Tittabawassee DDA Projects Current and Preceding Year

Tittabawassee DDA Projects ? Current and Preceding Year

2018/19 Fiscal Year:

(Updated July 2019)

Freeland SportsZone Debt Retirement: The DDA made its final bond payment on its 2007 GENERAL OBLIGATION LIMITED TAX DEVELOPMENT MONDS, SERIES NOTE. This $1M borrowing enabled the completion of the Freeland SportsZone some 10 years ago.

DDA 2009 LOAN AGREEMENT: The DDA continued to pay on its 2009 loan agreement in 2018. This loan agreement is scheduled to be paid in full June 30th 2020.

Freeland SportsZone 2018 Lobby Renovation: During the Spring/Summer of 2018 the Lobby of the Freeland SportsZone was re-configured and updated. The facility had just completed 9 years of very successful operations yet had ongoing issues with the lobby area. These issues included security, member check-in, kid's program crowds, traffic congestion, maintenance, and lack of staff space. These issues primarily stem from a design of 800 members to a reality of over 2,500 members.

By moving the check-in to the rear area of the lobby and walling in excess unused space for new offices many of the concerns were corrected. The lighting, ceiling tiles, fire suppression system were all changed as well. The carpet was entirely removed and laminate wood flooring was installed as well. The new lobby looks much improved over the original. Line of sight for safe and other security measures were improved. Line up for members was improved. All in all the Lobby Renovation was a huge success. Approximate cost $70,000.

Burt Watson Chevy 2016-2018 Business Grant: The third and final $40K payment for the Burt Watson Chevy Site Improvement Business Grant was made in 2018. This was the final payment on the $120K grant which supported the businesses' $1.2M dollar expansion. New jobs and new tax base was created. The expansion also aided the business to stay in business within the County.

Other: Street Scape Maintenance, Street Light Maintenance & Grounds Care to DDA Properties continued as normal.

2019/20 Fiscal Year:

Pat's Food Center 2019?2021 Business Grant: The first of three $50K payments for the Pat's Food Center Site Improvement Business Grant was made in 2019. This is the first payment on the $150K grant which supported the businesses $1.5M dollar expansion. Three new businesses were created including a new United States Post Office. The expansion also aided the business to stay in business within the County.

Freeland SportsZone 2019 Storage Facility: During the spring/Summer of 2019 a 30 x 40 storage building was added on the north side of the Freeland SportsZone. This storage facility was greatly needed due to the increased size of the inside of the facility as well as the expansion of the outside campus of the

facility. With more inside and outside operational space more equipment, cleaning, maintenance repair items needed to be stored.

Also after 10 years of operations with 2,500 members and needed space for supplies and equipment more space was needed vs. the planned space to serve 800 members as the facility was designed for. In addition the Township conducts all four (4) of its voter prescient operations at the facility and the storage of all election equipment put burdens on available storage space.

3rd Street Lighting Project: The Township of Tittabawassee along with support from its Water and Sewer Funds invested $460,000 in 2018 to put thru 3rd Street (a new street). This new street funded by the Township proper enabled the following:

1. Connected Church with Powley. 2. Connected the Freeland Public School Pre-School with the Elementary School. 3. Enabled the community to land a new Post Office from the United States Government. 4. Created a much safer environment for Freeland Public School Buses. 5. Created a second artery for much of the Freeland business traffic; provided alternate route from

M-47 Highway.

The Tittabwassee DDA appropriated $40K to light this street as it severs as a primary business and school route.

Other: Street Scape Maintenance, Street Light Maintenance & Grounds Care to DDA Properties continued as normal.

Future Project Considerations:

Freeland Road/Tittabawassee River Crossing: With nearly half of the communities residents living on the west side (non-business side) of the Tittabawassee River; and with more and more citizens using non-motorized transportation within the community; it is being studied to create a safe non-motorized course from the business community to the residential neighborhoods. Preliminary estimates for a pedestrian bridge alongside the SCRC Bridge and adjoining bayou areas is $2M.

Center Blocks Properties: Residing almost in the dead center of the Freeland business district are two vacant and dilapidated blocks which abut M-47. While dozens of business properties have developed over the past 15 years north and south of these two blocks; nothing has happened with them. The DDA is studying the acquisition and development of these two blocks for marketing them to the private business sector. New jobs, overall increase in tax base, and further development of the business district are the driving forces. Preliminary estimates for this project are $1.5M.


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