetrafluoroethylene Grafts be used in Preference to Saphenous Vein for Femoropopliteal Arterial Bypass? Aust NZ J Surg: 1985;55:579-583.

9. Carter RL, Barr L, O'Brien CJ, Soo KC, Shaw HJ: Transcapsular Spread of Metastatic Squamous Carcinoma from Cervical Lymph Nodes. Am J Surg: 1985;150:495-499.

10. O'Brien CJ, Harris JP, May J: Evaluation of a Clinically Useful Length of 1mm Diameter P.T.F.E. Br J Surg: 1986;39:103-108.

11. O'Brien CJ, Hughes CF, Gianoutsos P: Surgical Treatment of Bullous Emphysema. Aust NZ J Surg: 1986;56:241-245.

12. O'Brien CJ, Carter RL, Barr L, Hamlyn P, Soo KC, Shaw HJ: Mandibular Invasion by Squamous Carcinomas of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx. Head and Neck Surgery: 1986;8:247-256.

13. O'Brien CJ, Soong SJ, Lahr C, Urist MM, Maddox WA, et al: Surgical Treatment of Early Stage Carcinoma of the Oral Tongue - Would Adjuvant Therapy be Beneficial? Head and Neck Surgery: 1986;8;401-408.

14. O'Brien CJ, Archer DJ, Breach NM, Shaw HJ: Reconstruction of the Mandible with Autogenous Bone following Treatment of Squamous Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx. Aust NZ J Surg: 1986;56:707-715.

15. O'Brien CJ, Smith JW, Soong SJ, Urist MM, Maddox WA: Neck Dissection with and without Radiotherapy: Prognostic Factors, Patterns of Recurrence and Survival. AM J Surg: 1986;152:456-463.

16. Hamlyn P, O'Brien CJ, Shaw HJ: Uncommon Malignant Tumours of the Larynx - A 35 Year Review. J Laryngol and Otol: 1986;100:1163-1168.

17. O'Brien CJ, Urist MM, Maddox WA: Modified Radical Neck Dissection - Terminology, Technique and Indications. AM J Surg: 1987;153:310-316.

18. Soo KC, Carter RL, O'Brien CJ, Barr L, Shaw HJ: Prognostic Implications of Perineural Spread in Squamous Carcinomas of the Head and Neck. Laryngoscope: 1986;96:1145-1148.

19. O'Brien CJ, Soong SJ, Urist MM, Maddox WA: Malignant Salivary Tumours - Prognostic Factors and Survival. Head and Neck Surgery: 1986;9:82-92.

20. O'Brien CJ, Smith JW, Soong SJ, Urist MM, Maddox WA: Is Modified Radical Neck Dissection Only a Staging Procedure? Cancer: 1987;59:994-999.

21. O'Brien CJ and Urist MM: Current Status of Neck Dissection in the Management of Squamous Carcinoma of the Head and Neck. Aust NZ J Surg: 1987;57:510-509.

22. Maddox WA, O'Brien CJ, Bragg LH, Urist MM: Total Pharyngeal Reconstruction Using a Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Tunnel. Arch Surg: 1988;123:391-393.

23. Carter RL, Soo KC, O'Brien CJ: Critical Evaluation of Neck Dissection Specimens. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys: 1987;13:825-832.

24. Zitch R, O'Brien CJ, Maddox WA: Pharyngo-oesophageal Diverticulum Complicated by Squamous Carcinoma. Head and Neck Surgery: 1987;9:290-294.

25. Urist MM, O'Brien CJ, Soong SJ, Visscher DW, Maddox WA: Squamous Carcinoma of the Buccal Muscosa: A Prognostic Factor Analysis. Am J Surg: 1987;154:411-414.

26. O'Brien CJ. Management of Salivary Gland Tumours: current concepts. Cancer Forum:1988;12:105-108.

27. Rivers JK, McArdle CA, Gupta G, McCarthy SW, O'Brien CJ, McCarthy WH: Recurrent Melanoma after Topical Tretinoin. Lancet: Dec, 1989;1393.

28. O'Brien CJ. Cutaneous Melanoma of the Head and Neck. Cancer Forum: 1990;14:10-16.

29. O'Brien CJ. Experience Over Thirty Years with 998 Patients with Cutaneous Melanoma of the Head and Neck. Am J Surg: 1991;162:310-314.

30. O'Brien CJ, Morgan M, Gianoutsos M. Neck Dissection for Cutaneous Melanoma. World Journal of Surgery: 1992;16:222-226.

31. O'Brien CJ, Murrant N: Surgical Treatment of Chronic Parotitis. Head and Neck. 1993;15:445-449.

32. Isman K, O'Brien CJ: Videoflouroscopic Assessment of the Pharyngo-oesophageal Segment in Laryngectomy Patients. Head and Neck: 1992;14:352-358.

33. O'Brien CJ, Castle G, et al. Limitations of Radiotherapy in the Management of Tonsil Cancer. Aust NZ J Surg: 1992;62:709-713.

34. Mathur M, Thompson JF, O'Brien CJ, et al. The Naevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Aust NZ J Surg: 1993;63:913.

35. O'Brien CJ, Lee KK, Castle G, Stevens G: A Comprehensive Treatment Strategy for Squamous Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx. Am J Surg: 1992;164:582-586.

36. O'Brien CJ, Nettle W, Lee KK: Changing Trends in the Management of Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx. Aust NZ J Surg: 1993;63:270-274.

37. O'Brien CJ, Mihailovic J, Malka VB: Evaluation of 242 Consecutive Parotidectomies Performed for Benign and Malignant Disease. Aust NZ J Surg: 1993;63:870-877.

38. Carter RL, Bliss JM, Soo K-C, O’Brien CJ: Radial Neck Dissections for Squamous Carciomas: Pathological Findings and their Clinical Implications with Particular Reference to Transcapsular Spread. Int J Radiation Oncology Biol Phys: 1987;13:825-832.

39. O'Brien CJ: A Selective Approach to Neck Dissection for Mucosal Squamous Carcinoma: Aust NZ J Surg: 1994;64:236-241.

40. Stevens G, Castle G, O'Brien CJ: Treatment of Early Carcinoma of the Vocal Cords. Australasian Radiology: 1994;38:119-122.

41. O'Brien CJ, Petersen-Schaeffer et al: Radical, Modified and Selective Neck Dissections for Cutaneous Melanoma. Head and Neck: 1995;17:232-241.

42. Bridger A, O'Brien CJ, Lee KK: Advanced Age Should not Preclude Free Flap Reconstruction in the Elderly. Am J Surg: 1994;168:425-428.

43. O'Brien CJ, Petersen-Schaeffer K, Malka VB: Evaluation of 107 Parotidectomies for Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma. Am J Surg: 1994;168:400-403.

44. Coates AS, Ingvar CI, Petersen-Schaeffer K, Shaw HM, Milton GW, O'Brien CJ, Thompson JF, McCarthy WH. Elective Lymph Node Dissection in Patients with Primary Melanoma of the Trunk and Limbs treated at The Sydney Melanoma Unit 1960-1991. J Am Coll Surg: 1995;80:402-409.

45. Uren RF, Howman-Giles RB, Thompson JF, Shaw HM, Quinn MJ, O'Brien CJ, et al. Lymphoscintigraphy to Identify Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Patients with Melanoma. Melanoma Research: 1994;4:395-199.

46. Thompson JF, McCarthy WH, Bosch CMJ, O'Brien CJ, Quinn MJ, et al. Sentinel Lymph Node Status as an Indicator of the Presence of Metastatic Melanoma in Regional Lymph Nodes. Melanoma Research: 1995;5:255-260.

47. O'Brien CJ, Uren RF, Thompson JF, Howman-Giles RB, Petersen Schaeffer K, Shaw HM, Quinn MJ, McCarthy WH: Prediction of Potential Metastatic Sites in Cutaneous Head and Neck Melanoma using Lymphoscintigraphy. Am J Surg: 1995;170:461-466.

48. Khurana VG, Mentis DH, O'Brien CJ, Hurst TL, Stevens GN, Packham NA: Parotid and Neck Metastases from Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) of the head and neck. Am J Surg: 1995;170:446-450.

49. O'Brien CJ, Petersen Schaeffer K, Stevens GN, et al. Adjuvant Radiotherapy Following Neck Dissection and Parotidectomy for Metastatic Malignant Melanoma. Head and Neck 1997;19:589-594.

50. Bron L, O'Brien CJ: Facial Nerve Function After Parotidectomy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg: 1997;123:1091-1096.

51. O'Brien CJ, Lee KK, Stern H, et al. Evaluation of 250 Free Flap Reconstructions Following Resection of Tumours of the Head and Neck. Aust NZ J Surg: 1998;68:698-701.

52. Bates D, O'Brien CJ, Tikaram K, Painter D. Parotid and Submandibular Sialadenitis Treated by Salivary Gland Excision. Aust NZ J Surg: 1998;68:120-124.

53. Lvoff G, Cope C, O'Brien CJ, Lee K. Sensory Recovery in Non-Innervated Radical Forearm Free Flaps in Oral and Oropharyngeal Reconstruction. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1998 Nov;124(11):1206-8.

54. Quinn MJ, Crotty KA, Thompson JF, Coates AS, O'Brien CJ, McCarthy WH. Desmoplastic and desmoplastic neurotropic melanoma: experience with 280 patients. Cancer. 1998 Sep 15;83(6):1128-35.

55. Stevens G, Firth I, O'Brien CJ, et al. Locally Advanced Malignant Melanoma: Results of Post Operative Radiation Therapy. Cancer. 2000 Jan 1;88(1):88-94.

56. O'Brien CJ. Preserving Function and Measuring Outcome in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer. RACS Bulletin: 1997;17:7-11.

57. Chaplin J, O'Brien CJ, McNeil EB, Haghighi K. Application of Prognostic Scoring Systems in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. Aust NZ J Surg. 1999: 69;625-628.

58. Thompson JF, O'Brien CJ, Uren RF, et al. Location of Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Patients with Cutaneous Melanoma: New Insights into Lymphatic Anatomy. J Am Coll Surg. 1999 Aug;189(2):195-204.

59. O'Brien CJ, Traynor SJ, McNeil EB, et al. Management of the Clinically Negative Neck Among Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx Using Clinical Criteria Alone. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg: 2000;126:360-365.

60. McMahon JD, Hruby G, O'Brien CJ, et al. Neck Dissection and Ipsilateral Radiotherapy in the Management of Cervical Metastatic Carcinoma from an Unknown Primary. Aust NZ J Surg. 2000; 70: 263-268.

61. MacLeod C, Jackson M, O’Brien CJ, Lee K. Locally Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma. Aust Family Physician. 2000;29:453-454.

62. Chua EL, O’Brien CJ, Wu WM, et al Prevalence and Distribution or ret/ptc 1, 2 & 3 in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in New Caledonia and Australia. J Clin Endocrinol. 2000; 85:2733-2739.

63. Rose BR, O'Brien CJ, Thompson CH et al. Squamous Carcinoma of the Head & Neck: Molecular Mechanisms and Potential Biomarkers. ANZ J Surg. 2000; 70:601-606.

64. O’Brien CJ. Melanoma of the Head & Neck. Proceedings 4th International Conference on Head & Neck Cancer. Toronto. 1996: 816-823.

65. O’Brien CJ, McNeil EB, et al. Significance of Clinical Stage, Pathological Findings and Extent of Surgery on Treatment outcome in Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland. Head Neck. 2002; 24: 417-422.

66. O’Brien CJ, McNeil EB, et al. Incidence of cervical node involvement in metastatic cutaneous malignancy involving the parotid gland. Head Neck. 2001; 23 (9): 744-8.

67. Pathak I, O’Brien CJ, McMahon J, et al. Do nodal metastases from cutaneous melanoma of the head and neck follow a clinically predictable pattern ? Head Neck. 2001; 23 (9): 785-90.

68. O’Brien CJ, Adams JR. Surgical management of the Facial Nerve in the Presence of Malignancy about the Face. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2001; 9: 90-94.

69. Adams J, O’Brien CJ. Management of Metastatic SCC in the Presence of Occult Primary Cancer. Asian J. Surgery. Asian J Surg. 2002; 25:188-193.

70. Medina JE, Ferlito A, O’Brien CJ. Current Management of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma of the Head and Neck. Acta Otolaryngol. 2002; 122: 900-906.

71. O’Brien CJ, Adams TR et al. Influence of Bone Invasion and Extent of Mandibular Resection on Local Control of Cancer of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2003; 32: 492-497.

72. Palme CE, O’Brien CJ et al. Extent of Parotid Disease Influences Outcome in Patients with Metastatic Cutaneous SCC. Arch Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg. 2003; 129:750-753.

73. O’Brien CJ. Facial Nerve Localisation in Parotid Surgery (Letter to the Editor). ANZ J Surg 2002; 72: 370.

74. Hall F, O’Brien CJ et al. Clinical Outcome Following Total Laryngectomy for Cancer. ANZ J Surg. 2003; 73: 300-305.

75. Li W, O’Brien CJ et al. The Expression of Key Cell Cycle Markers and Presence of Human Papillomavirus in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tonsil. Head Neck. 2004; 26: 1-9

76. Medina JE, Ferlito A, O’Brien CJ et al. Current Management of Mucosal Melanoma of the Head and Neck. J Surg. Oncol 2003; 83: 116-122.

77. McMahon J, O’Brien CJ, Pathak I, Hamill R, McNeil E, Hammersley N, Gardiner S, Junor E. The Influence of Surgical Margins on Local Recurrence and Disease Specific Survival in Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer. Br J Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2003; 41: 224-231.

78. O’Brien CJ, Bagia SJ, McNeil EB, et al. Tumour Thickness Influences Prognosis in T21, T2 Oral cavity cancer – But What Thickness ? Head & Neck. 2003; 25: 937 – 945.

79. O’Brien CJ. Current Management of Benign Parotid Tumours – the Role of Limited Superficial Parotidectomy. Head Neck. 2003; 25: 946 – 952.

80. Bron L, O’Brien CJ, McNeil E. Primary and Metastatic Cancer of the Parotid: Comparison of Clinical Behaviour in 232 cases. Laryngoscope. 2003; 113: 1070-1075.

81. Li W, Rose B, O’Brien CJ et al. Absence of Human Papillomavirus in Tonsillar Squamous Cell Carcinomas from Chinese Patients. Am J Path. American Journal of Pathology. 2003; 163: 2185-2189

82. Li W, Rose B, O’Brien CJ et al. Human Papillomavirus Positivity Predicts Favourable Outcome for Squamous Carcinoma of the Tonsil. Int J Cancer. 2003; 106: 553-558.

83. O’Brien CJ. Initial Experience of Vocal Cord Evaluation using Grey-Scale, Real Time, B-Mode Ultrasound (letter). ANZ J Surg. 2002; 72: 453.

84. Bron L, O’Brien CJ. Total Thyroidectomy for Benign Thyroid Disease. Br J Surg. 2004; 91:569-574.

85. Featherston C, O’Brien CJ, Clarke S, Jackson M. Treatment of Advanced Cancer of the Larynx and Hypopharynx and Chemoradiation. ANZ J Surg. 2004: 74: 554-558

86. De Wilt JAW, Thompson JF, O’Brien CJ et al. Correlation Between Pre-operative Lymphoscintigraphy and Metastatic Nodal Disease Sites in 362 Patients with Cutaneous Melanomas of the Head and Neck. Annals of Surg. 2004:239:544-552.

87. Clark J, O’Brien CJ, Li W, et al. Outcome of Treatment for Advanced Cervical Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Head and Neck 2005:27;87-94.

88. Smith GI, O’Brien CJ, Clark J, Shannon KF, Clifford AR, McNeil EB, Gao K. Management of the Neck in Patients with T1 and T2 Cancer in the Mouth. Br.J.Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2004:42:494-500.

89. Li W, Thompson CH, Cossart YE, O’Brien, CJ, Liu JH, Scolyer RA, Carter JR, Dalrymple C, Rose BR. The site of infection and ethnicity of the patient influences the biological pathways to HPV-induced mucosal cancer. Modern Path. 2004:17;1031-1037.

90. Vivian SK, Thompson J, McKinnon JG, Scolyer RA, Ling-Xi L, McCarthy W, O’Brien,CJ, Quinn MJ, Saw R, Shannon KF, Stretch J, Uren R. Outcome in 846 cutaneous melanoma patients from a single center after a negative sentinel node biopsy procedure. Ann Surg Oncol 2005;12:1-11.

91. O’Brien CJ. The Parotid Gland as a Metastatic Basin for Cutaneous Cancer. Hayes Martin Lecture. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Arch Otol H and N Surg. 2005:131;551-555.

92. Smith GI, O’Brien CJ, Choy ET, Andruchow JL, Gao K. Clinical outcome and technical aspects of 263 radial forearm free flaps used in reconstruction of the oral cavity. Br.J.Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2005:43,199-204.

93. Rose BR, Li W, O’Brien CJ.Human Papillomavirus: a cause of some head and neck cancers? MJA. 2004;181:415-416.

94. Andruchow J, Veness M, Poulsen M, Kenny L, O’Brien CJ. Implications for staging of metastatic cutaneous cancer based on a retrospective multicenter study of treatment outcome. Cancer. (In press)

95. Smith GI, Yeo D, Clark J, Choy ET, Gao K, Oates J, O’Brien CJ. Health related quality of life and functional status measures in survivors of oral cavity cancer that have undergone reconstruction with a radial forearm free flap. Br. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg 2006; 44; 187-192.

96. Young J, O’Brien CJ, Harrison J, Solomon M Clinical trials in had and neck oncology – an evaluation of clinicians’ willingness to participate. Head & Neck (In Press).

97. Hughes C, O’Brien CJ, How to Treat Neck Lumps. Australian Doctor. October 2005;

Aug: 31-38.


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