Objectives and Responsibilities of the Chief Business ...

The key is to give your team the right conditions to develop and grow.?Think about this: if you were trying to create a thriving vegetable patch, you wouldn’t just throw some seeds around and command them to grow - “Hey you, become a carrot. Now!”You would read the instructions, look at what they need (sunlight, lots of water, time) and provide them with that environment. It’s the same with teamwork; you need to give your team the right conditions to develop and grow.1. The role of leadersIt starts at the top. If you don’t already have good teamwork at the grassroots level, then it’s time for the leadership team to, well, lead. By example. They’re the ones that the rest of your company look to for guidance, so they should be establishing teamwork as the norm. Their behaviour will trickle down through the company to leaders at each level of the company, then to all members of the teams. Eventually the whole organization will come to accept and expect this mode of working.2. Communicate, every day, every wayGood communication is at the heart of great teamwork. Great teams communicate well and often, their members are happy to share ideas, brainstorm together, ask for feedback, and be contradicted. This doesn’t mean team members always agree, but they’re able to communicate through their differences to settle on a sound solution and continue moving forwards as a team. So, how to enable good communication? Be clear:?Set the tone for communication among the team. When is it acceptable to close your office door? Is it okay to contact someone after hours? How often should the whole team get together? This outline will help to keep everyone on the same page and communication flowing. Listen:?Communication is as much about listening as it is about speaking. Make sure you’re listening to fellow team members and actually considering their thoughts before offering your own solutions and input. Method: There are so many ways to reach each other in the modern age. Try to use the most suitable tool to communicate for your specific needs, whether that’s email, a chat tool, phone call, or face to face. Touch base: Encourage informal meetings, information sharing, and huddles between team members. People shouldn’t have to wait for a weekly catch-up meeting to get together. Collaborative team members are comfortable communicating as and when they need to.Collaboration tools:?These enable workers to connect across the world, or across the office, in a group or one-to-one conversation. They also make progress on group projects at the times that are most convenient for them.study3. Exercise togetherBefore deciding on a team building exercise, it’s important to assess what specific challenges your team is facing. For example, does your team need to become more familiar with each other, or do they need to recover from a conflict? You may pick different exercises for each of these situations. ?The frequency of your team building exercises should also be considered. Team building exercises are like physical exercise - if you do it often, the benefits are more long-lasting. You can’t summit Everest if you train twice a year. Teamwork is similar. If you want to achieve your teamwork goals, find a way to work the exercises into your weekly/monthly contact with your team.4. Recognize and rewardRecognized employees are satisfied employees. And satisfied employees do better at work. If you want a happier, stronger team, recognition is key - are this doesn’t refer to a monetary reward. Here are some of the ways employees want to be recognized and rewarded:Company or team-wide emails recognizing individuals/teamsIn-person recognition and thanksPromotionsBonusesExtra vacation daysBonusly5. Take a breakTeam building doesn’t have to happen while you’re actively working. In fact, it’s proven that taking breaks together can result in a higher level of productivity and help reevaluate goals as needed. One week, you could round up the team and grab a coffee together, or pick-up some sweet treats for your team on the way to work and gather for a morning chat. Getting together in a less formal setting will encourage better communication, sharing, and bonding between team members. If you want to start small, break up the day by stepping outside to have one of your team meetings on foot.6. Focus on strengthsFocusing on the weaknesses of your team members can seriously affect engagement and consequently lower the team’s productivity. Everyone is different - we have different strengths, passions, and weaknesses. One of the cornerstones of a good team leader is focusing on individuals’ strengths, and bringing together a team of people that has a combined skillset to get the job done. As long as everyone contributes by bringing a strong skill to the team, their weakness should not be dwelt on. ?7. Show gratitudeHow much gratitude do you show? It’s quite surprising then, to discover that people actually want to be thanked. 70% of the surveyed people would feel better about themselves if their boss were more grateful, and 81% would work harder. Gratitude is actually proven to lead to an increased sense of self-worth and trust within the workplace. 8. Accept differences“At some point almost all of us have had that moment in the workplace where we wanted to strangle the person sitting next to us.” I love this line because it’s so very true - when you're so frustrated by one of your colleagues because their opinions, mannerisms, or approach to work seem completely alien.But, what happens next in the scene? That’s the important thing to focus on here. If your colleague next to you in a meeting is saying something you completely disagree with, do you:Tune outDismiss their ideaTalk over themEmbarrass themWalk out of the roomActually try to strangle them (Inside tip: it’s not this one)In fact, it’s not any of these. It’s actually this?secret answer:? ? ? 7.?Come to a compromise/understandingProblems arise when differences of opinion aren’t dealt with correctly - when people feel unheard, bullied, or disregarded. If you want to keep your team together (and stay sane) Remember the importance of balance, Embrace disagreements and Appreciate the differences. 9. CelebrateCelebrating your success as a team will bring people closer together, encourage conversation, and boost happiness.happy employees are productive employeesLike recognition and gratitude, celebrations don’t have to be big, but they should be frequent. By doing this, you’re weaving them into your team’s culture and the benefits will become lasting and more impactful. You’re also reminding people that your goals are achievable and worth striving for, which will keep motivation high. Here are some ideas: Have a casual Friday meeting: Chat about the small successes of the week. Use a post-it board to capture the success and get everyone involved; people write their achievements on a sticky note and put it on the board, then explain it to the group. You could also give “props” in this meeting; each person gives thanks to one other person in the team for something helpful they did that week.Get out of the office for lunch of drinks: This can be after work or during working hours (depending on your company culture). Be clear on the purpose of this celebration, if you reached a big milestone or your team received praise from senior leadership. The Chief Business Development Officer supports business growth processes in his leadership position over the business development department, where he oversees the activities and performance of all departments. He reaches out to potential business prospects through telephone, emails, and technological platforms such as social media.He focuses on the development and growth of the business through building relationships in the industry, identifying opportunities, and completing business deals. The Chief Business Development Officer combines strategic thinking and sharp executions coupled with relentless ambition and energy, which will enable the business to reach targets, goals, and attain objectives.The Chief Business Development Officer essentially ensures the successful delivery of the business’s outcomes through the strategic development of business plans.Objectives and Responsibilities of the Chief Business Development OfficerLeadership/Supervisory Role: The Chief Business Development Officer primarily plays a leadership role within the business being the executive in charge of the Business Development Department. He is also responsible for the direct management of key marketing and communications objectives aimed at maximizing new business effectiveness, for example, PR, digital, and so forth. The Chief Business Development Officer also manages and prioritizes the business’s pipelines. He additionally oversees the generation of proposals that are suited to prospective clients’ with the support of the marketing and design teams.The Chief Business Development Officer supports the business development team by providing support to individual departments, inclusive of overseeing key member recruitment and training, hence, ensuring a consistent stellar performance throughout the business development department.In this position, the Chief Business Development Officer plays a key mentorship role to key business development personnel, assisting in the execution of their duties upon request, and promoting the constant development of their professional skills, readying them to take up his position in his absence or retirement.Strategy: The Chief Business Development Officer is also tasked with a leading strategic role where he executes outreach strategies by prospecting new businesses in order to utilize all available channels, inclusive of; LinkedIn or other business platforms, social media, telephone, email, and events. The Chief Business Development Officer is responsible for the establishment of strategic frameworks for capitalizing on identified opportunities across the business and approaching new prospects.Collaboration: The role of Chief Business Development Officer is also a highly collaborative position where he works closely with all key members of the business development team, and assists with execution of sensitive and high-value tasks as and when required. The Chief Business Development Officer also works with the business’s senior executives and stakeholders in overall strategy formulation and in ensuring that departmental strategies are aligned in order to safeguard against conflict of interests as well also guarantee a unified front in the business’s direction.The Chief Business Development Officer also works with prospective business M&A executives in negotiations from conception all the way to the completion of transactions. In this collaborative role, the Chief Business Development Officer will also work with the marketing and design teams in creating engaging content that will serve to attract prospects to the business.He additionally works with the HR department in establishing the hiring and recruitment criteria for the business development department, maintaining a consistent and high departmental performance standard.Relationship Management: The Chief Business Development Officer builds and maintains relationships with departmental heads and executives across the business for the purpose of imparting useful strategic insights and in an attempt to ensure the successful outcome of business initiatives and projects across the business.The Chief Business Development Officer will also establish and maintain direct contact with prospective M&A business leadership as well as the business’s consumer base in order to secure value for the business from these relationships and identify new opportunities for further business growth.Opportunity: The Chief Business Development Officer stays vigilant and keeps an eye out for any opportunity that may arise. In this capacity, the Chief Business Development Officer targets prospects by putting out relevant content and managing production of key thought leadership content and case studies.He is also responsible for the identification of new business opportunities through digital channels such as e-commerce, online marketplaces, etc. He further spearheads the pitching of business products to new consumers and the generation of new leads.Analytics: The Chief Business Development Officer will also play an analytical role where he will lead the gathering of relevant statistical information across the business, conducting analyses, and the drafting of reports regarding the overall performance of activities undertaken by the business development team.These analyses provide the business with useful insights for improved strategy formulation and informed decision-making, resulting in the improvement of performance across the business. In this position, the Chief Business Development Officer will be conducting regular performance, marketing and competitive analyses of high-value investment projects for the business in order to identify business opportunities and avail insights for strategic decision-making.Other Duties: The Chief Business Development Officer performs similar duties as he deems fit for the proper execution of his duties and duties as delegated by the Employer.The candidate will have proven and successful experience in prospecting and lead generation, leading to a business’s revenue generation and increased productivity as well as experience establishing and managing prospect databases. The Chief Business Development Officer will also have a proven ability to identify potential for valuable long-term relationships with consumers, hence encouraging retention of their business and, therefore, extended revenue generation and profitability from such avenues.A suitable candidate will have a proven and successful ability to work with teams across the business in order to maximize the impact of overall business effort. He will be thoroughly familiar with CRM as well as pipeline management and have an equally clear understanding of financial forecasting and munication Skills: The Chief Business Development Officer must have exceptional communication skills. This will be especially necessary for his leadership role, where he will lead and oversee all activities of the business development department. In this leadership position, the Chief Business Development Officer will need to have great communication skills that will enable him to clearly convey information and instructions down the line.The clarity with which he conveys information down the line will determine the effectiveness and performance of the entire business development department. He also plays a highly collaborative role, interacting with the business’s consumer base and prospective M&A business leadership, which will demand clear and effective communication skills in order to facilitate successful transactions, consumer retention, continued/enhanced revenue generation, and profitability.Analytical Skills: A candidate for this position must have a passion for research and analysis, portraying strong analytical and financial modeling skills. He will demonstrate an ability to analyze large data quantities and drive due diligence. He will also need to be able to perform business performance analyses, market and competitive analyses, consumer behavior analyses across the business and draw practical and actionable insights/solutions that promote informed strategy-formulation and decision-making.Interpersonal Skills: The Chief Business Development Officer must be a confident individual who does not shy away from reaching out to consumers and prospects; he must be self-motivated requiring minimal supervision, be a team player and have a passion for team building, be highly analytical and procedural, and be meticulous and detail-oriented.He must also be comfortable working with both internal and external business leadership and executives, be open and welcoming to change, be a creative and strategic thinker, have exceptional problem solving skills, and have an ability to stay focused in times of uncertainty and stress inspiring the same in his team.Leadership/People Skills: The Chief Business Development Officer must be a leader with an ability to inspire a cross-functional team as well as senior business leadership and executives in a unified direction in order to realize overall business performance enhancement.The Chief Business Development Officer, as a representative of the business to prospective businesses and their consumers during mergers or acquisitions, must be a likable and relatable individual who will bring out a similar image of the business hence attracting these prospects and retaining consumers for continued/enhanced revenue generation, profitability, and overall performance.? ................

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