Business Process Definition - UF Research

Business Process Definition

|Process |Limited ops and Internal Competition |

|Code |LO&IC |

|Version |.01 |

|Date |6/27/2013 |

Process Details

|Business Unit |Research Program Development |

|Process Owner |Sobha Jaishankar |

|Business Analyst |Chy’TuQra Chambers |

|Project |UFIRST |

|Project Manager |Rasha Elmallah |

Process Overview

1 Description

The RPD group mainly handles opportunities that are limited or internal opportunities. Limited opportunities are those where only one candidate from UF can apply. In order to accomplish this, RPD accepts applications across campus, assigns reviewers and ultimately one candidate can apply for the proposal.

2 Prerequisites and Inputs

The prerequisites and inputs for this process are:

1. A opportunity for research must exist

2. Applicants for the opportunity must exist

3. Applicants must know that the opportunity exists

3 Outputs

The outputs for this process are:

1. One applicant is chosen to move forward with creating a proposal and routing through DSP

2. An award is awarded for internal funding opportunities

4 Related processes

Proposal processing

Process Workflow Diagram – Place holder

[This page contains a workflow diagram of the business process, typically created using Microsoft Visio or a similar tool. See the PracticalTemplates sample workflow diagram for an example]

Process Data Dictionary

1 Workflow Event Description

|Event No. |Name |Description |

| |Limited opp exists |A limited opportunity is created and advertised through the FYI funding opportunities or any other |

| | |method |

| |Applicants apply by |Multiple deadlines exist, RPD can manually extend deadline or make exceptions. |

| |deadline | |

| |Flexible Review Criteria |RPD determine how and by whom the application will be reviewed |

| |created | |

| |Application sent out for |Application is sent out to a custom group of people in a custom workflow order |

| |internal review to pick a| |

| |candidate | |

| |Feedback returned |Feedback is sent back from the reviewers to RPD |

| |Feedback reviewed/edited |RPD reviews feedback and edits for relevant info to be sent to PI |

| |Feedback distributed |Feedback sent to PI with edits if necessary |

| |Applicant selected | |

| |Communicate to DSP who |Notification/alert/worklist needs to be given to DSP to let them know who was and who was not selected |

| |was selected and who was | |

| |not selected | |

| |Notification when |This is a notification or report back to DSP showing that that applicant submitted a proposal. If they|

| |proposal is submitted by |don’t another applicant should be given the opportunity |

| |selected applicant | |

| |Notification if proposal | |

| |is awarded | |

| |Deliverables sent to RPD |These are required reports for internal funding opportunities – papers published, reports, team, |

| | |presentations, patents. |

2 Roles

[Roles refer to the different users involved in the business process. May be omitted if required]

|Event No. |Role |Job Description |

| |PI | |

| |Dept Grants Support | |

| |Chair | |

| |Deans Grant Support | |

| |Dean | |

| |RPD | |

| |DSP | |

3 Business Rules & Controls

[Business rules are a critical component of the business process, and relate to all decisions, rules and policy events that feature in the business process. May be system-related or process related]

|Event No. |Business rule / control description |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

4 Workflow Requirements

|Event No. |Requirement Details |

| |Need a way to have private conversations, store and then modify them as responses to applications |

| |Need a way to attach emails (drag and drop?) |

| |Need the ability to skip proposals and go straight to awards |

| |Need to be able to set up alerts and send out reminders |

5 Reporting Requirements

|Event No. |Requirement Details |

| |Report/worklist showing which limited ops turned in to proposals |

| |Which of those proposals were awarded |

6 Data Requirements

|Event No. |Requirement Details |

| |Need to have a searchable abstract |

| |Need to be able to identify a match for solicitations when applicant is applying – if there is no match, then allow |

| |them to apply under an entered solicitation. |

| |Need to be able to show DSR which applications were accepted and a proposal can be submitted |

| |Need to be able to show DSR which applications were not accepted and proposals cannot be submitted |

7 Security Requirements

|Event No. |Requirement Details |

| |Need to have private conversations with application reviewers so that PIs do not directly see their comments |

| |Need to assign ad hoc groups that can see specific proposals |

| |Need non UF people to be able to contribute to conversation strings and provide attachments |

8 Alerts

|Event No. |Requirement Details |

| |The ability to create custom reminders. |

| |Whenever anyone starts a limited application (worklist/report) |

Outstanding Issues

| |Name |Date |Comment |

|1. |Sobha |6/26/13 |What are Matching funds, and what needs to be done for them. |


| |Name |Date |Comment |

|1. | | | |

|2. | | | |


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