Business Case - University of Calgary


[Project Name]

Business Case

Prepared by: University of Calgary

Information Technologies

Issue date: dd Month year

Version: 0.0

Document History

|Revision Number|Date |Description of Changes |Author / Editor |Communication of Change|

| |dd-mm-yy |Initial drafts | | |

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|Document Owner | | | |

|Name |Title |E-mail |Tel. |

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Using This Template

To create a document from this template:

1. Replace [bracketed text] on the cover page with your project information.

2. Insert your project information into the document header area at the top of page

3. Complete the entire template. Each section contains abbreviated instructions and a content area. The content area is marked with a placeholder symbol (() or with a table. Relevant text from other project documents may be pasted into content areas.

4. Update the table of contents by right-clicking and selecting “Update Field,” then “Update Page Numbers Only.”


Section 1. Executive Summary 3

1.1 Issue 3

1.2 Anticipated Outcomes 3

1.3 Recommendation 3

1.4 Justification 3

1.5 Assumptions 3

1.6 Limitations 3

Section 2. Governance and Business Case Analysis Team 3

2.1 Governance 3

2.2 Business Case Analysis Team Members 3

Section 3. Problem Definition 3

3.1 Problem Statement 3

3.2 Constituent Environment 3

3.3 Current Technology Environment 3

Section 4. Project Overview 3

4.1 Project Description 3

4.2 Goals and Objectives 3

4.3 Performance Measures 3

4.4 Assumptions 3

4.5 Constraints 3

4.6 Proposed Technology Environment 3

4.7 Major Project Milestones 3

Section 5. Project Evaluation 3

5.1 Statutory Fulfillment 3

5.2 Strategic Alignment 3

5.3 Impact Analysis 3

5.4 Financial Analysis 3

5.5 Initial Risk Consideration 3

5.6 Alternatives Analysis 3

Section 6. Project Selection 3

6.1 Methodology 3

6.2 Results 3

Section 7. Glossary 3

Section 8. Appendices 3

Section 1. Executive Summary

1.1 Issue


1.2 Anticipated Outcomes/Benefits


1.3 Recommendation


1.4 Justification


1.5 Assumptions


1.6 Limitations


Section 2. Governance and Business Case Analysis Team

2.1 Governance


2.2 Business Case Analysis Team Members

|Role |Name/Title |

|Executive Sponsor(s) | |

|Technology/Architecture Sponsor | |

|Budget/IT Analysts | |

|Program/Project Managers | |

|Security | |

| | |

Section 3. Problem Definition

3.1 Problem Statement


3.2 Environment

|Stakeholders/Customers |Description |

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| | |

|Processes/Services |Description of Modifications/Automation |

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| | |

3.3 Current Technology Environment

3.3.1 Current Software

|Software Items |Description |

| | |

| | |

| | |

3.3.2 Current Hardware

|Hardware Items |Description |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Section 4. Project Overview

4.1 Project Description

|Description of Project |

| |

4.2 Goals and Objectives

|Business Goal/Objective |Description |

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| | |

4.3 Performance Measures

|Key Process/Services |Performance Measure |

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| | |

4.4 Assumptions


4.5 Constraints


4.6 Proposed Technology Environment

4.6.1 Proposed Software

|Software Item |Description |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

4.6.2 Proposed Hardware

|Hardware Item |Description |

| | |

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| | |

4.7 Major Project Milestones

|Milestones/Deliverables | Target Date |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

Section 5. Project Evaluation

5.1 Statutory Fulfillment

|Mandates Related to Project |Statutory Citations |

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5.2 Strategic Alignment

|Plan |Goals/Objectives |Relationship to IT Project |

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| | | |

5.3 Impact Analysis


5.4 Financial Analysis

|Methods: Project Cost Estimates |Estimate Factors/Underlying Assumptions |

| | |

|Methods: Quantitative Project Benefits |Estimate Factors/Underlying Assumptions |

| | |

|Methods: Qualitative Project Benefits |Score Factors/Underlying Assumptions |

| | |

5.5 Initial Risk Consideration

|Risk |Mitigation Actions |

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| | |

5.6 Alternatives Analysis

|No Project (Status Quo) |Key Factors Showing Non-Viability |

| | |

|Alternative Option(s) |Key Factors Showing Non-Viability |

| | |

Section 6. Project Selection

6.1 Methodology


6.2 Results


Section 7. Glossary


Section 8. Appendices/References



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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