
Technical Transformation Engineering Project of 37kt/a Wheat Straw Pulp ECF Bleaching Process of Zhumadian Municipal Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd.

Environmental Management Plan


Zhumadian Municipal Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd.

March 2014


1 Chapter 1 Overview 1

1.1 Project Overview and Background 1

1.2 Compilation Basis 2

1.3 Targets of Environmental Protection and Sensitive Point 4

1.4 Relevant Standards 4

2 Environmental Protection Measures 9

2.1 Pollution Prevention and Control Countermeasure and Measures in Construction Period 9

2.2 Pollution Prevention and Control Countermeasure and Measures in Operation Period 11

3 Environmental Management 25

3.1 Corporate Environmental Management 25

3.2 Environmental Management Measures 25

4 Environmental Risk Assessment 28

4.1 Environmental Risk Identification 28

4.2 Environmental Risk Prevention and Emergency Measures 37

4.3 Emergency Plan and Monitoring for Accidents 42

5 Public Communication Mechanism for Environmental Protection 49

5.1 Main Problems of Public Concern 49

5.2 Public Communication Plan for Environmental Protection 49

6 Plans for Environmental Supervision and Monitoring 50

6.1 Environmental Supervision Plan 50

6.2 Environmental Monitoring Plan 51

7 Personnel Training 55

7.1 On-the-job Training for Environmental Management Personnel 55

7.2 Training for Project Responsible Persons and Construction personnel 55

7.3 Staff Training in Project Operation Period 55

7.4 Training Methods and Expense Budget 55

8 Occupational Sanitation, Health and Safety 57

8.1 Setting of Occupational Health Institutions 57

8.2 Occupational Health Education 57

8.3 Occupational Protection Appliances 57

9 Legal Force of Environmental Management Plan 59

10 Budget for Environmental Management Plan 60

Technical Transformation Engineering Project

of 37kt/a Wheat Straw Pulp ECF Bleaching Process

of Zhumadian Municipal Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd.

Environmental Management Plan

1 Overview

1.1 Project Overview and Background

Zhumadian Municipal Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd. was approved and established by the Zhumadian Municipal Government as a solely state-owned company according to the modern corporate system in August 1999, and the company was restructured with Henan Construction & Investment Company and became the new Zhumadian Municipal Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd. in November 2003. The company is located in the northeast suburb of Suiping County of Zhumadian City, bordering the Ru River in the east, 1km to the train station, about 5km from the entry to of the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway to the north, as well as 1.5km from 107 National Highway to the west. The company has 1,977 employees, with an area of 1,293.2 Mu, fixed assets amounted to 2.1 billion Yuan, and registered capital of 120 million Yuan. In recent years, Baiyun Paper Co. Ltd. has achieved some results in the fields of production and operation, safety and environmental protection, quality management and so on; the company has gradually grown into an industry leader in Henan Province, which takes the lead in becoming an enterprise with the approval of “four systems”. In Henan Province, the company was identified as the “Provincial Enterprise Technology Center”, the “Henan Provincial Research Center for Energy-Saving and Emission Reduction Engineering Technology in Pulping and Papermaking”, as well as one of the first batch of “Quality Credit Grade AA Enterprises in Henan Province”, it has been awarded with the “Top Ten Enterprises in Paper Industry in Henan Province” for seven consecutive years, and received awards of the “Green Enterprise in Henan Province”, the “Water-saving Enterprise in Henan Province”, as well as the national “Ankang Cup” Competition Winner.

The company's existing annual pulping (alkali bleached wheat straw pulp) capacity is 37,000 tons, its cultural paper production capacity is 100,000 tons, its main products are offset printing paper, writing paper, etc., and at the same time, the company has the 110t/d alkali recovery system and a sewage treatment station with a treatment capacity of 25,000 tons. The company passed the final inspection and acceptance of construction organized by the Environmental Impact Assessment Department of the SEPA in the form of EIA Approval No. 【2004】055 in July 2004. The enterprise’s wastewater is discharged into the urban sewer system of Suiping County after being treated and reaching the standards, finally into the Ru River through the Kuiwang River.

In order to adapt to market demand and adjust the industrial structure, the enterprise carried out technical innovation and expansion projects on the basis of original scale of production; it expanded the 50k t/a alkali bleached wheat straw pulp production line and the 136k t/a cultural paper production line by using the TCF process (total chlorine free bleaching) from the beginning of 2006, it constructed the supporting 150t/d alkali recovery system and a calcium carbonate production workshop, a sewage treatment station and a compound fertilizer production workshop, and at the same time, it carried out the technical transformation on the 37kt/a bleached pulp production line (CEH bleaching) by using the same process. After adopting the TCF pulping process, bleaching wastewater can be reused, thus the utilization rate of water cycle is improved, the volume of wastewater discharged in the whole pulping process can be controlled to be 30m3/tp, which is greatly reduced compared with wastewater volume of 130m3/tp generated by the original pulp production line; at the same time, this process adopts the series connection of multi-stage vacuum washer and press pulp washer, and the extraction rate of black liquor could be up to 95%, so that the grey water pollution is greatly reduced; therefore, after adopting the TCF process, the generation and emission of water pollutants in the whole plant can be reduced substantially, the plant can achieve “ total pollution load control, increase production capacity and reducing pollution” after the completion of the project, and the project construction can conform to the requirements of the State’s relevant industrial policies.

According to the company's actual situation, the Environmental Management Plan for Technical Upgrading of Cleaner Production is formulated, so as to improve the economic benefit and environmental benefit of the project.

1.2 Compilation Basis

1.2.1 Laws and Regulations

1. “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environmental Protection” (December 26, 1989);

2. “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution” (February 28, 2008);

3. “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution” (April 29, 2000);

4. “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Ambient Noise Pollution” (October 29, 1996);

5. “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Waste” (April 1, 2005);

6. “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Promotion of Cleaner Production” (February 29, 2012);

7. “Interim Provisions on Promoting Industrial Structure Adjustment” (State Council Doc. No. [2005]40);

8. “Industrial Structure Adjustment Catalogue (issued in 2011 and revised in 2013)” (NDRC Decree No. [2011]9 and [2013] 21);

9. “Comments of the State Council on Strengthening Key Environmental Protection Works” (State Council Doc. No. [2011]35);

10. “Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in Henan Province” (November 27, 2009);

11. “Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Waste in Henan Province” (September 28, 2011);

12. “Regulations on Control over Safety of Hazardous Chemicals” (State Council Decree No. 344, December 1, 2011);

13. “Implementing Rules for Regulations on Control over Safety of Hazardous Chemicals” (Ministry of Chemical Industry, Ministry of Labor, Doc. No. [1992] 6777);

14. World Bank’s Operational Policy and Procedure OP/BP4.01 on EIA;

15. “Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Water Pollution Prevention and Control in the Huai River Valley”;

16. “Policies on Development of Papermaking Industry”, (NDRC Doc. No. [2007] 71);

17. “Regulations on Environmental Protection of Construction Projects in the Light Industry” (QBJ35-94)

1.2.2 Technical Basis

1. World Bank OP/BP4.01 Environmental Assessment

2. World Bank Group “Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines – Paper Industry”;

3. “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - General Rules” (HJ/T2.1-2011);

4. Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - Atmospheric Environment” (HJ2.2-2008);

5. “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - Surface Water Environment” (HJ/T2.3-93);

6. “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - Ground Water Environment” (HJ/ 610-2011);

7. “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - Acoustical Environment” (HJ/2.4-2009);

8. “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - Ecological Impact” (HJ19-2011);

9. “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment for Construction Projects” (HJ/T169-2004);

10. “National Hazardous Waste List” (MEP Decree No. [2008]1);

11. “Identification of Major Hazard Installations for Dangerous Chemicals” (GB18218-2009);

12. “Identification Standards for Hazardous Wastes (for trial implementation)” (April 1, 2006);

1.2.3 Related Documents

1. “Feasibility Study Report on the Technical Transformation Engineering Project of 37kt/a Wheat Straw Pulp ECF Bleaching Process of Zhumadian Municipal Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd.”;

2. “Environment Impact Report on Engineering Project Annual 37 kt/a Bleached Wheat Straw Pulp (Chemical Caustic Soda Bleaching Process) and Sewage Treatment of Zhumadian Municipal Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd.” (Submitted for Approval), its written reply and acceptance documents;

3. “Environment Impact Report on 136 kt/a Production of Culture Paper Project of Zhumadian Municipal Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd.” (Submitted for Approval) and its written reply;

4. “Analysis Report on Change of 136 kt/a Culture Paper Project of Zhumadian Municipal Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd.” and its written reply;

5. “Post-Evaluation Report on Environmental Impact of 136 kt/a Culture Paper Project of Zhumadian Municipal Baiyun Paper Co., Ltd.” and its written reply;

6. Other data and materials relating to the project.

1.3 Environmental Protection Goal and Sensitive Point

1.3.1 Targets of Environmental Protection

The project’s targets of environmental protection can be seen in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Targets of Environmental Protection

|No. |Item |Protection Targets |

|1 |Ecological Environment |The local ecological functions and the important targets of ecological protection in the region|

| | |should be protected, such as natural reserves, biological diversity, etc., and there is no |

| | |natural reserve in the assessed range. |

|2 |Water Environment |The quality of receiving waters, including the Kuiwang River and Ru River, should be protected |

| | |and meet the functional requirements. |

|3 |Ambient Air |The residential areas, schools and villages in the assessed areas should be protected. |

|4 |Acoustic Environment |Noise at boundary should meet the requirements of functional areas. |

1.3.2 Environmental Sensitive Point

The environmental sensitive point of this project can be seen in Table 1-2.

Table 1-2 Environmental Sensitive Point of Project

|Environmental |Protection Objects |Directions |Distance to |Scale/Person |Function |Protection Level |

|Elements | | |Boundary /m | | | |

|Air Environment |Yinlou |S |100 |643 |Residential | “Ambient Air Quality Standards” |

| | | | | |area |(GB3095-1996) - Class 2 |

| |Low-rent house |S |50 |3,000 |Residential | |

| | | | | |area | |

| |Yinzhuang |E |500 |689 |Residential | |

| | | | | |area | |

| |Local Taxation |W |200 |/ |Office district| |

| |Bureau | | | | | |

| |Jinyuan Community |W |130 | |Residential | |

| | | | |Unoccupied |area | |

|Surface Water |Kuiwang River |NE |70 |2.85m3/s |Drainage, | “Quality Standards for Ambient |

|Environment | | | | |irrigation, |Surface Water” (GB3838-2002) - Grade|

| | | | | |receiving |IV |

| | | | | |sewage | |

| |汝河 |SE |350 |27.59m3/s |Drainage, | “Quality Standards for Ambient |

| |Ru River | | | |irrigation, |Surface Water” (GB3838-2002) - Grade|

| | | | | |receiving |IV |

| | | | | |sewage | |

|Ground Water |Groundwater in |- |- |- |Drinking, |“Quality Standards for Underground |

|Environment |assessed area | | | |irrigation |Water” (GB/T14848-93) - Grade III |

1.4 Relevant Standards

1.4.1 Environmental Quality Standards

(1)Ambient Air Quality Standard

As for SO2, NO2, PM10, PM10 and TSP, this project should implement the “Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996)” and the Amendment Notice (January 6, 2000), the Class 2 standard should be implemented in the project area, and as for hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, the “Hygienic standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises” (GBZ1-2010) - Table 1 for the Maximum Allowable Concentration of Harmful Substances in the Air of Residential Areas should be implemented. The specific values can be seen in Table 1-3.

Table 1-3 Limits in Ambient Air Quality Standard

|Pollutant Name |Sample Time |Concentration limit (mg/Nm3) |Standard Basis |

| | |Class 1 Standard |Class 2 Standard | |

|Sulfur dioxide |Annual average |0.02 |0.06 | “Ambient Air Quality Standard” |

|SO2 |Daily average |0.05 |0.15 |(GB3095-1996) and its Amendment |

| |1-hour average |0.15 |0.50 |Notice |

|Total suspended particles |Annual average |0.08 |0.20 | |

|TSP |Daily average |0.12 |0.30 | |

|Inhalable particles |Annual average |0.04 |0.10 | |

|PM10 |Daily average |0.05 |0.15 | |

|Nitrogen dioxide |Annual average |0.04 |0.08 | |

|NO2 |Daily average |0.08 |0.12 | |

| |1-hour average |0.12 |0.24 | |

|Hydrogen sulfide |Once |0.01 | “Sanitary Standard for the Design|

|H2S | | |of Industrial Enterprises” Table 1|

| | | |for the Maximum Allowable |

| | | |Concentration of Harmful |

| | | |Substances in the Air of |

| | | |Residential Areas |

|Ammonia |Once |0.20 | |

|NH3 | | | |

(2)Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water

Kuiwang River and the Ru River are the project’s receiving waters, and the water quality should meet the Grade IV water quality standard in the “Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water” (GB3838-2002). The specific values can be seen in Table 1-4.

Table 1-4 Limits in Quality Standard for Surface Water

|Pollutant Name |pH |COD |BOD5 |Volatile phenol |Chloride |SS* |

|Grade Ⅴstandard value |6~9 |30 |6 |0.01 |250 |100 |

Notes: SS refer to the dry farming standard in the “Standards for Irrigation Water Quality” (GB5084-2005).

(3) Quality Standard for Ground Water

The ground water should comply with the Grade III standard in the “Quality Standard for Ground Water” (GB/T14848-93) (it is based on human health baseline, and it mainly applies to the centralized domestic drinking water sources and the water industry and agriculture). The specific standard values of groundwater quality are shown in Table 1-5.

Table 1-5 Limits in Quality Standard for Ground Water Unit: mg/L (except pH value)

|Item Name |Grade I |Grade II |Grade III |Grade IV |Grade V |

|pH |6.5~8.5 |5.5~6.5 |9 |

| | |8.5~9 | |

|Ammonia nitrogen |≤0.02 |≤0.02 |≤0.2 |≤0.5 |>0.5 |

|Nitrate |≤2.0 |≤5.0 |≤20 |≤30 |>30 |

|Nitrite |≤0.001 |≤0.01 |≤0.02 |≤0.1 |>0.1 |

|Volatile phenols (phenol meter) |≤0.001 |≤0.001 |≤0.002 |≤0.01 |>0.01 |

|Cyanide |≤0.001 |≤0.01 |≤0.05 |≤0.1 |>0.1 |

|Arsenic |≤0.005 |≤0.01 |≤0.05 |≤0.05 |>0.05 |

|Mercury |≤0.00005 |≤0.0005 |≤0.001 |≤0.001 |>0.001 |

|Chromium (six +) |≤0.005 |≤0.01 |≤0.05 |≤0.1 |>0.1 |

|Total hardness (based on CaCO3) |≤150 |≤300 |≤450 |≤550 |>550 |

|Lead |≤0.005 |≤0.01 |≤0.05 |≤0.1 |>0.1 |

|Fluoride |≤1.0 |≤1.0 |≤1.0 |≤2.0 |>2.0 |

|Cadmium |≤0.0001 |≤0.001 |≤0.01 |≤0.01 |>0.01 |

|Iron |≤0.1 |≤0.2 |≤0.3 |≤1.5 |>1.5 |

|Manganese |≤0.05 |≤0.05 |≤0.1 |≤1.0 |>1.0 |

|Total dissolved solids |≤300 |≤500 |≤1,000 |≤2,000 |>2,000 |

|Permanganate index |≤1.0 |≤2.0 |≤3.0 |≤10 |>10 |

|Sulfate |≤50 |≤150 |≤250 |≤350 |>350 |

|Chloride |≤50 |≤150 |≤250 |≤350 |>350 |

|Total coliform group |≤3.0 |≤3.0 |≤3.0 |≤100 |>100 |

(4)Environmental Quality Standard for Noise

The project is located in Jiancheng District of Suiping County, and the periphery of the plant should comply with the category 2 standard of the “Environmental Quality Standard for Noise” (GB3096-2008). The specific standard limit values are listed in Table 1-6.

Table 1-6 Environmental Quality Standards for Noise Unit: Leq[dB(A)]

|Category |Day |Night |

|2 |60 |50 |

1.4.2 Standard for Discharge of Pollutants

(1)Emission Standard of Air Pollutants

As for the flue gas from the boiler, the standard in Table 1 of the “Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Thermal Power Plants” (GB13223-2003) should be implemented; as for the flue gas from alkali boiler, the Class 2 standard of the “Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Industrial Kiln and Furnace” (GB9078-1996) should be implemented; as for the chlorine gas from ClO2 production system,the Class 2 standard in Table 2 of the “Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants” (GB16297-1996) should be implemented; as for the fugitive emission of odor pollutants, the Class 2 standard at boundary for new, improved and expanded projects in Table 1 of “Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants” (GB14554-93) should be implemented. See Table 1-7 ~ Table 1-10.

Table 1-7 Standards in Table 1 of the “Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Thermal Power Plants”

|Pollutant |Standard Value (mg/m3) |

|Flue dust |30 |

|SO2 |200 |

|NOx |100 |

|Blackness of flue gas (Ringelman number, class) |1 |

Table 1-8 Class 2 Standard of the “Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Industrial Kiln and Furnace” (GB9078-1996)

|Pollutant |Maximum Allowable Emission Concentration (mg/m3) |

|Flue dust |200 |

| | |

Table 1-9 Class 2 Standard of the “Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants”

|Pollutant |Maximum Allowable Emission |Maximum allowable emission rate |Concentration Limit for Fugitive Emission |

| |Concentration (mg/m3) |(kg/h) |Monitoring (mg/m3) |

|Particulate |120 |3.5(15m) |1.0 (highest concentration outside boundary) |

|matter | | | |

|Cl2 |65 |0.52 |0.4 |

Table 1-10 Class 2 Standard at Boundary for New, Improved and Expanded Projects in Table 1 of “Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants”

|Pollutant |Unit |Standard Value of Class 2 Standard for New, Improved and|

| | |Expanded Projects |

|Ammonia |mg/m3 |1.5 |

|Hydrogen sulfide |mg/m3 |0.06 |

|Odor concentration |Dimensionless |20 |

(2)Water Pollution Emission Standards

As for the existing production wastewater, the limits for other pulping and papermaking specified in Table 2 of the “Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Pulp and Paper Industry” (GB3544-2008) should be implemented. The specific values can be seen in Table 1-11.

Table 1-11 “Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Pulp and Paper Industry” (GB3544-2008) Units: mg/L

|Type of Enterprise |

According to the requirements of the “Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Pulp and Paper Industry” (GB3544-2008), the wastewater discharge of this project should comply with the standard for newly established enterprises in the Table 1-11.

(3)Noise Pollution Emission Standards

During the construction period, the noise should comply with the “Emission Standard of Environment Noise for Boundary of Construction Site” (GB 12523-2011), and during the operation period, the noise should comply with the Category 2 standard of the “Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary” (GB12348-2008). The specific values can be seen in Table 1-12.

Table 1-12 Emission Standard of Environment Noise for Boundary of Construction Site

|Day |Night |

|70 |55 |

Table 1-13 Emission Standards for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary

|Category |Day |Night |

|Category 2 |60 |50 |

(4)Solid Waste Standards

As for solid waste storage site, the “Standard for Pollution Control on the Storage and Disposal Sites for General Industrial Solid Wastes” (GB18599-2001) should be implemented; as for domestic wastes, the “Standard for Pollution Control on the Landfill Sites of Domestic Waste (GB16889-2008)” should be implemented.

2 Environmental Protection Measures

2.1 Pollution Prevention and Control Countermeasure and Measures in Construction Period

2.1.1 Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Measures in the Construction Period

In order to reduce atmospheric pollution during the construction period, the construction site should enhance the management of production and environment, implement the system of civilization construction, and the following countermeasures for prevention and control are recommended to minimize the affected areas:

(1)The construction site should have strict rules and regulations: the site should be closed and fenced during the construction period; the roads under construction should be hardened, and regular watering should be carried out to prevent floating dust; when there is strong wind, the construction should be stopped. The spare open spaces in the construction site should be used for simple greening.

(2)The procedures that generate dust easily should be well controlled: the surface exposed in earth-rock excavation should be proper watered; and the earth and rock that are originally removed should be promptly filled or transported to designated places; the original roads in the plant site should be utilized for transportation, and the dust pollution during transport should be reduced; transport vehicles and corridors should be timely cleaned and washed, and the roads should maintain a certain humidity; wheel-washing equipments should be used before the vehicles leave the construction site; transport vehicles should be driven at low speed and at a speed limit when entering the construction site, so as to reduce the amount of floating dust; the vehicles that transport sandy gravel materials, cement, muck and so on should be covered by tarps for the reason to reduce floating dust; bulk cement containers should be closed for protection.

(3)Reducing floating dust in the use and storage of materials: the construction materials should be loaded and unloaded carefully; commercial concrete should be adopted, so as to reduce dust pollution; commercial bagged cement should be adopted where possible, bulk cement should be kept in sealed storage, the pneumatic discharge should be adopted, the concrete mixed on site should be avoided; when loading and transporting earth and rock, the earth and rock in truck bed should be lower than the tailgate of the truck; when stacking earth, rock, sand and other materials temporarily, the surface of these materials should be covered by canopies or regularly watered, or other measures should be taken; the muck should be cleaned and shipped as soon as possible; the roads for construction should be timely watered for dust suppression.

(4)The construction machines that discharge heavy smoke should be equipped with smoke consuming apparatus, so as to reduce air pollution in the environment.

(5)The transport vehicles and construction machines can generate the most serious exhaust emission when idling, slowing down and speeding up, and therefore the vehicles and part of the construction machines in the construction site should be controlled at a smooth speed, so as to reduce exhaust pollution in traveling.

(6)The energy used by the construction workers for living should be clean energy, such as electricity, liquefied petroleum gas and so on.

(7)All the vehicles that access the construction site and transport the wastes dismantled should be required to be intact and be tightly covered with canvas, and the vehicles shall not be filled to a level which will cause overflow of materials during transportation;

(8)The overloading of transport vehicles should be prohibited, the vehicles should be driven at low speed and at a speed limit when entering the construction site, so as to reduce the amount of floating dust, and the transport channels within the construction site should be cleaned and washed in a timely manner, so as to reduce the floating dust caused by vehicle traveling;

(9)The protection walls should be built around the construction site, and the vehicles that assess the site should be driven at a limited speed;

(10)The building institutions and construction institutions should appoint necessary full-time or part-time environmental protection regulators, who shall take the responsibility to oversee the implementation of the measures for preventing and controlling atmospheric pollution during the construction period, thus once troubles occur, proper measures can be taken in time.

2.1.2 Water Pollution Prevention and Control Measures in Construction Period

In order to mitigate the impact of wastewater during the construction period, the following measures are recommended:

(1)In the construction contract, the construction institutions should meet relevant regulations on environmental protection.

(2)The master plan ​​for temporary drainage system within the construction area should be prepared before construction; during the construction period, temporary drainage ditches should be built in the construction site for the discharge of rainwater, and an earth embankment should also be built to prevent the off-site water that flows into the leveled area, so as to prevent water standing in the range that affects the stability of side slopes.

(3)The water for flushing and concrete curing should be reused as often as possible; during the construction period, the rainwater and sewage, muddy wastewater in piling and water accumulation in the site should be collected and go through precipitation treatment, and then the supernatant should be discharged and the mud should be carried away by mud vehicles. As for the construction sites that generate oily wastewater when washing and repairing vehicles and machines, small grease traps and oil collecting basins should be set up. The drainage should comply with the Class 1 Discharge Standard of GB8978-96.

(4)In the construction site, simple flush toilets should be built, the fecal sewage should be collected in a centralized manner and be treated through a tertiary septic tank, in which the sewage should stay for no less than 12 hours, and then be discharged together with general domestic sewage after being treated up to the standards. The oily wastewater generated by the canteen in the construction site should go through grease separation, and after that, it should be discharged together with general domestic wastewater after being treated up to the standards.

2.1.3 Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Measures in Construction Period

In order to enable the noise at boundary of the enterprise meet the standards, the following measures are recommended:

(1)The noise source should be reduced: low-noise equipments should be selected among various construction equipments, for example, such as high-speed vibrator should be adopted, impact stake shall be replaced by static pre-stressed pipe pile and jetted cast-in-place pile when piling (less geological damage), and as for fixed machines, excavators and earth moving machines, the noises shall be reduced by using exhaust muffler and through the isolation of vibration components of engines; the quality of equipment installation should be improved, and the main devices should adopt the measures for vibration reduction and prevention; the dynamic machinery equipments should be repaired and maintained regularly, so as to prevent the equipments to increase the sound pressure level when working due to the vibration of loose components or damaged mufflers; the equipments should be shut down after use or when not in use.

(2)The layout of construction site should be arranged rationally: a lot of dynamic machinery equipments at the same place should be avoided, so as to avoid high local sound level; noise barrier should be set up around the equipments with high noise level, so as to mitigate noise effect, and the bounding walls with a specified height should be built around the plant boundary.

(3)The construction time should be arranged rationally: the equipments with high noise level should not be used simultaneously. Except the processes that need to be operated continuously, such as the drilling, borehole cleaning and concrete filling of cast-in-place pile drivers, the foundation pit excavation in earthwork, cast-in-place concrete basement and cast-in-place concrete roof, the nighttime construction should be prohibited under other conditions; any nighttime construction must be reported to the environmental protection administrations for approval. If any noisy construction must be carried out at night, it is recommended to set up some temporary noise barriers around the noisy construction machines, so as to reduce noises.

(4)The man-made noises should be minimized: the machines and equipments should be operated according to prescribed procedures. The noises made when the formworks and supports are crashing into each other in loading and unloading process should be minimized; the items should be handled gently, the construction tools should not be thrown about or thrown away; transport vehicles should properly limit speed when entering the site, and whistle should be banned.

(5)The construction institutions should appoint necessary full-time or part-time environmental protection regulators to oversee the implementation of noise control measures during the construction process, deal with environmental problems and disputes, as well as assist local environmental protection departments in law enforcement efforts to protect environment.

2.1.4 Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Measures in Construction Period

In order to reduce the impact of solid wastes generated by the construction on the surrounding environment, the following measures are recommended:

(1)The construction sequence should be designed in a reasonable manner, the excavation volume and embankment volume should be balanced where possible, the spoil should be timely backfilled, so as to reduce the time and scope of its influence on atmosphere, soil and ecology.

(2)The construction period should be arranged in a reasonable manner, and the construction wastes should be used as fills where possible; the construction wastes should be recycled for comprehensive utilization as much as possible during the construction, so as to reduce the final wastes; the construction wastes should be piled up in special places according to the requirements of local environmental protection departments and relevant departments, and the construction wastes, which need to be classified before stacking, should be sent separately to specified dumps after classification according to relevant provisions. The construction wastes should be timely cleaned, transported and disposed, and the dumping into nearby rivers should be strictly prohibited, so as to avoid water body pollution.

(3)The temporary garbage collection containers should be established in the construction site and the living quarters for construction workers, the domestic garbage should be well collected and promptly cleaned during the construction, and then the domestic garbage should be sent to specified garbage dumps or landfills after centralized stacking, so as to prevent littering and random dumping.

2.2 Pollution Prevention and Control Countermeasure and Measures in Operation Period

2.2.1 Water Pollution Prevention and Control Measures in Operation Period

Relying on the existing sewage treatment station, the wastewater treatment of this technical upgrading project can achieve discharge standards. The wastewater quality after the completion of the technical upgrading project basically remains consistent with that before the project, and the waste water volume decreased compared with the former one. Therefore, it is feasible to rely on the existing rely on the sewage treatment station after the completion of technical upgrading project. The technical process of wastewater treatment of the existing sewage station can be seen in Figure 2-1.

图2-1 污水处理系统流程简图

Figure 2-1 Flow Chart of Sewage Treatment System

|厌氧处理系统 |Anaerobic treatment system |

|洗草废水 |Straw Washing Wastewater |

|格栅 |Screen |

|集水井 |Water Collecting Well |

|斜网 |Inclined Wire |

|厌氧沉淀池 |Anaerobic Sedimentation Tank |

|水解均衡池 |Hydrolysis Homogenization Tank |

|ANAMET厌氧反应器 |ANAMET Anaerobic Reactor |

|CH4送锅炉燃烧 |CH4 into combustion boiler |

|剩余厌氧污泥入污泥混合池 |Residual anaerobic sludge into sludge mixing tank |

|美拉美生物沉淀池 |LAMELLA Biological Sedimentation Tank |

|沉淀污泥入污泥混合池 |Sediment sludge into sludge mixing tank |

|选择池 |Selecting Tank |

|沉淀污泥入污泥混合池 |Sediment sludge into sludge mixing tank |

|均衡池 |Homogenization Tank |

|初沉池 |First Sedimentation Tank |

|斜网 |Inclined Wire |

|制浆废水 |Pulping Wastewater |

|办公生活污水 |Working and Domestic Wastewater |

|达标排放 |Discharge on Standard |

|在线监测 |Online Monitoring |

|三沉池一 |Tertiary Sedimentation Tank No.1 |

|三沉池二 |Tertiary Sedimentation Tank No.2 |

|污泥入污泥混合池 |Sludge into sludge mixing tank |

|絮凝剂 |Flocculant |

|快混池2 |Rapid Mixing Tank No.2 |

|快混池1 |Rapid Mixing Tank No.1 |

|复合铝铁 |Composite Aluminum Iron |

|二沉池 |Secondary Sedimentation Tank |

|曝气池 |Aeration Tank |

|选择池 |Selecting Tank |

|剩余污泥进入厌氧反应器 |Residual sludge into anaerobic reactor |








1. Overview of Technical Process and Principle

(1)ANAMET Anaerobic Reactor Treating Techniques

The straw washing wastewater of high concentration flows automatically to sewage treatment plant through open channels and then into the anaerobic wells. Afterwards, lift pump lifts the wastewater to elevated oblique sieve where a large amount of fibers are captured and recycled while 50% SS in original water being removed. This has greatly reduced the operating load of sedimentation tank.

The wastewater after treatment by anaerobic inclined screening flows by gravity into the first sedimentation tank. Polymers are put into the water inlets of first anaerobic sedimentation tank in order to accelerate the flocculation and separation of particulate matter. Suspended particles and fibers settle to the bottom of the tank and then are removed. The sludge in first anaerobic sedimentation tank is pumped to the sludge mixing tank.

Water spilled from first anaerobic sedimentation tank flows into the anaerobic hydrolysis homogenization tank where flow quantity and concentration are homogenized to avoid the impact on biological systems led by load fluctuation. Meanwhile, the residual activated sludge generated from aerobic treatment is pumped into anaerobic hydrolysis homogenization tank for digestion treatment. The retention time in anaerobic hydrolysis homogenization tank is 8 hours (including aerobic returned sludge), and the tank is equipped a head cover to reduce undesirable odor. Two anaerobic lift pumps are established beside anaerobic hydrolysis homogenization tank to pump the wastewater to anaerobic jar.

In the ANAMET anaerobic reactor, solid organic matters hydrolyze into dissolved organic matters under continuous action of extracellular enzymes. Dissolved organic matters receive the action of acid-producing bacteria and produce organic acid, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia free. Organic acid produces methane and carbon dioxide under the action of methanogenic bacteria and removes them from the system so as to achieve the purpose of removing organic matters.

This system includes a eutrophic aerobic activated sludge which can reduce the volume of sludge and costs of dewatering and disposal operation through the treatment of anaerobic digestion. In addition, nitrogen and phosphorus can be precipitated out of the residual aerobic activated sludge through anaerobic digestion. The precipitated nitrogen and phosphorus can be used for anaerobic reaction and synthesis of microbial cells in posterior segment of aerobic treatment process, thus greatly reducing the dosage of nitrogen and phosphorus of this biochemical system.

The biogas containing 40-60% of methane is collected through the top pipes from anaerobic reactor.

The mixed liquor spilled from the ANAMET anaerobic reactor flows into the flocculation reaction zone of LAMELLA biological sedimentation tank after precipitating the supersaturated gas by degassing tower. During the mixing process of flocculation mixer, the supersaturated gas is further precipitated while the flocs of anaerobic sludge grow up. Sinking sludge goes into the sludge thickening zone where it will be compressed and precipitated to a certain concentration and then pumped into the anaerobic reactor through sludge return pump. Residual anaerobic sludge is sent to sludge mixing tank to be mixed with aerobic sludge for dewatering treatment.

The supersaturated gas precipitated through degassing tower and the gas precipitated from the flocculation reaction zone of LAMELLA biological sedimentation tank contain hydrogen sulfide and volatile gas of aromatic group with a foul odor. In order to avoid secondary pollution, ventilators are applied to pump this gas and then pressurize and transport it into the aerator at the bottom of the aerobic aeration tank for oxidation and absorption.

The clarified water in LAMELLA biological sedimentation tank flows automatically through overflow weir and catchment system into selection tank of aerobic aeration system for aerobic treatment.

(2)Aerobic Treatment Techniques

The techniques of aerobic treatment facilities include coagulating sedimentation and completely mixed activated sludge with biological selector.

1. Pulping Wastewater Pretreatment (Coagulating Sedimentation)

Pulping wastewater flows to the sewage treatment plant by gravity through open channel, and enters the inlet well through mechanical screens. It is then raised to inclined sieve by water pumps and drawn to the first sedimentation tank by gravity after inclined screening. Polymers are added into the water inlets of first sedimentation tank in order to accelerate the flocculation and separation of particulate matter. The sludge in first sedimentation tank is pumped to the sludge mixing tank. Water spilled from first sedimentation tank flows into the hydrolysis homogenization tank where flow quantity and concentration of the wastewater are homogenized to avoid the impact on biological systems led by load fluctuation. The wastewater is pumped to the selection tank after homogenization.

②Biological Treatment System (Completely Mixed Activated Sludge with Biological Selector)

Biological treatment system applies a selecting tank and activated sludge treating techniques. The aeration equipment adopts the U.S. MTS jet aeration system to ensure good mixing and adequate oxygen delivery for the aeration tank.

(3)Tertiary Treatment Techniques

In consideration of the poor biodegradability of wastewater, merely using biological processing treatment can not meet the standard of COD ................

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