Appendix B-21

Goodman & Snyder: Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists,

5th Edition



Screening Men Experiencing Back, Hip, Pelvic, Groin, or Sacroiliac Pain

• Have you ever had prostate problems or been told you have prostate problems?

• Have you ever been told you have a hernia? Do you think you have one now?

▪ If yes, follow-up with medical referral. Strangulation of the bowel can lead to serious complications. If the client has been evaluated by a physician and has declined treatment (usually surgery), encourage him to follow up on this recommendation.

• Have you recently had kidney stones, bladder or kidney infections?

• Have you had any changes in urination recently?

• Do you ever have blood in your urine?

• Do you ever have pain, burning, or discomfort on urination?

• Do you urinate often, especially during the night?

• Can you easily start a flow of urine?

• Can you keep a steady stream without stopping and starting?

• When you are done urinating, does it feel like your bladder is empty or do you feel like you still have to go but can’t get any more out?

• Do you ever dribble or leak urine?

• Do you have trouble getting an erection?

• Do you have trouble keeping an erection?

• Do you have trouble ejaculating?

• Any unusual discharge from your penis?

To the Therapist

• If the client is having difficulty with sexual function, it may be necessary to conduct a screening examination for bladder or prostate involvement.

√ See Appendix: Special Questions to Ask: Bladder Function.


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