Вінницький національний медичний університет ім. М.І. …

DISEASES oral mucosa1. Patient D. , aged 50, complains of pain while receiving spicy food for two weeks Examination : buccal mucosa hyperemia , erosion and are silvery white papules in a grid. What are the most likely diagnosis .A. Leukoplakia , erosive and ulcerative formB. Leukoplakia , towering formC. Lichen planus, erosive and ulcerative formD. Lichen planus, exudative hyperemic formE. Lupus erythematosus, erosive form?2 . Patient N. , 40 years old , complains of periodic appearance of " sores " in the mouth, sick for 4 years, with exacerbations 3-4 times a year . Suffers chronic colitis . On examination : on the right buccal mucosa erosion has rounded shape measuring 0.5 cm , covered with a grayish bloom giperemirovanym circuit. What is the likely diagnosis?A. traumatic ulcerB. Chronic recurrent herpesC. aphtha SettonD. Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitisE. Secondary recurrent syphilis??3 . Patient '21 is explicit manifestation of necrotic stomatitis in the frontal area of the jaws. For 3 months noted weakness , fever to 37.50 C, drastic weight loss , diarrhea. On examination, her face pale , lymph nodes are enlarged , painless on palpation. Place a preliminary diagnosis.A. AIDSB. Acute leukemia.C. Vincent stomatitis .D. Hypovitaminosis C.E. Agranulocytosis .??4 . Patient 25 years old, complained of the presence of ulcers on the tongue. OBJECTIVE: on the side surface of the tongue ulcer oval, 1 cm in diameter with raised edges and tight - elastic infiltrate at the base , palpation painless . Lymph nodes on the affected side increased , dense , painless. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. cancerous ulcerB. Miliary tuberculosis ulcerativeC.Afta SettonD. Shankriformnaya pyoderma .E. primary syphilis5 . Patient 45 years old accountant of private enterprise , complains of dry lips , sometimes burning, the appearance of scales , which she skusyvaet . OBJECTIVE: dry lips on the red border has large scales resembling mica platelets , their edges raised. After removing the scales of erosion not only marked hyperemia . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Weather cheilitis.B. Exfoliative cheilitis.C. Eczematous cheilitis.D. Allergic contact cheilitis.E. Actinic cheilitis.6. Patient K., 23 years old, asked to reorganize the mouth. The examination revealed halitosis patient. Oral mucosa , especially of the lower lip , floor of the mouth , pharynx and tonsils swollen and clearly hyperemic, covered with purulent greenish patina with an unpleasant odor . Gums bleeding, swollen, cyanotic hue ; gums of pus on palpation . Microscopy revealed : a significant number of leukocytes , bean-shaped cocci arranged in pairs .A. gonorrheal stomatitisB. Acute catarrhal gingivostomatitC. Generalized periodontitis, initial degree , acute courseD. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitisE. diphtheria7. Patient C, 34goda . Complaints about the presence of an ulcer on his left cheek , the appearance of which connects with the occasional biting during meals 2 weeks ago. Objectively: the mucous membrane of the left cheek has a painful ulcer with jagged edges , covered with a grayish bloom surrounding mucosa hyperemic , with small hemorrhages around the ulcer. Submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged and painful left . Diagnose .A. Acute herpetic stomatitis, mild formB. Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitisC. Milliarno ulcerative tuberculosis RBCUD. Traumatic ulcer of the left cheekE. Initial syphilophyma left cheek8. Patient A. , 57y.o. . Complaints of blanching and burning sensation at the site of lesions of the red border of the lower lip , which is a long time injured edged destroyed 11 tooth. OBJECTIVE: on the red border of the lower lip in contact with the tooth 11 is allocated portion hyperkeratosis polygonal shape , size 4 x 9 mm with clear contours , the lesion is flat, does not protrude above the surface of the surrounding tissue and covered with thin scales grayish -white color. Regional lymph nodes are not palpable . Diagnose .A. Narrow premalignant hyperkeratosisB. Leukoplakia , a planar shapeC. Precancer warty red borderD. Cancer of the red border of the lower lipE. Lupus vermilion border9. Patient K., 65 years , complains of burning and dryness of mucous membranes in the last 2.5 months at lamellar prosthesis , which is used by 4 years. Objectively: the mucosa of the hard palate in the prosthetic bed hyperemic, swollen, dry, with a minor amount of white bloom . On the back of the tongue papillae atrophy . Blood test - no change . In what direction diagnosis requires further examination ??A. Allergic contact stomatitisB. GlossodiniyaC. leukoplakiaD. Chronic atrophic candidiasisE. Lichen planus10 . Patient L., 17 years old, during a rehabilitation doctor revealed on his cheeks on the line between the teeth and the mucous membrane of the lower lip with a shiny white spots ( velvet ) surface. The lesions resemble matserirovanuyu spongy surface that does not hurt and is not scraped . Lymph nodes are not palpable . Cytological examination : leukocytes , normal microflora , parakeratosis . Your diagnosis .A. soft leukoplakiaB. Secondary syphilisC. Chronic hypertrophic candidiasisD. Systemic lupus erythematosusE. Narrow peredrakovy hyperkeratosis11. Male 31 years old, complains of dryness, burning back of the tongue caused about a week ago , worse reception irritating foods . Two weeks was in the hospital for pneumonia , was taking antibiotics . Who does not take drugs . OBJECTIVE: oral mucosa hyperemic dry. On the back of the tongue and palate gray-white curd easily removable plaque. Saliva stretches threads per spatula. What is likely the preliminary diagnosis ?A. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasisB. Acute atrophic candidiasisC. Acute pseudomembranous candidiasisD. medical stomatitisE. Chronic atrophic candidiasis12. Girl , 18, ??complained of a sharp pain in the mouth , fever up to 38.30 C. After the examination was the preliminary diagnosis : acute herpetic stomatitis . That will be detected by cytological examination of material from the surface erosion .A. acantholytic cellsB. atypical cellsC. Giant multinucleated cellsD. Cells Pirogov - LanhgansaE. The elements of the reticuloendothelial system13. Patient , 19 years old , was diagnosed with acute necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis Vincent . Choose the most effective set of drugs for general treatment.A. Aspirin + + metronidazole + suprastin kordiaminB. Aspirin + metronidazole + ascorbic acidC. Erythromycin + + suprastin calcium gluconateD. Erythromycin metronidazole + + + suprastin ascorbic acidE. Erythromycin + ascorbic acid + + phenylbutazone kordiamin?14. The patient , aged 30, complained of the presence of painful education in the mouth. Objectively: the mucosal surface of the lower lip is defined epithelial defect with clear oval outlines the size of 0.3 x 0.5 mm, surrounded by a rim of hyperemia and covered with fibrinous coating. Which element of the lesions in this patient?A. excoriationB. erosionC. aphthaD. ulcerE. crack??15. The patient , aged 65, complained of a feeling of tightness, roughness on the mucous membrane of the cheeks in the corners of the mouth. When viewed in the corners of the mouth mucosa changes are detected as a grayish - white film in the shape of a triangle . Education at poskablivanii not removed . Diagnosed flat leukoplakia . Color of the lesion caused by the pathological process follows :A. papillomatosisB. acanthosisC. hyperkeratosisD. dyskeratosisE. fibrosis??16. The patient , aged 50, complains of the presence of surface roughness , a change of the buccal mucosa . When viewed on the mucous membrane of the cheeks marked rash slightly elevated above the level of the mucosa of gray-white color, do not shoot at poskablivanii . Merge to form a shape in the form of lace . General state of the patient is not changed. Place a preliminary diagnosis.A. Typical form of lichen planusB. Acute pseudomembranous candidiasisC. Leukoplakia , verrucous formD. papular syphilisE. Alopecia lupus erythematosus??17. After clinical and laboratory examination of the patient , 60 years old , diagnosed with " acantholytic pemphigus ." What are the primary morphological element lesions in this disease.A. intraepithelial bubbleB. vesicleC. pustuleD. subepithelial bubbleE. blister????????????18. The patient, aged 42, complains of bleeding gums and a metallic taste in the mouth. Of history - the patient works as a storekeeper in the printing . Objectively: skin patient grayish earthy hue. In the oral cavity - gingival margin swollen , amid congestion around the necks of front teeth bluish- black strip . On the mucosa of the lower lip marked single spot of similar color . Preliminary diagnosis ?A. intoxication stomatitisB. mercurial stomatitisC. bismuth stomatitisD. lead stomatitisE. catarrhal stomatitis19. The patient , aged 17, complains of a headache , fever , weakness , pain, oral mucosa , bleeding gums . Ill three days. OBJECTIVE: pale face , red border of lips dry , t body - 380s , halitosis . Lymph nodes are enlarged , painful. On the buccal mucosa in the lower teeth ulcers eighths in diameter of 1-2 cm , with the transition to the gingival papillae , covered with gray patina , bleeding gums . Determine the etiology of this disease ?A. mushroomsB. treponema pallidumC. Streptococci staphylococcal microfloraD. Koch's bacillusE. Fuso - spirilyarny symbiosis20. The patient , aged 20, complains of general weakness, fever, headache. Sick week. Objectively: the lymph nodes are enlarged, painful on palpation , t - 37,80 C, oral mucosa hyperemic, edematous . On the mucosa of the lips , palate , gums , cheeks polycyclic group erosion incorrect form, coated with a grayish- white coating , painful. What drugs appoint primarily in the topical treatment in the early days of the disease.A. vitaminsB. corticosteroid ointmentC. antiviralD. antisepticsE. dyes21. Patient S. , 23 years old, complains of a cosmetic defect in connection with the appearance of sores on the red border of the lower lip , which did not respond within two weeks . Objective : to unmodified red border of the lower lip - ulcer rounded shape with a diameter of 2 mm with raised equal edges; its bottom - red meat , dense , shiny with " greasy touch " ; palpation painless , with chondroid infiltrate the base. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged, chondroid density , painless, mobile . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. primary syphilisB. Dekubitalnaya ulcerC. cancerous ulcerD. allergic cheilitisE. tuberculous ulcer22. Patient K. , 20 years old , asked the dentist to treat damaged teeth . During the inspection, revealed on palatal handles , soft palate , tonsils, tongue rounded painless papules gipermirovannym infiltrated with a whisk , measuring 7 mm in diameter. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged, chondroid density , painless , mobile. What should be the tactics of the doctor ?A. Send to a consultation venereologistB. Conduct bacteriological examinationC. Send to a consultation with an ENT - doctorD. To reorganize the mouthE. Send for laboratory testing23. The patient , aged 16, complained of bleeding gums . From history : frequent nosebleeds , general weakness . OBJECTIVE: pale skin and mucous membranes of the mouth , on the buccal mucosa , tongue and soft palate - multiple petechiae .Analysis of blood : red blood cells - 3.1 million , leukocytes - 2,9 ? 109 / L , platelets - 80 ? 109 / L, blood clotting time - 9 min , color index - 0.9 , ESR - 48 mm / h , hemoglobin 94 g / LA. disease VakezaB. agranulocytosisC. iron deficiency anemiaD. chronic lymphocytic leukemiaE. disease Verlgofa24. The patient , aged 45, complains of a burning sensation , tightness buccal mucosa , roughness, unpleasant sensation . Objectively: the red border on the lower lip and buccal mucosa hyperemia on the line between the teeth on the right there is a sealed portion grayish-white , above the level of the mucous membrane in the form of white warty growths . Dental plaque . Diagnose .A. Lichen planusB. verrucous leukoplakiaC. Leukoplakia , a planar shapeD. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasisE. galvanic stomatitis25. The disease develops without premonitory phenomena manifested rash 1-2 aphthas size 5-8 mm , rounded, surrounded by hyperemia and whisk furry yellow- gray. The recurrence rate with a certain regularity , duration - 7-10 days . What disease is characterized by ?A. lupus erythematosusB. herpetic stomatitisC. candidiasisD. papular syphilisE. Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis26. The patient, 23 years old, complains of bleeding gums , fatigue , malaise . Symptoms appeared recently . Objectively: skin and oral mucosa pale . Gums bleed when touched . On the mucous membrane of the cheeks , lips and palate petechiae . What laboratory studies should be performed for diagnosis ?A. Blood sugarB. Complete blood countC. Definition of vit. C. BloodD. Identify bleeding timeE. immunogram27. The patient , 25 years old , complains of an unusual kind of language . Objectively: the back of the tongue on the observed longitudinal and transverse grooves, which are stored in the depths of filiform papillae . What is the likely diagnosis ?A. Pleated language .B. Desquamative glossitis .C. Hairy tongue .D. Rhomboid glossitis .E. forked Tongue28. Patient Ts , 27 years old complains of the appearance of rash in the mouth, on the lips and skin , general weakness , fever . Sick for 3 years , recurrent notes in spring and autumn . Objective : to hyperemic and edematous mucosa of the mouth - bubbles painful erosions covered with gray - yellow fibrinous coating. On the lips - hemorrhagic crusts . On the face, neck and dorsum of the hand maculo - papular rash. Select the most likely diagnosis ?A. herpetic stomatitisB. pemphigusC. Exudative erythema multiformeD. Bulezny pemphigoidE. Duhring disease29. Patient B. , 34 years old , sick 5 days ago , when suddenly a short time there was a formless swelling of the lips. OBJECTIVE: lips are enlarged , irregularly compacted painless. Labial gland unchanged. Pathohistological picture : productive inflammation with proliferation of connective tissue and the presence of granulomas in it with clear boundaries, consisting of lymphoid cells and epiteliodnyh . Select the most likely diagnosis.A. Glandular cheilitis purulent formB. Glandular cheilitis edematous formC. Granulomatous makroheylit MiescherD. Limfedematozny cheilitisE. Melkersson -Rosenthal syndrome30 . Woman, 21 years old, referred to the clinic with complaints of dryness, itching and burning lips. The appearance of these sensations is associated with the use of a new lipstick. Objectively : the red border of lips dry, flushed , edematous , determined slight peeling . Overall condition is not violated. Which of these ointments you assign this patient ?A. heparinB. DibunolovuyuC. prednizolonovuyuD. TebrofenovuyuE. eritromitsinovaya31. Man, 24 years old, complains of pain , bad breath , fever up to 380s . Male pale adynamic . Regional lymph nodes are enlarged and painful . Gums swollen, hyperemic, ulcerated , covered with necrotic plaque. On the teeth - excessive tartar . What additional research is needed to carry out this sick in the first place?A. Blood sugarB. Microscopy plaque from the gumsC. HIV testing - infectionD. Overall full blood countE. X-rays of the jaws32. Man, 55 years old, complains about the presence of whitish layers on the left buccal mucosa , which appeared three months ago. Objectively: the mucous membrane of the left cheek on the line between the teeth, close to the corner of the mouth portion is determined by dense growths of hilly white size 2.0-1.5 cm with clear margins , rising above the level of the mucosa , painless on palpation. Surrounding mucosa lesion is not changed. Crowns 34 , 35 and 36 destroyed. Choose the most efficient method of local treatment of this patient.A. Oil solution of vitamin AB. ectyloticC. surgical excisionD. corticosteroidsE. antifungals33. Patient S. , 48 years old , complains of feeling of tightness of the oral mucosa , pain during mealtimes . When viewed from buccal mucosa hyperemic single erosion to 3 mm in diameter, surrounded by silvery-white papules in a fern leaf . Diagnose :A. Lichen planus, erosive and ulcerative formB. Leukoplakia , erosive and ulcerative formC. Lichen planus, exudative hyperemic formD. Lupus erythematosus, erosive formE. Leukoplakia warty form34. The patient , aged 48, complains of burning , dryness of the oral mucosa , viscous saliva , pain when eating . For 18 years, enjoys dentures . On examination, buccal mucosa , tongue, palate and swelling, hyperemic , covered with a minor amount of plaque that is poorly removed . Diagnose :A. Chronic atrophic candidiasisB. Lichen planus, exudative hyperemic formC. Lichen planus, erosive and ulcerative formD. Leukoplakia , erosive formE. Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis35. Patient V. , power line installer complains of a feeling of tightness, formation of scales on the lips in the autumn-winter period . Examination revealed a red border of lips unevenly hyperemic infiltrated , covered with small scales. Diagnose :A. Weather cheilitisB. Exfoliative cheilitis, dry formC. Actinic cheilitis, exudativeD. Actinic cheilitis, dry formE. Allergic contact cheilitis36. During medical checkups student A. , 20 years old , diagnosed chronic candidiasis of the mouth , generalized lymphadenopathy . In the history throughout the year herpes simplex . Body temperature constantly rises to 37.40 C - 37.50 C weight in the last month decreased by 8 kg. What disease can testify to this symptom ?A. kissing diseaseB. acute leukemiaC. Acquired immunodeficiency syndromeD. Secondary syphilisE. tuberculosis37. Woman, 60 years old, complains of burning lower lip , increasing during the meal and conversation. OBJECTIVE: on the face (nose and cheeks), erythema in the form of a butterfly. On the red border of the lower lip bright red lesion that covered whitish- gray scales in the center of lesion atrophy, on the periphery - areas turbidity epithelium. Diagnose :A. leukoplakiaB. lupus erythematosusC. Lichen planusD. exfoliative cheilitisE. warty precancer38. The patient , 60 years old , complains of pain during eating , the presence of erosion in the oral mucosa . First ill more than a month ago. Objective : to unmodified gum shell , soft palate large erosion of bright red color . Mucous and peels easily injured when rubbing . In smears found Ttsanka cells . Determine diagnosis.A. pemphigus vulgarisB. pemphigus vegetansC. Benign Pemphigus neakantoliticheskayaD. Exudative erythema multiformeE. Bullous lichen planus39. The patient , aged 50, complains of foreign body sensation on the tongue, with the severity of the conversation, dryness in the mouth . OBJECTIVE: on back of the tongue - elongated to 5 mm dark filamentous papillae . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. rhomboid glossitisB. desquamative glossitisC. pleated languageD. glossalgiaE. Black " hairy " tongue40. The patient , 62 years old, complains of recurrent blisters in the mouth. When viewed from the side surface of the left side first bubble size 8 x 8 mm, with hemorrhagic content . Palpation painless. Nikolsky negative symptom . Blood pressure 200/120 mmHg . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. pemphigus vulgarisB. angioma languageC. Vesico - vascular syndromeD. Exudative erythema multiformeE. Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring41. The patient , 60 years old , complains of burning , discomfort in the language. On examination of the tongue looks like " varnish " , filiform papillae are atrophied , raided the back of the tongue is missing . What is the symptom of the disease is the first defeat in this patient ?A. hyperacid gastritisB. hypoacid gastritisC. Peptic ulcerD. enterocolitisE. stomach cancer42. Patient A. , aged 55, complains of itching, burning, rashes on the skin of the neck , ears , as well as pain and ulceration in the mouth on the cheeks , palate . Ill two months . ago, when there was a strong burning, itching and small blisters on the skin , a week felt the pain and burning sensation in the mouth. From history we found that 2 years ago had an allergic reaction to potassium iodide . Remove the drug Demerol and appointment - all phenomena are rapidly decreased. OBJECTIVE: when viewed from the soft palate , cheeks on both sides - merged erosion bright red with scalloped edges , slightly painful. SB around erosions swelling, hyperemic . Nikolsky negative symptom . Jadassohn sample positive. On the skin of the neck , ears , polymorphic elements ( erythema , vesicles , crusts ) . Diagnose .A. Exudative erythema multiformeB. pemphigus vulgarisC. Dermatitis herpetiformis DuhringD. allergic stomatitisE. Lichen planus ( pemfigoidnaya form)43. The patient , aged 37, complains of an unusual type , burning, sore tongue when eating , weakness, malaise, dizziness. Changes noted during the month. OBJECTIVE: atrophy of the filiform papillae of the language in back of the tongue - Striping hyperemia with different shades . In blood test : Er. -2 , 7 ? 10 12 / l, Hb - 90 g / l, ts.p.1 , 2 , A -4 , 6 ? 10 9 / L , n - 3 \ % a - 57 \ % l - 34 \ % m - 4 \ % e - 9 \ %, ESR - 12 mm / hour. What will be the defining indicator of blood at diagnosis ?A. color indexB. leukocytesC. erythrocytesD. hemoglobinE. ESR44. Patient A. , 43, complained of cracks in the corners of the mouth , which are covered with crusts , dryness, redness and peeling lips, photophobia, and lacrimation, weakness, loss of appetite , decreased performance , peeling skin , burning sensation in the tongue. What causes this disease ?A. Hypovitaminosis B1B. Hypovitaminosis RRC. Hypovitaminosis B2D. Hypovitaminosis B6E. hypovitaminosis A45 . Patient 24 years, complains of severe pain in the mouth , general weakness , headache , joint pain , fever to 38.9 C. ill 2 days ago after hypothermia . OBJECTIVE: swollen lips on the red border - hemorrhagic crusts . On the oral mucosa on the background diffuse hyperemia - large confluent erosions and ulcers covered with yellowish - gray patina , sharply painful , bleed when touched . Conjunctivitis . On the skin of the hands and forearms - erythematous patches up to 1.5 cm in diameter with bubbles in the center. What naibol6ee likely diagnosis ?A. medical stomatitisB. Exudative erythema multiformeC. Behcet's syndromeD. Lyell's syndromeE. Stevens - Johnson46. Patient 25 years old foci of necrosis along the gingival margin on both jaws . Facial skin sallow hue. Looks older than his years . Submandibular, chin , neck and axillary lymph nodes are enlarged , painless, mobile . Leads a hectic life, using drugs . In the last month notes weakness, constant increase in body temperature to 37,3-37,50 C, diarrhea, weight loss of 15 kg. What is most likely the preliminary diagnosis ?A. AIDSB. acute leukemiaC. hypovitaminosis CD. gingivitis VincentE. agranulocytosis47. By dentist turned 35 years old patient with complaints of a purple color formations on the oral mucosa . After the examination, diagnosed with Kaposi's sarcoma. AIDS. Kaposi 's sarcoma, as one of the characteristic clinical signs of AIDS is formed from:A. blood vesselsB. lymphangionC. nervous tissueD. muscle tissueE. Bone tissue48. Patient 23 years , visit the second day of the disease , diagnosed as acute herpetic stomatitis moderate severity. What ointment for the treatment of lesions elements you assign in the first place?A. antiviralB. AntibiotikosoderzhaschuyuC. hormonalD. sulfaE. Fermentosoderzhaschuyu49. The patient, 27 years old, complains of painful education in the language within a month , cough with sputum , fever up to 37.20 - 37.40 S. eve suffered SARS. Course conducted penicillin is not effective. Objectively: the back of the tongue on a shallow ulcer , the bottom of which is satisfied with small abscesses granulations on the periphery . Regional limfouzdy enlarged, painful, soldered into packets. What preliminary diagnosis established dentist ??A. Miliary - ulcerative tuberculosisB. lupusC. syphilisD. candidiasisE. leprosy50 . During the baseline medical examination at the student 17 years , the dentist revealed by the line between the teeth and the surrounding areas whitish , macerated mucosa. Epithelium unevenly sluschen has fringed view lifted at poskablivanii . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Lichen planusB. chronic candidiasisC. soft leukoplakiaD. lupus erythematosus??????E. Erosive leukoplakia51. Patient 38 years old, complained of dryness and peeling lips. During the month smeared lips indifferent ointment , there was no improvement . Objectively: the red border of the lower lip bright - red , moderately infiltrated , covered tightly seated whitish - gray scales when trying to remove that there is soreness and bleeding . On the periphery of the hearth - clouding epithelium as white strips and depressions in the central portion . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. candida cheilitisB. Lichen planusC. leukoplakiaD. exfoliative cheilitisE. Systemic lupus erythematosus52. Patient 50 years cheeks and palate mucosa erosion with scalloped contours located on slightly edematous and hyperemic background that appeared after treatment with oral mucosa 2% iodine solution . Symptom negative Nikolsky , acantholytic cells do not. Any erosion at the site of multiple bubbles with transparent content . On the skin - itchy rash abundant polymorphic . In blood and contents of bubbles - eosinophilia . Diagnose .A. Dermatitis herpetiformis DuhringB. Bullous pemphigoid LeverC. Stevens-Johnson syndromeD. Exudative erythema multiformeE. allergic reaction53. Patient 17 years , complains of malaise, pain in the mouth, bad breath . Sick for 2 days. OBJECTIVE: body temperature 38.70 C. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged on the right , painful mobile. Mucosa hyperemic, edematous papilla bleeding at the gingival margin - gray - white patches in the area 48 - ulcer with jagged edges , painful when touched , covered with dirty - gray patina . What microflora most likely be detected by microbiological examination ?A. Fuzobakterii and spirochetesB. Actinomycetes and diphtheria bacillusC. Actinomycetes and fuzobakteriiD. Trichomonas and spirochetesE. Fungi of the genus Candida and Trichomonas54. Patient 57 years old, complains of the presence of whitish layers on the left buccal mucosa , which appeared about a year ago . Giperatsidnym suffering from gastritis . OBJECTIVE: on the buccal mucosa and in the corner near the mouth is determined plot dense whitish lumpy growths measuring 1.5 x 2 cm with clear contours , towering above the surrounding intact mucosa , painless on palpation. Which of the following is the most appropriate for the local treatment of this disease ?A. ectyloticB. anti-inflammatory drugsC. surgical excisionD. antifungalsE. corticosteroid agents?55 . The patient K., 70 years on the alveolar ridge mucosa doctor discovered multiple growths associated with wearing the denture . After examination diagnosed papillomatosis . Give histopathologic definition of the state.A. Thickening thorny layer cells , epithelial outgrowths elongation mezhsosochkovyhB. Thickening of the stratum corneumC. Sprawl papillary layer of the lamina propria towards epitheliumD. Proliferation of the granular layer of the epitheliumE. Absence of the granular layer , the preservation of the nuclei in the cells of the stratum corneum.56. Patient 57 years old, complained of pain , difficulty opening the mouth. Was diagnosed with leukoplakia ulcerative form . 12 days after the course of treatment noted the appearance of flabby granulation processes and strengthening keratinization at the bottom ulcers. What the study of the following must take place in the first place?A. cytologicalB. bacterioscopicC. bacteriologicalD. fluorescentE. Stomatoskopiya57. Patient M. , aged 55, complains of swelling and bleeding gums, especially when taking solid food , fatigue , itchy skin, sometimes numbness mucosa. Have a history of bleeding from the nose . The facial skin is dark cherry hue. Objectively : the red border of lips , mucous membrane of the lips, tongue, cheeks bright red . Hyperemic interdental papillae have a dark cherry color bleed when touched . Marked cyanosis soft and pale staining of the hard palate (symptom Cooperman ) . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. disease VakezaB. hyperchromic anemiaC. agranulocytosisD. disease VerlgofaE. acute leukemia58. Patient 55 years old, complains of pain during a meal , the presence of erosions on the oral mucosa . First ill more than a month ago. Objective : to unmodified mucosa of the soft palate and shackle large erosion of bright red color . Mucous and peels easily injured when rubbing . Minor pain . In smears Ttsanka cells . Diagnose :A. pemphigus vulgarisB. Neakantoliticheskaya pemphigusC. Benign Pemphigus neakantoliticheskayaD. Exudative erythema multiformeE. Bullous lichen planus59. Patient 49 years in the treatment of lichen planus ( erosive and ulcerative form ) for 1 month failed to reach epithelialization sections defeat. What is the best tactics of the doctor in this case?A. Surgical treatment of an urgent histological examinationB. Purpose UHF , laserC. Repeated treatment with the use of other meansD. Appointment imunostimuliruyuschey therapy : vitaminsE. Obkalyvanie lesion honsuridom60 . Patient 38 years old, complains of pain in the mouth when eating and from different stimuli , poor overall health. OBJECTIVE: painful erosions on the oral mucosa , which is on the edge of tire scraps bubbles. Surrounding mucosa moderately inflamed. Notes on the back skin erosion, painful to touch clothing. What additional testing is necessary for definitive diagnosis ?A. virologicalB. cytological studyC. immunological researchD. Complete blood countE. bacterial study61. Patient 45 years old, complains of feeling of tightness buccal mucosa , roughness, discomfort. OBJECTIVE: on the buccal mucosa whitish gray areas slightly above the level of the mucous prone to draining a lacy pattern , localized in the posterior parts of the oral cavity. When poskablivanii not removed . What disease is characterized by such clinical picture ?A. Lichen planusB. Secondary syphilisC. verrucous leukoplakiaD. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasisE. lupus erythematosus62. The patient was 18 years old, diagnosed as a folded tongue. What symptom syndrome can have this malformation ?A. syndrome Stivensona_DzhonsonaB. Behcet's syndromeC. Syndrome Stanton - KapdeponaD. Melkersson -Rosenthal syndromeE. Sjogren's symptom63. Patient 18 years , complains of bleeding gums , changing their appearance. Suffered severe SARS . When viewed papilla swollen , bluish- red cover on the crowns of the teeth ?, bleed much . GPRS on multiple petechial krovoizmeneniya , in some areas at the gingival margin - ulceration . In the analysis of blood there is no change . What vitamins to assign complex treatment of the patient ?A. Retinol acetate + riboflavinB. Ascorbic acid + routinesC. + Pyridoxine , thiamineD. Rutin + nicotinic acidE. Cyanocobalamin + thiamine64. The patient , 38 years old , the driver complains of severe pain in the mouth, throat, complicating meal , malaise , fever to 38.6 0C. After hypothermia sick during the day, night shift should step up . Objectively: the gums in the lower front teeth , pharyngeal mucosa hyperemic , edematous, necrosis of the gingival margin and enlarged tonsils . Bacterioscopy : FUSO - spirillyarny symbiosis. Blood test: Air - 4,5 ? 10 12 / l, l - 7,2 ? 109 / l, ESR - 18 mm / h , the formula without features. What is the future tactics of the doctor - dentist??A. Conduct treatment and issue a medical certificateB. Provide treatment and to replace anC. Send hospitalizationD. Conduct treatment and issue a certificateE. Send to a consultation with an ENT - specialist65 . Patient 50 years old, complains of burning , tingling, numbness of tongue , dry mouth . Paresthesia occur spontaneously and tested during the meal. Ill the third year after the change of 2 bridges gold prostheses prostheses coated steel titanium nitrite . A year ago, the coated prostheses removed, but the patient's condition has not improved . Antiseptic rinse, lubrication language vitamins A, E and acupuncture brought no relief . OBJECTIVE: mucosa without visible pathology . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. GlossodiniyaB. glossitisC. candidiasisD. medical stomatitisE. B6 vitamin deficiency66. Female 35 years , complains of periodic appearance of " sores " in the mouth for 3 years . Relapses are repeated 4-5 times a year . " Sores " to allow for 7-8 days. OBJECTIVE: on the left side of the tongue lesions detected element rounded shape 0.5 cm in diameter with clear smooth edges , covered with a grayish bloom surrounded whisk hyperemia sharply painful when touched . What is the most probable mechanism of the disease in a patient ?A. autoimmune mechanismB. allergic reactionC. Viral infectionD. staphylococcosisE. mechanical injury67. The patient , 26 years old , complains of fever up to 380s , painful swallowing , bad breath , bleeding gums . Ill with rheumatism , take phenylbutazone , aminopyrine . OBJECTIVE: oral mucosa pale, determined hemorrhages , areas of necrosis on the tonsils and the gingival edge in posterior teeth left. Lymph nodes are enlarged , painless. What changes in the blood in this patient most likely to occur ?A. Increase in color indexB. myeloblastosisC. neutropeniaD. thrombocytopeniaE. agranulocytosis68. Patient 55 years old, complains of burning and discomfort in the language. About 5 years sick hypoacid gastritis. What are the most likely to change the language for this patient?A. hypertrophy of the papillaeB. Atrophy and flattening of tongue papillaeC. Erosion on the first side surfacesD. furred tongueE. folding language69. Patient K., 63 years old, complains about the presence of erosion on the red border of the lower lip , which has long existed, sometimes spontaneously epithelialized , and then appears in the same place . The patient suffers from chronic gastritis giperatsidnym smokes . Objectively: the red border on the right side of the lower lip is determined erosion of irregular shape with a smooth , polished surface like a rich red color . Palpation painless , tissue seal at the bottom is missing . Lymph nodes are enlarged . Select the most likely diagnosis :A. Erosive form of leukoplakiaB. Abrasive prekantserozny cheilitis MangonottiC. Erosive- ulcerative form of lupus erythematosusD. Erosive and ulcerative form planusE. radiation cheilitis70 . Patient K. , aged 36, complains of discomfort when eating , fever , malaise, swollen lymph nodes . The patient smokes , uses alcohol moderately . Three years ago on a business trip in Africa. OBJECTIVE: submandibular, cervical , axillary lymph node palpation increased, mobile , painless . On the first lateral surface portions whitish formations resembling thread 3-4 mm in length . Which of the following is necessary to clarify the diagnosis ?A. Complete blood countB. Analysis of blood RWC. RevmoprobyD. A blood test for HIVE. Analysis of blood sugar71. G. 29 years old patient complains of a single slaboboleznennoe tumor-like formations on the hard palate , which appeared about a month ago . OBJECTIVE: deep ulcer bluish - red color surrounded by a massive dense infiltrate, covered with small granulations at the bottom reveals bone sequestration . Diagnose :A. Cancer of the hard palateB.Abtsess palateC.Tretichny syphilisD.Travmaticheskaya ulcer complicated by osteomyelitisE.Miliarno - ulcerative tuberculosis72. Male 60 years , complains of pain in the lower jaw on the left side department. Pain increases when eating . From history : 3 days ago the patient was put full denture on the lower jaw. OBJECTIVE: mandibular complete denture . Left lateral region department transitional fold over the edge of the prosthesis defect mucosa oval edges are covered with white bloom . When you touch - a sharp pain . What is the diagnosis for this patient ?A.Toksichesky stomatitisB.Aktinomikoticheskaya ulcerC.Sifiliticheskaya ulcerD.Dekubitalnaya ulcerE.Allergichesky stomatitis73. Patient A. , 20 years old , was admitted to the hematology department with a diagnosis of " acute leukemia " . The examination gingival margin in the lower front teeth necrotic , pale gums , in the cervical area of the teeth blood clots . In blood test : HB -56 g / liter, E-3 , 2 ??? 10 12 / l, tromb.100 ? 10 9 / l, L-149 ? 10 9 / l, ESR -42 mm / hour. What changes are most pronounced in the mouth of this patient ?A.Gemorragicheskie .B. hyperplastic .C. necrotizing .D.Smeshannye .E.Anemicheskie .74. 58 years old patient complains of tumor presence on the lower lip , which appeared six months ago. Over the past 20 days began to increase in size. Objectively: the red border on the lower lip node semicircular gray- red , protruding above the surrounding tissue by 0.5 cm, delimited with a funnel-shaped hollow in the center , made horny masses. On palpation dense, mobile , painless. What is the most likely diagnosis .A. Cheilitis ManganottiB. Warty leukoplakiaC. PapillomaD. Verrucose precancerE. Keratoacanthoma75 . Patient L. , 43, complains of the presence of rough spots in the corners of the mouth mucosa . These manifestations appeared 7 months ago . Objectively: the teeth - a dense brown patina smoker. Lots of white color can not be removed when poskablivanii . Mucosa bordering them unchanged. Diagnose :A.LeykoplakiyaB.Krasnaya erythematosusC. SyphilisD. CandidiasisE. planus76. Patient K. , age 33 , complains of pain and rash in the mouth , headache, aching muscles and joints. 2 days before the rash appeared runny nose and sneezing . When viewed on the congested mucous membrane of the lips , cheeks and hyoid region vesicles , erosions covered with fibrinous coating. On the red border of lips dark - brown rind . Which of the following would be identified cytology ?A. Non-specific inflammation, fuzospirohetozB. Giant multinucleated cellsC. acantholytic cellsD. Bezyadernye epithelial cellsE. Acute nonspecific inflammation77. The patient complains of a burning sensation of the oral mucosa , increased pain when receiving spicy food. Recently treated for pneumonia . On examination of the oral cavity detected significant white patches on the mucous membrane of tongue, cheeks . Plots uncovered bloom, bright hyperemized brilliant. Call reliable diagnosis .A. CandidiasisB. Sjogren SindhC. planusD. glossalgiaE. Allergic stomatitis78. Patient A. , 19 years old , complains of sore lips, enlarged, crusting , impeding speech and eating. OBJECTIVE: vermilion border hyperemic, edematous zone Klein abundant korochnye bedding . Dentist What should elect to treat this patient ?A.Miogimnastiku and massageB.Smazyvanie lip cream containing biostimulatorsC.Giposensibiliziruyuschuyu therapyD. Irradiation vermilion border rays BuccaE.Smazyvanie lips corticosteroid ointments79. Patient B. , 40 years old contacted the clinic with complaints of general weakness , fever to 38.5 , difficulty eating due to severe pain in the oral mucosa . Given the existence of multiple ulcers in different parts of the mouth, diagnosis : necrotizing stomatitis Vincent . Call microorganisms - causative agents of disease?A.Spiroheta VincentB.Simbioz actinomycetes and spirochetesC.Simbioz saprophytes and spirochetesD.Simbioz veretenopodobnoy rods and spirochetesE.Trihomonady80 . Patient G.51 year , appealed to the dentist with complaints of dryness , a metallic taste in the mouth , worse when taking acidic foods. Prosthetic 2 months ago. Objectively : the red border of lips dry , slightly cyanotic , single crown on 45 gold , 13 - Plastics bridges made ??of steel , in places adhesions visible oxide films . On the chewing surface of 46 - from silver amalgam fillings . What are the most likely preliminary diagnosis of the patient.A.KandidozB.GalvanizmC.Toksichesky acrylic denture stomatitis onD.Toksichesky stomatitis on metal prosthesesE.Allergichesky stomatitis81. Female 58 years old when contacting the clinic complained of pain when eating , especially hard . Considers herself to be sick for about three weeks . Sought help from the community : Rinse your mouth with sage , dabbed karotolin - no improvement . Objective : to apparently intact mucosa gums upper and lower jaws are determined extensive erosive surface is bright red , maloboleznennye palpation . When rubbing a cotton swab between mucosal erosion easily peels off . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A.Gerpetiformny dermatitis DühringB.Bullezny pemphigoidC.Bolezn BowenD. " Climacteric " gingivitisE.Vulgarnaya pemphigus82. The patient, 55 years , complains of gum and nasal bleeding. Skin and mucosa hyperemic with dark cherry shade . Cooperman positive symptom . What a picture of peripheral blood characteristic of this disease :A.E 3.5 x10 12 degree / l, 140 g Hb / l, 5 ESR mm / hourB.E 5,5 x10 12 degree / L, Hb 150 g / l, ESR 12 mm / hC. Br.e. 5.8 x10 12 degree / L, Hb 140g / l, ESR 12 mm / hD.E 6.1 x10 12 degree / L, Hb 180g / L, erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 1 mm / hE.E 4.5 x10 12 degree / l, 120 g Hb / l, 6 ESR mm / hour83. Patient M. , 18 years old , diagnosed with acute herpetic stomatitis . Select for topical treatment in the first 2-3 days of illnessA.Nesteroidnye anti-inflammatory drugsB.Antibakterialnye drugsC.Keratoplasticheskie drugsD.Protivovirusnye drugsE.Simptomaticheskoe treatment84. Patient B., for 5 years every autumn , the disease begins with fever, pain in the joints. On the skin of the upper and lower extremities cyanotic - pink spots with a diameter of 1-2 cm with a bubble in the center. On the oral mucosa against the backdrop of extensive erythema and edema - Bubbles , bubbles, sharply painful erosions , hemorrhagic crusts on the lips . Nikolsky negative symptom . In blood test: A 12 ? September 10 g / l, 4,7 ? E December 10 g / L ESR 14 mm / h . Select the most likely diagnosis :A. Ulcer - necrotizing stomatitis VincentB. Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitisC. Neakantoliticheskaya pemphigusD. exudative erythema multiformeE. Chronic recurrent herpes85 . 25 years old patient complains of availability ulcers on the tongue, which saw two weeks ago. To the doctor did not address, was treated independently, but to no avail. The examination on the back of the tongue on the background unchanged ulcer is 6 mm in diameter with splayed edges. Smooth bottom , meat - red. Palpation painless, compacted base . Submandibular lymph nodes dense , painless. Preliminary diagnosis :A.Rakovaya ulcerB.Tuberkuleznaya ulcerC.Troficheskaya ulcerD. Dekubitalnaya ulcerE. Primary sifilioma language86. Patient K. , 40 years old , with a preliminary diagnosis of acute pseudomembranous candidiasis material taken for microscopic examination . Which answers confirm the diagnosis ?A.Nepochkuyuschiesya yeast cells ;B.Niti pseudomycelium ;C.Pochkuyuschiesya yeast cells ;D.Niti true mycelium ;E.Drozhzhevye cells and accompanying flora .87. Patient G. , 56 years old , complains of an increase of the lower lip and the pain of hot , sour, salty , bitter , sticky lips in the morning. Lifelong periodically lip thickened , become lumpy . When viewed from the lower lip increased. In the middle third zone Klein few small red dots with holes , of which exude transparent drops . Hyperemic red border , is covered with scales .What is the most likely diagnosis ?A.Ekfoliativny cheilitis dry formB.Glandulyarny cheilitis, edematous formC.Glandulyarny cheilitis , purulent formD.Glandulyarny cheilitis fibrous formE.Eksfoliativny cheilitis, exudative88. Patient 37 years old, during a visit to the doctor - dentist filed a complaint on feeling the heat and metallic taste in the mouth , increased salivation . On examination - giperemirovanna gums , swollen, bleeding when touched . At the gingival margin fringe gray - black, fetid layers identified on the gums . Diagnose .A.Svintsovy stomatitisB.Yazvenno - necrotizing gingivitisC.Rtutny stomatitisD.MelanozE.Vismutovy stomatitis89. Patient L. , 48 years old , complaining of loss of appetite , nausea , frequent diarrhea, mucosal burning tongue and cheeks , dry , flaky skin , memory loss , apathy. In history : the patient has long been a poor protein diet. Objectively: skin , especially on the cheeks , face, hands pigmented dry. Language is increased in volume , swollen , bright - red , shiny, sharply painful. Select the most likely diagnosis:A.Gipovitaminoz RRB. Hypovitaminosis C V.C. Hypovitaminosis AD.Gipovitaminoz B2E E.Gipovitaminoz90 . Patient 48 years old, complained of the appearance of sores on the mucous membrane of the gums in the area of ??the molars , which gradually increases , the shakiness of the teeth in the affected area . Cough. Objectively: the mucous membrane of the gums in the lower left molars have the 2nd surface sharply painful sores that have saped edge . The bottom of the grainy appearance of ulcers covered with yellowish , and in some places and pink granulation . Ulcers surrounded by hillocks . Necks of the teeth exposed, noted abnormal mobility of the teeth. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged, form packages. Preliminary diagnosis .A.Dekubitalnaya ulcerB.Ostry aphthous stomatitisC.SifilisD.Infektsionny mononucleosisE.Tuberkulez91. Patient A. , 25 years old complains of general weakness, fever, bad breath , pain when eating . In history : hypothermia. OBJECTIVE: pale skin , increased soreness lymph nodes , massive hard and soft plaque . Ulcer covered with necrotic plaque with soft jagged edges on the buccal mucosa . In haemogram - leukocytosis, left shift , a dramatic increase in ESR. Select the most likely diagnosis:A.Pervichny syphilisB.Miliarno - ulcerative tuberculosisC.Yazvenno - necrotizing stomatitis VincentD.Allergichesky stomatitisE.Leykoz92. 40 years old patient complains of availability of education on the lower lip . Objectively: the red border on the lower lip education hemispherical shape, dense , measuring 4 x 5 mm above the level of the lips for 3-4 mm , covered with thin , do not remove the scales. Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged . What is the most likely diagnosisA. Cutaneous hornB. PapillomaC. premalignant hyperkeratosisD. Verrucose precancerE. Keratoacanthoma93. With a planned inspection at the dentist welder N. , 45 years old , which is on the "D" registered for peptic ulcer disease , first discovered on the back portions diamond shape with a smooth surface , red color, size 1,5-0,5 cm, located flush with the surrounding tissues , ahead of circumvallate papillae , slightly tight when touched , painlessly. The doctor has diagnosed : rhomboid glossitis, flat shape . What are the most likely cause of the disease.A.Geneticheskaya liability to disease ( abnormal development of language )B.Zabolevanie is a manifestation of gastric ulcerC.V -based diseases are trophic disorders inervatsii dorsum of the tongueD.Voznikaet as an occupational disease associated with the action of chromium and magnesiumE.Eto congenital disease caused by disordered embryogenesis language94. Patient A. , 42 years old suddenly ill : a few hours swollen lower lip , acquiring the form of proboscis that are separated from the teeth. Thickening lips uneven texture plotnoelasticheskoy . Then came the front and type of migraine headache . On examination : the expansion of the optic fissure , loss of muscle tone of the affected side of the face , drooping corner of the mouth , tongue folded . Which most likely diagnosis ?A.Sindrom Melkersson -RosenthalB.Parez facial nerveC.Limfedematozny cheilitisD.Otek KwinkeE.Granulematozny Miescher cheilitis????95 . Patient B. , 45 years old , miner , complained of a burning sensation and pain in the mouth with different stimuli . Objectively: the mucous membrane of the cheeks on the line between the teeth, on the lateral surface of the tongue , land keratosis , towering above the mucosa , forming a wart with lobed erosive surface. Which of the following is most likely diagnosis ?A.Leykoplakiya , erosive formB.Leykoplakiya , warty formC.Leykoplakiya towering formD.Krasny planus , erosive formE.Krasnaya lupus erosive ulcerous form96. Patient I. , 25 years old, single practically healthy . Complains of an unusual kind of language , a sense of discomfort . Objectively: the back of the tongue on the periphery areas found desquamation round shape resembling dvuhkopeechnuyu coin. Palpation painless, submandibular glands dense, enlarged, painless, not soldered to the surrounding tissues. For consultation to what expert should send the patient?A.VenerologuB.GematologuC.GastroenterologuD.DermatologuE.Otolyaringologu97. Patient 19 years, complains of itching of the lips , redness and peeling of the vermilion border . On examination, marked infiltration , dry and cracked corners of the mouth and swelling of the vermilion border . The skin of the face and neck dry, scaly , on the elbow bends and eskoriatsii lihenizatsiya.Kakoy most likely diagnosis ?A.Kontaktny allergic cheilitisB.Ekfoliativny cheilitis, dry formC.Atopichesky cheilitisD.Ekfoliativny cheilitis exudativeE.Ekzematozny cheilitis98. Patient B., 49 years old, the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant , there is frequent nosebleeds , bleeding gums positive symptom " harness ." Pre- diagnosed - Verlgofa disease . Which of the indicators of a blood test will testify in favor of this diagnosis ?A.Chislo leukocytes ;B.Chislo reticulocytes ;C.Gemoglobin ;D.Chislo platelets ;E.SOE .99. Patient Z. , aged 30, complained of pain on swallowing , the presence of plaque in the mouth , discomfort when chewing in the right mandible . OBJECTIVE: GPRS hyperemic, edematous , copious greenish patina on the soft palate , the tonsils , the tongue in 46 chronic middle caries . Bacteriological examination by Leffler found many diplococci . What tactics dentist in relation to this patient?A.Konsultatsiya otolyaringologa ;B.Lechenie caries, oral hygiene ;C.Konsultatsiya gastroenterologist ;D.Konsultatsiya dermatology and venereology ;E.Lechenie GPRS , antibiotics .100 . Patient D. , 43 years old, suffering from diabetes, complains about the presence of plaque on the tongue, pain, burning . OBJECTIVE: on the back of tongue and buccal mucosa tight gray patina , it is difficult to shoot at poskablivanii . What method of collection of material be carried out to confirm the diagnosis ?A.Mazok - mark ;B.Smyv ;C.Soskob ;D.Biopsiya ;E.Punktsiya .101. Patient B. , 32 years old, fell ill suddenly. 5 days ago in a short time there was a formless swelling of the lips. Objectively: the edge of the lips are turned in the form of proboscis tissue uneven lips are sealed . Pathohistological pattern consistent with the growth of non-specific inflammation of the connective tissue and the presence of granulomas in it with clear boundaries, consisting of lymphoid and epithelioid cells . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A.Limfedematozny makroheylit ;B.Otek angioedema ;C.Granulematozny makroheylit Miescher ;D.Sindrom Melkersson -Rosenthal ;E.Glandulyarny cheilitis.102. On examination of the oral cavity in a patient M. , 60 years old found that back of the tongue is smooth, shiny , polished though . On the back and the tip of your tongue - painful , sharply limited stripes and spots of bright red color . In the blood - a significant reduction in red blood cell count and a high color index . What is the cause of this disease ?A. Loss of iron in bleedingB. Lack of iron in the body due to a deficiency in his food.C. Lack of vitamin B12 ( cyanocobalamin ) .D. And malabsorption disorder of iron metabolismE. Endogenous bone marrow aplasia103. Patient K., addressed to the dentist complaining of frequent bleeding from the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, indicates that the same problems were her father . OBJECTIVE: There are multiple telangiectasia and angiomatoznye growths on the skin of the face and nasal mucosa, cheeks, lips . Analysis of blood within normal limits.A. disease VerlgofaB. Rendu Osler disease .C. disease VakezaD. Pituitary basophiliaE. Biermer's disease104. Patient 72 years complained of the presence of neoplasms . OBJECTIVE: on the red border of the lower lip is defined ulcer with raised thick edges , uneven , grainy bottom , covered with dense gray patina . On palpation sealed at the bottom. Cytology observed polymorphism Anisocytosis , polinukleoz cells.A. tuberculous ulcerB. trophic ulcerC. cancerous ulcerD. traumatic ulcerE. Keratoacanthoma .105. Patient A. , 27 years old , sailor, complains of diarrhea over the past 5 weeks , an unusual type of oral mucosa , heartburn, prolonged cough . Smokes. An objective examination of the oral cavity established that a significant amount of soft white foci resembling flakes curds , with poskablivanii easily removed , exposing the surface hyperemia . There polyadenylation . Set preliminary diagnosis.A. AIDS.B. Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis .C. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis .D. hairy leukoplakiaE. acute leukemia106. A. The patient complains of unusual form GPRS . An objective examination revealed that the gums, tongue , floor of the mouth , tonsils and pharynx covered with slimy greenish purulent coating. Cytology plaque contains a large number of neutrophils . Set preliminary diagnosis.A. Necrotizing gingivostomatitis Vincent .B. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasisC. Gonorrheal stomatitis .D. Stomatitis .E. Pemphigus, the leaf shape.107. When routine inspection of the oral cavity of the patient revealed M. unilateral enlargement of the tonsils . Objectively: the left amygdala copper- red , painless on palpation , dense. Around the tonsils acute inflammatory hyperemia . On the opposite side of the amygdala intact . Patient no complaints . No symptoms of intoxication . Set preliminary diagnosis.A. tonsillitisB. diphtheria oropharynxC. peritonsillar abscessD. Secondary syphilisE. Chancre - amygdala .108. Patient K., 34 years old, complains of an ulcer on the hard palate , enlarged lymph nodes, weight loss . Objectively : for solid dark blue sky formation that rises above the level of mucosal ulcer surface , slightly painful on palpation. Preceded the appearance of ulcers black , flat spots . Your preliminary diagnosis ?A. pemphigus vulgarisB. gummy sifilidC. lupusD. Kaposi's sarcomaE. fibroma109. The patient K., 28 years old, on the lower lip ulcer size 0,7 x0, 8 cm in diameter on the background of edema. Her appearance was preceded by hyperemia . Ulcer oval, painless, dense, with raised edges . Submandibular lymph nodes densely - elastic consistency , mobile, painless , not welded to one another. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitisB. cancerous ulcerC. tuberculous ulcerD. primary syphilisE. tertiary110. Patient N. , 55 years old , complains of paroxysmal pain in the right side of the face , rash in the mouth and on the skin. Objective : to dramatically congested skin lip and chin on the right multiple bubbles with transparent content . In the mouth, on the right cheek mucosa hyperemic drain erosion covered with fibrinous coating. What is the preliminary diagnosis ?A. allergic stomatitisB. pemphigus vulgarisC. Chronic recurrent herpesD. shinglesE. erysipelas111. A. The patient complains of dry lips , the presence of these crusts , which are exfoliated and periodically reappear . OBJECTIVE: on the red border of the lower lip are massive korochnye bedding , which is exposed after removing flushed surface covered with milky exudate . Place a preliminary diagnosis.?A. atopic cheilitisB. Exfoliative cheilitis, dry formC. Weather cheilitisD. Allergic contact cheilitisE. Exfoliative cheilitis, exudative112. Patient D. , 63 years old, complains of the appearance on the lateral surface of the tongue ulcers. Ulcer appeared a month ago. The patient was treated with herbs. Has cardiovascular disease over 15 years. When viewed from the side surface of the ulcer crater- left language forms with soft edges , covered with a whitish bloom. Inflammation around the ulcer is absent. Diagnose .A. trophic ulcerB. Dekubitalnaya ulcerC. tuberculous ulcerD. cancerous ulcerE. syphilitic ulcer113. Patient K. , 52 years old, during the inspection of the mucous membrane of the cheeks , tongue, soft palate dentist revealed numerous ulcers with irregular podrytymi edges that tend to spread. Bottom granular ulcers , covered with yellow- gray patina on the periphery found microabscesses . Lymph nodes are enlarged , soldered into packets , elastic on palpation. Diagnose .A. trophic ulcerB. lupusC. Milliarno ulcerative tuberculosisD. Dekubitalnaya ulcerE. tertiary114. Patient N. , 28 years old . , An objective examination revealed a crack in the left corner of his mouth . When opening the mouth crack looks oval erosion meat - red color with smooth edges , painless on palpation. Smooth bottom covered with a greasy coating. Left submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged, chondroid consistency , painless. The mucous membrane of the oral mucosa and the vermilion border - without pathological changes . Diagnose .A. Streptococcal angular cheilitisB. AriboflavitaminozC. Mycotic angular cheilitisD. primary syphilisE. Chronic crack lips115. Patient 45 years old, complained of education on the lower lip . On examination, the red border of the lower lip is found grayish- red nodule with a hollow in the center , filled with horny masses , which can be easily removed . Nodule painless, movable . Place a preliminary diagnosis.A. Narrow premalignant hyperkeratosis red border .B. Papilloma .C. Warty nodular precancer red border .D. Basal cell carcinoma .E. Keratoacanthoma .116. 30 years old patient complains of severe pain during eating, bad breath , general weakness , fever . On examination : the patient pale, adynamic . Interdental papillae and marginal gingiva hyperemic , edematous, with ulcers that are covered with necrotic plaque. In the analysis of blood : er . - 4.8 × 1012 , HB - 130g / l , CPU - 0.9 leyk. -10 , 5x10 9 ( Yu -2 % ; ben 1% E- 5% p / Ya -8 % ; s/ya-47 % l -35 %); tromb. 250h109 - ESR -20mm / h What disease is a symptom of gum disease in this patient ?A. chronic leukemiaB. acute leukemiaC. agranulocytosisD. Acute herpetic stomatitisE. Necrotizing stomatitis117. B. Patient complains of bleeding gums, nosebleeds , fatigue . Objectively: the lips, tongue, bright red color . Oral mucosa dark cherry color. Cooperman positive symptom . Analysis of blood : red blood cells - 6.8 ( 1012 / l, hemoglobin - 160 g / l, ESR - 2.1 mm / h ) . What are the probable diagnosis :A. Addison's disease - BiermerB. disease VerlgofaC. Vakeza disease ( erythremia )D. acute leukemiaE. agranulocytosis118. Male 56 years old complains of having " ulceration " in the mouth, which found a week ago. OBJECTIVE: mucosal right retromolar area defined sharply demarcated lesion stagnant red velvet surface size 2 * 1.5 cm Hearth sinks slightly on the surface defined areas of hyperkeratosis . Histologically : poorly defined hyper-and parakeratosis , acanthosis in the thorny layer - cellular and nuclear polymorphism, " horn pearls ." What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Lupus erythematosus, erosive formB. Bowen's diseaseC. Lichen planus, erosive formD. Leukoplakia , erosive formE. Keratinizing squamous cell cancer.119. Female 52 years old complains of a burning sensation and tingling tongue, disappearing during the meal , but growing by the end of the day , dry mouth , taste disturbance . First similar sensations appeared two years ago after a trauma . Anatsidny suffering from gastritis . Objectively: general condition is satisfactory , the patient is restless , tearful . GPRS - a pale pink color , dry , filiform papillae on the dorsum of the tongue smoothed. Pharynxpharyngeoesophageal curtain - jerk sharply reduced. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Gangliitis sublingual gangliaB. Glossitis Moeller - GünterC. GlossodiniyaD. Chronic atrophic candidiasis, glossitisE. desquamative glossitis120. M. , 43 years old, complains of general weakness , fever , bleeding gums, bad breath . Objectively: the oral mucosa and gums pale gums bleed when touched . Palatal the arc on the right - the ulcer size 1x1 , 5 cm with jagged edges , covered with necrotic plaque , with no signs of inflammation. In the blood test : Hb - 100 g / l , erythrocytes - 3,0 x10 12 / L, cs - 1,0 leukocytes - 250h10 9 / l nedif . blasts - 4%, promyelocytes - 3% myelocytes - 25% , young - 15%, p / - 8% , w / I - 35 % , basophils - 2% , eosinophils - 3 %, lymphocytes - 5 % , platelets - 150h10 9l . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. chronic lymphocytic leukemiaB. agranulocytosisC. acute leukemiaD. thrombocytopenic purpuraE. chronic myelogenous leukemia121. Man '31 ill 3 weeks ago, when there were general weakness , bone pain , intermittent fever, bleeding gums when biting food and brushing teeth . OBJECTIVE: oral mucosa pale gums bleed when touched with the slightest . In the blood test : Hb - 40 g / l , erythrocytes - 3.0 × 1012 / L, cs - 0.9 , leukocytes - 25h109 / l nedif . blasts - 60%, p / - 5 % , w / I - 15 %, lymphocytes - 20%, ESR - 60 mm / hour , platelets - 120h10 9 / l. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. agranulocytosisB. acute leukemiaC. thrombocytopenic purpuraD. chronic myelogenous leukemiaE. chronic lymphocytic leukemia122. Male 42 years old complains of bleeding , gingival overgrowth , bad breath , pain GPRS . Objectively: the crowns of the teeth are covered by half loosened , bleeding gingival margin. Submandibular, cervical lymph nodes are enlarged . In the analysis of blood leukocytes - 62.0 * 109 / l , p / - 1% , w / I - 10% , eosinophils - 2% , monocytes - 5 %, lymphocytes - 82 % , ESR - 40 mm / hour. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. chronic lymphocytic leukemiaB. chronic myelogenous leukemiaC. acute leukemiaD. kissing diseaseE. agranulocytosis123. Patient D. , aged 35, complains for unusual formations in the mouth. OBJECTIVE: mucosal tonsils, soft palate , on the line between the teeth - dense , painless , gray-white papules up to 4 mm , surrounded by a rim of hyperemia . When erosion occurs rubbing spatula meat red. On the back of the tongue portions desquamation oval , shiny, below the level of the mucosa. Install the diagnosis:A. Secondary syphilisB. leukoplakiaC. gummy sifilidD. Lichen planusE.Krasnaya erythematosus124. The patient L., 28 years old, found on the lower lip erosion bright red , painless with chondroid infiltrate at the base , 8 mm in diameter. Erosion appeared after the previous flushing. Regional lymph nodes plotnoelasticheskoy consistency , painless, not soldered together . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. primary syphilisB. magnetoelectric effectC. warty precancerD. Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitisE. tertiary125. Candy factory worker , aged 50, complains of severe pain, burning and dryness of the oral mucosa during the week . OBJECTIVE: GPRS flushed dry . Language bright red color , smooth surface on the side is marked with the teeth in the folds , a small amount of white residue . Vermilion border hyperemic, swollen, covered with thin scales , sometimes mucous macerated . Preliminary diagnosis :A. Acute atrophic candidiasisB. allergic stomatitisC. Chronic atrophic candidiasisD. actinic cheilitisE. Allergic contact cheilitis126. Patient M. , 32 years old, complains of deterioration of general condition , increase in cervical and submandibular lymph nodes , pain when swallowing . On examination : tongue coated gray- white bloom , opening sharply bloodshot , hyperplastic tonsils . Marked catarrhal stomatitis . In clinical analysis of blood - leukocytosis , the appearance of plasma cells and atypical mononuclear cells . Diagnose :A. kissing diseaseB. Simanovskiy - Vincent AnginaC. AIDSD. acute leukemiaE. agranulocytosis127. By dentist patient appealed , 28 years old . After the clinical and additional tests was diagnosed with necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis Vincent . What changes a blood test for this disease is characterized by :A. Neutrophilic shift to the left , increased erythrocyte sedimentation rateB. Neutrophilic shift to the right , increased erythrocyte sedimentation rateC. Eosinophilia, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rateD. Monocytosis , increased erythrocyte sedimentation rateE. Leukopenia, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate128. Patient P. , aged 17, complaining of constant dryness, burning , peeling lips , as well as cracks in them, especially in the corners of the mouth . On examination revealed lihenifikatsiya lips and eskoriatsii on the face and elbow creases . What is the most likely diagnosis :A. eczematous cheilitisB. exfoliative cheilitisC. atopic cheilitisD. actinic cheilitisE. Weather cheilitis129. Patient 19 years old, complained of a painless spots on the tongue . Objectively: the back of the tongue on the gray- white coating , desquamation land surrounded by areas of hyperkeratosis . Ill gastroenteritis. Diagnose :A. glossalgiaB. Diamond languageC. pleated languageD. hairy tongueE. desquamative glossitis130. Patient K. , 55 years old , appealed to the dentist for a baseline medical examination . In the history of 10 years suffers from gastric ulcer . Objectively: the oral mucosa is pale yellowish color , there are petechial hemorrhages . Back of the tongue is smooth, shiny , on the tip of the tongue painful areas of desquamation of bright red color . Blood test: red blood cells 2 and 2 * 1012 / L Hemoglobin -100g / L , the CPU -1 , 5, thrombocytes - 200 * 109 / L , WBC , 7.0 * 109 / l. What are the most likely diagnosis :A. agranulocytosisB. iron deficiency anemiaC. disease VakezaD. Addison's anemia - BiermerE. disease Verlgofa131. An appointment with the dentist asked the patient M. , 19 years with complaints of increasing t body , runny nose , headache, inability to eat a meal . Objective : to GPRS - punctulate enanthema mucous membrane of the tonsils and soft palate is bright red . Tongue dry , shiny, bright red , threadlike papillae absent and mushroom - enlarged - " strawberry tongue ." On the skin - melkotochechnye bright red rash.A. Stomatitis in scarlet feverB. allergic stomatitisC. Stomatitis with fluD. diphtheria stomatitisE. thrombocytopenia132. Patient 49 years in the treatment of lichen planus ( erosive and ulcerative form ) for 1 month failed to reach epithelialization sections defeat. What is the best tactics of the doctor in this case?A. Surgical treatment of an urgent histological examinationB. Purpose UHF , laserC. Repeated treatment with the use of other meansD. Appointment imunostimuliruyuschey therapy : vitaminsE. Obkalyvanie lesion honsuridom133. The patient was 32 ??years old, after a thorough examination was diagnosed as black " hairy " tongue. What drugs do you think you want to assign for this disease ?A. keratoplasticheskieB. keratolyticC. vitaminsD. antisepticE. antiviral134. Patient 40 years old, contacted the clinic with complaints of pain when eating , putrid breath , fever up to 37.70 C. OBJECTIVE: on the gums of the lower jaw in retromolar ulcer area covered with necrotic touch dirty-gray color , which is difficult to remove , exposing the painful bleeding surface. Ulcers jagged edges , soft, surrounding tissues are swollen . Lymph nodes enlarged, painful. Call microorganisms causative agent ?A. Symbiosis actinomycetes and spirochetes .B. Symbiosis spindle rods and spirochetes .C. Symbiosis saprophytes and spirochetes .D. Vincent pallidum .E. Trichomonas .135. Male 27 years old complains of severe pain in the mouth, fever up to 38.0 C, headache, joint pain, general weakness. Sick three days ago, when after hypothermia , there are common symptoms. Took sulfadimetoksin . Night ago appeared in the mouth and rashes on the skin. Objectively: the skin of the hands and forearms - erythematous patches up to 1.5 cm in diameter and with a bluish center sinks and bubbles with hard tire . On the red border of lips - bloody crusts , redness and swelling of the conjunctiva . On the oral mucosa - on the background of diffuse hyperemia - large confluent erosion covered with a grayish bloom , sharply painful when touched . Nikolsky negative symptom . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Stevens-Johnson syndrome .B. Medical stomatitis .C. Exudative erythema multiforme .D. Lyell's syndrome .E. Acute herpetic stomatitis , severe .136. Woman 60 years , complains of a burning sensation and slight pain in the soft palate. Considers himself sick over a month. Self had no effect . Objectively: the mucous membrane of the soft palate is determined erosion of irregular shape , measuring 2 x 3 cm , bright red color . Surrounding mucosa pale . When rubbing a cotton swab appears detached mucosal epithelium at the site unaltered . Patient enjoys dentures . What is the primary element lesions characteristic of this disease.A. subepithelial bubbleB. papuleC. intraepithelial bubbleD. bubbleE. blister137. Patient K. , 52 years old, during the inspection of the mucous membrane of the cheeks , tongue, soft palate dentist revealed numerous ulcers with jagged edges podrytymi , which tend to grow creeping along the periphery . And bottom edges of ulcers are granular in nature, covered with yellow- gray patina , on the periphery of the grain found Trela ??. Lymph nodes are enlarged , soldered into packets , elastic on palpation. Diagnose .A. leprosyB. lupusC. Milliarno ulcerative tuberculosisD. Kollikvatsionny tuberculosisE. tertiary138. A patient , aged 49, glassblower , was diagnosed with precancerous warty red border of the lower lip . What is the prognosis ?A. self-healingB. Malignancy within 6 months from the onsetC. Malignancy after 1-2 months of onsetD. Chronic course without malignancyE. Recovery after a course of conservative therapy139. The patient , 43 years old, complains of dryness in the mouth . On examination, her face pale , swollen upper eyelids sharply , lips and nose thickened. In oral language greatly increased in size , on a side surface of the teeth imprints . Teeth with caries amazed multiple localization in the cervical area . What expert advice is needed to determine the treatment plan ?A. endocrinologistB. haematologistC. gastroenterologistD. neuropathyE. allergist140. B. The patient complains of spontaneous bleeding gums , nosebleeds . Objectively: the oral mucosa is pale, swollen , thinned epithelium . Single identified erosion, as well as areas of hemorrhage in the mucosa and positive symptom harness . Blood test: red blood cells - * 4.5 1012 / L Hemoglobin - 120 g / l , the CPU - 1.0 leukocytes - 9 * 10 9 / L, 150 * 109 platelets / l. Your diagnosis :A. disease VelgofaB. disease VakezaC. Bowen's diseaseD. Biermer's diseaseE. Henoch disease141. Woman , 45 years old , a milkmaid , complains of weakness , chills, high fever . Notes muscle pain , back pain, decreased appetite, dry and burning sensation in the mouth. On the oral mucosa are cystic lesions with clear content , lips peel . Similar vesicles were also detected on the interdigital spaces hands. Preliminary diagnosis :A. murrainB. Acute herpetic stomatitisC. chickenpoxD. drug allergyE. Exudative erythema multiforme142. Patient N. , 60 years old , complains of weakness , increased salivation , metallic taste , sensation of heat , throbbing pain . Gums swollen, giperemirovanna , covered with a grayish- white smelly raid, there are sores. Diagnose :A. mercurial stomatitisB. lead stomatitisC. bismuth stomatitisD. Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis VincentE. ulocace143. Work chemical plant for the production of paints complain of a metallic taste in the mouth , unusual breath. OBJECTIVE: mucous gum swelling, congestive hyperemia at the gingival edge around the necks of front teeth defined bluish- black strip . In the analysis of blood leukocytosis , poikilocytosis , basophilic stippling of red blood cells . Which of the following substances was the cause of the disease in this patient?A. Lead.B. Bismuth .C. Mercury.D. Cadmium.E. Zinc .144. Male 27 years old complains of severe pain in the mouth, fever up to 38.0 C, headache, joint pain, general weakness. Sick three days ago, after hypothermia . Objectively: the skin of the hands and forearms - erythematous patches up to 1.5 cm in diameter and with a bluish center sinks and bubbles with hard tire . On the red border of lips - bloody crusts , redness and swelling of the conjunctiva . On the oral mucosa - on the background of diffuse hyperemia - large confluent erosion covered with a grayish bloom , sharply painful when touched . Nikolsky negative symptom . What is the most likely diagnosis ?????????A. Stevens-Johnson syndrome .????????B. Medical stomatitis .????????C. Exudative erythema multiforme .???????D. Lyell's syndrome .???????E. Acute herpetic stomatitis , severe .145. Female 64 years old complains of recurrent rashes on different parts of the oral mucosa bubbles that are opened when eating , causing discomfort , slow to heal , leaving no scars . OBJECTIVE: on the left cheek mucosa closer to the bottom crease in transition - bubble size 2,0 X1 , 5 cm thick cap and serous contents . When pressed with a spatula will not be opened . What is the most likely diagnosis ????????A. acantholytic pemphigus???????B. Benign Pemphigus neakantoliticheskaya only GPRS???????C. Bullous pemphigoid Lever .???????D. Bullous lichen planus .???????E. Vesico - vascular syndrome .146. Female 47 years old complains of constant burning sensation in the tongue, dry mouth . Three months ago, was raised bridge of gold with the support of 16 and 13. Examination revealed a slightly swollen tongue , tip and lateral surface hyperemia , papillary apparatus unchanged. In 36 and 37 amalgam fillings . What is the most likely cause of this condition ????????A. Galvanic currents .???????B. Allergy to gold.???????C. Fungal infection .???????D. Mechanical trauma prosthesis.??????E. Neurological disorders .147. Male 45 years old complains of dryness and soreness of the lower lip . On examination : lower lip swollen, dry, covered with small scales and cracks. In the area defined by the Klein extended mouth salivary glands as red dots , which stands out from the transparent content . The mucous membrane of the lower lip bumpy . What is the most likely diagnosis ??????A. Exfoliative cheilitis.?????B. Actinic cheilitis.?????C. Weather cheilitis.????D. Eczematous cheilitis.????E. Glandular cheilitis.148. Female 38 years old complained of pain in the lower lip for six months , difficult eating and talking. Sought help from the community, the assigned treatment was ineffective . When viewed from the middle of the lower lip is found deep crack , red border, and exciting part of the mucous membrane of the lips , covered with brown crust , which occurs after the removal of the bleeding. The crack divorced infiltrated . Select the optimum in this case medical tactics .?????A. Lubrication corticosteroid ointment.?????B. Applications keratoplasty funds.?????C. Irradiation of helium-neon laser .?????D. Excision of the crack.?????E. Lubrication with antibiotic ointment .149. On examination of the working of the chemical enterprise D., 38 years old, suffering from chronic enterocolitis , smoker, on back of the tongue in the posterior third of the midline detected portion devoid of papillae , measuring 2 x 1 cm, slightly compacted by palpation . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. desquamative glossitisB. Chronic atrophic candidiasisC. Secondary syphilisD. rhomboid glossitisE. Glossitis Günter -Miller150 . A patient , aged 49, glassblower , was diagnosed with precancerous warty red border of the lower lip . What is the prognosis ?A. self-healingB. Malignancy within 6 months from the onsetC. Malignancy after 1-2 months of onsetD. Chronic course without malignancyE. Recovery after a course of conservative therapy151. Patient G. , aged 47, complained of pain and a burning sensation in the mouth. OBJECTIVE: on buccal mucosa on the line between the teeth and in the corners of the mouth multiple erosions to 1.0-1.5 cm in diameter, polygonal shape , bright red color , located on the hyperkeratotic plaques. Cytologically : squamous cell epithelium. Diagnose :A. Lichen planus, erosive formB. Exudative erythema multiformeC. Leukoplakia , erosive formD. Secondary syphilisE. lupus erythematosus152. Patient V. , aged 57, complained of a painless ulcer on the tongue. Suffering cardiopulmonary failure severity 2 , developed after the operated lung tuberculosis . OBJECTIVE: on the right side of the tongue ulcer with dense splayed edges, the bottom of which is covered with growths melkososochkovymi and necrotic plaque. The sample with 1% aqueous solution of toluidine blue positive. Diagnose :A. cancerous ulcerB. Dekubitalnaya ulcerC. tuberculous ulcerD. syphilitic ulcerE. trophic ulcer153. Patient B. , 77 years old , located in the cardiology department for coronary heart disease , notes the appearance maloboleznennogo language education . Objectively: the back of the tongue to the left with the transition to the lateral surface of a vast shallow ulcer , soft, covered with fibrinous coating. The patient enjoys partial dentures , teeth 46,47 destroyed. Lymph nodes were not enlarged. What treatment will promote healing of the ulcer ?A. treatment 47.46B. Application keratoplastyC. Application of anti-inflammatory agentsD. Treatment of cardiovascular disease154. Patient S. , 22 years old, complains of a painless ulcer on the back of the tongue . OBJECTIVE: regional lymphadenitis , polyadenylation . On the back of the tongue - blyudtsepodobnymi ulcer with edges measuring 8 mm in diameter with an elastic infiltration in the ground, painless, the surrounding tissue intact. Place a preliminary diagnosis.A. Cancer of the tongueB. Dekubitalnaya ulcerC. primary syphilisD. abscess languageE. tuberculous ulcer155. Patient D. , 39 years old , went to a doctor for treatment of tooth 36 . During the inspection found papular rash on the soft palate , tonsils, mucosa of the cheek . Surrounding mucosa intact. Painless papules at poskablivanii appears erosive surface at the base of which there is a dense infiltrate . What additional research needs to be conducted?A. serum samplesB. Complete blood countC. immunological researchD. allergological sampleE. revmoproby156. Patient M. , 52 years old, complains of pain during eating , hoarseness . Sick for a month. When viewed on an unmodified gum mucosa , soft palate and shackle detected erosion of bright red color . Mucosa and peels easily injured when rubbing with the appearance of erosions . Your preliminary diagnosis ?A. Dermatitis herpetiformis DuhringB. Buleznaya form planusC. Neakantoliticheskaya pemphigusD. pemphigus vulgarisE. Chronic recurrent herpes157. Patient M. , aged 37, complains about the presence of painful sores on the mucous membrane of the mouth , which makes it difficult meal. Objectively: the mucous membrane of the soft palate has a painful ulcer with podrytymi soft edged up to 0.5 cm in diameter. Bottom is covered with yellow tubercles. Cytology revealed Langhans cells . Your diagnosis ?A. tuberculous ulcerB. syphilitic ulcerC. Dekubitalnaya ulcerD. trophic ulcerE.Rakovaya ulcer158. 69 years old patient complains of the appearance for 2 months ulcers language next to the destroyed tooth. Was diagnosed - dekubital ulcer . What is the nature of regional lymph nodes ?A. not palpableB. Increased soldered with fabrics , not painfulC. Increased soldered into packets , painfulD. Enlarged , painful , movingE. Enlarged, painless, chondroid consistency159. Patient N. , 50 years old , complains of severe pain in the tongue. Examination revealed in the mucosa of the cheek and tongue determined painful erosions surrounded by horny papules that coalesce into a lacy pattern. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. acute candidiasisB. Leukoplakia , erosive formC. Exudative erythema multiformeD. Lupus erythematosus, erosive form .E. Lichen planus, erosive form .160. Patient 40 years old, contacted the clinic complaining of painful sores on the tongue. Objectively: the back of the tongue on the shallow ulcers of irregular shape with soft edges podrytymi . Ulcers bottom uneven, grainy , gray- yellow color. Around the ulcers are small abscesses . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Gummy ulcer .B. Cancer .C. Lupus .D. Miliary tuberculosis ulcerative .E. Lupus erythematosus .161. Patient 40 years old, contacted the clinic with complaints of pain when eating , putrid breath , fever up to 37.70 C. OBJECTIVE: on the gums of the lower jaw in retromolar ulcer area covered with necrotic touch dirty-gray color , which is difficult to remove , exposing the painful bleeding surface. Ulcers jagged edges , soft, surrounding tissues are swollen. Lymph nodes enlarged, painful. Call microorganisms causative agent ?A. Symbiosis actinomycetes and spirochetes .B. Symbiosis spindle rods and spirochetes .C. Symbiosis saprophytes and spirochetes .D. Vincent pallidum .E. Trichomonas .162. Patient 25 years old, complained of the presence of ulcers on the tongue. OBJECTIVE: on the side surface of the tongue ulcer oval, 1 cm in diameter with raised edges and tight - elastic infiltrate at the base , palpation painless . Lymph nodes on the affected side increased , dense , painless. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. cancerous ulcerB. Miliary tuberculosis ulcerativeC.Afta SettonD. Shankriformnaya pyoderma .E. primary syphilis163. Patient '21 is explicit manifestation of necrotic stomatitis in the frontal area of the jaws. For 3 months noted weakness , fever to 37.50 C, drastic weight loss , diarrhea. On examination, her face pale , lymph nodes are enlarged , painless on palpation. Place a preliminary diagnosis.A. AIDSB. Acute leukemia.C. Vincent stomatitis .D. Hypovitaminosis C.E. Agranulocytosis .164. Patient 45 years old accountant of private enterprise , complains of dry lips , sometimes burning, the appearance of scales , which she skusyvaet . OBJECTIVE: dry lips on the red border has large scales resembling mica platelets , their edges raised. After removing the scales of erosion not only marked hyperemia . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Weather cheilitis.B. Exfoliative cheilitis.C. Eczematous cheilitis.D. Allergic contact cheilitis.E. Actinic cheilitis.165. Patient K., 65 years , complains of burning and dryness of mucous membranes in the last 2.5 months at lamellar prosthesis , which is used by 4 years. Objectively: the mucosa of the hard palate in the prosthetic bed hyperemic, swollen, dry, with a minor amount of white bloom . On the back of the tongue papillae atrophy . Blood test - no change . In what direction diagnosis requires further examination ?A. Allergic contact stomatitisB. GlossodiniyaC. leukoplakiaD. Chronic atrophic candidiasisE. Lichen planus166. Patient 30 years old, complained of the presence of painful education in the mouth. Objectively: the mucosal surface of the lower lip is defined epithelial defect with clear oval outlines the size of 0.3 x 0.5 mm, surrounded by a rim of hyperemia and covered with fibrinous coating. Which element of the lesions in this patient?A. excoriationB. erosionC. aphthaD. ulcerE. crack167. Patient , aged 40, to confirm the diagnosis chronic hyperplastic candidiasis is necessary to direct microscopic study . When you need to take a scraping on mushrooms ?A. Empty stomach or 3-4 hours after a meal.B. Empty stomach or 5-6 hours after a meal.C. After rinsing with a solution of baking soda.D. After rinsing with a solution of manganese.E. After rinsing solution furatsilina .168. Patient Ts , 27 years old complains of the appearance of rash in the mouth, on the lips and skin , general weakness , fever . Sick for 3 years , recurrent notes in spring and autumn . Objective : to hyperemic and edematous mucosa of the mouth - bubbles painful erosions covered with gray - yellow fibrinous coating. On the lips - hemorrhagic crusts . On the face, neck and dorsum of the hand maculo - papular rash. Select the most likely diagnosis ?A. herpetic stomatitisB. pemphigusC. Exudative erythema multiformeD. Bulezny pemphigoidE. Duhring disease169. Patient D. , 20 years old , was diagnosed limfadematozny makroheylit . Which of the following is used as a topical treatment ?A. paraffinB. Bath of chamomile decoctionC. corticosteroid ointmentD. keratolyticsE. keratoplasty170. Patient S. , 24 years old, contacted the clinic for the treatment of chronic middle caries 15. Within 2 months of notes recurrent muscle pain , malaise , fever, polyadenylation . Blood test for HIV had a positive result. Indicate in which red blood cells is the development of immunodeficiency virus ?A. eosinophilsB. basophilsC. lymphocytes?D. neutrophils?E. monocytes171. Patient T. , 30 years old, single , appealed to the clinic with complaints of an unusual kind of language . Education appeared two months ago , weight loss in recent months - 7 kg . OBJECTIVE: on the side surface of the tongue in the projection 47 has a section whitish hyperkeratosis resembling algae accumulation . Palpation painless. Polyadenylation . How order MH of Ukraine most fully defined tactics of the doctor with the patient?A. Order 120 - Prevention of viral hepatitis and HIV infection , fighting nosocomial infections .B. Order 300 - on the prevention of serum hepatitisC. Order 408 - on measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitisD. Order 700 - an improvement of medical care and strengthening the fight against nosocomial infection instructions sterilization dressing172. 44 year old man directed therapist. Is receiving treatment for acute exacerbations of chronic gastroenteritis. Complaints: burning sensation and pain in the tongue, loss of appetite , nausea , fatigue , memory impairment . Objectively: the skin of the face and neck are defined erythematous scaly patches . On GPRS - alternating areas of hyperemia and normal mucosa . Tongue swollen , bright red , shiny, filamentous papillae are atrophied . Manifestation of the failure of any vitamin is given clinical situation ?A. vitamin PPB. vitamin AC. vitamin B1D. riboflavinE. vitamin C173. In the patient , the power line installer complains of a feeling of tightness, formation of scales on the lips in the autumn-winter period . Examination revealed a red border of lips unevenly hyperemic infiltrated somewhere , covered with small scales. Diagnose :A. Weather cheilitisB. Exfoliative cheilitis, dry formC. Actinic cheilitis, exudativeD. Actinic cheilitis, dry formE. Allergic contact cheilitis174. The patient , aged 55, complains of burning in the mouth, pain while eating , a raid on the cheeks and tongue. In the history of prolonged antibiotic treatment for pneumonia . When viewed on a congested mucosa tongue and cheeks white plaque, which heavily removed . What additional research method is needed to clarify the diagnosis :A. trial KavetskyB. serologicalC. AllergicD. StomatoskopiyaE. microbiological175 . The patient , 60 years old , complains of pain during eating , the presence of erosion in the oral mucosa . First ill more than a month ago. Objective : to unmodified gum shell , soft palate large erosion of bright red color . Mucous and peels easily injured when rubbing . Soreness insignificant. Smears - cells found Ttsanka . Determine diagnosis.A. pemphigus vulgarisB. pemphigus vegetansC. Benign Pemphigus neakantoliticheskayaD. Exudative erythema multiformeE. Bullous lichen planus176. The patient , 62 years old, complains of recurrent blisters in the mouth. When viewed from the side surface of the left side first bubble size 8 x 8 mm, with hemorrhagic content . Palpation painless. Nikolsky negative symptom . Blood pressure 200/120 mmHg . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. pemphigus vulgarisB. angioma languageC. Vesico - vascular syndromeD. Exudative erythema multiformeE. Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring177. Patient A. , aged 55, complains of itching, burning, rashes on the skin of the neck , ears , as well as pain and ulceration in the mouth on the cheeks , palate . Ill two months . ago , there was a strong burning, itching and small blisters on the skin , a week felt the pain and burning sensation in the mouth. From history we found that 2 years ago had an allergic reaction to potassium iodide . Remove the drug and the appointment of antihistamines - all phenomena are rapidly decreased. OBJECTIVE: when viewed from the soft palate , cheeks on both sides - merged erosion bright red , slightly painful. SB around erosions swelling, hyperemic . Nikolsky negative symptom . On the skin of the neck , ears , polymorphic elements [ erythema , vesicles , crusts ] . Diagnose .A. Exudative erythema multiformeB. pemphigus vulgarisC. Dermatitis herpetiformis DuhringD. allergic stomatitisE. Lichen planus [ pemfigoidnaya form]178. Patient 25 years old foci of necrosis along the gingival margin on both jaws . Facial skin sallow hue. Looks older than his years . Submandibular, chin , neck and axillary lymph nodes are enlarged , painless, mobile . Leads a hectic life, using drugs . In the last month notes weakness, constant increase in body temperature to 37,3-37,50 C, diarrhea, weight loss of 15 kg. What is most likely the preliminary diagnosis?A. AIDSB. acute leukemiaC. hypovitaminosis CD. gingivitis VincentE. agranulocytosis179. Patient 38 years old, complains of pain in the mouth when eating and from different stimuli , poor overall health. OBJECTIVE: painful erosions on the oral mucosa , which is on the edge of tire scraps bubbles. Surrounding mucosa moderately inflamed. Notes on the back skin erosion, painful to touch clothing. What additional testing is necessary for definitive diagnosis ?A. cytological studyB. virologicalC. immunological researchD. Complete blood countE. bacterial study180 . Patient 18 years , complains of an unusual kind of language . OBJECTIVE: on the back and side surface of the tongue deep longitudinal folds, which are well expressed in filamentous papillae . Language soft , moderately increased in size. Diagnose .A. GlossodiniyaB. glossalgiaC. pleated languageD. desquamative glossitisE. rhomboid glossitis181. The patient was 24 years old, after a thorough medical examination was diagnosed as rhomboid glossitis . Specify the etiology of this disease.A. Local irritants , gastrointestinal diseaseB. Secondary syphilisC. Disturbance of embryogenesisD. Miliary tuberculosis ulcerativeE. Thyroid disease182. 49 years old patient complains of pain in the mouth , difficult meal. IBS suffers . An objective examination of : shortness of breath, swelling of the extremities. Unchanged on the right buccal mucosa ulcer with jagged edges , covered with a grayish- white necrotic plaque , bad breath . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. trophic ulcerB. traumatic ulcerC. tuberculous ulcerD. cancerous ulcerE. Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis183. Woman 60 years , complains of a burning sensation and slight pain in the soft palate. Considers himself sick over a month. Self had no effect . Objectively: the mucous membrane of the soft palate is determined erosion of irregular shape , measuring 2 x 3 cm , bright red color . Surrounding mucosa pale . When rubbing a cotton swab appears detached mucosal epithelium at the site unaltered . Patient enjoys dentures . What is the primary element lesions characteristic of this disease ?A. subepithelial bubbleB. papuleC. intraepithelial bubbleD. bubbleE. blister184. Duty dentist caused infectious disease clinic hospital to the patient 36 years old, admitted to hospital the day before. 390S body temperature , severe headache , muscle pain , impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract - nausea , dyspepsia . Currently complains of burning in the mouth, pain , difficult meal. OBJECTIVE: oral mucosa hyperemic, many vesicles of different sizes, painful erosions expressed hypersalivation . In history : 2 days ago eat dairy products bought at the bazaar . Preliminary diagnosis :A. murrainB. Acute herpetic stomatitisC. Behcet's syndromeD. pemphigusE. Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring185. Female 24 years old complains of a sharp pain when speaking and eating , the presence of ulceration in the mouth. Sick for 3 years. Periodically appear in the mouth sores that heal very slowly . Overall condition is not violated . In history: chronic enterocolitis . Objectively: the mucosal surface of the tongue on the left side is defined ulcer rounded shape with a diameter of about 1.5 cm , soft-edged , sharply painful when touched . The bottom of the ulcer is covered with a grayish bloom . In the corners of the mouth are determined scar changes . There are sharp edges of the teeth. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. aphtha SettonB. Dekubitalnaya ulcerC. Behcet's syndromeD. stomatitis VincentE. tuberculous ulcer186. The reception was at the dentist , the patient 20 years on the red border of the upper lip on the right identified small grouped vesicles with serous content and painful erosions that appeared this morning. Diagnosed with chronic recurrent herpes. What medicines must appoint a patient in a given period ?A. keratoplastyB. painkillersC. antisepticsD. antiviralE. antibiotics187. Patient 53 years old, complains of severe pain buccal mucosa and lateral surface of the tongue to the left. OBJECTIVE: on buccal mucosa and tongue left painful erosions , bleeding when touched . Around erosions on erythematous mucosa gray-white papules coalescing into a lacy pattern. Diagnosed with lichen planus . What form of the disease in the patient ?A. Exudative - hyperemicB. BuleznayaC. giperkeratoticheskayaD. Erosive - UlcerE. typical188. Patient 42 years old, on the mucous membrane of the cheeks , lips, palate, tongue located on hyperemic background bubbles merging with thin scraps of erosion along the periphery of the epithelium . Vesicles contain many eosinophils ( 8-50 %). Jadassohn sample is positive, negative Nikolsky sign . Put likely diagnosis :A. pemphigus vulgarisB. Chronic recurrent herpesC. Cystic form planusD. Mnogoformanaya exudative erythemaE. Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring189. Patient 55 years old, complains of pain during the meal , the presence of erosions on the oral mucosa , hoarseness . First ill more than a month ago. When viewed on an unmodified gum mucosa , soft palate and shackle revealed large erosion bright - red. Mucosa is easily injured and exfoliate with little friction with the advent of erosion. Minor pain . What are the most likely diagnosis .A. Exudative erythema multiformeB. pemphigus vulgarisC. Buleznaya form planusD. Benign Pemphigus neakantoliticheskayaE. Neakantoliticheskaya pemphigus190. 40 years old patient complains of availability of education on the lower lip . Objectively: the red border on the lower lip education hemispherical shape, dense , measuring 4 x 5 mm above the level of lip 3-4 mm . Covered with thin , do not remove the scales. Regional lymph nodes were not enlarged . What is the most likely diagnosisA. Cutaneous hornB. PapillomaS. premalignant hyperkeratosisD. warty precancerE. Keratoacanthoma191. Patient 32 years old , the body temperature of 38.9 0C , weakness , difficult conversation , inability meal. For 4 years the disease is repeated in the autumn - spring. On congested and edematous mucosa of the lips , cheeks - papules , vesicles , erosions covered with fibrinous coating, gray color. Nikolsky negative symptom . Which of the following is likely diagnoses ?A. Neakantoliticheskaya pemphigusDermatitis herpetiformis Duhring V.S. pemphigus vulgarisD. Exudative erythema multiformeE. Acute herpetic stomatitis192. Patient B., 49 years old, the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident , there is frequent nosebleeds , bleeding gums, positive symptom " rope" . Pre- diagnosed - Verlgofa disease . Which of the indicators of a blood test will testify in favor of this diagnosis ?A hemoglobin levelB. reticulocyte countC. The number of plateletsD. leukocyteE. ESR193. Patient B. , 40 years old , there is discoloration of the skin and oral mucosa to dark cherry color , bleeding gums , paresthesia. Were analyzed and diagnosed with blood - erythremia . Changes are indicators of general blood analysis is characteristic of this disease?A. Reduction in the number of erythrocytes and thrombocytesB. Increasing the number of leukocytes and hemoglobinC. Increase in color index and leukocytesD. Reducing the number of erythrocytes and leukocytesE. Increase the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin194. 22 years old patient diagnosed - necrotizing stomatitis Vincent . Surface treatment of ulcers necrotic plaque is removed with difficulty. What drugs should be used ?A. antisepticsB. means affecting skinC. proteolytic enzymesD. ectyloticE. antibiotics195. Male 45 years turned to a consultation with the dentist . Complained presence on the red border of the lower lip changed area whitish , who said two weeks ago. Pain is not noted . OBJECTIVE: on the red border of the lower lip on the right near the center of a limited portion of sharply defined polygonal shape measuring 0.5-1.0 cm surface of the lesion is grayish- white in color and covered with small scales firmly seated . Hearth sinks slightly , the surrounding tissue is not altered. Palpation of the changed area is painless, seal at the bottom is not defined . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Restrictions premalignant hyperkeratosisB. lupus erythematosusC. candidal cheilitisD. Lichen planusE. Leukoplakia , a planar shape196. Male 20 years complains of severe pain in the mouth, fever up to 38,5 ° C headache and joint pain, general weakness. Sick three days ago after hypothermia . OBJECTIVE: on the red border of lips hemorrhagic crusts on the oral mucosa on the background diffuse hyperemia - large confluent erosions and ulcers covered with a grayish- white coating . Conjunctivitis . On the skin of the hands and forearms erythematous patches up to 1.5 cm in diameter with bubbles in the center. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. medical stomatitisB. Laila syndromeC. Stevens-Johnson syndromeD. Exudative erythema multiformeE. Behcet's syndrome197. The patient, 64 years went to the doctor with complaints of a slightly painful sores on the side surface of the tongue , which appeared more than 2 months ago. OBJECTIVE: on the side surface of the tongue ulcer with raised edges around it infiltrated tissue . Determined increased soldered to each other and surrounding tissues submandibular lymph nodes. Preliminary diagnosis ?A. tuberculous ulcerB. Dekubitalnaya ulcerC. Ulcerous- necrotic blood diseasesD. Cancer of the tongueE. Syphilis (chancre )198. The patient , 56 years old went to the doctor with complaints of a few painful ulcers on the lower lip , which appeared a few months ago . He was treated , but to no avail . Objectively: the red border on the lower lip podrytymi ulcer with jagged edges , at infiltrating the base. Its bottom is covered with gray necrotic plaque. Determined little enlarged lymph nodes movable chin . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Chronic crack lipsB. Syphilis (chancre )C. Cancer of the lower lipD. tuberculous ulcerE. Dekubitalnaya ulcer199. Patient N. , 38 years old , complains of discomfort when eating , fever , malaise, swollen lymph nodes . The patient smokes , uses alcohol moderately . OBJECTIVE: submandibular, cervical , axillary lymph node palpation increased, mobile , painless . On the hard palate dark spot 3 cm in diameter , painless on palpation. Which of the following is necessary to clarify the diagnosis ?A. Complete blood countB. Blood test for RWC. RevmaprobyD. A blood test for HIVE. Blood sugar200. Patient I. , 25 years old, single , in good health . Complains of an unusual kind of language , a sense of discomfort . Objectively: the back of the tongue on the periphery areas found desquamation round shape resembling dvuhkopeechnuyu coin , painless on palpation. Submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged , firm , painless , not welded to the surrounding tissues . For consultation to what expert should send the patient?A. gastroenterologistB. hematologistS. VenereologyD. allergistE. dermatologist201. Patient M. , 25years old , complains of pain on swallowing , the presence of plaque and cavities. In history: chronic gastritis . OBJECTIVE: GPRS hyperemic, edematous , copious greenish patina on the soft palate , the tonsils , the tongue , 36 , 37 cavities average depth . Bacteriological examination of plaque Leffler found many diplococci . What tactics doctor - dentist in relation to this patient?A. GPRS treatment , antibioticsB. consultation otolyaringologaC. consultation gastroenterologistD. Treatment of caries, oral hygieneE. Consultation dermatology venereology202. Patient B. , 45 years old , miner , complained of a burning sensation and pain in the mouth with different stimuli . Objectively: the mucous membrane of the cheeks on the line between the teeth, on the lateral surface of the tongue , land keratosis , towering above the mucosa , forming a wart with lobed erosive surface. Which of the following is most likely diagnosis ?A. Leukoplakia , towering formB. Leukoplakia , warty formC. Lichen planus, erosive formD. Leukoplakia , erosive formE. Lupus erosive ulcerous form203. Patient A. , 62 years old, complains of having " sores " on the lip formed two weeks ago, does not cause any symptoms. Twice previously noted the formation of similar elements , gradually heal without treatment. OBJECTIVE: on the red border of lips between the midline and the angle of the mouth, unchanged background , two erosion d ~ 0,5 and 0,3 cm , slightly painful , soft on palpation , clean . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Abrasive prekantserozny cheilitis ManganottiB. Actinic cheilitis exudativeC. Weather cheilitisD. Actinic cheilitis dry formE. Exfoliative cheilitis dry form204. Patient M. , 52 years old , suffering from diabetes, complains of burning , dryness in the mouth , pain when eating , isolation viscous saliva. For 12 years, uses removable plate denture . Objective : to hyperemic , edematous mucosa tongue, cheeks and palate lean removable hard plaque, which is exposed after the removal of erosive surface. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Leukoplakia , erosive formB. Acute atrophic candidiasisC. Chronic atrophic candidiasisD. planus exudative hyperemic formE. planus , erosive and ulcerative form?205. Patient B. , 40 years old , complains of burning , itching of the lips, swelling and redness , which emerged after the fit of the prosthesis of chromium-cobalt -nickel alloy . When viewed lips hyperemic , edematous . On the skin, lips and red fringe corners of the mouth vesicles with yellowish serous exudate , soak , brown. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Exfoliative cheilitis exudativeV. Eczematous cheilitisC. atopic cheilitisD. Actinic cheilitis ekksudativnaya formE. Allergic contact cheilitis206. Patient B. , 35 years old , complains of lip augmentation , itching , pain , fractures , bleeding in speaking and eating . Illness began four days ago after using a new toothpaste. Objectively: the lips and surrounding skin swollen , giperemirovanny . On the red border of lips peel , crack , flake. What additional studies be carried out to establish the diagnosis ?A. StomatoskopiyuB. Skin allergy testsC. Complete blood countB. Bacteriological examinationE. vitropression207. Female 52 years asked for advice . When handling complains availability sharply painful " sores " in the mouth, which appeared about a month ago . Sought help from the community, the recommended treatment had no effect . From history revealed that the patient suffered from hypertension Article II . and diabetes for 15 years. An objective study on the mucosa of both cheeks on the line between the teeth found two irregularly shaped erosion size 0.7-1.5 cm and 0.5-1.0 cm right left , painful on palpation around which to hyperemic and edematous grounds located small whitish papules coalescing into an openwork pattern. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. Melkersson -Rosenthal syndromeB. Stevens-Johnson syndromeC. Behcet's syndromeD. Grynszpan's syndromeE. Ramsay - Hunt's syndrome208. Male 55 years old, disabled worker II group complains presence of whitish layers on the left buccal mucosa , which said 3 months ago. Hypoacid suffering from gastritis . Composed by a neurologist . Objectively: the mucous membrane of the left cheek on the line between the teeth closer to the corner of the mouth portion is defined as plotnovata bumpy growths whitish size 2 x1, 5 cm with clear margins , rising above the level of the mucosa , painless on palpation. Surrounding mucosa lesion is not changed. Bits 34 , 35 , 36 are destroyed, there are sharp edges of the teeth . Choose the most efficient method of local treatment in this disease.A. antifungalsB. Oil solution of vitamin AC. surgical excisionD. ectyloticE. Corticosteroids209. Female 36 years old complains of dryness and peeling lips for a month. Application indifferent ointment is not effective. Objectively: the red border of the lower lip rich red color , moderately infiltrated , covered tightly seated whitish- gray scales when trying to remove that there is soreness and bleeding. On the periphery of the hearth - a clouding of the epithelium in the form of strips of white in the center - land depressions . What is likelydiagnosis?A. leukoplakiaB. Lichen planusC. lupus erythematosusD. candida cheilitisE. exfoliative cheilitis210. When you call the clinic female 33 years complained of a burning sensation back of the tongue , dry mouth . Amplified at a burning irritating foods . Sick for a week. Eve suffered severe angina, took antibiotics . An objective study : oral mucosa pale, swollen tongue . On the background of erythematous and edematous mucosa language in the folds of the friability is determined by gray- white film , and desquamation on the tip of the lateral surface of the tongue . Saliva thick, stretches threads per spatula. What research is most useful to confirm the diagnosis ?A. Microscopy scraping languageB. cytological studyC. Overall full blood countD. Blood sugarE. Skin testing for antibiotics211. Patient A. , 47y.o. , complains gum and nasal bleeding. Skin and mucosa hyperemic with dark cherry shade . Cooperman positive symptom . What a picture of peripheral blood characteristic of this disease :A. E 3.5 × 10 12 degrees / l 140 g Hb / l, 5 ESR mm / hourB. E 5.5 x10 12 degree / L, Hb 150 g / l, ESR 12 mm / hC. E 5.8 x10 12 degree / L, Hb 140g / l, ESR 12 mm / hD. E 6.1 x10 12 degree / L, Hb 180g / L, erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 1 mm / hE. E 4.5 × 10 12 degrees / l, 120 g Hb / l, 6 ESR mm / hour212. A. The patient , 46 years , complaints of burning , pain when eating hot and spicy . Objectively: in retromolar cheeks symmetrically on a background of erythema - horny polygonal papules forming a lacy pattern in the center of the hearth - painful erosions covered with fibrinous coating. Your preliminary diagnosis :A. allergic stomatitisB. herpetic stomatitisC. leukoplakiaD. Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitisE. Lichen planus213. The disease develops without premonitory phenomena manifested rash aphthas 1-2 , size 8-10 mm , rounded, surrounded by hyperemia and whisk furry yellow - gray. Relapses are frequent , without precise patterns. What disease is characterized by ?A. Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitisB. herpetic stomatitisC. thrushD. papular sifilidE. systemic lupus erythematosus214. Patient L. , 21 years old , who applied to dental treatment on the back of the tongue ulcer revealed a rounded shape with a diameter of 1 cm , with clear raised edges and deep inflammatory infiltrate in the ground. The bottom is flat , clean, red meat . Regional lymph nodes chondroid consistency mobile, painless . Ulcer , which arose a week ago, the patient is not worried. What kind of doctor should think ulcer ?A. TuberculosisB. syphiliticC. cancerD. trophicE. traumatic215. Patient B., for 5 years every autumn , the disease begins with fever, pain in the joints. On the skin of the upper and lower extremities cyanotic - pink spots with a diameter of 1-2 cm with a bubble in the center. On the oral mucosa against the backdrop of extensive erythema and edema - Bubbles , bubbles, sharply painful erosions , hemorrhagic crusts on the lips . Nikolsky negative symptom . In blood test: A 12 ? September 10 g / l, 4,7 ? E December 10 g / L ESR 14 mm / hr Select the most likely diagnosis :A. necrotizing stomatitis VincentB. Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitisS. Neakantoliticheskaya pemphigusD. exudative erythema multiformeE. Chronic recurrent herpes216. Candy factory worker , 38 years old complains of severe pain, burning and dryness of mucous membranes of the mouth during the week . On examination, oral mucosa hyperemic sharply dry . Language is bright red , smooth on the side surfaces of the teeth imprints . Vermilion border hyperemic, swollen, covered with fine gray scales . Mostly mucous macerated . Which of these ointments should be used for the topical treatment ?A. prednizolonovuyuB. interferonC. sintomitsinovajaD. KanestenovuyuE. eritromitsinovaya217. G. 19 years old patient complains of sore lips, especially when their interdigitation , the presence of crusts. On the red border of lips from the area until mid- Klein red border peel yellowish - brown color, which appears after removing bright - red smooth surface without erosions . Mucosa in the area of ??Klein slightly hyperemic and edematous . Diagnose :A. acantholytic pemphigusB. Actinic cheilitis, exudativeC. Exfoliative cheilitis, exudativeD. eczematous cheilitisE. Weather cheilitis218. 26 years old patient complains of availability ulcers on the tongue, which saw two weeks ago. To the doctor did not address, was treated independently, but to no avail. The examination on the back of the tongue on the background is unchanged ulcer diameter of 7 mm with splayed edges. Smooth bottom , meat - red. Palpation painless, compacted base . Submandibular lymph nodes dense , painless. Preliminary diagnosis :A. cancerous ulcerB. tuberculous ulcerC. trophic ulcerD. primary syphilisE. Dekubitalnaya ulcer219. G. 29 years old patient complains of a single slaboboleznennoe tumor-like formations on the hard palate , which appeared about a month ago . OBJECTIVE: deep ulcer bluish - red color surrounded by a massive dense infiltrate, covered with small granulations at the bottom reveals bone sequestration . Diagnose :A. Cancer of the hard palateB. Abscesses of the hard palateC. tertiaryD. Traumatic ulcer complicated by osteomyelitisE. Miliary - ulcerative tuberculosis220. 45 years old patient complains of foreign body sensation on the tongue, with the severity of the conversation, dryness in the mouth . OBJECTIVE: on back of the tongue - up to 4 mm, dark , filamentary papillae . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A. rhomboid glossitisB. acute glossitisC. desquamative glossitisD. pleated languageE. Black " hairy tongue "221. Patient 55 years old, complains of the appearance of small erosions on the oral mucosa . OBJECTIVE: on the soft palate , retromolar area , cheeks, floor of the mouth , lips , gums , throat on apparently intact mucosa revealed erosion edge burst bubbles. The examination revealed Ttsanka cells . What pathological process causes their appearance :A. parakeratosisB. acanthosisC. PapilomatozD. acantholysisE. hyperkeratosis222. Patient A. , aged 56, complains of burning neuralgic pain in the left half of the lower jaw , which appeared two days ago and intense rash blisters on reddened skin and mucosa of the lower lip on the left. This is accompanied by malaise, headache , a temperature of 38 ? C, left-hand lymphadenitis. Diagnose :A. murrainB. pemphigusC. shinglesD. allergic stomatitisE. Acute herpetic stomatitis223. Patient 55 years old, complains of burning , unpleasant sensation in the tongue, for 5 years suffering hypoacid gastritis. What changes are most likely to occur first in the patient ?A. folding languageB. Atrophy and flattening of papillaeC. hypertrophy of the papillaeD. Erosion on the lateral surface of the tongueE.Oblozhennost language224. Patient 26 years old, complains of an increase in temperature up to 380 C. , painful swallowing , bad breath , bleeding gums . Ill with rheumatism , take phenylbutazone , aminopyrine . OBJECTIVE: oral mucosa pale, hemorrhages , areas of necrosis on the tonsils and the gingival margin. What changes in the blood , the patient most likely to occur ?A. myeloblastosisB. agranulocytosisC. thrombocytopeniaD. neutropeniaE. Increase in color index .225. Female 35 years old complains of periodic appearance of sores in the mouth for three years . Relapse is repeated 4 to 5 times a year. Ulcers heal within 7-8 days . OBJECTIVE: on the side of a language is defined elements defeat rounded shape of 0.5 mm in diameter with sharp edges are covered with a grayish bloom , surrounded by a crown of hyperemia , painful when touched . Diagnosis: chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis . What is the most likely pathogenetic mechanism of the disease ?A. mechanical injuryB. Allergic reactionS. Staphylococcal infectionD. autoimmune mechanismE. Viral infection226. Patient B., 30 years old, diagnosed with acute ulcer - necrotizing gingivitis, moderate severity. Drug which group should be used in the final stage of treatment?A. antibioticsB. antioxidantsC. keratolyticsD. keratoplastyE. sulfonamides227. A young man of 18 years when applying to the clinic complaining of sore gums during mealtimes . Acutely ill three days ago, when after hypothermia appeared low-grade fever and pain in the gums . OBJECTIVE: sanitized mouth , gums on the upper and lower jaws hyperemic, edematous , bleeds easily when touched tool. Teeth and gums are covered with copious amounts of plaque. In the 21 , 22, 23 , 24 and 25 at the interdental papilla determined dirty gray patina , which is formed after the removal of a bleeding ulcerated surface. Plaque removal sharply painful. What additional research is needed to carry out this sick in the first place?A.Osvidetelstvovanie HIV - infectionB.Mikroskopiyu plaque from the papillaC.Obschy full blood countD.Rentgenografiyu jawsE.Analiz blood sugar228. A patient 20 years complains of bleeding from the gums , cosmetic defect , general weakness , lethargy . OBJECTIVE: pale skin , submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged , soft , painless. Oral mucosa anemic , tooth- papilla enlarged, hyperemic , friable , swollen , bleeding. In the anterior surface of the teeth in okolonebnoy - papilla completely cover the crowns of the teeth. Blood test: HB - 100 g / l of erythrocytes - 2,7 ? October 12 l leukocytes - 22 ? September 10 g / l, cs - 1.0 -0 myelocytes , band , c / i - 12 % lymphoblasts - 6 % lymphocytes - 18 % monocytes - 3% , platelets - 160 ? September 10 g / L ESR - 50 mm / hr What is the primary tactic dentist?A.Konsultatsiya endocrinologistB.Lechenie periodontal pathologyC.Konsultatsiya hematologistD.Konsultatsiya immunologistE.Konsultatsiya therapist.229. Female 52 years old complains of a burning sensation and tingling tongue , vanishing ineating, but increasing towards the end of the day , dry mouth , impairedmouthfeel . First similar sensations appeared two years ago aftertrauma . Anatsidny suffering from gastritis . Objectively: general conditionsatisfactory , the patient is restless , tearful . GPRS - pale pinkcolor , dry , filiform papillae on the dorsum of the tongue smoothed. Pharynx - curtainreflex dramatically reduced. There is a violation of sensitivity to skinsegmental type . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A GlossodiniyaB Glossitis Moeller - GünterC sublingual ganglia ganglionD Chronic atrophic candidiasis, glossitisE deskvamativny glossitis230. Male 29 years old complains of itching, burning, soreness of the lips, appearing and disappearing in the summer in the rest of the year. Sick for 5 years. Objectively: the red border of the lower lip hyperemic, edematous , against this background, defined small bubbles erosion diameter and 3 mm , crusted , painful when touched , and a single crack . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A Actinic cheilitis, exudativeB Meteorological cheilitisC Acute eczematous cheilitisD Exfoliative cheilitis, exudativeE erosive lupus vermilion border231. Female 55 years old complains of burning tongue , pain during eating,taste disturbance , general weakness, headache. objectively:pale skin on the back of the tip of the tongue and bright red spots,painful on palpation. In the analysis of blood : er . - 2.2 * 1012 / l , Hb - 70 g / l, cs -1.4 anisotropy Poikilocytosis l. - 4.2 * 109 / L, ESR - 10 mm / hour. With administrationWhich drugs should be carried out the overall impact of the localsymptomatic treatment of this patient?A Vit. B12 and folic acidB of iron and vit. WithC aminocaproic acid and calcium chlorideD corticosteroid hormonesE Nicotinic acid and thiamine232 . Female 44 years complains of pain in tongue when receiving spicy food , perversiontaste , smell , dryness in the oral cavity , the presence of cracks in the corners of painful mouth.OBJECTIVE: oral mucosa pale, edematous , and on the back of the tiplanguage - atrophy of papillae in the corners of the mouth - painful bleeding cracks . Inanalysis of blood : er . - 2.9 × 1012 / L , Hb - 80 g / l, cs - 0.7 , ESR - 10 mm / hour. On the background of the overall impact of any preparations necessary to carry out the local symptomatic treatment of this patient?A supplementation with iron and vit. WithB Vit. B12 and folic acidC Nicotinic acid and thiamineAntifungal D and iodine preparationsE calcium gluconate and sodium fluoride233. The patient appealed to the dentist complaining of frequent bleeding from the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. From history we found that the same problems were her father . OBJECTIVE: There are multiple telangiectasias and angiomatoznye education on facial skin and mucous membranes of the nose, cheeks, lips . Analysis of blood within normal limits. Diagnose .A Addison's disease - Biermer . .B Verlgofa disease .C disease VakezaD Cushing's disease .E Rendu Osler disease .234. Patient 53 years diagnosed with leukoplakia smokers Tappeiner . whatpathologic process prevails in this histologydisease?A HyperkeratosisB AcanthosisC DyskeratosisD parakeratosisE papillomatosis235 Patient 16 years complained of pain in the mouth, sores ,38 fever , headache . An objective examination of mucousoral hyperemic, edematous . Mucosal erosions set merged withpolycyclic outlines covered grayish- white film ,located on the hard palate , gums , lips . What is the most probablepreliminary diagnosis ?A pemphigus vulgarisB erythema multiforme exudativeC Acute herpetic stomatitisD FMDE Allergic stomatitis236. Female 59 years old complains of burning and light pain in the softsky during the month. Enjoys dentures . Objectively: the softsky irregularly shaped erosion size 2x3 cm, bright red color .Surrounding mucosa pale . When rubbing a cotton swab notesapparently unaltered epithelium detachment around erosion. What is the mostprobable preliminary diagnosis ?A pemphigus vulgarisB allergic reaction to plasticC Bullous pemphigoidDermatitis herpetiformis Duhring DE erosive stomatitis237. Male 26 years complained of the presence of rash in the mouth.OBJECTIVE: mucosal and soft palate arches defined papules sizeabout 1 cm in diameter , slightly protruding above the surface of the mucous coatedgrayish bloom and surrounded by narrow hyperemic rim. atposkablivanii plaque is removed with a spatula , then there is the red meatcolor erosion . Submandibular nodes are enlarged , painless on palpation. whatadditional methods of research necessary to this patient.A microscopy and serological testsB Fluorescent and biopsyC microscopy and culture on nutrient mediumD Stomatoskopiya and cytologyE Cytology and luminescent238. Patient , 23y.o., a convert to the first day of the disease , the diagnosis :acute herpetic stomatitis moderate severity. What ointmentprocessing elements defeat you assign in the first place?A Antiviral .B Hormone .C sulfa .D Antibiotikosoderzhaschuyu .E Fermentosoderzhaschuyu .239. Female 52 years complains constant burning sensation on the tip and sidesurface of the tongue . Burning occurs in the morning and the evening is enhanced ,calms down when eating . Considers herself to be sick for about a year . availabilitystaging of the disease is associated with dentures . In history : anatsidnygastritis, surgery for uterine fibroids , hypertensionIIstepeni , poor sleep , anxiety . OBJECTIVE: swollen tongue slightly , on the backlanguage - lean white coating , atrophy of the filiform papillae . The rest of the mucouswithout obvious pathological changes. Pharyngeal reflex - curtain lowered.What is the most likely diagnosis ?A GlossodiniyaB allergic reaction to plasticGlossitis Günter C -MillerD Candida glossitisE lingual nerve neuritis240. Female 33 years complains of an increase of the upper lip . In the history of right-sided facial nerve paresis . First ill a year ago, when there was a swelling of the upper lips , which quickly disappeared , but remained somewhat larger lip . three days ago after hypothermia lip again sharply increased . Objectively : the toplip dramatically increased in size , more on the right , palpation is soft, elasticpainless, impressions from fingers remains. Swollen tongue , on back of the tongue -folds, bumpy surface of the tongue . What is the most likely diagnosis ?A Meiji TrofedemaB AngioedemaC Usher SyndromeD Melkersson -Rosenthal syndromeE elephantiasis ( elephantiasis ) lips241. Female 36 years old complains of pain in the mouth, increasing weakness . on the eve suffered a sore throat. Within 10 days of taking sulfadimetoksin . objectively:oral mucosa is dry, slightly hyperemic, multiple small necrotic ulceration character on the buccal mucosa , lips, tongue , along gingival margin . Gums swollen, bleed easily . Blood test: er . - 4.0 * 10 ** 12 / L, Hb - 140 g / l, cs - 1.0 , thrombus. - 200 * 10 ** 9 / L Lake . - 1.5 * 10 ** 9 / l , p / i - 0, c / I - 0.03 * 10 ** 9 / L (2 %) , e . - 0 , b . - 0 , lymph . - 1.455 * 10 ** 9 / L (98%) , Mon . - 0,015 (1% ) ESR - 50 mm / hourAny symptom of the disease is necrotizing syndrome in this patient?A AgranulocytosisB acute leukemiaC Vincent stomatitisD Chronic lymphocytic leukemiaE Chronic myeloid leukemia242. Male 28 years old complains of a sharp pain when eating , the presence ofulcerations in the mouth. Considers herself sick 5 years. Periodically cavity there are painful mouth ulcers heal within 3-4 weeks . Objective : to mucosa of the lower lip on the left there is an ulcer about 1 cm in diameter with soft edges , sharply painful on palpation. At the bottom of the ulcer grayish- yellow coating . on the sidesurface of the tongue are cicatrices . Vestibular position 23. Overall condition is not violated. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A Dekubitalnaya ulcerB AFTA SettonC Behcet's syndromeD syphilitic ulcerE Stomatitis Vincent243. Patient S. , 40 years old , asked to reorganize . When viewed from the language found numerous " furrows " extending from the deepest central " Furrow " . This state of the patient noted since childhood. symptom of what syndrome may be present condition ?A Melkersson -Rosenthal Syndrome .B Syndrome Grynszpan .C Sjogren's syndrome .D Behcet's syndrome .E Stevens-Johnson syndrome .244. Patient I. , 25 years old, single , in good health . Complains of an unusual kind of language discomfort . Objectively: the back of the tongue on the periphery foundland desquamation round shape resembling a coin dvuhkopeechnuyu painless on palpation. Submandibular lymph nodes enlarged dense, painless, not spayanye to surrounding tissues. For consultation to any specialist must send the patient?A allergist.B hematology.C Gastroenterology .D dermatology.E Venereology .245. Patient 42 years old, complains of burning , pain in the tip of tongue , impairedtaste sensitivity , dry mouth . In the history anatsidny gastritis . Objectively: numerous cracks at the corners of the mouth, the side surfaces of the first prints teeth, back of the tongue red color on a background of pale oral mucosa atrophy papillae on the tongue . In the history of blood : Hb 80 g / l , Riyadh . 3.5 x 1012 / l ts.P.0 7 .What treatment is likely to be appointed the patient ?A supplementation with iron and B vitamins parenterally.B Iron preparations and B vitamins orally.C Blood transfusions , vitamin C orally.D Vitamin B12 with folic acid orally.E Vitamin B12 with folic acid parenterally.246. Patient G. , 56 years old , complains of an increase of the lower lip and the pain of hot , sour, salty, bitter , sticky lips in the morning. Lifelong periodically lip thickened , become lumpy . When viewed from the lower lip increased. Inmiddle third zone Klein few small red dots with holes ofwhich show through the transparent drops . Red border dry , cracked anderosions , shelled. What is the most likely diagnosis ?A glandular cheilitisB Ekfoliativny cheilitisActinic cheilitis CD allergic contact cheilitisE Atopic cheilitis.247. Patient K., 52 years old , the driver complained of pain , shortness ofmouth opening . Was diagnosed with leukoplakia ulcerative form . After 10 -day course of therapy appeared sluggish granulation. On the periphery of ulcers observed strengthening processes keratinization. Which of the following must hold infirst?A study BacterioscopicB Histological examination .C Stomatoskopiyu .D Bacteriological examination .E cytology.248. Patient N. , 34 years old, underwent a course of treatment of infectious - allergic form exudative erythema multiforme . Comorbidities tonsillitis, periodontitis . Which of the following will prevent a relapse ?A Rehabilitation of foci of infection .B hyposensitization therapy .C Ultraviolet radiation .D Corticosteroid therapy .E Autohemotherapy .249. The working aluminum plant , 55 years old , suffering from chronic cholecystitison the buccal mucosa close to the corner of the mouth formation lumpy whiteTowering above the surrounding mucosa , with painless seal in basis . The oral cavity is not sanitized . Which of the following is priority in the tactics of the dentist?A referral to the Oncology Center .B Purpose keratolytic agents.C Conducting cryodestruction hearth.D referral to a gastroenterologist.E oral hygiene .250 . Student 18 years complained of roughness , dryness of mucousmembranes of the mouth . Constantly skusyvaet not controlling , through the mucousinterdigitation . Suffers from chronic cholecystitis , smokes. GI - 2.3 . objectively:mucosa on the line between the teeth loose, edematous , has whitish color.Which of the following is the leading part in the emergence ofdisease?A smoking .B Inadequate oral hygiene.C Somatic pathology .D xerostomia .E Habitual biting GPRS .ANSWERS TO TEST JOB IN SECTION "DISEASE GPRS"1С51Е101С151С201Е2Д52А102С152А202Д3А53А103В153Д203А4Е54С104С154С204С5В55С105А155А205В6А56А106С156Д206С7Д57А107Е157А207Д8А58А108Д158Д208С9Д59А109Д159Е209С10А60В110Д160Д210А11С61А111Е161В211Д12С62Д112А162Е122Е13Д63В113С163А213А14С64А114Д164В214В15С65А115Е165Д215Д16А66А116Е166С216Д17А67Е117С167А217С18Д68В118В168С218Д19Е69В119С169А219С20С70Д120Е170С220Е21А71С121В171А221Д22А72Д122А172А222С23Д73Д123А173А223В24В74Е124А174Е224В25Е75А125А175А225Д26В76В126А176С226Д27А77А127А177С227С28С78Д128В178А228С29С79Е129Е179А229А30С80В130Д180С230А31Д81Е131А181С231А32С82Д132А182А232А33А83Д133В183С233Е34А84Д134В184А234А35А85Е135А185А235С36С86С136С186Д236А37В87В137С187Д237А38А88С138С188Е238А39Е89А139А189В239А40С90Е140А190Д240Д41В91С141А191Д241А42С92Д142А192С242В43А93Е143А193Е243А44С94А144А194С244Е45Е95А145В195А245А46А96А146А196С246А47А97С147Е197Д247В48А98Д148Д198С248А49А99Д149Д199Д249А50С100С150С200С250Е ................

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