1. List your organisation’s Key Functions in priority order.

|Key Functions |

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|4. |

|5. |

|6. |

2. Using the guidance set out below undertake a Business Impact Analysis of your department, filling in your answers to the following questions on the blank BIA Proforma sheet under the relevant headings:


| | | | | |

|Key Staff: |Buildings: |IT: |Reciprocal Arrangements: |Reputation: |

|What staff do you require to carry out your|What locations do your department’s key |What IT is essential to carry out your key |Do you have any reciprocal agreements with |Who are your key stakeholders? |

|key functions? |functions operate from? (Primary site, |functions? |other organisations? | |

| |alternative premises) | | | |

| | | | | |

|Skills / Expertise / Training: |Facilities: |Documentation: |Contractors / External Providers: |Legal Considerations: |

|What skills / level of expertise is |What facilities are essential to carry out |What documentation / records are essential |Do you tender key services out to another |What are your legal, statutory and |

|required to undertake key functions? |your key functions? |to carry out your key functions, and how |organisation? If so - to whom and for what?|regulatory requirements? |

| | |are these stored? | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Minimum Staffing Levels: |Equipment / Resources: |Systems & Communications |Suppliers: |Vulnerable Groups: |

|What is the minimum staffing level with |What equipment / resources are required to |What systems and means of communication are|Who are your priority suppliers and whom do|Which vulnerable groups might be affected |

|which you could provide some sort of |carry out your key functions? |required to carry out your key functions? |you depend on to undertake your key |if your organisation fails to carry out key|

|service? | | |functions? |functions? |

| | | | | |

BIA PROFORMA FOR YOUR DEPARTMENT (Function…………………………………………..…….)


| | | | | |

|Key Staff: |Buildings: |IT: |Reciprocal Arrangements: |Reputation: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Skills / Expertise / Training: |Facilities: |Documentation: |Contractors / External Providers: |Legal Considerations: |

| | | | | |

|Minimum Staffing Levels: |Workstations: |Systems & Communications |Suppliers: |Vulnerable Groups: |

| | | | | |



| | | | | |

|Key Staff: |Buildings: |IT: |Reciprocal Arrangements: |Reputational Damage: |

|Can staff be contacted out of hours? |Could you operate from more than one |Is data backed-up and are back-ups kept off|Do you have agreements with other |How could reputational damage to your |

| |premise? |site? |organisations regarding staffing, use of |organisation be reduced? |

|Could extra capacity be built into your | | |facilities in the event of an incident? | |

|staffing to assist you in coping during an |Could you relocate operations in the event |Do you have any disaster recovery | |How could you provide information to staff |

|incident? |of a premise being lost or if access to the|arrangements in place? | |and stakeholders in an emergency (e.g. |

| |premise was denied? | | |press release)? |

| | | |Contractors / External Providers: | |

|Skills / Expertise / Training: |Facilities: |Documentation: |Do you know of alternative contractors or |Legal Considerations: |

|Could staff be trained in other roles? |Are any of your facilities multi-purpose? |Is essential documentation stored securely |are you reliant on a single contractor? |Do you have systems to log decisions; |

| | |(e.g. fire proof safe, backed-up)? | |actions; and costs, in the event of an |

|Could other members of staff undertake |Are alternative facilities available in the| |Do your contractors have contingency plans |incident? |

|other non-specialist roles, in the event of|event of an incident? |Do you keep copies of essential |in place? | |

|an incident? | |documentation elsewhere? | | |

| | | |Could contractors be contacted in the event| |

| | | |of an incident? | |

| | | | | |

|Minimum Staffing Levels: |Equipment / Resources: |Systems & Communications: |Suppliers: |Vulnerable Groups: |

|What is the minimal staffing level required|Could alternative equipment / resources be |Are your systems flexible? |Do you know of suitable alternative |How could vulnerable groups be contacted / |

|to continue to deliver your key functions |acquired in the event of an incident / | |suppliers? |accommodated in the event of an incident? |

|at an acceptable level? |disruption? |Do you have alternative systems in place | | |

| | |(manual processes)? |Could key suppliers be contacted in an | |

|What measures could be taken to minimise |Could key equipment be replicated or do | |emergency? | |

|impacts of staff shortfalls? |manual procedures exist? |What alternative means of communication | | |

| | |exist? | | |


| |BIA |Business Continuity Plan |

| |Identifies your requirements for continuing your key functions |Documents how your requirements identified in the BIA can be achieved |

|PEOPLE |Key Staff |Notification / invocation procedure / protocol |

| |Key Skills |Management structure for dealing with an incident |

| |Expertise / competence required |Information and advice to staff (response procedures) |

| |Minimum staffing levels required to continue / recover key functions |Key staff / contact list (including out of hours details) |

| | |Multi skill training in key areas |

| | |Reciprocal Arrangements to cover staff short falls |

| | |Home working |

| | |Staff welfare issues |

|PREMISES |Key facilities |Loss / damage assessment |

| |Key Equipment |Site security |

| |Key Resources |Relocation arrangements / protocol |

| |Specialist Equipment |Inventories of equipment/ resources and details of how to recover these |

| |Security / restrictions |Salvage, site clearance and cleaning arrangements |

| |Alternative sites | |

| |Alternative facilities | |

|PROCESSES |Key processes |Action cards for recovery of key processes |

| |Critical periods |Checklists |

| |Key IT systems / applications |Copies / Back-ups / safe storage (recovery procedure) |

| |Key documentation / data |Contingency procurement arrangements |

| |Record keeping requirements |Documented manual procedures |

| |Key communication requirements |Data recovery procedures |

|PROVIDERS |Key dependencies (supply and receipt) |Contact details for key providers / contractors / suppliers / support services |

| |Key suppliers |Alternative suppliers (required for key functions) |

| |Key contractors / service providers / suppliers |Alternative providers (required for key functions) |

| |Reciprocal arrangements in place with other organisations |Alternative contractors (required for key functions) |

| | |Resilience capability of suppliers / provider / contractors to business disruption |

| | |Third party business continuity arrangements |

|PROFILE |Key stakeholders |Communication strategy / plan / procedures |

| |Legal / statutory / regulatory requirements |Stakeholder liaison (regulator, clients, unions) |

| |Vulnerable groups |Media liaison |

| | |Public information / advice |

| | |Notification of at risk groups / alternative care arrangements |


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