Biology 4 Human AnatomyProfessor Julie GallagherBarstow ...

Skeletal Structure NAMESSelected names of bones and other skeletal structures pronounced and translatedName of structurePronunciationTranslation of nameAcetabulum ass-eh-TAB-yoo-lumVinegar cupAcromial endah-KRO-mee-al endEnd near acromion (of scapula)Acromion ah-KRO-mee-unShoulder extremityAdductor tubercle ad-DUK –ter TOO-ber-kulSmall bump of the bringer-in (muscles)Air sinuses ayr SYE-nus-ezAir hollowsAla (pl., alae)AY-la or AL-ah (AY-lee or AL-ee)WingAlveolar process al-VEE-oh-lar PRAH-sesTrough (socket)-like projectionAnatomical neck an-ah-TOM-i-kal nekStructural narrowing below the headAngle ANG-gulCornerAnterior (sacral) foraminaan-TEER-ee-or (SAY-kral) foh-RAM-in-ahHoles on the front (of the sacrum)Anterior inferior spine an-TEER-ee-or in-FEER-ee-or spyneFront lower thornAnterior superior spinean-TEER-ee-or soo-PEER-ee-or spyneFront upper thornApexAY-peksTipArches of foot ARCH-ez ov footCurves of footAtlas AT-lasSupporter (in Greek mythology, Atlas supported the heavens [later mistaken as earth’s globe])Auditory ossiclesAW-di-toh-ree OS-ik-ulzLittle bones of hearingAuricular surfaceah-RIK-yoolar SUR-fessSurface like a little earAxis (epistropheus) AK-sis (ep-i-STROH-fee-us)Axle or pivot (thing upon which something turns)Body BOD-eeMain partCalcaneus kal-KAY-nee-usHeel boneCapitateKAP-ee-tayt or KAP-i-taytHaving a headCapitulum kah-PITCH-uh-lumLittle headCarotid canal (or foramen) kah-ROT-id kah-NAL (foh-RAY-men or FO-ra-men)Canal (hole) of the carotid (sleep) arteryCarpal bones KAR-pal bohnzBones of wristCervical vertebrae SER-vi-kal VER-teh-bray (VER-teh-bree)Joints of the neckClavicle KLAV-i-kulLittle key or boltCoccyx KOK-sisCuckoo (beak)Condylar process KON-dil-er PRAH-ses Knuckle-like projectionCoracoid process KOH-rah-koyd PRAH-sesProjection like a crow (beak)Coronal sutureko-RO-nal SOO-churCrown-related seamCoronoid fossa KOR-uh-noyd FOSS-ahDitch for the crown-like (process)Coronoid process KOR-uh-noyd PRAH-sesCrown-like projectionCostal cartilage KOS-tal KAR-ti-lijGristle of the ribCoxal bone (pelvic bone or coxa)KOK-sal bohn (PEL-vik bohn or KOK-sah)Hip bone (basin bone or hip)Crest krestRidge (comb)Cribriform plate KRIB-ri-form playtSieve-shaped plateCrista galli KRIS-tah GAL-ee (or GAW-lee)Chicken (cock) combCuboidKYOO-boydLike a cubeDeltoid tuberosity DEL-toyd too-ber-AH-sih-teeDelta (Δ)-like bumpEthmoid boneETH-moyd bohnSieve-like boneEthmoid sinuses (cells)ETH-moyd SYE-nus-ez (selz)Hollows (storerooms) of ethmoid boneEthmoidal labyrinth eth-MOYD-al LAB-i-rinthSieve-like mazeExternal acoustic meatus (or canal) eks-TER-nal ak-OOS-tik mee-AYT-us (kan-AL)Outside hearing-related passageExternal occipital protuberance eks-TER-nal ok-SIP-it-al pro-TOOB-er-entsOutside, back-of-head projecting bumpsFalse pelvis (or lesser pelvis) fals PEL-vis (LESS-er PEL-vis)False basinFalse ribs fals ribzFalse ribsFemur FEE-murThighFibula FIB-yoo-lahClaspFloating ribs FLOHT-ing ribzFloating ribsFontanels FON-tah-nelzLittle fountainsForamen lacerum foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men) LASS-er-umLacerated holeForamen magnum foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men) MAG-numHuge holeForamen ovale foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men) oh-VAL-eeOval holeForamen rotundum foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men) roh-TUN-dumRound holeForamen spinosum foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men) spi-NO-sumSpiny (thorny) holeFrontal boneFRUN-tel bohnForehead (brow) boneFrontal sinuses FRUN-tel SYE-nus-ezForehead (brow) hollowsFrontal tuberosity (tuber or eminence) FRUN-tel too-ber-AH-sih-tee (TOO-ber or EM-in-ents)Forehead (brow) bumpGlabella glah-BEL-ahHairlessGlenoid cavity GLEE-noyd KAV-i-teeHollow like an eye socketGreater hornGRAYT-er hornLarger animal hornGreater sciatic notch GRAYT-er sye-AT-ik notchLarger V-cut of hipGreater trochanter GRAYT-er troh-KAN-ter (or TROH-kan-ter)Bigger runnerGreater tubercle GRAYT-er TOO-ber-kulLarger little bumpGreater wings GRAYT-er wingzLarger wingsHamate (unciform)HAY-mayt or HAM-ayt (UN-si-form)Hook-shapedHead hedHeadHorizontal plate hor-i-ZON-tal playtFlat sheet like the horizonHumerus HYOO-mer-usArmHyoid boneHYE-oyd bohnU-likeIliac crest krestFlank ridgesIliac spinesspynezFlank thornsIlium IL-ee-umFlankIncus IN-kusAnvilInferior anglein-FEER-ee-or ANG-gulLower cornerInferior articulating processes in-FEER-ee-or ar-TIK-yoo-layt-ing PRAH-ses-ezLower joining projectionsInferior nasal conchae (sing., concha) or turbinates in-FEER-ee-or NAY-zal KONG-kee (KONG-kah) or TUR-bih-naytzLower, nose-related seashell (spinning-top-like)Inferior nuchal line in-FEER-ee-or NOO-kel lyneLower spinal-cord lineInferior orbital fissurein-FEER-ee-or OR-bi-tal FISH-urLower split (crack) in eye socketInferior pubic ramus in-FEER-ee-or PYOO-bik RAY-musLower branch of groinInferior temporal linein-FEER-ee-or TEM-poh-ral lyneLower line on temple of headInfraorbital foramen in-frah-OR-bi-tal foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men)Below-eye-socket holeInfraorbital marginin-frah-OR-bi-tal MARJ-inBelow-eye-socket edgeInfraspinous fossain-fra-SPY-nus FOSS-ahDepression below the spineIntercondylar eminence in-ter-KON-dil-er EM-in-entsRaised thing between knucklesIntercondylar fossa (notch) in-trah-KON-dil-er FOSS-ah (notch)Between-knuckle ditchIntercondylar linein-ter-KON-dil-er lyneLine between knucklesIntermediate cuneiform (II)in-ter-MEE-dee-it KYOO-neh-formWedge-shaped (bone) in the middle (Roman 2)Intermediate sacral crestin-ter-MEE-dee-it SAY-kral krestRidge of the sacrum midway toward the middleInternal acoustic meatus in-TER-nal ak-OOS-tik mee-AYT-usInside, hearing-related passageInternal occipital protuberance in-TER-nal ok-SIP-it-al pro-TOOB-er-entsInside back-of-head projectionIntertrochanteric crestin-ter-troh-kan-TAYR-ik krestRidge between trochanters (large bumps)Intertrochanteric line in-ter-troh-KAN-ter-ik lyneLine between runnersIntertubercular groove (sulcus)in-ter-too-BER-kyool-ar groov (SUL-kus)Groove between little bumpsIntervertebral foramina in-ter-VER-teh-bral (in-ter-ver-TEE-bral) foh-RAM-in-ahHoles between vertebraeIschial spine ISS-kee-al spyneHip thornIschial tuberosity ISS-kee-al too-ber-AH-sih-teeHip bumpIschium ISS-kee-umHip jointJugular foramen JUG-yoo-lar foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men)Throat [vein] holeJugular fossa JUG-yoo-lar FOSS-ahThroat [vein] ditchLacrimal bone LAK-ri-mal bohnTear-related boneLacrimal groove LAK-ri-mal groovTear-related grooveLambdoid(al) sutureLAM-doyd(-al) SOO-churLambda (λ)-like seamLamina LAM-i-nahThin plateLateral (axillary) borderLAT-er-al (AK-sil-lair-ee) BOHR-derSide (armpit)Lateral angleLAT-er-al ANG-gulSide cornerLateral condyleLAT-er-al KON-dyleSide knuckleLateral cuneiform (III)LAT-er-al KYOO-neh-formWedge-shaped (bone) to the side (Roman 3)Lateral epicondyleLAT-er-al ep-i-KON-dyleSide knuckle-endLateral malleolus(pl., malleoli)LAT-er-al MAL-lee-o-lus (mal-LEE-o-lee or mal-LEE-o-lye)Little hammer to the sideLateral sacral crestLAT-er-al SAY-kral krestRidge of the sacrum toward the sideLesser hornLESS-er hornSmaller animal hornLesser sciatic notch LESS-er sye-AT-ik notchSmaller V-cut of hipLesser trochanter LESS-er troh-KAN-ter (or TROH-kan-ter)Smaller runnerLesser tubercle LESS-er TOO-ber-kulSmaller little bumpLesser wings LESS-er wingzSmaller wingsLinea aspera LEEN-ee-ah (or LIN-ee-ah) ASS-per-ahRough lineLongitudinal arches lon-jih-TOO-di-nal ARCH-ezLengthwise curvesLumbar vertebraeLUM-bar VER-teh-bray (VER-teh-bree)Joints of the loinLunate (semilunar)LOON-ayt (sem-ee-LOON-er)Moonlike (half-moon-like)MalleusMAL-ee-usHammerMandible MAN-di-balJawboneMandibular foramen man-DIB-yoo-lar foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men)Hole of jawboneMandibular fossa man-DIB-yoo-lar FOSS-ahDitch of the jawManubrium mah-NOO-bree-umHandleMastoid air cells MAS-toyd ayr selzBreast-like air storeroomsMastoid portion MAS-toyd POR-shunBreast-like partMastoid process MAS-toyd PRAH-sesBreast-like projectionMaxilla (maxillary bone)mak-SIH-lah (MAK-si-lair-ee bohn)Upper jawboneMaxillary sinus MAK-si-lair-ee SYE-nusUpper jawbone hollowMedial (vertebral) borderMEE-dee-al (VER-teh-bral or ver-TEE-bral) BOHR-derMiddleMedial condyleMEE-dee-al KON-dyleMiddle knuckleMedial cuneiform (I)MEE-dee-al KYOO-neh-formWedge-shaped (bone) toward the middle (Roman 1)Medial epicondyle MEE-dee-al ep-i-KON-dyleMiddle knuckle-endMedial malleolus(pl., malleoli)MEE-dee-al MAL-lee-o-lusLittle hammer toward the middleMedial sacral crestMEE-dee-al SAY-kral krestRidge of the sacrum toward the middleMental foramen MEN-tal foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men)Chin holeMetacarpal bones met-ah-KAR-pal bohnzBones after the wristMetatarsal bones met-ah-TAR-sal bohnzBones after the ankleNasal boneNAY-zal bohnNose-related boneNavicular (scaphoid)na-VIK-yoo-lar (SKAF-oyd)Boat-shapedNeck nekNarrowing below a headNeural arch NOOR-al archNerve-related curveObturator foramen OB-tyoor-ayt-or foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men)Hole of the hole-obstructor (obturator muscles)Occipital boneok-SIP-it-al bohnBack-of-head boneOccipital condyles ok-SIP-it-al KON-dylezBack-of-head knucklesOlecranon oh-LEK-rah-nonHead (cranium) of elbowOlecranon fossa oh-LEK-rah-non FOSS-ahDitch for the head (cranium) of elbowOptic canal (or foramen)OP-tik kah-NAL (or foh-RAY-men [or FO-ra-men])Vision [nerve] canal (or hole)Palatine bonePAL-ah-tyne bohnPalate (mouth roof) bonePalatine process PAL-ah-tyne PRAH-sesProjection related to palate (mouth roof)Parietal bonepah-RYE-i-tal bohnWall-related bonePatella pah-TEL-ahLittle pan (kneecap)Pedicles PED-i-kulFoot stalksPelvic girdle (or bony pelvis) PEL-vik GERD-ul (BOHN-ee PEL-vis)Basin-like beltPelvic inlet (or brim) PEL-vik IN-let (brim)Entrance (rim) of basinPelvic outlet PEL-vik OWT-letExit of basin (drain)Perpendicular plate per-pen-DIK-yoo-lerplaytRight-angle platePetrous portion PET-rus (or PEET-rus) POR-shunRocky partPhalanges (sing., phalanx)fah-LAN-jeez (fah-LANKS)Ranks of soldiersPisiform (lentiform)PY-zi-form (LEN-ti-form)Pea-shaped (lens-shaped)Posterior (sacral) foraminapohs-TEER-ee-or (SAY-kral) foh-RAM-in-ahHoles on the back (of the sacrum)Posterior inferior spinepohs-TEER-ee-or in-FEER-ee-or spyneBack lower thornPosterior superior spinepohs-TEER-ee-or soo-PEER-ee-or spyneBack upper thornPterygoid process TER-i-goid PRAH-sesWing-like projectionPubic arch PYOO-bik archCurve of groinPubic crest PYOO-bik krestRidge (comb) of groinPubic symphysis PYOO-bik SIM-?-sisGroin fibrocartilage-jointPubic tubercle PYOO-bik TOO-ber-kulSmall bump of groinPubis (pl., pubes)PYOO-bis (PYOO-beez)GroinRadial groove (sulcus) RAY-dee-al groov (SUL-kus)Groove related to the radiusRadial notch RAY-dee-al notchV-cut for the staff (radius)Radial tuberosity RAY-dee-al too-ber-AH-sih-teeBump of the staff (radius)Radius RAY-dee-usStaff or spokeRamus RAY-musBranchSacral canalSAY-kral kah-NALPassage of the sacrumSacral hiatusSAY-kral hye-AY-tusGap of sacrumSacral promontory SAY-kral PRAH-mon-tor-eeJutting mountaintop of the sacrumSacrum SAY-krumSacred bone (possibly used in animal sacrifices)Sagittal sutureSAJ-i-tal SOO-churArrow-related seamScaphoid (navicular)SKAF-oyd (na-VIK-yoo-lar)Boat-shapedScapula SKAP-yoo-lahShoulderSecondary curvesSEK-on-dair-ee kervzSecond-order bendsSella turcica SEL-lah TER-si-kah (or TER-ki-kah)Turkish chair or saddleSphenoid boneSFEE-noyd bohnWedge-like boneSphenoid sinuses SFEE-noyd SYE-nus-ezHollows of sphenoid boneSpinal (vertebral) foramen SPY-nal foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men)Spinal [cord] holeSpine spyneThornSpinous process SPY-nus PRAH-sesSpiny (thornlike) projectionSquamous (squamosal) sutureSKWAY-muss (skwa-MOS-al) SOO-churScale-like seamSquamous portion SKWAY-muss POR-shunScale-like partStapesSTAY-peezStirrupSternal endSTER-nel endEnd near sternumSternum STER-numBreastboneStylomastoid foramen sty-loh-MAS-toyd foh-RAY-men (or FO-rah-men)Styloid-mastoid holeSubpubic angle sub-PYOO-bik ANG-gulCorner under groinSubscapular fossasub-SKAP-yoo-lar FOSS-ahDepression below the scapulaSuperciliary arch (ridge) soo-per-SIL-ee-air-ee arch (rij)Eyebrow curvesSuperior (medial) anglesoo-PEER-ee-or (MEE-dee-al) ANG-gulUpper (middle) cornerSuperior and middle nasal conchae (sing., concha) or turbinatessoo-PEER-ee-or and MID-ul NAY-zal KONG-kee (KONG-kah) or TUR-bih-naytzUpper and middle seashells (spinning tops)Superior articular facetsoo-PEER-ee-orUpper joint faceSuperior articulating processes soo-PEER-ee-or ar-TIK-yoo-layt-ing PRAH-ses-ezUpper joining projectionsSuperior bordersoo-PEER-ee-or BOHR-derUpperSuperior nuchal line soo-PEER-ee-or NOO-kel lyneUpper spinal-cord lineSuperior orbital fissure soo-PEER-ee-or OR-bi-tal FISH-urUpper split (crack) in eye socketSuperior pubic ramus soo-PEER-ee-or PYOO-bik RAY-mus Upper branch of groinSuperior temporal linesoo-PEER-ee-or TEM-poh-ral lyneUpper line on temple of headSupracondylar lines (ridges) soo-prah-KON-dil-er lynz (RIJ-ez)Above-knuckle ridgesSupraorbital foramen (sometimes notch) soo-prah-OR-bi-tal foh-RAY-men (or FO-ra-men) (notch)Above eye-socket holeSupraorbital margin soo-prah-OR-bi-tal MARJ-inAbove eye-socket edgeSupraspinous fossasoo-pra-SPY-nus FOSS-ahDepression above the spineSurgical neck SERJ-ik-al nekNarrowing below head of clinical interestSutural bones (Wormian or intrasutural bones)SOO-shur-al bohnz (WUR-mee-en or in-trah-SOO-shur-el bohnz)Seam-related (Ole Worm, Danish anatomist; within suture) bonesSutures SOO-churzSeamsTalus TAY-lusAnklebone or knuckleboneTarsal bones TAR-sal bohnzAnkle bonesTemporal boneTEM-poh-ral bohnBone temple of headTemporal processTEM-poh-ral PRAH-sesProjection toward the temporal boneThoracic vertebraethoh-RASS-ik VER-teh-bray (VER-teh-bree)Joints of the chest (thorax)Tibia TIB-ee-ahShinboneTibial tuberosity TIB-ee-al too-ber-AH-sih-teeBump of the shinboneTransverse (or metatarsal) arch tranz-VERS (met-ah-TAR-sal) archTurned-across (or after-the-ankle) curveTransverse processes tranz-VERS PRAH-ses-ezTurned-across projectionsTrapezium (greater multangular)tra-PEEZ-ee-um (GRAYT-er mul-TANG-yoo-lar)Table (larger many-angled)Trapezoid (lesser multangular)TRAP-eh-zoyd (LESS-er mul-TANG-yoo-lar)Table-like (smaller many-angled)Triquetrum (triangular, cuneiform or pyramidal)try-KWET-rum or try-KWEET-rum (try-ANG-yoo-lar, KYOO-neh-form, or pih-RAM-id-al)Three-cornered (three-angled, wedge-shaped, or pyramid-like)Trochlea TROK-lee-ahPulleyTrochlear notch TROK-lee-ar notchV-cut for the pulleyTrue pelvis (or greater pelvis)troo PEL-vis (GRAYT-er PEL-vis)True basinTrue ribs troo ribzTrue ribsTubercle TOO-ber-kulSmall bumpUlna UL-nahElbowVertebral column VER-teh-bral (or ver-TEE-bral) KAHL-umPillar of jointsVomer boneVOH-mer bohnPlowshare boneXiphoid process ZYE-foyd PRAH-sesSwordfish-like projectionZygomatic archzye-goh-MAT-ik archCurve of the cheekboneZygomatic bone (malar bone)zye-goh-MAT-ik bohn (MAY-ler or MAY-lar bohn)Yoke-related (cheek-related) boneZygomatic processzye-goh-MAT-ik PRAH-sesProjection related to zygomatic (cheek) bone NOTES: Bone structure names are arranged alphabetically, not by location, structure, or function.In Latin, modifiers follow the terms they describe. Thus, foramen magnum can be translated in exact parallel as “hole that is huge” but is best rendered as “huge hole.” Literal translations of structure names may be helpful in locating them or remembering their shape or function. However, they are not necessarily accurate or complete descriptions of the structure.Some alternate pronunciations are given here but many other pronunciations are possible. ................

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