DVD Portfolio

DVD Portfolio (100 pts)

GETTING STARTED – You will need a DVD-R to complete this project!

1. Follow these steps to get all your movies for the year together on one computer

2. On your computer make a new folder in your class folder in the V:Thawspace drive. Name the folder LAST NAME FIRST NAME PORTFOLIO. You may use an existing folder if you have one, but make this new portfolio folder inside of it. (1 pt)

3. Open the I drive Curriculum folder shortcut on the desktop. Open the folder for your class and period to find your projects. Drag your videos from the I drive to your portfolio folder on the computer. If you already have some videos, or all of them, in your existing folder just move them into the new portfolio folder. (3 pts)


4. View your videos and choose a still frame from one of them that you could use as the background to your DVD menu.

5. First, open Adobe Premiere. Make a new session, browse to save it in your Portfolio Folder. Set it up as NTSC Widescreen 48kHz.

6. Import the chosen video and drag it to the timeline.

7. Move the cursor to the frame you want to capture.

8. Hit Ctrl M (or got to File>Export>Media).

9. Go to File, Export, Media. In the window that opens, under Export Settings choose Format, Windows Bitmap, and Preset HD Square pixel 720p.

10. Click the little circle with the double arrows at the right. In the Video tab click to UNCHECK export as sequence. MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS STEP.

11. Click OK.

12. In the window that opens, navigate to your Portfolio folder and name the image MENU IMAGE (10 pts).

13. Open Photoshop. Go to File, then New. In the window that opens name the new document “Menu”. From the Presets choose Film & Video and NTSC DV Widescreen.

14. Go to File and Place, then navigate to your folder and choose your Menu Image.

15. Use the Text tool to create a separate text box for each of the following: Your name and period, Play All, Photo Essay, Lost and Found, Stop Motion 1, Stop Motion 2, 3 Act Story, Commercials, Music Videos and anything else you made this year. Each of these should be their own separate layer. (10 pts)

16. Once you are satisfied with the appearance of your menu, Save it and quit Photoshop.


17. Open Adobe Encore from the desktop short cut.

18. Click New Session.

19. In the window that opens, click the BROWSE Button and choose to save your project in your Portfolio folder. (10 pts) Choose NTSC and click OK if prompted.

20. Go to File > Import > As Menu. In the window that opens, navigate to your Portfolio folder and select your Photoshopped Menu . (1 pt)

21. You should now see your Photoshopped Menu in the Menu panel in the center of the screen. Resize it and reposition it as necessary. (2 pts)

22. In the Project Panel right click your Menu and choose Set As First Play. (2 pts)

23. Go to File > Import > As Timeline (or CTRL SHIFT T). Select your movies – you may multi select by holding down the Control key while clicking them. Click OK. You will see your movies appear in the Project Bin Panel on the left as both a movie file and a timeline, 2 icons for each movie. (5 pts)


24. Choose the black arrow (Direct Select Tool) from the tool bar (shortcut is A)

25. Right click on the text for PLAY ALL. Scroll down to choose Convert to Button.

26. Right click on the text title for each of your videos and choose to Convert to Button.

NOTE: To create additional button links and text for your menu you can use the Text/Type Tool to type on your Menu Image in the Menu panel. Follow these steps:

Click the Type/Text Tool then click in the Menu panel. Type your desired text.

Remember to type a separate text title for each text you want to be a button.

NOTE: You can edit the font style by clicking the Character tab in the upper right of the screen. IMPORTANT: Make a separate text field for each title and button. Otherwise they’ll all be the same button in the end!


27. Select the first of your Timelines in the Project Bin Panel. Control-Click to multi-select the rest of your timelines in the Bin Panel.

28. Right click on one of the selected timelines and choose New > Playlist. Name your playlist YOUR NAME PLAYLIST. Click OK. (10 pts)

29. On the right of the screen you should see a panel with your playlist and all your timelines in it. If you don’t see it, click the Your Name Playlist in the Bin on the left and check again.

NOTE: In the Monitor Panel click on the buttons/text of your Menu. Notice how the Properties Panel in the upper left of the screen changes for each button you click on.

30. In the Monitor Panel click on your Play All text button in the Menu. In the Properties Panel next to Link, click the little curly circle and drag over to YOUR NAME PLAYLIST in the Bin panel. (2 pts)

31. If the name of the button changes, change it back to PLAY ALL. (1 pt)

32. Click the next text button in the Menu screen. In the Properties Panel next to Link, click the little curly circle and drag the line over to the appropriate timeline in the Bin for that movie. If necessary, re-name this button with the name of the video in this Timeline (for example: Photo Essay, Lost & Found, Stop Motion, etc..) (2 pts)

33. Repeat the previous step until all your Timelines have a text button assigned to them in the Menu screen. (5 pts)

NOTE: If you have extra buttons left over in your menu right click to Clear them. If you need another button, right click to Duplicate or Copy and Paste an existing button and change its Link and Name.

34. In the Bin panel click on Your Name Play list again. On the left click on your last video in the Playlist panel. Set the End Action in the drop down menu to go to your Menu Default. This will send the disc back to the menu after playing all the movies.

35. In the Bin Panel Click on your first time line. On the left is the Properties Panel. Set the End Action of each timeline to Menu>Default from the drop down menu. This will send the disc back to the main menu after playing each timeline.


36. Check your DVD Project by clicking the Build Panel tab in the Project Panel (upper left). Click Check Project. In the window that opens, click Start.

37. You may get a list of problems to fix. Click on each problem and then look at the Properties panel on the right. You can fix the problems there. The most common problem is End Action Not Set.

NOTE: To fix End Action Not Set, click on the End Action problem in the Check Project window. In the Properties Panel select End Action and scroll down to Menu > Default. This sends the viewer back to the Menu when a movie is finished. (5 pts)

38. Keep fixing and checking until all bugs are resolved. (5 pts)

39. Preview your disc to make sure it works the way it should. Click the small Disc Icon near the top of the screen or use Alt+Ctrl+Space to enter preview mode. Click your buttons to see if they go to the right place.

40. When ready to burn your disc you will need at least 1 disc. Insert the first blank DVD-R in the computer.

41. In the Disc Panel click the Build button. Here you can Name the disc and choose the number of copies you want to burn. Choose to burn the number of discs you want, at least one for you to turn in and then take home. Click Build. Wait. When the first disc finishes, insert the second disc if necessary.

42. Use a Sharpie to label the disc with your First and Last Name, Period, Date, and Portfolio. (5 pts)

43. Put the disc in a case so that your name on the disc can be seen. Turn it in! (5 pts)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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