Advanced Placement Literature/Composition

5. Establish the Practicality

Practical – Show that your resolution is practical – How will it solve the problem?





6. Establish the Desirability

Desirable – Show that your proposal is beneficial – What are the benefits of the solution you propose?




Second Affirmative Constructive Speech – Use this template to compose your 2nd Affirmative Constructive Speech (2AC)

Mr./Madam Chairperson, honorable judges, worthy opponents, ladies and gentlemen:


The Affirmative team believes there is a need for change . . . (summarize the problem) and has

offered a workable solution . . . (summarize plan)

As the 2nd speaker of the Affirmative, I will address the stock issues of practicality and desirability,

showing that the Affirmative’s proposal is both practical and beneficial.


Our proposal is practical for #____ reasons. . . (part 5 above, include evidence, citing sources of research)


Our proposal is beneficial for # ____ reasons. . . (part 5 above, include evidence, citing sources of research)


In conclusion, the affirmative has clearly shown that the proposal is practical (summarize points) . . .

In addition, the proposal is beneficial (summarize benefits) . . .

The Affirmative team has met its burden of proof; you must support the resolution in this debate and

vote for the affirmative.

(concluding observation or quotation relating to your case).

I know stand for cross-examination.


Shepard Academy


Policy Debate

2nd Affirmative Constructive Speech Worksheet



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