English 1 Timed Writing Exam

Writing Task 1:

You should spend 25 minutes on this task. You should write at least 120 words.

TASK 1 Present tense routine

Use the information in the table below to write a report (minimum 120 words) about Muna Al Alshehhi’s daily schedule. She is a 2nd year student at UAEU studying for a m degree. She is also a Peer Advisor. Remember to write an introduction, at least 1 body paragraph and a conclusion.

|Time |What Muna does during the week |

|6:30 |wake up |

|6:50 |have shower , get dressed |

|7:15 – 7:45 |have breakfast in canteen with friends, pack bag for university. |

|8:00 |catch bus from Twam hostel to campus |

|8:50 -10:50 |go to Business Economics class |

|11:30 – 2:00 |meet with Supervisor in Student Services’ office. Write reports / advise Foundation students. |

|2:15 – 2:40 |have lunch at Gloria Jeans / Bon Foods with best friend. |

|2:50 pm |attend Corporate Communications class |

|4:50 pm |take bus , return to hostel |

|5:30 – 6:30pm |do exercises in gym / spend time with friends |

|7:00 – 8:00 |relax in hostel - watch TV / read book / write poetry |

|8:00 pm |have dinner |

|8:30 – 9:30pm |do homework / study |

|9:35 pm |phone home – talk to family |

|10:00 pm |shower, go to bed |

Writing Task 2:

You should spend about 55 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words including an introduction, followed by a minimum of two body paragraphs and a conclusion. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence. Arrange the events in your body paragraphs in the correct time order.

Choose either Option A or Option B

Option A:

Option B:


L 1 Writing – Practice Writing Exam

Spring 2014 - Exam Time: 80 minutes

• There are two writing tasks in this exam.

• At the end of the exam, all exam materials must be given to the proctor.

Write about a sports event you watched in the past

Describe a sports event that you went to in the past (for example a football game, a camel race, a car race, a swimming competition, a karate competition, etc.)

Your essay could include some or all of the following:

• The name of the sport and the event

• where (location and place) and when the event took place

• why you attended this event and who you went with

• what you did there

• what you saw

• how other people reacted / behaved at the event

• the results of the event

Write about a memorable visit you made to a special place.

Describe a visit to a place that was so special that you will remember it forever. This special place could be a city, a mosque, a place of natural beauty etc. You could describe the place and what you did there and say why you will never forget the visit.

Your essay could include some or all of the following:

• where (location) and when you went there

• why you went there (reason for your visit)

• who you went with

• what the place looked like and how it made you feel.

• what you did there

• how you felt about the place (happy, excited, etc.) and why you will never forget your visit


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