Business english presentation exercises pdf

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Business english presentation exercises pdf

Business english presentation exercises pdf.

Public speaking can be a scary thing. Also known as Glossophobia, fear of public speaking is a major source of anxiety for about 75% of people worldwide. And as much as we like to say that imagining the audience in their underwear helps to speak in public. Easier, it doesn't, it just makes you lose your train of thought. Public speaking is an essential skill that everyone should have, including language learners. The good news is that it becomes easier with practice, so you should think about the teaching of public teaching in your classroom. Learn some ways to change the focus and let your students have a central stage. Why students need to learn how to speak in public, whether it is at a wedding, a lecture or at a presentation of the department at work, there will come a time when the majority of students have to speak in front of a crowd. For high school and college students, this may come in the form of oral presentations and assessments, which could constitute a significant part of their final grade. More important students may need to use public speaking skills in the professional world, especially if they are working on a Business Configuration. In fact, many ANUL ESL students sign up for classes because they are required to hold business meetings in English, and being able to speak confidently and fluently could lead to greater career opportunities. Practical benefits of public speaking classes. If your students don't. In need necessarily that necessarily must become a public in their daily life, teaching them the basics of public speech still provides them with valuable benefits. First of all, it helps your students build confidence in their English skills. Many people tend to be nervous when they speak to a group, and the only way to feel comfortable talking in front of others is to have them practice. Give students the opportunity to speak in a safe and comfortable environment, and you will see them flourish. As a teacher, that's one of the most rewarding and and things to witness.Public speaking also gives students the opportunity to improve their intonation. After all, no one wants to hear a speech coming from a dead-end, monotonous speaker. The practice of intonation will not only make your students' speeches more interesting, but it will also help them learn to speak like a native English speaker.Having students practice giving speeches also does wonders to improve their fluency.Without a companion to lead a conversation, your students will have to rely on their own skills, memory, and improvisation to deliver a compelling speech. This can be a challenge, but it's also a lot of fun.Finally, these classes are ideal to help your students prepare for real-life scenarios, especially adults. Job interviews, meetings with foreign clients, and citizenship exams can be discussed in your speaking classes. For younger students, these classes can prepare them to pass the TOEIC exam, receive a scholarship, or go to an admission interview at an international university.Warm-up Exercises to Prepare Students to Speak in Public Speaking in public is a daunting subject for many people, including native English speakers! It's not something you want to put on your students at the last minute, they need to be prepared for it, so that they are mentally and emotionally ready.Here are a couple of ways to prepare your students for public speaking.Show them TED Inspirational TalksThe best way to start a public speaking lesson is by showing students some examples of how to do it. Playing TED Talks videos is a great way for your students to see people giving professional-quality presentations in English. The TED Talks website is filled with hundreds of different speakers, with topics that From the fascinating world of technology to the meaning of life. You do not have to surf the Internet to find the best. I have a list of excellent ted talks for ESL ESL Before playing the video, divide the class into groups of three or four and ask them to think about the things they like and don't like about a presentation while watching the video. Once the presentation is over, have your groups write down the positive and negative aspects they observed in the presentation. This will make your students think about what kind of techniques they can implement in their own speeches, as well as what mistakes should be avoided.To give your students a full learning experience, add FluentU to your learning toolbox.Teaching the Importance of Body LanguageGood public speaking skills are not limited to using smart words and speaking clearly.People respond to us, as well as how they interpret our messages. By the way, there's a TED talk you can show your students covering the power of body language. It's a good idea to teach your students how to use body language for their benefit, so they can also master the art of public speaking.Start by brainstorming about different types of body language, such as gestures, postures, and facial expressions. You can even demonstrate different types of body language for the class by performing actions such as smiling, frowning, crossing arms and more. After introducing body language into the class, ask students to compare their examples with different emotions and messages.The results can be surprising because some meanings of expressions and gestures vary from culture to culture. Gestures that may seem polite to your students may be offensive in other countries. For example, the "thumbs up" sign may seem universal for good work, but in Australia, Greece and the Middle East, it could be interpreted as an offensive insult. If you have time, you might even want to teach a complete lesson about body language and the to avoid in intercultural situations. Once you have caused provoked positive and negative body language, train your students on how to use good body language in their presentations.5 Stress-free activities to practice public speakingThe next step is to put all of your students' knowledge into use.Here are some exercises to help your students practice their public speaking skills and learn to speak confidently around others.1. Recite Famous SpeechesMaking a speech is already quite difficult, but writing a good one may seem like an impossible challenge for a beginner ESL student.Remove some of the pressure from your students allowed. practicing reciting famous speeches. This way, you can focus on your speech skills without getting into writing or grammar.The speeches can be taken from historical figures, social networks and even movies. If you are teaching a beginner class, you could give them a selection of famous short poems to read. For advanced students, try a longer speech, such as John F. Kennedy's "Moon Speech." Giving presentations in small groupsBeing alone in front of the class can be a tiring experience, even for the most gifted students.If your students are not ready for solo presentations, ask them to work in small groups so that all attention is not focused on an individual student.This can be done in almost any context, from proposing a business idea to describing how to cook your favorite food. Monitoring your activity can be difficult with several groups working at the same time, so have your students evaluate each other. Give each student a scorecard with criteria that cover things like voice projection, time, entertainment, and ease of understanding. As your students listen, each group can rate their partners based on this criterion. You can use your scorecards to give feedback at the end of the class.3. Assign individual presentations using PowerPointWhen your students are ready to come up with their own material, ask them to prepare their own presentations with the help of The slides are a great visual aid, as well as a way to facilitate the presentation to nervous students.Depending on your goals and the level of competence of your class, you can assign them individual topics or let your students present a topic they're passionate about. Just make sure to give them enough time to write a presentation guide and create the PowerPoint slides to go along with it. I recommend informing them about the project in advance so that they have time to work on their presentations at home. Students who do not have PowerPoint on their computer can use Google Slides as an alternative. It's free and just as effective.4. Make impromptu presentations on random topicsOnce your students have gained some confidence in their speaking skills, you can start throwing real challenges, such as on-the-spot presentations.Do this by writing down a list of different topics and putting them on a hat, bag, or any other object that students need to get their hands on. These topics could be anything from my dream job to the importance of a healthy diet.Have your students choose a topic at random, and without any preparation time, talk to the class for as long as they can about the chosen topic.5. Get Dramatic with Your ClassPublic speaking doesn't have to be about presentations. You can change things a bit using some theater activities as well. These may include role plays and re-enactments of famous film scenes. While performing, students continue to use skills such as good body language, voice projection, intonation, and even improvisation to make their dialogue sound natural and compelling.Pass the MicrophoneA speaking class is an opportunity for your students to shine.While lectures and note-taking can be beneficial, nothing compares to the Practice that your students get when learning to speak in public. That is why you should reduce your teacher's talk time at a minimum, talking enough to provoke activities and give feedback. For the rest Emma Thomas is an ESL teacher in Bangkok with more than five years of experience teaching students of all ages. You can read more about her experiences as a teacher in Thailand at Under the Ropes. If you're looking for creative ways to teach English, then you'll love using FluentU in your classroom! It has a large collection of authentic English videos that people in the English-speaking world really watch regularly. There are tons of great choices out there when you're looking for songs for classroom activities. You will find music videos, film and theatre music numbers, children's songs, commercial jingles and much, much more. At FluentU, all videos are sorted by skill level and are carefully annotated for students. Words come with sample phrases and definitions. Students can add them to their own vocabulary lists, and even see how words are used in other videos. For example, if a student touches the word "search", you'll see the following: In addition, these great videos come with interactive features and active learning tools for students, such as media cards and fun games like "fill in the blank space".It's perfect for classroom activities, group projects, and solo homework assignments. Not to mention, your students are guaranteed to get excited about learning English! Sign up for a free trial and bring FluentU to your class today.If you liked this post, something tells me you'll love FluentU, the best way to teach English with real-world videos. Bring English immersion to your classroom!

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