UMCD 2007 Orlando


United Methodist Congress of the Deaf


“Come as a Child and Rest in the Son”

July 20-22, 2007

Orlando Florida

Grosvenor Resort Hotel

1850 Hotel Plaza Blvd.

Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830


Florida Relay: 1(800)955-8771 TTY


On July 20-22, 2007,

Sunny Florida is the place to be!

Everybody is a child in Orlando, they say, and we are all children of God, so come and rest in the sheltering arms of His Son, Jesus!

Pre-Conference Events:

Interpreters Workshop

Thursday, July 19, 2007

8:00am til 4:00pm

Arrive on Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cost for Workshop: $35

Working lunch is included and .75 CEU’s (pending RID approval).

On your own for other meals, see estimates in Hotel Info Column. Find a roommate and reduce your cost.

The UMCD Board will arrive on Thursday July 19, 2007, in time to be in a business meeting by 7pm Thursday evening and Friday morning if further meeting time is needed. Meals on your own until Friday pm. Cost $110 for single occupancy hotel room. Reduce your cost by finding a roommate.

Questions about Board meeting, email Dan Kenyon, dmj730@.

Register for early arrival by adding an extra day’s cost on the Registration.

Pre- and Post-Conference Hotel Rates:

In order to receive the conference rate for an extra 3 days before or after UMCD, please register through UMCD, subject to hotel availability. Deadline June 18. See travel agent (page 4) for activities and costs.


Support the Endowment Fund

At the 2005 UMCD Global Conference, the UMCD Endowment Fund has reached its goal of raising $10,000. 

As of September 2006, our Fund has $15,000 and is growing through the wise investment by the United Methodist Foundation of the Texas Annual Conference.  

UMCD established the Endowment Fund for the purpose of encouraging local churches to develop new ministries with those who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened or Deaf-Blind.  Your donation to the Endowment is a sign of support and challenge to United Methodists. 

Please send your tax-deductible donation to:

Rev. Tom Hudspeth/President, UMCD Endowment Fund

9200 Inwood Road, Dallas, TX  75220.  

Make your check payable to UMCD, memo "Endowment Fund”

Your UMCD dues are included in the conference program fee. If you are not able to attend Orlando UMCD, be sure to send your dues in to Tom Hudspeth at the address above. Make $20 check payable to UMCD and note on the memo line: dues.


The Grosvenor Hotel uses Mears Transportation for shuttle service to and from the hotel. Round Trip is approximately $35. There will be UMCD greeters at the airport on Friday, July 20, to help you find your way.

If, for some reason, you don’t find one of our UMCD greeters when you arrive, or if you arrive late, call Mears (407) 423-5566 at the airport when you arrive. They will drive you to the hotel.

Florida Relay 1(800) 955-8771 tty

❖ If you pay for Mears Shuttle with your conference registration, and stay another day or two, you will have your return shuttle ticket already.

❖ For pre-conference shuttles, you can go online to to make advance arrangements. Pay directly to Mears for a two-way shuttle; keep your shuttle ticket and you won’t have to pay again with your conference registration.

❖ Ask at the Grosvenor Hotel about the free bus to Disney theme parks.

Pre- and Post-Conference

Before or After Conference Disney Tours: contact Lisa Speer, Travel Agent (see page 4) for UMCD 2007 Orlando. Make arrangements directly with The Grosvenor Hotel to extend our room reservation before or after the gathering.

Questions? contact Rev. Wineva Hankamer at 281 360-4500 (v/tty) or winevah@

or Debbie Bennett, President SEJ UMCD, goodwillbaby1821@.

Visit UMCD website at




The United Methodist Committee on Ministries with Deaf, Late-deafened, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind People

Formed through action of the UMCD and the General Conference of the United Methodist Church, this committee is composed of members of our various jurisdictions and of various types of hearing/vision loss. Funded by the general church and guided by the Health and Welfare Ministries of the General Board of Global Ministries, this committee has set goals of training, funding, new ministries, global mission and resource development.

The Mardy Walker Memorial Assistive Listening FM System is available for loan, so you can try one out in your ministry group before purchasing one; or you can borrow it for an event in which you would like to provide ALS for people who are hard of hearing.

Grants are available for scholarships and as seed money for ministries with Deaf, late-deafened, hard of hearing and deaf-blind people.

Training workshops are available to help organizations know how to be in ministry with people with hearing loss or hearing/vision loss.

Visit the web: to find out more.


Deadline to Register: June 18, 2007:

Registration form is included in this packet on pages 7-10 and online at . Vendor form is on page 14. Each individual or married couple should fill out a form. Choose your roommate(s) and place name(s) on your form, asking them to place your name on theirs. We cannot promise to find you a roommate. You will be expected to pay the room cost based on the number in your room. You can secure your room with a $100 deposit at any time before the deadline.

Please mail check payable to UMCD and completed forms to:

Wineva Hankamer

5629 Kingwood Drive

Kingwood TX 77345

Guests with Disabilities

If you are planning to come early or stay after the UMCD conference, be sure to take advantage of many discounts: 50% at Busch Gardens for wheelchair users, visually or hearing impaired; at least 50% at SeaWorld for guests with visual or hearing impairments; and 20% at Universal Studios for those with a disability that limits enjoyment of the park. Walt Disney World has several free devices available and some with a deposit required. Check at Guest Relations Window of all theme parks. Stage shows with sign language interpreters are listed in the calendar of events. At Epcot and Magic Kingdom four-hour guided tours ($5 adults, $3.50 children age 3-9) in sign language are available. Advance registrations are a must; provide two week’s notice if possible. Be sure to communicate with the hotel for pre- and post-conference stays.


Hotel Information:

Grosvenor Resort Hotel, 1850 Hotel Plaza Blvd

Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830


Florida Relay 1(800)955-8771

$110 per person per night, with one in a room

$55 per person per night, with two in a room

$36.75 per person per night, with three in a room

$27.50 per person per night, with four in a room

You must find your own roommates and agree to register with each other.

Early arrivers: (interpreter workshop or UMCD Board) add nights at above prices and estimate meals on your own at $35 supper, $25 lunch and $15 breakfast in hotel restaurant. 24 hr deli shop available for less.

Adult Conference Fee: $300 Program fee includes concert ticket for Mark Mitchum, Sue Thomas, workshops, hotel use, 2007 & 2008 UMCD Dues & includes Friday supper, Saturday breakfast and lunch, and Sunday breakfast, other meals will be on your own. Deli shop in hotel is available 24 hours.

Youth Conference Fee: $250 includes activities during the conference, and includes Friday supper, Saturday breakfast and lunch, and Sunday breakfast.

Day Participant/Commuter Price: $250 includes program fee, Friday supper and Saturday lunch.

Child Care Provided by Hotel: Contact the Grosvenor for costs. Supervised pool swims and babysitting available.


On Friday night at 8pm, there will be a community wide concert with Mark Mitchum, Christian Concert Artist, who has been Deaf since birth. His ministry is through music, personal testimony, and teaching. God uses Mark to take Christian music and transform it into a breath-taking visual ministry, called "Sign Art". God has used Mark's life and ministry of "three dimensional music" to touch the lives of deaf and hearing audiences.

Mark’s concert is open to the public. Tickets $15, payable to UMCD. Invite your friends that are nearby to Orlando for this community wide event. Ticket for Mark Mitchum concert is already included in the Adult Program fee for UMCD Orlando 2007.

On Saturday evening at 7pm, we will learn details about the 2009 UMCD in Seoul Korea. Rev. Joo Hai Kang will help us learn customs and signs that will be helpful if you go, and educational, even if you can’t go. The Korean church is the fastest growing faith group in the world! We can learn some lessons from their culture and faith. Ways to fundraise will be shared to help you as an individual or your group raise money for projects that your ministry wants to do. Bring your best ideas to share with the group at UMCD.


Saturday Workshops will be held as total group sessions with interpreters and captionists in the main meeting room.

➢ Fun Ways to Fund Raise!

Panel of Presenters

➢ Let’s Go Global!

Korean Culture and Signs

Led by Joo Hai Kang

Conference Worship Leader from Florida

Pastor Paul Jones

Orlando Florida

Youth at UMCD (ages 12-17):

Childcare provided for younger children by the hotel for a fee, which you arrange on your own with the hotel.

Friday pm: Supervised Swim

Saturday am: Wonder Works; Saturday afternoon with parents.

Saturday pm: Movie w/Popcorn; Sunday morning with parents.

Support UMCD

If you can’t come, but need to pay your dues, OR if you are a Bishop, Conference Staff member or

Disability Committee leader wanting to support UMCD, visit .


UMCD Membership Information/Website:



Phone _____________________ Email_________________________

Name of your church________________________________________

List your position (s) at your church ___________________________

Check one: ____ returning UMCD member

____ new UMCD member (dues included in program fee)


A Portrait of our UMCD Family*

I consider myself:

___Deaf Culture ___Hard of Hearing

___Late Deafened ___Deaf Blind

___Hearing ___Interpreter

___I have a Family Member /Friend who is Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or deaf-blind

I prefer to use:

___ASL (American Sign Language) ___PSE (Pigeon Sign English)

___SEE (Signed Exact English) ___Oral interpreting (Lip reading)

___Real Time Captioning ___Assistive Listening Devices

___Voice/Speaking ___Tactile Sign Language

___Close Vision Interpreting ___Support Service Provider

___Other __________________________________________________

*This information goes to the UMCD Board to help know the scope of our membership


REGISTRATION FORM Each adult in your room should fill out a form.

Name: _________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip/Country: __________________________________________

Email: __________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________________________v/tty

Room Preference:

Smoking ___ Non-smoking___ Handicapped Room: ___

*You must pay for a single room or list your roommate(s) here and pay for double, triple, or quad. Be sure your roommates also fill out a registration form with your name listed as one of their roommates.

Person 2 ____________________________________________ adult or youth?

Person 3 ____________________________________________ adult or youth?

Person 4 ____________________________________________ adult or youth?

Deposit or total for Room (see hotel info) $_____________

Board Members’ Extra Nights $_____________

Interpreters Extra Nights $_____________

Interpreters Workshop ($35) $_____________

Adult Conference Fee ($300) $_____________

Youth Age 12-17 Conference Fee ($250) $_____________

Shuttle Roundtrip ($35) $_____________

Day Participant ($250) $_____________

TOTAL ENCLOSED $_____________

Make checks payable to UMCD.

Mail to Wineva Hankamer, 5629 Kingwood Drive, Kingwood TX 77345


What do you need at the Conference? (please check your preference):

Interpreter: ASL ____ PSE ____ SEE ____ Tactile ____ Oral ____

CAN: _____ Vegetarian Meal: ______ Other: ____________________

Indicate your mode of transportation

___Airline Name: ___________ Flight Number: _______________ ___car ___bus ___train

Date/time of arrival_________________________________________

Date/time of departure ______________________________________

Hotel Information:

$110 per person per night with one in a room

$55 per person per night with two in a room

$36.75 per person per night with three in a room

$27.50 per person per night with four in a room

You must find your own roommates and agree to register with each other.

Adult Conference Fee: $300 includes concert ticket for Mark Mitchum, Sue Thomas, workshops, hotel use, 2007 & 2008 UMCD Dues; also Friday supper, Saturday breakfast and lunch, and Sunday breakfast, other meals will be on your own. Deli shop in hotel is available 24 hours a day.

Youth Conference Fee: $250 includes activities for ages 12-17 during the conference, also Friday supper, Saturday breakfast and lunch, and Sunday breakfast, other meals will be on your own. Deli shop in hotel is available 24 hours a day.

Day Participant/Commuter Price: $250 includes conference fee, Friday supper and Saturday lunch.



Write in below your best fund raising idea to share with the conference:


Will you be willing to bring samples to show and serve on the panel of presenters for the workshop, sharing your idea? Yes No

Vendors Application

$50 booth fee*; you will be able to stay near your table during conference presentations.

▪ Preferred are items of interest to Christian Deaf, Late-deafened, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-blind People.

▪ You may sell items for your ministry or business.

▪ You are responsible for any tax liability imposed by the city/ county/state/or your state.

▪ Set-up will be no earlier than 7pm Thursday, July 19 and take-down must be by one hour following last agenda Saturday evening, July 21.

*Offer an item from your booth as a door prize and get a discount equal to the amount of that item, up to $50.


Vendor/Company Name


Mailing Address


City State & Zip

Email or website: _______________________________________

Vendor Fee Enclosed: $_____ or Value of Donated Item: $_________

Make check payable to UMCD

Send form and fee to:

Wineva Hankamer

5629 Kingwood Drive

Kingwood TX 77345


Tentative Schedule for the Conference

Thursday, July 19, 2007

8:00am-4pm Interpreters Workshop

7:00pm UMCD Board Meeting

Friday, July 20, 2007

3 pm Registration Check In

5:30pm Supper, Welcome

7:00pm Ice Breakers

8:00pm Mark Mitchum in Concert

Saturday, July 21, 2007

7:30am Breakfast

8:30am Devotional and Gathering

Workshops & Vendors

Noon: Lunch , Gathering & Vendors

Afternoon Free Time

Supper on your own at local restaurant

9:00pm UMCD Business Meeting

Sunday, July 22, 2007

8:00am Breakfast

Pack and Check Out unless you’re staying over

10:00am Worship

11:00am Farewells and Group Photo



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Florida Relay TTY 1(800)955-8771


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