Advanced Placement Literature/Composition

Part 1 – Debate Terms

Be able to select the term when given the definition.

• Resolution

• Affirmative

• Negative

• Status Quo

• Constructive Speeches

• Rebuttal

• Refutation

• Cross-examination

• Presumption

• Burden of Proof

• Contention

Part 2 – Debate Procedures

• In a policy debate, which team speaks first?

• In a policy debate, which team speaks last?

• What is the correct wording for a policy debate resolution?

• Why is it important to define the terms in a policy debate?

• What are the three stock issues in a policy debate?

• What is the purpose of the stock issue Need?

• What is the purpose of the stock issue Practicality?

• What is the purpose of the stock issue Desirability?

• What parts are included in 1st Constructive Speeches (Affirmative and Negative)?

• What parts are included in 2nd Constructive Speeches (Affirmative and Negative)?

• What is included in the introductions of the 1st Constructive Speeches?

• What does the opposing team do after each constructive speech?

• What does it mean to “run the debate”?

• In a policy debate, which team has the burden of proof?

• In a policy debate, which speeches are prepared ahead of time?

• What is the origin of L-D debates?

• In an L-D debate, which speaker has more speeches?

• How does an L-D resolution differ from a policy debate resolution?

• What would be an appropriate wording for an L-D topic?

• In an L-D debate, which speaker speaks first?

• In an L-D debate, which speaker speaks last?

• In an L-D debate, what is a contention?

• What is included in the introduction of an L-D case?


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