Business Information Systems - FEUP

 Elizabet h Hardcast le

Business I nform ation Syst em s

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Business I nform at ion Syst em s ? 2008 Elizabet h Hardcast le & Vent us Publishing ApS I SBN 978- 87- 7681- 463- 2

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Business I nformation Systems

Cont ent s

1. Defining Information Systems 1.1 Defining Data and Information 1.2 Defining Systems 1.3 Defining Information Systems 1.4 Business Information Systems 1.5 Types of business information system

2. Hardware 2.1 Input devices 2.2 Central Processing Unit (CPU) 2.3 Internal and External Memory 2.4 Output devices 2.5 Major categories of computers

3. Software 3.1 Systems software 3.2 Application software

4. Database Systems 4.1 Organising data in a database 4.2 Database Software 4.3 Retrieving Data from a Database

5. Networks 5.1 Network components


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Business I nformation Systems

6. The Internet and World-Wide Web 6.1 Web-Enabled Business 6.2 Intranets and extranets 6.3 The World Wide Web 6.4 Web browsers and servers 6.5 E-business 6.6 E-commerce

7. Acquiring Information Systems 7.1 Bespoke development 7.2 Off-the-shelf software 7.3 End-user-developed software 7.4 Factors affecting software acquisition

8. Developing Information Systems 8.1 The traditional waterfall model 8.2 The systems development lifecycle

9. Systems Development Methodologies 9.1 SSADM 9.2 Rapid applications development (RAD) 9.4 The Capability Maturity Model

10. Information Systems Security 10.1 Security Threats to Information Systems 10.2 Reducing the Threat to Information Systems 10.3 Types of controls 10.4 Techniques for controlling information systems 10.5 Security Threats to Internet services


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