University of South Florida

Definitions of Payroll Terms

ALT – Automated Leave Tracking System.

Appointment Guarantee Dates – Due date for employment and pay change actions that will affect a particular pay period.

CERTS Creation – The process that opens up the Payroll Certification (CERTS) system for processing. This process is typically run on a Monday to begin Payroll Processing.

Combo Code – A string of information used for Pay Distribution that includes items such as Account, Department, Operating Unit, etc.

DSGI – Department of State Government Insurance

FAST – The Financial Accounting System

Mini-Certs – A process that brings in changes made on Job Data in GEMS between CERTS Creation and when this is run. This process is typically run on a Wednesday during processing.

NRA – Non-Resident Alien.

On-Demand Check – This is a live/manual paycheck.

Pay Cycles – The two week period defined on the Bi-Weekly Processing Schedule.

Pay Period Begin Date – The first day of the pay period, typically on a Friday.

Pay Period End Date – The last/final day of the pay period, typically on a Thursday.

Payroll Confirm – The process that finalizes the payroll processing for the bi-weekly period. This process assigns the check numbers to the payments, and no further changes can be made to the current payroll.

Payroll Has Been Posted – This is when payroll has been successfully budget checked and posted to the General Ledger. Any distributions done after this process, must be initiated via the RET process.

PCAF – Payroll Certification Adjustment Form (can be found under forms on the Payroll Intranet page)

PeopleFirst – The provider of our state benefits. Benefits changes go through their system, including open enrollment, marriage, change in plans, etc.

RET – Retroactive Expenditure Transfer. These happen when money that has been paid and posted needs to be reallocated to a different distribution.

RSA Check – Remaining Spending Authority Check. This part of budget checking, and is done after the Payroll is confirmed but prior to the payroll posting to the General Ledger.


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